Hemolytic staphylococcus disease (Staphylococcus haemolyticus) in a smear. Staphylococcus in a throat smear during pregnancy: diagnosis and treatment of infection

If staphylococcus gets into the vagina, it can develop inflammatory process, which depends on the state of immunity. The disease causes pain, itching, burning, and pathological discharge.

Among the etiologies of various gynecological diseases play a significant role bacterial infections. causes the development of the inflammatory process. It is important to treat this disease in a timely manner, preventing its chronicity and complications.

This infection is found quite often in gynecology. Most women are carriers of staphylococcus, but with good local immunity inflammation does not develop.

There are a number of factors that contribute to inflammation:

  • decreased general and local immunity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • violation of vaginal acidity;
  • improper treatment of infections;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • gynecological diseases.

In case of decrease protective forces the body develops pathological process, which is facilitated by injuries to the mucous membranes and a change in vaginal pH towards alkaline. Violation of the acid-base balance causes the death of lactic acid bacteria and the proliferation of opportunistic microflora.

Crash hormonal levels is reflected in the condition of the mucous membranes of the vagina, causing them to suffer protective function, they become entry points for infection.

Staphylococcus enters the vagina from the skin of the bacteria carrier. This bacterium often lives on the mucous membrane of the throat and causes the development of sore throat. Infection occurs from another person through the sharing of hygiene items. Like other sexually transmitted infections, infection can occur during sexual intercourse.

If staphylococcus lives on the membranes of the throat, then one of the ways of infection is oral sex. You can become infected during hygiene procedures and medical procedures.

Infection occurs when taking a smear from the urethra, during urethroscopy, etc. instrumental methods research. Important role Insufficient intimate hygiene plays a role when staphylococcus is introduced from the skin around the intestines.

The incubation period takes on average 5-10 days. Sometimes it is possible to reduce it to 2 days or extend it to a month, depending on the condition of the body and the activity of bacteria.


The course of the disease in women can occur with sluggish symptoms, without pronounced clinical manifestations. In other cases it develops acute symptoms inflammation, which forces a woman to consult a gynecologist with obvious complaints.

In some cases, spontaneous recovery is possible, but more often the untreated process turns into a long-term chronic stage. Clinical picture Staphylococcal infection in women is in many ways similar to the manifestations of gonorrhea. Therefore, diagnosis and therapy should only be carried out by the treating gynecologist.

Typical symptoms of staphylococcus in the vagina are as follows:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • burning and itching in the genitals;
  • painful urination;
  • yellow vaginal discharge With unpleasant smell;
  • pain in the lower back;
  • disrupted menstrual cycle;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • the appearance of pustular rashes on the genitals;
  • development of candidal vaginitis.
  • general malaise;
  • fever;
  • sleep disturbance.

A woman comes to an appointment with a gynecologist with complaints about aching pain lower abdomen, lower back. Sexual intercourse becomes painful. If the infection spreads to the urethra and bladder painful urination appears.

Menstruation occurs with pathological discharge yellow color. This causes itching and burning in the perineum, appears Strong smell. From violations menstrual cycle More often there is a delay in menstruation.

The development of vaginal candidiasis is indicated by the appearance cheesy discharge. General malaise is moderate, and the increase in body temperature can reach 38 degrees.

Treatment and prevention

To confirm the staphylococcal etiology of the disease, it is necessary to take a vaginal smear for bacterial culture. It is important to see a doctor in time, and self-medication is unacceptable. Improper use of medications can lead to complications and chronic disease.

In addition to isolating staphylococcus, its sensitivity to antibiotics is determined, which determines the choice of a specific drug. General treatment most often treated with antibiotics penicillin series And combined agents. Preference is given to protected drugs (Amoxiclav, Flemoklav).

Local therapy consists of the use of antibacterial suppositories: Livarol, Zalain. Vaginal tablets are used:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Imidyl;
  • Antifungol.

Combined local treatment is carried out by douching with antiseptic solutions. For this, a pale solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin is used.

In combination with therapy important place takes the restoration of vaginal microflora. For this, vaginal tablets are prescribed:

  • Ecofemin;
  • Vagilak;
  • Gynoflor.

For general strengthening body are used combination drugs with minerals and vitamin complexes. As symptomatic therapy To eliminate itching, swelling, antihistamines are prescribed for antipyretic purposes.

To achieve maximum effect, and also to prevent re-infection, examination and treatment of the sexual partner is necessary.

During the course of therapy, you should take a break from sexual activity. During this period female body needs to special diet, excluding fried, fatty and spicy food. After a month, it is necessary to repeat the bacterial culture.

To prevent staphylococcal infection, you should take care of individual general and intimate hygiene. You should give preference to natural underwear. When having sexual intercourse, the safest way to protect yourself is with condoms.


Staphylococcus aureus in the vagina is a common problem in gynecology and causes severe symptoms. For favorable prognosis it is important to prescribe the correct and timely treatment.

In the world around us there are hundreds of thousands pathogenic microbes different types. A person is in contact with many of them around the clock. Possible pathogenic sources diseases, including Staphylococcus epidermidis, live even in a strong healthy body.

Ideally, a person is able to resist most types of viruses and bacteria. But the entry of infection into the body does not imply immediate manifestation external signs diseases. Some pathogens are able to remain silent for years, waiting for comfortable conditions.

What is staphylococcus?

This is a cluster of immobile bacteria of a round shape. They gather in clusters-colonies, visually reminiscent of a bunch of grapes.

Scientists have identified 27 strains of these microorganisms. The most common are Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis.

The peculiarity of these bacteria is the generation of toxins and enzymes that are potentially dangerous to the body's cells and interfere with their normal functioning. The skin is susceptible to the harmful effects of microorganisms, subcutaneous tissue And connective tissues. This type of bacteria can cause inflammatory processes in any organ or group of organs.

These microorganisms have two destructive properties:

  • provoke hemolysis of red blood cells, thereby depriving the blood of its normal structure;
  • cause necrosis of tissues and organs.

The location and size of the affected area is determined by the extent of the spread of staphylococcus, the body’s immune forces and the presence of drug therapy.

This type of bacteria is resistant to environmental conditions, as well as to the action of antibiotics.

Features of the epidermal variety

Almost all types of staphylococcus are safe for people and do not cause diseases. But epidermal staphylococcus is precisely one of the types of bacteria that are causative agents of various diseases.

Often these microorganisms are located on mucous membranes and skin healthy person(surface layer - epidermis) and are part of its microflora. In contrast, epidermal to a lesser extent provokes the occurrence of diseases, due to its lower pathogenic potential.

Features of the epidermal variety of staphylococcus:

  • long incubation period- often the first signs appear after quite long period effects of bacteria on the body;
  • mixed symptoms - only carrying out complex diagnostic procedures can detect the presence of infection;
  • resistance of microorganisms - thanks to high adaptive characteristics, epidermal staphylococcus adapts to changes external conditions and is immune to the action of many antibiotics.

At coordinated work Even the fragile immune system of a newborn baby is capable of suppressing the activity of this type of bacteria throughout the body. Only people with low resistance and weak immunity become victims of the pathogen.

Causes of infection

Staphylococcus epidermidis is a fairly common infection, as there are many causes and methods of infection.

Infection with these microorganisms occurs as follows:

  • airborne - during breathing, bacteria enter the lungs and then into the blood, which distributes them throughout the body;
  • through contact and household contact - bacteria enter the body through public place or due to the use of household items of a sick person: towels, combs, cutlery;
  • in contact with a sick person or a carrier of the bacteria (for example, when shaking hands), as well as with animals;
  • through medical equipment - infection into the blood is common as a result of the use of contaminated instruments (for example, during diagnostic procedures) and other hospital equipment;
  • through food products - often raw meat, fish products and some types of vegetables without careful heat treatment can be carriers of Staphylococcus epidermidis;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene rules - bacteria adapt perfectly to environmental conditions, so they can easily for a long time be on the palms of a person.

It is important to prevent the microorganism from entering the bloodstream from the skin (for example, during surgery).

Main diseases and symptoms

Staphylococcus epidermidis provokes a number of serious diseases. For example:

  • pneumonia;
  • pneumonia;
  • acute tonsillitis;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • mastitis;
  • purulent complication of infectious diseases;
  • cholecystitis;
  • peritonitis;
  • meningitis;
  • dermatitis;
  • sepsis.

Often, the deterioration of the patient’s condition after inflammatory diseases and surgical intervention is associated with staphylococcal infection.

The main signs of Staphylococcus epidermidis:

  • the appearance of rashes and acne on the skin;
  • symptoms food poisoning- increased body temperature, weakness and general malaise;
  • signs of impairment normal operation organs;
  • in case of defeat gastrointestinal tract The presence of mucus and pus in the stool is noted.

Staphylococcus epidermidis often affects urethra and genitals. Moreover, such inflammation is often not much different from other inflammatory processes.

In men, the symptoms of such an infection are manifested by the occurrence of an unpleasant uncharacteristic odor of urine, blood, pain and burning when urinating.

In women, the infection is characterized unpleasant sensations lower abdomen, itching of the genitals, specific discharge and discomfort during sexual intercourse.


Clinical picture

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Diagnosis of epidermal staphylococcus consists of collecting material for research and the analysis itself.

Are used the following types biological material:

  • blood;
  • urine;
  • feces;
  • sputum;
  • vaginal discharge in women.

The presence of staphylococcus in a smear and other samples of biological material is allowed. Its presence in itself does not indicate any pathology.

Quantitative indicators presence of Staphylococcus epidermidis in the body and their possible significance:

Treatment of infection

To cure this kind of infection, sometimes it is simply enough to exclude the source of infection - a catheter or implant. However, this condition only applies to people with high body resistance and strong immunity.

For treatment it is permissible to use as drug therapy, and the means traditional medicine. The latter can only be an auxiliary method that can not so much get rid of the bacteria as alleviate the symptoms of the inflammatory process.


How to treat a disease caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis if the body is not able to fight the infection itself? In this case, the doctor prescribes a course of anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. To restore and strengthen immune system Complex vitamins and minerals are used.

All medications and duration of treatment are determined by the doctor after receiving laboratory test results.

Antibiotic sensitivity

It is important to study samples of material as early as possible to identify the causative agent of the disease, in order to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics.

It is unacceptable to take drugs with a general spectrum of action. These microorganisms are able to quickly adapt to environmental conditions and develop resistance to many drugs.

In the event of incompetent actions by the doctor or the patient himself, the infection will linger in the body for quite a long time.


It is easier to prevent any infection than to treat the consequences of its penetration into the body. It is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene and treat with antiseptic drugs even small scratches and abrasions to prevent bacteria from entering the bloodstream from the infected skin surface.

In the video you can see Staphylococcus epidermidis with your own eyes:

These microorganisms have a detrimental effect on a person’s immunity, which subsequently exposes them to many other diseases.

This is a fairly common occurrence. Staphylococci are ubiquitous microorganisms that live, including on the skin and mucous membranes. Under certain conditions (decreased body resistance, weakened immunity, metabolic and hormonal imbalances), staphylococcus bacteria provoke the development of infections. Diseases genitourinary system They are caused mainly by two pathogenic types of staphylococci: aureus and saprophytic. In this article we will look at staphylococcus of the genital organs and its treatment.

Staphylococcus of the genital organs - mechanism of infection

Infection of genital organs with staphylococcus can occur through airborne droplets, genital tract, consumption of food, contact with an infected person, various medical manipulations, through blood, as well as due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Together with other microorganisms (gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia, mycoplasmas), staphylococcus of the genital organs is capable of causing acute and sluggish inflammatory diseases genitourinary system in men and women.

Most patients experience prolonged chronic course staphylococcus of the genital organs with periods of improvement and exacerbation. Clinical manifestations staphylococcal infections are similar to other diseases inflammatory in nature, however, are more weakly expressed. To the subjective symptoms of damage genitourinary organs staphylococcus include itching, burning, frequent urination, pain, yellowish discharge mixed with blood, pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, menstrual irregularities in women.

Staphylococcus of the genital organs and its treatment

One of the most dangerous consequences staphylococcus of the genital organs can be called syndrome toxic shock. The disease is associated with the production of toxins by bacteria. Occurs in women during menstruation when using hygienic tampons, which at optimal temperature are an ideal environment for the development of staphylococcus. Toxic shock syndrome is accompanied by fever, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain. In some cases, if the provision is untimely medical care, can even lead to fatal outcome.

Difficulties in the treatment of staphylococcus in the genital organs are caused by the high resistance of bacteria to many drugs. Systemic, complex treatment can only be selected by an experienced specialist. Failure to follow doctor's instructions or self-medication may lead to serious consequences.

Prevention of staphylococcus of the genital organs is compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, healthy image life, balanced diet, moderate exercise.

The vaginal microflora normally contains about 1% staphylococci. An increase in their number provokes the development of infectious diseases. Preventive testing for staphylococcus b cervical canal and the vagina is carried out during routine gynecological examinations (at least 2 times a year).

Characteristics of staphylococci

The bacterium has a round shape and is characterized by weak motor activity, environmental resistance. Microorganisms often form clusters resembling bunches of grapes. Bacteria are present on human mucous membranes and skin in several varieties:

  1. Staphylococcus aureus in the vagina and other mucous membranes is not dangerous to health, provided its content is within normal limits. The bacterium is characterized by high virulence and is capable of synthesizing exotoxins. It forms colonies and, with uncontrolled population growth, causes purulent-inflammatory pathologies.
  2. Epidermal. In the absence of inflammation, it is found on smooth skin and mucous membranes. Doesn't call specific symptoms. With insufficient immune function it causes endocarditis and sepsis.
  3. Saprophytic staphylococcus. Lives on the skin, mucous membranes of the external genitalia, and urinary tract. With excessive reproduction it provokes bacterial cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis.
  4. Hemolytic. Opportunistic bacteria live mainly on the mucous membrane of the pharynx or nose. They have hemolytic properties.

Norm of staphylococcus in culture

The bacterium is part of the human microflora, therefore it is always determined during research. The norm of staphylococcus in a smear from the throat, nose or vagina is 10 3 CFU/ml. An increase in indicators indicates an inflammatory process and the release of microorganisms in environment.

How does staphylococcus get to the mucous membrane?

The bacterium infects the tissues of the genital organs if the rules are not followed intimate hygiene, unprotected sexual intercourse. Staphylococcus can also enter the vagina in the following ways:

  • during an unqualified gynecological examination;
  • during surgical intervention;
  • when wearing synthetic underwear;
  • after using daily sanitary pads;
  • with improper use of tampons and pads during menstruation.

Excessive proliferation of bacteria and the inflammatory process are provoked by certain factors:

  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • AIDS virus;
  • hypothermia;
  • sexual infections;
  • secondary disorders of the immune system;
  • mucosal injuries;
  • dysbiosis.

Why is staphylococcus haemolyticus dangerous in a smear in women?

The presence of hemolytic streptococcus during a smear examination in women indicates disturbances in the properties of the blood. The microorganism synthesizes the substances plasmacoagulase and leukocidin - bacterial toxins that destroy blood cells. Hemolytic streptococcus causes the following pathologies:

  • cystitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • urethritis;
  • cervicitis;
  • adnexitis;
  • salpingitis.

Staphylococcus in a smear during pregnancy

Increased quantity staphylococcus on mucous membranes is often associated with pregnancy. During gestation, hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body, and the functioning of the immune system changes. The most dangerous looking The bacteria is considered Staphylococcus aureus. Lack of treatment leads to pneumonia, sepsis, meningitis, boils and purulent mastitis.

Signs of the presence of staphylococcus in the body

Clinical symptoms, which confirm the presence of pathogenic bacteria, occur only when their numbers increase in the vagina and cervical canal. This is evidenced by:

  • itching of the external genitalia (worsens at night);
  • discharge of different nature, often with an unpleasant odor;
  • pain, burning during sexual intercourse;
  • increased irritability;
  • redness of the labia;
  • pustular rashes on the genitals.

How to treat staphylococcus in a smear

Treatment tactics are determined individually and depend on the severity and nature of the disease. The woman is prescribed antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs for systemic (tablets, capsules, injections) and local use(candles, creams). The use of folk remedies with antiseptic properties (decoction of chamomile, sage) is allowed.

In order to restore the vaginal microflora, suppositories with lactobacilli (Acilact, Laktozhinal) are indicated. During the period of exacerbation of staphylococcal infection, it is necessary to follow a temporary diet with increased content dairy products, vitamins, fiber. Average duration treatment – ​​14–16 days.

Staphylococcus is the most common spherical bacterium belonging to the family of the same name. Penetrating into the body, a pathogenic microbe can provoke an inflammatory process in almost any organ and any system.

If timely treatment is not provided, the pathogenic bacterium begins to multiply uncontrollably, which aggravates the patient’s condition. It creates obstacles during therapy, as it develops resistance to many medications.

Type of pathogen

Let's look at the main types of staphylococcus:

Reasons for the appearance of bacteria in urine tests

Staphylococcus may appear in urine for the following reasons:

Older people and infants are most susceptible to staphylococcal disease.

Symptoms of staphylococcal infection

Clinical manifestations of staphylococcus can be quite varied. They depend on the type of bacterium, the affected system, the person’s age, and the state of the immune system.

The most common symptoms of bacteria from the Staphylococcal family include:

Diagnostics and norms

To confirm the presence of pathogenic microbes in the body, you need to undergo diagnostics. In most cases, it includes a gynecological smear, an examination of the ENT organs and urine collection.

Gynecological smear

This procedure involves the collection of mucous secretions during gynecological examination. Bacteriological examination of the sample determines the absence or presence of pathogenic microorganisms.

If staphylococcus is detected in a smear of pregnant women, this is not yet considered a pathology. But when the content of this bacterium exceeds 1% of total number microorganisms present is a warning sign.


Saprophytic staphylococcus is usually detected. However, this bacterium is unlikely to cause an inflammatory process in the body if it is within normal limits and is no more than 103 units. Exceeding the norm indicates that it is necessary to undergo a treatment course.

Examination of ENT organs

The nose and throat are often the “entry gate” for any respiratory infection. If staphylococcus is detected in them, then do not be upset. Often low-dangerous species of this microbe are detected in the nose and throat, which do not reproduce aggressively.

Urine collection rules

To obtain more accurate results from testing urine for the presence of pathogenic bacteria, certain rules must be followed. It is better to collect material in the morning and on an empty stomach. Women should not perform the procedure during menstruation. It is also necessary to stop taking (drugs intended to remove fluid from the body) approximately two days before.

requires preparation and adherence to basic rules:

  1. You should wash your hands and prepare a glass jar scalded with boiling water.
  2. Wash thoroughly with warm water.
  3. Select the middle portion of urine, releasing the first and last into the toilet.

It is best to carry out this procedure V laboratory conditions using a reliably sterilized (preferably disposable) catheter.

Treatment of bacterial infection

When treating saprophytic staphylococcus, measures are taken to activate the body's defenses and maintain immunity. For these purposes, the doctor prescribes herbal preparations and bacteriophages:

Antibiotics are prescribed only for severe staphylococcal infections. Sometimes a four-day course of taking Ampicillin is enough, but in case of a complicated course, other antibiotics will be prescribed (for example, Oxacillin and Vancomycin), which must be taken for a week.

During treatment with antibacterial agents, it is important to adhere to all doctor's instructions. Any deviations from the therapy schedule can lead to staphylococcus resistance to medications and other treatment options.

If you have a staphylococcal infection, you should review your diet and include more fruits and berries (peaches, bananas, strawberries, blackberries) in your diet. It is important to avoid eating food with high content emulsifiers and preservatives.

If a pathogenic microbe has infected the nasopharynx and throat, then sanitation with alcohol-containing solutions, for example, Chlorophyllipt (made from the leaves of eucalyptus globulus), is necessary. Patients are also prescribed quartz treatment, that is, disinfection of the affected area using ultraviolet radiation. To increase the body's defenses in the fight against infections, staphylococcal toxoid is prescribed.

In the treatment of staphylococcal disease are also effective folk remedies. It is recommended to consume a decoction of burdock and echinacea, as these plants have a powerful antibacterial effect.

To prepare the product, add two teaspoons of crushed burdock and echinacea roots to water and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. You need to drink a glass of the decoction three times a day.

Surgical treatment methods are used only when purulent forms staphylococcal infections that cannot be treated with other methods or may lead to severe consequences. In some cases only surgery can save the patient's life. Typically, specialists open boils and abscesses that arise as a result of staphylococcal damage.

Treatment of staphylococcus during pregnancy

It must be remembered that during pregnancy it is forbidden to take antibiotics. For this reason, treating the nose and throat is much easier than urinary tract. Reception antibacterial agents during pregnancy is permissible only in rare cases when the benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Mostly drugs are used without side effects, which includes bacteriophage (a virus that destroys pathogenic bacteria). Studies have confirmed that staphylococcal bacteriophage is absolutely safe when used during pregnancy.

Therapy of pathologies caused by Staphylococcus aureus, during the gestation period, should be carried out comprehensively. All types are used local treatment without introducing antibacterial substances into the blood: irrigation, douching and many other methods.

Complications with staphylococcus

If timely treatment is not started for a staphylococcal infection, the patient faces:

  • severe form of dermatitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • meningitis;
  • sepsis;
  • damage to the lining of the heart muscle;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • peritonitis.

What are the dangers during pregnancy?

Preventive actions

As you know, it is better to avoid the appearance of a disease than to fight it later. Doctors advise following basic recommendations that will prevent damage to the body. pathogenic bacteria. Preventive actions include:

Do not forget about the possibility of infection entering the body through food, so Special attention must be given to food processing:

  1. Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly and pour boiling water over them.
  2. Boil water and milk for several minutes.
  3. Subject the meat to long-term heat treatment.