Polysorb MP: detailed instructions for use. Instructions for use Polysorb MP

Enterosorbents are used to eliminate signs of poisoning and normalize the state of health. They gently remove toxins from the body, helping to normalize digestive functions. One of these drugs is Polysorb. It binds the waste products of pathogenic microbes and cleanses the digestive tract. Instructions for use Polysorb will help to find out its principle of action.

What is Polysorb

By official classification, Polysorb is an enterosorbent. It is produced by Russian pharmaceutical company, in the world it is known under the name Polisorb MP. active ingredient composition is colloidal silicon dioxide, which is neutral in relation to the body, gently cleanses the stomach and intestines from toxins and toxins. Negative elements are connected due to the special structure of the substance.

Composition and form of release

Enterosorbent Polysorb is not available in tablets, only in powder form. Composition of the product:

pharmachologic effect

Polysorb MP is an inorganic, non-selective, monofunctional enterosorbent whose absorption action is due to the highly dispersed silica structure. The drug binds exogenous, endogenous toxins. The drug removes bacteria, antigens, food allergens, poisons, drugs, alcohol, radionuclides. Polysorb can also absorb excess metabolic products: bilirubin, cholesterol, metabolites of endogenous toxicosis, urea, lipid complexes. Once inside, the powder is not absorbed and does not split.

Indications for use

The medicine Polysorb has wide range use. Instructions for use highlights the following indications:

  • sharp, chronic intoxication;
  • acute intestinal and food poisoning, diarrhea;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • purulent-septic diseases;
  • acute poisoning;
  • food, drug allergy;
  • hyperazotemia, hyperbilirubinemia, chronic renal failure;
  • prevention of diseases while living in ecologically unfavorable regions.

How to take Polysorb

The detox drug is taken as a diluted aqueous suspension. Instructions for use indicate the method of its preparation: required dose powder dissolve in 50-100 ml of water. The suspension is taken one hour before meals or other drugs. The average daily dose is 0.1-0.2 g / kg body weight (6-12 g) 3-4 times / day, and the maximum daily dosage equal to 0.33 g/kg of body weight (20 g).

At acute intoxications the course of application lasts 3-5 days, with allergies or chronic poisoning, the treatment lasts up to 10-14 days. The repetition of the course is possible in 14-21 days. At chronic course insufficiency of the kidneys, courses at a dose of 0.1-0.2 g / kg body weight / day continue for 25-30 days with intervals of 14-21 days between them. For the treatment of alcohol poisoning, a dosage of 0.2 g / kg of body weight per day is prescribed for a course of 5-10 days.

The sorption agent can be used in the complex therapy of Quincke's edema, acute urticaria, eosinophilia, hay fever, bronchial asthma. The dosage remains the same - 0.2 g / kg of body weight, and the course lasts until the patient's condition is relieved. For the prevention of poisoning, Polysorb should be taken at a dose of 0.1 g / kg for 10-14 days. With atherosclerosis, the daily dose lasts 1-1.5 months, after a similar break, the course is repeated.

In case of poisoning

With food poisoning and acute poisoning, therapy begins with gastric lavage with a 0.5-1% powder suspension. The instructions for use also talk about how to eliminate severe poisoning. To do this, on the first day, washing is done every 4-6 hours, while simultaneously prescribing the powder inside in a single dose of 0.1-0.15 g / kg of body weight 2-3 times a day. On the first day, the indicated dose is taken for five hours with an interval between doses per hour. On the second day of therapy, the frequency of taking the powder is reduced to four times a day. The course of admission is 3-5 days.

For allergies

For acute allergic drug or food reactions shows the initial gastric lavage suspension concentration of 0.5-1%. Further, the powder is taken in standard doses until the condition is relieved. With chronic food allergies recommended prophylactic courses of the drug lasting 7-15 days. The same methods of treatment are used for atopic diseases.

With hepatitis

To eliminate viral hepatitis, the drug, according to the instructions for use, is used as a detoxifying agent. The average daily dose of 4 g three times a day is taken for the first 7-10 days of illness. Taking the powder helps to reduce the duration of intoxication by six days. The patient's stay in the hospital is reduced by a week.

For skin lesions

With manifestations of dermatoses, Polysorb is taken for 10-14 days, with psoriasis or eczematous manifestations - 2-3 weeks in a standard daily dosage. Popular use of the drug for the treatment of acne. You can make a face mask from the powder: dilute the medicine to a creamy consistency, apply on acne for 10-15 minutes. The mask is washed off, repeated 1-2 times a week. After a week break, the course is repeated. Inside, you need to take acne powder 3 g per day for three doses for a course of 21 days.

Flu, SARS and colds

As a result of the flu or a cold, toxins are formed, some of which are seen in the lumen of the digestive tract. If Polysorb binds these poisons, they will not be able to be absorbed into the blood, which will reduce the burden on the immune system. According to the instructions, the use of the powder for these diseases occurs at a dose of 2.5-3 g three times a day for a course of 7-10 days.

How to take Polysorb for weight loss

To normalize the processes of digestion and the removal of toxins in the process of losing weight, it is good to use the powder, combining its intake with proper nutrition, physical activity. Experts advise drinking a powder suspension of 2 teaspoons twice a day. If you do not combine taking the drug with sports and diet, you can lose 3-5 kg ​​per week, but the lost weight will quickly return. If you apply a set of measures for weight loss, the result will be fixed and doubled (instead of 3-5 kg ​​it will take 8). Between 10-day courses, it is advisable to take a week break.

special instructions

Long-term use of the powder (over 14 days) leads to impaired absorption of vitamins and calcium, which should be eliminated by additional intake of multivitamins and calcium preparations. Polysorb can be used externally for complex treatment festering wounds, burns, trophic ulcers. It is forbidden to take dry powder inside, only in suspension format, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the esophagus.

During pregnancy

The use of Polysorb MP when carrying a child is allowed, the drug does not negative impact to the fruit. The use of powder for toxicosis is especially indicated, because the sorbent removes irritating toxins, making it easier for the expectant mother to feel well. The safety of the powder is confirmed by the instructions for use, it is not absorbed into the blood and does not penetrate the placental barrier.

Polysorb while breastfeeding

During lactation, the use of Polysorb is not prohibited, because the drug is not absorbed into the blood and does not penetrate into breast milk and therefore cannot harm the baby. Reception on time breastfeeding produced in the same dosages as for adults. For newborns, you can give a medication to eliminate the manifestations of diathesis, digestive dysfunction. According to the instructions, for babies, the powder is diluted in expressed milk.

Polisorb for children

The use of the drug is allowed from the first days of life for the treatment of diarrhea, poisoning, and digestive disorders. The daily dose of Polysorb for children depends on body weight and is indicated in the instructions.: from 0.5 teaspoons of powder per 40 ml of water with a child weighing up to 10 kg to 2 tablespoons per 150 ml of liquid with a weight of over 60 kg.

drug interaction

Since the drug is an enterosorbent and binds active medicinal components, the instructions for its use do not recommend combination with other medicines. This threatens to reduce their effectiveness and therapeutic result. The combination of Polysorb with acetylsalicylic acid enhances the process of disaggregation, the drug activates the action of Simvastatin and nicotinic acid.

Side effects of Polysorb

Patients and doctors report that medicine well tolerated. very rarely appear side effects. The most common are:

  • allergic reactions: rash, redness on the skin, itching, peeling, burning;
  • constipation, increased diarrhea;
  • dyspepsia (abdominal pain), feeling of heaviness in the stomach, flatulence, nausea.


According to the instructions for use, to date, not a single case of an overdose of Polysorb MP has been recorded. This is due to the fact that the active components of the drug are not absorbed into the systemic circulation, do not accumulate in the body, but are immediately removed from it. Possible effects excess doses become malabsorption of nutrients.


Instructions for use Polysorb highlights a number of contraindications in which the medication is prohibited. These are the conditions and diseases:

  • peptic ulcer exacerbation of stomach disease, duodenum;
  • intestinal atony;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • personal intolerance, hypersensitivity or allergy to constituent components.

Terms of sale and storage

You can buy the drug without a prescription from a doctor. It is stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees for five years from the date of manufacture. The prepared suspension can be stored for no more than 48 hours.

Polysorb refers to sorbents high level activity. It is able to neutralize in the cavity of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract microbes and poisonous products secreted by them, eliminate toxicosis. special property drug is its action, neutralizing the acidic contents in the stomach.

Due to its powerful sorption qualities, which are much higher than that of other medicines of this class, Polysorb is used in more severe cases diseases, with the manifestation of severe toxicosis as part of complex therapy. The drug has positive influence on the body of a woman during pregnancy, preventing the development of toxicosis.

Composition and form of release

Polysorb is available in powder form for the preparation of a suspension that the patient must drink. The powder is packaged in plastic jars with a quantity of 12, 25, 50 g. There is a disposable form in the form of a 3-gram sachet.

Along with the main active substance(a sorbent that reduces toxicosis), the composition of the product includes silicon dioxide in colloidal form. it medicinal powder white-bluish color, without other impurities and odor. Combining it with water gives a suspension of a uniform white color.

Storage conditions

The powdered preparation Polysorb should be stored at a temperature regime not exceeding 45 degrees Celsius for 5 years, and the prepared suspension - within 15 degrees for no more than 48 hours (2 days).

Sold without a prescription. Only a doctor should prescribe.

pharmachologic effect

The Polysorb drug is able to bind almost all toxic compounds and toxic substances, as well as to neutralize both poisons that come from outside, and the waste products of viruses and bacteria that form in the body. This quality of the drug eliminates the symptoms of toxicosis. The medicine softens allergic reactions, eliminates nausea and vomiting. Absorbing these substances in its composition, the drug helps to remove them from the body.

Polysorb is able to display living forms pathogenic flora, bacterial cells, pathogens from the genus of fungi and even viruses.

Means well neutralizes medicines, radionuclides and salts of heavy metals.

A strong effect was noted in the neutralization of the products of alcohol catabolism (acetaldehydes).

The drug Polysorb helps the body get rid of excess of its own metabolic and decay products that provoke toxicosis. Therefore, it can be used in almost any pathology that causes intoxication. Bilirubin binds well and is excreted in pathologies of the liver and gallbladder. Cholesterol compounds, all types of lipids and other biological compounds are perfectly neutralized.

Polysorb is included in therapeutic regimens for the treatment of a significant number of pathologies. Its powerful action allows you to limit yourself to the minimum set of drugs used.

The medicine can also be used for infectious diseases with toxicosis, especially with influenza, respiratory viral infections. Its reception at the appointment of a doctor relieves the patient of the need to use antipyretics, accelerates the regeneration of the body and the healing process.

Indications for use Polysorb

Polysorb is most effective as part of complex therapy for the following problems:

  • any kind of toxicosis caused by infectious diseases, especially those occurring with a predominant lesion of the intestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea - food poisoning (toxic infections), salmonellosis, dysentery;
  • inflammatory processes and the consequences of injuries in the body, especially in the purulent stage with severe intoxication - burn disease, frostbite, wounds with purulent contents. Effective at purulent complications after severe abdominal surgical operations on the gastrointestinal tract, chest cavity, at gynecological problems;
  • acute alcoholic and, especially, metal-alcohol toxicosis, drug intoxication and complications caused by poisoning with medicinal substances, industrial toxins;
  • diseases of the hepatobiliary and renal systems with liver and kidney failure, which cause severe poisoning of the body with endogenous toxic substances - bilirubin, uric acid, nitrogen compounds;
  • during pregnancy with toxicosis;
  • skin diseases, manifested by cracks, rashes, acne.

Polysorb is able to alleviate the condition with allergic reactions, viral diseases. Effective for food allergies.

Polysorb contraindications

In some cases, for use drug Polysorb there are limitations and contraindications, for example, with difficulty in the act of swallowing.

The drug should be taken with caution:

  • complications peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum - penetration (transition of the ulcerative process to nearby organs), perforation, bleeding, degeneration into a tumor process;
  • violation of the evacuation function of the intestine, accompanied by constipation, severe swelling abdomen, pain caused by intestinal distension stool and gases;
  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • severe nausea and vomiting.

Side effects of Polysorb

In some cases, there is a side effect of Polysorb:

Polysorb: instructions for use

The therapeutic form of the drug is a suspension. It is prepared before use by mixing the contents of the sachet with water. For a single use, 50-100 ml of water is sufficient. Received medicinal composition should be taken half an hour before meals or tablets. At allergic processes, especially those caused food allergens, the medicine should be drunk with meals or immediately before it.

The main daily dose is divided into several doses (usually 3-4). For adults, the amount of the drug is calculated by body weight. For 1 kilogram, 100-200 mg of powder should be used.

The maximum daily dose used is 20 g. In some cases, with a large body weight, it is allowed to use 25 g of Polysorb during the day.

Cancel the drug should be immediately after the reduction of manifestations of toxicosis. A course of treatment is allowed up to 14-20 days. Then be sure to take a break of at least 2 weeks. Courses of treatment can be repeated for chronic processes, exacerbations and as prescribed by a doctor.

The exact doses, frequency of administration and duration of use of the drug should be discussed with the doctor, avoiding independent decisions.

Special Instructions for Use and Warnings

Prolonged use of Polysorb can lead to a deficiency of useful nutrients - proteins and vitamins, as well as calcium. Therefore, against the background of the use of the drug, it is worth paying attention to a varied diet and additional reception vitamin and calcium complexes.


Cases of drug overdose are unknown and are not described anywhere. If for some reason the drug was consumed in excess, then it is enough to simply create a more intense water regime, which will independently remove excess drug, while maintaining normal therapeutic effect. Be sure to report the problem to the doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

It should be noted that simultaneous application Polysorb with other medicines can significantly reduce or eliminate their therapeutic effect.

Interaction with alcohol

The use of Polysorb before and during alcohol intake contributes to its faster elimination - excretion from the body naturally. In case of acute alcoholic toxicosis, the drug removes toxic decay products ethyl alcohol. In chronic alcoholism, it is part of a long-term treatment to eliminate the consequences of alcoholism.

Polisorb for children

AT pediatric practice the use of Polysorb is a common method of therapy, especially in the complex treatment of childhood diathesis, toxicosis and allergies, kidney failure, rashes, acne.

Features of the application is the dosage, depending on the weight of the child. For convenience, doctors prescribe the medicine, dosing it with teaspoons and tablespoons. It is conditionally noted that a teaspoon of the powder corresponds to 1 g of the drug, and a tablespoon - 3 g.

A suspension is prepared from the powder, for which the drug is dissolved in 50-100 ml of water. The suspension must be drunk immediately after preparation.

Children weighing up to 10 kg should take a daily dose of Polysorb 0.5 - 1.5 teaspoons of powder. When the weight of a small patient is from 10 to 20 kg, the dose can be tripled - drink 3 teaspoons per day.

A child under 30 kg is given 3 teaspoons (with a slide) per day.

With a weight of 30 to 40 kg, the dose is increased to 2 teaspoons per 1 dose (3 times a day).

Weight more than 40 kg allows you to take Polysorb, using a tablespoon, three times a day. Sometimes the sorbent suspension can be prepared 4 times a day.

Upon reaching a body weight of 60 kg, a single dose can be 2 tablespoons of powder for suspension preparation. Daily dose - 6 tablespoons.

The duration of the course of treatment is up to 2 weeks (14 days).

Polysorb during pregnancy

Taking Polysorb during pregnancy is recommended for the same indications as in normal cases in adults. The peculiarity of the use of Polysorb during pregnancy is that it is recommended for the prevention and treatment of toxicosis of pregnancy, reduces nausea.

Polisorb's analogs

Russian-made analogues of Polysorb, sorbents with other active ingredients that reduce toxicosis, include drugs:

  • Microcel; Smecta, Enterumin, Diosmectite (in powder form for suspension);
  • Enterodez (in the form of powder for solution);
  • Lactofiltrum, Entegnin (tablets);
  • Enterosgel (produced in the form of a paste or gel, from which a solution is prepared);
  • Lignosorb (granules and paste).

It should be noted that their similar action in the elimination of toxicosis is less pronounced than that of the Polysorb preparation.

Polysorb is often used to cleanse the body, including after therapy with toxic anthelmintic drugs. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect and in order not to harm yourself, you need to know how to take Polysorb to cleanse the body correctly, the features of the reception and action of this medication.

Polysorb is a powerful inorganic sorbent that can minimize the harm of toxins in the body. Its main function is to cleanse the body.

How does Polysorb work? This sorbent actively binds all toxic substances that are in the body from environment, from taking poisonous anthelmintic drugs, in case of poisoning.

The action of Polysorb is aimed not only at removing poisons and toxins, but also at eliminating:

  • food allergens;
  • bacteria;
  • fungi;
  • radionuclides;
  • toxic medications, biological residues after alcohol;
  • viruses;
  • salts of heavy metals.

When taking Polysorb, the sorbent begins to act immediately, binding all toxic substances, which are subsequently excreted along with the feces. The sorbent itself is excreted with feces.

First of all, the intestines are cleansed, and then the gradual cleansing of the lymph and blood begins. Almost completely purified blood is able to independently remove toxins from internal organs. This effect of the drug contributes to the gradual normalization of all systems of the human body, the elimination chronic pathologies, fatigue, allergic reactions. The benefits of Polysorb are also due to the normalization of the structure of the hair and skin of the face.

Polysorb for helminths

You can drink Polysorb with:

  • trichuriasis;
  • ascariasis;
  • giardiasis;
  • opisthorchiasis;
  • clonorchosis;
  • enterobiasis;
  • amoebiasis;
  • capillariasis.

Taking Polysorb is advisable if a person suffers from helminthic invasions mixed type. In such a situation, doctors recommend increasing the dose of the sorbent, but how much is determined only on the basis of the patient's condition. Often before appointment treatment course the patient makes the necessary laboratory tests.

Method of administration, dosage

For anthelmintic cleansing of the body with Polysorb, it is recommended to stir the powder in warm water (150–200 milliliters). The remedy should be drunk 1-2 hours before a meal.

The dosage of the drug is selected based on the body weight of the patient:

  1. Children whose weight has not reached 10 kilograms should be cleansed with powder in a dosage not exceeding 0.5–1.5 dessert spoons per day.
  2. The daily dosage for children whose body weight is 11-30 kilograms should not exceed 4 dessert spoons.
  3. Patients weighing from 30 to 60 kilograms are prescribed a daily dose equal to 8 dessert spoons of the powder.
  4. If the body weight exceeds 60 kilograms, 10-12 dessert spoons of the drug should be consumed per day.

Polysorb is applied three times or four times a day. The program of admission and its duration is selected by the doctor based on the patient's condition, his individual characteristics. The average treatment course lasts 3-9 days. In case of poisoning severe nature after 2 weeks it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment.

If Polysorb needs to be taken by a pregnant woman, the daily dose is reduced to 2 grams. After the expectant mother drank the sorbent, she needs to re-visit the attending physician in order to exclude Negative influence and the harm of the drug on her body, on the development of the unborn baby.

Contraindications for helminthiasis

Despite the fact that Polysorb is a low-toxic drug, there are a number of contraindications to its use:

  • individual intolerance to the active and auxiliary components that make up the drug;
  • ulcerative pathology of the stomach;
  • acute intestinal atony;
  • ulcerative pathology of the duodenum;
  • the presence of bleeding in the intestines, stomach.

With the development of acute liver or kidney failure against the background of helminthiasis, taking Polysorb is possible, but in this case it requires an individually selected dosage and treatment course. Otherwise, treatment with a sorbent can harm the body.

Reviews of some patients indicate that taking Polysorb has the following side effects with long-term use:

  • constipation;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • lack of calcium.

Other indications for use

Instructions for use for cleansing the body with Polysorb states that this medication is intended for widespread use in such conditions of the body as:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • intestinal infections;
  • drug poisoning;
  • disruptions in digestion;
  • allergic reactions;
  • elevated bilirubin;
  • hepatic dysfunction;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • any food poisoning;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • hangover syndrome.

You can use Polysorb to cleanse the body not only for adults, but also for children.

Application rules

The drug is drunk only in the form of a suspension, that is, in the form of diluted in a cooled boiled water powder. The dosage is calculated based on the weight of the patient. For 10 kilograms of body weight, you need to take 1 gram of medication. The maximum daily dose for an adult should not exceed 20 grams. The daily dosage must be divided into 3-4 equal parts.

The powder must be diluted in the following volumes of water:

  • 0.5 dessert spoon of powder is diluted with 50 milliliters of water;
  • a dessert spoon with a slide is diluted with 50-70 milliliters;
  • a tablespoon is diluted with 100 milliliters of water.

For preventive cleaning

Polysorb can be used to prevent poisoning. Usually this is necessary:

  • with bad ecology;
  • when using products with nitrates, dyes, preservatives;
  • under constant stress.

These factors contribute to the active accumulation of toxins in the body, which provokes:

  • deterioration of well-being;
  • development of chronic fatigue;
  • fading of the hairline;
  • fragility of nails;
  • blanching of the face.

For preventive purposes, Polysorb is taken 1 hour before meals in a state diluted in 100 milliliters of water. May be taken 1 hour after a meal.

From poisoning

Polysorb will also help to cope with intoxication of the body with food, alcohol or drug poisoning. In case of alcohol and food poisoning, Polysorb will act more effectively only after gastric lavage.

If a person has food poisoning, he should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Perform gastric lavage. To do this, you need to drink 2-3 grams of Polysorb diluted with water, and after 15-20 minutes resort to vomiting.
  2. On the first day of treatment daily dosage Polysorb for poisoning is divided into several parts so that the medication is taken every 2 hours.
  3. The next day, the number of receptions is reduced to 3-4.

In case of poisoning that has developed against the background of an intestinal infection, one should:

  • on the first day of therapy, divide the daily dose into several parts so that the medication is taken hourly;
  • in next days divide the dosage into 3-4 doses;
  • drink plenty of pure water.

At alcohol poisoning Polysorb promotes the removal of:

  • acetaldehyde;
  • undecomposed alcohol;
  • degradation products of ethanol. In this case, the medication is used to clean the blood vessels.

To cleanse the body of alcohol intoxication with signs of nausea, you must adhere to the following recommendations.

  1. The required amount of Polysorb is diluted in 200 milliliters of water.
  2. The resulting suspension is drunk, after 15 minutes vomiting is caused. This action is necessary for gastric lavage.
  3. Then, after 3 hours, a person needs to drink another 6 grams of sorbent, from which a suspension should be made. The rest of the daily dose is divided into several parts so that the patient can take them every 1.5 hours.
  4. On the second day of purification from alcohol, Polysorb should be drunk 4 grams - 3 times.

Along with Polysorb, in case of alcohol poisoning, it is necessary to drink Regidron, which will help replenish body fluid losses. In chronic alcoholism, the medication is taken for 7-10 days.

For skin

Polysorb can also normalize the skin of the face. This tool effectively eliminates acne, as it helps to gradually cleanse the lymph and blood. How many days should I take medication to improve skin condition? The cleansing effect will be noticeable after 10-14 days of using the medication.

Polysorb should be used to cleanse the face three times a day, as with the main cleansing. The daily dosage is calculated in a standard way: 1 gram per 10 kilograms of body weight. A prepared suspension of powder and a quarter or half a glass of slightly warm water drink an hour before a meal or an hour and a half after it. If Polysorb is taken along with other drugs, the sorbent should be taken 1 hour before them.

The active components of the sorbent can help women with painful menstruation, ovulation, and adolescents - during hormonal changes in the body. It is worth considering that Polysorb is a drug, in the use of which it is better to follow the recommendations of the attending physician. Otherwise, self-medication can harm the body, causing allergic reactions, constipation.

When used independently, in no case should you increase the dosage described in the instructions, since such an action can aggravate the condition of the body, causing a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in it. This is due to the fact that under the action of the sorbent, the body is cleansed not only of toxic, but also of useful substances.

More recently, with allergies, indigestion, they took several tablets activated carbon. Modern sorbents have properties to absorb toxins many tens of times higher.

Polysorb is based on a synthetic sorbent- silica. Its ability to attract, absorb and remove toxins of internal or external origin is approximately 160 times higher than the usual activated carbon. In addition, the powder successfully removes products metabolic processes(bilirubin, cholesterol, urea). As an additional substance Polysorb contains succinic acid which strengthens the immune system significantly improves mental and physical performance.

How often do you need to cleanse the body

The human body is a self-organizing and self-regulating system that will always give a signal about an emerging disease in time. And the main condition is the stable operation of the gastrointestinal tract and the timely removal of toxins. If there are the following symptoms, then the body needs to be cleansed:

  • concentration of attention decreases;
  • bloating is a common occurrence;
  • there is a desire to eat unhealthy food;
  • stomach upset;
  • the skin has become unhealthy.

Doctors recommend regular cleansing of the body. How to cleanse the body with castor oil. Benefits of castor oil and its uses.

Attention! Simultaneously with toxins, Polysorb removes vital substances, the lack of which in the body with excessively long use of the drug can cause vitamin deficiency and the development of other diseases.

Powder composition

Polysorb powder for cleansing the body is produced as a powder in a practical form for use, which is confirmed by the reviews of people using it. You can purchase a hermetically sealed jar (12 g, 25 g, 50 g) or sachets with a single serving for an adult (1 g or 3 g).

The main active ingredient - colloidal silicon dioxide - is highly soluble in water and has a light blue or white color with a slight blue tint. This representative of sorbents has no taste or smell. Taking a ready-made solution, very similar to thick jelly, sometimes causes some discomfort due to the presence of abrasive elements.

How Polysorb promotes weight loss

Polysorb is a universal sorbent, that is, it is able to absorb (bind) and remove different classes of substances. Due to its versatility, the drug has two main effects: sorption and detoxification. Weight loss is due to the property of polysorb to clean thin and colon, which activates the processes of metabolism and blood circulation. Here is some of them:

  • the intestines are cleansed of decay products, toxins, toxins;
  • the intestinal microflora is restored;
  • excess urea and fatty complexes leave;
  • the content of bilirubin and cholesterol in the blood returns to normal.

Polysorb differs from other similar products in that it does not absorb and retains useful and nutrients. It promotes their absorption and assimilation, therefore taking Polysorb to cleanse the body is not accompanied by a laxative effect or symptoms of poisoning, which is confirmed by the reviews of the hosts.

Once in the stomach, the drug quickly increases in volume (almost 4 times). An impulse goes to the corresponding part of the brain that the stomach is full, and muffles the appetite. Thus, the amount of food consumed is significantly reduced.

Attention! Reception of Polysorb is recommended subject to different diets and to consolidate the result - after.

The sorbent effect of the drug continues as it moves through the intestines: absorbing and attracting harmful products digestion, Polysorb helps to lose a few pounds. A cleansed intestine, in turn, performs its functions better, which also leads to weight loss.

Excess weight is not only an aesthetic disadvantage. Increased stress on the body, combined with stress on nervous system lead over time serious violations health. Medical statistics confirm the negative impact of overweight on health, for example:

  • obese people are 3 times more likely to suffer from hypertension;
  • heart diseases (atherosclerosis, early strokes, heart attacks) are 2 times more common in obese people;
  • development diabetes 10 times more likely to be overweight;
  • life expectancy fat people 1.5 times less.

Nutritionists advise taking this absorbent for weight loss and at the same time cleansing the body. According to numerous reviews, taking this remedy improves the condition of the skin and hair, and contributes to overall health.

Weight loss is due to the property of polysorb to cleanse the body

Attention! Polysorb is not a means for weight loss - it only promotes weight loss.

To achieve a higher weight loss effect, according to nutritionists, it is better to take two drugs at the same time: Polysorb MP and Polysorb Lux. It should be remembered that the drugs will cleanse the body, but the fat layers will remain. Therefore, physical education, the use of vegetables and fruits, and the observance of a proper diet are necessary.

When taking a drug for weight loss, you should remember that a single dose of its intake should be 2 g at a time three times a day. Only with these tips in mind, it is possible to achieve the maximum result.

Methods of using the drug

The drug should be taken only in the form of a suspension, thoroughly stirring the powder in water, half an hour - an hour before meals. The drug scatters very easily from the movement of air, so it should be taken into a spoon and slightly chilled inside the jar. While moving into the glass on the powder, it is better not to breathe. For each dose, a fresh solution should be prepared; storage in the refrigerator is not recommended.

How to cleanse the body safely: Reviews and recommendations of doctors about cleansing the body with magnesium thiosulfate. How and when to apply.

The shelf life of the prepared solution is 48 hours, but doctors recommend using it in exceptional cases.

For whom it is especially useful to use

To start taking it, it is best to talk with your doctor if he has not made any appointments. AT common cases the drug is used to regulate the work of the intestines, cleanse the blood and liver, eliminate diarrhea and allergies. It is prescribed for intoxication after industrial and household poisoning, after excessive alcohol intake.

In addition, Polysorb should be taken as a preventive measure for those who live in environmentally unfavorable regions and work in hazardous industries.

Who should not cleanse the body with Polysorb

If the decision to cleanse the body or lose weight with this drug is made independently, then you should know the contraindications:

  • the presence of an ulcer stomach or duodenum;
  • bleeding in the stomach or intestines;
  • intolerance drug.

In their reviews, those taking the drug warn about negative consequences taking Polysorb alone. Expectant mothers and lactating women should be especially careful when taking the drug.

Rules of reception for cleansing the body (Instructions for use)


The drug will positive action when applied correctly. For each person, a single and daily dosage is different. taking into account weight: 0.1 - 0.2 g per 1 kg of body weight per day. The maximum daily dose is 20 g, it is calculated based on 0.33 g of the drug per 1 kg of body weight. For children, the appointment should be made by the attending physician, since the amount of powder to be taken changes with every 10 kg of weight. If necessary, the dose of the drug for a child can be clarified according to the table in the instructions for Polysorb.

For the convenience of preparing the suspension, you should know that 1 full tsp. contains approximately 1 g of the drug, 1 complete sl. - 2.5 - 3 g.

The maximum daily dose is 20 g

The calculated daily dose should be divided into 3-4 doses. Thoroughly mixed in 100 ml (or less) of water, the drug should be drunk one hour before meals or other medications.

drug interaction

The absorbent effect of Polysorb can significantly reduce the therapeutic effect of any other drug. Therefore, it should be taken exactly according to the instructions one hour before taking the medicine.

Possible side effects

Side effects are possible with an incorrectly calculated dose of the drug, its long-term use, in case of individual intolerance. This can be expressed in allergic reaction(spots, itching, rashes), in constipation or diarrhea.

As a result of taking the drug for longer than 14 days, it is possible to remove useful and nutrients. especially calcium. Therefore, when taking Polysorb to cleanse the body or lose weight, it is recommended to take multivitamin preparations and calcium. Reviews using the drug confirm: properly selected vitamins (including group B) and calcium significantly improve well-being.

Price in pharmacies (how much does Polysorb cost in a pharmacy)

Before purchasing the drug, you should find out the prices in several pharmacies, the difference is sometimes serious. The price also depends on the packaging of the drug: single sachets are much more expensive than the drug in a jar or double plastic bag. So, for example, the price of a package for a single dose (1 g) costs 50 rubles, a bank of 12 g - 126 rubles, and 25 g - 205 rubles.

Polysorb in sachets of 3 g in a package of 10 pcs. costs 353 rubles, and a bank of 50 g - 358 g. Having calculated the daily dose and knowing the period of admission, you can choose the most optimal form of release of the drug.

How to store the powder

When buying a drug, you should look at the date of manufacture, as it has a shelf life of 5 years. None special conditions the drug does not require storage. Just follow the instructions:

  • the powder must be collected with a dry spoon;
  • close the lid tightly each time;
  • keep the drug away from children.

What experts and doctors say about the sorbent

According to doctors, taking Polysorb gives excellent results when cleansing the body, but it cannot be considered as an independent means for losing weight. Prolonged use of the drug can lead to dehydration and loss of self-functioning of the stomach.

Polysorb differs from other similar products in that it does not absorb and retain useful and nutritious substances.

Attention! Psychologists warn that long-term use absorbent for the purpose of losing weight can be addictive, so you should drink it in courses of no more than 14 days with the same break.

AT medical statistics there is evidence of the successful use of Polysorb in the fight against acne and general intoxication of the body while following strict diets in order to reduce weight. In the same place, cases of successful fight against dysbacteriosis were noted with the schematic intake of Polysorb. It is noted that improvement general condition noticeable after the second dose.

Proper use of Polysorb in combination with balanced diet, vitamin intake and reasonable physical activity help to improve the body and keep your weight under control. Be healthy!

See instructions for use of Polysorb:

What does Elena Malysheva think about the sorbent:

On the video, a detailed review of Polysorb:

The drug Polysorb is used to cleanse the body. Reviews about it are positive: both from those who have tried it, and from doctors.

The article describes how to take Polysorb, what problems it solves, whether it can be used by children, how much it costs (price).

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A sorbent comes to the rescue - it will put many systems and organs in order, removing poisons, toxins, mucus and oxidized metabolic products.

Enterosorbent - what is it

Polysorb MP is a new generation sorbent or drug that binds and retains harmful metabolic products, pathogenic microflora, allergens, poisons.

Has a wide range of action. It is produced in the form of a powder, soluble in water, which is not absorbed in the intestines. Entirely excreted naturally with feces. Active ingredient- silicon dioxide.

Begins to work almost immediately after taking it (after 3-4 minutes). Not contraindicated in children of all ages, pregnant women. It can be used during breastfeeding.

The cost of funds is relatively low. The difference in price depends on the weight of the contents of the package.

Release form - in sachets of 3 g, which is equal to a single daily dose, and in jars - 12, 25 and 50 g.

See below the price of each package:

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The diagram shows that the price ranges from 35 rubles for a one-time package to 350 rubles for 50 grams of a substance in a jar.

How to use

The term of admission and the dose of the sorbent depend on the patient's history. There are a few general rules for how to use the medicine:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/dosage.jpg" alt="(!LANG:polysorb dosage" width="185" height="161" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

The sooner treatment begins, the sooner relief will come. In order for the therapeutic effect to be higher, Polysorb is recommended to be drunk separately from other drugs.

It neutralizes the effect of antibacterial tablets, so it should be used after recovery from bacterial problems. Promotes the removal of dangerous microorganisms and toxic compounds.

How to prepare an aqueous suspension. Instruction

Instructions for preparing a soluble suspension (talker) for internal drinking consists of the following steps:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/polysorb-1.jpg" alt="(!LANG:How to prepare an aqueous suspension. Instruction" width="500" height="396" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=600&ssl=1 600w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C238&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

As soon as the aqueous suspension enters the stomach, it begins to collect all toxic formations on its surface.

In contact with water, Polysorb particles form spatial structures. They easily bind slags, bacteria, poisons, metabolic products on their surface.

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In the gastrointestinal tract, the sorbent is similar to a sponge - it completely absorbs metabolic products and bacterial compounds.

It is active only inside the gastrointestinal tract, is not absorbed by the walls of the mucous membrane, is not absorbed into the blood. It is excreted directly with feces in the same form, taking all the dirt with it.

Polysorb for cleansing the body: reviews, how and why to clean the internal environment

Before we find out in which cases the body cleansing solution is used and the responses of those who used it, let's find out why it is necessary to clean.

Why it is necessary to clean the internal environment

The human body is constantly exposed to the action of harmful substances that were formed during metabolic reactions and as a result of the death of microorganisms. Getting rid of them necessary measure prevention of many diseases.

It helps to strengthen the immune system, improve the digestion process, increase mental and physical activity.

In what cases to apply

Polysorb is a universal adsorbent, therefore it is widely used:

  • when affected by poisons and toxic compounds (food, alcohol and drugs)
  • with intoxication of any origin and course (acute, chronic)
  • during skin diseases(dermatoses, eczema, psoriasis)
  • intestinal, viral attacks
  • in cosmetic purposes(acne masks)
  • in toxic industries
  • in hepatic and renal pathology
  • simple cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract

Inside used in a diluted form, following the rules of admission. The amount of sorbent depends on the cause of treatment, weight and symptoms, and is prescribed by the doctor.

Cleaning with preventive purpose held several times a year, at least twice. Especially with the love of unhealthy food, frequent stress and colds, metabolic disorders.

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For the purpose of prevention, we drink Polysorb immediately before meals - with strict adherence to the concentration active components. The amount of water can be slightly exceeded. The length of the course depends on the intensity of provoking factors.

You can conduct a therapeutic course of 1 week for 3 months.

As emergency care at feeling unwell, nausea and vomiting, gastric lavage is done with a solution of 2 g per 100 ml. Then after 3 hours - drinking the prepared suspension of 6 g per 100 ml.

The remaining 6 g are given to drink in several approaches every 1.5 hours. The next day, the suspension is consumed four times, 3 grams each. The duration of the course is from 3 to 5 days.

I offer an interesting comparison of Polysorb and activated charcoal in terms of effectiveness in case of poisoning:
data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/polisorb-7.jpg" alt="(!LANG:Poisoning and polysorb" width="500" height="184" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C110&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}


For the treatment of viral and bacterial lesions, use the schemes prescribed by the doctor. The drug significantly reduces the time of intoxication. Recovery is much faster.

At viral infections polysorb will reduce the load on immune system. It is included in complex therapy- interaction with the doctor is necessary.

The suspension helps to cure acne on the face. According to the enthusiastic responses of patients, the procedures with Polysorb relieved them of inflammation on the face, made the skin smooth and elastic.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG: Use in cosmetics: Polysorb mask" width="500" height="286" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C172&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

The enterosorbent acts on the skin in the same way as in the intestines - it collects and removes metabolic products, cleansing the skin and narrowing the pores.

Prepare a mask from a diluted powder (1 spoon of sorbent / 200 ml of water). The resulting mass in the form of a paste is applied to the face for 15 minutes - watch the video.

After washing off the mask, apply a nourishing cream to the skin. Do a cleansing procedure once a week. With acne, it is done every day, also drinking the solution inside.

Alcoholism and Polysorb

It is unlikely that it will be possible to cure alcoholism, but getting rid of alcohol intoxication (hangover) is no problem. In order to prevent a hangover syndrome, a polysorb suspension is drunk before alcohol.

In case of alcohol poisoning, the Polysorb suspension is taken for 3-5 days, in case of chronic binge the appointment is longer - up to 10 days.

Polysorb for allergies

Enterosorbent binds and removes allergens in chronic and acute allergies.

A suspension is prepared from the powder and injected into the rectum as an enema to remove immediately a large number of allergen. Subsequently, the enterosorbent is taken orally 3 times a day until recovery.

Polysorb is safe for a pregnant woman and does not threaten the health of the fetus, it is completely protected from the effects of the compound. Expectant mothers get rid of the symptoms of toxicosis, vomiting, nausea. Use with caution for constipation, hemorrhoids.

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Together with toxic products formed in the gastrointestinal tract, the gel removes vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, during pregnancy, use the solution for a short time, and after the end of the course, undergo vitamin therapy.

Polysorb for children: how to prescribe

It is not contraindicated at any age, even for infants and newborns.

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It is used for such diseases:

  • diathesis, allergies
  • gastrointestinal disorder
  • with food, intestinal lesions, invasion
  • dysbacteriosis

At the first signs of the disease, the powder is diluted in water. Drink freshly prepared suspension an hour before meals.

The dose is calculated based on body weight. Usually this is the weight of the child divided by 10 - this is how a single dose is received. Apply 4-5 times a day.

Polysorb for infants and newborns - only as directed by a doctor. He takes off intestinal colic in the first months of a baby's life.

1-4 minutes after taking the medicine, the child will feel relieved, he stops crying and sleeps normally.

How to give Polysorb to children? Dilute half a teaspoon of the powder in 30 ml of water (warm) and let it drink until the flakes settle to the bottom. During the day, an aqueous suspension should be drunk 5-6 times. Can be added to compote, milk, soup, juice.

There are analogues of Polysorb, which also do not enter the bloodstream, collect toxins and exit through the rectum:

  • Smecta
  • Filtrum
  • Enterosgel
  • Polyphepan
  • Carbolong
  • Sorbex
  • Atoxil

Taking sorbents - vomiting is possible in children (rarely). Therefore, we strictly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor.

Slimming effect

Once inside, the adsorbent swells and fills the stomach, which causes a feeling of satiety, food intake decreases.

Removed with sludge overweight- the effect is especially liked by women. Sometimes the weight of the decay products reaches 8-10 kg - due to their binding and excretion by Polysorb, weight is lost.

Due to the swelling of the polysorb substance, the feeling of hunger disappears, the time of passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract is reduced. To use the drug as an additional tool for weight loss, it is advisable to contact a nutritionist.


The drug has earned positive feedback from doctors. They recognize its function to effectively rid the body of toxins, allergens, toxins. It is important not to violate the scheme of taking the drug.


  • stomach ulcer
  • stomach bleeding
  • individual intolerance
  • decreased or absent peristalsis in the intestines (atony)

Overdose can lead to disruption of the digestive tract. After all, along with harmful substances, a small amount of beneficial bacteria is removed from the intestines. With time, beneficial microflora will recover.

Uncontrolled use of Polysorb leads to a decrease in vitamins and trace elements. To prevent deficiency, vitamin-mineral complexes are included in the therapy.

Important: in order not to undermine your health, use the enterosorbent after consulting a doctor.

Outcome. The article describes what Polysorb is, its role in cleansing the body. Reviews of users and medical workers are given, it is described how and why to take it, what problems it solves. how to give it to children, what is the price of each package.

Health to you and your children!