What to do with the flu. What to do if you start to get sick

The body and immunity can be weakened throughout the year, so there is always a risk of getting acute respiratory infections or SARS. To avoid this and help yourself with the first symptoms, you need to know and follow certain recommendations and tips that will save you from the disease. Therefore, there is a reason to talk about what to do if you get sick with a cold.

How to understand that a cold may begin?

You need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

Feeling weak and great weakness.
There is an unusual warmth in the body (it starts to rise in temperature).
Having a headache.
Do not confuse drowsiness and fatigue caused by overwork, not a cold.

What can be done with the onset of a cold?

As soon as you notice the first symptoms of an incipient cold, you need to take as much as possible allowable dose vitamin C. For example, this is suitable whole lemon. You can take a pharmacy ascorbic acid(Immediately you need to eat from 8 to 10 things).

Provide yourself good vacation and complete sleep.

If you suspect SARS, you should use a drug that has antiviral action. For example, Amixin, Viferon, Arbidol and others are suitable.

For many, with the onset of malaise, it helps to steam well. This can only be done when there is no temperature. It is advisable to visit the bath. But you can also steam your legs. Dry mustard should be added to hot water. At this time, drink tea with the addition of raspberries, honey or lemon. fit and acceptance warm bath. Add a decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort to the water, then go to bed.

You can strengthen your immunity by preparing the following remedy. Mix garlic, honey, lemon. Keep the proportions the same. It is necessary to use a teaspoon several times a day.

If a cold started immediately with a cough, then inhalation with essential oils (Eucalyptus oil, fir oil tea tree etc.). To avoid complications due to coughing, make a warming cake. It is prepared from boiled potatoes in uniform. When it is cooked, it is crushed right with the peel and put in 2 bags. One bag is needed for the back, the other for the chest. In this case, you should lie down and take cover with a blanket in order to sweat properly. First, the cake is superimposed on a thin towel or cloth napkin so that there is no burn.

Eat a little, even if there is no appetite, you should have a little snack. For this, broth, vegetable soup is suitable.

Drink fresh juices.

Useful homemade tincture made on raspberries.

Reduce as much as possible physical activity. “On your feet” you can not endure a cold, as complications may arise. You need to rest for at least a couple of days.

You can drink drugs like Coldrex, that is, powders that are diluted in hot water. Just keep in mind that they suppress symptoms, but do not cure or increase immunity. An immunostimulating drug, for example, is Aflubin.

Coffee has an antiviral and strengthening effect. It should be freshly ground and just cooked.

The room must be ventilated.

Rosehip tea is also used from drinks, warm milk co butter and honey (especially if the throat is reddened). If a sore throat begins, rinse with a decoction of calendula, chamomile, tansy. Suitable and soda solution. After rinsing your throat, lubricate it with lugol. From tablets, you can dissolve Efizol, Faringosept, Septefril and various lollipops.

To improve the condition of the nose, you can rinse it herbal decoctions(chamomile, sage) or saline solution. You can use a ready-made saline solution - Aquamaris, Marimer. For instillation, use the juice of beets, garlic or onions. It's more efficient than conventional vasoconstrictor drops. It is also recommended to use a warming ointment or apply a bag of heated salt.

So, during a cold, you do not always need to take medication. It is often enough to spend time at home, drink as often and as much as possible, and also soar your feet. Hot vapors should not be inhaled so that the disease does not turn into more severe form. Do not combine treatment and pills? and herbs. All of the above measures are best observed in combination, the only way to achieve a quick recovery.

Getting sick is always boring. We have to miss school and work, as well as to give up time with friends and family. As soon as you start to recover, you will most likely get bored immediately, especially if you need to spend some more time at home on sick leave. But there are plenty of ways to keep yourself occupied while you stay home and recover.


Electronic devices

    Watch TV. Spending time in front of the TV is one of the favorite ways to pass the time when you are sick. Besides, this a great opportunity watch your favorite TV shows and programs that you usually don't have time for. Indulge in some TV time until you feel better.

    • Find one of your favorite shows to watch. Enjoy an episode marathon or start watching a new series.
    • Watch some of the classics of cinema. This is a great way to pass the time by watching all the movies you love.
    • Watch some comedy. Laughter will make you feel better and help you forget that you are sick for a while.
  1. Take advantage of the internet. This is a chance to use the internet to your advantage. After all, there are a million interesting things on the Internet that you can now find out about! Find interesting blogs, videos, articles, and websites on topics that interest you.

    Listen to music. Favorite songs and performers will cheer you up and you will feel much better! In addition, music has been proven to reduce pain and improve the functioning of the immune system. Music also reduces stress and anxiety.

    • Try listening to a genre of music that you've never listened to before. This is an opportunity to pass the time doing something new.
    • Make a playlist with your favorite tracks. In addition, this playlist can be listened to after you recover.
    • Turn on positive motivating music that lifts your spirits. This will help you relax and allow you to fully immerse yourself in the rhythm of the music.
  2. Play video games. This will help you focus on something other than how you feel. In addition, video games have certain benefits, such as pain relief and stress relief.

    • Perhaps you have a collection of games that you have not played for a long time, and you can also find many online games in the Internet.
  3. Host a movie marathon. Revisit your favorite films. This will improve your mood and help pass the time. Watch movies you haven't seen in a while, or movies that everyone was going to see sometime. There are several ways to find a good movie:

    • You can watch movies online or go to your saved movie library and find something there.
    • Choose your favorite movie or movie you haven't seen yet.
    • Movies that consist of several parts will help pass the time because you will want to watch the rest of the parts.
  4. Learn to do something with your hands. Needlework is a great way to create something new while you're sick. You can make quite a lot of interesting gizmos without much difficulty. Most of the accessories for creating some interesting gizmos can be easily found in your home. Choose one of the craft ideas below:

    Start learning a foreign language. Learning a new language can be very useful occupation especially if you travel frequently. There is a lot of material online on the Internet that can quickly improve your basic skills. Various books and audio recordings on foreign language. Listed below are the most popular languages for studying:

    • Spanish;
    • Italian;
    • French;
    • Deutsch;
    • Chinese.
  5. Make a to-do list. Making a list of things that you are going to finish when you get better will create a pleasant feeling of anticipation. In addition, it will be useful to finish the things that you have been putting off all the time. Think of all the tasks and tasks that need to be completed and write them down on paper.

    Browse cookbooks. Flip through your favorite cookbooks that inspire you. Not only will this help you plan your next breakfast/lunch/dinner, it will also give you a few good ideas how to cook different dishes. Think of the dishes you would like to learn how to cook and make a list. necessary products until you get better.

🍃 What to do in the first hours of illness?

I share with you the proven methods that are safe for health to deal with colds which are based on human physiology. He has a higher pharmaceutical education behind him. My algorithm of actions:

🍃 1st stage

As soon as I felt a deterioration in the body: a burning sensation in the nose, a runny nose, a sore throat, lacrimation, sneezing, then at that moment I take as much as possible rather measures. And the sooner, the more chances for a speedy recovery! I do not wait for the morning in the hope that everything will pass by itself. I'm taking these supplements right now.

➕ Triphala - it enhances the formation of protective mucus, thanks to which foreign body harder to get in.

➕ Nasal spray with grapefruit seed extract - in the upper respiratory tract we constantly form mucus and if the mucous dries up, then local immunity violated, viruses, respectively, easily overcome the protective barrier. This spray is designed to moisturize the nasal passages.

➕ Ant tree bark. Pau D'Arco - antiviral and antibacterial activity it is due to the ability to suppress enzymatic processes, without which the reproduction of viruses and bacteria that cause colds cannot occur.

➕ . Cat's Claw is a plant that activates phagocytosis processes. Under the influence of his active substances macrophages receive support, which allows them to more effectively destroy and digest bacteria, dead cells, devouring more of them per unit of time.

➕ And also increase the formation of lysozyme. 🔹 What is lysozyme? It is an enzyme that breaks down the cell walls of bacteria. It is found in the mucus of the nasopharynx, saliva and mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract ( gastrointestinal tract). This is our immunity in the oral cavity. Lysozyme, like all other enzymes, as well as immunoglobulins, is formed from PROTEIN. Therefore, I give as soon as possible (in the first hours!) The body protein in an easily digestible form from any dairy products or eggs. I also use such high-quality protein (aka protein) with iHerb for such cases.

🍃 2nd stage

If the temperature rises, the body raises it for a reason - it needs to activate mechanisms that will help to cope with the disease faster. Therefore, it is very important to support these defensive actions The higher the temperature, the more active the process.

The temperature rises due to the combustion of FAT. The body uses them from its reserves, and so I add this fuel to help. defense mechanism which he launched. So, first - PROTEIN, and after a couple of hours - FAT. I consider what I have at home: lard, creamy or vegetable oil What is available - I eat.

➕ Between meals I take a supplement with Colloidal Silver. Silver ions INTERFERE the reproduction of 650 species of bacteria, viruses and fungi! What is the working principle of colloidal silver in the body? Tiny particles of silver carried by our white blood cells act as BLOCKERS respiratory enzymes pathogenic bacteria, thus the vital activity of these microorganisms is SUPPRESSED.

Next, you need resources for detoxification. 🔹 What is detoxification? it special program, which helps rid the body of accumulated toxins produced by bacteria, which are difficult for the body to deal with alone.
The basis of detoxification is WATER! So I increase the amount of fluid I drink.

I drink warm water, green or black tea with honey or lemon, cranberries or raspberries - whatever you want. Tea is great for such occasions as it is warm and it warms up the body instead of cooling it down. The more liquid you drink, the more you detox, with a cup of water dirty laundry you don’t wash, here we are talking about norms HIGHER than the daily physical need for water per day healthy person.

Usually on such days the body refuses to eat, but it needs a lot of ENERGY to fight the disease, as its super-protective mechanisms are running, honey and dried fruits, for example, such as prunes and dates, are great here, so the body gets a lot of energy. My favorite options are dates, prunes, honey.

Helps fight colds by increased sweating, toxins are removed through the skin, helping the detoxification process, so I take a warm bath. And usually the next morning after such measures, the body responds to me with an improvement in the condition and normalization of body temperature.

🍃 3rd stage

If the next morning there were no obvious improvements, I give the body time to recover - at least for a few days I do not expose my body to heavy loads. I take myself a weekend and lie down for at least 2-3 days. In it time runs increased work of the heart and good blood flow is needed in those places that are damaged and therefore in lying position the body copes with the disease faster, without spending extra energy on movement and engaging in physical processes.

To improve the condition, I slightly reduce the maximum increased amount of fluid consumed. Then I listen to my body, the body begins to suggest what foods it wants to eat, it is in them that the missing substances are contained that it needs most for further struggle (these are not sweets, such as cakes and cookies!).

If you want citrus, kiwi or nuts, I immediately place an order for my relatives. I wanted a certain fish or some sort of meat - everything also goes to order, I try at this moment to realize all my desires! Thanks to all these actions, the body quickly gets out of the disease and returns to a state of enjoying life! I wish you and your family good health and years life!

Each of us has experienced a cold. However, not everyone knows how to properly cope with the disease without consequences.

Cold: cold or virus?

Cold, or (sharp respiratory diseases) is a group of diseases caused by a viral infection. Many believe that only the flu is viral, and the common cold is just a consequence of hypothermia. In fact, hypothermia is a powerful push that reduces our immune defense, and the multimillion-strong army of viruses is already much easier to penetrate into the body and start its vigorous activity there. Moreover, you can catch the virus at any time of the year, but most often this happens in the autumn-winter season, when outside the window “the weather whispers”.

On average, each of us gets a cold 2-3 times a year. As a rule, the disease lasts 7-10 days. If you add all these days together, it turns out that in 75 years of life a person has been sick for more than 4 years!

Encounter with the virus

So, what happens when the virus enters the body of a healthy person? Remember that a virus "lives" only when it has entered the cell. That is, without a potential "victim" the virus is not able to multiply! The virus penetrates, as a rule, through the "entrance gate" of our body - Airways. As soon as a “foreigner” enters our territory, the body immediately begins a special operation to neutralize it. The immune system, like law enforcement agencies, begin to fight the virus, causing inflammatory process in the form of a runny nose, sore throat, sneezing or coughing. By such reactions, the body tries to get rid of the viral material.

Is it worth bringing down the temperature?

Have you ever wondered why the body viral infection raises the temperature? They caught the virus, it pours from the nose like a river, constant sneeze cough and fever! Take it easy, the temperature is really powerful defensive reaction. Raising the body temperature, the body, as it were, gives the green light to the beginning of active resistance. Only when high temperature body begins enhanced synthesis of specific substances - interferons. Thanks to unique properties of these compounds, the patient's cells become immune to the virus.

Thus, high is a kind of illumination, thanks to which the immune system is able to find and neutralize the virus. It is necessary to turn off the light (to bring down the temperature), as the body will lose control of the virus. Therefore, if the body temperature has not exceeded 38 degrees Celsius, then you cannot bring it down, since this will only endanger the body. Taking antipyretic drugs is justified when the body temperature is above 38-39 degrees.

But what should a patient do, who even tolerates a low temperature (up to 38 degrees) very badly? Is it necessary to endure painful symptoms, and wait until the body "recovers"?

How to deal with a cold?

Remember the 4 cold years of your life? If you value your time and health, then in order to get rid of virus your body needs help. With a cold, it is necessary to act immediately on three key components of the disease, namely: the virus, inflammation and immunity.

Antiviral drugs are needed to fight the virus, anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve inflammation, and immunomodulators to strengthen the immune system.

In this regard, the combination of Immustat with drugs containing mefenamic acid has proven itself well. Immustat is antiviral drug with a pronounced immunomodulatory effect, showing activity against influenza viruses A and B, as well as other acute respiratory viral diseases.

As for drugs with mefenamic acid, they have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. As already mentioned, the temperature cannot be brought down to 38 degrees, since by doing this you deprive the infected body of interferon. However, mefenamic acid stimulates the production of interferon and normal temperature body. Thus, if even a small jump in temperature is unbearable for you, then mefenamic acid will help reduce the temperature without compromising the immune system.

Eat less, drink more

You feel the first signs of a cold, and you have tomorrow important meeting which cannot be missed. What are the shock methods of dealing with the disease?

As you know, feeding the patient is exactly the same as feeding the disease. During a cold, it is better not to overload digestive tract heavy food. As a rule, appetite during a cold is not very good (or not at all). Thus, a sick organism, as it were, tells a person that it is not necessary to eat. At the very least, try to avoid fatty and hard-to-digest foods.

Be sure to observe drinking regimen. You need to drink at least 8 glasses of fluid daily. At cold toxins accumulate in the body, and they need to be removed somehow. Plentiful drink help to quickly get rid of toxins, and as a result - get better faster. Helps with colds and chicken bouillon which increases the flow of mucus from the nose.

Also, when you are sick, try to stick to bed rest. Wrapped up warmly, you will get rid of the disease much faster.

in winter low temperatures, lack of vitamins and epidemics of viruses every now and then send us to the hospital. What to do if you get sick and already feel the first signs of a cold? Here are some tips to help you stay warm for a week.

First, let's say a few words about the importance of timely detection of the first symptoms of a cold. In the frantic pace of life, we rarely pay attention to malaise until it reaches critical proportions. That is, when your body aches a little, you get up in the morning broken and cannot find the strength to work, it will hardly be alarm bell- you will most likely attribute this to general fatigue and lack of sleep. In fact, you might get a cold. In addition, be sure to notice if you have been in contact with infected people or if you are very cold outside.
And now let's move on to tips on what to do if you start to get sick.

1. Get warm

Have you been standing at the bus stop waiting for the bus for a long time and feel how cold your feet are? When you return home, be sure to take a steam bath. If it is not possible to go to the bath, at least warm yourself in a hot bath, steam your feet with a dry mustard bath. Drink tea with raspberry jam or honey, wrap yourself in a warm sweater or bathrobe, and avoid hypothermia so as not to aggravate the situation.

2. Stay home

If you have already noticed the first symptoms in yourself - an increase in temperature in the evening, general weakness, cough, runny nose - stay at home and get treated. Many will object that at work it is not so easy to take one day, you have to work, blockage, etc. But believe me, it is better to drop out of life for one day than to go to the hospital for at least a week and struggle with residual symptoms for a long time.

9. Use disposable handkerchiefs

Fork out for a pack or two of disposable handkerchiefs - they are not so expensive, but they will justify their benefits. An ordinary handkerchief, after several uses, turns into an accumulation of microbes, and even washing it with a profuse runny nose is tormented. Disposable handkerchiefs are hygienic and easy to use.

10. Treat the symptoms

Everyone is well aware that it is not recommended to bring down the temperature to 38 degrees so that the body can fight the infection. However, this does not apply to other symptoms. If you do not get rid of a runny nose, you will breathe through your mouth and most likely you will have a sore throat. A sore throat and cough, in principle, there is no need to endure. Buy nasal drops, lozenges or cough syrup, or use folk remedies.