Choleretic drugs - classification, indications, application features, reviews, prices. Folk choleretic remedies for children

Children often suffer from malfunctions of the biliary system. If a child complains of abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation, or a feeling of nausea, it is probably worth checking his gallbladder and bile ducts. When diagnosing a particular disease, the doctor will develop a treatment regimen and prescribe effective medications.

If a child complains of abdominal pain, it makes sense to check his gallbladder and bile ducts

Choleretics, cholekinetics, cholespasmolytics and their differences

Choleretic agents are divided into 3 types according to their mechanism of action and composition:

  1. Choleretics;
  2. Cholekinetics;
  3. Cholespasmolytics.

Choleretics are made from animal raw materials, but they can also be synthetic. Medicines of animal origin contain natural bile, extracts of animal liver and pancreas. Synthetic drugs- a product of modern pharmacology.

The main function of choleretics is the synthesis of bile and its dilution. They relieve inflammation in the bile ducts and gallbladder.

Cholekinetics increase the tone of the gallbladder and relax the muscles of the ducts. As a result, the outflow of bile is more active, and it flows through the ducts without resistance.

Cholespasmolytics eliminate spasms that cause pain syndrome. They relax the bile ducts, which normalizes the flow of bile. Cholespasmolytics are divided into synthetic (No-shpa, Mebeverine, Papaverine) and herbal (Holagol, herbal infusions - mint, St. John's wort, lemon balm, arnica, valerian) agents (we recommend reading:). Cholespasmolytics are taken in short courses.

The best medicines of plant, animal and synthetic origin for children

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Not all choleretic medications are indicated for children. Most often, gastroenterologists prescribe the following choleretic drugs for the treatment of children: Holaflux, Holagogum, Allochol, Cholenzym, Flamin, Berberine, Nikodin, Odeston.

  • Holagogum stimulates the formation and outflow of bile and prevents its stagnation. Indications: biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, pancreatitis in chronic form. The basis of the drug is plant substances. Used to maintain and prolong the therapeutic effect.
  • Allohol contains animal bile. Prescribed for children over 7 years of age. It has proven its effectiveness in treating schoolchildren. Improves bile flow, regulates liver function. The dosage of Allochol is selected by the doctor individually. Depends on the age and body weight of the child.

  • Cholenzym is used in the treatment of patients over 12 years of age. This is a choleretic agent containing enzymes.
  • Flamin is not recommended for children under 5 years of age. Stimulates the functioning of the biliary system and is an antispasmodic. The flow of bile becomes uniform, it does not accumulate. The base is immortelle flower extract.

With stagnation of bile

Stagnation of bile in a child is quickly and effectively eliminated by Holaflux. It is used in the treatment of dyskinesia and chronic cholecystitis. Holaflux improves the flow of bile, stimulating its production. Additionally, it has an antispasmodic effect and restores damaged liver cells. The composition of the drug includes plant elements: extracts of celandine, dandelion and thistle. Also, for stagnation of bile in children, use:

  • Holosas,
  • Hofitol,
  • Flamin.

When the gallbladder is bent

A bend in the gallbladder is one of the forms of dyskinesia (we recommend reading:). Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive and combine medication, physiotherapy, diet, and mineral hydrotherapy. When the gallbladder is bent in children, use:

  • Cyqualon,
  • Odeston,
  • Allohol,
  • Flamin et al.

The resulting pain is relieved with the help of cholespasmolytics (Drotaverine, Papaverine).

For biliary dyskinesia

There are 2 types of gallbladder dyskinesia: hypomotor and hypermotor. IN childhood hypomotor dyskinesia practically does not occur, but if it does exist, the following are indicated:

  • Allohol,
  • Holenzim,
  • Holagogum,
  • Cyclalon (over 7 years old).

For the treatment of hypermotor dyskinesia the following is used:

  • Flamin,
  • Odeston (over 12 years old),
  • Papaverine,
  • Drotaverine,
  • Sorbitol.

Herbal remedies and other folk remedies

Traditional medicine knows a lot choleretic drugs based on medicinal plants (immortelle, yarrow, coriander, thistle, etc.). Pharmacies sell special choleretic fees. However, the herbs are not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age. If a child is prone to allergies, a medicine is carefully selected for him plant origin, it is not recommended to use herbal teas.

Pain in the child's abdomen, of which he complains, needs medical attention if the discomfort is accompanied by additional symptoms. Nothing supernatural: problems with stool, frequent rumbling in the stomach, bad smell from mouth. Taken together, these manifestations indicate the presence of problems with the child’s digestive system.

What can cause systematic abdominal pain in a child?

Ailments associated with the production and conduction of bile that a child may suffer from:

  1. Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the bile reservoir.

Accompanied by:

  • appetite disorder;
  • bitter belching with an unpleasant odor;
  • heaviness in the right side;
  • pain syndrome manifests itself as dull or sharp impulses;
  • the skin acquires a yellowish tint.
  • heredity;
  • ill-considered nutrition;
  • sedentary lifestyle.
  1. Dyskinesia - due to improper contraction of the sphincter of Oddi muscles in the gallbladder, the removal of substances from the reservoir is disrupted.


  • it hurts with giardiasis top part abdomen, near the navel;
  • frequent bloating;
  • problems with stool;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • the child gets tired quickly;
  • The baby doesn't eat well.

The disease provokes inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which entails more serious consequences when running.

  1. Neoplasms in the gallbladder are extremely a rare event, the formation of benign or malignant tumor in the bile reservoir, but still occurs.
  2. A bend in the gallbladder is a congenital or acquired pathology.

When the gallbladder is bent, the following symptoms:

  • pain in the right side, closer to the back;
  • during the transition of bile to abdominal cavity the pain becomes acute and radiates to the left side;
  • pain;
  • sudden changes in body temperature;
  • problems with stool.
  • prolonged stress;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • obesity;
  • ill-conceived diet;
  • excessive physical activity for a child;
  • frequent exacerbations of chronic cholecystitis.

In almost all of the previously mentioned cases, choleretic drugs for children are prescribed during treatment.

What can children take and at what age?

Choleretic medications should be taken with caution, especially in the case of children. In order to fully understand the risks and consequences, it is necessary to understand the principle of action of drugs of this type.

These drugs promote the formation of bile in volumes not exceeding the norm and the passage of the substance into the intestines.

Children's medications are different from adult ones. They are mainly produced as a syrup or suspension to make it easier for the baby to take. Doctors recommend giving preference to plant substances because they have minimal amounts side effects, compared with synthesized ones.

The most effective and popular drugs:

  1. Holaflux - prescribed for chronic cholecystitis and dyskinesia. A plant substance containing thistle, dandelion and celandine.
  2. Holagogum - prescribed for chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, dyskinesia. After treatment, it is taken to facilitate the body’s adaptation. Plant matter.
  3. Allohol – herbal preparation, which improves bile flow and improves liver function. One of the few that contains animal bile. The dosage and course of administration are prescribed individually, depending on the age and weight of the child. The treatment is effective for children from 7 to 10 years old.
  4. Cholenzym is a combined choleretic drug containing enzymes that promote high-quality digestion of food. Prescribed only to adolescents over 12 years of age.
  5. Flamin – improves the flow of bile and is released into various forms. One of the most effective, judging by reviews from doctors and parents. It is prescribed for giardiasis, but is not recommended for children under 5 years of age and children with peptic ulcer disease.

In general, all of the above drugs have a good reputation among doctors and parents, are also highly effective and have virtually no side effects.

Bile is constantly produced in the human body and is involved in the digestion process. This secret improves carbohydrate and protein metabolism and suppresses the development of putrefactive bacteria. Rids the body of toxins by enhancing intestinal motility and peristalsis.

When our bile is produced properly, we do not pay attention to it. Because health is often perceived as a normal state (while it exists). When the body begins to experience problems and some difficulties with the formation of this useful substance, with its normal outflow through the biliary tract in the liver, this is where a person begins to feel very discomfort.

Symptoms of bile stagnation

They are as follows:

  • Work disorders digestive system: nausea or obvious nausea with vomiting.
  • Heaviness, burning and throbbing pain in the right hypochondrium.
  • Bad taste bitterness in saliva.
  • Rashes on the skin of the body and face. They are itchy and often appear at night.

When faced with the problems described above, you are likely to... man of sense visit the doctor. And after you find out the reasons that led to the failure of the body in this area, you will receive from medical worker permission to use in your own complex treatment choleretic herbs. Or it may happen that you have known about your problem for a long time, and the bile “let you down” due to errors in nutrition.

Pharmacies offer a variety of fees, but it’s so easy to get confused in all this variety! And I want to know: what herb is choleretic, and how it affects human body. Some people prefer to bypass pharmacy fees altogether. They want to collect the necessary plants themselves. This is their right. However, the list of choleretic herbs cannot be called small. And herbs act on the bile ducts in completely different ways. In order not to make a mistake and choose the right herbal infusions, you need to learn about some of the features of these plant helpers for the body.

Choleretic herbs for bile stagnation: list

To help the body, you can use these plants:

  • rose hip;
  • stinging nettle;
  • dandelion;
  • mountain arnica;
  • tansy;
  • corn silk;
  • birch;
  • knotweed;
  • greater celandine;
  • wormwood herb;
  • curly parsley;
  • wild strawberry fruits and leaves;
  • seed oat grain;
  • rosehip berries;
  • peppermint.

Types of herbs

According to their effects, choleretic herbs are divided into two types. The first type is plants used to stimulate the release of bile into the intestines. These are rowan, wormwood, and calendula. The second type includes plants that promote the formation of bile. These are dandelion, yarrow and some others. However, there are more versatile herbs that can cope with these two tasks simultaneously. Their category includes famous corn silk and marsh calamus.

Plants that help bile formation are often prescribed for problems in the digestive system. The outflow of bile becomes stronger, which helps to destroy pathogens and additionally drains the gallbladder and its tributaries.

How will we drink?

How do you take decoctions and tinctures of beneficial herbal ingredients? At what time of day will it be more effective? When to drink choleretic herbs: before meals or after? These questions are asked by those who begin to “disperse” bile and relieve spasms from the biliary tract.

What time of day to take herbal decoctions and infusions

The most common time to use some choleretic decoctions and infusions is about half an hour before the main meal. By the way, it is worth remembering that food must be taken about six times a day. You need to eat it in small portions - this helps the bile not to stagnate. Taking phytocomponents thirty minutes before meals helps the choleretic herbs begin their effect on the body before food enters it. The liver “wakes up” from this tea, and bile begins its movement in anticipation of food. But it happens that the drug is taken either in combination with food, or during the day - in small portions (after a certain period of time).

Prohibition on taking choleretic herbs

There are some prohibitions for the use of this category of herbs. This is fine. Everyone has contraindications medicinal plant. Composing your own collection from several types of herbs is also undesirable, without first studying this issue. The likelihood of individual reactions to any substance included in herbal component occurs here too. List of contraindications:

  • stones in bile ducts- reduction biliary tract can cause dangerous blockage, not to mention pain;
  • acute condition biliary colic;
  • cholecystitis - in an acute state;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • poisoning of the body;
  • During pregnancy, the use of choleretic herbs is unacceptable, as well as during the period of feeding a child;
  • age up to six years.

If the gallbladder is "lazy"

It happens that bile stagnates due to a “lazy” organ. For such cases, there are some recipes for using choleretic herbs at home.

Oregano, centaury, St. John's wort and mint must be mixed dry in the same ratio. Scoop up two tablespoons of the resulting herbs and pour them with a liter of boiling water. The container needs to be covered with a lid and wrapped well so that the herbs give up their beneficial features water. 8 hours later this water infusion can be used for its intended purpose. You need to drink it thirty minutes before it is time to eat. We drink no more than half a glass.

Second collection of choleretic herbs:

  • dandelion (roots);
  • tansy (flowers);
  • rose hips (berries).

Take these ingredients and prepare according to the above recipe. Drink both collections, alternating them. The first collection will disperse bile, the second will improve its quality, which is important. It is very good to brew herbs using a regular thermos.

Rose hip

This is exactly the plant whose berries are drunk all day long. They can replace tea (without sugar). It promotes the movement of bile and saturates the body essential vitamin C. Taking rosehip tea lasts for three weeks. Then you need to take a break. After taking a decoction of berries, it is highly recommended to brush your teeth (every time after drinking it). The fact is that it can have a detrimental effect on the enamel. The concentration of rosehip drink is chosen arbitrarily. Insist on the one that suits your taste best.

Corn silks

One of the best choleretic herbs is corn, or rather, corn silk. To make tea from them, you need to pour three tablespoons of dry raw material into one glass of very hot water. Keep the poured raw material in a thermos for about half an hour. After thirty minutes, the resulting infusion is topped up warm water to the original volume - two hundred milliliters. After straining, drink it several times a day. One glass of this remedy should be drunk on the same day.

Finally, I would like to remind you of the need to consult with a specialist in the case of using certain choleretic herbs.

Many children quite often complain of abdominal pain. I don’t know about yours, but mine skillfully manipulate this fictitious illness: the active phase of sincere “suffering” begins when they don’t want to finish dinner or go to kindergarten, and also when parents reasonably demand that they finish cleaning the nursery as soon as possible.

But often children's complaints about tummy pain are not so harmless. Especially if the child complains of abdominal pain immediately after eating. And especially if he does it systematically. And it’s especially important if the child has diarrhea and constipation, his stomach growls, or he has bad breath. All this should at least alert attentive parents. Perhaps the baby has problems with gallbladder.

What problems are there?

The causes of systematic abdominal pain in a child can be quite serious.

Abdominal pain in a child may indicate inflammation of the gallbladder

If your child often complains of abdominal pain, do not ignore it, visit a gastroenterologist. The doctor will be able to recognize gallbladder disease by performing a procedure ultrasound diagnostics(ultrasound). The doctor will be able to examine the contours and thickness of the walls of the organ objectively if the patient comes to the office on an empty stomach.

In the following video from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia you can learn more about biliary dyskinesia.

Primary visual conclusions are confirmed or refuted by the results laboratory tests. The child will have to donate blood, urine and feces. Only then will the probability of making a correct diagnosis increase to almost 99.9%.

If a pathology is detected, get ready for a rather long treatment, the basis of which will be the prescription of choleretic drugs. Let me note right away that only a doctor should prescribe them; initiative in this situation is punishable by serious consequences for the baby.

If a child systematically complains of abdominal pain, it is worth visiting a gastroenterologist

What can children take?

If you have been prescribed a choleretic drug for children, you should understand what exactly this medicine is and how it works.

A choleretic drug is a drug that helps the formation of bile and its further excretion into the intestines. They can be plant-based, animal protein-based, or synthesized.

Special requirements are imposed on “children’s” choleretic drugs. It is desirable that the drug be in the form of a suspension or syrup. This will make it easier for the child to accept it. But the main thing is that the drug is on plant based. Then it will have much fewer side effects than synthetic choleretic drugs.


Let's consider the most popular gallstones suitable for children:

  • Holaflux is a choleretic drug, usually prescribed for chronic cholecystitis and dyskinesia of the bladder and biliary tract. A herbal preparation containing dandelion, thistle, celandine, etc. The medicine facilitates the outflow of bile. The instructions for use say that no side effects were found, so this drug is often prescribed to children. Available in the form of a dry herbal mixture for making choleretic tea.

Holaflux is a natural herbal preparation that causes almost no adverse reactions

  • Holagogum is a drug that can also be prescribed for the treatment of cholecystitis, dyskinesia, chronic pancreatitis, and to facilitate adaptation after treatment.

Available in capsules, it is of plant origin.

Holagogum is a herbal preparation in the form of capsules

Folk remedies Besides pharmaceutical drugs , diseases of the gallbladder and its ducts can be treated folk ways . The best fighters against bile stagnation are considered Birch buds , corn silk, rowan fruits, burdock roots, rose hips. Prepare medicines with choleretic effect

  1. can be done in several ways:
  2. Choleretic juices,

Choleretic decoctions, teas.

  • Dandelion juice should be taken twice a day Do you remember how in school, back in the USSR, we collected rowan berries and took them to the pharmacy? So, only many years later I learned that the main use of these astringent red berries is in the manufacture of drugs that “disperse” bile. The clusters, “nailed” by the first frosts and having undergone temperature “shock therapy”, need to be collected and carefully squeezed out. Take 15 ml. twice a day. The course of treatment is three weeks.

Rowan juice should be taken for three weeks, twice a day.

  • Radish juice. It is easy to press and does not require a special recipe. Take 30 ml. three times a day. It is important to know that such juice is contraindicated for children with gastritis and high level acidity in the stomach.

Radish juice is contraindicated for children with gastritis

  • Pear juice. Tasty and very healthy choleretic juice. You can take it as much as you like in quantity and duration. Pear juice is a rather weak choleretic agent; it is best used after the main phase of treatment as prophylactic. Children will really like this medicine, both at the age of one, and at 2 years, and at 4 years.

Pear juice is probably the most delicious medicine for a child

For decoctions and homemade tea with a choleretic effect, knotweed, St. John's wort, anise, corn silk, rose hips, and immortelle are suitable.

Infusions with a choleretic effect should be given to children with great caution - manifestations of allergies to herbs are possible. The most popular infusion for gall bladder problems is Mint. Take celandine, mint leaves and cinquefoil. Everything should be in equal proportions. Total weight It should be no more than 2 grams. Pour a glass of boiling water over the herbal mixture and let cool slightly. This infusion perfectly “disperses” bile and helps normalize liver function. Mint infusion is taken hot, like tea, twice a day. The general course of treatment is at least two weeks. This tea should not be given to children under 6 years of age.

Below video shows some effective recipes choleretic decoctions and infusions. But before preparing the decoction, check whether a child at this age can drink such an infusion.

Mineral waters or Tyubazh

Rinsing the gallbladder is carried out strictly in the morning. A few days before it, you don’t need to eat salty or fatty foods.

You will need half a liter of still mineral water (Essentuki or Borjomi). The water must be heated to 40 degrees Celsius.

Add a tablespoon of Magnesia (powder) to a glass of hot liquid. Instead of magnesium sulfate, you can use your choice of “Sorbitol” or “Holosas”. The resulting solution must be taken orally. Lying on your right side, apply a warm heating pad to the hypochondrium area. This therapeutic “lying down” should last at least 2 hours. After this, it is advisable to empty your intestines. The most difficult thing here is to force the child to lie in one position for so long. But try to combine YouTube and watching cartoons. Tubage is carried out on the recommendation of a doctor and no more often than once every 6 months.

The gallbladder is washed in the morning

If your child has problems with bile, then canteens mineral water alkaline composition“Essentuki” and “Borjomi” should be present on his table almost every day.

Choleretic oil

Considers it a strong choleretic folk remedy linseed oil. But the store-bought version of this product will not work. Make your own butter. 100 grams flaxseeds need to grind in a coffee grinder or blender, place in liter jar, and add refined (odorless) sunflower or olive oil. Your flaxseed oil should be stored in the refrigerator for a week, and then you can give it a teaspoon to your child before meals.

General requirements for taking choleretic drugs

  • Never give your child a choleretic drug on an empty stomach. Have him eat something before taking the next dose. Candy won't do. It’s good if it’s something that creates a larger volume of food in the stomach - fruit, cake.
  • When preparing choleretic juices, the main condition is that the juice must be squeezed out immediately before use. You cannot store the squeezed juice; it quickly loses its medicinal properties.
  • When taking a choleretic drug, it is important to follow the schedule prescribed by doctors. Make sure your child does not miss a single dose of medication.
  • Never prescribe a choleretic drug, no matter how attractive its composition may seem to you, to a child on your own! This should be done by a doctor.
  • Child during treatment and pretty long time after it you must adhere to the diet prescribed by the doctor. It will be reduced to a reduction in the amount of fats of protein origin, as well as carbohydrates, especially “fast” ones. The child will need to eat at least six times a day - divided and balanced.

Never give your child choleretic drugs on an empty stomach.

And finally. Introduce foods with a choleretic effect into your child’s diet. Your baby can and should be given bran, vegetables and vegetable broth, oranges, pears, melons, watermelon and prunes more often. He would like to “make friends” with vegetable juices, which promote the formation of bile - with cabbage and beetroot.

And remember that soda, ice cream, smoked sausage, chocolate, French fries, fatty meat and even onions and garlic interfere with the normal outflow of bile.

Diseases of the gallbladder and its ducts are quite dangerous and unpleasant. To avoid long treatment, it is better to do your best to prevent these ailments from birth. Feed the baby in a balanced and correct manner, make sure that the child leads an active lifestyle and does not sit for hours at the computer after eating. And, of course, listen to his complaints.

Watch Dr. Komarovsky's program about problems of the gallbladder and pancreas.

Instructions for use:

Choleretic collection is a collection of plants that help with diseases of the biliary tract and gallbladder.

pharmachologic effect

Choleretic herbal collection promotes the removal of bile, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves spasms, restores intestinal motility and improves appetite. There are three collections of different compositions, which include plants with similar effects.

Collection No. 1 includes mint and trefoil leaves, coriander fruits, and immortelle flowers.

Mint is known for its sedative effect, but the herb is also effective for cholelithiasis– it helps remove stones. It is also known that the bitterness of mint stimulates the functioning of the gallbladder and liver.

Trefoil trefoil is also called water trefoil; it stimulates digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Coriander seeds have a choleretic and analgesic effect.

Immortelle is traditionally used for pathologies of the liver and gallbladder. The flowers of the plant relieve inflammation and spasms, relieve pain, increase the tone of the gallbladder, liver, affect the viscosity of bile and its chemical composition, reduce cholesterol and bilirubin levels.

The composition of choleretic collection No. 2 includes yarrow herb, mint, coriander fruits, immortelle flowers (on the packaging of the collection it is often indicated as sandy cumin).

Yarrow ethnoscience traditionally recommends use for diseases of the gallbladder. The herb helps reduce inflammation, relieves spasms and improves bile excretion.

Collection for removing bile No. 3 includes tansy, calendula and chamomile flowers, mint leaves, and yarrow herb.

Tansy is included in the collection because has a choleretic effect, antimicrobial effect, relieves inflammation. Chamomile also promotes the removal of bile, relieves spasms, and has a sedative effect.

Release form

Choleretic mixtures No. 1, 2, 3 are produced in the form of crushed plant materials in cardboard packages and in filter bags for one-time use.

Indications for use

The preparations are prescribed to be taken for chronic reactive hepatitis; chronic cholecystitis – acute inflammation gallbladder; at poor appetite and digestive disorders; biliary dyskinesia; cholangitis – inflammation of the bile ducts of an infectious nature; attacks of nausea; postcholecystectomy syndrome - a condition in which the sphincter of Oddi is disrupted and, as a result, the patency of bile and pancreatic juice deteriorates.

Mode of application

Collection No. 1 is brewed as follows: 1 tablespoon of crushed medicinal raw materials is poured hot water(200 ml), heat for 15 minutes, leave for at least 45 minutes. Before use, it is advisable to strain the broth and then bring it to boiled water up to 200 ml. Take the collection 300 ml per day in 3 divided doses half an hour before meals. Therapy, judging by the reviews of choleretic collection No. 1, is recommended to continue for 2-4 weeks to obtain an effect.

It is advisable to shake the broth before use; it is not recommended to store it for more than two days.

Collection No. 2 is brewed in the same way as collection No. 1. Adults are recommended to drink it in 3 doses half an hour before meals - only 1.5 glasses per day. Children are recommended to give no more than 150 ml per day, in three divided doses.

Two filter bags with choleretic collection contain 200 ml of boiling water: pour them in and leave for 15 minutes. Take the decoction in the same way as the one prepared from medicinal raw materials.

For cooking herbal decoction from collection No. 3, one or two disposable bags are filled with 200 ml of boiling water and left for 15 minutes. It is recommended to take the product 1.5-3 glasses. It is also not recommended to store ready-made decoctions from collections No. 2 and 3 for more than two days.

In most cases, herbal collections No. 2, 3 for removing bile are also recommended to be taken for 2-4 weeks, but consultation with a doctor is required.

Side effects

There are reviews of choleretic preparations indicating that they can cause heartburn and allergies.


It is not recommended to use choleretic preparations if you are allergic to the plants that are part of them and if you have cholelithiasis, a disease in which there are stones in the bile ducts and bladder that prevent the flow of bile into the intestines.

Pregnant and lactating women are prescribed bile removal fees in exceptional cases.