Why can't you take hormonal pills? What are hormones for?

Today, contraception with the use of hormones occupies a leading position in terms of effectiveness among all methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy. These drugs contain estrogens and progestins - synthetically created female sex hormones.

Medicines produced in tablet form, the main active ingredients of which are hormones used to prevent pregnancy, are called combined oral contraceptives.


According to the amount of estrogen and progestin, contraceptives are:

  1. Single-phase or monophasic - tablets containing the same amount of hormones are used daily throughout the entire menstrual cycle. The main drugs of the group have the following names: Regulon, Diane-35, Novinet, Logest. These drugs are more often used by young people, nulliparous women up to 24-26 years old.
  2. Two-phase. Preparations with different content of these hormones. The representative of this group is the drug Anteovin.
  3. Three-phase. Due to the variable amount of hormones, the drugs imitate their quantitative change in the female body. Among the representatives of this group can be distinguished: Triziston, Trikvilar, Tri-regol.

Throughout the menstrual cycle, there are natural fluctuations in the content of various hormones in a woman's body. Imitating them, three-phase contraceptives are the most physiological, monophasic drugs have this ability to the least extent. But this fact does not speak of the advantage of three-phase hormonal drugs over others. All contraceptives are selected individually.

According to experts, monophasic tablets are more suitable for young girls in most cases. Women over 27 years of age are mainly prescribed three-phase contraceptives.

One package of single-phase drugs most often contains 21 tablets, much less often there will be 28. And three-phase drugs, on the contrary, always contain 28 tablets of three different colors.

According to the quantitative content of estrogen, calculated for daily intake, the drugs are divided into:

  1. Highly dosed.
  2. Low-dose.
  3. Microdosed.

Operating principle

The progestogenic component of the drugs has the main effect of contraceptive pills.

The composition of any contraceptive includes exogenous estrogen. Its main goal is to make up for its deficiency that occurs when taking drugs. The predominant formation of estrogen in the body of a woman is carried out in the ovaries. Combined oral contraceptives block its synthesis by stopping the growth and maturation of follicles. Fundamental Principle The action of estrogen is to control the course of the menstrual cycle and over the physiological reproduction of cells of the uterine mucosa, which is clinically manifested by the absence of intermenstrual bleeding.

The principle of action of contraceptive pills is the same, regardless of the quantitative value of hormones:

  1. They stop the development and release of the egg from the follicle.
  2. They impede the movement of spermatozoa due to the strong viscosity of cervical secretions.
  3. They act on the mucous layer of the uterus, preventing the fixation of the embryo.
  4. Slow down the movement of sperm through the fallopian tubes.

All these mechanisms of influence on conception and further development of a fertilized egg, combined oral contraceptives are elevated to the rank of the most effective drugs to prevent pregnancy.

Help doctor

Different groups of drugs contain various doses hormones, which determines their specific medicinal effects and side effects. Therefore, the personal selection of contraceptives is the task of a gynecologist.

You can not buy, use combined oral contraceptives on your own without a doctor's appointment and consultation!

To select a specific drug, the doctor prescribes required list surveys to assess risk factors and identify contraindications for admission different groups contraceptives:

  1. Examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist. A study on the cellular and microbial components of smears taken from the walls of the vagina and cervix. Examination for neoplastic and infectious diseases.
  2. Instrumental examination of the pelvic organs using ultrasound (ultrasound). The examination is performed twice in the period after menstruation and before the next one within one cycle. When it is performed, the doctor monitors the growth and differentiation of cells of the mucous membrane of the uterine wall, the processes of growth of follicles and ovulation. In parallel, concomitant anatomical and functional pathology of the pelvic organs is excluded.
  3. Examination of the mammary glands. It can be performed by a gynecologist and mammologist.
  4. Examination of the mammary glands using ultrasound (ultrasound) to exclude tumor formations. According to the indications, the appointment of a mammogram.
  5. According to the indications, it is possible to appoint laboratory research to control the level of hormones in the blood.

Only after the studies have been carried out strictly individually, the doctor can choose a certain preparation of a combined oral contraceptive for a woman.

Scheme for the selection of drugs:

  1. Poll about transferred and chronic diseases. Collection of information about family diseases. Gynecological examination data. Using the universal eligibility criteria of the World Health Organization, determining for a given woman eligibility for different types contraception.
  2. The choice of a drug of a certain group of combined oral contraceptives, based on their properties and the required therapeutic effects.
  3. Within a period of three to four months, monitoring the health of a woman with the determination of her general condition. Action control hormonal contraceptives. Determination of drug tolerance.
  4. When side effects or individual intolerance to the components of drugs, replacement or cancellation of the contraceptive.
  5. Registration of a woman during the period of use of combined oral contraceptives. Scheduled gynecological appointment once every six months.

Symptoms, the appearance of which should alert a woman:

  1. severity and intense pain in the legs.
  2. Unbearable pain in the abdomen and chest.
  3. The appearance of weakness and malaise for one month or more.
  4. Hearing loss.
  5. Speech and vision impairment.

If you experience these symptoms, seek medical advice immediately. They may be a manifestation of individual intolerance to the components of drugs or symptoms of the disease, the occurrence of which could be triggered by the use of combined oral contraceptives.

How to take birth control pills?

Oral contraceptives are available in packs of 21 and 28 tablets. Using arrows or indicating the days of the week on the blister, manufacturers determine the order in which they are taken. Start acting birth control pills from the first week of taking them.

How to take birth control pills containing 21 capsules? To achieve the contraceptive effect of drugs, they must be used one tablet daily. You need to start taking birth control pills from the first day of your menstrual cycle. At the end of their reception, a pause is made for seven days. After it, a newly acquired pack of contraceptive is started. During this week there is a reaction similar to menstruation. During the break contraceptive effect drugs is stored, so additional precautions are not required.

It is imperative to start taking birth control pills containing 28 pills from the first day of the cycle, but they are used without a seven-day interval. After finishing one package, immediately proceed to a new one. A menstrual-like reaction occurs between the 21st and 28th day of the cycle.

At the end of the drug year oral contraception it is necessary to pause their use for three to four months to resume the hormone-producing function of the ovaries. During this period, in order to protect against unplanned pregnancy, it is necessary to use other contraceptive measures.

Remember that combined oral contraceptives are incompatible with a number of other groups of drugs.

They do not match:

  1. Anticonvulsants.
  2. Antibacterial drugs.
  3. Medicines needed to treat lung diseases.

The combined use of these groups of drugs initiates the appearance of side effects and leads to a decrease in contraceptive properties. This is the time to find additional measures protection.

Each time doctors prescribe drugs for the treatment of extragenital pathologies, it is necessary to warn about taking combined oral contraceptives.

Research has proven the absence harmful effects on the course of pregnancy and the fetus when using drugs before conception. At the first assumption of the presence of pregnancy, it is necessary to interrupt the use of contraceptives. Episodic use of drugs in the early stages of pregnancy is not scary either. Also, their reception is not a reason for its interruption.

At the end of taking oral contraceptives, adequate work of the endocrine-reproductive system resumes in short time. Short-term use of drugs leads to stimulation of the growth and maturation of eggs by increasing the sensitivity of the receptors of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian system. Within a year of not using oral contraceptives, more than 80% of women become pregnant. This fact corresponds to the level of fertility in the population.

Menstruation appears after stopping oral contraceptives within a period equal to the recovery time of the uterine mucosa. A small number of women develop amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) lasting up to six months. If this situation occurs, you should consult a doctor.

What to do if you miss an appointment?

In the case of a forgotten drunk one tablet, the host must take it immediately. The next dose of contraceptives should be taken in your normal time, even if you need to drink two tablets a day. If the delay in taking the drug is less than 12 hours, there is no need to use other contraceptive measures. If the time is exceeded, it is possible to use another type of contraception in the period before the next menstruation.

How to take birth control pills if two pills are missed? It is necessary to immediately take them as soon as they remembered this. The next day you need to take two following pills. Against the background of excessive intake of hormones, the blood may develop spotting. The contraceptive effect of drugs is reduced, which requires the use of other methods of contraception.

When skipping more pills should think about giving up this method contraception. This is the time when they begin to select and use other methods of contraception.

How not to get fat hormonal drugs which the doctor prescribes for the treatment of the disease? After all, some ailments can be cured only with hormonal drugs. Some patients refuse to take such drugs, explaining this as if they were gaining weight. Actually it is not.

Hormones are quite common medicine. The fact that the only ones, as many people think, are contraceptives, is not at all the case. Hormones are prescribed for such health problems:

  • irregular menstruation;
  • disruption of work thyroid gland;
  • early menopause associated with improper diets, anorexia, etc.;
  • female diseases reproductive organs(hypofunction of the ovaries, reduction of the uterus, etc.);
  • periods that are very painful (capturing the lumbar region, lower abdomen, causing dizziness or loss of consciousness)
  • recovery after childbirth;
  • skin problems (acne, pimples);
  • strong hairiness on the skin.

These are common cases. various diseases when you simply cannot do without taking hormonal drugs. To avoid the problem of weight gain, you need to carefully monitor your condition and well-being. If uncharacteristic changes appear, you should consult your doctor.

If, based on the tests, the doctor decides to prescribe hormonal drugs, it is not necessary to refuse them. And although the female body may respond to this technique in different ways, the treatment will still give a result.

Careful observation of the state of the body will tell you what to do next.

You can muster up the courage and endure, for example, headache or get frustrated about gaining weight, and at the same time stubbornly take pill after pill. But you don't have to. These symptoms indicate that this drug just doesn't fit. So, you need to consult your doctor, who will pick up another medicine.

In any case, the hormonal agent should not have side effects. Among them, the most common are the appearance extra pounds, soreness of menstruation, migraine, edema.

If even one of them occurs, the drug must be changed and look for the one that suits. But the treatment must be completed.

Myths about hormones

Many patients refuse to take hormonal. This happens because they have false information about drugs, thinking that they can get better.

Facilities mass media spread myths about hormones, among which are the following:

  • Hormones have an effect on the body negative impact. This is not true, because the effect of these substances is the same as that of many other drugs. All drugs, as a rule, have.
  • It is necessary to take only such drugs that someone from the environment has already taken and advised. In this case, the acquaintance is a kind of example of the fact that hormones do not get better. This cannot be done, because hormonal drugs are prescribed only by a doctor based on tests.

  • Hormones can make you fat very quickly. This statement is only half true. Hormones can affect appetite in different ways. For someone, it will increase, and then, indeed, weight gain is possible. And for some, on the contrary, it decreases, and then there will be no extra pounds. You can find out how the drug will affect the body only after taking the medicine.
  • The hormonal drug is not excreted from the body. This is also not true. Once in the body, the drug begins to disintegrate after a short period of time and then is completely excreted. For example, daily intake contraceptives due to this very circumstance.
  • Hormones can be replaced conventional drug. It is impossible, since some diseases associated with a change hormonal background in the body, are cured only in this way.

Lack of awareness on this issue is the reason why these myths appear. Therefore, you can not self-medicate with hormones and refuse such drugs when they are prescribed by a doctor.

Instructions for the use of hormones

The use of hormonal drugs, especially contraceptive oral contraceptives, without consulting a doctor, threatens to make women gain weight from this. There may not be such side effects if a specialist takes care of the selection of funds.

The tests carried out and careful observation of the patient will not give such side effects. Therefore, if hormonal treatment is prescribed, compliance the following rules Tips on how not to get better and keep the weight normal:

  • It is necessary to take hormonal drugs before meals for 30 minutes. This is due to the fact that after taking the appetite increases, which is quenched while eating.
  • Products with high content carbohydrates should be excluded from daily diet, as hormones will ensure complete absorption of carbohydrates, and patients gain weight.

  • If hormonal contraceptives are prescribed for admission, then it is necessary to establish regular sexual intercourse. Sperm containing male sex hormones will eliminate side effect contraceptives that have a high dose of female hormones. These are the ones that lead to overweight.
  • It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle so that the muscles do not weaken. Physical exercise increase muscle mass, and it will quickly process the fat entering the body. Good too fasting days. They can be done up to two times a week. At this time, you can eat fruits, vegetables, dairy products.
  • The high-dose hormonal drug prednisolone and the like are the names from which hormones make you fat. You should not limit yourself in food at this time. You can follow a diet only when treating thyroid problems with hormones and when taking oral contraceptives.

These tips will reduce your risk of getting excess weight during treatment.

Rules for weight loss when taking hormones

modern medicine offers various hormonal preparations, the intake of which will not lead to weight gain. During treatment, it is necessary to closely monitor all changes in the body.

If this happens, a doctor's consultation is necessary. He will also advise on how to behave correctly during the reception:

  • it is necessary to control the weight daily;
  • monitor your diet, carefully select dishes depending on the calorie content;
  • introduce regular exercise into your lifestyle;
  • if you want to eat, you can have a snack with an apple or drink a glass of kefir;
  • keep a close eye on water balance, as excess water can also cause excess weight.

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to keep your weight normal, and this is also the key to success in curing diseases.

food requirements

Dieting and limiting the intake of certain foods will also help maintain normal weight or minimally reduce the gained kilograms.

To do this, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • exclude fatty foods, since it is a source of body fat;
  • reduce salt intake, because it retains water, and these are also extra pounds;
  • limit the use of snacks, chips, nuts, crackers; there are a lot of fats, dyes, preservatives that lead to obesity;
  • flour and pastries (cakes, buns, cakes) are a source of extra pounds, not only for those taking hormones;

  • the use of sweets (sweets, chocolate, ice cream) raises the level of glucose in the blood;
  • eating legumes (beans, peas) will lead to bloating, which will disrupt digestion and result in extra pounds;
  • potatoes are banned, because they contain starch, which increases body weight;
  • carbonated drinks will also be superfluous in the diet, leading not only to extra pounds, but also to cellulite.

And you also have to remember beneficial effect on the body of green, herbal and diuretic teas. They promote the breakdown of body fat and remove excess water from the body.

Hormonal drugs are not a sentence for a figure. You don't have to worry about being overweight. Today, medicine offers a variety of drugs. If one doesn't fit, the other will. And the disease can be overcome.


  1. Guide to endocrinology. - M.: Medicine, 2017. - 506 s
  2. Akmaev I. G. Structural bases of the mechanisms of hypothalamic regulation of endocrine functions, - M .: Nauka, 1979.- 227 p.
  3. Novikova E.Ch., Ladodo K.S., Brenz M.Ya. Children's nutrition. - M.: Norma, 2002.
  4. Berezov T.T., Korovkin B.F., Biological chemistry // Nomenclature and classification of hormones. - 1998. - pp. 250-251, 271-272.

When, over the years, fewer and fewer hormones are produced in a woman's body, female hormones in pills are often prescribed.

Such drugs eliminate many of the symptoms that accompany hormone deficiency.

Hormones are substances that are produced in almost every organ and tissue of the body, so they affect its performance and overall functioning.

The hormonal background determines the following important characteristics:

  • body weight and tendency to gain weight;
  • appetite;
  • sexual function;
  • hair color and structure;
  • skin type;
  • emotional condition;
  • behavior and thinking.

The human body produces both female and male sex hormones. Their number is determined by gender.

Most of them are produced endocrine system which includes the following glands:

  • thyroid;
  • parathyroid;
  • pancreas;
  • thymus.

This system also includes the following authorities:

  • pituitary;
  • hypothalamus;
  • ovaries;
  • adrenals.

The hormones produced by these glands are delivered to various organs through the circulatory system.


Until now, up to 60 types of hormones are known, with the help of which the hormonal background is formed. Deviations from the norm of indicators of female hormones provoke serious complications.

Why Hormonal Imbalance Occurs

Preparations and products containing female hormones are prescribed mainly when in the body. It can be caused by many negative factors, including the following:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • increased fatigue in chronic form;
  • sleep disorders;
  • stressful situations;
  • the influence of certain medications;
  • various diseases, in particular, of a viral nature;
  • immune system failures.

This imbalance also occurs against the background bad habits, including the following:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • the use of narcotic drugs.

Modern pharmaceutical companies offer female hormones in tablets in a wide range.

They allow you to restore balance in the body, slowing down aging and having a beneficial effect on reproductive function.

Varieties and their features

Both in women's and in male body 2 main types of hormones are produced - androgens and estrogens. The first type is this, and the second is female.

However, besides them, female representatives also produce other species that affect important features individual systems. The features of the main ones should be considered in detail.


According to recent studies, blonde women have greatest content hormones that affect reproductive function.


This is the main female hormone, produced in the ovaries, affecting sexual characteristics, appearance and cell regeneration.

In this regard, his optimal content in the body provides elasticity to the skin and healthy hair. In addition, it protects blood vessels from plaque formation.


The ability of a pregnant woman to endure and give birth to a child depends on progesterone. Decreased levels during pregnancy early dates provokes a miscarriage.


It is produced in the adrenal glands of a woman in low content. At increased rates testosterone, the following signs are noted:

  • increased irritability;
  • mood swings;
  • irascibility.

First of all, testosterone affects female sexual behavior.


It is a thyroid hormone responsible for various metabolic processes. Its deficiency is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • constant fatigue;
  • skin laxity;
  • drowsiness;
  • memory impairment.

An increase in thyroxin levels leads to the following manifestations:

  • impaired concentration;
  • sleep problems;
  • angina;
  • emergence of feelings of anxiety.

Against this background, as a rule, there is also rapid weight loss and problems with thinking processes.


It is a growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It provides control over muscle tissue and ligaments. Its deficiency slows down growth, and its excess leads to its abnormal performance. Also, violations of the concentration of somatotropin lead to weakness and flabbiness. muscle mass at a woman.

For reference!

Somatotropin has positive impact on the female psyche. And its insufficient secretion is one of the main causes of aging.


Produced in the pancreas and normalizes blood sugar levels. It is involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates received by the body with food.

When the food contains a lot of sweets, insulin cannot cope with its processing, which provokes the accumulation of sugar. This is bad for blood vessels and provokes obesity and diabetes.

The action of hormones in tablets

Female sex hormones in tablets help eliminate various problems in the body and have the following effects:

  1. They prolong youth by replenishing sex hormones.
  2. stop developmental processes of obesity.
  3. slow down the rate of wrinkle formation, providing skin elasticity.
  4. Normalize arterial pressure.
  5. Facilitate symptoms of menopause.
  6. Eliminate frequent urination.
  7. Apply in the treatment of chronic cystitis caused by atrophy of the bladder mucosa.

After 50 years, preparations of female sex hormones significantly reduce the risk of developing the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • osteoporosis.

Also similar means widely used for the prevention of various cardiovascular pathologies and stroke.

Basic drugs

Sex hormone pills for women usually contain estrogen or progesterone, which are considered the most important female hormones.

Estrogen preparations

Estrogen tablets are most often prescribed to restore a normal menstrual cycle and blood pressure.

It is also taken to relieve such frequent manifestations in women over 40 as constant fatigue and headaches.

Indications for the use of this substance may be the following conditions:

  • lack of menstruation;
  • infertility;
  • underdevelopment of the uterus;
  • disorders after removal of the ovaries;
  • osteoporosis during menopause.

Among the hormonal pills with estrogen, the following drugs should be distinguished:

  1. Estrofem: This remedy is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of menopause. It is not intended for contraception and has a number of side effects, and therefore, with long-term use, it is necessary to undergo an examination at least once every 6 months.
  2. Premarin: this remedy used in violation of ovarian function and bleeding in the uterus. It is also known as a drug for the normalization of hormonal levels during menopause. In the presence of diabetes, the drug is prescribed with caution.
  3. Tefestrol: indicated in the absence of secondary sexual characteristics and underdevelopment of the organs of the reproductive system.

Due to a number of contraindications and side effects that these drugs have, only a specialist should establish their choice and dosage.

For reference!

Many women tend to believe the myth that hormonal pills lead to fullness and the appearance of hair on the body and face. In fact, if you follow all the instructions and correct doses no such phenomena are observed.

Progesterone preparations

The most popular drugs in this group are the following:

  1. Norkolut: prescribed for menstrual irregularities and endometriosis. The drug has a high activity, sometimes included in the composition of drugs for the treatment of adenomyoma.
  2. Pregnin: a remedy for infertility and ovarian failure. It is also widely used in the absence of menstruation or too little discharge.
  3. Postinor: considered one of the most. However, its effect expires 2 days after administration.

In addition to these drugs, often used and combined means, which are considered universal. Among them are the following drugs:

  • Ovidon;
  • Rigevidon;
  • Demoulin.

Misuse of these drugs can cause nausea, vomiting, and more serious complications.

The word "hormones" causes fear in 60% modern women. This fact is not surprising: hormone therapy is indeed quite serious and often not harmless. medical event. The dangers of hormonal drugs are often and much spoken about, while their benefits are rarely remembered. But few people think that hormone therapy can significantly improve the quality of human life, and sometimes support this very life (with diabetes, thyroid diseases, bronchial asthma etc.).

Are hormone pills harmful?

As a hormone hormone discord, and hormonal agents differ in the degree of positive and negative effects on the body. The ratio of harm and benefit of hormonal drugs is determined by the type of hormone, its concentration, frequency, duration and method of application.

Yes, of course, hormonal drugs do some harm to the body. But, as a rule, they do not cause more damage to health than the disease for which this drug is used. Today, there are diseases that cannot be treated without hormones.

Why are hormonal drugs harmful?

It must be clearly understood that the hormonal drugs of the 21st century cannot be compared with the hormonal drugs of the 20th century. If our mothers associated the phrase “hormonal treatment” with excess weight, edema, unnatural hair growth, then in our time such side effects are minimized. But it is important to understand that the harm from the use of a hormonal drug will be minimal only if it is correct selection.

So, why are hormonal drugs harmful? To answer this question, you just need to read the instructions for use for a particular tool. In chapter " Side effect”, as a rule, the whole range of possible (but not mandatory) side effects is indicated, among them are the classic ones: metabolic disorders, weight gain, excessive hair growth, skin rashes, violation of the digestive tract and more.

The harm and benefits of hormonal contraceptives

Hormone therapy in women most often involves treatment with oral contraceptives (OC), the main purpose of which is contraception, and therapeutic effect achieved as a positive side effect. Discussions about the benefits and harms of hormonal contraceptives have been going on for many years.

Some theorists and practitioners of medicine, including alternative medicine, are categorically against the use of medical practice hormonal contraceptives, as they cause irreparable harm female body in the form of: suppression of ovarian function, changes in the natural background of a woman, dangerous side effects.

Another part of the experts claims, and numerous Scientific research confirm that everything written above has nothing to do with modern OK. Huge doses of hormones, which were contained in the hormonal preparations of the first generations, caused serious harm to the female body. Improved OK of the new generation are characterized by a mild effect on due to the maximum cleansing and the minimum quantitative content of the hormone. Against the background of OK reception:

The benefit-to-risk ratio for hormonal contraceptive pills is unambiguously positive.

And on frequently asked question women: “What is the harm of hormonal pills?” the following answer can be given: in the absence of contraindications, subject to the correct diagnosis and the correct selection of the drug - practically nothing. The first three months of admission (the period of adaptation to the drug) side effects are possible: nausea, headaches and dizziness, breast engorgement, mood swings, decreased sexual desire.

Hormonal pills are a group of medicines containing hormones or their synthetic analogues. They are used for hormone therapy.

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    Principles of classification

    In medicine, hormonal drugs are classified as follows:

    • preparations of natural hormones (made from the glands of livestock, blood and urine of animals, humans);
    • synthetic medicines;
    • derivatives of hormonal substances.

    Synthetic analogues differ in their structure from natural hormones, but have a similar physiological action. IN human body hormones are produced to control vital functions.

    Each gland produces certain substances:

    • the pituitary gland produces gonadotropin, oxytocin;
    • pancreas - insulin;
    • adrenal glands - glucocorticosteroids (strong anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, analgesic substances), sex hormones, anabolics.

    There is a misconception about the harmfulness of hormonal drugs. Doctors say that the drugs of this pharmacological group are an important and necessary addition complex therapy. Medicines often provide a decent quality of life severe patients(at chronic pathologies). In some cases, hormonal pills can save the patient's life.

    Hormones are prescribed in the following cases:

    • contraception;
    • replacement therapy for menopause;
    • fight against testosterone deficiency;
    • treatment of inflammation, allergies;
    • fight with hormonal deficiency with hypothyroidism, type 1 diabetes mellitus, Addison's disease;
    • oncology therapy.

    oral contraception

    This type of therapy is considered the most common way to use hormonal pills. Scientists have proven that high doses sex hormones inhibit the process of ovulation. This releases toxins. Then the scientists synthesized hormones (substances with high efficiency and excellent tolerance). The resulting product is a reliable protection against pregnancy without harming the figure. Overweight do not disturb, there is no shock concentration of the substance.

    The effectiveness of all contraceptives is evaluated by the Pearl index (determines the likelihood of pregnancy within a year with regular use of medications). On average, the value of the indicator is up to 3%. Usually, with regular use of contraceptives, the probability of pregnancy rarely exceeds 1%.

    Doctors distinguish the following groups of hormonal pills:

    1. 1. Combined.
    2. 2. Non-combined (mini-pills).
    3. 3. Female means of emergency contraception.

    Combined medicines

    Combination drugs (COCs) - effective means to prevent pregnancy. They contain 2 main components: estrogen and gestagen. Ethinylestradiol acts as an estrogen, and levonorgestrel, norgestrel, and other synthetic hormones act as a progestogen. The concentration of hormones is minimal, which ensures their safety. Rarely occurs when used adverse reactions: overweight, breast tenderness, anorexia.

    Monophasic medications include a constant concentration of hormones in all tablets. Despite the cyclical hormonal changes in the body, monophasic drugs are a strict dose of the hormone that is taken daily. Doctors believe that these drugs - the best choice For active women up to 35 years old. Logest - name effective drug this group.

    Logest is a German-made hormonal drug. Contains 20 micrograms of ethinylestradiol and 75 micrograms of gestodene. Ideal for young women as it is easy to use and transport.

    Lindinet - complete analogue Logest. It differs in its dosage (it contains 30 micrograms of estrogen). It is a Hungarian drug with excellent tolerance. Jeanine is a hormonal drug consisting of ethinyl estradiol and a progestogen. Pearl index when using the drug - 1%. It has some difference from other drugs: it has active androgenic activity (due to dienogest). Therefore, the drug is primarily prescribed for elevated content male sex hormones. New studies have shown that the drug has a strong hypocholesterolemic effect.

    Effective drugs

    Yarina is considered the most popular contraceptive in tablets. This german drug contains ethinylestradiol (30mcg) and drospirenone (3mg). The agent reduces the concentration of cholesterol, has an anti-adrogenic effect. Yarina - excellent remedy from teenage acne, it is often prescribed for acne due to its ability to slow down the production of sebum and reduce the signs of the disease.

    Diane-35 has a pronounced antiandrogenic effect, therefore it is widely used to combat acne, seborrhea. In addition, the drug is recommended for contraception in women with signs of hirsutism (excessive hair growth).

    Jess - effective remedy with antiandrogenic activity. Due to gestagens, all side effects of the drug are leveled. Therefore, the drug is well tolerated. Jess softens the signs premenstrual syndrome beneficial effect on cholesterol levels. Low-dose COCs include Rigeviron, Femoden, Novinet, Miniziston, Regulon.

    Biphasic drugs

    Biphasic drugs are complex hormonal tablets, the main difference of which is a higher concentration of progestogen. This is what they support physiological cycle in the female body.

    Three-phase COCs are presented as groups of tablets. The concentration of estrogen is maximum, and the content of progestogen increases from phase 1 to phase 3. These drugs are more modern and act physiologically. Experts advise buying monophasic contraceptives. Dose increases as hormone levels change. active substances. This most often provokes the appearance of side effects (especially in biphasic). Representatives of two-phase preparations: Anteovin, Bi-Novum. Three-phase preparations are represented by such medicines as Triziston, Tri-regol, Trister.

    The main action is to prevent the onset of an unwanted pregnancy. This action, regardless of the composition and dosage of the drug, is based on blocking the sex hormones responsible for ovulatory functions. The ovaries go into "sleep mode", decrease in size. In a similar way, ovulation is suppressed, the properties of cervical mucus change.

    For maximum effect and protection against pregnancy, it is important to use drugs regularly throughout the course of therapy (21 or 28 days). They are taken once a day. What to do when you miss another pill? It must be drunk immediately, as they remembered it. The drug is then taken old scheme even if you have to take 2 tablets.

    For efficient and reliable protection it is important to estimate the length of the period during which drugs were not used. Being late up to 12 hours does not require any additional action - protection against pregnancy remains close to 100%. More prolonged absence contraception requires the use of additional protection (barrier, spermicidal contraception).

    Pros and cons of using COCs

    Considered medicines have the following advantages:

    • fight with menstrual disorders, PMS (normalize the cycle, reduce blood loss, minimize the signs of PMS);
    • treatment of acne, seborrhea, acne pathology (for this, COCs with antiandrogenic effects are used);
    • prevention benign formations mammary gland;
    • prevention of the development of ovarian cancer, endometrial carcinoma (protection against pathologies lasts up to 15 years after the abolition of COCs).

    Negative effects from taking combined hormonal drugs:

    • the likelihood of side effects;
    • the need for daily use.

    Contraindications to the use of combined drugs:

    • thrombotic diseases of deep veins;
    • diabetes;
    • oncology;
    • vaginal bleeding;
    • liver disease;
    • age after 35 years;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • drug use;
    • many drugs are strictly forbidden to use with damage to the kidneys, adrenal glands.

    What is a "mini-pill"?

    By "mini-drank" are meant contraceptives with one component - a gestagen. The dose of the substance is minimal. Similar medicines are prescribed to persons after 35 years, women with diabetes in history. breastfeeding is not a contraindication to their use.

    But mini-pills have a smaller pearl index. The use of such drugs provokes intermenstrual bleeding, the occurrence of ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy. Contraceptive action mini-pill drops significantly if you use them in different time. The most common members of the group are Linestrenol and Levonorgestrel.

    Facilities urgent contraception- This ambulance at unforeseen situations. They contain high doses of hormones. Known emergency contraceptives:

    • Postinor;
    • Escapelle.

    menopause period

    Menopause is another reason to use hormones. During this period, the following symptoms appear:

    • irregular periods;
    • flushes of heat;
    • sweating;
    • tachycardia;
    • dryness of the vagina;
    • osteoporosis.

    The reason for such a bright clinic of the disease is estrogen deficiency. But the body can be successfully deceived by using estrogens. Ideal medications with a contraceptive effect.

    For this purpose, use:

    • purely estrogen drugs;
    • estrogen-progesterone drugs;
    • estrogen-progesterone-androgen combinations.

    More often prescribe drugs of the first group. They contain a conjugated hormone of animal origin (from the urine of mares). The most popular drugs: Estrofeminal, Premarin, Hormoplex. They should be taken daily at the same time of day for 3 weeks, then a week off.

    Representatives of complex two-phase preparations:

    1. 1. Divina is a Finnish remedy containing estradiol and progestogen.
    2. 2. Klimonorm - a German drug from Bayer. Contains estradiol and levonorgestrel.
    3. 3. Klimen includes estradiol and cyproterone.

    Three-phase drugs are used constantly (Trisequens, Trisequens forte.)

    Replacement therapy: contraindications

    There are conditions in which hormone therapy is strictly prohibited:

    • breast cancer;
    • oncology of the endometrium;
    • liver damage;
    • uterine myoma.

    Side effects:

    • mood swings;
    • intermenstrual bleeding.

    Before prescribing such therapy, full examination female patients. Hormonal treatment is the main way to fight cancer. Such therapy is used to combat hormonally sensitive tumors. Hormones inhibit growth cancer cells improving the well-being of patients.