How to understand that there are problems with hormones. Hormonal background: all female diseases "from hormones

The menstrual cycle directly depends on the state of hormones in a woman's body. If they are normal, then there are practically no delays, and anovulatory cycles occur no more than 2 times a year. But often the patient is diagnosed hormonal disbalance, which provokes the absence of menstruation, infertility or miscarriages for up to 12 weeks.

This situation requires mandatory correction even if a woman is no longer going to become a mother, because hormonal failure is one of the most common causes the formation of cysts, polyps, tumors of the body of the uterus, which can later become malignant.

Disorder with hormones can occur in patients of different ages: in women in premenopause, childbearing age and even very young girls.

The main causes of hormonal failure

Why is this happening?

In girls 12-13 years old, and in women over 40, the cause of hormonal failure is quite understandable - this age-related changes. In the former, hormones are rearranged in connection with the establishment menstrual cycle, in the second - due to its termination. The etiology of the disease in patients of childbearing age is much more complicated, so the causes can be divided into several points:

Malfunction of the ovaries- this paired organ produces estrogens, progestins, and a large number of androgens. Each time after ovulation, the corpus luteum is formed, which produces almost nothing but progestins. After the corpus luteum resolves, the level of progesterone in the woman's body drops sharply and menstruation occurs.

If the ovaries work incorrectly, then all these processes are disrupted: insufficient production of estrogens in the first phase causes the dominant follicle to not mature, and a lack of progestins in the second phase leads to threats of miscarriage at 3-4 weeks.

Malfunctioning of the adrenal cortex- is the main cause of hormonal failure in women 30 - 35 years old. The reticular zone of the adrenal cortex is responsible for the production of androgens, which in turn are precursors of estrogen. If the organ does not function properly, then this leads not only to a failure of the menstrual cycle, but also to baldness, hirsutism, and also provokes the development of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Disruption of the pituitary gland- this part of the brain is responsible for the production of prolactin, as well as for normal functioning corpus luteum resulting from ovulation. The pituitary gland also produces lipotropin, a hormone that regulates fat metabolism. If a failure occurs in his work, then a woman may notice insufficiency of the first phase of the cycle and obesity.

Disruption of the hypothalamus- the problem does not directly affect the menstrual cycle, but dysfunction of this part of the brain leads to dysfunction of the pituitary gland.

A blood test is the key to an accurate diagnosis

Hormonal imbalance is mainly diagnosed through blood tests. Ultrasound and other examinations are of secondary importance. Part of the hormones is given up in the first phase of the cycle, the other part - in the second. It is important to comply with these conditions, otherwise the test results will be incorrect.

  • Blood test for prolactin;
  • Blood test for estradiol;
  • Blood test for FSH and LH;
  • Blood test for testosterone and DHEA.

Blood sampling for these studies is performed from the 3rd to the 5th day of the menstrual cycle. On the seventh day after ovulation, a blood test for progesterone is carried out - it is then that the peak of the corpus luteum is noted, and hence the peak of progestin production.

On what manifestations it is possible to suspect violation?

There are a number of indirect signs that indicate that hormonal disorders occur in a woman's body:

  • Regular appearance of cysts on the cervix
  • Intermenstrual bleeding
  • polyps
  • Myoma
  • endometriosis
  • Ovarian enlargement
  • Uncontrolled weight gain
  • Amenorrhea
  • Anovulation for more than 6 menstrual cycles
  • Regular delays

But the surest symptom of a hormonal failure in the body is the interpretation of the results of a blood test for hormones. The doctor evaluates the reference values ​​\u200b\u200bof the indicators and determines which of the hormones is below the norm, and which is higher. FSH and LH are also evaluated in relation to each other. A symptom and sign of a hormonal failure in women requiring treatment may even be a situation where the hormone is within the normal range, but at its upper or lower limit.

What drugs to treat hormonal failure?

How to treat a failure in the production of hormones?

Violation of the production of certain hormones is treated with hormone therapy. It is based on chemicals and synthetic analogues of human hormones, and may be based on herbs that are phytohormones.

If you decide to start treatment on your own, you need to without fail pass the tests listed above. You can not start therapy, relying only on indirect signs of hormonal failure. Be sure to know which of the parameters you need to bring back to normal.

Birth control pills

Often prescribed by gynecologists, when one of the main symptoms of a hormonal failure in a woman is a delay in menstruation. It is believed that since birth control pills contain hormones of the first and second phases of the cycle, they are ideal for recovery. endocrine system.

However, recent observations show that some patients after such treatment not only do not recover, but begin to notice more big problems. Most gynecologists prescribe OK (most often) without thinking about whether it is suitable this therapy patient.

Preliminary tests in most cases do not give up and it turns out that the doctor prescribes the funds "blindly" - this saves the gynecologist's time. In addition, some patients have intolerance birth control pills expressed in severe vomiting. Of the funds that can be prescribed for treatment, Diana-35, Yarina, Jess can be noted.

Individual Hormone Therapy

The essence of the technique is that the treatment of hormonal failure begins only after checking the patient's hormones. It includes the selection of exactly those synthetic substitutes that are lacking in the body. Or taking drugs that reduce the production of a certain hormone, the norm of which is exceeded.

This is a more flexible therapy that is more successful than birth control pills. But she requires more time from the doctor and more attention to the condition of the woman.

There are no standard treatment regimens in this case, so it is difficult to list specific drugs.

Treatment with phytohormones

Some patients are unresponsive to synthetic analogues hormones. In such a situation, the doctor prescribes treatment with herbs that affect the endocrine system. Before this, it is required to take blood tests to determine which phase of the cycle is experiencing deficiency: the first or second.

To improve the quality of the first phase, sage, knotweed, and a red brush are prescribed. To improve the quality of the second phase, it is prescribed to drink a boron uterus.

Do not underestimate phytohormones and assume that their overdose will not affect the body. Long-term and uncontrolled intake of a decoction of such plants can aggravate the hormonal imbalance so much that it will take years to recover.

The prognosis of the disease in each case is individual. If the symptoms of a hormonal failure in the patient's body are implicit and the tests show a slight deviation of hormones from the norm, if there is a good response to the treatment, recovery will take only a few months.

If the deviations are serious, PCOS or MFN is detected, then the stabilization of the hormonal background may take years, and in individual cases will be completely impossible.

The main difficulty in such cases is the temporality of the effect of treatment. After the hormones have returned to normal, after 2 to 3 months, deterioration may begin again. Thus, serious failures require periodic repetition of therapy, and during pregnancy such patients need special monitoring.

Hormonal background a person is what largely determines his whole life. It shapes appearance: height, weight, skeletal structure, skin, and even hair color. The hormonal background, being the result of the interaction of many factors, is subject to frequent fluctuations. Pretty closely related hormonal system and the hormonal background of a person with the activity of his nervous system. In order for a woman's hormonal background to be healthy, she must have at least a little fat reserves. In 95% of patients diagnosed with obesity, hormonal disorders are to blame excess weight. How to restore hormonal levels after childbirth. During pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman changes, it is absolutely natural. Hormonal failure symptoms in women, external manifestations by which it is easy to understand that there is an excess or lack of hormones in the body.

How to normalize hormonal background in a month

Hormones are responsible for everything that happens in our lives - the position of physiologists. -What about the mind? - the thinker objects. - The lack of the smallest hormone, and there was a man - a plant became. (Anna Duvarova)

Translated from the Greek word "hormone" means "setting in motion." Indeed, an excess or lack of hormones leads to malfunctions in our health. Hormones, of which there are more than a hundred varieties, are produced by organs internal secretion, i.e. endocrine organs. Hormones are specific substances that are produced in the body and regulate its development and functioning. Some of the hormones, such as thyroid hormones, have a general effect on all organs, others, like aldosterone, on one or two organs. However, insufficient production of one of the hormones leads to a disease of the body as a whole. Symptoms of hormonal failure in young girls 14–16 years old may be the absence of menstruation or its irregularity

How can we help ourselves through nutrition to try to regulate the release of the endocrine system of various hormones without resorting to hormone replacement therapy? First, let's get acquainted with the symptoms of insufficient production of a particular hormone.

Violations hormonal background and their reasons. Do you have a swollen face in the morning? Take a good look at yourself in the mirror in the morning. Swollen and puffy cheeks? If so, then you probably have a function deficiency. thyroid gland. Do you have a swollen, "moon-shaped" face in the morning? Your adrenal glands may be producing more cortisol than your body needs. Excess cortisol appears in people who have undergone intense and prolonged stress. If this case is stress, then thanks to an excess of cortisol, you have enough energy to withstand mental stress. But excess cortisol suppresses thyroid function and causes a deficiency of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones provide us not only with the appearance in the morning, but also with a good mood after sleep and during rest. Who among us does not have a relative or acquaintance who gets up every morning “on the wrong foot” and shows irritability at the beginning of the day? This person has morning depression. Or busy man very tired after work, if at work there is simply no time to sit down.

Thyroid - the most sensitive of all other glands to the seasons of the year. In winter, the level of thyroid hormones drops, and therefore we store 1-3 extra pounds. Sometimes the function of the gland can be reduced in the summer. What products should be used to activate the thyroid gland and increase the production of hormones. First of all, all seafood and sea kale, because. they have the highest content of organic iodine. From herbal products you can select persimmon, feijoa, dates, chokeberry and currants, prunes, apples, cherries, cucumbers, potatoes, beets, carrots, cabbage, eggplant, garlic, radish, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, onions. But remember that excess consumption of meat, especially fatty varieties leads to a decrease in the level of thyroid hormones. Foods that stimulate the growth of the thyroid gland when consumed in large quantities include cabbage (especially cauliflower), root vegetables (especially radishes, radishes, turnips), as well as spinach, peaches, Jerusalem artichoke. In many cases, with a slight excess intake of iodine from food leading role in the development of goiter plays a deficiency of other trace elements, such as cobalt, manganese, selenium. The effect of treatment can be obtained only by correcting their intake into the body.

A growth hormone (growth hormone, somatotropin) is one of the hormones of the anterior pituitary gland. Functions of growth hormone human body are quite extensive. Lack of growth hormone in childhood associated mainly with genetic defects and causes growth retardation pituitary dwarfism (dwarfism), and sometimes also puberty. Growth hormone determines a person's height, strengthens the body, straightens the back, develops the nose, jaw, chin, shoulder and pelvic muscles, contributes to the preservation of youth, reduces the layer of fat, strengthens the hips, reduces the stomach, gives energy during the day, helps to restore strength, especially after a night of vigil, effectively reduces anxiety state. How to adjust the hormonal background with the help of food? Is there a prevention hormonal disorders?To increase the production of growth hormone Eat enough high-protein foods (meat, poultry, fish). Limit your coffee intake. Women who consume a lot of coffee have a low content of growth hormone - somatomedin in the blood. Give yourself moderate physical activity - with each exercise, growth hormone is pushed into the blood. Quit smoking- Smoking addiction can lead to premature aging.

Melatonin - scientific name for the sleep hormone. This hormone was discovered in the USA by A. B. Lerner in 1958. This hormone affects the desire to sleep. Hormone production begins to rise at dusk, reaches a maximum from 0 to 4.00 in the morning and falls with dawn. We fall asleep, and melatonin gets to work. It is mainly secreted by the pineal gland, a small gland located deep in the brain. Other organs, such as the intestines and the retina, also have the ability to produce melatonin. If you find it difficult to fall asleep and wake up unrested in the morning, you may be missing one single hormone. Melatonin beneficially reduces tension, relaxes muscles, reduces adrenaline and thins the blood, causes yawning and a desire to go to bed at night, awakens in the morning by activating thyroid hormones. How to increase melatonin levels naturally? The room you sleep in should not be too hot or too cold. In the room in the morning should be light, and at night - total darkness. On vacation, try to be in the sun in the morning. Eat more products rich in melatonin: rice, corn, oats. From fruits - bananas. Prefer cold-pressed vegetable oils containing a high percentage of Omega-6, do not consume too much Omega-3 containing fatty acids (in fish). Take calcium and magnesium before bed, amino acid supplements such as tryptophan and carnitine, and vitamin B3. Reduce your coffee intake alcoholic beverages and certain drugs, such as b-blockers, benzodiazepines at night, antipsychotics during the day, clonidine, and lithium.

Estradiol, the hormone of femininity and beauty. Most estradiol is produced by the ovaries, minority- adipose tissue from other hormones secreted by the adrenal glands. Estradiol promotes breast development, creating roundness female forms, smoothes wrinkles, gets rid of unwanted hair, moisturizes the eyes and makes them shiny and radiant, promotes joy, cheerfulness, good mood, provides physical endurance, promotes the desire for love and intimacy. With a lack of estradiol - the eyes are dull, the chest is small or has lost elasticity, there is excessive hair growth along male type. Hormonal failure is manifested by symptoms characteristic of relative hyperestrogenemia: the mammary glands increase. Complaints are usually about fatigue during the day, a tendency to depression, despondency, lack of sexual desire, scanty menstruation or their delay. What to advise? Eat enough food: the number of calories consumed should correspond to the energy expended. The food should contain a sufficient amount of animal protein (meat, poultry, fish, eggs). Do not consume whole grains (bread and wholemeal pasta): their fiber takes estrogen out of the body, excretes it with excrement. Avoid lengthy stressful situations smoke less and drink less coffee. Avoid birth control pills low content chemical estrogen. The female body reacts to hormonal failure in different ways and sometimes, it would seem, usual symptoms may be the result of a hormonal imbalance.

Testosterone- the main male sex hormone, androgen. This is the same hormone that makes a man a man. Provides a constant flow of energy, gives endurance from morning to evening, increases physical strength and vitality, develops the muscles of the body, strengthens the figure, reduces fat, creates a good mood and awakens sexual desire. The basis of the hormone is amino acids and polyunsaturated fats, while such important trace element like zinc. Therefore, its production will be affected by the abundance or deficiency of these substances in the diet. Direct precursors of testosterone and testosterone itself are found in large quantities in bee products - royal jelly and bee pollen. When eaten, they have a pronounced anabolic effect. In addition, honey contains boron, which increases testosterone production and reduces the level of the female hormone estrogen. By the way, estrogen is also present in the body of a man, but in much smaller quantities. With obesity, its level can increase, and the level of testosterone, on the contrary, decrease. Thus, products that affect the increase in testosterone synthesis and the decrease in estrogen levels have right action on the body of a man.

But about what cholesterol is needed for the synthesis of sex hormones, few people know. Indeed, the basis of the hormone is cholesterol, but this does not mean that we should eat with spoons black caviar, cod liver and chicken yolks. Cholesterol for hormones the body synthesizes in the liver from polyunsaturated fatty acids that came with food. If, of course, they did. If there is a shortage of them in the diet, then, alas, food rich in cholesterol, but poor in unsaturated fats will lead to the development of atherosclerosis, and will not make a superman out of a man.

For the opposite effect, use fatty sea ​​fish with minimal heat treatment, take supplements of omega-3-6-9 fatty acids. Buy different vegetable oils cold pressing and use them at the same time. The best for this purpose will be: olive, linseed, sesame, walnut. good source unsaturated fat seeds and nuts: flax-seed, sesame, Pine nuts will be a great addition to green leafy salads, walnuts you can eat and satisfy your hunger. Nuts and seeds also contain vitamin E, which is essential for maintaining hormonal balance.

Separately, I would like to say about oatmeal, which in Russia since ancient times was considered male porridge. The tradition of eating oatmeal for breakfast 3-4 times a week will bring you closer to the English aristocracy and give you strength, courage and masculinity.

Zinc is important for increasing the production of male sex hormones. Most of it is in oysters and other seafood. They are considered classic aphrodisiacs. Minerals from seafood are better absorbed by our body, as they are contained there in the form of salts. Traditionally, veal, beef and poultry are recommended for raising testosterone levels, as they contain the necessary amino acids for its synthesis.

Traditionally red meat, dark poultry meat is recommended for increasing testosterone production due to the sufficient content of amino acids necessary for its synthesis. Meat is also rich in zinc and B vitamins, which are essential for male hormonal balance. Zinc, in addition to increasing the synthesis of testosterone, reduces the production of another hormone, prolactin, which often leads to sexual dysfunction, and in women, to diseases of the mammary glands. Zinc is rich in brown rice, grain bread, green vegetables.

Progesterone also called pregnancy hormone corpus luteum ovaries. This is a serene hormone that makes a woman more calm, carefree and a little lazy during pregnancy, when it is produced in large quantities. Creates a feeling of peace, improves sleep. In what products. If the production of progesterone naturally reduced, then you should increase the intake of animal proteins (meat, poultry, fish) and fats, including cholesterol (eggs, fish, fatty meat). Try to avoid stressful situations, sleep more, take walks in the evenings. Add foods containing vitamins P and C (ascorutin) to your diet - citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, etc. Watch your fluid intake. A sufficient amount of progesterone in the blood is a good prevention of conservation bone tissue to a ripe old age. Calcium is not washed out of the bones.

Serotonin is the happy hormone. When it is produced in enough, we experience a feeling of satisfaction, joy, happiness, because by its chemical nature it belongs to the opiate group. And, on the contrary, with its deficiency, we fall into melancholy, feel lethargic and weak, and lack any interest in life.

Increase the production of serotonin:

Chocolate. It contains methylxanthines which stimulate transmission nerve impulses and make us more alert, as well as cause the release of endorphins, which create a sense of satisfaction and improve mood.
You only need to remember that dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70% is suitable for these purposes. 15-20 g of such chocolate daily will not give an increase in kilograms, but they will provide a charge of vivacity and good mood.

In addition, the level of endophrins increases foods rich in animal protein, such as turkey, chicken, beef, eggs and cheese. They contain two amino acids - tryptophan and L-phenylalanine, which cause the brain to produce endorphins. Lentils, beans, mushrooms and oyster mushrooms also contain a large amount of tryptophan.

From vegetables tomatoes are shown to increase serotonin. In some cultures they are called "love apples". Due to the content in a sufficiently large amount of tryptamine, whose action resembles the action of serotonin, we relax, lose "brakes".
In fruits serotonin is found in bananas, dates, figs, plums.

Reduce the production of the hormone serotonin:

Alcohol, caffeine and trendy energy drinks containing guarana and other caffeine-like substances that seem to improve mood, but in fact are factors that reduce the production of serotonin. Mood and energy increase temporarily, but in fact they all have a depressing effect on the central nervous system and lead to its exhaustion. It takes everything every time large dose in order to be cheerful with their help, and a person becomes addicted.

Foods high in sugar, yeast, leading to fermentation in the intestines disrupt the balance of microorganisms synthesizing derivatives for this hormone. Therefore, in many cases, low mood can be the result of dysbacteriosis.

Well, besides this, you need to remember that overeating both protein and carbohydrate foods inhibits the production of the hormone.

And also important hormones- vasopressin or memory hormone, pregnenolone or memory hormone, insulin or sugar hormone, DHEA or quality of life hormone, etc. And, as you understand, all hormones are extremely important for each of us and their correct quantitative ratio is extremely important.

Choice proper nutrition, sufficient physical activity, the fight against stress will certainly improve well-being, restore hormonal levels and thereby create a certain protection against old age. And be sure that after 3 weeks from the start of work on yourself, you will see significant changes in health and mood that will please you.

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Hormones are biologically active compounds that regulate the basic functions of a person from birth. There are more than 60 types of hormones, they are produced by endocrine glands.

A normal amount of hormones is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system, reproductive organs and the natural course of the metabolic process.

The hormonal background of a woman changes throughout her life. Sometimes, under the influence of adverse factors, hormonal failure occurs.

Hormonal failure is a condition in which the amount of hormones produced by the body deviates from the norm.

The level of hormones is high, low, and sometimes there is an imbalance when the level of some hormones is increased and others are lowered.

Hormonal failure usually begins imperceptibly, but gradually the degree of fluctuation of hormones increases and the first warning signs appear.

How hormonal failure manifests itself in women: symptoms, signs of disorders

To understand that you have a hormonal failure in your body, you do not need to wait for some frightening signs. Pay attention to the first signals.

Unstable and irregular menstruation

Allocations are too plentiful or vice versa - too scarce. The length of the cycle is constantly changing. There are no periods for several months.

Why does hormonal failure occur in women, symptoms, signs and other necessary information You can find out by going through a medical examination.

Intermenstrual bleeding

This is bleeding that occurs between 2 periods. Light pink or light brown mucus is considered normal.

If a bleeding abundant, occur regularly, accompanied by pain - this is a deviation from the norm.

Excessive growth of body hair in places where there was none before

Hard, thick hair begins to grow in the wrong places. Usually these are areas that are sensitive to the manifestation male hormone- back, abdomen, area above upper lip, chin, hands.

Malfunction of the central nervous system

Irritability appears for trifling reasons. Tearfulness and sentimentality for no particular reason.

Frequent mood swings bad dream deterioration in attention and ability to concentrate. Sometimes it comes to depression and a decrease in intellectual abilities.

Chronic fatigue

Fatigue that doesn't go away good sleep and rest is called chronic.

It is characterized by a feeling of strong exhaustion at the end of the working day. The person wakes up sluggish and broken.

Dramatic increase in body weight, swelling

A strong jump in weight with a normal diet. It is impossible to lose weight even on a strict diet, actively doing sports.

Swelling of the face, fingers, ankles and feet.

Decreased or no sex drive

The desire to have sex decreases or disappears completely. May present with severe headaches.

There is apathy towards the partner, caresses that were liked before are now annoying. Little vaginal lubrication is secreted, so During intercourse, a woman experiences discomfort and even pain.

Deterioration of hair and nails

Hair becomes dull, brittle, falls out in large quantities.

Nails thin, break and turn yellow.

Eruptions on the skin in different parts of the body, acne. Skin itching, especially in the armpits and in the perineum

Acne appears on the back, chest, shoulders. Acne on the face. Such rashes are difficult to treat.

In the armpits and groin, the skin itches, but fungal and other infections are absent.

excessive sweating

Excessive sweating is associated with disruption of the endocrine system.

If a increased sweating not caused by an increase in the temperature in the room, worries or stress, this signals a malfunction in the body.

Sleep disturbance and fatigue

It is difficult for women to fall asleep, the sleep is sensitive, disturbing, with frequent waking up. Frequent insomnia.

By the middle of the day, fatigue and drowsiness appear.

Reproductive dysfunction. Problems with conceiving a child

It is not possible to conceive a child with prolonged attempts. If pregnancy does occur, its course can be difficult, the risk of miscarriage is high.

Constant supervision of experts is necessary.

The secretion of milk from the mammary glands in the absence of breastfeeding

A white liquid is secreted from the mammary glands, while the woman is not pregnant and is not breastfeeding.

Frequent mood swings, tearfulness, irritability

The mood is constantly changing visible reasons. Every little thing is annoying. I want to shed tears for any reason.

The woman becomes touchy and vulnerable.

Frequent excruciating headaches

The woman suffers from headaches, migraines. Their appearance is not associated with overwork, weather changes, or great mental stress.

The attack begins in the morning, does not always go away after sleep, is hardly removed by potent drugs.

Decreased visual acuity

It happens that against the background of headaches vision falls. This indicates problems in the endocrine system.

Be careful! During puberty, during pregnancy or after childbirth, and also over the age of 40, when ovarian function begins to fade, hormonal changes in the body take place, and the risk of failure increases dramatically.

For every age of women signs and symptoms hormonal imbalance will differ.

Signs of hormonal failure in girls during puberty

puberty - difficult period for teenagers and their parents. In particular, this applies to girls, because their hormones are raging as much as possible at this stage of growing up.

Delayed puberty

Experts consider the normal onset of puberty at 7-8 years old, and it should end by about 18.

At this time, the body is actively developing, growing, secondary sexual characteristics appear and the female reproductive system is formed.

If everything goes right, then after 18 years the girl is ready for sexual activity, is able to conceive and endure healthy child.

There are two types of abnormalities that indicate a hormonal failure:

  1. Early puberty. In girls with this type of deviation, secondary sexual characteristics are formed before the age of 7, menstruation begins long before due date, they also have jumps growth;
  2. Delayed puberty. In such girls, the breasts begin to grow after the age of 16, at the same time other sexual characteristics are formed. The first menstruation occurs closer to 17-18 years.

Sexual development with erased virilization

With this type of sexual development, both female and male sexual characteristics appear. Hair grows in places where it should not be, and a male-type skeleton is also formed.

Such signs may be accompanied by obesity, the appearance of acne and stretch marks. This is due to abnormalities in the work of the adrenal cortex and ovaries, which are transmitted through genes.

Abundant bleeding that is not related to the menstrual cycle is called dysfunctional uterine bleeding. If they occur in girls during puberty, then these are juvenile uterine bleeding.

They usually appear after 2 weeks or several months of delay. They can be very plentiful or scarce, but then their duration reaches 2 weeks.

Common gynecological problem for girls of this age. The reason lies in the increased mental and physical activity teenagers Therefore, this pathology is often found in girls who play sports, study in specialized schools and lyceums.

Signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women of reproductive age

Women, having stepped over the transitional period, enter the reproductive age. At this stage, the lady can already become pregnant and give birth. But even during such periods, hormonal failure can be taken by surprise.

Prolonged absence of menstrual bleeding in women reproductive age that is not related to pregnancy and lactation is called amenorrhea. But it has its own types with separate features.

Hypothalamo-pituitary amenorrhea

The signs of occurrence are:

  • infectious diseases suffered in childhood;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • severe and prolonged stress;
  • starvation.

With regards to the symptoms of this type of amenorrhea, they are:

Amenorrhea caused by malfunction of the adrenal cortex

Causes include:

  • symptom of Itsenko-Cushing,
  • a pathology characterized by a malfunction in the functioning of the adrenal cortex, leading to the synthesis of an excess amount of its hormones. Tumors that secrete these hormones may be the culprit.

Symptoms include:

Amenorrhea due to ovarian pathology

One common cause is polycystic ovaries.

Amenorrhea is manifested in the following:

  • obesity of the 1st and 2nd types;
  • the appearance of hair above the upper lip, on inner surface thighs, on the chin;
  • stretch marks;
  • fragility of hair and nails.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

it pathological changes menstrual cycle, caused by a violation of the level of sex hormones. Manifested in the form of an increase in the volume of secreted blood or the duration of menstruation.

It is possible to alternate periods of amenorrhea with subsequent bleeding of varying intensity. Anemia is the result of these deviations.

Premenstrual syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome is a complex of symptoms that occur in the luteal phase of the cycle, approximately 2-10 days before the onset of menstruation.

It can occur in women of any age, but most often occurs after 30 years.

Among the reasons are:

  • heredity;
  • stress;
  • transferred gynecological or viral diseases.

Usually starts a week before your period, the peak falls on the first day, then disappears.

There are about 150 symptoms, the most common of which are:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • weakness;
  • irritability;
  • nervousness;
  • tearfulness;
  • pressure surges;
  • slow pulse;
  • pain and engorgement in the chest;
  • sensitivity to odors.

Hormonal problems after an abortion

Gynecologists warn that on the body nulliparous women abortion is the most severe. Can get to complete violation reproductive function leading to infertility.

Signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women after an abortion:

An imbalance of hormones after an abortion leads to a failure of the menstrual cycle, problems with reproductive function.

There may be bleeding inflammatory processes female organs, disturbances in the work of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands. Affected and mammary glands, from the first day of pregnancy, changes occur in them, and after a sharp intervention there is a risk of the formation of nodules and tumors.

Problems after childbirth and recovery period

During pregnancy and after childbirth, the hormonal background of a woman changes significantly, so the body is especially vulnerable at this time.

Under the influence of stress and other adverse factors, disturbances in the production of hormones may appear. Normally, the female body is restored within 3-4 months after childbirth.

If breastfeeding is established, then the hormonal background changes again, the emphasis is on the production of prolactin and oxytocin, hormones involved in milk production and regulation of the entire process. breastfeeding.

A few months after the end of breastfeeding, the hormonal background returns to normal.

If a woman has symptoms and signs of hormonal failure, you should immediately go to see a doctor.

Climax and attenuation of reproductive function

After age 45, the number of eggs in a woman's ovaries decreases. followed by a decrease in progesterone and estrogen levels. Pauses between menstruation become longer, and the menstrual cycle goes astray.

If there is no pain and heavy bleeding, then everything happens correctly, physiologically.

Sometimes women experience climacteric syndrome.

The climate syndrome includes the following symptoms:

  • hot flashes - one of the most common signs, is a sudden rush of blood, which is especially felt in the face;
  • irritation over trifles;
  • fatigue;
  • headache;
  • dryness of the vagina;
  • discomfort during sex;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • nails break;
  • hair coming out;
  • insomnia;
  • pressure changes;
  • dyspnea;
  • heaviness in the region of the heart.

All these symptoms are associated with a lack of estrogen.

What is fraught with hormonal failure for women's health

With the diagnosis of "hormonal failure" in women, symptoms, signs can lead to such serious consequences:

Diagnosis of hormonal failure in women

In case of detection anxiety symptoms, you need to contact an endocrinologist, a mammologist and a gynecologist.

After examining specialists, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination, which will include a general blood test, biochemical analysis blood, as well as tests for hormone levels.

Then an ultrasound internal organs to determine the degree of their damage due to hormonal dysfunction.

Note! Hormonal failure in women, symptoms, signs must be treated by a doctor. He studies the results of examinations and tests, determines which hormones are produced incorrectly and what needs to be done to normalize their levels.

How to treat hormonal imbalance in women

To correct the balance of hormones, doctors use A complex approach and operate in several directions.

Therapeutic agents

If symptoms and signs of hormonal failure are found in women, they may prescribe medicines containing artificial and natural hormones.

Usually prescribed:

  1. "Mastodinon", restoring the menstrual cycle;
  2. "Klimadinon" or "Klimaktoplan", which alleviate the symptoms of menopause;
  3. "Cyclodynon", which regulates the menstrual cycle.

Antipsychotics may also help. homeopathic remedies and calcium supplements.

The use of vitamin complexes

To normalize the hormonal balance, experts recommend taking vitamins A, C, E, as well as B vitamins, especially folic acid.

These vitamins perform the following functions:

On the shelves of pharmacies there are a large number of vitamin complexes to support the health of women during this difficult period.

The complexes include:

  • popular means "Tsi-Klim";
  • vitamins "Complivit" for women;
  • means for the normalization of the menstrual cycle "Estrovel" and "Remens".

Before use, you should consult with your doctor about the choice of a particular remedy.

special diet

When a woman is diagnosed with a hormonal imbalance based on signs and symptoms, doctors prescribe a special diet.

In your menu you need to enter dishes from vegetables, berries, mushrooms, eat fruits and herbs, as these products contain phytoestrogens. They are also rich in germinated wheat, legumes, onions, chicken eggs.

In order for the body to produce its own hormones, it is useful to eat foods that contain selenium and zinc. These are greens, nuts, lean beef and pumpkin seeds.

Experts strongly demand to exclude from the diet:

  • pork;
  • condensed milk;
  • baking;
  • chocolate;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • sausages.

If, due to a failure, the weight has greatly increased, a special hormonal diet is offered. It is aimed at the production of fat-burning hormones, and also suppresses the synthesis of hormones that cause fat deposition - insulin and estrogen.

The first two weeks, fat is burned actively, then little by little, and then the weight is simply maintained at the same level.

Correction of hormonal failure with oral contraceptives

To normalize the level of hormones, the doctor may prescribe oral contraceptives , for example, "Yarina" or "Diana 35". In these preparations, hormone analogues are distributed according to the days of the cycle.

However, such unpleasant side effects, as vomiting, nausea, and after the end of taking the drugs, the symptoms may intensify.

Correction of hormonal failure with the help of an individual selection of hormonal preparations

It is not easy to create an individual treatment plan. the main problem- choose drugs so as not to disrupt the production of hormones which are now in the normal range.

To increase the level of progesterone, "Utrozhestan", "Dufaston" are prescribed.

Reduce testosterone levels with Metipred and Dexamethasone.

Excess estrogen is treated with Clomiphene and Tamoxifen, and deficiency is treated with Divigel and Proginova.

A good endocrinologist can competently draw up an individual scheme.

Treatment of hormonal failure folk methods

To alleviate symptoms, signs of hormonal failure in women, use and folk remedies, but this is rather an addition to the main treatment.

Black cumin oil is used to correct hormone levels., it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, increases stress resistance.

Flaxseed oil is rich in phytoestrogens, which positive effect on the female body.

With a lack of estrogen, sage is used, it contains phytohormones with estrogen-like action.

Important to remember! Carry out a thorough diagnosis, and then, based on the clinical picture, choose a plan individual treatment only an endocrinologist can do it. Hormonal disruptions in women, symptoms, signs may differ, respectively, and the treatment will be different.

From this video you will learn about hormonal failure in women, its symptoms and signs, as well as ways to restore the body.

Naturally, after all this, our relations cooled. Lost intimacy. And the worst thing is that when I took the pills, the cycle was regular, but as soon as I tried
get off them - everything came back. For all the time I changed a lot of doctors, but there was no result until my friend advised me a person who helped her with her problem.
She also had health problems, but in a different way. On her advice, I turned to this person (his name is Denis and he is an experienced palmist who practices chirocorrection for people with health problems).
So, after its correction, I forgot about what a hormonal failure is and about it. dire consequences. The cycle has been restored and there has never been a failure.
Unfortunately, I don’t have his data at hand right now, but I remember that if you write “Chiromancer Denis” in a search engine, then the search engine immediately gives out his website and VK page.

Larisa Bavykina

Usually, hormonal background is understood as a combination of hormones and well-coordinated work the entire endocrine system of the body. However, in medical terminology there is no such concept, and if you ever get your hands on a textbook on endocrinology (the science of endocrine glands and hormones), then you will not find this phrase either in the table of contents or in the list of terms.

How the endocrine system works

Hormones are produced by the endocrine glands (endocrine glands). The name of the glands is associated with their structure - they do not have ducts, such as salivary or sweat glands and release hormones directly into the bloodstream. There are five endocrine glands in total, and if you count paired glands, then seven: the thyroid and pancreas, two adrenal glands, paired sex glands and the pituitary gland (the main endocrine gland that controls the work of the others).

  • The pancreas produces the hormone insulin and is responsible for maintaining normal level blood glucose.
  • The adrenal glands produce cortisol and adrenaline and help to adapt to any stress.
  • The gonads are responsible for testosterone in men and estrogen in women.
  • The thyroid gland secretes the hormones T3 and T4 - they consist of the protein thyroglobulin and iodine. The number "3" means that thyroglobulin "holds" three iodine ions, and "4" - four ions. The thyroid gland is responsible for everything metabolic processes in the body, general well-being, immunity, mood, breathing, sleep, heartbeat, as well as for normal mental and physical development. In addition, she takes part in water-salt exchange, the synthesis of vitamins and controls weight, cholesterol levels in the blood and the functioning of the reproductive system.
  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is mistakenly considered a thyroid hormone, but TSH is a pituitary hormone (through which the pituitary gland controls the thyroid gland). With the help of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), the pituitary gland controls the adrenal glands, and thanks to LH and FSH (luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormone) - the gonads.
  • Growth hormone, prolactin and vasopressin are also agents of the pituitary gland - the latter is responsible for the amount of fluid drunk and excreted.

There are three main periods in a woman's life associated with changes in hormone levels: the first menstruation (menarche), the reproductive period and pregnancy and the last menstruation (menopause). During pregnancy, it is important to pay attention to the level of TSH - the hormone that controls the thyroid gland - and remember to get 250 micrograms of iodine in addition. The thyroid gland also plays a big role in the development of the fetus and even determines its future intelligence. But during menopause, a woman naturally loses estrogen - the female sex hormone that is responsible for bone strength. Without it, risks increase. cardiovascular disease. At this age, you need to contact an endocrinologist to start prevention. possible diseases and, if necessary, their treatment.

Diseases of the endocrine system and their prevention

Hormonal changes are serious illness which is pretty hard to miss. If you are healthy, then the hormonal background is naturally balanced. But if you are overweight, you are at risk. This condition goes beyond the norm and may be accompanied first by an increase in insulin production, and then by an increase in “sugar” in the blood, which, in turn, can lead to the development of diabetes. It is important to understand that diabetes Type 2 is the result of overweight. It should not be confused with type 1 diabetes, which is most often diagnosed in children and which is also called "thin diabetes" - it appears because the body does not produce insulin at all and must be administered independently.

signs endocrine diseases often non-specific: weakness, high fatigue, dry skin, hair loss. However, any resident of the metropolis can complain about similar symptoms. Therefore, if you put a “plus” next to most of the items, then it is best to contact an endocrinologist. If this is a thyroid disease, then the situation is easily remedied.

Diseases of the endocrine system can be associated with the absence of menstruation, the inability to become pregnant, and even the release of colostrum from the mammary gland outside pregnancy and lactation. People who suddenly become tanned and retain a tan almost throughout the year should also contact an endocrinologist. A year-round "tan" can be a sign of adrenal disease.

Interestingly, menopause inevitably occurs in all women, but andropause occurs in only 2% of men. However, due to certain reasons, such as overweight or a waist circumference of more than 110 centimeters, almost 30% of men have problems with testosterone levels. Heart attacks before the age of 50 are more common in men, but after 50 women begin to overtake them rapidly. Of course, this is associated with the onset of menopause. But now this is not a sentence either: in the absence of contraindications, you can get menopausal replacement therapy, which will reduce the risk of both heart attacks and hip fractures. Men also have a similar opportunity - testosterone is prescribed to them in order to maintain a youthful heart and good spirits.

Exist various ways prevention endocrine pathologies. Firstly, since our food is really not enough (unless, of course, you are a resident of Vladivostok), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Russian Association of Endocrinologists (RAE) strongly recommend eating only iodized. You have probably heard that seaweed and seafood are also sources of iodine, but if you want to ensure a constant supply of this trace element to the body, then simply replace common salt iodized. The exception is lactating and pregnant women, as well as children - they must receive additional iodine ( the dose of iodine for pregnant and lactating women is 250 micrograms each day, and the dose for children varies depending on age - it is best to discuss with a doctor). Secondly, a feature of our country (most of it) is the lack of solar radiation and as a consequence, . It should be taken from autumn to spring, and when using sunscreen - all year round. In what form and in what quantity it is necessary for you to take the vitamin, the doctor will say.

Obesity and diabetes have been called the epidemic of the 21st century, so do not forget the main thing: the best remedy prevention is balanced diet and physical activity.

The hormonal background is one of the most important indicators of a woman's health. It is hormones that are responsible for the attractiveness of the female figure, for height, weight, as well as the condition of hair and nails. And if the hormonal background of the fair sex is disturbed, it becomes noticeable by the appearance gynecological diseases, for the deterioration of physical well-being, as well as for other, no less eloquent symptoms. Here are some signs that you need to pay attention to.

7 signs of hormonal imbalance in women

1. Constant fatigue
When the normal synthesis of hormones is disturbed, the first sign of this imbalance is constant weakness and fatigue. Moreover, fatigue appears even in the morning, regardless of the duration of sleep. If you yawn in the morning and feel that the night did not bring you the long-awaited boost of energy, there is reason to suspect insidious hormones.

2. Night sweats
One of the symptoms that most worries and frightens a woman is night sweats. Few women don't panic when they wake up at night with sweat on their underwear and pillow. it clear sign hormonal imbalance, which should not be ignored.

3. Skin problems
If pimples and blackheads suddenly appear on the skin of a woman, the same as in adolescence, there is every reason to check your hormonal levels. The skin is very sensitive to the production of certain biologically active substances, and therefore should not turn a blind eye to this clear sign.

4. Hair problems
Another area that is sensitive to hormonal changes is the hair. Due to the increased production of testosterone, a woman's hair begins to grow in places where their appearance is completely undesirable. A representative of the weaker sex may have a mustache, facial hair, arms and legs. On the contrary, the hair on the head begins to thin and fall out en masse. This is another confirmation of the improper production of hormones.

5. Menstrual irregularities
Disruption of hormone production can cause a menstrual cycle to fail. The appearance of secretions can be observed ahead of time, however, most often these women develop amenorrhea, that is, prolonged absence monthly. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the nature of monthly discharge, which can be very scarce or, conversely, too abundant.

6. Emotional problems
The production of female sex hormones is inextricably linked with the emotional background. As soon as the balance of biologically active substances is disturbed, this becomes noticeable in the behavior of a woman. Her mood often changes, and contagious laughter literally in a second is replaced by anger, she becomes very touchy and often sad for no reason. All these changes should alert the fair sex.

7. Problems with metabolism
Another sign of a malfunction in the work of hormones in a woman is a metabolic disorder. In plain language, for no apparent reason, obesity can develop, or vice versa, a woman begins to lose weight with a consistently good appetite.