How to cope with a panic attack. Treatment of VSD - treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Stress that has become a familiar companion modern life, I found some insidious helpers - panic attacks. They can overtake you everywhere - at home, on important meeting, V public transport... And although the sensations in such a situation are, to put it mildly, uncomfortable, everyone can cope with an attack. The main thing is not to let him take over. the site will reveal the secrets of how to effectively and quickly get rid of a panic attack.

What are panic attacks

Panic attacks- this is not fatal, but very, very unpleasant. A person is suddenly overcome by a feeling of terrible anxiety, accompanied by fear - an inexplicable feeling and this makes it especially painful. In combination with various somatic symptoms these sensations become simply unbearable for a person, and if they are not curbed at the very beginning, then things can even lead to the emergence of phobias. To prevent this from happening, it is important to learn how to cope with attacks

Panic attacks are nothing more than the body’s reaction to a failure in communication between the brain and the body. This misunderstanding, like any other, can be resolved if you master some simple secrets.

Before starting any fight, it is worth studying the enemy. What are panic attacks? This is an attack lasting from several minutes to several hours with a feeling of severe anxiety and fear. To put it simply: this is a malfunction in the brain’s functioning system, which results in a kind of false alarm with a surge of adrenaline, which puts the body on “combat readiness.” The body immediately reacts to potential danger:

  • heartbeat and breathing increase,
  • sweating increases,
  • blood pressure rises,
  • nausea appears
  • suffers from insomnia.

Breathing problems can cause choking, dizziness, numbness in the limbs, and even fainting. That's when fear appears - an ally of a panic attack. A person may feel like he is going crazy, incurable disease and he dies. Naturally, he begins to scroll through all the options, and anxiety grows like a snowball. To prevent this from happening, it is important to stop a panic attack at the very beginning - at the stage of adrenaline release, without allowing the snowball to turn into an avalanche that can cover you completely.

So, it did happen! You shouldn't hesitate, but you shouldn't fuss either. Read these simple tips, and perhaps you will be able to extinguish the attack of this disease.

  1. Breathe. Breathe slowly into a paper bag (as American movie characters often do) or by placing your palms over your mouth to restore the rhythm of your breathing.
  2. Drink up. But not intoxicating, but quite the opposite: take small sips of cold water (100-150 ml).
  3. Wash. Cool water brings you back to your senses. Rinse your face, imagining the causes of the panic attack being washed away. If you have a bottle of thermal water, use it.
  4. Talk. With friends, family on the phone, with virtual interlocutors on the Internet, with a diary, or with a random fellow traveler if trouble overtook you, for example, on the subway. Talk about something pleasant and exciting for you. If there is no one nearby or you don’t want to talk to strangers, talk to... yourself. Say out loud (if you are at home) everything you do. Find words of encouragement and reassurance for yourself, your loved one.
  5. Distance yourself. Realize that your emotions are short-lived and will soon evaporate. So let go of your thoughts and take the position of a passive observer.

Remember: a panic attack is not an opponent in a fight to the death. Therefore, do not engage in battle, do not argue with him, otherwise the adrenaline level will increase and anxiety will intensify. Mentally “step away” and watch from the side how his strength is depleted.

  1. Sing. If you're not in public place, sing a cheerful song, focusing on its content and mentally imagining a video sequence for the words.
  2. Keep your hands busy. Rub your palms until you feel warmth in them, remember an expander or a simple rubber ball, shake your hands.
  3. Relax your body. Ideally, lie down and turn on calm music. Imagine that you are a piece of fluff floating over a flowering meadow breathing peace.

  1. To solve problems. It doesn’t matter which ones: remember a theorem, solve a crossword puzzle, compose new route travel to work, play a game downloaded to your phone, describe it on foreign language everything you see in front of you... The main thing is to switch your brain from a panic attack to solving a problem.
  2. Stroke the fur of a cat, dog, or hamster. Talk to your pet. If you have an aquarium at home, great! Look at the smooth movements of the fish and tell them how beautiful they are, how lucky you are to have such silent friends.
  3. Chew. For example, chewing gum. It's good if it's menthol.
  4. Become a boss. When the fear begins to slowly go away, tell yourself: “I decide everything here, because I am in charge. I turned off the adrenaline tap, so body, calm down! You are in my power. And I'm fine!".

Forewarned is forearmed. We hope the site’s advice will help you nip the monster called a panic attack in the bud. However, a visit to the doctor will be very helpful!

How to deal with panic attacks if they begin suddenly and can make a person feel causeless anxiety or even severe fear? This frightening symptom can overtake you at any time and anywhere - at work, at home, in transport or at a meeting with friends. A panic attack, although not dangerous, is very unpleasant and can significantly affect the calm rhythm of life. How to deal with attacks and is it possible to stop them?

Panic attack: what is it?

A panic attack is a sudden onset condition strong fear which intensifies over several minutes, reaches its peak and gradually subsides.

An attack can last from 10 minutes to an hour, but most often passes in 15-20 minutes. Usually after a panic attack you are left feeling empty, lethargic and tired.

Panic can often be accompanied by phobias: fear of suffocation, choking, drowning, becoming seriously ill and fear of dying. Any factor can become a trigger for the onset of a panic attack, but most often such a reaction manifests itself on severe stress or a life-threatening situation. At one of these moments, a person begins to experience panic, which then regularly repeats.

Panic attacks are a frequent companion with VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) - a whole complex of symptoms that indicate a disturbance in parts of the autonomic system.

Their presence is not life-threatening, but may contribute to the development of asthma, ulcers or hypertension.

Symptoms of panic attacks

A panic attack is the body’s reaction to a failure in communication between the central nervous system and the body and belongs to the psychosomatic type of neuroses.

This common syndrome, occurring in 6-8% of the population, is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Body tremors, chills and increased sweating;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • A sharp decrease (or increase) in blood pressure;
  • Nausea and stomach cramps;
  • Rapid breathing;
  • Muscle tension;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Anxiety and intrusive thoughts about madness, illness or death;
  • Losing touch with reality.

At the same time, fear is so remembered on an unconscious level that even the memory of it can provoke another panic attack, which a person is unable to fight.

Treatment methods

Anyone can experience panic attacks; almost everyone has experienced this at least once in their life and tried to fight it. However, if the attacks are repeated, and they are not associated with a state of stress, then you should take this seriously. The main method of treating panic attacks remains psychotherapy under the supervision of a psychotherapist, but if it is not possible to visit a qualified psychologist and you have to cope with the disease on your own, you can resort to other methods of struggle.

Drug treatment

To fight with causeless attacks anxiety is possible with the help sedatives(tinctures of valerian, Corvalol, Validol), tranquilizers (Relium, Elenium) and beta blockers (Atenolol, Anaprilin). Remember that such drugs should be prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account all individual factors.

Important! Reviews from doctors indicate that any pills only block symptoms panic disorder, but do not treat its cause.

Health-improving procedures

Simple procedures will help remove panic - cold and hot shower, moderate exercise and proper rest, which have positive influence both on the nervous system and on the body. In addition, relaxing massage or acupuncture sessions will also help combat panic.

Treatment with folk remedies

They play an important role in the treatment of panic attacks. folk remedies– Herbal decoctions (thyme, mint, lemon balm and chamomile) will help reduce anxiety and stress levels.

Important! At initial stages development of panic, try to do without pills and survive the attack with the help of psychotechnics.

What to do if you have a panic attack?

If you feel yourself starting to experience anxiety, then it is important to stop the attack at its very beginning - at the first stage of the adrenaline release. In this case, medications are unlikely to help, since the effect of the tablets will begin only after 10-20 minutes, when the attack is already over.

Psychotherapeutic methods will help you more effectively combat a panic attack, allowing you to relax and quickly overcome fear and relieve anxiety:

  • Breathe slowly and deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Focus on this process, imagine how oxygen enters the trachea and lungs and slowly evaporates as it exits the mouth. You can breathe into a paper bag or into your palms placed to your mouth, the main thing is to restore normal rhythm breathing.
  • Wash your face with cool water or use a thermal water bottle. Place your hands under the running water and rinse your face, imagining how the water washes away all your fears.
  • Switch your attention to any third-party object. Call your friends or family, start watching a comedy movie, read an interesting book, or distract yourself with pleasant memories.
  • Distance yourself from your emotions and fears, stop fighting your panic. Imagine yourself as an outside observer, let go of your thoughts - very soon the panic will pass, and you will understand how short-lived it is.
  • Sing a fun song, focusing on the lyrics.
  • Use your hands - do a self-massage, use an expander or a small rubber ball.

Remember that at the beginning of an attack you should under no circumstances try to fight panic attack, otherwise anxiety will increase even more. Observe your condition from the outside, imagine yourself as a critic and constantly remind yourself that it will end soon.

How to deal with panic attacks?

It is quite possible to defeat panic attacks forever, for this it is worth following simple tips:

Listen to your body and your emotions

Some decisions should be made based not on logic and reason, but on emotions and sensations in the body. Listen to your emotions - love, passion or enthusiasm, feel the energy in your body and learn to control it.

Stop suffering and worrying

Don't give in negative thoughts or emotions, try to fight them. Don't try to feel sorry for yourself, stay positive. Concentrate on the present, on other people or tasks facing you in the future. this moment and don't let your imagination run wild when imagining scary pictures, because you should fight everything that is negative.

Take a contrast shower or bath more often

A contrast shower in the morning perfectly strengthens blood vessels and helps fight vegetative-vascular dystonia, which often accompanies panic attacks. You need to douse yourself at intervals of 20 seconds, alternating cold water with hot.

Book a massage

A massage will help cope with panic, as it eliminates tension and tightness in the muscles. It is especially useful to stretch your fingers, shoulders, neck and ears. Self-massage is very effective at the beginning of a panic attack - this procedure not only relaxes, but also allows you to distract yourself and switch your attention.


Regular meditation will help you avoid obsessive thoughts and learn to control emotions. It is better to meditate alone and in complete silence, about 20 minutes a day.

Do yoga

Yoga is the best choice sports activities for people suffering from panic attacks. This technique will greatly strengthen your muscles, help you achieve complete relaxation and prevent stressful situations.

This is interesting: Asanas - the most popular and effective poses in yoga - replace a full workout in the gym.

Practice breathing techniques

Breathing correctly will help you cope with a panic attack. You need to master breathing techniques in a relaxed and calm state, but practice until you develop a habit. The easiest way to calm down is to breathe not with your chest, but with your stomach. To do this, at the onset of a panic attack, take 4 short breaths, and then exhale long and smoothly.

Keep a diary

The easiest way to deal with panic attacks is by keeping a diary. Fears can be questioned simply by putting them on paper. Start writing down everything that worries you and get into the habit of re-reading your observations from time to time. Very quickly you will learn to analyze your emotions and distinguish real fears from causeless anxiety.

Don't try to fight panic attacks

Realize that your fears will go away, but your personality will remain intact. Stop being afraid of a panic attack - often the fear of emerging symptoms is added to irrational anxiety, and the person, trying to fight the symptoms, aggravates his condition.

Important! Do not resist the manifestations of your fear, overcome your timidity and look your phobia in the face.

Learn to laugh at yourself

Panic fear often indicates a person’s too serious and thoughtful attitude towards life, so you should learn to treat everything with humor and not fight with imaginary problems.

So, with the help of simple psychophysical methods you can fight panic attacks and get out of the state constant anxiety forever. You can choose your favorite and proven technique or combine methods - thanks to thoughtful and regular implementation simple rules any person is capable of fighting even the most severe attacks panic. After all, overcoming anxiety and fear, you can learn to deal with panic attacks. And remember that your anxiety is just a reaction to stress, not a tragic symptom of an impending disaster, and treating a panic attack is not at all difficult.

It is difficult for an unprepared person to cope with panic attacks. The attack begins suddenly and develops rapidly, depriving the person of the ability to adequately respond. Panic may last only a few minutes in reality, but according to the “internal” clock of a patient with VSD, an eternity passes, most of which is occupied by thoughts of death, overwhelming anxiety and a complex of other psychosomatic symptoms.

How to stop a panic attack? And can it be prevented? Sooner or later, a person begins to ask similar questions, the solution of which significantly improves the quality of life. Really, VSD syndrome- not a sentence. The problem is not only solvable, but also almost always has a favorable prognosis.

A disease of the nerves and soul can be cured through professional psychotherapeutic assistance. But every person can start fighting a panic attack on their own, using any of the methods suggested below. Of course, oh complete cure“with your own hands” we are not talking. However, it is possible to reduce the severity of an attack in the periods between psychotherapeutic sessions. “Techniques” should be perceived as a pill that only relieves a symptom here and now.

About symptoms and typical behavior during an attack

Panic disorder is a disorder that may be caused by childhood psychotrauma, deep intrapersonal conflict, or the consequences of drug use. narcotic substances, chronic stress or other traumatic factor. Everything pathological accumulates in the unconscious - it is difficult for a person to identify real reasons their hyper-anxious state, which often culminates in a panic attack.

The attack is characterized by a number of symptoms, including:

  • lack of air, convulsive breathing,
  • increased sweating, chills, trembling,
  • cardiopalmus,
  • high (low) blood pressure,
  • derealization or depersonalization,
  • nausea, stomach cramps,
  • anxious thoughts about the “finale”, madness, serious illnesses.

Fear during an attack is so “imprinted” into the consciousness that even the memory of the attack can cause another psychosomatic surge. The vicious circle closes. The patient finds himself trapped in his own nervousness.

Methods for dealing with anxiety attacks

Treatment of a panic attack is a large list of technologies that help cope with sudden attack or prevent its development. Avoid panic attacks completely (and VSD) by independent work with neurosis it is almost impossible. Only a qualified psychotherapist can help with any severity of the pathology, because the “doctor of the soul” has serious rehabilitation capabilities in his arsenal (Ericksonian hypnosis, EDMR therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy).

But what to do when the attack begins? The main thing in this case is to calm down and not fuss. Medicinal relief is unlikely to have an effect, because the effect of the pill will begin no earlier than 15-30 minutes, when the PA has already ended. Unless the ritual of taking the medicine itself can reduce the level of anxiety. But such dependence on the drug can hardly be called healthy.

A non-drug relief option is most preferable. And these are various psychotherapeutic “maneuvers”, including breathing complexes, relaxation exercises, methods of observing and analyzing PA, artificially inducing an attack and a number of others. And such preventive measures, such as normalizing the regime, playing sports, walking, refusing bad habits will contribute to the formation healthy body, which is known to contain a healthy mind.

Ways to independently combat PA

Switching attention

When anxiety hits, strong causeless fear or panic has already begun, it is necessary to distract attention by switching it to objects in the outside world. Calling a friend, watching a movie (comedy), reading a humorous magazine, or pleasant memories can prevent a panic attack or reduce its severity.

You need to find your “anchor”, which will become a point of support during an attack. This could be ordinary counting, singing a funny song about your PA, planning things for tomorrow, solving children's crossword puzzles. The main thing is to emerge from your “deep” inner world out, don't follow the lead psychosomatic disorder. After all, only you are the commander of your body. You give orders and control the course.

Focused Breathing

You can stop a panic attack by concentrating on the breathing process. Inhale through your nose, feeling the cool air flow through your nostrils. Imagine that your trachea is a transparent tube that reaches your abdomen. The air flows down it, expanding the belly in the process. take a deep breath. As you exhale slowly, feel the steam condensing on the walls of your glass tube. As air leaves the relaxed mouth, it slowly evaporates. Repeat again and again, achieving complete relaxation and increasing the pleasant sensations many times over.

In general, during PA, breathing increases significantly due to the release of adrenaline. All breathing techniques are based on bringing this life process in a normal calm direction. You can practice “correct” breathing even outside of attacks, paying attention to slow inhalations and exhalations daily for 3-5 minutes.

Paper bag method

Often you can relieve a panic attack with the help of a paper bag, which is tightly applied to the face. Inhale and exhale into the bag slowly until the attack stops. The method is based on lowering the oxygen level and increasing carbon dioxide, due to which the gas balance is restored. If there is no bag at the moment of attacks, use your own hands - fold them into a boat and start breathing according to the “slow inhale – slow exhale” pattern. You can learn more about the technique of breathing exercises at.

Meditation, auto-training

Meditation is a psychotherapeutic pill for any nervousness. Exists great amount meditation techniques and exercises for auto-training. Concentrating consciousness on some abstract image in a state of deep relaxation helps strengthen the nervous system, get rid of tension, and achieve a state of peace. Real meditation is not chakras or the astral plane at all, but a professional relaxation technique with a strong antidepressant effect. Read about effective auto-training.


Observe the development of your PA from the outside. Write down every symptom, every shade of fear, as if you are a spectator or an outside researcher who is scrupulously recording the observed phenomena. The result of this behavior is the devaluation of fears, getting used to them, and recognizing their true nature.

Visualization of images

Try to imagine what your fear or anxiety looks like. Do not create an image intentionally; delegate this process to your imagination or subconscious. Then “destroy” the image in any way - burn it in fire, wash it away with ocean waters, turn the image of fear into a cloud that disappears over the horizon. The state of peace and harmony that will cover you after the fear leaves, also clothe it in figurative clothing. Imagine what your peace of mind looks like. Look at it carefully, enjoying the peace.


Identify the source of anxiety, imagine it as an image. Transfer the feeling of fear into a flow of energy that moves in a spiral. Determine the direction of the energy flow: clockwise, counterclockwise? Reverse the movement and observe the new flow until you gain a sense of psychological comfort. If the new direction does not lead to calm, change it again to the opposite.

"Four forces"

Awareness of the four elements helps not only to get rid of fear, but also to overcome the feeling of dissociation.

The element “earth” is responsible for the feeling of security “here and now”. Sit on a chair, feel your feet touching the ground and the chair firmly supporting you. Look around. Find 3 objects in space. Answer what you see in front of you, what you hear around.

“Air” is responsible for breathing and concentration. To become aware of it, you need to do any breathing exercise. You can limit yourself to a basic deep inhalation and exhalation.

“Water” defines peace and relaxation. With PA, dry mouth is often tormented. Imagine how your salivary glands are starting to produce a large number of saliva (think lemon). You can help yourself by drinking water, activating digestive system and causing relaxation.

“Fire” is the imagination that lights the way to the source of positivity. Where is this resource of happiness located in your body?

The combination of the four elements helps a person to make sure that he is present “here-and-now”, focused, can relax and find a way to a safe place.

"Golden String"

Stand, feel how a stream of energy falling from the sky in the form of a golden string passes through the top of the head, throat, stomach, legs, feet and rushes to the center of the earth. Then the energy returns from the depths, passing through the feet, legs, stomach, heart, crown, and is directed upward. Feel how the energy passes through your body more than once, connecting heaven and earth through you.

"Butterfly Embrace"

This psychotechnique is used to relieve post-stress feelings or to reduce anxiety. It is necessary to cross your arms over your chest, and left hand lies on the right shoulder, and the right one on the left. Start with light alternating taps. If anxiety increases, the exercise should be stopped.

"Light flow"

You can stop a panic attack using the light flow technique. It is necessary to discover the location of fear in the body. Determine its scale, color and texture, shape. After examining the object, you should direct a healing light stream to it, achieving the complete disappearance of anxious sensations, all unpleasant feelings, associated with the object.

"Can of Paint"

The technique is effective when a person has difficulty returning to a neutral state. To do this, you need to place the anxiety (fear, bad memory) in an open container or tube of paint. At first the negative experience rests on the surface, but you stir the paint, dissolving the memory completely.

Putting aside fear

You can prevent a panic attack using R. Wilson’s method, which teaches a person to control and manage their own fear. The technology is based on acceptance, but a time delay: when an attack approaches, you need to “agree” with yourself that you will start worrying in X hours, and not now. When the agreed-upon hour arrives, you renew the contract with yourself: I will begin to feel fear in another X number of hours. The intensity of fear decreases with consistent postponement, and the person realizes the controllability of the PA.

"Daily Excitement" (R. Wilson)

Wilson's other method is to fixate the mind on fear or anxiety. Practice inducing fear twice a day for about 10 minutes (the duration of the “experiment” is at least 10 days). Put off everything you need to do at the time of the session, plunge into a state of intense anxiety, experiencing the greatest possible discomfort. Think only about fear. After 10 minutes, get out of this state through breathing exercises and return to normal life. The method helps to realize that fear during VSD lasts a limited amount of time. The strength of anxiety decreases, the color of fear fades, and the attitude towards the problem changes radically.


By thoughtfully performing any of the exercises, you can prevent a panic attack or eliminate it at the stage of development of the attack. You can choose your “favorite” method and use it during any stressful situation, you can combine techniques - your body will tell you The best way relaxation and resistance to PA.

You need to understand that any panic attack is not your madness, not the approach of death, but an elementary (primitive) reaction of the body. This complex knot of interconnected threads has a rational, not mystical (and certainly not tragic) explanation. Watch the adrenaline rush and accompanying symptoms from the outside as a critic. Constantly remind yourself that the “performance” will end soon; panic is unlikely to last more than 5-10 minutes, unless you add “fuel”, that is, worries.

Of course, not every psychological trauma will cause VSD with panic attacks. But people with a fine mental organization are at a special risk group. Don’t count on pills; treating mental illness with tranquilizers and antidepressants will only make the situation worse. Silencing a symptom or syndrome does not mean curing the disease. Drug therapy gives results, but temporary. Her cumulative effect is the progression of the disease.

All the exercises outlined above are a temporary measure. Moreover, with frequent use, they, unfortunately, lose their effectiveness. It is impossible to repeatedly convince yourself of a calm and contemplative attitude towards life when there is no solution the main problem(the root cause of VSD and PA). In this sense, there is no fundamental difference between medications and psychotherapeutic exercises for independent use.

We do not recommend that our clients engage in “amateur psychotherapy” outside the context of professional help. Any of the techniques can aggravate the situation. Unfortunately, it is popular today to be a jack of all trades. But when it comes to such a complex organization as the psyche, there is no need to test yourself for strength and train at random.

Panic disorder (closed cycle of panic) can be stopped forever. in the vast majority of cases it is successful and requires a maximum of 10-15 sessions. Don’t wait, don’t fight your fears on your own, live a full life - surrounded by pleasure, satisfaction, success.

How to cope with panic attacks

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How to cope with a panic attack - we offer 5 effective tips + 5 common mistakes people make that make it difficult to calm down.

In our world, too often we have to think about how to cope with a panic attack.

But which ones are the most effective?

Read and find out!

Benefits of civilization, high paying job, unlimited possibilities for entertainment - these and many other benefits can be found in major cities different countries.

They are the ones who force people from small settlements move here.

But dreams of a new, better life sometimes lead to nightmarish consequences.

For example, to meeting a real monster: a panic attack.

It is the residents of megacities who most often have to think.

Very often professional psychological help turns out to be more effective in treating panic attacks than the strongest pills.

If the attack recurs despite taking medication, immediately make an appointment with a psychologist.

Reluctance to see doctors to cope with a panic attack.

Yes, you are a competent person, yes, the Internet is full of advice, yes, the pharmacist is always ready to sell you the most expensive (and, of course, extremely effective) medicine in order to save someone something that has been lying on the shelves, but no one better than a doctor will not select a truly effective treatment for you.

You may have tried to cope with a panic attack on your own after the first attack, but after the second you should definitely seek specialized help.

Waiting for a recurrence of the attack of vegetative crisis.

It is your fear of experiencing it again that causes the symptoms to recur.

Stop thinking about it altogether.

Alcohol, cigarettes and sedatives as medicines from a panic attack.

Neither the first, nor the second, nor the third will help you in treatment.

Increased attention to yourself.

You constantly listen to your feelings, savor every even smallest problem, delve into yourself for no apparent reason.

In this case, any little thing can trigger a panic attack.

You'll figure it out quickly how to cope with a panic attack If you seek help from a doctor, you will put things in order in your life and stop being nervous about little things and overtiring.

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This article is one of those where I write about what I experienced myself... Panic attack syndrome can only be understood by those who have experienced it themselves... The sensations, I tell you, are far from weak...

To those who are now suffering from them, I want to say right away: “Don’t panic, guys! Your roof is not going well. Are you mentally healthy people. And you will not die." Why am I declaring this so responsibly? Because I myself am a living example. So…

How to cope with a panic attack?


You need to know the enemy by sight. The better you know your enemy, the weaker he is.

A panic attack is a psychosomatic condition. Notice! – NOT a disease.

Signs of a panic attack:

  • strong excitement with tremor (shaking) or, conversely, sudden general weakness,
  • rapid heartbeat that a person “hears” (how is this? - I’ll explain below),
  • lack of air, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, lump in throat, nausea,
  • panic, desire to run wherever one looks,
  • terrible fear of death.

All of the above manifestations are physical! Not mental! These sensations are caused by a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system (the most ancient mechanism that is responsible for salvation and survival). At the same time, an imbalance of hormones is connected, which nervous system- sisters. The causes of disorders can be different: from momentary stress to accumulated dissatisfaction, efforts to restrain unpleasant emotions for a long time, divorce, loss of loved ones, prolonged psychological stress or pressure. In my case, it was constant dissatisfaction with myself. As a result, my internal temperature went through the roof, and despite my normal health, I simply fell off my feet. Then I really believed that I was dying... But everything turned out to be simpler. My body told me that it was time to change my way of life, my attitude towards myself and others, otherwise... there will be no second Chinese warning, and the consequences could be worse than panic attack syndrome.

Now you understand what a panic attack really is, so you should be afraid for your mental and mental state no reason.


Pills, exercise, walking, meditation - what will help? All!

This is operational psychology, where in each individual case all methods are good if they give a positive result. There is nothing wrong with taking pills (antidepressants, sedatives). Physics is treated with physics. If you have a toothache, you go to the dentist rather than try to relieve the pain with breathing exercises. If you have a fever, you take aspirin, and don’t try to persuade the temperature to drop. The human body is not iron. And if needed urgent help, don’t test your body’s strength. When panic attacks pass, usually the person calmly gives up the pills, without any addiction.

Like any Living being, cat or parrot, human body loves care. These are walks on fresh air, good healthy diet, lungs physical exercise(again, not suitable for everyone), breathing exercises. Of the latter, the sobbing breathing method of Yuri Vilunas is useful.

Ask your body which way of care suits it best? Listen, it will definitely tell you. Do you have doubts about whether you should communicate with own body?.. But you communicate with your dog, or with a cat... and consider it normal.


Meditation, yoga, Chinese gymnastics tai chi. What are the benefits of these particular methods? They tune you spiritually to positivity through working with the body. Here are human psychology, aura and chakras, and energy channels, in addition, all systems of the body are involved. What do I use? Considering my case of dissatisfaction with myself, I chose the EFT method (Technology Emotional Cleansing). The essence of which: accept yourself as you are, plus 10-15 minutes of working with points on the body. You can download a short and simple guide to feasibility studies.


The main method of psychology is to understand the cause of panic attack syndrome. There is no smoke without fire. This means that somewhere there is still a fire burning, which, if not extinguished, will periodically remind of itself with smoke - that is, a panic attack. Clients often find that similar sensations– fear, anxiety – they had before, but not to such an extent. It is in this “before” that we must look for the reason. You can start now:

  • What do panic attacks remind me of?
  • what do they look like?
  • and what good do they do me?

I feel that in response to the last question I can hear from the reader: “What?! Benefit?! That's bullshit! It defies any logic! And who talks about logic?.. And nonsense in comparison with what - with your mind, which has the correct adult answers to everything? By the way, panic attack syndrome is more common in people who tend to control themselves, others, and the situation. But what dictates this control? Perhaps fear: for a child, for a loved one, fear of being left with nothing or alone... So much for “fire”. But only in this case. There are many reasons for panic attack syndrome.


Panic and fear of dying during a panic attack are dictated by body sensations, and not by mental abnormalities. By the way, the explanation promised at the beginning of the article is that a person “hears” a rapid heartbeat only if it occurs on nervous soil. And you can calm him down not with cordial words, but sedatives. In real heart disease, tachycardia ( rapid pulse) is not subjectively felt. This is their big difference.

Panic attacks are a temporary phenomenon. Not a life sentence! Often this is a hint that it’s time to change your usual way of life, your attitude towards yourself and people.

Don't be alone with this condition. Human psychology loves to go outside. In other words, tell at least one person about your panic attacks who will understand and support you. After all, you may need his urgent help at any moment. As many as five people knew about my attacks, I was not ashamed to talk about it, and we looked for a way out together.