What can you eat after giving birth to mom. Nutrition after childbirth

After birth, if the baby is breastfed, its development and health are still dependent on the mother's nutrition. After all, almost everything that she eats comes in one form or another in breast milk.

It is especially important to follow a diet in the first 3 weeks after childbirth. Just imagine: in utero, the baby swallowed only sterile amniotic fluid, and now it is attacked by a mass of bacteria that inhabit the intestines, various nutrients with which its enzymatic system is still unfamiliar. In order to facilitate adaptation to new conditions, in the first month after childbirth, a nursing mother is recommended to follow the following diet:

AT first three days it is very important to drink plenty of fluids (at least 2-3 liters per day). It could be:

  • Herbal tea (nettle, chaga). There are many special lactagon teas with fennel, cumin, etc. in stores now. Although some experts question their ability to increase lactation, in my opinion, this worthy alternative black and green tea.
  • Dried fruits compote (apples are better). It is not necessary to boil it, it is enough to pour dried fruits hot water(60-80 degrees, so that vitamins do not collapse) and leave in a thermos for several hours.
  • Weak tea (can be with milk, preferably green). If possible, try not to abuse them.

Drink a glass of hot drink before each feeding (you will immediately feel the rush of milk) and a glass during feedings. Night feedings are no exception. The presence of a thermos, or even two, helps a lot: while grass or compote is brewed in one, you drink from the second.

From food are allowed:
  • Boiled or steamed vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, turnips).
  • Kashi (buckwheat, millet) is better from whole grain flakes; you can add bran to them to improve the functioning of the mother's intestines.
  • Soups are vegetarian (there should be few potatoes).
  • Baked apple in foil.
  • Bread.

You can add fresh herbs (parsley, dill, spinach, arugula, etc.), it relieves gas formation.

On the fourth day fluid intake should be reduced to 1 liter per day, and you can add to your diet:

  • Nuts and seeds per day, one type.
  • Dairy products(fat content up to 2.5%) - kefir, yogurt, yogurt.
  • Cottage cheese (starting with a tablespoon).
  • Hard cheese, small piece.

On the second week after childbirth, we increase the volume of liquid again, it should be at least 2 liters per day (we regulate it ourselves, depending on the flow of milk). From the products you can add:

  • Weak beef broth (cook without bones).
  • Beef (boiled or steamed) 100 g.
  • Lean fish, steamed 100 g.

On the third week after childbirth, we add raw vegetables and fruits (carrots, green apples, pears, plums) with the exception of white cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers.

On the 4th week the child is developing intestinal microflora, enzymatic systems are launched. Added:

  • Baked "in their uniforms" potatoes.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Beet.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Biscuits (dry biscuits).
  • Soy foods.
  • Fruit drinks from lingonberries, cranberries.

Follow these rules and your baby will grow up healthy and calm. And how to eat in the future, you will learn from.

The long-awaited moment of the birth of the baby has come. From this moment in the life of a mother comes new stage life. The main task is to grow a healthy, strong child. Mom's nutrition in the first days after childbirth is a key moment for further lactation.
Let's talk about how to eat right so that the nights are calm and the moment of motherhood is not overshadowed by negative factors.

What can mom eat after giving birth

Very often, relatives forget that the woman who gave birth is not pregnant. Yes, during gestation, any gastronomic whim was performed from strawberries in winter to herring at night. I want to note that now such sophistication is stopped and mommy is transferred to a proper balanced diet.
After childbirth, a woman's body undergoes another physiological restructuring, so proper nutrition is necessary not only for the baby, but also for the mother.

What can't be eaten

To avoid many negative points postpartum period the first day after childbirth, all products that can cause bloating in the mother, child, as well as allergic reactions are excluded.

The postpartum period may exacerbate chronic diseases in women, especially gastro- intestinal tract. A strict diet will help you get through this moment easily.

The prohibition includes relative (products that cannot be consumed in the first month after childbirth) and absolute (products that cannot be consumed for the entire period of lactation) prohibited products.

Relatively prohibited foods the first month after childbirth:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits in the first month can lead to bloating in the baby;
  • fresh milk can also cause excessive gas formation;
  • juices, compotes from red fruits can cause allergic reactions in a baby;
  • honey, chocolate, cocoa are allergens for a child;
  • onions, fresh garlic and other spices can cause the baby to refuse the breast due to a change in the taste of breast milk;
  • fresh pastries, flour products;
  • pickles.

Absolutely prohibited products:

  • alcohol;
  • fried, spicy food;
  • coffee;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • mayonnaise, vinegar;
  • smoked and thermally unprocessed meat products(jamon, parshruto crudo, stroganina, etc.);
  • sushi, raw seafood, shrimp, oysters;
  • mushrooms;
  • canned vegetables, namely pickled.

So, having dealt with the products that are forbidden to women in labor, we will analyze the menu of the first days after childbirth. Sometimes poor second halves unknowingly drag to the maternity hospital everything that their beloved loved before the birth: sausage, cakes, strawberries, citrus juices, milk, sweets, cookies. Naturally, all this is sent back home. Therefore, we offer sample menu the first days after childbirth.

Menu of the first days after childbirth

1st day
Breakfast: Hot tea, a slice of yesterday's bread is better than cereal, butter, mild and low-fat cheese, porridge on the water.
Lunch: Vegetable soup. Mashed potatoes with steam chicken breast cutlets. Slice of grain bread. Dried fruits compote.
Afternoon snack: Low-fat natural yogurt, baked green apple.
Dinner: Low-fat fish boiled with stewed vegetables. Hot tea with crackers.

To improve and stimulate lactation, a hot drink of at least 1 liter per day is recommended. Tea should not be strong!

2nd day
Breakfast: Low-fat cottage cheese, a slice of grain bread, butter, tea with condensed milk.
Dinner: Chicken soup with noodles. Vegetable casserole with cheese. Slice of grain bread. Dried fruits compote.
Afternoon snack: Low-fat kefir 1% and biscuits
Dinner: Fish meatballs, buckwheat porridge, a slice of grain bread. Tea with condensed milk. Baked green apple.

3rd day
Breakfast: Cottage cheese casserole, a slice of bread with butter, Tea with lemon.
Dinner: Fish soup, boiled turkey breast with stewed vegetables, a slice of grain bread. One banana, green apple juice.
Snack: Natural yogurt, biscuits.
Dinner: Boiled veal tongue, wheat porridge, seasoned with olive oil, a slice of cereal bread. Tea with lemon.

Cook together

Very often, the second halves do not know what to bring to their beloved in the hospital. Having peeped recipes in a cookbook, it does not always work out what the authors write about. Every man who gave birth to a woman faced such a problem, I will tell you a secret and my husband too. To avoid such incidents, we will analyze several recipes together.

Vegetable soup

Would need:

  • potatoes 2 medium tubers;
  • parsnip 1 root;
  • carrot 1 root;
  • bell pepper yellow or green 1 piece;
  • parsley 1 root;
  • medium bulb;
  • parsley, dill;
  • olive oil 2 tablespoons;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking: In fact, the soup is very easy to prepare, so don't worry, your other half will appreciate your efforts. If you paid attention to the ingredients, there are no vegetables that can cause allergies in the baby.

We take a saucepan and heat it, finely onion mode. Pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil into a saucepan and place the chopped onion. Pass until transparent, then add the parsnips cut into half rings, parsley root, also chopped and carrots. Warm up a little and add hot boiled water about 1500 ml. Cook for 5-10 minutes, then add the peeled and diced potatoes, leave on medium heat for 5-7 minutes (the readiness of the potatoes is always checked by the tooth), then add the chopped bell pepper. Cook for 2-3 minutes, salt and season the soup with finely chopped herbs. With such a soup, your soulmate will quickly rehabilitate after childbirth, and the baby will be very grateful to you.

Chicken breast with vegetables

Would need:

  • chicken breast 1 piece;
  • medium bulb 1 piece;
  • carrots 1 piece;
  • zucchini 1 piece;
  • celery root half rhizome;
  • bell pepper green or yellow 1 piece;
  • thyme 2-3 sprigs;
  • olive oil 2-3 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice 2 tablespoons;
  • baking foil;
  • salt to taste, allspice 2 things.

Cooking: For this dish you do not need special skill, only attentiveness. So, preheat the oven 190 ° C. Wash well chicken breast and dry with paper towel. We tear off a piece of foil about 30-40 cm, grease it with olive oil with 1 tablespoon, we need the rest for the marinade.

Marinade: Mix 2 tablespoons of oil with lemon juice, add salt and mix thoroughly. Coat the chest.
We put the onion cut into rings on the foil, then place the chicken breast, put the diced vegetables, thyme sprigs and allspice around, pour the rest of the marinade over the vegetables. We roll the foil with the breast and vegetables in the form of a bag. Place in preheated oven for 30-40 minutes. Woo a la and your masterpiece is ready! Enjoy your meal!
I hope these recipes were useful to you, and you were able to surprise your beloved women who have just become mothers with their culinary skills.

Nutrition after childbirth should be in small portions. The menu is selected according to the condition of the woman. After a caesarean section, the menu differs from the diet of mothers who gave birth naturally.

The diet of women undergoing caesarean section is significantly different. Such mothers do not receive the first day except for water without gas with lemon, then on the second day it is allowed:

  • crackers;
  • kefir 1%;
  • tea is not strong;
  • porridge on the water of a mucous consistency.

On the third day, you can enter vegetable decoctions, puree, natural low-fat yogurt. The fourth day after the operation, the use of lean meats and fish is allowed.

Meals after caesarean section aimed at regulating the intestinal tract of the woman in labor. Solid food is not recommended on the first day in order to avoid constipation, divergence of seams.

The nutrition of women in labor who have suffered complications during childbirth in the form of local ruptures is also sparing. Such mothers are shown liquid food, sour-milk products on the first day. Excluded products causing flatulence and constipation.
In conclusion, I want to say one thing, how mommy will eat depends not only on her condition, but also on the well-being of the baby. Pay close attention to your diet during breastfeeding. Be healthy!

It has long been no secret to anyone that the health of her newborn baby almost directly depends on the proper and balanced nutrition of a mother, which is why the question of normal correct and balanced diet immediately after childbirth is very, very relevant for all newly-made mothers. How do you understand so that your baby gets everything useful material through breastfeeding, daily menu the mother herself should also be absolutely complete and as diverse as possible. Because the A healthy mother is the key to a healthy baby.

So, then let's figure out what you can still eat right after giving birth, in order to get everything you need from food and at the same time not reward your baby with food allergies. And also let's look at which products in general should be completely excluded from your diet. daily diet, at least for the period breastfeeding crumbs. In addition, further on we will clearly find out for ourselves exactly how long such “restrictions” apply to some individual products.

We start with those products that a woman who is breastfeeding her baby should be completely excluded from her daily diet, which is important in order to avoid problems with the baby, and your digestion, as well as in order to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions in your baby.

  • Any carbonated and non-naturally colored drinks, and even kvass.
  • Almost any canned, as well as pickled, and, of course, smoked food.
  • Almost all too fatty or too spicy food.
  • You will have to give up any legumes, mushrooms, nuts, and even honey, since, as a rule, these are the strongest allergens.
  • Forget about onions, garlic, and spices that are too bright to taste.
  • Do not eat ketchups and other spicy sauces.
  • Fresh pastries are also banned, it would be better to wait until it dries out, or immediately make crackers out of it and then this ban can be lifted.
  • You will have to give up grapes, citrus fruits, pineapple, watermelon, melon, strawberries, strawberries, and even apricots and peaches.
  • You should not eat radishes, sauerkraut, and pickles, even if they are from home preservation.
  • Forget about coffee, about chocolate, and even cocoa.
  • Under the ban and any alcoholic drinks and even the weakest alcoholic cocktails.

Let's also note that, of course, it will have a number of features. Thus, for the normal full digestion of your newborn baby, you will need to follow only a few fairly simple recommendations.


  1. Immediately after giving birth, your diet should always begin with only very small portions, and if possible, preferably liquid food.
  2. Remember that during the first three weeks immediately after childbirth, it would be desirable that the food of any nursing mother undergo the most thorough heat treatment.
  3. Also remember that in the first week immediately after childbirth, eating is strongly recommended. various cereals. So it could be oatmeal, and buckwheat, and millet, and optionally wheat. Remember that at the same time, porridge should be cooked on water, and always with a minimum amount of added salt. It is also calmly allowed to eat stews, but only on vegetable it is desirable olive oil vegetables and the minimum number of potato tubers. But from liquid food Almost all vegetable soups are perfect.
  4. Further, from the second and third weeks after childbirth, to all of the above in your new menu, you can afford to add and sea ​​fish, as well as boiled beef and not a lot of nuts. Moreover, with nuts, you will always need to be very careful, and eat them in very small portions.
  5. Already after the third week after childbirth, almost all restrictions are removed and even completely new products are introduced: namely boiled eggs(but not more than 1 time in two days), boiled chicken (once a week), not too fatty kefir, some berries or fruits.

As for the various dairy products, then, of course, all of them should be consumed only in a pre-heat-treated form. So it can be: cheesecakes, cottage cheese casserole, condensed and concentrated milk, but preferably without sugar. And the thing is that it is whole cow's milk, settled in the diet of a young mother, it may well cause severe allergic reactions in very young babies. Actually, that is why, it is advisable to at least partially replace such whole milk with some different fermented milk products (say, kefir, yogurt, or fermented baked milk, and others.). In addition, it would be best to simply alternate the use of milk and dairy products. This is how you can get all the benefits of this product and keep your baby healthy.

In conclusion, we would like to note that, of course, it is quite difficult to constantly and clearly observe such long-term diet as the period of feeding the baby and for so long limit yourself to the daily use of your favorite dishes. However, if you agree with the appearance of a baby in your house, you, of course, will have to understand that the state of health of your child, who has not yet grown stronger, will directly depend on your nutrition. And, of course, in order for your joy to grow healthy and strong, it will be quite possible to make such inherently non-global "gastronomic" sacrifices. In addition, I also want to turn to those mothers who, for example, are not able to refuse, at least for this time, from smoking and drinking even in very small quantities of alcoholic beverages.

Moms, if you do not want to give up your harmful ones both for yourself and for the child bad habits just think of the possibility artificial feeding your child. Since your breast milk in this case will not be able to bring any benefit to your baby, and moreover, your breast milk saturated with nicotine and alcohol will only harm the baby and sometimes irreparable. It is not worth risking the health of your very weak baby so much!

In any case, we wish you good luck!

Not for two, but for two. Of course, you will eat a little more than usual, because feeding the baby (especially if it happens on his demand, and not on schedule) takes about 800 kcal per day. But the main thing is not the quantity of food, but its quality and saturation with vitamins. If possible, your diet should be as healthy as possible, natural, without preservatives, artificial colors and nitrates. It's great if you can stick to the principle separate power supply(do not mix proteins with carbohydrates).

You can eat everything - the body itself knows what it wants

Wrong. Especially if the child is allergic, mom's food must be carefully chosen. Allergens include: chocolate, cocoa, peanuts, crabs, shrimp, crayfish, eggs, citrus fruits, strawberries, red vegetables and fruits (tomatoes, carrots, apples, pomegranates, etc.). Previously, it was believed that a nursing mother should be fed the meat of young animals and birds (veal, lamb, chicken), now scientists have come to the conclusion that such meat has an increased allergenic potential. For now, refrain from alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, cocoa, grapes, chocolate, fatty creams, mayonnaise, ketchup, sausages and smoked meats, as well as products containing preservatives and E-additives.

Theoretically, it can be an allergen and fish so introduce it into your diet gradually. It is better to use it boiled again. lean varieties(perch, carp, cod, hake, etc.) no more than 1-2 times a week.

The opposite move: you can eat only one type of food (one buckwheat or one oatmeal) so as not to provoke an allergy

Also incorrect. Mom's diet should be varied!

Her diet should include all the main food groups: meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, bread, cereals, vegetable and butter, vegetables, fruits, berries.

Safe Diet

Meat. Preferably lean beef, pork, white poultry meat (preferably boiled or in the form of meatballs and meatballs).

pay attention to cottage cheese and cheese(better than the young Adyghe type). Cottage cheese is preferably thermally processed and consumed in the form of cheesecakes, cottage cheese casserole etc. Yogurt is also suitable, but it should be without fruit additives and preservatives (the shorter the shelf life, the better).

After childbirth, the mother often has delicate issue- constipation. Therefore, it is very important that her diet contains a sufficient amount of dietary fiber that stimulates motor activity intestines. It is absolutely necessary to consume at least 400 g of fresh or cooked food every day. vegetables (cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, etc.), about 300 g fruits and berries(apples, pears, plums, currants, gooseberries, cranberries), about 200-300 ml juices(preferably freshly squeezed).

Dietary fiber is also rich in millet, buckwheat and oatmeal. cereals(try to alternate different kinds porridge), bread(preferably wholemeal and yeast-free bread) and especially dried fruits(prunes, dried apricots).

Up to one and a half to two months, it is advisable to use only hypoallergenic products. Then you can gradually introduce new products. General rule- eat New Product once a day and monitor the reaction of the baby. An allergic reaction usually occurs 2-4 hours after feeding. If everything is in order, then we boldly introduce a new product into our diet.

Milk is an absolute must, the more the better.

Wrong. Firstly, milk can cause individual intolerance, and secondly, in large quantities it causes the formation of gases (see the following myth). It is better to replace milk (in whole or in part) with fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt without sugar and fruit additives, fermented baked milk). If you like milk, then choose a product that does not have a long shelf life. It is better to use it not in its entirety, but diluted boiled water or tea.

It is useless to fight with infantile colic, they need to be experienced

Not quite right. Still, they can be influenced. And the very first thing you should do is pay attention to your menu. It is necessary to exclude gas-forming products from it. First of all, this applies to melons, so refrain from melon, watermelon, cucumbers. Do not abuse products that are obtained as a result of fermentation: kefir, sauerkraut, ryazhenka, yeast products (and for the first time it is better to completely abandon these products!).

The same applies to legumes, mushrooms and pearl barley. From these products, even in adults, the stomach sometimes “swells”, to say nothing of two-month-old babies! Sugar was also in disgrace, because. it also enhances the fermentation processes. So it is better to use sweets to a minimum, preferably marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade. It’s great if you can replace sugar with fructose or honey (only honey, like any allergen, be carefully introduced into the diet).

Must eat meat

But this looks like the truth. American pediatricians have found that in the body of lactating vegetarian mothers there is a deficiency of vitamin B12, which can lead to problems in mental development kids. Vitamin B12 is found in animal products (meat, eggs, dairy products). If you absolutely do not want to give up your vegetarian beliefs while feeding your baby, then the only way out- reception of special food additives and vitamin complexes with vitamins of group B. In most cases, having got rid of a vitamin deficiency, it is easy to overcome a delay in the growth and development of crumbs.

Breastfeeding mothers need to take calcium

It is not necessary to do this specifically. This is evidenced by an experiment conducted recently in America. The experiment involved two groups of nursing mothers (about 400 people in total). In the first group, mothers took calcium supplements, as well as foods specially enriched with this element, and in the second group, they ate as usual. Estimating the density bone tissue among the participants in the experiment, the scientists concluded that there were no differences between the two groups. So nursing mothers can no longer worry: their bones and without additional reception Calcium is not in danger.

Need to drink a lot

Truth. Immediately after feeding (and even during it), you will almost certainly feel an attack of thirst. Trust your body! Drink as much as you like.

But note that within two to three days after childbirth, when lactation is just established and mature milk comes instead of colostrum, drinking regimen should be limited (no more than a liter of fluid per day!) to prevent excessive breast swelling. Inflamed chest, hard as a drum - this is not our way!

After lactation is established, you can drink about two liters of fluid per day. Best to drink green tea(try not to get carried away with black), water, fruit drink, dried fruit compote, diluted apple or pear juice. It used to be that to increase lactation, you need to drink a lot of black tea with milk or condensed milk. Now, it seems, this theory is not confirmed, these drinks do not affect lactation. But if you like this tea, then drink to your health.

Inessa Smyk

In this article:

There is one main way to help a newborn baby get used to life outside the mother's tummy faster - to provide him with proper and timely feeding in addition to regular hygiene and good sleep. The first months of life are the most difficult for both mother and child. Their most important task is to get used to each other and develop correct mode day.

Mom will have the hardest time, because between taking care of the baby and the house, she will have to deny herself both her favorite dishes and pleasant activities. Let's look at what you can eat after childbirth without consequences for the health and well-being of the baby in the first weeks after discharge.

Nutrition of a nursing mother in the first 1.5-2 months

No doctor can say with 100% accuracy that certain products are harmless to the body of a newborn baby. But the practice of pediatricians shows that mother's nutrition after childbirth should consist only of cooked foods, raw fruit and vegetables are not allowed, this is one of the distinguishing features breastfeeding mother's diet.

The fact is that digestive system the baby will mature in the next few years, so only the simplest foods for digestion are suitable for him. From not proper nutrition mother very often occurs food allergy, manifested atopic dermatitis and even obstructive bronchitis. In second place are digestive problems, frequent constipation, bloating and colic.

List of foods acceptable for breastfeeding mothers:

  • buckwheat, rice and oatmeal;
  • dairy products;
  • bread and bakery products;
  • apples, bananas;
  • dried fruits;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • vegetables;
  • vegetable soups and broths;
  • meat;
  • eggs, cheese, cookies;
  • fish.

For each of the listed products, there is a rule for its preparation and the amount allowed for use. None of the products can be abused and eat more than 3-4 times a week. When compiling a diet, doctors recommend keeping a diary of observations, consisting of 2 columns. The first indicates the ingredient being introduced, the second - the baby's reaction to it. It’s best to eat new “dishes” in the morning so that by the evening Negative consequences from the side of the small tummy passed and the whole family slept peacefully.

Any porridge is boiled in water with a minimum amount of salt and oil. Buckwheat is pre-soaked for several hours, then the water is drained, the swollen groats are washed and boiled. They do the same with rice, but it strengthens, so it can cause constipation in the crumbs. You can fill the porridge with olive, unrefined sunflower and butter. This is the simplest and healthy food for the whole family.

Of fermented milk products, preference should be given to kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk. Sour cream, cream and, of course, milk should not be consumed. The first two products are too high in fat, and milk can be described as one of the strongest allergens, no diet accepts these ingredients. Of course, the degree of allergenicity of milk decreases after boiling, but you should not experiment. You can drink up to 500 ml of fermented milk products per day. You can eat yogurt, but only if it is homemade without additives and dyes. Dairy products should be seen as a meal, not an addition to the morning and lunch menu. Let them form the basis of a second breakfast or afternoon snack.

Meat is always a separate article. This product is rich in protein, necessary for the full growth and development of the child. It is preferable to build nutrition after childbirth on the use of rabbit meat, turkey or lean pork. The meat must be boiled or baked until tender. A side dish for such a dish can be potatoes (boiled or baked), stewed vegetables. Potatoes are soaked for 8-10 hours to remove excess starch and possible nitrates. You can boil pasta from durum wheat.

Eggs, like milk, are strong allergens. They can be consumed boiled (soft-boiled) 2-3 times a week. If the child did not respond well to them, you can try again in 2-3 weeks. Maybe, allergic reaction developed into protein, then the yolk can be safely consumed.

Low-fat fish, such as hake or pollock, is best baked. River fish considered more allergenic. Other seafood such as crabs and shrimp are not allowed. By the way, fish can be cooked with spices such as pepper, marjoram, Bay leaf, dill. They improve digestion.

The nutrition of a nursing mother after childbirth can be diversified with fruits and vegetables. From fruits, these are apples and bananas, and apples are only baked. Baked applesunique product, it contains easily digestible pectin and vitamin C, as well as a mass beneficial trace elements. In addition, the pulp of a baked apple improves the intestinal microflora, contributing to a good local immunity, and he is weakened after childbirth and his mother. Bananas are eaten raw in small quantities.

From vegetables, zucchini, potatoes, cabbage, carrots and beets are allowed. You can start with zucchini and potatoes. They are digested well and their degree of allergenicity is the lowest. Can be welded vegetable soup from these vegetables, adding a little dill. Caviar is prepared from beets and carrots and consumed in very small quantities. Cabbage often causes bloating, so it is administered boiled in small doses, it is good if it is broccoli. Pediatricians often recommend that mom after childbirth introduce children into her diet. vegetable puree. This is both canned food and cooked independently from fresh vegetables.

The diet of a nursing mother includes wholemeal bread, it is possible with bran. It is better to prefer products made from rye flour. Donuts are not prohibited either. Let it be an ordinary loaf, the simplest cookie, devoid of baking powder, flavor enhancers and toppings. Can bake oatmeal cookies at home.

What can you drink?

These are non-carbonated drinking water, green and black tea, dried fruit compote. Useful compote of dried apples with not large quantity raisins and rose hips. If the child suffers from constipation, you can add a little prunes and dried apricots. Drinking a lot is good. From enough liquid milk arrives, toxins are removed, the intestines are quickly cleansed. Especially a lot should be drunk in the first weeks after childbirth in order to remove the remnants of drugs from the body and minimize their ingestion to the baby.

There is an opinion that the menu of a nursing mother should not differ much from what she ate during the period of bearing a baby. Theoretically, one can agree with this. In practice, however, a different picture is observed. Previously, the baby did not feel the impact environment, as it was securely hidden in my mother's tummy. After birth, numerous microbes, viruses, unstable ambient temperature, etc. “attack” his weak body.

If you complicate this situation aggressive nutrition, the baby will have a very hard time, and the consequences can be the most unpredictable. Parents are obliged to take care of their own child so that their mistakes do not lead to illness, sleepless nights, experiences and failures. On this question, covering the nutrition of a nursing mother after childbirth can be considered closed, although there is still a group of products that every woman should know about the prohibition of eating.

Prohibited Products

The nutrition of the mother of the newborn is a strict diet consisting of huge amount prohibitions. But what can you do for the health of your own baby. In addition, it is useful for the figure. So, the list of prohibited products includes:

  • fast food and any semi-finished products;
  • canned food and pickles;
  • chocolate;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • barley and semolina porridge;
  • caviar;
  • coffee, cocoa and spirits;
  • sugar, halva;
  • garlic and onions;
  • legumes;
  • ice cream;
  • berries, pears, watermelon and other "overseas" fruits;
  • radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • tomato sauce and mayonnaise.

Based this list, we can conclude that the menu of a nursing mother should include fresh, healthy and neutral foods. You can not include in the diet fried, too salty, sweet or seasoned with a lot of spices. Nutrition after childbirth should be light, but complete, in order to provide the baby and your own body with everything you need nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

All of the above foods are either allergic, difficult to digest, or contain a large number of preservatives and other additives. Mom can be a little reassured by the fact that her diet will come to an end in about 4-6 months. It is by this time that the child has an allergy to certain foods or its absence, and the small tummy begins to get used to the changing composition of mother's milk.

When should you expand your diet?

When wondering what you can eat after childbirth, at first glance it seems that almost nothing. But this is a temporary diet, which can be significantly relaxed in six months or even earlier. Many mothers get so used to the restrictions that they comply with them for a very long time. This is good, since no one has yet canceled the principles of proper nutrition.

If up to 3 months the baby responded well to the changing diet and rarely disturbed the parents with scarlet cheeks and colic, the mother may well begin to draw up a new menu. Now barley and millet, boiled beans or soup from it, boiled milk, cheese, sour cream, boiled pear, compote from blueberries, currants, cherries and other tasty food. You can treat yourself to chicken and veal, homemade jam, nuts, fresh juices. Again, all the products of the new menu are introduced gradually, no more than 1-3 per week. Still banned alcohol, coffee and canned food. Every mother should remember that only after introducing the child to the common table, she will be able to return her previous menu, if its recipes are still remembered, and the taste is “on the tongue”.

Nutrition after childbirth sometimes resembles the most rigid diet. But one thing distinguishes it from similar diets developed by experts. This is an incentive or expected result, which refers to the health of the most expensive person in the world. Follow the principles of proper nutrition and raise healthy babies.

Useful video about the principles of nutrition