Prominent ears are an annoying defect or a sign of peculiarity. Causes and stages of protruding ears: how to correct a congenital anomaly

Otoplasty or ear correction involves plastic surgery to change the shape of the auricle or eliminate defects.

Correction is performed not only in case of aesthetic defects such as protruding ears, but also in the following cases:

  • irregular shape of the auricle,
  • complete or partial absence auricle,
  • congenital and acquired defects,
  • torn lobe, tissue rupture,
  • age-related changes in the shape of the lobe.

In total there are more than 200 various types otoplasty, which allows you to eliminate the most various disadvantages ear shapes.

The most popular is correction of protruding ears, which allows you to once and for all get rid of the complex that has haunted many since childhood. The procedure is performed not only for adults, but also for children aged 6 years and older.

Modern methods otoplasty is aimed at creating an aesthetic appearance of the ears - with a proportional shape, even and smooth, without noticeable postoperative sutures.

Preparing for correction

Regardless of which technique was chosen, it is necessary to prepare for surgery. To do this you will have to undergo a number of tests. The specialist will also assess the condition of the ears, their size, shape, and the presence of deformations. The doctor will take pictures of the ears from several sides and offer options for otoplasty.

You can proceed with the operation only in the absence of the following contraindications:

  • diabetes,
  • bleeding disorder,
  • infectious diseases,
  • inflammatory diseases of the hearing organs,
  • age up to 6 years.

Types of otoplasty

All surgical interventions are performed under local anesthesia. The type of correction is selected by the surgeon individually, but the most popular include ear correction according to Furnas, Mustard, Entenstorm, as well as laser correction.

  • Ear correction according to Furnas

The essence of this technique is to remove a piece of skin behind the ear and attract the ear cartilage to the temporal bone. Mainly used for protruding ears. IN last years is used infrequently, as doctors prefer less traumatic operations.

  • Ear correction according to Mustard

During surgery, the doctor removes the skin behind the ears and places tension sutures. The method allows you to eliminate protruding ears, as well as correct the shape of the ears.

  • Ear correction according to Entenstorm

The least traumatic procedure. The surgeon makes small incisions to thin the cartilage and applies cosmetic sutures.

  • Laser ear correction

The most modern technique using a laser. Having an antimicrobial effect, the laser eliminates suppuration, as well as the development of inflammatory processes after surgery. At the same time, the vessels heal very quickly, which means this operation is practically bloodless.

Using a laser allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. reduce or enlarge the auricle,
  2. get rid of protruding ears,
  3. restore the shape of the ears.

The correction is carried out under local anesthesia and lasts from 30 minutes depending on the complexity of the situation. Unlike other techniques, laser otoplasty does not leave scars, does not require postoperative dressing, rehabilitation and healing are very fast.

Rehabilitation period

After laser correction, the sutures are removed on the 7th day, and an elastic bandage is applied, which will have to be worn for a month.

You can return to work after surgery within 5-7 days if there are no complications and feeling good. After the operation, the ears may hurt for some time, redness and bruising may persist, but after 2 weeks the color will be restored. Immediately after the correction, you need to take a painkiller tablet, another 3 hours later and at night.

You will have to stop exercising for the next six months after the operation. contact types sports to avoid possible injuries ears.

Finite result of otoplasty assessed after 3 months, if necessary, additional correction is carried out. It must be taken into account that no doctor guarantees the perfect similarity of two ears, since they are different from birth.

Possible complications after ear correction

Complications after otoplasty occur very rarely and, as a rule, appear as a result of neglecting the doctor’s recommendations after surgery. Complications include loss of cartilage, inflammation and suppuration, and rough scars.

What does earlobe correction correct?

The earlobe is a noticeable detail that can give away age or hint to others about the adventures its owner has experienced. Lobes can change shape for various reasons:

  • birth defects,
  • wearing heavy jewelry,
  • burns, injuries,
  • age-related changes.

Surgeons are quite capable of restoring aesthetic appeal. To do this, they perform a simple operation under local anesthesia. It lasts about 60 minutes. The doctor cuts out a wedge-shaped section of the earlobe and applies a cosmetic suture.

If it is necessary to increase the size of the lobe, it is carried out reconstructive correction. The surgeon forms a new lobe from a lobe taken from the neck skin flap. A medical plaster is applied to the seam. The laser resurfacing procedure helps make incision marks less noticeable.

To reduce the size, a section of skin is removed from the back side and the edges are sewn together. If necessary, excess fat tissue is removed.

For 3 months after surgery, you cannot pierce your ears or wear earrings.

Contraindications for earlobe correction:

  1. diabetes,
  2. pregnancy and lactation,
  3. oncological diseases,
  4. chronic and acute diseases,
  5. age up to 18 years.

Possible complications:

  • painful sensations,
  • bruises,
  • swelling, hematoma.

In case of complications, consult a doctor who will prescribe pain medications and give the necessary recommendations.

Ear correction without surgery

If you don’t want to go under the surgeon’s knife, you can hide imperfections in other ways.

  1. The right hairstyle to hide your ears. Bob haircuts, semi-long asymmetry, and cap haircuts are suitable. In this case, the length of the hair should reach at least the middle of the ears. Long flowing hair that hides the side of the face will also work well.
  2. Silicone forms. Used to correct the ears of babies under six months of age. The forms are attached to the ears and fix them in the desired position. Soft cartilage tissue easy to change.
  3. Elastic bandage. Wearing it will bring results in children under 6 years of age. The headband must be worn at all times, including at night, to ensure that the ears fit tightly to the head.
  4. Dermal fillers. Filler injections can rejuvenate the earlobes.

Thus, if you are not satisfied with your earlobe or the shape of your auricle, modern technologies offer different options for their correction. However, many famous people, for example, model Natalya Vodianova and actress Evgenia Kryukova are not embarrassed by protruding ears and do not try to change it.

Perhaps you too can turn your shortcomings into advantages without complex surgical interventions.


Health 07/17/2017

Dear readers, today we have a difficult topic on our blog for many. One of those problems that does not seem to threaten health in any way, but at the same time can cause a lot of troubles and worries directly to those who are faced with it, as well as to their loved ones. We are talking about protruding ears.

However, I think many will rejoice at the news that this cosmetic defect can be corrected, including without surgery. Mikhail Viktorovich Savelyev, a doctor and employee of the manufacturer of silicone ear correctors “Mairs”, talks about how to do this. I give him the floor.

How do lop-eared people live?

Good afternoon to all readers of Irina’s blog! Today we will discuss the problem of protruding ears and start with what we know about protruding ears, the causes and how it occurs. delicate feature may affect a person's life in the future. After all, everything comes from childhood...

Prominent ears are a widespread cosmetic defect, often causing its bearers a lot of bitter experiences. Surely each of us can name many movies or cartoons to which a hero with funny protruding ears added a zest. Or often - with one protruding ear. When we looked at him, we involuntarily smiled. And this character seemed a little stupid and funny... So in life, you must admit, the presence of protruding ears in a person often puts us in a somewhat frivolous or even patronizing mood when communicating with him.

However, in different countries lop-eared people are treated differently. For example, among the Japanese, protruding ears are considered a sign of sublime sensuality, and among the Koreans, it is a sign of potential prosperity and financial well-being. Yes, and Europeans Lately Protruding ears are increasingly viewed as a kind of quirk that gives its wearer a unique charm.

It may seem that protruding ears are more common among men. However, it is not. According to statistics, the percentage of lop-eared children is approximately the same among both men and women and makes up about half of all newborns, regardless of race. It’s just easier for women to disguise this cosmetic defect with a hairstyle, scarf, hat, etc.

Possible consequences and prevention

Few of us have thought about the mental suffering that befalls people with such a cosmetic defect. This applies especially to children and even more so to teenagers. It is in children's and adolescence we acquire those psychological inferiority complexes that poison us for the rest of our lives.

A person who is not strong in the psycho-emotional sphere is very susceptible to psychological trauma, which can lead to the formation of sustainable depressive state, accompanied by a feeling of inferiority, dissatisfaction with oneself and the world around us, irritation and resentment towards everyone and everything. Particularly bitter reproaches are often addressed specifically to the parents, who are allegedly to blame for the fact that the child was born with protruding ears.

Over time, growing up, a child or a young person understands that parents can be reproached, rather, not for the fact that he was born this way, but for the fact that at his early age they did not accept the necessary and effective measures to correct this deficiency in a timely manner. But in the early childhood Fixing this defect is really quite simple, it is only important to pay attention to it in time and do it.

Causes of protruding ears

Speaking about the causes of protruding ears, it should be noted that among specialists there is no consensus on this issue, but many of them consider heredity to be the main factor. Moreover, it is interesting that, in accordance with known inheritance mechanisms, it is not at all necessary for one of the parents to have protruding ears. Sometimes traits are inherited through one generation or more. That is, great-great-grandmothers or great-great-grandfathers could have large ears.

Some experts are inclined to believe that protruding ears, especially one-sided ones, are caused by malpresentation of the fetus in the uterine cavity, or injury to the auricle during a complicated birth.

WITH medical point Prominent ears are a pathology of the cartilage of the auricle, expressed in its excessive growth or violation of the angle of contact with the surface of the head. At the same time, the visible contours of the auricle are often disrupted, for example, underdevelopment of the antihelix.

Often parents of children early age do not attach due importance to such a cosmetic defect in their child. And in vain! After all, it is precisely at the age of up to six months that the cartilage of the auricle in children is still sufficiently plastic in order to take measures to correct its position non-operatively with a high chance of success.

Why you should avoid otoplasty

In recent years, in our country (and even earlier abroad), plastic or, more precisely, aesthetic surgery. A great variety of clinics, medical centers of different price segments, as well as very different professional levels, they offer to eliminate almost any cosmetic defect, including protruding ears.

The operation called otoplasty is presented as simple and safe. During the operation, under local or general anesthesia, excess cartilaginous tissue in the area behind the ear is excised, followed by modeling of the new position of the auricle. Sounds really simple. But is this really so? Is otoplasty so easy and safe?

Any more or less competent doctor will say that any anesthesia, and especially general anesthesia, is always a risk. Therefore, indications for plastic surgery should be narrowed as much as possible. Such indications include, for example, gross disfigurement of the face, treatment and elimination of the consequences of burns requiring skin grafts, the presence of constricting scars in the patient, making it difficult to breathe, eat, move, etc. For the majority of current clients plastic surgeons What is needed, first of all, is psychological, and for some, psychiatric, and not surgical help.

What risks might otoplasty pose?

  • The formation of auricular cartilage ends in a child by about nine years of age. However, you can often find advertisements offering otoplasty surgery at six and seven years of age. At the same time, arguments will be given that it is best to eliminate the problem before entering first grade in order to avoid ridicule and bullying from classmates. Surgery on fragile and not fully formed ear cartilage, as a rule, leads to various complications requiring new surgical interventions. And, of course, expenses;
  • hematomas formed during surgery can sometimes take up to six months to resolve, either fester or transform into connective tissue, deforming ears;
  • there is a high risk of postoperative inflammation - if medical personnel rules of asepsis and antiseptics. In this case, repeated surgery and extensive antibiotic therapy may also be required;
  • Sometimes after otoplasty, patients experience a peculiar deformation of the auricles, which can be observed, for example, in wrestlers or boxers - a smoothing of the relief of the auricle due to numerous internal hematomas. To correct such a complication, the intervention of a much more qualified surgeon will be required, which, unfortunately, is also not always successful.

List possible complications We can continue, but let’s not exaggerate, because this is already enough to think about it. The main thing is to understand that such complications can be very serious and even fatal - ranging from laryngo- or bronchospasm to the development of heart failure or anaphylactic shock.

How to solve the problem of protruding ears non-operatively

So, we come to the main question - how to get rid of protruding ears at home and without surgery?

Of course, there is a way out. One of the most optimal ways eliminating protruding ears without surgical intervention is the use of innovative developments by domestic and Israeli specialists. These are silicone ear correctors that allow you to fix the ears in the “correct” position.

Ear correctors steel the best option for a huge number of people who are concerned about the future psycho-emotional health of their children or who want to get an immediate cosmetic effect for themselves.

Using silicone ear correctors you get:

  • an innovative device that will correct a congenital cosmetic defect in your child and predetermine his normal psycho-emotional development;
  • an excellent tool for temporary cosmetic transformation of your appearance;
  • a reasonable alternative to surgery and the risks associated with it;
  • significant savings in money that could have been spent on the surgical elimination of protruding ears with very uncertain and ambiguous prospects;
  • internal satisfaction with one’s appearance, self-confidence;
  • and, finally, just a good mood.

Today on Russian market Only a few companies offer ear correctors as an alternative to otoplasty.

Ear correctors Mairs

Mairs ear correctors are two kidney-shaped silicone lenses made of transparent hypoallergenic material, secured together by a thin bridge. The photo shows that the silicone base is transparent and almost blends with the color of the skin.

The working surfaces of the lenses are covered with a layer of hypoallergenic medical glue with residual stickiness. The adhesive layer is protected by protective anti-adhesive paper, which is removed before using the corrector. Both the silicone from which the ear correctors are made and the glue that fixes them are absolutely safe for humans, chemically inert and do not cause allergic reactions.

Ear correctors Arilis and Otostik

Ear correctors Arilis and Otostik are analogues of Mairs correctors. All three types meet the declared quality and offer the end consumer a line of correctors for children and adults. Which ear correctors should you prefer? Which ones are better? Short review by price.

  • Arilis – 10 pcs. correctors in a package for 1690 rubles, skin treatment product separately 490 rubles and a set of correctors 4 pcs. for 950 rubles;
  • Otostik – for a package of correctors 8 pcs. for children a cap is included, for all 1770 rubles, for adults - 1680 rubles;
  • Mairs - each set includes 8 correctors and a skin treatment product at the same price for children and adults - 1319 rubles. There is also a set of correctors 4 pcs. 859 rubles each.

How to use silicone ear correctors

First, the skin behind the ear and the back of the ear are treated with a degreasing compound. Then, after removing the protective film from one silicone lens, the corrector is glued to the skin of the back of the ear. After this, the film is removed from the second lens and with light pressure the device is attached to the scalp, fixing an aesthetically acceptable position of the ear.

I suggest watching the video material sent to us by one of the users of ear correctors. The video has been prepared so that the reader can understand how to use silicone ear correctors.

The result is that the auricle fits tightly to the head. Need I say how much relief a person feels when a cosmetic defect that has tormented him for years has been instantly, albeit temporarily, eliminated?

Correcting protruding ears is best started immediately after the birth of the child. If parents do not ignore this problem, it can be eliminated without surgery. Up to 6 months, the baby's auricle is fixed in correct position using a special silicone mold. The baby needs to wear such a clip for six months. Since cartilage tissue is infant can be corrected, the problem of protruding ears is solved painlessly and effectively.

It is possible to remove or slightly reduce protruding ears if the child is no more than 5–7 years old

To do this, you should constantly put on him, including at night, a special elastic bandage, a tennis elastic band, a scarf or a thin dense cap that will press his ears tightly to his head. If conservative methods do not help correct protruding ears in a child, this problem can only be eliminated with the help of surgical intervention.

Protruding ears: how to hide this defect with a hairstyle

If you want to get rid of protruding ears in more time late age, then the only non-surgical method in this case is an appropriate hairstyle. Of course, it is impossible to eliminate the problem in this way, but a properly chosen hairstyle will allow you to hide your protruding ears.

In order to hide protruding ears, you should not use tape or adhesive tape. You will constantly feel tension around your ears and be tense. Moreover, from frequent use such products will cause irritation on the skin

Otoplasty - surgical correction ear shapes

  • More details

There are various hairstyles, the styling principle of which is based on the extension from the crown to the ears. The length of the haircut is not particularly important, since the main task is to hide protruding ears. For a short haircut, semi-long asymmetry, a regular bob or a cap model are suitable, which will not only visually hide problem areas, but will also make you look fashionable and stylish.

However, the haircut should not be too short length, because hair should cover your ears at least halfway

You can hide protruding ears using long hair. To do this, place your hair in a ponytail or braid not at the back of the head, but slightly lower. This way, the hair around the ears will lie freely and cover part of it. You can also leave a few strands of hair loose around your temples to hide the side of your face. If you like to wear a high ponytail or bun, leave some of the hair at the temples free, and after creating the hairstyle, secure the strands on the sides of the back of the head so that they hide the top protruding part of the ears.

An excellent haircut option that hides protruding ears is graduation

Strands cut along an oblique line can be laid outward or inward, covering the ears. In this case, the hair will fall down the sides of the face. On straight hair, you should also curl the ends inward using round brush. Curly hair flows down naturally.

In addition to the hairstyle, you can hide protruding ears with the help of a headdress - a baseball cap, scarf, bandana, hat with a tight elastic band, as well as a fashionable headband.

Injections in the ears

  • More details

Surgery – correction of protruding ears

Surgery to correct the shape and size of the ear is called otoplasty. However, it has some limitations, for example, this operation cannot be performed on children under 6–7 years old. Before reaching this age, the ear and its tissues grow and form.

The duration of the operation is a maximum of 50–60 minutes. During otoplasty, an incision is made in the area back surface auricle, and therefore postoperative scars will be invisible. Moreover, self-absorbing sutures are now used, which do not need to be removed after surgery. Discharge from the hospital occurs in children after a day, and in adults - after a few hours.

If you are afraid of surgery, this may be right for you. laser correction ear cartilage

Prominent ears are one of the most common congenital phenomena caused by protruding ears. The presence of this defect creates a lot of psychological problems, regardless of age and gender. But this especially affects children who are prone to developing an inferiority complex.

Causes of protruding ears

The congenital anomaly suggests some features of the formation of the auricles during the period of intrauterine development. And most common reasons occurrence of such defects are:
  • Genetics or hereditary component. The presence of defect-free ears in parents does not guarantee a similar effect in their baby, who may inherit protruding ears from a grandfather/grandmother or other relatives on the father's/mother's side.
  • Features of embryonic development. During the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother may not be aware of the beginning of the process of incorrect formation of the auricles. This can be expressed in the following manifestations:

    Underdevelopment/smoothness of the antihelix;
    - hypertrophy of ear cartilage.

  • Excessive protrusion of the earlobe.
  • Shape deformation of the helix ear at the end.
  • Macrotia effect. It is a consequence of the progressive growth of the ears, which do not correspond to the proportions of the head.
Additional factors for the occurrence of protruding ears include:
  • Receipt various injuries(cranial, temporal, auricular).
  • The birth process. Provoking elements for deformation of the ears are:

    - Narrow pelvis. Provides compression of the head and adjacent organs when the fetus leaves the womb.
    - Incorrect fetal position. Difficult childbirth can result in injury to the baby of different nature.
    - C-section . During the operation, pressure is applied to the mother's abdomen.

What is protruding ears?

A congenital defect of the ear, when its location in relation to the head does not imply parallelism, but is located at an angle of more than 30 degrees, is called protruding ears. And most often it affects two hearing organs at once, although there are exceptions in the form of protrusion of only one ear with the correct location of the second.

Prominent ears are a consequence of various ear deformities that can manifest themselves in the form of:

  • Deviation of the auricle exceeding the norm of 30 degrees.
  • Contour smoothness of the antihelix.
  • Underdevelopment of the antihelix.
  • Prominent outer ear due to its large volume and cartilaginous mass.
  • Protruding lobe due to enlarged external sink or due to the special shape of the curl.
  • Protrusion in combination with proportional disturbances of the ears due to vascular pathology or Recklinghausen syndrome.
  • Several (above presented) anomalies at once.
The following are distinguished: degree of protruding ears:
  • First. Slight protrusion, barely noticeable. Visually, this defect is almost not noticeable, but when measuring the angle of deviation of the auricle from the surface of the head, it exceeds 30 degrees up to 45 degrees.
  • Second. Ear protrusion is already noticeable as the angle varies from 45 to 90 degrees.
  • Third. This is a pronounced protruding ear with an angle between the ears and head of more than 90 degrees.

How to get rid of protruding ears without surgery, Velcro for ears

The non-surgical method of eliminating protruding ears is considered the most affordable thanks to the use of special ear correctors (on-ears, Velcro) sold in pharmacies.
  • Corrector Arilis(Russian-Finnish). Made of hypoallergenic silicone and suitable for children and adults. Achievement of the desired effect is noted after a couple of years - for adults, and several months - for children. The corrector is changed every 7-10 days.
  • (Spanish). Provides visual correction for adults for a week. Suitable for children from 3 months, and promises relief from protruding ears within 6 months.

To attach the correctors to the scalp, use the hypoallergenic glue included in the kit. Before gluing, you should wash your hair and clean the area behind the ears from hairline. It is better to carry out the process itself in a dry (not humid) room, avoiding the formation of skin folds under the corrector. Thanks to their reliability, all of the above Velcro allow their owners to lead a normal lifestyle: swimming, diving, washing.

Incorrect installation of correctors leads to the formation of diaper rash and scratches.

How to hide protruding ears

Prominent ears can cause significant discomfort to its owners, especially the female half. Therefore, people with protruding ears have learned to hide this defect by resorting to various tricks. These include the following manipulations:
  • Emphasis on external advantages:

    Applying suitable makeup;
    - use of attractive lipstick;
    - emphasizing the neckline with a seductive outfit;
    - highlighting dimples on the cheeks (blush);
    - giving expressiveness to the eyes.

  • Change of hairstyle. You will have to give up short haircuts, ponytails and buns, collecting strands of hair in the front to cover protruding ears. Preference should be given to voluminous hairstyles, multi-level haircuts and thinning.
  • Using optional accessories. They will not only complement your wardrobe, but will also help disguise protruding ears. Among the useful accessories, it is necessary to highlight various hats and headbands, scarves and ribbons for hair decoration.
  • Correction of complexes. People with large ears often feel inferior. But sometimes this disadvantage adds zest, turning into an advantage. It is worth showing confidence, emphasizing your individuality, and standing out from the crowd.

The use of tight elastic bands and patches to fix protruding ears is fraught with consequences: overstrain of the ears and damage to the cartilaginous structures.

Surgery to eliminate protruding ears

Surgical intervention to eliminate the defect requires necessary measures and compliance with recommendations.

Preparation period

Before otoplasty, the patient must undergo the following examination:
  • change general analysis blood;
  • determination of blood clotting;
  • testing for hepatitis, HIV, RW;
  • ECG, fluorography;
  • identification of allergies to drugs.
Additionally, before surgery you will need:
  • 2 weeks in advance, stop taking medications containing acetylsalicylic acid(“Aspirin”, “Citramon” and similar medications that cause blood thinning);
  • Eliminate alcohol consumption and smoking for a month;
  • arrange a fasting day a day before;
  • do not eat on the day of surgery.

Progress of the operation

  • Provided the cartilage is pliable and thin enough, a strip of skin is cut from the back of the auricle. Then you need to gain access to the cartilaginous part of the ear cup by partial removal ear muscle. After stopping the bleeding that has occurred, the cup cartilage is attached to the periosteal bone of the temple by applying a special suture consisting of non-absorbable threads. Finally, the skin wound is sutured using absorbable sutures.
  • If there is contour smoothness of the antihelix due to its underdevelopment, an elliptical strip of skin is cut from the back of the ear. Then, soft tissue peels off from the base of the helix, as well as the ear cup. Having achieved exposure of the cartilage, silk threads are threaded through it white and tie them to form the necessary shape of the antihelix. The final step of the operation is suturing.
  • When creating the required shape of the antihelix, its surface is subjected to incisions. A skin incision is made inside the auricle, then the soft tissue is peeled away to open access to the anterior cartilaginous surface. This procedure allows the cartilage to bend into in the right direction. After this, excess skin is removed and the resulting wound is sutured.

Otoplasty involves the use of an instrument (scalpel/laser) and anesthesia (local/general). The duration of the operation is 0.5-2 hours.

Recovery period

Postoperative appearance The ears are characterized by cyanosis, swelling and the presence of hematomas. During rehabilitation, unpleasant sensations in the form of goosebumps may be observed - a return to the hearing organs of sensitivity. If there is physical discomfort, painkillers and antibiotics are prescribed to relieve inflammatory and infectious processes.

During the recovery period, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Constantly wearing an elastic bandage. The duration of wearing is determined by the doctor individually (usually at least 10 days).
  • Use a bandage at night to prevent ear damage. Duration 2-3 months.
  • Exclusion of any physical activity within a month.
  • Do not expose your ears to mechanical stress.
  • Avoid visiting saunas, steam baths, and solariums for 30-40 days.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun whole month(use of protective headgear is allowed).
  • Undergoing physical therapy procedures to speed up healing.
  • Do regular dressings for 2 weeks.
  • The use of non-absorbable threads during surgery requires their removal after 2 weeks.

Otoplasty does not affect hearing, and its results are assessed by a doctor after six months.

Possible complications

Serious complications from otoplasty are rare. These include:
  • Keloid scar formation. Predisposing factors are considered individual characteristics and the patient's skin type. Elimination of complications includes:

    Use of special silicone patches;
    - administration of hydrocortisone injections;
    - surgical removal.

  • Bleeding, hematoma formation. More often it is characterized by preoperative use of medications that weaken blood clotting. The complication is eliminated by removing excess blood and cauterizing the vessels.
  • Permanent ear pain . Factors influencing this complication:

    The bandage is too tight;
    - various inflammations, marked by an increase in temperature (antibacterial medications are required).

  • Individual intolerance. Manifests itself in the form of rejection of materials (threads). The complication is fraught with zero effectiveness of otoplasty.
  • Unjustified expectations. A relative complication caused by the patient’s dissatisfaction with the result.


Surgical correction of the auricles is contraindicated in the presence of the following factors:
  • poor blood clotting;
  • aggravated chronic pathologies;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes, especially in the head area;
  • inflammation of the ear;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • immune disorders.

Otoplasty. Correction of protruding ears (video)

Prominent ears and its causes. Methods for correcting the defect, including surgery. Otoplasty results and postoperative behavior.

How to correct protruding ears in children

Children's protruding ears can be corrected through otoplasty, wearing bandages and Velcro. Surgical intervention is recommended for children aged 6 years and older. general anesthesia to avoid stress. Usage local anesthesia Applicable to children over 12 years old.

Otoplasty is performed up to 1.5 hours using a scalpel or laser. The wounds are sutured with special threads that dissolve within a month. After the operation, a fixing bandage is put on for 5 days. During the first 2 weeks, 3-4 dressings are required, avoid washing your hair.

The postoperative period involves a one-time dose of an anti-inflammatory drug (Ketonal) and wearing an elastic bandage for 10 days. Next month Bandages should only be used while sleeping to avoid injury.

For infants, eliminating protruding ears involves wearing a bandage. At this age, the ear cartilage is soft and flexible, which means it can be deformed. Additionally, protruding ears can be corrected using constant wearing dense scarves, caps and headdresses that press the hearing organs to the head.

The normal distance from the ears to the skull is no more than 30⁰. If it is larger, then you fall into the category of people whose ears stick out. About 50% of the population of our planet is familiar with this problem firsthand, but this defect can cause a minimum of discomfort if it is not too noticeable. When the ears protrude very much, and it cannot be hidden or disguised, complexes appear and the problem must be eliminated.

Many people wonder whether protruding ears are inherited? It has been scientifically proven that this defect can be genetic or appear as a result of an intrauterine disorder in the development of the ears. At the same time, it is not necessary that the mother or father have protruding ears; you can even get such a “legacy” from distant relatives. It is for this reason that the defect occurs in almost half of the planet's inhabitants.

Deviation degrees

Protruding ears in children, the causes of which may be related to genetics or improper development inside the mother's womb, divided into 3 degrees:

  1. An angle of 31 to 45⁰ is formed between the ear and the skull.
  2. An angle of 46 to 90⁰ is formed between the ear and the skull.
  3. An angle of more than 91⁰ is formed between the ear and the skull.

Most often, both ears protrude almost equally, but it also happens that one of them fits more to the head, and the other less. In this case, the problem is especially noticeable.

When to start correction

The aesthetic defect is visible to the naked eye from the very birth of the child. The sooner you start working on eliminating it, the greater the chance of getting the desired result. Before correcting protruding ears in an infant, you need to consult an otolaryngologist. The doctor must confirm that the baby does not have hearing problems, infections or other diseases that may worsen during the correction.

Special ear pads are the most effective and painless way eliminating protruding ears. They are made of silicone and must be worn constantly. The material is hypoallergenic and very elastic, so it does not cause any harm to the baby. discomfort, but fixes the ears in the correct position and helps correct the defect.

You need to wear such pads until the child turns 6 months old - in the first six months the cartilage is the most flexible, and therefore can be easily corrected.

Important! Some parents use medical tape or double-sided tape to glue the ears to the head, but this is extremely dangerous. These materials cause irritation to the baby's delicate skin, so it is better not to use them.

Tight-fitting scarves and hats should also not be put on the baby - this will cause him discomfort and may even negatively affect the development of hearing.

Elimination of the defect after six months

If you did not pay due attention to your baby’s problem in time, then after six months it will be quite difficult to eliminate it without surgery. Before correcting protruding ears in a child, you need to realistically assess the degree of deformation. If the ears do not protrude very much, then you can choose a suitable hairstyle; in some cases, the hair hides the defect very well.

You can also purchase special correctors that can be used to “glue” your ears to your head. They are made of silicone, hypoallergenic glue is applied to them, so the child will not feel irritation or discomfort.

Advantages of silicone correctors:

  • health safety;
  • invisibility to others, small transparent plates are not visible behind the ears;
  • effectiveness - the result is noticeable immediately after fixing;
  • comfortable to wear – with correctors you can swim in artificial and natural reservoirs, one pair is enough for 7 days.

However, this method will only mask the problem or fix it in minor degree.

Correction of ear cartilage is possible up to 6-7 years, while they are still forming; after this age, conservative methods of eliminating the defect are completely ineffective.

There is only one reliable way to eliminate the problem, which helps to remove protruding ears at any age 100%, this is otoplasty. The operation is considered simple, it is performed under local or general anesthesia. Depending on the degree of the defect, it lasts from half an hour to 2 hours. The rehabilitation period also passes easily in 2-3 weeks. During this time, the patient may experience some discomfort and must wear a special bandage.

Otoplasty is allowed from the age of 6-7 years, when the ears are already fully formed and the degree of their deformation can be fully assessed. Before removing protruding ears, the patient undergoes an examination and undergoes a series of tests to completely eliminate possible complications.

Just a few hours after surgery, you can go home, but you need to visit a doctor periodically to be sure that the healing process of the sutures is proceeding correctly.

Advantages of the operation:

  • 100% guarantee that the defect will be eliminated;
  • relatively low cost;
  • minimal number of contraindications;
  • the ability to correct protruding ears at any age;
  • simple and short rehabilitation period;
  • maintaining the results for life.

Drawing conclusions

If you discover that your child has aesthetic problems, you need to solve them as quickly as possible. Only up to six months there is a chance that correction of protruding ears conservative methods will give good results. In the future, the defect can only be masked or corrected to a minor extent. The operation is a guarantee that all problems will be eliminated; it will help quickly get rid of the deficiency.

Those who do not dare to undergo otoplasty or have contraindications to it can only hide their protruding ears with the help of special hairstyles, silicone correctors, hats or accessories.

If you don't have the opportunity to have surgery, learn to love yourself and your ears as they are, perceive your deficiency as a feature, and you will notice how much more confident you will feel.