Effective antifungal ointments for body skin. Antifungal ointments

Fungal infections are a common condition that affects many people. Modern ointments allow you to achieve excellent results in treatment viral disease. On the pharmacological market, antimycotic drugs for the skin are presented in a wide range.

How does ointment work against fungus on the skin of the body?

Anyone can get a fungal infection. Pathogens become active when the immune system is weakened or unable to resist viruses. Antifungal ointments help to cope with them. There are more than two hundred types of drugs. Medicines are prescribed after full examination and identification of the causative agent of the disease. The best drugs are considered:

  1. Terbizil. Main active substance is terbinafine. The drug stops the production of sterol in fungal cells.
  2. Clotrimazole. Ointment from skin diseases. The components of the drug destroy the walls of pathogenic cells.
  3. Fundizol is a universal drug that is active against different types mushrooms Can be used on the head, back, arms. Contains: zinc oxide, potassium iodide, methyl ether.
  4. Exoderil. A popular ointment for fungal skin diseases. This remedy works where its analogues are powerless. The average price is 500 rubles.

What antifungal ointments are there?

If a dermatological disease was detected on early stage, then only one antimycotic ointment or cream can be used for treatment. In the case of an advanced form of the disease, antifungal ointments for the skin are prescribed in combination with other treatment: taking pills, physiotherapy, etc. Drugs must be selected and used depending on the lesion.

Antifungal ointments for feet

It is known that foot fungus is a common disease. Increased moisture in shoes difficult conditions labor, lack of personal hygiene - these are the prerequisites for the development of fungal infection. Also high probability for the development of the disease are metabolic disorders: stomach diseases, diabetes etc. The following are distinguished: effective ointments for foot fungus:

  • Lamisil. The active substance is terbinafine. A single application is required for complete cure to occur within 2 weeks.
  • Exoderil. The active ingredient is naftifine. Ointment against foot fungus penetrates deep into the skin, accumulates there and creates a high concentration. Duration of treatment is 2 months.
  • Clotrimazole. An effective antifungal ointment for the skin. The low toxicity of the drug allows its use during pregnancy.

Antifungal ointments for the intimate area

The most sensitive and delicate place on the body of women and men is the intimate area. Many are familiar with such painful unpleasant phenomena like rubbing, burning and itching in the groin. Often such symptoms are caused by opportunistic and pathogenic fungal microflora. Can help reduce signs of illness antifungal drugs For intimate area:

  • Pimafucin. The active substance is natamycin. The drug is applied 4 times a day. The healing time is approximately a month.
  • Nystatin – antifungal ointment for mucous membranes groin area, which has activity against Candida. Treatment lasts 9 days.

Ointment for fungus on hands

According to the type of main active ingredient, all drugs for fungus on the hands are divided into groups:

  • Based on fluconazole: Diflucan, Mikomax and Mikosist. The agents block the transformation of viral cells.
  • With the active substance terbinafine: Binafin, Lamisil and Terbizil. Medicines prevent the proliferation of pathogenic fungi.

Antifungal ointments for children

When the first symptoms of a fungal disease appear in a child, attentive parents should immediately consult a doctor to get tested and decide on further therapy. A dermatologist, based on the stage of the disease, can prescribe special medications that suppress pathogenic flora. The most famous antimycotic drugs for children are:

  • Travogen. Possesses antibacterial effect. The product is based on isoconazole nitrate. Allowed for use from the age of one month.
  • Ketoconazole. Disturbs the activity of fungal microflora. Allowed for use from two years of age.
  • Zalain. An antimycotic drug based on sertaconazole.

Price for antifungal ointments for skin

Drug name

Active substance

Price in rubles



Mycosporus (Mycospora)

Bifonazole, urea

cream – 350 rub., ointment – ​​500 rub.



Amorolfine hydrochloride




Lamisil (Mikonorm, Binafin, Exifin Terbizil).


Beclomethasone, Clotrimazole

Cheap ointment for fungus

How much do antifungal drugs cost? To combat mycosis, most people are looking for inexpensive means, which at the same time give good result. Cheap drugs costing no more than 100 rubles can be found at the pharmacy. It is easy to purchase antifungal ointments in online store catalogs. At the same time, you can order and buy the product in the online store at a reduced price. Among available drugs For the treatment of infection, the following are distinguished:

How to choose an ointment against fungus on the skin

Pharmaceutical modern industry offers a large number of fungicidal preparations, which differ in their effect and price. To choose an effective remedy, you need to see a doctor who will prescribe tests. Only after scraping the skin can one determine which type of pathogenic microorganism is the main causative agent of skin fungus:

  • trichotons;
  • epidermophytes;
  • microspores;
  • dermatophytes;
  • yeast-like fungi.

Based on the laboratory data obtained, the dermatologist will prescribe the appropriate medicinal product. In this case, the drug is selected taking into account the presence of contraindications, the spectrum of antifungal activity, duration viral infection. In most cases you will need simultaneous administration local antimycotics, tablets and the use of external agents traditional medicine (tar soap, peroxide).

Video: antifungal ointment for skin

In the 21st century, when incredible organ transplant surgeries are being performed, humanity still suffers from various fungal infections. Despite modern drugs, the treatment of such diseases is associated with a number of problems, since in the rhythm of life few patients consult a doctor for initial stage. However, there is an ointment for skin fungus that will effectively cope with the problem if used in a timely manner.

Few people know that fungal microflora surrounds people all the time. Microspores float in the air, land on the skin and are inhaled, and this happens every second. And normally a person remains healthy because the immune system does not allow the fungi to take over. But a small malfunction in the body is enough and the fungal infection triumphantly seizes new bridgeheads.

To the factors provoking fungal infection include:

  • hormonal changes;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • weakened immune system;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • metabolic disease;
  • improper and unbalanced diet;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules.

Conventionally, all fungi can be divided into:

  • conditionally pathogenic, which are not able to infect a healthy body;
  • pathogenic that pose a direct threat.

But it is important to understand that if there is negative factors or chronic diseases, even conditionally pathogenic fungi can cause serious illness.

Another division of fungal infections can be made according to the type of pathogen. This is how diseases are classified:

  • Candidiasis. Caused by the fungus Candida (conditionally pathogenic), which is normally part of intestinal microflora. But in case of violation immune defense The fungus spreads quickly and causes many diseases. Affects the skin and mucous membranes. The notorious thrush, like candidal stomatitis, is precisely provoked by this fungus
  • Trichophytosis. The causative agent is trichophyton (pathogenic fungus). Infection occurs through contact with a patient. The disease is transmitted by both humans and animals. Found on the skin of the body and scalp.
  • Dermatophytosis. The causative agent is Arthodermataceae (pathogenic fungus). It mainly affects hair, nails and the stratum corneum of the epidermis and the skin of the feet. In addition to infected people and animals, soil can serve as a source of infection.
  • Keratomycosis. Pathogens – actinomycetes, aspergillus (conditionally pathogenic fungi) The disease occurs against the background of a weakening of the body's defenses and increased sweating.

How to prevent fungal infection. Simple rules

Protect yourself from skin fungus not as difficult as recovering from it. To do this, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Take a shower daily and observe other personal hygiene rules, especially if a person is prone to excessive sweating.
  2. Wear underwear made of natural fabric and change it in a timely manner
  3. Regardless of the health status of other family members, it is recommended to have a personal towel and other hygiene items (washcloth, comb, etc.)
  4. When trying on shoes in a store, use disposable socks and do not wear shoes on bare feet.
  5. When visiting the pool and other areas with high humidity, use slippers. After the pool, it is recommended to treat your feet with an antiseptic gel.
  6. Treat any, even the most minor, skin lesions with an antiseptic to prevent infections.

Fungus treatment

Despite the fact that the disease is caused by a fungus, the consequences if treatment is delayed can be very serious. When the disease becomes chronic, it will take years to cure. That is why it is important to diagnose the disease as early as possible, identify the pathogen and begin treatment.

Modern medicine uses A complex approach in the treatment of mycoses, using a number of means:

  • ointment against fungus on the skin. It kills spores in the initial stages of the disease;
  • immunostimulants. Their use is intended to enhance the immune response and attract the body's defenses to the fight;
  • pills. They act on the fungus from the inside and are used in more serious cases.

It is important to understand that self-medication of mycosis can lead to a chronic form. That is why it is important to determine the type of infection and adhere to the therapy prescribed by your doctor.

The most commonly used ointment is for skin fungus, and experts have compiled a list of drugs that have proven themselves to be the best.

When choosing ointments, it is important to consider a number of factors:

  • Patient's age
  • General state
  • The size of the skin is so severely affected
  • Type of fungal pathogen
  • Concomitant pathologies that will affect the choice of therapy.

There are three groups of ointments that differ in their effects, but are often used in complex therapy according to a certain scheme. These inexpensive but effective remedies promote rapid healing.

So actively used

  • Antibacterial ointments are used for additional infection and integrity problems skin. Doctors actively use such means as:
    • Levomekol. The antibacterial effect of this ointment has been known for a long time and has proven itself in the treatment of mycosis. In addition to destroying the infection, the ointment has regenerative properties and actively cleanses the wound, thereby reducing the healing time.
    • Dioxidine ointment is an effective remedy used for damaged skin and stops growth pathogenic bacteria, preventing them from penetrating deeper.
  • Antifungal ointments are the most commonly used drugs in the treatment of mycosis, so it is necessary to dwell on them in more detail.

Antifungal ointments

The pharmacy will offer dozens of names that can cope with mycosis. But still, when choosing an ointment for fungus on the skin of the body, it is important to consider all of the above aspects.

  • Candide is a drug that can be used during pregnancy and in children from three years of age. The course of treatment is about six months and requires applying the drug up to 3 times a day. Cream for skin fungus on the body can also be used on nail plates
  • Nizoral. Contains the active ingredient ketocanozol. The drug acts quickly enough, but is toxic and prohibited for use in children. The course of treatment is about a month.
  • Amyclone is a drug that destroys fungus on any part of the body. Possible use in children and pregnant women, taking into account the risk-benefit ratio and mandatory consultation with a specialist. Possible side effects such as skin itching and burning.
  • Exoderil. The active ingredient is naftifine hydrochloride. This remedy for skin fungus can penetrate deep into the skin and be absorbed there. It is not absorbed into the blood, so cases of overdose have not been recorded. Approved for use in children. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.
  • Lamisil. The active ingredient is terbinafine. The drug has gained popularity due to the fact that it can be applied once a day, which greatly facilitates the treatment process. The course is about 1 month.

Combined ointments for skin fungus

When treating fungal infections, in particularly difficult cases, combination drugs are also used, in which antimycotic properties are combined with local glucocorticosteroids. The use of such drugs is justified when usual means do not bring relief and are usually combined with systemic treatment.

Doctors highlight such effective ointments as:

  1. Triderm

The drug combines three actions at once:

  1. antifungal;
  2. anti-inflammatory;
  3. antibacterial.

Its use is justified in cases where monocomponent drugs do not have an effect.

  1. Akriderm GK


  1. Betamethazole – hormonal drug, which relieves itching and swelling and has an anti-inflammatory effect
  2. Clotrimazole – antifungal action
  3. Gentamicin is an antibiotic wide range actions

Ointment or tablets

At the initial stage of the disease, doctors make the choice between local treatment in the form of ointments and systemic treatment associated with the use of tablets in favor of the former. This is due to the fact that ointments have a number of advantages:

  • direct impact on the site of the disease;
  • more gentle effect on the body as a whole;
  • fewer side effects;
  • influence on several types of fungus simultaneously;
  • Long-term use is necessary to completely eradicate the fungal infection.

Rules for combating fungus

Treatment of mycosis requires duration and regularity. Often, at the first signs of improvement, patients stop treatment for body skin fungus or skip medications prescribed by the doctor. This should absolutely not be allowed, because a violation of the course can lead to the fungus becoming resistant to the chosen drug and the desired effect will not be achieved.

Conservative therapy of dermatomycosis and onychomycosis involves the use medications, having fungicidal, fungistatic and antibacterial effects.

IN mandatory The patient is prescribed antifungal ointments. They act locally, are relatively inexpensive, rarely cause side effects, and have few contraindications.

For the treatment of onycho- and dermatomycosis, drugs belonging to the group of allylamines, azoles and dietary supplements can be used. Let's look at the most effective means and find out how to use them.

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When considering effective antifungal ointments for the skin, I would like to initially focus on a product called Exoderil. The annotation states that the active substance of Exoderil is naftifine.

The component inhibits the activity of the enzyme necessary for the biosynthesis of ergosterol in the cell membrane of the fungus. The medication has a detrimental effect on dermatophytes, yeast, and mold.


  1. Mycosis of the skin and skin folds.
  2. Pityriasis versicolor.
  3. Onychomycosis.
  4. Cutaneous candidiasis.

It is recommended to apply the gel to the affected area once a day. It is advisable to “capture” adjacent healthy areas of the dermis to prevent spread infectious process. Before the procedure, the skin should be washed and dried. Duration of therapy is 4-8 weeks. Sometimes treatment lasts several months.

The cream is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its active components. It is also not recommended to apply liniment to damaged areas of the skin. Side effects in the form of local allergic reactions occur extremely rarely.

The average cost of this cream is 450 rubles.


Lamisil - powerful antifungal cream. It is considered one of the most effective representatives of allylamines. The active component of the drug is terbinafine hydrochloride.

The substance has a wide spectrum of action. The instructions say that the medicine blocks the formation of an enzyme necessary for the biosynthesis of ergosterol and the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Most fungal strains, including fungi from the Candida family, are sensitive to terbinafine.

Lamisil is prescribed for:

  • Onychomycosis, which was caused by dermatophytes.
  • Diaper rash caused by mold fungi.
  • Lichen versicolor.
  • Dermatomycosis.
  • Inguinal athlete's foot.

The cream is prescribed to patients over the age of 12 years. It is recommended to apply it to the affected area at least 2 times a day. Hygiene procedures are carried out first and the dermis is dried. The duration of use of Lamisil is limited to 4 weeks. With advanced mycosis, the duration of therapy may be increased.

Liniment is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age and in patients suffering from hypersensitivity to its components. The “side effects” of the drug are local allergic reactions, which occur extremely rarely.

The price of one tube of Lamisil in pharmacies is 400 rubles.

Azole group


Clotrimazole is a cheap and very effective antifungal cream. This drug is suitable even for the treatment of intimate infectious diseases. Clotrimazole is one of the oldest azoles.

The active component of the product is a synthetic substance of the same name. The ointment suppresses the biosynthesis of ergosterol, increases the permeability of the fungal cell membrane, and disrupts the process of replication and propagation of the infection. Under the influence of clotrimazole, almost all strains of fungi die.

Dermatophytes, yeasts and dimorphic fungi are most sensitive to the drug. Clotrimazole is optimally prescribed for diseases such as:

  1. Erythrasma.
  2. Pityriasis versicolor.
  3. Nail fungus.
  4. Paronychia of infectious etiology.
  5. The presence of erosions on the skin that arose as a result of fungal infections.
  6. Dermatophytosis.
  7. Candidiasis of the skin and nail plates.
  8. Athlete's foot.
  9. Microsporia.

Apply the gel to the skin with smooth massaging movements. Repeat the procedure at least 3 times a day. The duration of use of Clotrimazole is selected based on the type and severity of the fungal infection. So, therapy can last from 1 week to six months.

The ointment has only one contraindication – hypersensitivity to its components. Side effects in the form of hyperemia, itching, burning, swelling, and other allergic reactions occur extremely rarely.

The average price of ointment is 50 rubles.


Nizoral is a broad-spectrum antifungal cream. The medicine is available not only in the form of an ointment. Shampoo and tablets of the same name are often found in pharmacies. According to the annotation, the active component of the product is ketoconazole.

The substance belongs to synthetic derivatives of imidazole-dioxolane. Ketoconazole has fungicidal and fungistatic effects. It has a detrimental effect on eumycetes, yeasts, dermatophytes, and dimorphic fungi.

The active component of Nizoral inhibits the synthesis of ergosterol in the cell membrane of the infection, thereby causing its death. The disadvantage of the gel is that it can lower testosterone levels in the blood. But the active component of the ointment penetrates the systemic bloodstream poorly, so the antiandrogenic effect is usually weak.

  • Inguinal athlete's foot.
  • Pityriasis versicolor.
  • Dermatomycosis.
  • Athlete's feet and hands.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis.

Apply the cream to the affected area once a day. It is advisable to treat nearby tissues to prevent the progression of the infectious disease. Use the medicine for 2-6 weeks.

The cream is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to its components. Pregnancy, lactation and childhood are not contraindications. Nizoral can provoke local allergic reactions; the medicine has no other side effects.

The average price of cream is 350 rubles.


– another good antifungal cream. It can be used for both treatment and prevention of fungal infections. The instructions say that the active ingredient is sertaconazole nitrate.

The ingredient is a derivative of imidazole and benzothiophene. The substance has both fungicidal and fungistatic effects. Central mechanism action is aimed at suppressing the biosynthesis of ergosterol and increasing the permeability of the cell membrane of the pathogenic microorganism.

  1. Skin mycoses.
  2. Mycoses of the trunk.
  3. Mycosis of the beard.
  4. Lichen versicolor.
  5. Candidiasis.

Suppositories of the same name are used in the treatment of thrush and acute/chronic vulvovaginitis in women. Men suffering from urogenital candidiasis should not use suppositories.

Apply liniment to the lesion and adjacent tissues at least 2 times a day. The procedure is carried out after hygiene measures. It is recommended to use the medication for at least 2-4 weeks.

The cream should not be used if a person has an individual intolerance to the ingredients of Zalain. When using the drug, it is possible contact dermatitis, skin irritation, hyperemia, erythematous phenomena. But, judging by patient reviews, side effects appear extremely rarely.

The average price of Zalain in pharmacies is 500 rubles.

Naturopathic With what means


To the list of effective antifungal agents Some dietary supplements may be included. Of course, they are not as effective as antibiotics, allylamines or azoles. However, when using dietary supplements, you can cure the fungus much faster.

Exolocin is considered a popular and at the same time very effective dietary supplement. Its active ingredients are chaga extract, maclura, kukui oil, tea tree (extract), hemp seeds, lopacho, betulin and cordyceps mycelium.

Let's look at each component separately:

  • Chaga extract. Relieves inflammation, relieves itching and burning, and prevents secondary infections.
  • Maclura. Has an antiseptic effect. Maclura has a detrimental effect on dermatophytes, yeast, mold, gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. In addition, the plant strengthens local immunity, which is also important.
  • Kukui oil. The substance normalizes local metabolic processes, accelerates the regeneration of damaged skin, relieves inflammation.
  • Extract tea tree. Has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects. Effectively fights the symptoms of mycosis, prevents the spread of the infectious process, relieves inflammation and hyperemia.
  • Hemp seeds. The amino acids contained in the seeds strengthen the nail plates.
  • Lopacho. Has anti-inflammatory and sedative effect. The substance also destroys mycosis pathogens, and also has a detrimental effect on streptococci and staphylococci.
  • Betulin. Refers to natural antioxidants. Relieves inflammation, itching, burning, hyperemia and swelling. Betulin also strengthens the nail plates and dries out the skin.
  • Cordyceps mycelium. Effectively fights hyperhidrosis, the main cause of mycosis. The plant also has a detrimental effect on some strains of fungi.

It is advisable to use Exolocin in the treatment of dermatomycosis and onychomycosis. The drug is also perfect for people who have hyperhidrosis or often experience bad smell from the legs. According to mycologists, dietary supplements can even be considered as prophylactic against fungus.

The cream should be applied to the inflammatory lesion and adjacent tissues at least 3-4 times a day. The duration of therapy is not indicated in the instructions. But mycologists recommend using the cream for at least 1-2 months. The duration of the preventive course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Exolocin is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components. Pregnant and lactating women can be treated with this remedy. There are no side effects when using the dietary supplement.

The average price of one tube of Exolocin is 1000 rubles. To complete the therapeutic course, you will need at least 3-4 tubes of gel.


– Chinese dietary supplement for fungal infections. The drug is produced in the form of liniment for external use. Composition biologically active additive contains exclusively naturopathic components.

Thus, according to the annotation, the active ingredients of the cream are Pueraria lobata, essential oils, purslane, sage extract, yellow Sophora extract, and medicinal wormwood extract.

This dietary supplement:

  1. Destroys dermatophytes, mold and other fungal strains.
  2. Has a detrimental effect on gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.
  3. Prevents the addition of secondary infections.
  4. Relieves inflammation, itching, burning and others unpleasant symptoms mycosis.
  5. Effectively combats excessive sweating lower limbs.

Indications for the use of Meiyanqiong are onychomycosis, dermatomycosis, candidiasis of the nail plates and dermis, excessive sweating lower extremities, “tired legs syndrome”, the presence of cracks in the feet.

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Fungus is a popular problem for earth dwellers, regularly affecting the nails, between the toes and the feet. Therefore, every patient wants to find an effective, a good option against mycosis, which makes it possible to cope with the problem in two weeks.

Usually when mycosis of the skin is detected effective means are ointments available in pharmacies, which must be selected by a doctor. What products are recommended to be used for damage to the skin and nails, and what is best to use against fungi?

When choosing ointments against fungus, all of them are subject to basic requirements - the presence in the composition of components that have a destructive effect on the causative agent of the disease. Depending on a number of factors, it will depend on what the active substance turns out to be: the current progress of the disease, condition immune system, a list of drugs used previously.

We also do not forget that fungi are extremely quickly able to adapt to new conditions; if the patient was unable to completely cope with the problem, then in the event of a relapse, using treatment with the previous composition was not effective. In this case, the patient will have to choose a new remedy for skin fungus on the body, because only in this way is effective action achieved in just two weeks. We note separately the group of ointments intended for removing nails,which, in addition to treatment, can no less effectively soften growthson the nail plate, facilitating their removal.

Effective ointments for fungus

Today it was invented for fungus on the body and nails great amount various ointments, creams, gels and other drugs that cope with the infection in the body in two weeks. Each of the products described below can be purchased at any pharmacy, choosing the most suitable option for therapy.

Accept each of the products is recommended in accordance with the instructions provided, without stopping use after the symptoms have reduced. Today, it is difficult to give a definite answer to the question, what best ointment from fungus, because there is a large assortment of them and they all stand out for their effectiveness in one case or another.

If you have a fungus, buy ointment on the recommendation of a doctor, depending on the test results.

Antifungal ointment Mycostop

This anti-fungal ointment is sold in a 75 milliliter tube and has the consistency of a cream. This product does not contain dyes, protein compounds or fragrances, due to which the substance is considered hypoallergenic. The cream is distinguished by the presence of a pronounced antimycotic effect, causing accelerated exfoliation of rough skin. Among the main active components, urea should be noted, and modern analogue undecylenic acid, which is several times superior in its effect.

The product is used in the presence of fungal growths, which makes it possible to use it as a single treatment tool or as a means of enhancing the effect of the main medicine.

Antifungal agent Tinedol

Tinedol is a modern ointment against fungus with a pronounced effect, distinguished by high-quality manufacturing, and having all the necessary certificates of quality and compliance. A product for external use, used as an ointment in the area between the toes and on the feet. Included of this product components are used such as: Farnesol, Climbazole, Tinedol and others. In addition, the product contains natural components, which are essential oils, natural extracts and vitamin auxiliary complexes.

Antifungal agent Stop Active

Speaking about ointments for fungus, it is noted that this drug is considered the best of its kind, which is used for foot fungus. The drug has the form of a gel oil, which must be applied to the affected areas of the skin. It turns out that this is remedy different enough at a high price compared to by similar means, but at the same time different high degree effectiveness.

At the same time, the drug allows everyone to fight the manifestations of the fungus, such as increased sweating, peeling, itching and other manifestations, within two weeks. The gel eliminates fungal growth, heals cracks in the skin, regulates the volume of sweat secretions, and comprehensively cares for the skin, aimed at rapid recovery.

Antifungal drugs Canison, Candide and Clotrimazole

Such anti-fungal creams are active remedies having different shapes, but at the same time working on an identical basis. All drugs contain the identical component Clotrimazole, which acts as active substance. Drugs belonging to this group are used to treat mycotic diseases various types, including candidiasis.

All drugs are used for local treatment, which makes it possible to exert a direct effect on the affected area. The substances competently act on the fungus, eliminating the feeling of discomfort, peeling, itching, resulting in... After the first application of the product to the skin, you can notice positive results.

Zinc, sulfur and salicylic ointments

When choosing an ointment for fungus on the skin of the body, you need to pay attention to these three products, which are very popular. Such products are represented by ointments of complex action, which are distinguished by the presence of healing, antipathetic and anti-inflammatory properties. Home distinctive feature Such drugs are noted for their simple composition, which contains only one active component that has an effect visible to the patient. Each of the ointments described above is distinguished by its cheap price, but at the same time, by its high therapeutic properties.

Antifungal agent Terbinafine

This drug is considered one of the products available in the pharmacy in the presence of mycotic infections that affect the nails and skin. It is noted that this ointment is almost completely odorless, it is hypoallergenic, due to which it can be used not only to treat adults, but also children over 12 years of age.

The main active ingredient in this case is terbinafine hydrochloride, which effectively fights fungal infections by disrupting the biosynthesis processes in it. When using this product externally, after about a month the achievement becomes evident. complete cure from a fungal infection.

Antifungal agent Nystatin ointment

One popular product is nystatin ointment, which has an antibiotic effect on the affected areas. Main active component This remedy contains nystatin, which can have an inhibitory effect on infection cells, completely destroying them. It should also be noted that the described drug can be used to treat cutaneous mycosis, lesions of the mucous membrane and nails.

The ointment is sold in iron packaging (tube) with a volume of 100 grams. The drug has a rich yellow color and smell. By using this drug The full course of treatment is about two weeks; during this period the patient is recommended to apply the product to the affected areas twice a day.

Antifungal agent Exoderil

This drug is a popular antibiotic high action, through the use of which it is possible to achieve excellent results in the treatment of fungal infections. The drug is recommended for use for local therapy fungus, while the ointment itself is recommended to be applied directly to the affected areas of the skin and places adjacent to the source of infection.

In any case, before starting to use this or that drug for body skin fungus, it is recommended to undergo a preliminary consultation with a doctor.

How are fungal skin diseases treated today, and why, once on the surface of the skin, they display vital activity for years and do not die when exposed to strong drugs?

According to the location of the introduced fungi and depending on the degree inflammatory reaction Fungal diseases are divided into superficial and subcutaneous (deep). In general, everything fungal diseases can be classified as follows:

  1. Keratomycosis (trichosporia, pityriasis versicolor).
  2. Dermatophytosis (athlete's foot, inguinal athlete, rubromycosis; trichophytosis (smooth skin, scalp, nails, favus; microsporia).
  3. Candidiasis (nails, mucous membranes, chronic generalized).
  4. Deep mycoses(blastomycosis, mucorosis, histoplasmosis, aspergillosis, chromomycosis, penicilliosis, etc.).

Treatment of fungal skin diseases is carried out on an outpatient or inpatient basis, depending on the type of pathogen.


Fungal diseases of the genital organs (female and male) are treated with suppositories with nystatin, levorin, vaginal tablets "Canesten" and levorin-gramicidin paste.

Treatment of fungal diseases of the nails – onychia and paronychia (periungual tissue and nail plate). Currently appointed the following drugs: nizoral (4-6 months, 200 mg once a day), Diflucan or Mycoflucan (3-6 months, 150 mg once a week). Varnishes Lotseril and Batrafen are applied after cleaning with a keratolytic patch according to the instructions. Used decades ago soda baths, aniline dyes and amphotericin ointment, electrophoresis is also prescribed, but sonication of the affected area of ​​the nails and ridges with ultrasound is more popular.

If candidiasis is chronic, then in addition to the drugs used externally, antifungal antibiotics are prescribed: Nystatin (course 10-14 days, 500,000 units 3-4 times a day), amphotericin “B” (administered intravenously and used in rare cases due to high toxicity) , levorin (course 10-15 days, 500,000 units 3-4 times a day), Fluconazole and drugs based on it (Forkan, Diflucan - 1 time per week, 150 mg), nizoral (2 tablets per day). For some forms of candidiasis, pimafucin, miconazole, pyramycin, mistecline, pimafucort are prescribed.

Athlete's foot and onychomycosis

general information about the disease:

In most cases, the causative agent is the fungus Trichophyton rubrum. You can become infected with them through objects general use, “nobody’s” shoes, etc. Contributes to the development of athlete's foot vascular diseases legs, flat feet, prolonged use of tight and non-breathable shoes, impaired sweating, vitamin deficiency.

Forms of epidermophytosis:
  1. squamous
  2. interdigital
  3. dyshidrotic
  4. exudative (acute)


Prescribed taking into account clinical form diseases.

Treatment of fungal foot diseases in acute form they begin with neutralizing inflammatory phenomena (i.e. eliminating swelling, weeping, redness). To achieve this goal, they resort to lubricating the erosions with Castellani liquid and solutions of aniline dyes, applying lotions or dressings with rivanol or resorcinol. After the skin dries, the following is prescribed:

  • Mycozolon;
  • Mitrofungin;
  • 2% iodine solution;
  • Zinkundan;
  • Octathion;
  • Amikazole;
  • Esulan;
  • Sulfur-ichthyol ointment;
  • Pasta Teymurov;

Treatment of fungal diseases of the feet in the squamous form begins with detachment of the stratum corneum of the epidermis from the soles. To do this, special ointments or salicylic-benzoin collodion are applied to the skin for some time (usually 6-7 days). The exfoliated epidermis is removed at home after taking a soda or soap bath. Treatment with iodine ointment procedures is continued: iodine solution is used in the morning, ointment is applied in the evening according to the instructions. Today, the following creams and ointments are used for external therapy: “Lamisil”, “Pimafucin”, “Travogen”, “Exifin”, “Terbizil”, “Mikospor”, etc.

Treatment of onychomycosis can be both local and systemic. In the first case, treatment of fungal nail diseases is carried out with local remedies. This treatment is the safest for humans, but active ingredients medications applied to the surface of the nail do not always reach the fungi in the matrix and nail bed. In order to enhance the effectiveness of local remedies, they resort to removing and softening the nail plate (fungicidal and keratolytic plasters, surgical removal, baths with soda). The most effective varnishes currently considered are “Batrafen” and “Loceryl”.

Drugs taken orally ( systemic treatment) act directly through the blood. For the treatment of fungal diseases of the toenails, the following can be used: “Orungal”, “Nizoral”, “Griseofulvin”, “Terbizil”, “Lamisil”, “Exifin”, “Candide” and other drugs. For onychomycosis of the legs, they are taken for at least 3 months, the course of treatment for lesions of the fingernails is slightly shorter - 1.5 months. When taking antimycotics, you should give in every 10 days general analysis blood and general urine analysis.

Any fungal disease of the toenails, the treatment of which has been completed or continues, must be accompanied by disinfection of shoes with special solutions or devices.

Diseases of the skin and scalp

General information about scalp diseases:

Tinea versicolor– a disease characteristic of countries with a tropical climate. It appears on upper limbs or trunk in the form of small lesions of yellowish-pink or Brown having an irregular shape.

Trichosporia– small and dense nodules on the surface of the hair, having a white, light brown or black color.

Trichophytosis. Superficial – small foci of regular o round shape having a pale pink color. A layer of scales is noticeable on the scalp gray, the hair breaks off at the level of 1-2 mm.

Microsporia. On the scalp there are round-shaped lesions that are pink in color. On smooth skin there are oval lesions Pink colour with pityriasis-like peeling. Infection occurs after contact with infected animals.

Favus. Change in hair color, appearance of ocher-yellow crusts on the scalp. If the crusts are abundant, they fall off along with the hair, causing scar-like atrophy. Sometimes the nails are affected: the plates crumble, thicken and lose color.


Tinea versicolor. The basis for the treatment of fungal diseases of the head is exfoliating and fungicidal preparations. If the areas of multi-colored lichen are small, then it is enough to treat them with a 1% solution of canestene, 3-5% iodine solution, 3-5% resorcinol alcohol. Ointments that have proven themselves are: mycozolon, triderm, nizoral, lamisil (rub into the scalp twice a day). The disease in its advanced form is treated using the Demyanovich method: rubbing in a 60% sodium thiosulfate solution, and then, after it dries, a 6% solution of hydrochloric acid. In addition, they are prescribed orally systemic drugs: Orungal (dose – 100 mg per day), Nizoral (dose – 200 mg per day), Diflucan (dose – 300 mg per week at one time).

To prevent fungal diseases of the skin and hair - 2% solution salicylic alcohol.

Trichosporia. The greatest effect comes from shaving the hair. An alternative is to wash your hair every day with a hot solution of mercuric chloride (mercuric dichloride), and also wash your hair with soap in hot water preceded by combing out the knots.

Trichophytosis. In chronic and superficial form:

  • griseofulvin (10 days at a dose of 18 mg/kg, 4 days – pause, 7 days at a dose of 18 mg/kg). Taking the drug is combined with taking vitamins, drinking an antibiotic with food prepared in vegetable oil or with 1 tsp. fish oil.
  • terbinafine (up to 20 kg - 62.2 mg, from 20 to 40 kg - 125 mg, over 40 kg - 250 mg in 1 or 2 doses over 4-6 weeks).
  • ketoconazole (200 mg per day, course – 4 weeks).

Preparations for external therapy after shaving hair: 5% salicylic ointment before bedtime, 5% iodine solution after sleep; sulfur-salicylic ointment, sulfur-tar ointment, amikazole, mycoseptin, esulan, octathione. Terbinafine-based products are effective: lamican, lamisil, exifan, terbizil. They are applied twice a day.

For suppurative form: 10-20% ichthyol ointment, solutions of aniline dyes.

Favus. In addition to vitamins, griseofulvin is prescribed in combination with local medications: 5% salicylic ointment, 5% iodine, washing areas affected by favus with soap.

General information about facial skin diseases and their treatment

The disease is characterized by the appearance of round pink spots on the skin, which grow and central part covered with scales. There is redness and itching.

Fungal diseases of the facial skin provoke the occurrence of seborrhea, rosacea, acne, rosacea and allergic dermatitis.

If fungal diseases of the facial skin are detected, the patient is examined for the presence of diseases endocrine system and immunodeficiency conditions. He is prescribed fungicidal therapy and corrective therapy. Cosmetics the disease cannot be cured.

Otomycosis is an inflammation of the external ear canal resulting from contamination of the ear, stay in the ear foreign bodies, purulent otitis. Fungi can be carried into the ear in the presence of cutaneous candidiasis and genital candidiasis. The causative agent is fungi of the genus Candida, molds genus Aspergillus.

Treatment of fungal diseases of the ears consists of rinsing with solutions of antifungal agents: quinozole, amphotericin, Burov and Castellani liquid, nystatin, clotrimazole, etc. In addition, it is necessary restorative treatment and vitamin therapy. If the patient uses antibiotics, they are discontinued.

Fungal ear disease otomycosis also requires local procedures. So, the ear canal is lubricated with specific antifungal ointments, but only after cleaning the ear. It consists of rinsing the ear canal with a 3% peroxide solution or boric acid, removing plaque and instilling 5 drops of a 2-4% solution salicylic acid.

Diseases caused by several types of fungi are treated with fungal-bacterial drugs: fluconazole, intraconazole and ketoconazole.

Timely treatment skin fungal diseases in most cases ends with a quick recovery.


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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! Accurate diagnosis Only a doctor can diagnose.