What to eat if you have an intestinal infection. Diet for intestinal infection

Features of the manifestation of intestinal infections in children

Acute intestinal infections (AI) in children proceed somewhat differently than in adults - the main feature is that the infectious process develops rapidly and causes rapid loss of fluid due to vomiting and diarrhea. For children's digestive system characteristic following features:

  • the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines are very delicate, richly intertwined with blood vessels, while thick and not too elastic - they are easily damaged by mechanical and chemical injury;
  • the secretory glands of the stomach are finally formed only by the age of 14-15, so in children the composition of enzymes for digesting food is variable and small;
  • the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is low, gastric juice has a weak barrier activity, which does not allow the neutralization of bacteria;
  • Absorption processes are already active in the stomach (in adults they begin in small intestine).

Often, heavy foods that an adult body can easily handle are too much for a child’s stomach and are rejected, causing indigestion, or become the cause of putrefactive processes and a good breeding ground for acute intestinal infection.

The main causes of problems with the gastrointestinal tract in children are, as a rule, unwashed hands, swallowed during bathing dirty water, insufficiently thermally processed products. In addition to bacterial infections, it is worth remembering about rotavirus and enterovirus - common causes of intestinal disorders in children, especially if their body is weakened (for example, frequent colds or non-compliance with sleep and rest schedule).

Typical symptoms Intestinal infection causes vomiting and diarrhea in the child, the baby may complain of abdominal pain, and the temperature often rises. Dr. Komarovsky, like other doctors, in such situations recommend turning Special attention on the drinking regime, since dehydration occurs very quickly in children. Even if the child refuses to drink because the liquid makes him vomit again, persistently give him a tablespoon of water every 20 minutes. Any food should be avoided until the child has an appetite.

Rules for calculating the diet for a children's diet table

Modern views of pediatricians on diet after an intestinal infection in a child have changed slightly. If previously recommended in acute period Offering the baby only water or weakly brewed tea with crackers, it is now believed that even in very young children, abstaining from food slows down the recovery of the mucous membranes of the intestines affected by infection. If a child has an appetite, it is necessary to let him eat, but only the menu must include a set of products approved by the doctor.

The diet allowed after an intestinal infection should, if possible, include foods rich in protein. The fact is that immune cells, actively fighting an infection that has entered the body, are of a protein nature, and therefore proteins are actively wasted during illness and need to be restored. A lack of protein can also disrupt the body's metabolic processes and slow down the healing of inflamed digestive organs. It is desirable that the proteins be mostly of animal origin. The amount of fats and especially carbohydrates in the menu needs to be reduced - just a drop of oil in soup or porridge (quite carbohydrate food and the calories necessary for a sick baby).

After an intestinal infection, a child should be fed up to 8 times a day if he has an appetite. A serving of food should be approximately three tablespoons in volume and at the child’s body temperature. Products are boiled or steamed, served in semi-liquid or thoroughly ground form.

As the child’s condition improves after an intestinal infection, you can gradually move away from semi-liquid dishes, but the food should remain well-cooked, without hard lumps. The serving size also increases gradually - one teaspoon at a time, so as not to provoke a new exacerbation of the disease due to the inability to digest excess food.

Choosing foods for a child with an intestinal disorder

Diet therapy for a child suffering from an intestinal infection largely involves the same choice of products as for adults - it is very important that the prepared dishes do not cause additional irritation to the intestines, do not cause fermentation and putrefactive processes, but at the same time the menu is complete and accelerates recovery . However, it should be remembered that the enzyme system of a child’s stomach is special - there are more enzymes there than in an adult, capable of curdling milk, but much less than others - allowing the breakdown of more complex dishes. If the baby is breastfeeding, he continues to receive milk even in case of acute intestinal infection. At artificial feeding You should consult your pediatrician - perhaps he will adjust the choice of formula. Any complementary foods in case of an intestinal infection in a baby are canceled, and at the end of the acute period of the disease they are introduced again - in tiny portions.

When choosing what an older child who has had an intestinal infection can eat, you should opt for slimy porridges made from rice, oatmeal or buckwheat, boiled in water. Vegetable broths, puree soups, soufflés or steamed meatballs made from lean boiled meat or fish are recommended. It is better to start with veal, gradually adding turkey and beef. As children feel better, they are introduced to the menu dairy products with bifidobacteria, pureed cottage cheese (but not store-bought curd mass - it contains a lot of unhealthy fillers), steamed protein omelettes.

Regarding vegetables, you should avoid white cabbage, carrots and beets, giving preference to zucchini, pumpkin and cauliflower. You can offer your child a ripe banana, baked apple or applesauce. You need to be especially careful with sweets, since little gourmands, feeling better, immediately ask for something tasty. Ice cream and chocolate are strictly excluded until full recovery, you can give your child a piece of marshmallow or marshmallow, a small piece of marmalade, some dry cookies, a biscuit, a baked pie with apple filling.

What diet is prescribed by doctors for intestinal infections? This is diet No. 4, based on the consumption of foods that do not irritate the esophagus, stomach and intestines either chemically, mechanically or thermally. Therefore, food should be of semi-liquid consistency, medium temperature, steamed or boiled, and thoroughly chopped before consumption. Diet: 5-6 meals a day.

The calorie content of such a diet for intestinal infections in adults is approximately 1980 kcal; sugar should not exceed 40 g, and salt - no more than 10 g per day; the content of fats and carbohydrates is reduced to 70 g and 250 g, respectively, and the amount of protein is at the level of 100 g per day.

After their well-being improves, patients are transferred to diet No. 4B, which is significantly higher in daily calorie content (about 3000 kcal) and carbohydrate content (up to 400 g); fats, proteins, sugar and table salt- as in diet No. 4. Diet No. 4B already allows dishes to be stewed, baked in the oven and lightly fried. And the number of meals is reduced to four times a day. Moreover, both diets recommend and limit the same foods.

Diet for children with intestinal infection

The diet for children with intestinal infection is based on the same principles as the diet for adults, but has an “adjustment” for the age of the child.

Treatment of intestinal infection with diet in children involves the need to limit the consumption of carbohydrate foods, first of all, milk sugar(lactose) contained in milk and milk-based products. The fact is that main stage The digestion of carbohydrates, including lactose, occurs not in the stomach (where carbohydrates are only partially hydrolyzed), but in the small intestine. And in the presence of an intestinal bacterial infection, milk sugar begins to ferment vigorously, which causes excessive gas formation and, as a result, bloating and colic.

For this reason, for children of the first year of life who are bottle-fed, it is necessary to replace regular milk formulas with formulas with a low lactose content or with its complete absence during illness.

Infants fed by mothers breast milk, the volume of sucked milk is not recommended to be reduced by more than 40% (for several days), since it contains protective antibodies. Now the number of feedings should be increased. However main regulator of this process - the baby’s appetite and his general condition.

In addition, despite the fact that the digestive system of children of this age is in the process of development and improvement, initially taurocholic acid predominates among the acids of their bile, which has antiseptic properties and helps fight pathogenic intestinal bacteria and viruses.

For older children, the diet for acute intestinal infection, as well as the diet for viral intestinal infection - regarding the ban and permission for certain products - is practically no different from the nutritional rules that adults should follow.

Diet menu for intestinal infection

An approximate diet menu for intestinal infection may consist of semolina or pureed semi-liquid rice porridge, boiled in water, and sweet tea and white bread croutons. For second breakfast, you can offer jelly with the same cracker.

Lunch may consist of low-fat beef broth with crackers for the first course and meat soufflé for the second. Finishing the meal - a glass rosehip decoction. Blackcurrant jelly (or jelly) is suitable for an afternoon snack.

And for dinner you can eat pureed oatmeal porridge and a steamed chicken cutlet, and also drink a cup of weak tea or apple compote.

Diet recipes for intestinal infections

Many diet recipes for intestinal infections, for example, pureed porridges, do not require description. But we’ll show you how to steam chicken soufflé.

You will need a chicken breast, which needs to be boiled (whole or cut into several pieces). Then the boiled chicken is ground through a meat grinder or using a blender.

Next, the chopped meat is combined with raw egg yolk, whipped egg white and 3-4 tablespoons of chicken broth, in which you need to stir a couple of teaspoons of wheat flour and add salt. The mass is thoroughly mixed until smooth, poured into a mold greased with refined vegetable oil and steamed.

Instead of flour, you can put the same amount of boiled and chopped rice. Then add a small piece of butter to the mixture.

A diet for intestinal infections requires strict adherence, then it will be much easier for the body of both adults and children to cope with the disease.

Company viral infection is a common intestinal disease, also called intestinal flu, and is transmitted by airborne droplets, household contact, or the fecal-oral route.

To the main symptoms rotavirus infection relate:

Frequent vomiting;

Fever, cold symptoms;

In the treatment of rotavirus, diet therapy plays a major role, which helps relieve inflammatory process in the intestines and put gastrointestinal activity in order.

A well-chosen diet from the first days of illness becomes the main condition for the patient’s rapid recovery.

What kind of food do nutritionists prescribe when treating this disease?

Basic principles of diet for intestinal and rotavirus infections in children and adults

The main objectives of diet therapy for intestinal infection:

Preventing dehydration that can occur due to diarrhea and vomiting;

Complete exclusion of foods that irritate the esophagus and intestines from the diet;

Restoration of vitamins and microelements lost due to infection, which are necessary for the whole body.

During the first day from the onset of the disease, while vomiting and diarrhea are frequent, you need to temporarily refuse to eat and only “supply” the body with plenty of fluid. Unsweetened tea, decoctions of bird cherry and blueberries, and cocoa brewed in water are recommended. All these drinks contain tannin, which slows down intestinal motility and reduces flatulence.

Once the diarrhea and vomiting have subsided, you can gradually begin to eat. Boiled, pureed and steamed dishes with a semi-liquid consistency are prepared for patients. Food should be eaten warm (33–36 degrees), in small portions (150–300 g) five to six times during the day.

For the first three days, the calorie intake is approximately 2000 kcal per day, then more is recommended. a complete diet, based on the same products, but with a higher calorie content (up to 3000 kcal per day) to support the body in the fight against intestinal infection.

What foods should be eaten during intestinal flu for a speedy recovery, and which should be completely excluded from the diet of patients for a while?

Prohibited foods and drinks

Any fatty, smoked, fried, spicy and canned food;

Black bread;

Barley and millet;

Dairy products;

Raw vegetables and fruits;

Mushrooms and nuts;

Dried fruits;


Herbs and spices;

Chocolate, cookies and fresh baked goods;

Hard-boiled eggs and scrambled eggs;

Carbonated drinks and coffee.

Allowed foods and drinks

Crackers made from a white loaf;

Low-fat broth (fish, chicken or meat) and slimy soups prepared with such broth;

Scrambled eggs;

Liquid pureed porridge (rice, buckwheat or oatmeal), cooked in water without milk;

Lean meats and fish cooked in a steamer;

Applesauce and banana puree;

Low-fat fermented milk products homemade;

Homemade jelly;

Tea without sugar;

Cocoa prepared without milk;

Decoctions of dried blueberries, raspberries, bird cherry and currants.

Basic rules of diet for intestinal and rotavirus infections in children

The principles of nutrition for intestinal and rotavirus infections in children and adults are the same, but there are slight differences.

Stomach flu It is more severe in children, since dehydration in them, unlike adults, occurs much faster. When the first symptoms of rotavirus appear, it is recommended to stop feeding the baby during the first day and give him as much to drink as possible. Pediatricians recommend a mint decoction that reduces the urge to vomit or a special solution for dehydration.

During the active period of the disease, all patients, regardless of age, dairy products are strictly prohibited. But if a child who feeds on breast milk is sick, then they must continue to give him breastfeeding, because mother’s milk is the best remedy to improve immunity and fight infection.

If the child is on artificial nutrition , then during the acute period of the disease he needs to be switched to lactose-free infant formula, since an intestinal infection destroys the enzymes that are needed to break down lactose, and in the absence of these enzymes, abdominal pain and diarrhea only get worse.

As soon as the vomiting and diarrhea subside, you can start giving your child light food in small portions of 100–200 grams. It is recommended to start with oatmeal or rice broth, jelly and low-fat broth. You need to eat often, about two and a half to three hours.

Gradually, applesauce is added to the diet of young patients, which not only makes a strict diet more varied, but is also a source of pectin.

This substance adsorbs the remains of poorly digested food masses, mucus and bacteria. As a result, new portions of food entering the intestines are better digested and absorbed by the body. In addition, apples contain organic acids that help destroy pathogenic bacteria, as well as vitamins that enhance immunity. Apple pulp is used to make puree, and apple peel is used to make a healthy decoction.

What dishes do nutritionists recommend for the diet of patients with intestinal flu?

The first three days of the diet for intestinal and rotavirus infections in adults

First day:

Breakfast: semolina prepared without milk, steamed omelette (100 g), a glass of unsweetened tea;

Snack: steamed soufflé made from homemade zero-fat cottage cheese;

Lunch: light broth from lean meat chicken, steamed veal meatballs, currant jelly;

Afternoon snack: 200 ml of rosehip decoction with white loaf croutons;

Dinner: lean fish steamed, unsweetened tea.

Second day:

Breakfast: oatmeal cooked in water, steamed omelette (100 g), a glass of tea without sugar;

Snack: apple pulp puree (150 g);

Lunch: lean beef broth, white steamed chicken meat, chopped in a blender, blueberry broth;

Afternoon snack: cocoa with water (200 ml) with croutons from a white loaf;

Dinner: steamed meatballs from lean fish, unsweetened tea.

At night: homemade low-fat kefir.

The third day:

Breakfast: rice porridge prepared without milk, 100 g of apple puree, tea without sugar;

Snack: 200 ml of rosehip decoction with white loaf croutons;

Lunch: slimy, low-fat rice soup meat broth, steamed chicken dumplings, blueberry jelly;

Afternoon snack: a glass of apple peel decoction with dry biscuits;

Dinner: steamed homemade low-fat cottage cheese pudding, cocoa boiled in water;

At night: homemade low-fat kefir.

The first three days of the diet for intestinal and rotavirus infections in children

First day:

Breakfast: oatmeal cooked without milk (100 g), unsweetened cocoa in water, one soft-boiled egg;

Snack: applesauce (100 g);

Lunch: light broth from lean fish, steamed fish meatballs (150 g), raspberry jelly;

Afternoon snack: blackcurrant jelly (200 ml);

Dinner: steamed chicken breast, mashed (200 g), blueberry broth;

At night: homemade low-fat kefir.

Second day:

Breakfast: semolina cooked in water, steamed omelette (50 g), a glass of unsweetened tea;

Snack: steamed banana puree (100 g);

Lunch: slimy oatmeal soup, steamed chicken meatballs (150 g), blueberry jelly;

Afternoon snack: 200 ml of apple peel decoction with white loaf croutons.

Dinner: steam casserole of low-fat homemade pureed cottage cheese, (200 g), unsweetened tea;

At night: homemade low-fat kefir.

The third day:

Breakfast: pureed rice porridge with water, white bread croutons with unsweetened tea;

Snack: a glass of blackcurrant jelly;

Lunch: light lean beef broth, steamed fish meatballs (200 g), raspberry jelly;

Afternoon snack: cocoa boiled in water (200 ml) with unleavened biscuits;

Dinner: steamed rabbit soufflé, tea without sugar;

At night: homemade low-fat kefir.

After just 2-3 days of following the diet for intestinal and rotavirus infections, children experience a noticeable improvement.

In recovery can be gradually introduced into the patients’ diet following products:

Yogurt and fruits, which normalize intestinal microflora and help restore lost immunity;

Lumpy food, since eating pureed food for a long time leads to intestinal sluggishness and constipation.

Despite the strictness of the diet, in modern dietetics there is a large selection of dishes for patients suffering from intestinal infection. All dishes included in this diet are easy to prepare.

Recipes for dietary dishes for intestinal and rotavirus infections

Steamed chicken dumplings

Make minced meat from half a kilogram of white chicken meat, add one egg and two pieces of stale white loaf soaked in water. Grind the resulting mixture with a blender, add salt to taste and form small cutlets, which we steam for 25 minutes.

Slimy Oat Soup Recipe

In one liter of lightly salted water, boil 100 g of rolled oats and 100 g of chopped carrots and onions. At the end of cooking, you need to puree the soup and add a little vegetable oil.

Blueberry jelly

Add half a glass of dried blueberries and two tablespoons of sugar to one liter of boiling water. Separately in a glass cold water dissolve a tablespoon of starch and gradually pour the resulting mixture into the berry broth. Without ceasing to stir, bring to a boil and remove from the stove. The finished jelly must be strained.

Rose hip decoction

For a glass of boiling water you will need a tablespoon of dried and crushed rose hips. The broth is infused in a thermos for two hours, after which it must be filtered.

Prevention of intestinal and rotavirus infections

The diet for intestinal and rotavirus infections in children and adults must be followed for two weeks, and after complete recovery you can return to your usual diet. It is necessary to remember about rotavirus prevention and observe simple rules:

Always wash your hands before eating;

Do not swim in bodies of water that are prohibited for swimming;

Thoroughly wash foods such as greens, salads, vegetables and fruits;

Do not eat raw fish and meat;

Strictly follow food storage rules.

Thus, a timely visit to the doctor and compliance with all the above nutritional principles for intestinal and rotavirus infections will help you cope with intestinal flu as quickly as possible!

Acute intestinal infections (AI) are a large group infectious diseases a person with an enteral (fecal-oral) mechanism of infection caused by pathogenic (Shigella, Salmonella, etc.) and opportunistic bacteria (Proteus, Klebsiella, Clostridia, etc.), viruses (rota-, astro-, adeno-, caliciviruses) or protozoa (amoeba dysentery, cryptosporidium, balantidia coli, etc.).

ACIs still occupy a leading place in the infectious pathology of childhood, second only to influenza and acute respiratory infections in terms of incidence. According to WHO, up to 1-1.2 billion “diarrheal” diseases are registered annually in the world and about 5 million children die annually from intestinal infections and their complications.

The leading component of treatment for acute intestinal infections is a rational therapeutic diet, adapted to the age of the child, the nature of the previous disease and feeding.

The goal of diet therapy is to reduce inflammatory changes in the gastrointestinal tract, normalization of functional activity and digestive processes, maximum sparing of the intestinal mucosa.

It is fundamentally important to refrain from taking “hunger” or “water-tea” breaks, since even with severe forms of acute intestinal infections digestive function intestines is preserved, and “starvation diets” significantly weaken the body’s defenses and slow down the processes of restoration of the mucous membrane.

Basic requirements for diet for acute intestinal infections:

    Food should be mechanically and chemically gentle, easily digestible, varied in taste;

    Cooking: food is steamed, boiled, pureed, pureed;

    Restriction in the diet of fats, carbohydrates, table salt and calories;

    Introducing sufficient amounts of protein;

    Inclusion in diets of low- and lactose-free foods and fermented milk products enriched with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli;

    Reducing the volume of food in the first days of illness by 15-20% (in severe forms up to 50%) of the physiological need;

    Eating food warm (33-38 °C) in 5-6 meals.

Excluded from the diet are stimulants of intestinal motility, foods and dishes that enhance the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines: raw, sour berries and fruits, juices, raw vegetables, butter and vegetable oils (in pure form), sweets, fresh pastries. You should not give legumes, beets, cucumbers, sauerkraut, radishes, oranges, pears, tangerines, plums, grapes. Not recommended oat groats, as it enhances fermentation processes. Must be excluded from diet fatty varieties meat and fish products (pork, lamb, goose, duck, salmon, etc.).

Whole milk should not be prescribed in the acute period of intestinal infections, as it enhances intestinal motility and fermentation processes as a result of impaired breakdown of milk sugar (lactose), which is accompanied by increased watery diarrhea and bloating.

In the first days of the disease, black bread is also excluded, which increases intestinal motility and increases the frequency of stools.

When the manifestations of intoxication decrease, vomiting stops and appetite improves, cottage cheese, meat (beef, veal, turkey, rabbit in the form of cutlets, meatballs, quenelles), fish are introduced low-fat varieties, egg yolk and steam omelette. Thinly sliced ​​crackers from white bread, porridge with water (except millet and pearl barley), slimy soups, cereal soups with boiled vermicelli in a weak meat broth are allowed.

In the acute period of the disease, it is recommended to use lactic acid products (kefir, acidophilus mixtures, etc.). Lactic acid products due to active action lactobacilli, bifidobacteria contained in them, final products proteolysis of casein (amino acids and peptides, glutamic acid, threonine, etc.), increased amounts of vitamins B, C, etc. help improve digestion processes and assimilation of food, have a stimulating effect on the secretory and motor functions of the intestine, improve the absorption of nitrogen, calcium salts and fat In addition, kefir has an antitoxic and bactericidal effect on pathogenic and opportunistic flora due to the presence of lactic acid and lactobacilli. However, long-term use of only kefir or other lactic acid mixtures is impractical, since these products are poor in proteins and fats. A medicinal fermented milk product is Lactofidus, a low-lactose product enriched with bifidobacteria.

When treating children with ACI during the recovery period, it is necessary to widely use fruit and vegetable products (apples, carrots, potatoes, etc.), as they contain a large amount of pectin. Pectin is a colloid that has the ability to bind water and swell, forming a foamy mass that, passing through intestinal tract, adsorbs the remains of food substances, bacteria, toxic products. In an acidic environment, calcium is easily cleaved from pectin, providing an anti-inflammatory effect on the intestinal mucosa. Fruits and vegetables contain organic acids that have a bactericidal effect, as well as a large amount of vitamins, glucose, fructose, carotene, etc. The use of boiled vegetables and baked fruits already in the acute period of intestinal infections contributes to a more rapid disappearance of intoxication, normalization of stools and recovery.

Children's nutrition infancy

The optimal type of nutrition for infants is mother's milk, which is prescribed in fractions up to 10 times a day (50.0 ml every 2 hours). It is possible to apply the principle of “free feeding”.

IN Lately in the clinic of intestinal infections, preference is given to prescribing low- and lactose-free formulas (Low-lactose Nutrilon, Frisopep, Humana LP + MCT, soy mixtures) to children who are bottle-fed. In severe forms of acute intestinal infections and the development of malnutrition, hydrolyzed mixtures (Nutrilon Pepti TSC, Nutrimigen, Alfare, Pregestimil, etc.) are widely used, which promote rapid recovery processes of secretion and absorption in the intestine and the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which prevents the development of fermentopathy as a result of intestinal infection (Table).

According to our data, as a result of a clinical and laboratory assessment of the effect of low-lactose mixtures on clinical picture and the state of intestinal microbiocenosis during viral diarrhea in young children was obtained positive effect stimulation of the functional activity of normal and, first of all, saccharolytic microflora (to stabilize the indicators of acetic, butyric and propionic acids), as well as a regulating effect on the metabolic processes of carbohydrates and fats in the acute period of the disease. The clinical effect consisted of rapid and persistent relief of the main manifestations of the disease: vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal syndrome and exicosis, which, along with good tolerability, made it possible to recommend low-lactose mixtures for use as therapeutic nutrition in young children during the acute period of intestinal infections of viral etiology.

The tactics of feeding and introducing complementary foods in patients with acute intestinal infections are individual. The frequency of feedings and the amount of food per meal are determined by the age of the child, the severity of the disease, the presence and frequency of vomiting and regurgitation. It is important to consider that with 8-10 feedings (every 2 hours) with a mandatory night break of 6 hours, the child should receive 10-50 ml of food per feeding, with 8 feedings (every 2.5 hours) - 60-50 ml of food. 80 ml, with 7 times (after 3 hours) - 90-110 ml, with 6 times (after 3.5 hours) - 120-160 ml, with 5 times (after 4 hours) - 170-200 ml. The missing amount of nutrition to the physiological requirement for children of the first year of life should be replaced with liquid (glucose-saline solutions - Regidron, Glucosolan, etc.).

When unloading the diet daily, the volume of food increases by 20-30 ml per feeding and the frequency of feedings changes accordingly, that is, the interval between feedings increases. If the disease dynamics are positive and appetite is improved, it is necessary to bring the daily amount of food to the physiological requirement no later than 3-5 days from the start of treatment.

Children 5-6 months old with improved condition and positive dynamics gastrointestinal tract Complementary feeding is prescribed with porridge prepared from rice, semolina, and buckwheat with half-and-half milk (or water for rotavirus infection). Porridge is prescribed in an amount of 50-100-150 g, depending on the age of the child and the method of feeding before the disease. After a few days, add 10-20 g of cottage cheese made from boiled milk to this complementary food, and then vegetable purees, berry or fruit jelly in the amount of 50-100-150 ml, and juices.

The diet of children 7-8 months old should be more varied. When their condition improves, they are prescribed not only porridge, cottage cheese and jelly, but also vegetable purees, 1/2 or 1/4 of a chicken egg yolk, then broths, vegetable soup and chopped meat. It is allowed to add butter to porridge and vegetable puree. The yolk (the egg must be hard-boiled) can be given separately or added to porridge, vegetable puree, or soup.

Nutrition for children over one year old is based on the same principle as for infants. Only the one-time volume of food increases and foods recommended for feeding healthy children of this age are included in the diet more quickly. In the acute period of the disease, especially in the presence of frequent vomiting, dietary relief should be carried out. On the first day, the child is prescribed kefir 100-150-200 ml (depending on age) every 3-3.5 hours. Then they switch to a diet appropriate for their age, but with the exclusion of prohibited foods. In the acute period of the disease, all food is given in pureed form, and steam cooking of second courses is used. Cereals for preparing porridge and side dishes, vegetables are boiled until soft. The set of products should be varied and contain fermented milk mixtures, kefir, cottage cheese, cream, butter, soups, meat, fish, eggs, potatoes, fresh vegetables and fruits. You can use canned vegetables and fruits for baby food. Avoid foods rich in fiber and causing flatulence(legumes, beets, turnips, rye bread, cucumbers, etc.). We recommend watermelons, blueberries, lemons, jelly from various berries, jellies, compotes, mousses, to which it is advisable to add freshly extracted juice from cranberries and lemon.

Properly organized nutrition of a child with an intestinal infection from the first days of the disease is one of the main conditions smooth flow illness and quick recovery. Inadequate nutrition and dietary errors can worsen the child's condition, as can long-term dietary restrictions. It is important to remember that at all stages of treatment for acute intestinal infections it is necessary to strive for complete physiological nutrition taking into account the age and functional state of the child’s gastrointestinal tract.

Significant difficulties in diet therapy arise in children with the development of post-infectious fermentopathy, which develops at different stages of the disease and is characterized by impaired digestion and absorption of food due to a lack of enzymes.

With acute intestinal infections, especially with salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis, occurring with reactive pancreatitis, there is a malabsorption of fat and the appearance of steatorrhea - copious stools with a shine, light gray with unpleasant smell. Diet therapy for steatorrhea is carried out with restriction of fat in the diet, but not more than 3-4 mg/kg body weight per day for children of the first year of life. This is achieved by replacing part of the dairy products with specialized low-fat products (Acidolact) and foreign-made mixtures, which contain fat component includes medium chain triglycerides, which require virtually no pancreatic lipase for absorption (Nutrilon Pepti TSC, Humana LP + SCT, Alfare, Pregestimil, Frisopep, etc.). When signs appear acute pancreatitis Exclude fresh fruits, berries, vegetables, and concentrated fruit juices from the diet for up to 1 month.

Most frequent form Enzymatic deficiency in acute intestinal infections, especially with rotavirus infection, escherichiosis, cryptosporidiasis, is disaccharidase deficiency (impaired breakdown of carbohydrates, primarily milk sugar - lactose). In this case, there is frequent “splashing” stool, watery with a sour smell, bloating, regurgitation and anxiety after feeding.

For lactase deficiency, it is recommended to use adapted low-lactose mixtures (Low-lactose Nutrilon, Frisopep, Humana LP + MCT, etc.) or soy mixtures (Nutrilon Soya, Frisosoy, Humana SL, Similak Izomil, Enfamil Soya, etc.). In their absence - 3-day kefir; Children in the first three months of life can be given a mixture of type B-kefir, consisting of 1/3 rice water and 2/3 3-day kefir with the addition of 5% sugar (glucose, fructose), 10% porridge in water, vegetable decoctions.

As complementary foods, these patients are given dairy-free porridge and vegetable purees in water with vegetable or butter, cottage cheese washed from whey, meat puree, and baked apple. Schemes for introducing complementary foods can be individualized; attention should be paid to the early administration of meat ( daily dose in 3-4 doses). Avoid the use of sweet fruit juices, products that increase gas formation in the intestines and enhance peristalsis (rye bread, White cabbage, beets and other vegetables with coarse fiber, fruit peels, prunes, dried fruits). The duration of adherence to a low-lactose diet is individual - from 1.5-2 to 6 months.

After severe intestinal infections, intolerance not only to lactose, but also to other disaccharides, may occur, less often - complete carbohydrate intolerance (glucose-galactose malabsorption), in which patients experience severe diarrhea, which is aggravated by the use of mixtures and products containing disaccharides, monosaccharides and starch ( milk and soy mixtures, cereals and almost all fruits and vegetables). This extremely severe condition, leading to dehydration and progressive degeneration, requires a strict carbohydrate-free diet and parenteral glucose or total parenteral nutrition. In some cases, oral administration of fructose is possible. With individual tolerance, protein and fat-containing foods are retained in the diet: lean meat - turkey, horse meat, beef, rabbit, vegetable oil, a limited range of vegetables with low sucrose and glucose content - cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, spinach, green beans, salad.

Protein deficiency occurs due to impaired utilization, absorption, or loss of endogenous protein, especially in children with initial malnutrition. Correction of protein losses is carried out by prescribing hydrolyzed mixtures (Nutrilon Pepti TSC, Nutrimigen, Alfare, Pregestimil, Frisopep, etc.).

For prolonged post-infectious diarrhea, especially in children who received repeated courses antibacterial drugs, it is possible to develop a secondary food allergy, accompanied by sensitization to proteins cow's milk, less often - to egg whites, proteins cereal crops. Such disorders can occur not only in children with allergic diathesis, but also in patients without a burdened premorbid background. Clinically, post-infectious food allergy is manifested by hypersensitivity to previously well-tolerated products - infant formula, milk porridge, cottage cheese, etc. Children experience abdominal pain, bloating after feeding, regurgitation, loose stool with cloudy glassy mucus, sometimes streaked with blood; scatological examination reveals eosinophils in the stool. Characterized by a stop in body weight gain, up to the development of malnutrition.

When an allergy to cow's milk proteins is detected in the diet of children of the first year of life, mixtures based on soy (Nutrilak Soya, Nutrilon Soya, Frisosoy, Humana SL, Enfamil Soya, etc.) and based on protein hydrolysates (Nutrilon Pepti TSC, Nutrimigen, Pregestimil, Frisopep, etc.).

The lack of specialized products is not an insurmountable obstacle to organizing a dairy-free diet. The elimination diet in this case is based on dairy-free pureed porridges (rice, buckwheat, corn), fruit and vegetable purees, potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, baked apple, banana, vegetable and butter, meat puree. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the child’s physiological needs for basic nutrients and energy. Meat puree, as the main source of protein, in the absence of specialized mixtures, can be prescribed from 2-3 months of age. It is preferable to use horse meat, rabbit meat, poultry, lean pork, as well as dietary canned meat— Little Humpbacked Horse, Cheburashka, Cockerel, Pork puree, etc.

For children older than one year, the principle of preparing a diet is the same. When prescribing a dairy-free diet, it is necessary to completely compensate for the missing amount of animal protein with meat proteins, soy mixtures, and also exclude from the diet foods that have increased sensitizing activity (chocolate, fish, citrus fruits, carrots, beets, red apples, apricots and other orange or red fruits). , nuts, honey). For post-infectious food allergies, the period of adherence to the specified diet is at least 3 months, and more often - from 6 to 12 months. The effect of an elimination diet is assessed by the disappearance of symptoms of the disease, weight gain, and normalization of stool.

L. N. Mazankova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor N. O. Ilyina, Candidate of Medical Sciences L. V. Begiashvili RMAPO, Moscow

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Intestinal infection is an acute process characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane digestive tract. The disease is accompanied by disorders digestive processes. Pathogen pathological process are pathogenic microorganisms that enter the body through oral cavity.

Patients may complain of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Intoxication of the body manifests itself in the form of headaches, weakness, and fever. Intestinal infections are common among people of all ages, but children are most susceptible to them. In terms of prevalence, intestinal infections are in second place after ARVI.

Pathogenic microorganisms get into water, food and various objects. They are capable of being there a long period time. Pathogens can enter the human body by eating poorly washed vegetables and fruits, drinking unboiled water, consuming meat and dairy products that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment, as well as neglecting the rules of personal hygiene.

Treatment includes combating dehydration, dietary food And antibacterial therapy. Poor nutrition can lead to prolonged diarrhea, sudden weight loss and lactose intolerance. What can you eat if you have an intestinal infection, and what should you absolutely avoid?

Nutrition during the acute period

The main principle of nutrition is the rejection of water-tea diets and the selection of a diet that would increase the body's resistance. To replenish water balance Every five minutes the patient is recommended to drink a teaspoon of plain water.

Under no circumstances should you drink water in one gulp; this may cause vomiting reflex and lead to further dehydration. As an alternative to water, you can give Regidron solution, sweet dried fruit compote or mineral water without gas.

The diet for intestinal infections in adults should be easily digestible and varied in taste

Let's consider general principles which includes nutrition for intestinal infections:

  • the diet should be followed not only during illness, but also for two weeks after recovery;
  • before eating food, gagging must be stopped;
  • food should be taken in small portions;
  • It is wrong to completely refuse food, because the body urgently needs nutrients to fight pathogens;
  • the daily amount of food is reduced by fifty percent;
  • Food is best consumed in puree form. It is better to steam and boil it;
  • the diet should include sufficient quantity squirrel;
  • products that enhance peristalsis and stimulate work are excluded digestive glands;
  • During treatment and in the next two weeks, the consumption of whole milk is prohibited.

The first days the diet should be as meager as possible. On about the fourth day, you should carefully introduce steamed cutlets, soups with low-fat broth, meatballs, boiled fish, and eggs. What can't you eat? Let's highlight five main points:

  • Decreases due to infection enzymatic activity, that's why fatty meat and fish are prohibited.
  • The consumption of black bread and especially crackers made from it is prohibited. The product enhances intestinal motility. And fresh baked goods cause processes.
  • Strong broths are also strictly prohibited. It will be difficult for a sick body to process such food.
  • Raw vegetables and fruits increase peristalsis and can lead to prolonged diarrhea.
  • It is prohibited to consume berries, juices, and confectionery products.

Black bread stimulates intestinal motility, so it should not be consumed

Diet after recovery

We have already talked about the peculiarities of nutrition during acute process, and what kind of diet is indicated after the subsidence infectious process? What can you eat during this period? Within two weeks after the disease, the body restores its defenses. During this period, you can eat porridge, but they must be thoroughly boiled.

It can be buckwheat, rice, semolina or oatmeal. Porridge should be cooked in water, not milk. For diarrhea, it is better to use rice porridge for the first time, and after stool normalization, you can switch to buckwheat. This porridge is especially useful if constipation occurs after an illness. It will also help to cope with stool retention corn porridge.

It is also allowed to cook steamed cutlets and meatballs from lean meats: beef, rabbit, veal, turkey, chicken breast. Eating pork is strictly prohibited! Fermented milk products are useful for normalizing intestinal function. For example, you can start with low-fat cottage cheese. It should not contain fillers or fruit.

Gradually, as you feel better, you can add grated banana or apple. Then you can introduce sour cream, kefir, and yogurt into your diet. Vegetable purees will be of great benefit. To prepare it you can use zucchini, cabbage, broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower. Fresh bread can cause diarrhea. Dried bread, yesterday's bread, and dry biscuits are allowed.

Vegetable oil and butter are allowed, but their quantity should be strictly controlled.

The following foods are prohibited:

  • ice cream, pastries, cakes, sweets;
  • greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, beets;
  • Rye bread;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • legumes;
  • carbonated drinks, alcohol.

The diet must be followed for two weeks after illness

Nutrition depending on the disease

Intestinal infections can be caused by viruses and bacteria. Symptoms, and therefore treatment, may differ in each case.


The causative agent of the disease is Salmonella bacilli. These bacteria most often affect children. Salmonella can be found anywhere, for example in food. The stick can last up to four months in meat and sausages, and up to six months in frozen meat.

Important! Salmonella can not only survive in milk, meat and minced meat, but also produce offspring.

Wherein appearance and the taste of the product most often remains unchanged. The disease manifests itself in the form of weakness, chills, fever, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Every minute there is more and more bacterial infection in the body. IN childhood salmonellosis can lead to fatal outcome.

The menu should include a sufficient amount of protein, while carbohydrates and fats are sharply limited. This type of nutrition lasts only a few days, so it is considered energetically deficient. With salmonellosis, it is important not only what set of products is used, but also how the dishes are prepared. It is better to bake, boil or steam food. After which the dish should be thoroughly chopped in a blender.

For salmonellosis, treatment table No. 4 is indicated

You will have to exclude the following foods from your diet:

  • whole milk;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • some fruits: grapes, citrus fruits, pears;
  • oatmeal, pearl barley and barley;
  • sweets, baked goods;
  • soda;
  • spices, sauces, marinades;
  • canned and smoked foods;
  • semi-finished products and fast foods.

Enterovirus infection is quite resistant to external influence and maybe long time exist in environment. It can even withstand freezing and acidic environments. Enteroviruses also feel good in the gastrointestinal system, because they are not affected by hydrochloric acid. You can become infected through unwashed hands, food, and through airborne droplets.

Ninety percent of cases occur in children. Once a viral infection enters the body, it can long years wait for the right moment and not show yourself in any way. The disease may cause respiratory symptoms: runny nose, cough, sore throat. Dyspeptic disorders manifest themselves in the form of nausea, bloating, pain, constipation or diarrhea.

During an intestinal infection, it is important to maintain a drinking regime, as the disease causes severe dehydration

During the acute process, it is extremely important to adhere to a strict dietary regimen. The basis of the menu should be porridge, vegetable soups, purees, baked apples. Diet for enterovirus infection in adults and children should be maintained until complete recovery. It is better to cook porridge in water. To make puree, use carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, and potatoes.

The meat must be free of fat and must be pureed. Baked apples are able to fight toxic substances released by enteroviruses. Let's consider sample menu On one day:

  • breakfast. Slimy rice porridge. Green tea sugar-free with biscuits;
  • lunch. Oven-baked fruits;
  • dinner. Vegetable soup;
  • snack. Dried fruit compote with croutons;
  • dinner. Buckwheat porridge.


In dysentery, the large intestine is predominantly affected. Shigella is a bacteria that releases toxins when destroyed. The infection has a high survival rate in external environment. The disease develops quickly, causing symptoms of intoxication.

A properly selected diet helps eliminate toxic substances and strengthen immune system. Consumption of fats and carbohydrates is sharply limited. The consumption of vegetable and animal fats remains normal. Products that promote bile secretion and increased urination are prohibited.

Patients are prescribed a fourth treatment table, in which the following products are allowed:

  • dry wheat bread, crackers, biscuits;
  • beef, veal and chicken without fat;
  • lean fish;
  • cottage cheese and kefir;
  • slimy soups;
  • baked fruits;
  • oatmeal.

The diet is aimed at removing toxins from the body


Rotavirus infection (some people confuse the name and say “rotovirus”) is one of the most common causes of diarrhea. It starts like ARVI, and then they join digestive symptoms. Stomach flu is transmitted by the fecal-oral route. Most often, the infection enters the body through contaminated food or raw water.

It is also possible airborne infection. At stomach flu The gastrointestinal tract is primarily affected, so dishes should be prepared in a gentle manner. It is prohibited to consume rough and fibrous foods, as well as products irritating walls intestines: fried, spicy, salted, pickled.

In case of rotavirus infection, not only whole milk is excluded from the diet, but also kefir, yoghurt, sour cream, and cottage cheese. These foods can increase abdominal pain, cause flatulence, and worsen diarrhea.

Important! During the acute period, drinking is much more important than food.

Congee has an enveloping effect, it will help stop diarrhea. Four tablespoons of rice should be poured into a liter of boiling water and cooked until the cereal is completely boiled. The resulting mass must be rubbed through a sieve, then add half a teaspoon of salt and baking soda.

To replenish the water balance, it is recommended to drink weak tea with sugar, water-salt solutions, herbal teas, dried fruit compote, rosehip or blueberry decoction. A water-salt solution can be purchased at a pharmacy, but it can be easily prepared at home.

First, prepare a raisin decoction. To do this, pour one hundred grams of the product with a liter of water. There you should add three tablespoons of sugar, a spoonful of salt and a pinch of soda. The solution must be consumed warm, 50 ml every two hours. This solution must be alternated with other drinks, otherwise there will be an excess of salt in the body.

If you have an appetite and vomiting has stopped, you can add chicken bouillon, mashed potatoes, dried bread, boiled oatmeal or rice porridge. They gradually return to their usual diet after three to four weeks.

So, diet for intestinal infection is extremely important. Its goal is to restore water and electrolyte balance, remove toxins from the body and strengthen protective forces. In the first days of the acute process, it is important to drink large amounts of water in small portions. If you drink water in one gulp, vomiting may resume. The diet should be as gentle and nutritious as possible.