Cracked mouth. The corners of the mouth crack and peel: causes and treatment

Complete collection and description: why do the corners of the lips crack and how to treat? for readers of our site.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth (the so-called bites on the lips) are, as a rule, unpleasantly painful and always occur extremely untimely. It is very annoying when you prepare in advance for a celebration or a romantic date and one morning you feel painful tightness, reddish swelling and cracking of the skin in the corners of the mouth .

At first glance, this defect is very insignificant, but you should not consider it so unambiguously, because it indicates that there are violations in the body. Therefore, sometimes jamming is a symptom of another disease. This means that sometimes it manifests itself as an independent violation, and in another case - as a sign of a different pathology.

In this article, we will look at the main causes of cracks in the corners of the lips, as well as effective ways treatment of the disease at home, including using folk remedies.

Angular stomatitis, in the common people - seizures in the corners of the mouth, do not depend on age and can appear in a man and a woman, an adult and a child. True, among men they are more common than among women, since the fair sex “protects” their lips with lipstick.

Clinical manifestation of a crack in the corners of the mouth:

  1. itchy skin;
  2. Significant redness of the skin;
  3. A small wound in the corners of the mouth;
  4. Pain while opening the mouth;
  5. Pain and discomfort;
  6. The appearance of water under the skin of a jam.

The patient constantly feels itching and burning, it becomes painful to talk, it is impossible to paint the lips, and when eating salty and sour foods, the pain increases even more. In particular severe cases some even refuse to eat because of severe pain when opening their mouths. With untimely treatment, not only crusts can form, but also bleeding ulcers.

Causes of cracks in the corners of the mouth

What does it mean? If cracks appear in the corners of the lips, then the reasons lie in the defeat of microorganisms. Certain bacteria can cause this defect. However, before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out why they hit the skin in this particular place. Of the large number of species, only two can provoke such an ailment - streptococci or yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

  1. Candidamicotic jam appears in the corners of the lips, in this case, the causes of cracks are fungi of the genus Candida. At the same time, there is no crust on the crack, only the so-called slit-like erosion appears. If a person's mouth is closed, then the crack is not noticeable. When the mouth opens, there is palpable discomfort and pain. If the treatment of cracks in the corners of the mouth is not carried out in a timely manner, then the disease acquires chronic and escalates periodically.
  2. With streptococcal infection, a bubble appears in the corners of the mouth, which disappears relatively quickly, and then a crack with a crust develops in its place. As a rule, such a crust is periodically torn off (children especially often rip it off). How to treat cracks in the corners of the mouth in this case, the doctor determines. But if you do not use a special ointment or other remedy, then the disease can drag on for a long time.

But the reasons for the appearance of cracks are not limited to this, such risk factors can also affect the condition of the skin of the lips:

  1. Incorrect brushing of teeth, advanced tooth decay and other mouth problems that can be caused by infections. Non-compliance with the basics of personal hygiene can also affect the appearance of cracks.
  2. Avitaminosis. This is probably one of the main reasons for the appearance of cracks. Most often they appear due to a deficiency of B vitamins, as well as iron, zinc. From this, immunity decreases, the body weakens, jams appear.
  3. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Almost always, a violation of the digestive system is manifested externally, including, it is indicated by cracks. Also, very often they appear in the presence of E. coli, which releases toxins.
  4. Bite characteristics. Cracked corners of the child's lips may indicate that the baby has an overbite. If one jaw protrudes above the other, irritation may occur at the corners of the lips. And this can also cause cracks.
  5. Allergic reactions. Allergy of the body to any cosmetic product or toothpaste can also lead to seizures.
  6. Carbohydrates, alcohol. In the event that you are a lover of sugar, sweets, cakes, buns or abuse alcohol, cracks in the corners of the lips are likely.
  7. Weather conditions: cold, frost, wind, sun, dry air.
  8. Deficiency in the body of iron;
  9. Metabolic disease.

From this it follows that, first of all, before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the main causes of the appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips, and only then to select suitable preparations.

A photo

You can see how cracks look in the corners of the lips (mouth) in adults in detailed photos:

What to do?

To figure out how to treat cracks in the corners of the mouth, the doctor must not only diagnose the symptom, but also determine the cause of its development. Since the causative agent of this pathology can be different, the treatment will be different. Therefore, before appointing him, an examination is carried out. It includes:

  • smear from the oral cavity;
  • scraping from the wound surface;
  • consultation of a therapist, dentist, endocrinologist and hematologist;
  • general analysis of blood and urine.

Smears and scrapings make it possible to determine the presence of certain microorganisms at the site of erosion or in the oral cavity. Which in turn allows you to choose an effective drug.

How to treat cracks in the corners of the lips?

  1. avocado oils, tea tree, flax, sea buckthorn and wild rose. Daily light massage lips will help soften rough skin.
  2. Hygienic lipsticks and balms. Apply to chapped skin daily in the morning and evening.
  3. Thermal waters. Water bottles are sold at any pharmacy. Regular use of the spray will relieve irritation.
  4. Lotions from decoctions of sage, celandine or chamomile.

Below is a list of foods that you need to add to your daily menu if there is such a problem as cracks in the corners of the mouth, the causes of which may be different.

  1. With a deficiency of vitamin B, you need to eat nuts, bran, green leafy vegetables, cabbage, avocados, rice (unpeeled).
  2. If a zinc deficiency is found in the body, then attention should be paid to sprouted wheat grains, seafood, brewer's yeast, eggs, greens, pumpkin seeds.
  3. If the causes of the problem are a lack of iron, then iron-containing foods are recommended: hercules, potatoes, buckwheat, rye, nuts, parsley, peaches, pomegranates; from meat - beef, pork, liver, kidneys.

Sometimes cracks in the corners of the lips can be the result of fungal diseases or streptococcal infection. In this case, in order not to infect anyone from your environment, you need to isolate personal items and use special preparations. Do not prescribe them yourself, it is better to consult a specialist.

Treatment with folk remedies

In most cases, you can get rid of the jam yourself at home.

  1. A proven remedy is aloe juice. cut off fresh leaf, squeeze the juice out of it. Apply liberally to the corners of the lips.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil is very effective. Avocado oil is often used. These oils should be used to treat cracks on the lips, between the lips at the corners of the lips. - Angular stomatitis should be treated with garlic. Also try to treat with psyllium extract.
  3. Try to make this lip mask regularly: mix in a small cup 1 tsp. freshly squeezed carrot juice and 1 c. l. ground fresh cottage cheese. Apply the mixture generously on the lips, hold for 10-15 minutes. Then remove the mask with a cotton pad dipped in olive oil.
  4. Lubricate the cracks with hygienic lipstick, as well as apply special cosmetic and medical products that soften the skin of the lips.
  5. From medical preparations you can try the following means: "Akvaftem", "Iruksol", "Vishnevsky" and "Levomikol". Ointments are applied to the corners of the lips three times a day.

If cracks in the corners of the lips appear constantly and itching or burning occurs, you should not self-medicate. In some cases, seizures indicate serious diseases of the body.

If you want to leave a good impression of yourself, then give people your smile. The emotion of joy, which we share with others with pleasure, remains in our memory for a long time. The ability to openly smile is useful not only in business relations. A smile serves as a hallmark of a person, as a confirmation of his good intentions, and therefore is the key to success.

What to do if painful cracks appeared on the lips and the smile literally slipped off the face. As a result, all plans are destroyed, it hurts to eat and speak.

The common name of this disease is not very beautiful - zaedy. However, even medical workers often use this word for diagnosis.

There is an opinion that only babies “seize”, that is, they do not use napkins at the table and do not rinse their mouths after eating.

It must be admitted that, unfortunately, seizures are not only among young children. This unpleasant illness many adults also suffer. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is designed in such a way that it can independently prevent the reproduction of putrefactive bacteria.

The causes of cracks on the lips are not only in carelessness, but also in a number of disorders in the human body. Zayed is only an external manifestation of internal disorders of the immune system.

Causative agents and symptoms of angulitis

The medical name for the disease is angulitis or angular cheilitis. Sometimes with repeated recurrence is called "persistent angulitis".

In nature, there are several types of infection that affect the mucous membranes and the adjacent surface of the skin.

Pathogens: streptococcal epidermal, that is, cutaneous, infection and yeast-like fungus Candida. Microbes are a product pathogenic flora and begin to act actively, forming a focus of a local inflammatory process only under certain conditions.

Symptoms: reddening of the mucous membranes in the corners of the lips, burning, blistering rash or formation gray plaque, ulcerations, deep painful cracks that bleed for a long time.

Why do the corners of the lips crack (reasons)

  • regular hypothermia,
  • chronic fatigue,
  • violation of personal hygiene rules,
  • habit of licking lips
  • dirty fruit,
  • poorly washed dishes
  • chronic caries,
  • failed removable prosthesis,
  • improperly selected cosmetics or toothpaste,
  • zinc and iron deficiency,
  • a consequence of long-term use of antibiotics.

What vitamin is missing if the corners of the lips are cracked?

Angulit is exacerbated, as a rule, in early spring or late autumn. At this time, chronic diseases become aggravated, immunity decreases, the load on the body's defense systems increases. The diet becomes poorer, fewer natural vitamins and minerals are consumed in food. especially vitamin B, which is responsible for digestion in the body.

Psychologists note that persons who are always grumbling and dissatisfied with themselves often suffer from rashes and microcracks in the corners of the mouth. Herpes- viral infection against which modern medicine is still powerless. Improvement may be due to general strengthening immunity.

Diagnostics (analysis and research)

For effective treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, you should consult a doctor for qualified advice. The best option is to make a test for the origin of bacteria - causative agents of inflammation. Scraping is recommended in order not to miss the onset of a serious illness, such as diabetes. Comprehensive clinical trial it is necessary to establish the correct diagnosis, exclude the presence of the herpes virus and prescribe an effective treatment.

You can distinguish the origin of the infection without tests as follows:

  • At fungal angulite the lesion may spread to the skin of the cheek. The wound in this case is scarlet-red, shiny, like a varnished surface, with a slight ashy coating.
  • Angulitis of streptococcal origin accompanied by redness, itching, blistering clear liquid inside. After some time, the bubbles burst, and in this place a hard, painful crust forms, which bursts and bleeds.

How to treat cracks in the corners of the lips

First of all, let's pay attention to the conditions for observing the personal hygiene of a patient with angulitis.

  • Toothbrush and paste should be changed, towel should be changed daily.
  • Crockery and cutlery should be rinsed with soda solution.
  • It is necessary to include pharmaceutical vitamins B2, PP in the diet, add foods that are rich in vitamins of the PB group: beef, liver, cheese, wild rice, eggs, broccoli, black Eyed Peas, germinated wheat. It is useful to take a drink made from brewer's yeast.
  • Vegetarians should consume regularly, oatmeal jelly, cereal products from buckwheat, soy and almond milk, as well as pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds for the prevention of depression.
  • Regular consumption of pure or mineral water in order to prevent dehydration of the body and drying of the mucous membranes. Cranberry and blueberry juice, dried fruit and black currant compote.
  • Strengthening the immune system also contributes to a successful recovery.

How to get rid of angulitis with the help of medical means

All medications are prescribed by the attending physician. Among universal means, which radically fight yeast fungi and streptococci, antiseptic can be distinguished liquid preparation stomatidine.

  • For the treatment of angulitis of fungal origin, an ointment gives a good effect. clotrimazole.
  • Has a healing effect bepanthen.
  • Traditional treatment involves the use tetracycline, mirastimin ointments.
  • Solcoseryl- the composition of this ointment includes the substance dialysate, which is made from the blood of a large cattle. The presence of natural ingredients contributes to the rapid healing of the wound surface.
  • Zinc ointment quickly forms an antimicrobial protective barrier on the skin, dries weeping sores and heals cracks.
  • Additional components Acyclovir are calcium and starch, which helps rapid healing.
  • It is necessary to disinfect the wounds with a solution flucinara or greens. Several times a day. Please note that after these drying solutions, it is necessary to apply applications with a fatty component, for example, rosehip oil or vitamin E capsules.

Preparations for strengthening the immune system

For the treatment of angulitis, fluconazole is successfully used - an antifungal drug, immunomodulators from a series of cytokines, antibiotics such as amoxil, augmentin, sumamed. Patients are prescribed a complex of multivitamins.

Additionally, if available for a long time non-healing wounds antihistamines are prescribed: loratadine and claritin. Tincture of Eleutherococcus and Echinacea to strengthen the immune system.

Treatment of cracks in the corners of the lips with the help of folk remedies

Our ancestors were treated by what nature gave them. Priceless recipes were passed down from generation to generation, which were carefully preserved by our ancestors.

Folk sages call zaedy "the disease of someone else's spoon." In ancient times, nothing was known about the microflora, but they went to visit with their own spoon, because, as the proverb says, “an alien (dry) spoon tears your mouth.” The eloquent saying “a thrifty guest does not visit without a spoon” indicates that wisdom is more expensive than medicine.

And although urban residents use the pharmacy more often than in the old days people went to healers, nevertheless, the demand for old recipes of traditional medicine is not decreasing. Here are some examples of how you can deal with rashes after a cold and seizures at home.

  • Decoction of oak bark traditionally considered the best way treatment
  • mouthwash, lotion mixtures of herbs, sage, chamomile will help soothe itching and will promote rapid healing of wounds.
  • Regular rinsing of the corners of the mouth laundry soap.
  • Applying applications from sea ​​buckthorn oil, applying a mixture of garlic and petroleum jelly, balm from natural honey and butter .
  • In the presence of the herpes virus, it is used aloe vera extracts and propolis.
  • Softens lips well cacao butter.
  • Amazing healing properties has thermal spring water.

Prevention of angulitis and stomatitis

  • Rinse your mouth after eating
  • Timely toothbrush replacement
  • Rejection bad habit lick your lips
  • Sanitation of the oral cavity so that no foci of pathogenic flora remain.
  • Disinfection of cutlery and crockery, regular replacement of dishwashing sponges.
  • Lubrication of lips with hygienic lipstick, honey, petroleum jelly.
  • In spring and autumn, you need to take a general strengthening mixture: honey, garlic and lemon. A glass of honey is mixed with lemon pulp and one head of garlic, which must first be crushed with a blender. Store the medicine in the refrigerator, take a teaspoon with plenty of warm water.
  • decoction of oats- useful for the stomach, is a diuretic and diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory agent. Pour a glass of unpeeled oats with two liters of water, insist overnight, boil in the morning for 30 minutes over low heat. Strain out the liquid. Store oatmeal in the refrigerator, take twice a day with a teaspoon of honey, 30 minutes before meals. Pre-heat the broth to room temperature.

Caring for immunity, an active lifestyle, prevention of chronic diseases, a positive attitude and good outdoor recreation will be the key wellness and beauty.

Health is priceless gift life, which a person is obliged to protect. May there be more reasons for joy, and a smile always brilliant.

Not a small number of people face angulitis or, in the common people's way, seizures. Red spots and cracks in the corners of the lips occur in both adults and children. At first, the problem is not noticeable and may not even bother. However, soon not only discomfort is felt, but irritation, pustules and bleeding erosions occur. No matter how trifling the problem may seem, you should not let it take its course - if spots appear, this is only a sign of the presence of a concomitant disease.

Causes of cracks in the corners of the lips in adults and children

Angulite is caused by microorganisms that are in the body of any person, but do not have a negative impact, unless the immune system is weakened, or the cause is not caused by a fungus, staphylococcus aureus, or some other disease.

Contributing factors for the development of angulitis are: vitamin deficiency, diabetes mellitus or skin maceration, due to excessive moistening of the corners of the mouth with saliva, the habit of holding a pen in the mouth or a love of spicy dishes.

Why does angulitis appear:

  1. Lack of vitamins A, B, E, iron, nutrients or dysbiosis. In addition to cracks in the corners of the mouth, fatigue and weakness, dryness and pallor of the skin will also be symptoms.
  2. The reasons that the corners of the lips are torn are injuries. Such cases are not uncommon after visiting the dental office or through wearing a prosthesis.
  3. The infectious process often occurs after a violation of the integrity of the skin and inappropriate oral hygiene. Cracks in such cases occur not only in the corners of the lips, but also on the lips and chin. So, if there is a bloody-purulent crust, staphylococcus or streptococcus may be to blame. The latter is often found in children. If in an adult the appearance of angulitis can provoke a denture, in children most often it is a problem of dirty hands.
  4. A lesion near the mouth due to a fungus (called yeast infections). A characteristic feature of this species will be a grayish-white coating or lacquered red wound.
  5. The reasons for this problem in children, in addition to trauma, infection, beriberi, can also be: caries, chronic tonsillitis, helminthic invasions. Most often, angulitis does not occur in babies, but in children in adolescence.
  6. The answer to the question of why the skin near the corners of the lips cracks may be low-quality cosmetics, an allergic reaction to food, hygiene products, dust, wool.

Symptoms and methods of diagnosing diseases

At the beginning of the appearance of angulitis, only redness near the lips is observed. Later, a bubble appears with watery contents, there may be impurities of pus. When it bursts, weeping erosion occurs, which causes unpleasant sensations in a person. The symptoms of angulitis are as follows:

  • burning and itching;
  • the wounds hurt with any movement of the lips, when eating;
  • new cracks appear that only aggravate the situation;
  • the wound can increase, affecting the oral mucosa;
  • later, weeping erosion becomes covered with a crust, but often cracks appear more than once and even bleed.

To determine the root cause that led to the formation of a crack in the corner of the lips, an examination is carried out. Diagnostics includes:

  1. examination by a specialist;
  2. scraping from the problem surface;
  3. smear from the oral cavity;
  4. it is recommended to take a urine and blood test.

Treatment of cracks in the mouth with creams and ointments

To cure angulitis is required A complex approach: to begin with, all kinds of irritants that contribute to the development of the disease are eliminated, then drugs are used that relieve inflammation. The most effective drugs are antibacterial ointments for outdoor use. However, do not forget that the correctness of treatment directly depends on determining the cause of why the corners of the lips crack and accurate diagnosis should be given by a doctor.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth can be treated with peroxide and sprinkled with streptocide powder. Frequently prescribed by physicians and effective drugs for the treatment of angulitis are the following drugs: Bepanten, Solcoseryl, Boro-plus, synthomycin and zinc ointment. Let's consider them in more detail.


A widely used and effective anti-inflammatory cream is Bepanthen. The main active ingredient is Dexpanthenol, due to which the skin is moisturized and quickly restored.

This drug has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. In addition, if ingested, Bepanten will not cause harm, which is why it is often used in the treatment of angulitis in children. In addition to the fact that the tool normalizes cellular metabolism, it also relieves unpleasant pain.


The active substance of Solcoseryl is diazilate. It is made from the blood of cattle. This dental paste intended for various pathologies oral cavity and skin problems, including in the case of angulitis. The advantage of the drug, in addition to high efficiency, is that it can be used even by pregnant women and children.

Solcoseryl stimulates tissue regeneration, and polidocanol, which is part of it, has an anesthetic effect. It is necessary to smear several times a day, lightly moisten with water on top.

Cream Boro-plus

This ointment is based on various medicinal extracts plants. Boro-plus is an excellent antiseptic, because it contains turmeric, aloe, sandalwood and even ginger lily. In addition to the fact that the cracks heal well, this ointment perfectly copes with suppuration, eliminates redness and itching. The only contraindication to the use of the remedy for angulitis may be an allergic reaction to any plant component.

Zinc ointment

The basis of this tool is zinc oxide. Due to it, the cracks quickly heal and dry. After application zinc ointment an obstacle to microbes is provided by a barrier in the form of a protective film. Contraindication for use this drug is the presence of purulent wounds, as well as individual intolerance to the remedy.

Synthomycin liniment

The main component of synthomycin ointment is Chloramphenicol. This tool has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to novocaine, which is also included in the composition, the pain of the wounds near the lips will subside significantly. The ointment is applied to cleansed and dry skin. After a few days of using the drug, you can completely get rid of cracks near the mouth. However, it should not be used by people with blood diseases, because it can lead to a failure in the hematopoietic system.

Vitamins and medicines

One of the most common causes the appearance of angulitis is that the body lacks vitamins or trace elements. Therefore, treatment consists not only in taking complex vitamin preparations, but also reviewing nutrition, as well as how balanced the diet is.

To replenish vitamins in the body, you need to diversify your menu with such products:

  • beans, cabbage, nuts, spinach, cereals and mackerel (vitamins of group "B");
  • egg yolk, meat, fish, cheese, as well as herbs and legumes, nuts and avocados (riboflavin);
  • oatmeal, corn, legumes, and vegetable oil (vitamin E);
  • offal and red meat (iron);
  • for the absorption of iron, vitamins E and C are required - they are found in olive oil and vegetables;
  • seafood, pumpkin seeds, wheat germ (zinc).

Of the drugs for angulitis, antibiotics, antifungal drugs and immunomodulators are prescribed. If the corner of the mouth long time does not heal, antihistamines are prescribed.

Folk remedies and home recipes

Despite the fact that there is a huge amount of funds in the pharmacy against angulitis, alternative treatment is no less in demand.

For a long time, such a problem was called "the disease of someone else's spoon" and they always knew what to do. Saved homemade recipes will come to the rescue now.

Folk remedies against jamming:
(more in the article: lip jams in adults (treatment with photo))

  1. As grandmothers advise, if the corners of the lips are cracked, they should be anointed with aloe or Kalanchoe juice. Lotions from infusions of chamomile and calendula also help well.
  2. It has long been customary to treat cracks in the corners of the mouth in children at home with earwax. They also used to do with cracks on the child's lips themselves.
  3. One method is to apply vitamin E to the affected area. Various oils have proven themselves well - sea buckthorn, olive, linseed, obtained from avocados, tea tree, and cocoa butter.
  4. When the corners of the lips are cracked, they also advise this recipe: mix a teaspoon boric acid, egg yolk and two tablespoons of glycerin. Apply the product three times a day, it promotes rapid healing and creates a protective film on the wounds.
  5. Angulitis due to streptococcal infection is advised to lubricate with celandine juice. To cleanse the skin, use laundry soap.

With such an unpleasant problem as cracks in the corners of the lips, everyone can face. With all the desire to get rid of cracks as soon as possible, you should not ignore the search for the root cause and consult a doctor, prescribing ointments for yourself, because the main thing is a healthy body, and the fact that the mouth cracked in the corners is only a sign of another existing problem.

Find out why the corners of the lips crack and how to treat this problem.

After all, a huge number of the population suffers from cracks or wounds in the corners of the lips. In the early days, the problem is almost not noticeable and some people do not even feel it.

The corners of the lips crack, the main reason for this and its treatment

Let's try to figure out why the corners of the lips crack and how to treat this pathology.

There are several reasons why the corners of the lips can peel and crack, namely:

  • long walks in the open air, especially in windy weather;
  • exposure to dry air on the lips;
  • lack of hygiene standards;
  • licking lips outdoors during strong winds;
  • low hemoglobin in the blood;
  • lack of B vitamins;
  • various allergic reactions;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin diseases;
  • malocclusion.

If small cracks or peeling appear in the corners of the lips, you should immediately go to the hospital so that the doctor conducts a thorough examination and, if necessary, prescribes some tests.

If cracks in the corners of the lips appeared due to a secondary manifested cause, then it is impossible to start treating them on your own, since this will not give any effect.

You also need to remember that herpes can cause such a problem.

With this problem, the specialist selects for each patient separate treatment. First of all, the doctor prescribes a course of vitamin complexes, those that are needed at the very beginning of winter, for example, vitamins A, C, K and others.

As already described above, the corners of the lips can crack due to a lack of B vitamins, so you can drink a course of these vitamins in combination with folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on skin and hair health. Even for the treatment of cracks in the corners of the lips, the doctor often prescribes different ointments, sprays that perfectly heal the wounds that have appeared and disinfect them.

During the treatment of such a problem, it is imperative to maintain proper nutrition, that is, do not eat fried, fatty, smoked and salty.

There is only fresh salads, boiled lean meat, fish, more fruits and vegetables. For the entire course of treatment, exclude sweets from food. Include in the diet only those foods that contain a lot of proteins and vitamins, especially vitamin B2.

Which doctor should be consulted for this problem

In the event of cracks and small peeling on the corners of the lips, somewhat resembling wounds, and especially bleeding ones, you must definitely go to the hospital. However, some people do not know which specialist to go to for such a very unpleasant illness.

Due to the fact that cracks in the corners of the lips are a skin disease, it is best to consult a dermatologist. Because this problem may be preceded by streptococcal or fungal infection oral cavity. Like no one else, a dermatologist will identify the causes of cracked lips, and also tell you more about it.

Another dermatologist will definitely prescribe a blood sugar test to find out if there is a risk. fungal infection. Also, the dermatologist himself can take scrapings of the affected skin for examination to check for the presence of candidiasis. And after all the tests, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

But with such a problem, you can also contact a therapist who will immediately refer you to a blood test to study the level of hemoglobin. And if hemoglobin is greatly reduced, then he himself will prescribe various drugs to increase the level of this substance in the blood. However, if a blood test shows any other changes, then the therapist will refer you to a dermatologist for examination.

What vitamins does the body need for this problem

Most often, the lips and corners of the lips crack due to a lack of vitamins such as A, E, C, group B, PP. And also, as a result of iron deficiency in the blood.

And in order to replenish your body with such vitamins and at the same time get rid of cracks in the corners of the lips, you need to eat more of these foods:

  • nuts (pine nuts, almonds, peanuts);
  • liver;
  • chicken eggs;
  • different types of cheeses, including processed ones;
  • mushrooms and mushroom dishes;
  • mackerel fish;
  • cottage cheese and dishes from it;
  • rosehip tea;
  • poultry meat;
  • greens, especially lettuce, spinach;
  • different cereals (barley, buckwheat, barley, rice and others);
  • bran bread;
  • olives and olive oil;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • berries and berry compotes.

Medicines and ointments to help

As mentioned above, in the first days of the appearance of cracks, you need to drink a vitamin complex containing a large amount of vitamins A, K, PP, groups B, E, C.

And also in the treatment of such a lip problem, the following ointments and preparations are very helpful:

  1. Ointment "Aevit" is an oil mixture produced in the form of hygienic lipstick, containing a lot of vitamins A, E, B6. This ointment replenishes the skin cells of the lips with nutrients and softens the lips. In addition to the Aevit ointment, it is also sold in tablets that are taken orally, in the treatment of beriberi in the winter.
  2. Tetracycline. It promotes rapid healing of wounds on the lips, and also perfectly disinfects and protects against the development of infections on the lips.
  3. Zinc ointment. It enriches the cells of the skin of the lips with zinc, increases the regenerative properties of the skin, thereby quickly healing wounds.
  4. Ointment D-Panthenol. Perfectly heals wounds, gives lips elasticity.
  5. Levomekol. Such an ointment basically perfectly helps with the advanced stages of cracks, when wound infection has occurred. It perfectly disinfects and removes all the accumulated pus in wounds.
  6. Ointment Bora Bora. most popular and effective ointment in the treatment of "zaed". Due to the herbs contained in it, it heals wounds well, and enriches the skin cells with the necessary vitamins and nutrients.
  7. Fluconazole. An antifungal drug prescribed in case of detection of a fungus on the lips. It kills fungal bacteria well, from which the wound quickly heals.

If the financial situation does not allow you to buy any of the ointments described above, then you can use ordinary petroleum jelly or greasy hygienic lipstick to treat the “zayed”.

But remember one rule: you can’t lubricate your lips with ointment or hygienic lipstick in the cold or in strong winds, because this way the lips will crack even more. And yet, do not use vegetable oil to treat this problem, as it leads to severe dryness of the lips.

However, if the treatment is carried out with only one ointment or lipstick, then this will not be visible. positive result. And in order to achieve such a result, it is necessary, in combination with ointments and lipstick, to observe proper nutrition and drink. vitamin complexes.

Brewer's yeast, which should be consumed internally during meals, will also help to cope with cracks in the corners of the lips. This preparation contains various vitamins and amino acids necessary for good health skin.

So the treatment of "zayed" must be carried out in a complex way, only in this way you can forget about this ailment for a long time.

Useful video on the topic

How to treat if lips hurt

If cracks appear on the corners of the lips and, in addition, they hurt a lot, then you should immediately go to a dermatologist. Because it could be a symptom of some dangerous infection, fungus, streptococcal disease or herpes.

But in no case should you take independent measures and use various folk recipes in the treatment, as this can only start the disease even more.

Only a specialist can correctly identify the causes of cracks in the lips according to the prescribed tests, and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Why does the problem keep popping up?

Sometimes it happens that the corners of the lips crack because of the wrong bite. And this problem pesters a person more and more often. And an orthodontist can help in this, which in a short period of time will correct the bite, thereby saving the patient from cracks in the corners of the lips.

Permanent cracks in the corners of the lips can be the cause of any diseases of the internal organs, such as the stomach or intestines.

Therefore, when frequent appearances cracks in the corners of the lips, you need to check the stomach and intestines.

Also, problems with the gastrointestinal tract can give signals not only in the form of cracks, but also in the form severe dryness in the mouth. Also, patients may experience general malaise and dark circles under the eyes. So with any of these symptoms, you should immediately go to the hospital and undergo an examination.

And for those people who constantly dry out, peel and crack the corners of their lips, you need to know following rules. Eat food exclusively in your own dishes, wash and wash only with your own soap and sponge, and dry yourself with your own towel.

Getting rid of a fungal infection

If, according to the tests prescribed by a specialist, a fungal infection is detected and for this very reason cracks appear in the corners of the lips, then the doctor immediately prescribes various antifungal drugs. They are for a short time kill the bacteria of the fungus (at non-started stages).

A fungal infection in the corners of the lips can appear due to frequent licking of the lips, as well as poor oral hygiene.

Basically, such a disease occurs in young children who constantly take some dirty objects into their mouths. The corners of the lips are affected by a fungus of the Candida family.

When affected by such an infection, there is no crust on the cracks, and they have only slit-like erosion. When the mouth is closed, the crack is not visible at all, and when the mouth opens, severe pain begins to be felt. When untimely treatment the disease can become chronic, and after some time become aggravated.

In this case, the following medications are prescribed:
  1. Fluconazole. antifungal medicine prescribed for oral administration. The active ingredient in it is fluconazole, which quickly kills fungal bacteria.
  2. Very good help with cracks in the corners of the lips, formed due to a fungal infection, nystatin or levorin ointment. They are applied directly to the affected area. Contribute to the destruction of the fungus and the speedy tightening of the wound.

Of course, along with these drugs, you need to take another vitamin complex to increase immunity and protective functions organism.

Help of folk remedies

It is possible to treat seizures at home with the help of folk remedies, but only at their initial stage of development. But before you start treating this problem with folk remedies, it’s better to try to lubricate your lips with hygienic lipstick every day.

And if it does not help, then start taking home remedies.

Let's talk about the most common folk remedies with which you can 100% get rid of the jam:

  1. Perfectly helps with cracks in the corners of the lips, rosehip oil, goose fat or petroleum jelly. With such means, you should lubricate the corners of the lips 2-3 times a day. The effect will already be noticed on the 2nd day of use. Rosehip oil can also replace sea buckthorn or linseed oil.
  2. Decoctions of various herbs, for example, succession, chamomile, celandine, help very well from jamming. With such decoctions, lotions should be made several times a day.
  3. At home, chapped corners of the lips can be lubricated with honey, sunflower or butter.
  4. If the corners of the lips began to crack due to a streptococcal infection, then at home it is allowed to independently lubricate the affected areas with celandine or Kalanchoe juice.
  5. An excellent remedy for jamming on the lips is garlic. Garlic should be squeezed through a garlic press, squeeze the juice out of it, dilute the juice with a little water. It is impossible to lubricate sore spots with undiluted juice, as a burn may form and this should be done very carefully no more than 1 time per day.
  6. For the treatment of seizures in children, you can use different oils plant origin, as well as beeswax, or by applying an aloe leaf to the affected area.
  7. During cracks in the corners of the lips, you can lubricate them with freshly squeezed aloe juice 3 times a day.
  8. Even at home against jamming, you can do very simple mask: take 1 apple, peel it, mode, pour 1 glass of milk and cook for 10-15 minutes. After cooking, the apple should be completely boiled. Mix well until smooth, set aside. We apply the finished mask on the lips for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  9. A wonderful mask for the night is a mixture of honey and pork fat 1:2. This medicine should be stored in the refrigerator.
  10. For the next mask for cracks in the corners of the lips, you need 50 g of butter and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of propolis We mix everything, put on a slow fire and melt for 5-10 minutes. Next, remove from the fire, cool. Then we lubricate the cracks in the corners of the lips 4 times a day.

Preventive methods for cracks

Cracks in the corners of the lips can not only be cured, but generally protect yourself from such an unpleasant and sometimes painful disease.

Here are a few preventive methods against cracks:

  • the very first thing is to drink more fluids every autumn and winter;
  • do not lick your lips on the street - this is the worst and most harmful method of moisturizing, because saliva contains digestive enzymes that irritate the skin of the lips;
  • before each exit to the street in the cold season, lubricate your lips with hygienic lipstick;
  • always remember that lips can crack due to unsuitable cosmetics, such as moisturizing lipsticks or lip glosses with a high water content, since in windy weather the liquid evaporates from the lips along with the moisture contained in the skin of the lips; it is for this reason that the lips begin to dry out and crack;
  • Score 4.9 voters: 7

Seizures on the lips (angulitis) are cracks in the corners of the lips, which are accompanied by symptoms in the form of irritations, pustules in the corners of the mouth, and discomfort. Initially, redness appears in the corners of the mouth, then small cracks, and sometimes erosion. These are snacks. It becomes painful to talk, it is impossible to make up the lips, itching and burning are constantly present in the corners of the mouth, and the adoption of spicy, salty and sour foods further increases the pain. In severe cases, patients refuse food, as it is very painful for them to open their mouths. If timely treatment is not carried out, crusts and even bleeding ulcers can form.

Causes of seizures

Fortunately, the disease does not always develop against such a complex background. However, the general pattern is the same: a decrease in immunity and activation of infection in chronic foci (mouth - teeth, gums, tonsils; paranasal sinuses nose, upper respiratory tract) + action of local factors (lip microtrauma) + deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals = persistent angulitis.

It is clear why angulite is activated in the off-season, most often in the spring. At this time, the load on the adaptive systems of the body increases, including immune system; reduced content in food biologically active substances and the demand for them is growing. After winter we try to catch more sun rays, and this is understandable. But here it is important not to overdo it, because these days many children have increased photosensitivity. allergic reaction to cosmetics with other unfavorable factors, it stimulates the development of zaed, as well as excessive dryness lips, the cause of which may be the habit of licking the lips.

If the body's ability to adapt is limited, the “weak links” of our health fall under attack. Then develop acute diseases or exacerbate chronic. Of course, having suddenly appeared, seizures can disappear just as quickly, without requiring any special treatment. However, persistent angulitis is a reason to conduct a detailed examination.

Seizures in the corners of the mouth can appear at any age, both in adults and in children. Also, such a disease as seizures can occur at any time of the year, but the activity of this sore is especially often increased in the spring.

There may be several reasons for the appearance of seizures, and one of the most serious is a violation of the body's vital functions caused by poor performance of the gastrointestinal tract, or another internal organ. Therefore, if one day you find a child has seizures on the lips, think about whether something else is bothering him? That is, in this case, seizures can occur as a symptom of another serious illness.

Zaeds are bacterial infection, in other words, a disease that can be transmitted through kisses, dishes and other things in common use, is caused by a fungus or staphylococcus, or some viruses.

Most often, seizures in the corners of the mouth appear due to a weakening of immunity due to a lack of vitamins, which, as already mentioned above, occurs mainly in the spring. And it is not uncommon for people who are concerned about seizures to find a deficiency in the body of vitamin B.

There are many other reasons that contribute to the appearance of seizures in the corners of the mouth, ranging from allergies to toothpaste and certain foods, and even ending with a malocclusion.

The cause of jamming is also some toothpastes, for example, containing fluoride. In children, the habit of licking lips and holding foreign objects in the mouth can lead to the development of jamming.

Avitaminosis and congestion

The most common cause of seizures is a lack of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) in the body. In such cases, the disease is often accompanied by peeling of the skin and even the appearance of crusts on the wings of the nose and other parts of the face, burning and redness of the tongue. Patients complain of weakness, loss of appetite, fatigue.

If you are confident enough that everything is in order with your health, but the bites on the lips continue to bother you from time to time, pay attention to the foods that you eat.

So, for example, such products as cottage cheese, milk, cheese, eggs, beef and liver contain a sufficiently large amount of vitamin B2, so their frequent use can prevent the appearance of seizures.

Another key role in the appearance of seizures on the lips is iron and zinc deficiency in the body. The most iron-rich foods are mushrooms and nuts, peaches and pomegranates, potatoes, parsley, asparagus, rye, buckwheat, and oatmeal. As well as red meat (beef, lamb and pork), and foods such as heart, liver and kidneys.
And food sources of zinc are good seafood, eggs, greens, meat, kidneys and liver, pumpkin seeds, germinated wheat grains and brewer's yeast.

Well, it is desirable to additionally drink another complex pharmacy vitamins, which in any case will help not only to prevent and eliminate seizures in the corners of the mouth, but will also benefit the entire body as a whole.

It has been proven that vitamins and B2 and B6, iron and zinc play a key role here. As for vitamins A and E, they are useful for external use, they are used in fat-soluble form to accelerate the epithelization of tissues.

The daily requirement for an adult in vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is 1.5-1.8 mg, B6 - 1.8-2 mg, in iron - 10-20 mg, in zinc - 13-14 mg. So first of all, you need to pay attention to your diet and replenish it with foods rich in these substances.

Most vitamin B2 is found in animal products: milk, cheese, cottage cheese; meat (beef), animal liver; eggs. Vegetarians should remember that there is much less vitamin B2 in plant foods, and be sure to include bran, whole grains - wheat, rye, oats in the menu; vegetables - broccoli, spinach, sprouts green beans, fresh peas. Lots of B2 in brewer's yeast.

It should be borne in mind that vitamin B2 is water-soluble and is easily lost during prolonged contact of products with water - prolonged soaking and improper defrosting. Also, B2 is very sensitive to light and atmospheric oxygen, so it is better to cook food in a sealed container, and store it in opaque containers. For example, milk in glass bottles B2 is significantly depleted compared to milk packed in light-tight bags. During conventional heat treatment, B2 losses range from 5 to 40% (depending on whether the listed protection measures are observed).

A number of chronic diseases require an increase daily dose vitamin B2g, which should be carried out under the supervision of a physician who recommends multivitamin complexes or individual preparations.

Another vitamin, the lack of which is often manifested by angulitis, is B6 (pyridoxine). We usually get enough of this vitamin from food, but it is important to preserve it. The measures listed above in connection with vitamin B2 will help. Losses of vitamin B6 during conventional heat treatment are 20-35%, while freezing they are insignificant.

Often, vitamin B6 deficiency is accompanied by a lack of magnesium in the body, then the B6 + magnesium complex is prescribed.

In some cases, vitamin B6 deficiency is combined with iron deficiency. The most iron-rich mushrooms, red meat (beef, pork, lamb), offal (liver, kidney, heart), eggs, rye, oatmeal, buckwheat, asparagus, parsley, potatoes, peaches, apricots, nuts, pomegranates, etc. d. Iron is best absorbed from red meat, which is desirable to combine with foods containing vitamins C (fresh vegetables and fruits) and E (for example, vegetable oils).

Zinc deficiency is also fairly common. Its main cause is malabsorption of zinc in gastrointestinal tract due to inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane. Do not neglect food sources of zinc.

These are meat, liver, kidneys, seafood (especially oysters), germinated wheat grains (in germinated - a more easily digestible form of zinc), brewer's yeast, pumpkin seeds, eggs, mustard greens. For better absorption of zinc, a combination with foods rich in vitamin A is recommended.

If you are constantly taking medications, ask your doctor if they deplete your body of vitamins. If such an effect is present, multivitamin complexes are especially necessary.

For local treatment zayed rich set of funds offers ethnoscience. Nice results gives lubrication of the lips and corners of the mouth with rose jam and creams based on rose oil, as well as beeswax and fats: olive, linseed, sea buckthorn oil, goose fat, avocado oil, a mixture of honey and butter.

Angulite, or seizures, is a sign of trouble in the body, the causes of which must be identified in time.

How to treat seizures

    With a persistent course of the disease, a laboratory scraping is usually performed to identify the pathogen (these can be streptococci, staphylococci or yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida), a blood test for vitamin B2.

    It is necessary to treat carious teeth, eliminate irritating factors (tartar, low-quality crowns or dentures). Those who smoke should quit or at least limit smoking.

    It is required to enrich your diet with various vitamins, but first of all with vitamin B2, which is found in large quantities in whole grains (unrefined rice, bran), legumes, nuts, green leafy vegetables, cabbage, avocados. Among animal products best sources riboflavin - egg yolk, poultry, fish, cheese.

    Vitamin E is also needed, which is abundant in cold-pressed vegetable oil, cabbage, legumes, nuts, oatmeal, and corn.

    Try to eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products; exclude spicy, sour, salty. The meat is preferably boiled. For fungal infections, limit sweets.

    Facilitate the state of application to the corners of the lips from the infusion of oak bark or alder cones, which have disinfectant and astringent properties.

    This recipe helps: cotton swab moisten with tea tree oil and apply to the corners of the mouth for a few seconds. Repeat in the morning and in the evening until the seizures disappear. Tea tree oil has antibacterial and wound healing properties.

    You can also use a warm brewed green tea bag.

    To prevent seizures from reappearing, follow hygiene requirements when caring for the oral cavity and dentures, make sure that the face towel is always clean.

Treatment of seizures with folk remedies

    In the treatment of seizures, as well as in the treatment of herpes, such a folk remedy as sulfur from the ears can help a lot. You can get it with a cotton swab, and immediately lubricate with it those places where there are seizures.

    You can try to get rid of jams on the lips with the help of thermal water, or hygienic lipstick made on its basis. It is enough just to sprinkle with thermal water or lubricate the affected areas of the lips with lipstick several times a day.

    What else can help in the treatment of seizures is lubricating them with an oil solution of vitamins A and E, petroleum jelly, melted beeswax, goose fat, sea buckthorn, linseed and olive oil, rosehip and avocado oil, tea tree oil, and also make lotions from infusions of herbs of chamomile, celandine, succession, sage and calendula.

    The next folk remedy for seizures is rubbing them with juice squeezed from the leaves. houseplant Kalanchoe, juice from fresh stems and leaves of celandine, plantain and buttercup, and a cut clove of garlic.

    Another freaky folk way to eliminate seizures in the corners of the mouth, it is with your own hair, if the length allows, regularly wipe the affected areas. Some people also argue that in order to get rid of jams, you need to run a knife over them, naturally with the blunt side of it. It is difficult to say how effective these methods are, but in any case, you can try.

Traditional treatment of seizures

Well, as for pharmaceutical medicines that are recommended for the treatment of seizures on the lips, this is Teymurov's paste, ointments such as Levomekol and Iruksol, Tetracycline ointment and D-Panthenol. And be sure to identify the cause of jams and eliminate it.

The corners of the mouth crack and blush - a fairly common and unpleasant problem affecting women, men and even children. The site did not leave this topic unattended, as it cares about your health.

The corners of the mouth crack

Cracks that form at the corners of the mouth are called jams. They do not appear immediately: first, a small wound is formed, which, after a while, grows and turns into a crack. This disease cannot be called a separate disease. Rather, these are the consequences of other diseases that can weaken the immune system of our body. Jamming causes discomfort, because eating and trying to just smile causes pain.

The corners of the mouth crack: causes

Such cracks can form at any time of the year. In wounded places, itching and burning occurs. Impossible for a long time suffering from these pain. In order to overcome this disease, it is necessary to find out: why do the corners of the mouth crack? Factors can be:

  • Lack of B vitamins in the body. This vitamin is found in almonds, green vegetables, tomatoes, liver, beef, dairy products, potatoes;
  • Iron deficiency in the body, leading to anemia. The following foods should be added to the diet: buckwheat, beans, nuts, dark chocolate, fruits and meat products;
  • Depression, stress, discontent - such conditions can become an impetus for the formation of cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • Bad weather: heat, frost, strong wind;
  • Problems related to the intestines. Escherichia coli is in the body of every person. Their number should match the norm. When this rate increases, toxins begin to be released. So zaedy is a reaction to these toxins;
  • Allergic reaction to any object, food, toothpaste, etc.;
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules. When brushing your teeth, you not only get rid of plaque, but also infections that can cause cracks in the corners of your mouth;
  • Improper wearing of dentures.

The site site urges not to lose heart, be patient and take decisive action.

The corners of the mouth do not always crack for a reason external factors- perhaps something is missing in the body

The corners of the mouth are cracking: what to do?

Do not delay with this problem, otherwise crusts and sores may form at the site of the cracks. If it is not possible to independently detect the factors causing jamming, you need to contact a specialist. After identifying the cause, it remains to proceed with the treatment of cracks in the corners of the mouth.

If you plan to get rid of cracks forever, then first you should diversify your diet with foods containing vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

When the skin in the corners of the mouth cracks, inflammation should be removed and the function of restoring skin cells should be resumed. To do this, sore spots need to be lubricated with medicines. They may be:

  1. Thermal water;
  2. Lipstick hygienic;
  3. Vitamins A and E in the form of solutions;
  4. Ointments such as Levomikol, Vishnevsky Ointment, Iruksol;
  5. Infusions of sage, chamomile, string and celandine. They are used as lotions;
  6. Avocado oil, tea tree, sea buckthorn, rose hip, flax. They perfectly soften and heal wounds.

During treatment this disease you can turn to folk remedies that are easy to make at home. Here is an example of one very simple recipe. You will need:

  • honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • pork fat - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix honey with pork fat. Keep the prepared mixture in the refrigerator. Soak the wounds with this composition 3 times a day after meals.

The juice of garlic and plantain also promotes healing of cracks.

Perhaps the problem associated with cracking of the lips at the corners of the mouth is a feature of the bite. To correct the bite, you need to resort to the services of an orthodontist. Thanks to a simple operation carried out in such cases, it will be possible to forget about the wounds forever.

There are situations when seizures are formed suspiciously often. Worth paying attention to the following signs that should alert you:

  • too dry skin around the mouth;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • deteriorating health.

Most likely, a person with these symptoms has a serious illness. There can be no talk of any self-treatment here. Only qualified doctors will be able to detect the disease in time and prescribe treatment.

Prevention of cracks in the corners of the lips

Agree that it is better to try to prevent the formation of jamming than to treat them later. So prevention is very important and necessary. So, what you need to do to protect yourself from this disease:

  1. Provide the body with the right amount of fluid, especially in bad weather;
  2. Give up the manner of licking your lips;
  3. Use hygienic lipstick;
  4. Use home humidifiers during the heating season;
  5. Apply a nourishing cream or almond oil to the lips after water procedures;
  6. Protect lips from frost.

Finally, I would like to remind you that self-treatment does not always lead to success. There is no certainty that you correctly diagnose the disease. After all, seizures can be just symptoms of another, more serious illness. Therefore, it is better to rely on doctors and solve the problem together cracked corners of the mouth. All good health!

Lazovskaya Elena - especially for the site

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Cracks in the corners of the lips not only spoil the appearance, but also cause significant discomfort due to severe pain. Therefore, it is necessary to know what causes the appearance of a jam, and what methods of treatment help in as soon as possible restore lip health.

A condition in which the corners of the lips can crack is called angular stomatitis in a medical environment. Its causes are quite diverse, but the symptoms are always the same. Among the most likely factors for the appearance of cracks are:

  • Acute lack of vitamins in the body or beriberi. Biggest Influence Vitamin B2, otherwise known as riboflavin, has a healthy lip health.
  • Cracks in the corners of the mouth are formed if there is a habit of constantly licking the lips.
  • Lips can become chapped if proper oral hygiene is not maintained.
  • A common reason is the ingestion of streptococcal infection, fungus, carious processes.
  • Negative allergic reaction to fluorine and its compounds. This reason is relevant if fluoride rinses and toothpastes are used for oral hygiene.
  • The development of allergies in response to the use of low-quality cosmetics or the action of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Cracks in the corners of the lips often appear in weather-dependent people, whose condition changes markedly when changing weather conditions.

Add to list possible causes why cracks appear at the corners of the mouth, more serious factors. We are talking about disorders in the body. These include:

  • A significant decrease in hemoglobin.
  • development of iron deficiency anemia.
  • Gastrointestinal pathologies.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Metabolic disorders on the background of diabetes mellitus.
  • Pronounced decrease in immunity.
  • Elevated temperature, if it persists for long period time.
  • Taking hormone-containing drugs - immunosuppressants, glucocorticoids, cytostatics.

It is possible to guess what kind of reason provoked the appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips, according to the appearance of the bite, their localization. So, in the presence of isolated angular inflammations, the probability of damage to the body by streptococcus is high. If angular stomatitis is expressed not only in the form of cracks in the corners, but also extends to the oral cavity, lips, it is necessary to exclude the development of fungal flora.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Regardless of why the corners of the lips crack, the symptoms disease state appear as follows:

  • the skin in the affected area turns red, begins to get wet;
  • a small crack appears;
  • there is a pronounced discomfort, a feeling of itching;
  • soreness when opening the mouth, resulting in difficulty in eating, talking. It is difficult not only to speak, but also to smile;
  • if left untreated, deep and too painful cracks often appear.

If the skin in the corners of the lips begins to crack not for the first time and the discomfort drags on, it is worth excluding the most serious reasons ailment. Spend high-quality diagnostics And only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Particular attention should be paid to regularly occurring cracks in a child, since in childhood beriberi and other conditions provoking angular stomatitis can have an extremely negative impact on overall development.

Treatment of cracks, sores and wounds in the corners of the lips

If the process is not started and serious internal disorders are excluded, the organization of a complete balanced diet, regular consumption of nuts, mushrooms, buckwheat, legumes, helps to eliminate cracks in the corners of the mouth. cereal crops, beef (these products are rich in vitamin B2, which contributes to the recovery and prevention of angular stomatitis).

In addition, it is desirable to treat the formed cracks using the following recipes:

  • Lubrication of cracks with lip balm or hygienic lipstick. This therapy is carried out twice a day until complete recovery.
  • When planning how to treat seizures in the corners of the mouth, it is worth remembering useful properties thermal water, sprays of which are sold in pharmacies. With regular use of the crack-relieving spray, irritation quickly disappears, the skin is moisturized, and stops cracking.
  • Treatment with oil of flax, avocado, tea tree, rosehip, sea buckthorn. If the lips begin to crack (not only in the corners), a light massage is performed daily to soften the rough skin and eliminate the inflammatory process.
  • Therapy with herbal decoctions based on celandine, sage, chamomile. Infusions are used for lotions.
  • Lubrication of inflamed areas with iodine. To eliminate cracks, iodine solution is applied to cotton swab, after which the jams are well lubricated, mouth wide open. Angular stomatitis should be treated in this way as carefully as possible, excluding the ingress of iodine into the tongue and throat.
  • Treatment with Vishnevsky ointment. Such therapy is used in extreme situations, when the condition worsens markedly.

If, according to the results of the diagnosis, a fungal infection was detected, antifungal drugs must be included in the treatment plan. Until the moment of recovery, personal hygiene is especially carefully observed, excluding joint application household items, towels with other family members.

Vitamin complexes also help to treat cracks in the corners of the lips, which contain vitamin E that positively affects the condition of the mucous membranes and skin. Thanks to this therapy, general and local immunity is noticeably increased.

How to speed up the healing process?

If the skin in the corners of the lips cracks, medical measures give positive effect subject to the following recommendations:

1. At the time of therapy, they refuse to eat too spicy or salty foods.

2. Wounds are not touched by hands unnecessarily.

3. Avoid prolonged exposure to cold or direct sunlight.

You can also contribute to recovery by supplementing therapy with applications from a freshly cut aloe leaf. It is placed on the wound and left for a couple of minutes. The result of this procedure is a reduction in itching and pain.

Preventive actions

When the reasons why the lips and corners of the lips crack are clear, they become obvious preventive measures to avoid unpleasant ailments. Protection against angular stomatitis is provided by:

  • eating only from clean dishes;
  • high-quality washing of fruits and vegetables;
  • giving up the habit of licking lips;
  • compliance with the rules of oral hygiene;
  • proper skin care. In particular, it is important to stop squeezing pimples and scratching the skin in the problem area;
  • exclusion of overheating or hypothermia.

As you can see, seizures are not as harmless a phenomenon as it seems at first glance. Therefore, it is important to exclude all risk factors in time and not neglect treatment. With absence serious problems You can get rid of cracks in just a couple of days, returning a beautiful smile.

By the condition of the lips, you can determine how healthy a person is. Peeling, cracks, dryness indicate a malfunction in the body.

Particularly unpleasant are cracks in the corners of the mouth, which cause a lot of inconvenience: they spoil the appearance, interfere with eating and talking, and cause pain. They arise from different reasons Key words: mechanical trauma, pathogenic bacteria and fungi, beriberi, some common diseases.

The appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips is facilitated by bad habits, especially frequent licking of the lips, holding foreign objects in the mouth, hot or cold air, and taking spicy, hot food.

Usually, cracks in the corners of the mouth are a symptom of deficient conditions (dysbacteriosis, vitamin deficiency, lack of iron and nutrients, and so on). In such cases, weakness, pallor, fatigue, dryness and hair loss are observed.

The reasons


A wound in the corner of the mouth often occurs, oddly enough, after visiting the dentist. Aggressive use of instruments, especially a mirror for examining the oral cavity, damages the corner of the lip. If you have to visit the dentist often, the crack does not have time to heal. When passing complete reorganization oral cavity meetings can be almost daily for one to two months in advanced cases.

Problems can also arise with the constant use of a removable prosthesis: when it is inserted and removed from the oral cavity, it is the corners of the lips that suffer the most, against which the structure constantly rubs.

If the lips are dry, a crack appears when the mouth is opened wide: yawning, screaming, kissing, oral sex.

How to recognize: the appearance of such a seizure is directly related to the recent impact of a traumatic factor.

special and most dangerous form chronic injury is leukoplakia, in which the corners of the mouth are also affected. Its development is facilitated by constant mechanical irritation of the lips, general diseases and bad habits. Only a doctor can make such a diagnosis, and you can suspect something is wrong on your own when long course cracks, the base extending into the area of ​​the buccal mucosa, and the lack of effect from treatment at home.


  • Injury + poor oral hygiene

With a chronic injury to the corners of the lips, a bacterial infection in the form of streptococci and staphylococci joins. Children do not have dentures, but these same microbes sometimes affect the corners of the lips due to dirty hands, sand that ends up in the mouth. People who don't like to brush their teeth have a higher bacterial load, which is why angular cracks are not uncommon.

How to recognize: such an erosion in the corner of the mouth is covered with a crust, but easily begins to bleed. Usually, not only the corners of the lips are affected, but also other parts of the lips, the chin.

  • Fungal lesions

In second place is candidiasis of the corners of the mouth, otherwise called yeast jam. The reproduction of pathogenic fungi is stimulated by recent acute respiratory infections, general diseases (diabetes and steroid mellitus, blood diseases, gastrointestinal pathologies, and so on), constant intake hormonal drugs, cytostatics, drugs that suppress the immune system, long-term use antibiotics, hypovitaminosis.

How to recognize: erosion is covered with a white coating, which is easily removed by scraping.

  • Primary manifestations of syphilis

A hard chancre is disguised as an ordinary jam - an element of primary syphilis, which, if left untreated, will turn into a secondary one.

How to recognize: the jam is covered with a grayish-white coating, usually painless, but when a secondary infection (most often streptococcal) is attached, it is painful when opening the mouth and talking, has a seal at the base, and becomes rounded when stretched.

  • Tuberculosis

In patients with tuberculosis, sometimes there is a tuberculous jam, but it is a consequence of a general disease - active tuberculosis in the lungs. The condition of the patients is severe, therefore, no emphasis is placed on the defeat of the corner of the mouth.

How to recognize: the ulcer is sharply painful, the edges are undermined, the general condition is severe due to the presence of active pulmonary tuberculosis.

Bad habits

The appearance of a jam is provoked by such bad habits as smoking, constant licking of the lips, holding a foreign object in the mouth, drinking alcohol. The first three habits adversely affect the corners of the lips mechanically and thermally. In addition, frequent holding a pen or pencil in the mouth contributes to the infection of the corners of the mouth with pathogenic microbes. Excessive alcohol intake weakens the body and exacerbates common diseases, the course of which affects the condition of the lips.

How to recognize: the presence of appropriate bad habits, after getting rid of which cracks around the mouth cease to appear.

Allergic, weather

A banal allergy to toothpaste or lipstick, dry heat or windy frosty weather can cause a cracked mouth.

How to recognize: exposure to adverse weather conditions, the presence of contact with an allergen. The skin around the crack is flaky.

Other reasons

  • Hypovitaminosis

Lack of vitamin B2 is one of the causes of angular cheilitis (cracks in the corners of the lips). Hypovitaminosis B2 appears with poor absorption (in diseases of the stomach and intestines) and insufficient intake with food. Also, a lack of vitamin B6 can be accompanied by “jams”.

How to recognize: after redness, cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, the lips swell, turn red, and also become covered with cracks, the tongue becomes inflamed at the same time, burning in the eyes, conjunctivitis may occur.

  • Common diseases

Also, angular cheilitis is one of the symptoms of iron deficiency anemia. With endocrine diseases and HIV infection, seizures appear due to the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms, most often yeast fungi.

How to recognize: anemia - by general weakness, pallor, including the oral mucosa, dryness, burning tongue; endocrine diseases- dry mouth, burning sensation in different parts of the oral cavity, frequent stomatitis, slow healing mucous; HIV infection - for candidiasis, not only in the corners of the mouth, but also on its entire mucosa, severe ulcerative gingivitis and other diseases specific to HIV infection.

If a pregnant woman or small child a crack appeared in the corner of the mouth, first of all, you need to do a blood test for hypochromic (iron deficiency) anemia. In children, one should take an analysis for worm eggs, since jamming is one of the symptoms of helminthiasis.

Lip diseases

  • Atopic cheilitis

If a student has constant inflammation in the corners of the lips as an allergic reaction, and the parents also suffered from this pathology at the same age, the doctor is likely to suspect atopic cheilitis. This is a neurodermatological disease provoked by allergens, hormonal changes and disorders in the nervous system.

How to recognize: the skin of the face is dry, there is redness around the corner of the mouth, the corner itself is in small cracks, hyperemic (red), the lips are swollen, dry, in small scales.

  • Chronic recurrent fissure of the corner of the mouth

Common diseases, pathological vascular and neurogenic mechanisms contribute to the appearance of chronic recurrent cracks in the corner of the mouth. Often such injuries are the result of violations in the psycho-emotional sphere.

How to recognize: the jam is covered with a bloody crust, soft to the touch, moderately painful.

A chronic, stubbornly current crack in the corner of the mouth cannot be treated independently, since in 3% of cases it becomes malignant.


If cracks in the corners of the lips are constantly disturbing, heal for a long time, home treatment does not work, you should consult a dentist. The order of examination will be as follows:

  • Poll: you need to tell what worries you - dryness, burning, pain, and so on, inform about the presence of concomitant diseases, allergic reactions, occupational hazards, bad habits, remember when a crack appeared, under what circumstances, how often it occurs.
  • Examination: the doctor evaluates the condition of the skin, lips, oral cavity, teeth, gums, probes the lymph nodes.
  • Bacteriological and cytological examination cracks: necessary to determine the cause of erosion ( yeast mushrooms, streptococci, syphilis, leukoplakia, and so on).
  • Immunological and serological studies: to exclude HIV infection, syphilis and others.
  • Consultations of other specialists: endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and so on.


Treatment of cracks in the corners of the mouth depends on the cause of their appearance.

Trauma, bad habits
  1. Termination of the impact of the traumatic factor, including bad habits (correction of the prosthesis, stopping visits to the dentist for a while, careful opening of the mouth, lack of active action lips and mouth) oral hygiene, thorough teeth cleaning
  2. Superficial anesthesia (solutions and gels based on lidocaine)
  3. Antiseptic treatment (3% hydrogen peroxide solution, then 0.06% chlorhexidine solution)
  4. Stimulation of healing (, solcoseryl), an excellent effect on the Zorka cream (veterinary) from cracks, peeling, dry skin and any skin diseases.
  1. Exclusion of chronic traumatic factors (smoking, spicy food and so on)
  2. Locally - a solution of vitamin A and E
  3. Inside - vitamins A, E and B6 for 1 month
Candidiasis Cream Lamisil, candida 3-4 times a day for a crack
Tuberculosis Treatment of tuberculous seizures is carried out against the background of general anti-tuberculosis treatment. Directions for the treatment of cracks in the corners of the lips in patients:
  • anesthesia
  • antiseptic treatment
  • removal of affected tissue
  • use of specific anti-tuberculosis drugs
Syphilis The concept of treatment is the same as that of tuberculosis
Allergy Cessation of exposure to the allergen, use of allergy remedies by mouth and in the form of an ointment or gel on the corner of the mouth
Adverse weather conditions Reduction of being outdoors, use of hygienic lipstick, Bepanthen ointment, Panthenol, Dexpanthenol
Hypovitaminosis B2 Appointment of vitamins of group B, consultation of a gastroenterologist. Locally - solcoseryl, rosehip oil to stimulate healing
Anemia, endocrine diseases, HIV infection Treatment of the underlying disease, drugs for cracks in the corners of the lips are the same as for candidiasis or leukoplakia (depending on the local picture)
Atopic cheilitis
  1. Exclusion from the diet of allergenic foods
  2. Compliance with a diet that excludes alcohol, spicy, fatty, sweet foods
  3. The use of oral antiallergic drugs
  4. vitamin therapy
  5. Local - anesthesia, antiseptic treatment, the use of proteolytic enzymes, steroid ointments (in adults - Lorinden-S, in children - Traumel-S), application of vitamin ointment with solcoseryl
Chronic recurrent fissure
  1. Improving oral hygiene
  2. Locally - lidocaine blockade of the crack (does only a doctor), antiseptic treatment, the use of proteolytic enzymes, the application of vitamin ointment with solcoseryl
  3. vitamin therapy
  4. Correction of psychoemotional disorders
  5. Treatment of concomitant diseases.