When to do an ultrasound of the uterus after childbirth and a suture after a cesarean section? Recovery of the uterus after childbirth.

After childbirth, a woman thinks only about the newborn, not paying attention to her condition. The employees of the maternity hospital are worried about the woman in labor. A woman does not even think about when to do an ultrasound. Experienced professionals decide for her.

When it is better to do ultrasound diagnostics in the postpartum period, doctors determine depending on the course of the baby's birth process, the patient's well-being, the type of birth (natural, caesarean section).

Involution of the reproductive organs

During postpartum period in female body there is a process of involution (reverse development) of all systems, organs that have changed during pregnancy. This change begins from the moment the placenta falls off. It will take about 6 weeks. After the birth of the baby, there is a contraction of the uterus under the influence of postpartum contractions.

After the birth of the baby, the size of the uterus decreases, the bottom of which is located at this time at the level of the navel. The bottom is getting lower every day. So by the second day it is located slightly below the navel, by the 4th day - between the womb, navel, by 8-9 days - a little above the womb. After a while, she will take her place, which corresponds to the norm.

By this time, the shape of the uterus should change. It normally takes the following forms:

  • Spherical - by the 3rd day;
  • Oval - by the 5th day;
  • Pear-shaped - by the 7th day.

Also observed by this period is a discharge from the genital tract, which is called lochia. They change their color from the first day after birth:

  • Bright red - in 2 - 3 days;
  • Pale - from the 3rd day;
  • Yellowish - from the 5th day.

The discharge after a week becomes the same as before, before the onset of pregnancy.

What can an ultrasound detect?

  • Sometimes there are deviations in the size of the uterus from the norm. Big sizes of this organ indicate the presence of subinvolution, which manifests itself in a slow reverse development. Ultrasound diagnostics helps to determine the cause of deviation from the established norm, the appointment of special treatment.
  • Postpartum endometritis. By means of ultrasonic waves, a decrease in the tone of the uterus, the accumulation of gases in it, and the expansion of the cavity are detected. Treatment must begin immediately.
  • Postpartum bleeding. To detect sudden bleeding, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics on the 2nd - 3rd day after childbirth. ultrasound in preventive purposes contributes to the early detection of residues placental tissue, membranes in the uterine cavity.

If during the first ultrasound examination, the specialist found any pathological changes in uterine structure, her condition requires re-diagnosis. The second ultrasound is done to evaluate the results of the therapy undertaken.

Prescribing ultrasound procedures after natural childbirth

Ultrasound after childbirth is necessary to perform an examination of the female reproductive system. The doctor has the ability to detect all kinds of complications and take measures for their timely treatment.

When the condition of the woman giving birth is normal in the postpartum period, ultrasound is prescribed only by the second or third day. Normally, the transabdominal method is used. It is more comfortable in the postpartum period. After all, it is quite difficult to examine a large uterus from the inside using a vaginal sensor. Transvaginal diagnostics is prescribed by a specialist in the case when it is necessary to carefully examine the cervix.

By means of ultrasound, the uterine cavity and its condition are evaluated. It should be slit-like, slightly expanded. Inside it is a small amount of blood, blood clots, which are localized in the upper part of the body. This content will sink to the bottom on the 5th - 7th day.

The specialist in the process of performing the examination notices various changes in the uterine cavity:

  • Excessive expansion of the body;
  • The presence of remnants of placental tissue;
  • The presence of fetal membranes;
  • Lots of blood, clots.

Such a detailed diagnosis will help the doctor prevent various serious complications that may occur in the postpartum period in the woman giving birth. With ultrasound diagnostics, the size of the uterus is subject to mandatory assessment. The specialist compares the result obtained after the diagnosis with the indicators of the normative table. Below we give an example of normal uterine involution.

Indicators taking into account the norm. The size is in mm.postpartum period.
Uterus:2nd day4th day6-8th day
Length136 – 144 115 – 125 94 – 106
Width133 – 139 111 – 119 95 – 105
Anteroposterior size68 – 72 65 – 71 61 – 69
Uterine cavity:
Length49 – 53 89 – 95 70 – 78
Width104 – 116 40 – 46 31 – 35
Anteroposterior size5,1 – 7,1 3 – 5 2,8 – 3,6

The length of the uterine cavity is reduced every day. The dynamics of its contractions is reflected in the table, taking into account the norm. The results were obtained in the study of the probe.

Postpartum period (weeks)Length of the uterine cavity (cm)
1.5 10.6
2 9.9
3 8
5 7.5
6 7.1
7 6.9
9 6.5

Changing the parameters of the uterus

Immediately after the birth of the baby, the weight of the uterus is in the range of 1,000 - 1,200 g. The length of this organ is 15 - 20 cm, it is measured from the external pharynx to its bottom.

Involution of the uterus is provoked by postpartum contractions, which may be accompanied by painful sensations. In the process breastfeeding pain intensifies. The weight of the uterus decreases weekly:

  • By the end of the first week, it decreases to 500 - 600 g;
  • The end of the second - 350 g;
  • The end of the third - 200 g;
  • The end of the postpartum period - 60 - 70 years.

The level of uterine involution is determined by the height of the fundus. The normal weight of the uterus in a woman is 50 - 70 g. She should return to this weight some time after pregnancy.

Timing of the ultrasound

Diagnosis in normal childbirth:

  • After childbirth with their permission naturally ultrasound diagnosis of the uterus is done mainly by the 2nd - 3rd day.
  • If a uterine rupture is suspected in a woman who has given birth, then an ultrasound after the birth of the baby is done in the first 2 hours. Ultrasound procedure contributes to the detection of bleeding, its causes.

Ultrasound for complications

In the presence of complications, ultrasound diagnostics should be done after childbirth. Early diagnosis helps to identify various deviations:

  • Enlarged uterus;
  • The insufficiency of its contractions;
  • The rest of the children's place.

Ultrasound after caesarean section

Diagnosis is carried out shortly after the operation. This haste will help prevent internal bleeding, examine the sutures applied to the uterus. Ultrasound examination after cesarean is necessary because after the operation the risk of various complications increases:

  • endometritis;
  • Bleeding.

The specialist observes the dynamics of the recovery process.

Indications for ultrasound

When discharged from the hospital, each woman in labor must undergo an examination. Inspection internal organs very important to avoid postpartum complications. Also this survey can appoint some time after discharge. The referral for ultrasound is issued by a specialist after examining the patient, familiarizing herself with her complaints.

Ultrasound diagnostics should be carried out urgently in such cases:

  • The occurrence of increased bleeding;
  • Soreness of the seam imposed as a result of the operation;
  • Temperature rise;
  • Isolation of liquid from the seam;
  • The appearance of discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • Swelling, redness postoperative suture.

Indication for urgent execution ultrasound diagnostics is the appearance blood secretions. Their presence may indicate the formation in the uterine cavity placental polyp. It is an outgrowth of placental tissue that forms on the wall of the uterus.

With a full-term pregnancy, the mass of the uterus for childbirth reaches 1 kg. Immediately after the end of the third stage of labor - after the birth of the placenta, the uterus decreases significantly in size due to a sharp contraction of its muscles and atrophy of muscle fibers.

Contraction of the uterus after childbirth

Over the next 6-8 weeks, the size of the uterus decreases, its weight decreases and returns to its prenatal size - 60-70 grams. By the end of the first week of the postpartum period, the uterus weighs 500-600 g, by the 10th day after birth, the mass of the uterus is 300-400 g, by the end of the third week, the mass of the uterus decreases to 200 g.

The process of involution (reverse development) of the uterus is individual for each woman and depends on such factors as the degree of uterine distension during pregnancy with polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, large fetal weight during pregnancy. Proper involution of the uterus contributes to the timely emptying of the bladder and intestines. But most the best remedy for a good contraction and restoration of the uterus, it is breastfeeding the newborn from the first hours after birth, since when the nipples are stimulated, the hormone oxytocin is released, which causes the contraction of the myometrium.

Recovery of the uterus is accompanied by the formation and release of lochia.

The size of the uterus after childbirth

The degree of contraction of the uterus can be judged by the level of standing of its bottom. The height of the fundus of the uterus after childbirth decreases by 1-2 cm per day.

Immediately after childbirth, the size of the uterus corresponds to 20 weeks of pregnancy: the bottom can be felt 1-2 transverse fingers (about 4 cm) below the navel.

After a few hours, muscle tone pelvic floor and the vagina is restored and shifts the uterus upward. Therefore, by the end of the first day after childbirth, the bottom of the uterus is at the level of the navel.

On the 2nd day, the fundus of the uterus is 12-15 cm above the pubic junction; on the 6th day - 9-10 cm above the pubic junction; on the 10th day - 5-6 cm above or at the level of the pubic junction. One and a half to two months (by the 6-8th week) after childbirth, the size of the uterus corresponds to the norm.

Subinvolution is manifested by a decrease in the rate of decrease in the height of the uterine fundus above the womb, more abundant and bright lochia. A woman does not feel the usual postpartum cramping pains in the lower abdomen, even during breastfeeding.

Causes of violation of uterine contraction

Violation of the contractile function of the uterus and causes postpartum hemorrhage:

The reasonsFactors
Overdistension of the uteruspolyhydramnios
multiple pregnancy
large fruit
"Exhaustion" contractility myometriumquick delivery
prolonged labor
high parity (>5 births)
fever in childbirth
chronic viral and bacterial infection
Anatomical/functional features of the uterusmalformations of the uterus
uterine fibroids
placenta previa
operated uterus
Delay parts of placentaafterbirth defect;
hypotension of the uterus;
partial dense attachment of the placenta;
partial rotation of the placenta.
retention of blood clots in the uterine cavityhypotension of the uterus

Cervix after childbirth

Recovery of the cervix is ​​somewhat slower. Immediately after childbirth, the cervical canal passes the hand into the uterine cavity. 10-12 hours after birth, the internal os begins to shrink, decreasing to 5-6 cm in diameter. By the 10th day, the internal os is practically closed. The formation of the external os is slower, so the final formation of the cervix occurs by the end of the 3rd week of the postpartum period.

At nulliparous women the external uterine pharynx has a dotted shape, in those giving birth - the shape of a transverse slit (slit-like).

In some cases, the postpartum period can be dangerous and lead to serious complications. Since an external obstetric examination does not always allow a reliable assessment of the tone and real rates of uterine contraction, during medical practice actively use ultrasound after childbirth. The introduction of this diagnostic method in obstetrics and gynecology has reduced the frequency of postpartum hemorrhage and inflammation.

Ultrasound after natural childbirth

In most cases physiological childbirth proceed very well for both the mother and the child. Therefore, if there were no complications during delivery, serious injury or bleeding, then an ultrasound scan after childbirth is prescribed in the maternity hospital only on the second or third day in order to assess the size of the uterus, its tone and the rate of involution.

The goals of this ultrasonography are:

  • assessment of the true size of the uterus and its tone;
  • exclusion of the presence in the uterine cavity of the remnants of the membranes, placenta and a large number blood clots;
  • early diagnosis of intrauterine bleeding and inflammation of the endometrium.

What can be found

Even taking into account the absence of any complaints from the part of the puerperal, in the early postpartum period, the doctor can detect the following changes by ultrasound:

  1. Subinvolution of the uterus is a slowdown in the rate of reduction in the size of the organ to normal. This condition increases the risk of developing inflammatory processes and the attachment of infections, since adequate involution of the uterus contributes to the release of blood clots from its cavity and the discharge accumulated in it.
  2. Bleeding - determined by the expanded uterine cavity and the presence in it liquid blood or a large number of clots. This complication often leads to a reduced tone of the organ, birth injury, pathology of the hemostasis system (thrombocytopathy and thrombocytopenia, deficiencies of blood coagulation factors, etc.). At profuse bleeding a woman will definitely complain about the discharge from the genital tract spotting scarlet or dark brown.
  3. various infections and inflammatory processes. With endometritis ultrasound scan will show uneven contours of the uterus and heterogeneous echogenicity. Contribute to the emergence postpartum endometritis late gestosis of a pregnant woman, large fetus, protracted or pathological childbirth(with a functionally narrow pelvis, improper presentation of the fetus), a long anhydrous period and a young age of the woman in labor (up to 19 years).

It is worth noting that high frequency postpartum infections organs of the reproductive system is found:

  • in women who smoke and abuse alcohol;
  • those who have medical abortions or history of spontaneous miscarriages;
  • in pregnant women suffering from diabetes and having foci chronic infection(pyelonephritis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.).

Normal performance

As mentioned above, after natural childbirth, ultrasound is done on the second or third day after the birth of the child. First of all, the uterus is examined, which should have a slit-like and slightly expanded shape, and its cavity should contain a small amount of blood clots and blood (in the upper pole of the organ). Approximately by the 6-7th day, all the contents go down and only by the end of the first week - the beginning of the second, the shape of the organ acquires normal outlines - it becomes pear-shaped.

On an early ultrasound of the birth field, the weight of the uterus ranges from 950-1000 grams. By the 7th day, its weight is almost halved and is 400-500 g. At the end of the 7-8th week of the postpartum period, the involution of the organ ends and its weight becomes 70-75 grams.

Normal size of the uterus depending on the day of the postpartum period

Day Indicators
Length, mm Width, mm Anteroposterior size, mm Cavity length, mm Cavity width, mm
2nd 137-145 134-140 69-73 50-54 105-116
4th 116-126 110-120 66-70 90-94 41-47
6th 103-106 100-105 65-69 74-78 34-38
8th 94-98 95-97 61-64 70-73 30-33

To date, caesarean section is the only right way out for most pathologies during pregnancy, as well as the individual desire of some women. However, many of them are afraid of a scar on the uterus after surgery, which can deform it and slow down involution.

After caesarean section early ultrasound is performed only according to indications:

  1. The appearance of massive bloody discharge from the genital tract.
  2. hyperthermia syndrome.
  3. soreness sharp redness and severe swelling of the postoperative scar.
  4. long and intense pain in the lower abdomen.
  5. The appearance of pathological leucorrhoea, having bad smell and yellowish green.

Ultrasound of a suture placed on the wall of the uterus as a result of a caesarean section is performed in order to identify its stability and thickness, exclude inflammation and predict next pregnancies. Normally, it looks like a hyperechoic strand located in the bottom area.

The great significance of uterine ultrasonography after caesarean section is that a high frequency of hidden on early stages bleeding and incidence of endometritis; it is also worth noting the presence of postoperative pain that can mask the clinic of inflammation or other complications.

Indications for ultrasound of the uterus after discharge

In the event that in the maternity hospital the woman was not performed ultrasound examination, then she is recommended to contact the antenatal clinic in order to resolve the issue of the need for research. It is advisable not to do this later than the first 7 days after release.

If the puerperal is at risk or had any complications in the early postpartum period, then it is strongly recommended to do an ultrasound of the uterus after childbirth on the 7-8th day after discharge from the hospital.

If the period after delivery proceeded safely, and the first ultrasound after childbirth did not reveal any pathologies, then upon returning home, the woman is recommended to seek a second consultation with a gynecologist in about 30 days. After examining and questioning, the doctor will decide on the need for repeated ultrasonographic screening.

Indications for the appointment of ultrasound after discharge are:

  1. The appearance of blood from the genital tract. Often this testifies in favor of a placental polyp (growth of the mucous membrane at the site of attachment of the placenta).
  2. An increase in temperature and a change in the nature of the secretions.
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen, failure of the suture, its redness, swelling and secretion of the ichor.

Thus, the ultrasound examination method is of great help to obstetricians and gynecologists in the diagnosis and prevention of postpartum complications.

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Questions and answers on: ultrasound suture after caesarean section

2014-10-10 06:46:00

Svetlana asks:

After exercise(rocked the press) yesterday I felt pain in the area of ​​​​the seam after a cesarean section (transverse seam). Seam is 27 years old. And today they just slashed me like a knife, also after the exercise. I can't bend over or bend over. I thought the inside seam had come apart. What can be, on ultrasound can show the reason?

Responsible Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Good afternoon, Svetlana! In this situation, it is necessary to really undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs and consult a specialist with a conclusion. Be healthy!

2015-02-21 20:50:18

Maria asks:

I've had three cesareans. The last one was 11 months ago. I recently made an ultrasound diagnosis (thinning of the myometrium in the area of ​​the scar after cesarean section, adenomyosis and adhesions of the peritoneum of the small pelvis), the scar on the uterus is thinned to 1.9 mm, under thinning the uterine cavity is expanded to 6.3 mm over 5.8 mm. There are pains in the abdomen in the area of ​​the seam. The question is can the seam break? And what does it mean? Our gynecologists said that there is nothing to worry about.

2012-01-22 22:27:19

Ela asks:

Hello, I have a problem after a cesarean section. On the third day after the operation, the temperature jumped a lot, we could not determine the cause for a long time, it turned out that a hematoma formed inside, which was opened. Three years passed, a 13 mm thickening formed just above the postoperative suture, localization of pain in one place (at the site of compaction) during menstruation, especially. They didn’t really say anything by ultrasound, in this place the doctor noted a reduced echogenic zone. What is the likelihood of endometriosis of the scar or keloid? What additional inspection it is necessary to pass or take place (I am afraid of inevitability of a laparoscopy)?

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

You may indeed have endometriosis. For diagnosis, observation, ultrasound in dynamics is necessary. Stop the progression of endometriosis. Combined oral contraceptives(COCs). It is necessary to do an ultrasound immediately after menstruation and on the eve of menstruation. And it will be possible to say whether there is endometriosis or not.

2012-12-03 17:07:29

Periwinkle asks:

Hello, I had a caesarean section, the operation was successful, a healthy girl was born. In the hospital, before being discharged, they didn’t examine me on the chair, they didn’t do ultrasound, they didn’t take blood, they said that there was no evidence. A day after discharge, aches began in the whole body, then the temperature rose to 38.3 degrees. solution, oxytocin, cefazolin 2 gr. intravenously. My question is the following, was it possible to determine earlier the closure of the cervix in a hospital setting? I had discharge after the operation for only 3 days, but the doctors did not ask me about the discharge, they only looked at the suture and touched my stomach.

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

According to the new orders, the examination on the armchair is carried out strictly according to indications. It is not possible to predict how sh / m will behave. It has great importance the frequency of feeding the child. The more often you feed, the better the uterus contracts and pushes the lochia out of the uterus.

2012-03-09 20:08:22

Svetlana asks:

I'm 43 had three births and 6 abortions as well outside uterine pregnancy last birth 5 years ago now I’m pregnant with my husband to give birth tell me if I can ask a doctor for a planned caesarean because I’m afraid to give birth at this age my mother gave birth at 41 during childbirth, I don’t complain about my health, but in the previous pregnancy 5 years ago there was atrial fibrillation tachycardia 156ud did ultrasound of the heart in the myocardium, there were changes, but the birth was more or less, except for the fact that the cervix was opened manually, since after an ectopic it opened weakly and one-sidedly from the suture side, I don’t want to risk myself or the child, is a caesarean section possible in my case, thanks for answer

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Svetlana! You can ask your doctor for a planned caesarean delivery, but think about this. Caesarean section is abdominal operation, with the use of anesthesia or epidural anesthesia, a large load on the woman's body, the risk of various complications (bleeding, infection), relatively severe postoperative period. Pre-existing cardiac problems can affect the course of the operation to a much greater extent than the course of a natural birth. In addition, you have already given birth to a woman three times - the fourth birth should not present any particular difficulty or problem for you. Therefore, asking for an operation for you is not really the right decision. Discuss the situation with your doctor, with your husband, think for yourself (well) - and you will understand that natural childbirth in the absence of indications for a caesarean section is the best option for you. Take care of your health!

2011-10-23 17:01:29

Olga asks:

Hello! I really need your advice ... the fact is that now I am in a position, 28 weeks pregnant. second pregnancy, the first pregnancy was almost 4 years ago in March 2008. it ended with an emergency caesarean section (I was pierced with a bladder, although there were no contractions, after that the contractions began, they were all night, in the morning I was told that the child did not descend, I needed to be caesarean, because for a long time to be without water ... everything is with the child I'm fine, 4160kg, but I lost a lot of blood during the operation, I felt very bad... the thought that I will have to go through all this again just haunts me.My dream is to give birth on my own, but in our small town, doctors over my desire laugh, calm down, and get ready for a cesarean! natural childbirth after CAESAREV, please answer, I beg you, can I think about natural childbirth? seam is vertical. maybe you need to send some tests? or ultrasound results. so you can at least guess if there is a chance for me !? you are my hope PLEASE ADVISE WHAT I SHOULD DO???!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR ATTENTION AND UNDERSTANDING! VERY WAITING FOR ANSWER... OLGA, 24 years old, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Lensk

Responsible Tovstolytkina Natalia Petrovna:

Hello Olga. Now quite often after a caesarean section, vaginal births are performed. At the same time, there are clear contraindications for such childbirth, one of them is the failure of the scar on the uterus, which can be reliably determined in the first stage of childbirth. In addition, if you again have a large child (more than 4 kg), then very Great chance in vaginal delivery, uterine rupture along an old scar. I think that your uterus was cut transversely, only the skin was sewn up with a vertical suture, otherwise vaginal delivery is contraindicated. If there are also no other indications for caesarean section (which may be normal pregnancy), then you can try to give birth yourself. Good luck.

2011-02-09 11:43:17

Svetlana asks:

Hello! I am 35 years old. In 2002 I had my first child. They did a caesarean section, arguing that I have a narrow pelvis and a large fetus (3800). The recovery seemed to go well. In 2009 I got pregnant again, the doctors were set only for the operation. The pregnancy proceeded normally, under the constant supervision of a doctor. handed over necessary tests on time for an ultrasound. During the operation, problems began. Firstly, anesthesia had a bad effect on me, I “woke up” several times, so to speak, heard the doctor’s voice, his nervousness. Then the bleeding started. The placenta was attached to the anterior wall of the uterus, and the doctor could not tear it off. The operation lasted over two hours. As the doctor later told me, she already wanted to remove everything for me, as new foci constantly appeared. She got a lot of stitches. After this operation, I recovered within six months. And despite all the difficulties experienced, my husband and I would like to have another baby. Please tell me if this is possible? Where do we start? Thanks

Ultrasound may be used for a number of reasons during pregnancy, depending on the stage at which it is done. Your doctor may order another uterine ultrasound if they found a problem in a previous exam or blood test. An ultrasound may also be done for non-medical reasons, such as getting images for the parents or to determine the sex of the baby. While ultrasound technology is safe for both mother and baby, medical workers encourage the use of uterine ultrasound.

What day of the cycle should be carried out given test to determine the pregnancy of a small term? On the 5th day after the delay in menstruation, either the uterine pregnancy or the endometrium will be visible, which is ready to receive a fertilized egg.

The need for examinations at different times

In the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), an ultrasound of the uterus and appendages may be done to:

In the second trimester (12 weeks to 24 weeks) and third trimester (24 weeks to 40 weeks), a uterine ultrasound may be done to:

How to prepare for the study

To get a clear picture of the fetus and your reproductive organs, it is necessary to have a complete bladder during ultrasound of the uterus during short-term pregnancy. You should drink up to eight glasses of water an hour before your appointment and not urinate.

The principle of ultrasound

The principle of operation of this medical test is the same as sonar (used in oceanography to map the seabed). The sensor sends high frequency sound waves who are not heard human ear. Hundreds of sound waves are emitted from the sensor with each scan. These waves are absorbed and reflected back from human tissues, bones, and bodily fluids (all of varying densities) to create black and white ultrasound images that look like a photographic negative. Photographs have black bands indicating the presence of liquid media(eg, amniotic fluid) and gray or white patches that show dense materials such as tissue and bone.

The frequency of ultrasound is measured in megahertz (or MHz) and can range from 1.6 to 10 MHz, but more commonly between 3 and 7.5 MHz. Generally, the lower the frequency, the farther (or deeper) the sound waves can penetrate into the tissues of the body. Ultrasonic waves that create images for visual inspection, are applied periodically or pulsed to reduce the heating of body tissues (as opposed to continuous ultrasound therapy, which can be used to treat injured muscles and tissues). Diagnostic ultrasound The uterus and ovaries generally require less intensity than Doppler, which is used to assess blood flow through the umbilical cord and placenta and to listen to the baby's heartbeat. Ultrasound does not use radiation and is accepted by many as a non-invasive way to view the unborn baby, uterus and placenta during pregnancy. Ultrasound of the uterus or other organs is performed by a qualified medical specialist.

Types of research during pregnancy

Ultrasound is performed during pregnancy in two ways: through the anterior abdominal wall and transvaginally. Abdominal examination - transabdominal, when an ultrasound probe is placed on the woman's abdomen to examine the uterus and fetus. This is the most common method used especially after 12 weeks of pregnancy when the uterus is large.

For vaginal or transvaginal ultrasound, a sterile ultrasound transducer is gently inserted into the female vagina. This method is often used on early dates pregnancy (less than 12 weeks) because it allows you to take a closer look at the woman's uterus, find pregnancy, measure the baby and detect the heartbeat (if the pregnancy is over 6 weeks). Vaginal ultrasonography may also be preferable if the woman has a tilted uterus (before 12 weeks of gestation) or the placenta is located in the lower uterine segment.

Vaginal ultrasound during pregnancy

Transvaginal ultrasound of the uterus has become more common in last years, women are required to consent to this species. If you feel uncomfortable, do not want to do this study, ask your doctor to perform a scan through the abdomen. If the ultrasound specialist can visualize your baby, then a vaginal ultrasound will not be required. However, if there is difficulty, they may still suggest using a vaginal probe.

Doppler ultrasound during pregnancy

Doppler ultrasound is done in the same way as pelvic ultrasound, but it studies the movement of blood through the vessels. This method has been used to study pregnant women since 1977, primarily examining the blood that flows through the umbilical cord. Since the 1980s, this method has also been used to look at blood flow between the uterus and the placenta. Both tests are used to assess the functioning of the placenta and the well-being of the child. Doppler flowmetry uses waves of higher intensity than abdominal and vaginal ultrasound of the uterus, while ensuring the continuity of the waveform.

Listening to the baby's heartbeat

Ultrasound technology is often used to listen to the fetal heartbeat (after 12 weeks of pregnancy). Doctors can use a hand-held portable doppler that emits sound waves around 2 MHz to detect changes in blood flow, which is examined at the level of the child's heart to produce an audible sound. CTG monitors also use ultrasound to continuously record heartbeat child during pregnancy and childbirth. This form of ultrasound tends to use a lower intensity than abdominal and vaginal ultrasounds, but has continuous sound waves, like a doppler.

3D and 4D ultrasound during pregnancy

Most ultrasound uses 2D (or two-dimensional) images. These images are made up of thin images"slices", being visible at any time to create a "flat" picture. In the late 1990s, 3D or "three-dimensional" ultrasound (also known as "ultrasound holography") became available at some ultrasound centers. However, 3D ultrasound machines are very expensive and not widely available.

FROM medical point vision, 3D/4D ultrasounds are not essential and usually all information can be obtained by conventional 2D ultrasound. However, there are significant advantages to using a 3D/4D study.

With these methods, some parts of the baby are visible more clearly and from any angle. For example, disorders such as heart disease, cleft lip, or neural tube defects such as spina bifida are better visualized. It can help in the management of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Sometimes you can not do without an additional 3D ultrasound of the uterus. The photo will confirm or refute the anomalies that were detected during a conventional 2D ultrasound.

These types of ultrasounds strengthen the bond between parents and their baby because the baby's drawing is more realistic and the baby's movements (eg, yawning, swallowing, opening and closing of the eyelids) are more clearly visible.

Ultrasound in the postpartum period

Ultrasound of the uterus after childbirth is carried out on the 3rd day after any delivery: normal or complicated childbirth, caesarean section, postpartum curettage. This allows you to identify inflammation or bleeding. A timely qualitative examination will help prevent sepsis and multiple organ failure. This study defines the following processes:

If inflammatory processes were detected during ultrasound of the uterus (normal various options should correspond to the numbers that the doctor has), then this may be a harbinger of endometritis and uterine involution. The occurrence of pathologies after childbirth can be in such cases:

  • after complicated childbirth;
  • with significant blood loss;
  • with toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy;
  • at the age of the woman in labor after 30 and up to 19 years;
  • if there was an injury to the birth canal.

Also at risk of complications after childbirth are women who are diagnosed with such diseases:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction.

After childbirth, a woman is not discharged home unless an ultrasound is done, and the doctor has not verified the favorable process of uterine recovery.