Why is progesterone given in injections? Progesterone - instructions for use.

Published on this page detailed instructions by application Progesterone. Available dosage forms the drug (injections in ampoules for injections of 1% and 2.5%), as well as its analogues. Information is provided on the side effects that Progesterone can cause, on interactions with other drugs. In addition to information about the diseases for the treatment and prevention of which a hormonal drug is prescribed (contraception, uterine bleeding, miscarriages), the algorithms for admission, possible dosages in women are described in detail, the possibility of using during pregnancy and breastfeeding is clarified. Annotation to Progesterone is supplemented by reviews of patients and doctors.

Instructions for use and dosing regimen

Intramuscularly, adults higher single dose 0.025 g (2.5 ml 1% or 1 ml 2.5% solution).

Dosing regimen is individual. The dose, frequency and duration of treatment are determined according to the scheme, depending on the indications and the clinical situation.

Release form

Oil injection solution (injections in ampoules) 1% and 2.5%.

Progesterone- gestagen. Hormone corpus luteum. Causes the transition of the uterine mucosa from the proliferation phase caused by the follicular hormone to secretory phase, and after fertilization contributes to its transition to the state necessary for the development of a fertilized egg. Reduces the excitability and contractility of the muscles of the uterus and fallopian tubes, stimulates the development of the terminal elements of the mammary gland. Does not have androgenic activity. Progesterone has a weak effect on protein metabolism, promotes fat deposition and glucose accumulation in the liver, and also reduces sodium reabsorption in the renal tubules.

Progesterone has a blocking effect on the secretion of hypothalamic LH and FSH releasing factors, inhibits the formation in the pituitary gland gonadotropic hormones and inhibit ovulation.


After intramuscular injection absorbed quickly and almost completely. Metabolized in the liver. Excreted with urine - 50-60% and with feces - more than 10%.


  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • metrorrhagia;
  • amenorrhea;
  • habitual miscarriage;
  • contraception.


  • severe violations of the liver or kidneys;
  • hepatitis;
  • thromboembolic diseases;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
  • breast carcinoma (except for cases in which progesterone is used as part of combination therapy this disease).

special instructions

Use with caution in patients with cardiovascular disease, impaired liver or kidney function, diabetes, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, migraine, depression.

Side effect

  • increase in blood pressure;
  • swelling;
  • liver dysfunction, jaundice;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • decreased libido;
  • weight gain;
  • pain and tension in the mammary glands;
  • irregular uterine bleeding;
  • headache;
  • depression.

drug interaction

Reduces the intensity of the action of drugs that stimulate the smooth muscles of the uterus, anabolic steroids, gonadotropic hormones of the anterior pituitary gland.

Reduces the lactogenic effect of oxytocin.

Enhances the effect of diuretics, antihypertensive drugs, immunosuppressants.

At simultaneous application with barbiturates, there is a decrease in the action of progesterone.

Analogues hormonal drug Progesterone

Structural analogues for the active substance:

  • Iprozhin;
  • Crinon;
  • Prajisan;
  • Progestogel;
  • Utrozhestan.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

In cases of extreme necessity, it is possible to use progesterone during pregnancy with established insufficiency of corpus luteum hormones.

Progesterone is not used in women planning a pregnancy in the near future.

Progesterone is a hormone produced in the corpus luteum of the ovary in women. It is a natural hormone that is essential for normal menstrual cycle and also to prepare the body for a healthy pregnancy.

Progesterone is available as a tablet, as a topical gel, as a vaginal insert, or as an oil.

Progesterone tablets produced in laboratory conditions, is used to replace the functions of progesterone produced in the human body. Read the instructions for using progesterone tablets below.

Among the three sex hormones human body, progesterone, estrogen and testosterone, progesterone is considered one of the most important. Altering its levels can contribute to abnormal menstrual cycles and menopausal symptoms.

The hormone is also needed for the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus and for maintaining a pregnancy.

In some cases, the body is unable to produce enough progesterone. In this case, the drug is prescribed by a doctor for taking it in tablets.

Progesterone is intended for many uses, the pills are most often used for contraception, like contraceptive. The tablets contain synthetic forms of the hormone progesterone.

Progestin is a synthetic form of progesterone. The synthetic form works in a similar way to the natural hormone, however, it has side effects.

Tablets are prescribed to women who have disorders associated with menstruation and pregnancy caused by insufficient levels of progesterone.

Tablets are available under various brand names such as Micronor, Ovrette, Femulen, Nor-QD, etc.

Route of administration of progesterone and dosage

Progesterone mini pills are used as a contraceptive. Unlike other pills that have a combination of estrogen and progesterone, these pills only have the hormone progesterone. The pill acts on the lining of the uterus and thickens it, blocking the implantation of the egg in the uterus, preventing pregnancy.

Progesterone tablets are used to treat menopausal symptoms.

As the menopausal phase approaches, progesterone levels decrease while estrogen levels remain constant.

It leads to hormonal imbalance which may cause side effects. These symptoms can be treated with hormones.

Progesterone tablets are prescribed for women who have problems with conception and pregnancy. Women who have difficulty maintaining a pregnancy or who have had a miscarriage are given progesterone. The hormone in this case keeps the lining of the uterus thick enough to reduce the chance of miscarriage.

The cells of the uterine lining are constantly shedding if there is no implantation of a fertilized cell. This process is stimulated by progesterone. If hormone levels are low, women experience menstrual irregularities. In this case, progesterone tablets are useful in the treatment of irregular or irregular menstrual cycles.

Because the tablets contain synthetic hormone, there is a probability side effects. In order to minimize side effects, it is advisable to take them only after consulting a doctor.

Dosages of the taken hormone

Prevention of endometrial hyperplasia (thickening of the lining of the uterus) in postmenopausal women taking estrogen replacement therapy– 200 mg per day at bedtime, for 12 days continuously, for a 28-day estrogen treatment cycle each month.

Treatment of amenorrhea (unusual cessation of menstruation) - 400 mg daily at bedtime for 10 days.

As a contraceptive - once a day at about 3 or 12 noon every day.


Long-term use of drugs can cause some side effects:

Nervous system and muscle disorders

Approximately 31% of women have a headache and 15% experience dizziness. maybe increased sweating, nervousness, tremor and speech disorders. About 12% of women experience joint pain, musculoskeletal pain, and 8% back pain.

Genitourinary system and gastrointestinal problems

About 20% of women experience pain in the chest, 11% incontinence problems and 10% vaginal irritation.

About 20% have abdominal pain and 8% have bloating, diarrhea and nausea.

Progesterone can also cause breast cancer.

Cardiovascular and respiratory problems

About 7% experience chest pain, hypertension and heart palpitations. Progesterone also causes blood clotting, including thrombosis and embolism. About 8% experience cough, nasal congestion, bronchitis and sinusitis.

You can read about the balance of estrogen and progesterone in a woman's body.

Other side effects

Progesterone can affect the skin, incl. cause acne, rashes, discoloration of the skin and seborrhea. Sometimes it causes blurred vision and other changes. Progesterone can affect mental condition. Approximately 19% of patients experience depression.

Hormones are biologically active substances which are produced by the glands internal secretion and are essential for the proper functioning of the human body. One of the most important hormones in a woman's body is progesterone. This hormone is produced by the corpus luteum - a temporary endocrine gland that appears after the release of the egg from the follicle. The hormone progesterone is responsible for the delivery and attachment of a fertilized egg to the endometrium located on the walls of the uterus, and also actively contributes to maintaining the pregnancy. Until half of the second trimester, the corpus luteum is responsible for the production of the hormone, after the end of the 16th week, the placenta becomes responsible for the production of progesterone. Very often under the influence various factors there is a failure in the production of progesterone, which entails various backfire, in the form of not only abortion or abnormal development of the fetus, but also diseases of the genital organs. To date, developed great amount medicines that help increase the level of progesterone in the body. One such drug is Progesterone.

Progesterone is a drug widely used to increase progesterone levels, as well as to treat various gynecological diseases.

In a woman's body, progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum. In case of its deficiency, the drug Progesterone is prescribed, which, thanks to its components, provides:

  • preparation of the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg and its attachment to the wall of the uterus;
  • full development of the fetus;
  • decrease in excitability and contractility of the muscles of the uterus and fallopian tubes, while ensuring the preservation of pregnancy;
  • development of the mammary glands.

When using the drug in a small amount, the secretion of gonadotropic hormones is stimulated, and when high doses this process is reversed. It inhibits the effect of aldosterone, a hormone produced by the adrenal cortex, which is responsible for regulating the content of sodium and potassium in the blood plasma. As a result, there is an increase in the excretion of sodium and chlorine in the urine. The drug also has catabolic and immunosuppressive effects.

After parenteral administration of the drug Progesterone into the muscle or under the skin, the absorption process occurs as quickly as possible. The process of metabolism occurs directly in the liver, a small amount of the drug accumulates in the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

The main product of the transformation of progesterone is pregnandiol, which, after combining with glucuronic acid, is transported from the liver to the bloodstream, and then to the urine.

The composition of the product

Basic active ingredient Progesterone drug - progesterone. The drug is produced in the form of an oily green-yellowish solution, which has a specific aroma and is intended for parenteral injection. One ampoule contains 10 mg or 25 mg of progesterone. The solution at the pharmaceutical plant is poured into ampoules made of durable glass and packaged in carton boxes 5 or 10 pieces.

Indications for use (+ video)

Progesterone injections are prescribed to eliminate the following gynecological diseases and pathological processes:

  • disorder of menstrual functions, as a result of which menstruation does not occur in the fair sex for six consecutive months, and in some cases more;
  • uterine bleeding, often occurring between periods;
  • often practiced injections of progesterone on early dates threatened pregnancy;
  • a pathological condition that occurs during pregnancy and is accompanied by severe vomiting;
  • underdevelopment or decrease in the functionality of the sex glands;
  • cystic mastitis - inflammation of the mammary gland;
  • infertility;
  • spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), provoked by the production of an insufficient amount of progesterone by the corpus luteum;
  • increased pain during menstruation, caused by infantilism, wrong position uterus, the presence of endometriosis and other diseases of the genital organs.


The main contraindication to the use of Progesterone in ampoules is a history of the following ailments and abnormalities, such as:

  • partial or complete loss of the ability of the kidneys to form and excrete urine from the body;
  • violation of the functionality of the liver;
  • pathological condition, which is characterized by impaired blood flow and the formation of blood clots on the walls of blood vessels;
  • the presence of neuropsychiatric diseases;
  • tumor neoplasms in the mammary gland;
  • period breastfeeding.

Instructions for use

The drug Progesterone is used for intramuscular or subcutaneous injections. For the treatment of vaginal bleeding, the administration of 1% of the drug at a dosage of 0.5 to 1.5 ml is prescribed for a week. In a situation where the procedure for scraping the mucous membranes of the uterine membranes was carried out before the bleeding, the drug will be used no earlier than 20 days after this procedure. When it is not possible to carry out curettage, Progesterone is also prescribed at the time of uterine bleeding.

Using medication to eliminate bleeding, it may increase during the first few days. In this regard, patients suffering from anemia, before the introduction of the drug Progesterone, it is recommended to conduct a blood transfusion. To stop bleeding, you need to inject Progesterone for at least 6 days in a row. In the case when the bleeding does not go away after a week of using Progesterone, you need to stop using the medication.

To eliminate such ailments as hypogonadism and amenorrhea, therapy begins with the appointment of drugs containing estrogens, which will help to achieve an increase in endometrial tissue as quickly as possible. After the end of their intake, the drug Progesterone is prescribed, which is administered at 05 ml every day or 1 ml every other day for 6 to 8 days in a row.

For the treatment of algomenorrhea, the drug should be used a week before the onset of menstruation. The solution is administered every day in an amount of 0.5 - 1 ml. On the recommendation of the attending physician, the course of therapy can be repeated during several menstrual cycles.

In cases of prevention and elimination of the state of pathological termination of pregnancy, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of 0.5 to 2.5 mg. Progesterone is administered until the threat of miscarriage completely disappears.

The maximum daily amount should not exceed 25 mg of the medicinal product.


In the case of using Progesterone injections in the amount recommended by the doctor, the patient will never develop such a pathological condition as an overdose.

Side effect

The great advantage of this drug is that it is well tolerated by patients, but there are cases of side effects. Main symptoms:

  • increase in performance blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • a strong desire to fall asleep during periods not characteristic of sleep;
  • depressed mental state;
  • a disorder of sexual functions, characterized by a decrease in sexual desire;
  • increase in the volume of the mammary gland;
  • metrorrhagia - acyclic bleeding;
  • menstrual disorders, during which menstruation lasts no more than two days;
  • increased male pattern hair growth;
  • decrease or vice versa a sharp increase in body weight;
  • puffiness;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • vision problems;
  • a state of complete indifference;
  • the appearance of protein in the urine, caused by a violation of the functionality of the liver;
  • allergic rashes on the skin;
  • exudative erythema;
  • scabies;
  • hypersensitivity skin;
  • soreness, redness and swelling at the injection site.

In case of side effects, you need to inform your doctor about them, who, after examination and consultation, will decide on the further use of Progesterone, and also prescribe the appropriate treatment to eliminate the above symptoms.

special instructions

For women who suffer from diseases such as asthma, migraine, or heart failure, the drug is prescribed with extreme caution. When using Progesterone, you need to be under the supervision of the attending physician due to the fact that complications of the above ailments, provoked by fluid retention, may occur.

Patients with a history mental illness, it is not recommended to use the drug.

In the presence of a disease such as diabetes, you need to constantly donate blood for analysis and monitor blood glucose levels.

In case of violations of the functionality of the liver, it is not necessary to use Progesterone, since the metabolism of this medication occurs directly in the liver, and this process can provoke complications.

Pregnant and lactating

Use during breastfeeding drug preparation Progesterone is strictly prohibited.

The drug Progesterone is very often used during the period of bearing a baby. Its main function is to stimulate the production of the hormone progesterone in the body of a woman to maintain the onset of pregnancy and the full development of the fetus. In this situation, the necessary dosage and duration of use is determined by the gynecologist.

Reception by children

The drug Progesterone is not used for the treatment of diseases in childhood due to the fact that there is no data on the effect of Progesterone on the child's body.

Effect on reaction rate

During the course with the use of Progesterone, the patient may experience side effects in the form of dizziness, increased sleepiness, mood swings. All of these conditions can lead to unpredictable situations when driving alone and performing work that requires attention and coordination. In this regard, for the period of the course, doctors advise to refrain from personal management. by car and not perform work related to automated devices.

drug interaction

It is not recommended to take the drug Progesterone with drugs that stimulate the contraction of the myometrium, anabolic steroids, pituitary gonadotropic hormones due to the fact that Progesterone weakens their therapeutic effect.

In the case of complex use with oxytocin, a significant decrease in the lactogenic effect occurs.

Progesterone enhances the effects of diuretics, immunosuppressants and systemic coagulants.


The cost of the drug Progesterone is 698 rubles for 10 ampoules of 1 ml of a 2.5% solution, the same amount of Progesterone in the form of a 1% solution can be purchased for 395 rubles.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored in its original carton, at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius, so that the drug does not freeze. The shelf life of the drug is 24 months.

Vacation in the pharmacy

Progesterone is a prescription drug and will not be sold without a prescription.


Analogues of the drug Progesterone are the following drugs:

  • Ginprogest;
  • Injesta;
  • Crion gel;
  • lutein;
  • Progynorm;
  • Utrozhestan;
  • Endometrin.


active substance: in 1 ml of progesterone preparation 10 mg or 25 mg;

Excipients: benzyl benzoate, refined olive oil.

Dosage form

Oily solution for injections.

Main physiochemical properties: transparent oily liquid from light yellow to greenish-yellow color.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Hormones of the gonads and drugs used in the pathology of the genital area. Gestagens.

ATX code G03D A04.

Pharmacological properties


Progesterone is a corpus luteum hormone; causes the transition of the uterine mucosa from the proliferation phase caused by the follicular hormone to the secretory phase, and after fertilization contributes to its transition to the state necessary for the development of a fertilized egg. It also reduces the excitability and contraction of the muscles of the uterus and fallopian tubes, stimulates the development of the final elements of the mammary gland. In small doses it stimulates, and in large doses it inhibits the secretion of gonadotropic hormones. It inhibits the action of aldosterone, which leads to increased secretion of sodium and chlorine in the urine. It has a catabolic and immunosuppressive effect.


After intramuscular and subcutaneous injection quickly and almost completely absorbed. Metabolized in the liver, forming conjugates with glucuronic and sulfuric acid. The main product of the conversion of progesterone is the biologically active pregnandiol. Pregnandiol, after conjugation with glucuronic acid, passes from the liver into the blood, and then into the urine. Smaller part progesterone is converted to pregnanolol and pregnandione. All progesterone metabolites excreted in the urine are inactive.

The half-life is several minutes.

50-60% is excreted in the urine, more than 10% - with bile.

The amount of metabolites excreted in the urine varies depending on the phase of the corpus luteum.


Amenorrhea, anovulatory uterine bleeding, endocrine infertility, including those caused by insufficiency of the corpus luteum, miscarriage, oligomenorrhea, algomenorrhea (due to hypogonadism).


Liver disease, liver dysfunction, hepatitis, liver and kidney failure, cholestatic jaundice during pregnancy (history), benign hyperbilirubinemia; neoplasms of the mammary gland and genital organs; tachycardia, a tendency to thrombosis, active venous or arterial thromboembolism, severe thrombophlebitis, or a history of these conditions; nervous disorders with symptoms of depression; porphyria; pregnancy after 36 weeks ectopic pregnancy or a pregnancy that froze, in history; vaginal bleeding of unknown origin, post-abortion condition; hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction

Progesterone weakens the effect of drugs that stimulate the contraction of the myometrium (oxytocin, pituitrin), anabolic steroids (retabolil, nerobol), pituitary gonadotropic hormones. When interacting with oxytocin, the lactogenic effect decreases. Enhances the action of diuretics antihypertensive drugs, immunosuppressants, bromocriptine and systemic coagulants. Reduces the effectiveness of anticoagulants. The action of progesterone is reduced with the simultaneous use of barbiturates. Changes the effects of hypoglycemic agents. With simultaneous use with inducers of liver enzymes, an increase or decrease in the concentration of progesterone in the blood plasma is possible.

Application features. Caution should be used in diseases of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, chronic kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, migraine, depression, hyperlipoproteinemia.

Progesterone should also be used with caution in patients with mental disorders in history, the drug should be discontinued at the first signs of depression.

Patients with diabetes need to carefully monitor the level of glucose in the blood.

When using progesterone, you need to be attentive to early signs and symptoms of thromboembolism, and in case of their occurrence, therapy with the drug should be discontinued.

Since the metabolism of steroid hormones occurs in the liver, Progesterone should not be used in patients with impaired liver function.

At long-term use large doses Progesterone may stop menstruation.

The drug should not be used for bleeding from the genital tract, the cause of which has not been established, and for patients with a history of diseases. peripheral arteries. During treatment, regular examinations are recommended, the frequency and extent of which are determined individually.

In the presence of any progesterone-depleted tumor, such as meningioma in the past and / or its progression during pregnancy or a previous hormone therapy Patients need to be under close medical supervision.

Use during pregnancy or lactation. During pregnancy, the drug should be used only for the prevention and treatment of threatened miscarriage. After the 36th week of pregnancy, the use of the drug is contraindicated. Do not use the drug in women who are planning a pregnancy in the near future. Risk congenital anomalies, including sexual anomalies in children of both sexes, associated with the action of exogenous progesterone during pregnancy, has not been fully established. Progesterone enters breast milk Therefore, the drug should not be used during breastfeeding.

The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or operating other mechanisms. The drug may cause dizziness and drowsiness. During the period of treatment, it is necessary to refrain from driving, from potentially dangerous species activities that require increased attention and speed of psychomotor reactions

Dosage and administration

Before use, slightly warm the ampoule with the drug in a water bath (up to 30-40 ºС). In case of precipitation of crystals, heat the ampoule in a boiling water bath until they are completely dissolved. The drug is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

With anovulatory uterine bleeding prescribe the drug at 5-15 mg daily for 6-8 days. If the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity has been previously scraped, then the injections should be started after 18-20 days. If curettage is not possible, the drug is also administered during bleeding. In this case, bleeding may temporarily (for 3-5 days) increase, through which patients with anemia of moderate and severe severity are recommended to undergo a blood transfusion (200-250 ml). If after 6-8 days of treatment the bleeding has not stopped, further administration of progesterone is not advisable. When bleeding stops, treatment should not be interrupted earlier than 6 days.

In case of hypogonadism and amenorrhea, administer (immediately after the use of estrogenic drugs) 5 mg daily or 10 mg every other day for 6-8 days.

For the prevention and treatment of the threat of miscarriage caused by insufficient function of the corpus luteum - 10-25 mg daily or every other day until the risk of miscarriage is completely eliminated. With a habitual miscarriage, the drug can be administered up to the 4th month of pregnancy.

With algomenorrhea, in order to reduce or eliminate pain, the drug should be administered 6-8 days before menstruation, 5-10 mg daily for 6-8 days. The course of treatment can be repeated several times. Higher single and daily dose intramuscularly is 25 mg (2.5 ml of a 1% solution or 1 ml of a 2.5% solution). Treatment with progesterone for dysmenorrhea associated with uterine underdevelopment can be combined with a previous prescription of estrogenic drugs.

Children. The drug should not be used in pediatric practice.

Overdose. When using higher doses of the drug, the side effects described in the corresponding section are more likely to occur. If side effects occur, treatment with the drug should be stopped, and after they disappear, continue in smaller doses. If necessary, carry out symptomatic treatment.

Adverse reactions

Usually, progesterone is well tolerated, in isolated cases, manifestations of such adverse reactions are possible:

from the cardiovascular system: tachycardia, circulatory disorders, increased blood pressure, venous thromboembolism;

from the side nervous system: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, insomnia, depression;

from the side reproductive system and mammary glands: swelling, tenderness and pain of the mammary glands, vulvar disorders such as burning, dryness, genital itching, change vaginal discharge, bleeding, vaginal mycosis, premenstrual syndrome, menstrual irregularities, acyclic bloody issues, amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, hirsutism, decreased libido, uterine cramps;

from the digestive tract: bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence;

endocrine disorders: poor glucose tolerance;

from the respiratory system: dyspnea;

from the hepatobiliary system: liver dysfunction and changes functional tests liver, cholestatic jaundice;

metabolic and nutritional disorders: change in appetite, weight gain or loss, edema, albuminuria;

from the skin and soft tissues: allergic manifestations on the skin, erythema multiforme, itching, urticaria, skin rash, acne, chloasma, alopecia, hirsutism;

General disorders and changes at the injection site: fatigue weakness, fever, hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylactic reactions; fluid retention, paresthesia, changes at the injection site, including pain and swelling;

laboratory indicators: changes in plasma lipid profile;

effect on the fetus: an excessive amount of progesterone can lead to the virilization of the female fetus (up to the indeterminacy of gender).

Best before date

Storage conditions

Store in the original package to protect from light at a temperature not exceeding 25 ºС. Keep out of the reach of children.


The drug should not be mixed with other medicines.


1 ml of the drug in an ampoule. 10 ampoules in a pack of cardboard. 5 ampoules in a blister, 2 blisters in a cardboard box.

Holiday category

On prescription.


Chao "BIOPHARMA", Ukraine;


Location of the manufacturer and its address of the place of business

Ukraine, 03680, Kyiv, st. M. Amosova, 9;

Ukraine, 09100, Kyiv region, m. Belaya Tserkov, st. Kyiv, 37.

  1. Breakdowns of pregnancy.
  2. Infertility.

Structure female body looks like a clockwork. In order for it to work properly, the doctor prescribes progesterone: injections of this drug can normalize the functioning of the woman's body. Everything is interconnected in it, and if one thing is broken, the whole system will suffer. Especially when it comes to hormonal background. For example, it is responsible for the ability of the female body to bear a fetus. It is released due to the proper functioning of the corpus luteum and adrenal cortex. This synthetic hormone has another name - gestagen.

Gestagens play important role in the work of the reproductive system of the female body, they cause certain changes in the inner layer of the uterus and prepare it for the introduction of a fertilized egg. In addition, progesterone reduces the possibility of contraction of the muscles of the pregnant uterus and fallopian tubes. It has a positive effect on the development of the mammary glands, thereby allowing the woman's body to properly prepare for pregnancy. Doses of the drug, contraindications and indications for use, the technique of introducing the drug into the body is regulated by the instructions for use.

The main indications for taking this hormone in the form of injections may be the following:

  1. Amenorrhea - complete absence menses.
  2. A menstrual cycle in which an egg is not released from the ovary.
  3. Breakdowns of pregnancy.
  4. Infertility.
  5. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
  6. Menstruation accompanied by severe pain. The reason for this is a violation of the development of the genital organs.

But main reason, according to which many women resort to taking progesterone, is the inability to become pregnant and endure healthy child.

Why do you need progesterone injections?

Injections of a hormone-containing drug allow artificial methods, by injection, to replenish the missing amount of hormones in the body of a woman. Symptoms, after the manifestation of which injections are prescribed, are most often the following:

  1. The results of the tests showed that there is a deficiency of this hormone in the woman's body.
  2. The presence of bleeding between periods (fixed for several cycles).
  3. Irregular cycle, menstruation goes too long or, conversely, 1-2 days. In this case, you need to make sure that the woman is not pregnant.
  4. Too much copious discharge during menstruation.
  5. ECO. The task of progesterone in this case is to help the egg settle down in the uterus, reduce the level of uterine tone, and promote the growth of its tissues.

For pregnant women, there are signs, according to which the attending physician decides on the appointment of additional progesterone injections. These are:

  • the presence of a threat of miscarriage;
  • in the mother's body low rate progesterone;
  • fixed insufficiency of functioning of the corpus luteum;
  • the woman's previous pregnancies ended in miscarriage.

But in any case, in order to prescribe progesterone, the doctor must full examination female patients. Namely, you need to take tests for hormones and make sure that progesterone is really weakly secreted.

You can not resort to treatment with this drug without an examination by a doctor and passing the appropriate tests, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Dosage compliance

When it comes to bleeding that is associated with ovarian dysfunction, progesterone 2 5 is prescribed in doses of 5-15 mg for 6-8 days daily. Do not forget that if on the eve of treatment a woman was treated with curettage of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, hormone injections should be started only 18-20 days after that. If curettage cannot be done, injections are administered during bleeding. However, because of this, it can last for 3-5 days.

If a woman has fixed low hemoglobin, needed in without fail administer a blood transfusion first. Hormone treatment should be started only after 6-8 days, in the case when the treatment does not bring the desired result, and the bleeding does not stop.

If a woman is diagnosed with underdevelopment of the genital organs, the course should begin with estrogen treatment, and after the inner layer uterus will grow, prick progesterone. Injections must be administered at 5 mg daily or every other day at 10 mg, the treatment period is approximately 6-8 days.

When a woman experiences menstrual irregularities, which is characterized by painful periods, progesterone is able to eliminate or reduce pain. Start this treatment should be 6-8 days before the next menstruation. Injections are prescribed in doses of 5 mg daily or 10 mg every day, the treatment period is 6-8 days.

Progesterone should also be taken if there is a threat of miscarriage. Prevention lasts until the doctor excludes the possibility of a miscarriage. The reason for this may be the insufficiency of the function of the corpus luteum. The dose of the drug that is administered is 10-25 mg. It must be taken daily or every other day. This hormone is sold in ampoules.

Inject progesterone subcutaneously or intramuscularly. If it is injected under the skin, bumps may occur. However, following the rules for administering the hormone, you can avoid such consequences. To do this, it is necessary to heat the ampoule with the medicine to body temperature and exclude the content of crystals in the liquid. Then the drug will be absorbed into the blood correctly. It is also important to follow the instructions for use.

Possible side effects

progesterone injections other than positive effect, can cause negative reactions organism, for example:

  1. Problems with cardiovascular system(high blood pressure).
  2. Impaired liver function, manifestation of signs of jaundice, in rare cases, nausea and vomiting may occur.
  3. Work disruptions endocrine system, but only after systematic administration of the drug. For example, an increase in body weight, a decrease in libido, the appearance of pain in the mammary glands, the appearance of irregular uterine bleeding.
  4. If the period of use is too long, depression and headache may develop.

In addition, after injections of progesterone, a woman may lose menstruation for a certain period. The cause of such a symptom can be identified after the diagnosis by means of an ultrasound machine and the delivery of additional blood tests. The attending physician must make the correct diagnosis based on the tests and examination results.

Therefore, reception this drug prohibited without medical supervision. It is imperative to monitor compliance with the dose of progesterone administered. There are recommendations according to which injections of progesterone 2 5% are allowed to do no more than 1 ml at a time.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

In addition to the indications for taking this drug, the patient may have contraindications. The attending physician must take them into account. This fact once again confirms that progesterone injections should be given only after complex diagnostics the patient's body.

The list of the most common diseases for which you can not take progesterone injections:

  1. Genital cancer.
  2. Malignant tumors in the mammary gland.
  3. Hepatitis.
  4. Liver disorders.
  5. The presence of thrombosis or a tendency to it.
  6. Insufficiency in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  7. The presence of diabetes.
  8. Bronchial asthma.
  9. Frequent migraine.
  10. An increase in blood pressure.
  11. Epilepsy.
  12. Depression associated with psychiatric disorders.
  13. Availability allergic disease respiratory tract.

In addition, progesterone intake should be limited to women planning a pregnancy in the near future. In addition, it is not recommended to take the drug to patients whose work is associated with attention and concentration. The same applies to the lactation period and the last term of pregnancy.

Why is progesterone so important and how does it affect the female body?

Any woman should understand that her health depends entirely on the lifestyle she leads and how she takes care of her body.

The most important task of the fair sex is procreation. Therefore, a woman is obliged to think about the health of the unborn baby. Healthy and strong children are born to parents who took care of themselves and followed the doctor's recommendations.

Before planning a pregnancy, a couple should consult a specialist and undergo a complete examination. Only then can you put accurate diagnosis. If any abnormalities are found, you need to undergo a course of treatment, and only then plan a pregnancy. Or, on the contrary, to gain confidence that the health of the parents is at the proper level, and they can conceive a healthy child, and without the risk of unwanted termination of pregnancy.

If a woman, for example, has menstrual irregularities or, conversely, too much discharge, then a visit to the doctor is mandatory. The problem may be that there is a lack of progesterone in the female body. And then the full course of treatment cannot be avoided.

During this period, you will have to temporarily abandon pregnancy planning and come to grips with health. become a mother, there will be obvious problems with conception. And even if fertilization occurs, it will be extremely difficult to bear the fetus.

An important function of progesterone is right influence on the endometrium of the uterus and preparing it for fertilization. Then progesterone already ensures the normal course of pregnancy. If a woman has, this diagnosis is established on the 22-23rd day of the cycle.

Therefore, if it is necessary to take an analysis for this hormone, it is necessary to carry out manipulations during this period. monthly cycle women.

Today every second woman suffers hormonal disorders so don't worry about it right away. If you consult a doctor in time and spend proper treatment, it will be possible to avoid severe consequences and restore normal functioning female body. Although there are cases when patients are forced to resort to taking progesterone injections all their lives due to a lack of it in the body. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

There is another feature that awaits women taking progesterone injections - weight gain. Progesterone promotes the storage of fat in the body. He, as it were, makes sure that the mother's body has enough resources for the fetus, and thereby contributes to the deposition of fat masses.

In this regard, many women who undergo progesterone treatment gain weight. But usually after stopping the drug, the weight returns to its usual limits.

In pregnant women, after taking progesterone, appetite may increase. Especially it concerns sweet food. In women who are not expecting a child, such a sign appears during PMS time. Increased appetite occurs during the second half of the menstrual cycle.

If you take progesterone just before giving birth, it will help relax the ligaments of the pelvis and thereby make it easier for the baby to pass through birth canal; the mother may experience discomfort in the pelvis and legs.