What to do with a wasp sting. What is the best way to anoint a wasp sting: useful tips

Summer is not only Fresh air, sea and fruits, but an unpleasant phenomenon in the form of insect bites. Therefore, when going to the country house, beach or forest with friends and children, you need to know what to do if a wasp has bitten you.

First, consider the symptoms after a wasp sting:

  • At first you feel pain and burning;
  • Then the bite site turns red;
  • The appearance of swelling;

These are the main symptoms for the general population, but there are allergic reactions of the body:

  • Increase in body temperature;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Rash and itching all over the body;
  • Headache (associated with blood pressure);
  • Swelling of the bite site.

For a couple of days, the bite site will itch, but if only hurt. The main thing is not to start scratching it, and everything will pass.

First aid for a person

A wasp sting is an unpleasant and painful phenomenon, in most cases it does not require drug treatment(Besides allergic reaction), all symptoms disappear on their own after a few hours, in last resort, after 1-2 days. This does not mean that a person who has been bitten by a wasp does not need any help.

The very first aid is to prevent a re-attack by insects, after 3 bites you need to go to the hospital, and 50 simultaneous bites are fatal. No need to wave your hands, try to catch or crush the attacked insect. It is necessary to leave quickly, without jerks dangerous place and start treatment there.

To kid

If a wasp has bitten a child, it is not always necessary to go to the hospital. Usually, there is no reason to panic, bites are not too dangerous for a child. An allergic reaction to them does not appear immediately, but increases after each new bite.

Therefore, in a child who was bitten by a wasp for the first time, the likelihood of complications is very small. At risk are children with severe manifestations of allergies.

It is urgent to take the child to the hospital if a bite is observed in the area:

  • Persons;
  • language;
  • larynx.

In these cases, breathing difficulties arise, the baby's condition will begin to deteriorate sharply. If a child is bitten on the arm or leg, the bite site can be treated with baby balms for insect bites or a solution of vinegar. In the future, the same measures are taken as in adults (see below).


If a wasp has bitten, the main trouble is pain, in the future, the occurrence of edema and redness in the affected area.

What not to do:

  1. If you are sure that this is a wasp, and it flew away safely, then you do not need to look for a sting. This insect, unlike the bee, does not lose its sting after being bitten;
  2. No need to try to squeeze out the poison, as this will more likely lead to dirt getting into the wound. Do not forget that the wasp loves to eat carrion and on its paws can bring all sorts of filth.

What to do if bitten by a wasp:

  • Disinfect the bite site with alcohol-containing compounds, soapy water;
  • Neutralize the poison, for which a napkin moistened with vinegar or lemon juice is applied to the site of the lesion. The composition of the poison has an alkaline composition;
  • To relieve pain and reduce swelling, cold lotions are used;
  • If there is a danger of allergic reactions, it is necessary to take antihistamine drugs such as Suprastin;
  • to minimize the concentration of poison, you need to drink sweet tea or plenty of water.

pregnant woman

If you do not know what to do if a wasp has bitten a pregnant woman, do not worry. First aid is the same as for everyone, with the exception of the use of drugs. Since most antihistamines have contraindications for use during pregnancy.

If an allergic reaction occurs, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe drugs approved for pregnant women.

Folk remedies to relieve swelling and pain

To relieve pain and slow down the development of edema, after a wasp sting, many improvised means are used that are applied to the bite site.

Scroll folk remedies includes:

  • crushed parsley leaf;
  • sour berries;
  • sorrel;
  • Apple;
  • tomato;
  • a piece of sugar;
  • cold or ice compress;
  • lotions from cold tea.

As a folk remedy, crushed and moistened with water tablets of validol or aspirin are used.

When should you see a doctor

A person bitten by a wasp should immediately consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • there are multiple bites;
  • the face, larynx, tongue are affected, i.e. organs, as a result of which swelling can cause breathing problems.

If the bitten person has already experienced an allergic reaction, then it is likely that the next time it will be stronger. In this case, you need to call ambulance.

People who have a strong intolerance to bee and need to have a special passport with them indicating information about themselves, the diagnosis and the necessary medicines. When a person with such a passport is found, they urgently call an ambulance, and while she is driving, they inject dexamethasone and adrenaline into her shoulder. If the bite was to a limb, then it is necessary to apply a tourniquet higher than the affected area is located.

Possible consequences of wasp stings

In most cases, bites go away without any consequences. But sometimes such complex and dangerous reactions like anaphylactic shock and angioedema.

In these cases, dizziness, vomiting, convulsions, loss of consciousness appear.

The occurrence of anaphylactic shock can be judged by:

Experienced tourists know how to avoid wasp, bee, and hornet stings. For this you need:

  • do not use strong spirits in nature;
  • do not wear bright, loose clothing that attracts insects;
  • do not leave food residues, especially fruits, in places of rest;
  • before settling down for a picnic, check for wasp nests nearby;
  • remember that wasps often make nests in the ground, so you can only walk barefoot where there are no wasps.

Types of wasps - which are dangerous and which are not very

There are two types of wasps. Usually ordinary, so-called paper wasps live around us. Although they bite more often, their poison is not dangerous.

It is not often possible to meet road wasps, but each encounter carries a danger, since their poison is highly toxic. Outwardly, road wasps are distinguished by a narrow, long body and softly pronounced stripes, in contrast to the striped yellow-black paper wasps.


Wasp stings are considered low-risk, but they are painful and fraught with the possibility of complications. Therefore, during the summer holidays, it is necessary to take measures to avoid meeting with a wasp and protect children from this.

The wasp is a hymenopteran predator that can sneak up unnoticed even to an attentive adult and deliver its stinging blow. A wasp sting is dangerous for both children and adults. Based on these considerations, it is necessary to understand in detail what an insect bite threatens and what can be done in order to avoid sad consequences.

When danger threatens and how to distinguish a wasp sting

A wonderful time when it is warm outside, the air is filled with the smell of flowers and ripened fruits, will be marked by the appearance of a huge number of wasps. July and August are the months when the wasps are especially angry. Amazing flying insects do not have the noble ability of bees to die after a bite, wasps are able to sting several times in a row.

The bites of different insects are difficult to distinguish from each other. However, there are some peculiarities when biting wasps, and knowing them will help you quickly distinguish the bite and help prevent unwanted consequences.

Distinctive features of a wasp sting:

  • Extensive redness is visually observed around the affected area;
  • In the center of the bite, you can determine a dotted trace of red color (from the sting), and swelling around the penetration site of the sting;
  • The main feature of wasp stings is that there is no sting;
  • In rare cases, there are local areas of swelling from the site of penetration of the wasp;
  • Initially, intolerable itching appears, after a burning pain
  • If the body suffers from a predisposition to allergic reactions, the development of giant edema, dizziness, and rashes over the entire surface of the body is not excluded.

Undesirable effects of wasp stings

expressiveness external manifestations directly depends on how sensitive a person is in relation to wasp venom. Sensitivity can be acquired or congenital, but, unfortunately, no one can always be protected from insect attacks. Large dose causes severe intoxication of the body.

Important to remember! An allergic reaction almost never manifests itself at the first bites of wasps. It is possible only with repeated attacks of insects. Answer immune system with each new bite will be stronger.

signs feedback immune system with multiple wasp stings:


Headache and dizziness;

An increase in body temperature for a short time;

Sometimes there is a loss of consciousness.

In most cases general state stabilizes quickly, with timely medical care. In rare, sad cases, anaphylactic shock develops.

The main manifestations of anaphylactic shock:

- 1 degree- the duration depends on the amount of antigen (poison) in the blood of the bitten and the activity of the immune system response. It is manifested by tachycardia, dizziness and headache, a general "broken" state;

- 2 degree- characterized by the appearance of Quincke's edema, a decrease in systolic blood pressure;

- 3 degree- breathing is difficult, the general picture of the environment is distorted, acute cardio-vascular insufficiency develops;

- 4 degree- rapidly developing acute insufficiency all body systems, up to collapse.

Instant relief after a wasp sting

It does not matter who the insect bit - an adult or small child- should be immediately helped to prevent undesirable consequences.

To do this, you should follow clear sequential steps:

  • Get away from the scene immediately. You should not try to kill a wasp, or even a whole swarm of wasps, this will only provoke new attack insect aggression;
  • The sting of the wasp is not sterile, which means that during the bite it can bring great amount bacteria in the wound. After removal from the place where the insect attacked, the wound must be treated with cleansing pharmaceutical products. Of the special solutions are hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, chlorhexidine. In the absence of all of the above, water and soap (household) are perfect;
  • The more the poison spreads throughout the body, the higher the likelihood of an allergic reaction. Therefore, when bitten on the top or lower limb, form a tourniquet above the bite site with any improvised materials;
  • For rapid elimination toxins need infusion-transfusion therapy, that is, a lot of fluid. Bitten is obliged to use a lot of sweet tea, just sweet water, fruit drink;
  • The bite site is very itchy and sore, to reduce discomfort cover the bitten part of the body with a bandage, and place cold on top - ice or something else;
  • Edema in the bite area will be in any case. You can eliminate its spread with the help of pharmacy assistants.
Ice on the bite

Those who have hypersensitivity for wasp poison, antihistamines must always be carried with you. Victims with allergic predispositions should drink the above drugs immediately after being stung, without waiting for the appearance of undesirable signs of the seriousness of the situation.

The first aid provided should not end there, after all the manipulations performed, the patient must be monitored. If the swelling at the site of the bite continues to increase, the pain and itching persist, and the patient begins to develop a fever, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Not always at hand may be necessary pharmaceutical products in this case, grandmother's advice comes to the rescue.

Some of them really provide quick help:

  • Take fresh parsley, chop it. Squeeze out the juice from finely chopped greens, which should then be applied to the surface of the bite;
  • Dandelion juice white color Great for relieving itching and inflammation. Rub gently natural extract at the site of the bite;
  • Mint should be used in the same way as parsley. Smear the juice on the affected area;
  • Bitter wormwood helps relieve pain and swelling. Squeeze the juice from the plant, and apply over the bite;
  • Golden mustache tincture can be purchased at any pharmacy kiosk. Make compresses with tincture immediately after a bite is detected;
  • A leaf of Kalanchoe will perfectly relieve the incessant itching;
  • If the bitten area begins to grow in size, make a mixture of pharmacy clay (blue or white), water and alcohol. Apply the resulting mixture on the swollen skin.

What to do with a wasp bite in the tongue?

Important to remember! A wasp sting in the tongue is the most dangerous - it leads to suffocation and asphyxia!

How can a simple wasp sting cause death by suffocation? The fact is that after a bite, the tongue will gradually increase in size until it completely blocks the access of oxygen, and this will lead to suffocation. In this case, you should not try to help the victim on your own, self-medicate, you should urgently seek qualified help.

What to do with a wasp sting in the hand?

According to doctors, a greater percentage of bites occur in the limbs. It can be considered the most harmless option of all. If you have been stung by a wasp in the arm or leg, it is necessary to prevent the possibility of spreading the poison with reverse venous blood flow, that is, apply a tourniquet 10-15 cm above the wasp sting. At this time, proceed to the treatment of the wound with antiseptics. To prevent swelling from increasing, immediately apply something cold to the bite, such as ice. The victim needs to drink an antiallergic drug (to avoid the body's immune response), for example, cetrin, loratadine, etc., and a large number of liquids for the speedy removal of toxins from the blood plasma.

What to do with a wasp sting in the neck?

A bite to the neck is just as dangerous as a bite to the tongue. Increasing swelling can cause suffocation.

Obvious signs indicating difficulty in breathing in a stung person are wheezing, wheezing may appear, up to the disappearance of the voice. In this case, the victim needs to perform a conicotomy or trachestomy (emergency health care) is the intersection of the anterior wall of the cartilaginous rings of the trachea, below thyroid gland, to penetrate the hollow tube and restore air access to the lungs. As in the case of a wasp sting in the tongue, a sting in the neck cannot be treated on its own, an ambulance should be called immediately.

Is there a danger the next day after the bite?

Whether it is necessary to continue treatment the next day after the bite is difficult to answer unambiguously. First, carefully monitor the reaction of the bitten, his well-being. Secondly, it all depends on the chosen treatment tactics.

In most cases in adults inflammatory process, swelling and pain disappear a few hours after the insect attack, only a red dot remains - the place where the sting penetrates. In children and more sensitive adults, swelling can last for several days, or even more. In this case, if there is no critical condition, the victim should take antiallergic drugs 3 times a day for three days. Or, keep taking the medication until the swelling goes away and the skin returns to its normal color.

In the event that the bitten was urgently hospitalized with a diagnosis of "urticaria" or "Quincke's edema", after discharge, you should strictly follow the doctor's instructions, namely, administer antihistamines intravenously, then you should switch to the oral route of taking the medication.

Is the bite of buzzing predators good for the body?

Many optimists try to demonstrate that the hymenoptera predator venom is almost identical in composition to bee venom. It is logical to assume that there is a benefit, because bee stings have long been recognized as useful, according to some doctors and supporters of "grandmother's" recipes.

Remember! The amount of allergens in wasp venom is many times higher than in bee venom!

Numerous useful material poison, tonic and stimulating metabolic processes, have long been isolated from natural source and present in pharmaceutical preparations.

Wasp venom is a natural complex biologically active substances capable of causing severe toxicity. In addition to the fact that the victim is likely to develop an acute allergic reaction after repeated bites, there is always the possibility of infection. These poisonous hymenoptera often seek food in garbage dumps, in some cases they can eat carrion. That is why the sting that strikes a person is full of numerous bacteria. Needless to say, such a carrier of infection is simply not safe for human body. It can be considered good luck if, after a wasp sting, it does not start purulent inflammation, since together with the poison pathogens enter the wound.

With the advent of heat literally everywhere you can meet some kind of insect, and, therefore, you need to be prepared for their bites. A wasp sting is especially unpleasant and dangerous, so everyone should know how to anoint sore spot at home.

First aid

Before you look for how to anoint a wasp sting at home, you need to do a few simple actions wound disinfection.

The wasp does not leave a sting at the site of the bite, which is a big plus, since there is no need to look for additional tools to remove it. But if the bite is from a bee, then the sting will remain under, and you will have to look for tweezers or a needle to remove it.

What do we have to do:

  1. In any case, the first step is to wash the skin clean water to remove dirt and some of the poison remaining on the surface.
  2. Then, if a bee left a sting, we remove the sting from the skin.
  3. In order not to bring bacteria under the skin, it is imperative to wash your hands and, if possible, disinfect tweezers or a needle.
  4. We process the wound and, to relieve swelling, apply a compress.

In the presence of severe allergies whatever it is, preferably a drink antihistamine.

First aid for allergy sufferers

People who have a strong allergic reaction to something perceive wasp stings much worse. After penetration of the poison under the skin, such people may experience dizziness, nausea, vomiting, anaphylactic shock, and sometimes the victim may even lose consciousness.

To avoid such an outcome of events, you need to apply a tourniquet above the bite site, perform all the standard steps for disinfection and applying compresses, when blood pressure drops, give the victim cordiamine and drink a special anti-allergic agent.

    Have you been bitten by a wasp?

Folk remedies

If you don’t have something at hand to anoint a wasp sting, then folk remedies come to the rescue. And they, by the way, act no worse than special ointments.

Folk methods:

  1. Parsley leaves have a soothing property, so to reduce the pain at the bite site, you need to knead them and put them on the swelling.
  2. Also, something sour, for example, will help reduce pain. lemon juice, vinegar compress, sorrel leaves or sour berries.
  3. Another "painkiller" is dandelion juice. It is all according to the same scheme must be applied to the bite site.
  4. The wound must be disinfected and, if not special means you can use fresh urine. Its use has long been practiced for cuts, wounds and burns.
  5. Even after disinfecting the wound, the wasp venom still remains under the skin, and it must be neutralized. Lemon juice works great for this.
  6. When the pain is a little suppressed, the wound is treated, and the poison is neutralized, you need to remove the swelling. This can be done with the help of special lotions from tea, ice, plantain, aloe, tea, onion and even sugar.
  7. A salt compress is also suitable to relieve swelling. To make it, you need to mix a teaspoon of salt with a glass of water, soak the cotton wool with this solution and put it on the edema. Such a compress will prevent the absorption of poison.

There is an opinion that a wasp sting should be wiped with alcohol. In fact, it is absolutely useless way, which will not affect the state of the bite in any way.

What to do if a wasp has bitten a child

By nature, the skin of children is very delicate, and insect bites are also more painful for babies. Therefore, even if not visible signs toxicity or a severe allergic reaction, the child should still be shown to the doctor. If he was not shown to the doctor in time and he had a severe allergic reaction in the form of shortness of breath, rash and large swelling, then you need to urgently call a doctor.

In order to slightly alleviate the child's condition until the doctor arrives, you need to give him an antihistamine and treat the bite site with an antiallergic drug.

When to see a doctor

Despite the abundance modern ointments and folk remedies, it is not always enough to simply anoint a wasp sting at home. AT individual cases you need to turn to the var and the sooner the better.

You need to go to the doctor if:

  1. On the body there is a bite of not one, but several wasps. If at one time a person was bitten by several wasps or bees, then he should immediately go to the hospital, since with highly likely general toxicity of the body may begin.
  2. If a wasp has bitten in the tongue, mouth, larynx or lip. In this case, not a minute can be lost, since the swelling from the bite will spread throughout the larynx and this will lead to suffocation.

It is also worth contacting a specialist for a wasp sting on. Such a bite has not so dire consequences but you still need to see a doctor.

If in doubt whether to go to the doctor or not, then make a choice in favor of the first option. After all, just some 15-minute appointment with a doctor can greatly alleviate the condition, and in some cases even save a life.

Summer always pleases with a lot of fruits and flowers, sunny days and summer holidays. A vacation at sea or a hike in the mountains can very easily ruin a wasp sting. The bite itself, although very painful, is not dangerous. The real danger of a wasp sting is only for allergy sufferers. If you experience shortness of breath, nausea, shortness of breath, or dizziness after taking it, take it immediately. antihistamine and go to the doctor.

How to treat a wasp sting?

Most often we get a bite in nature. Having collected a beautiful bouquet of flowers or not seeing a wasp on a fruit, we can accidentally hit an insect and make it angry. In fact, wasps are not as aggressive insects as we imagine them to be in our minds. If you see a wasp or a bee nearby, never wave your arms or a newspaper, this is how you provoke the insect. Better to just step aside. If such a nuisance occurs, your first steps in the event of a wasp sting should be as follows:

  1. The bite site needs to be treated. During the trip, you can use regular salt. Dilute a teaspoon in a glass of water. You can treat the wound with iodine, a solution of potassium permanganate or ammonia.
  2. You can relieve swelling from a wasp sting with a cold compress.
  3. When you provide first aid for a wasp sting, in no case squeeze out the sting. This will only speed up the absorption of the poison into the body.
  4. The injured person should be laid down or seated in a comfortable position. Offer sugar water or alcohol. You can drink hot tea.

Folk remedies for wasp stings

If this trouble happened on a hike or outside the city, and medical preparations just not at hand, folk remedies will help from a wasp sting:

  1. The burning sensation and pain from the bite can be soothed by psyllium. Thoroughly knead the leaf of this plant so that it starts up the juice. Apply to the stung place. Such a compress will help relieve swelling from the bite of a wasp and other insects.
  2. You can also remove swelling from a wasp sting with the help of fresh leaf dandelion. It should be crushed and applied to the bite site.
  3. Use a raw onion. Cut it in half and apply to the bite site. Can be squeezed out onion juice and moisten a cotton pad with it. Apply the disc to the wound and secure with a band-aid.
  4. Take with you on a hike or trip to nature essential oil tea tree. This oil has a very strong antiseptic property. They can treat the bites of all insects.

Medical care for a wasp sting

Wasp venom is not very dangerous in itself, but the bite site is also important. If the poison has entered the area chest, head or stomach, the consequences will be more severe than with a bite in the arm or leg. One of the most dangerous are bites from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mouth or eyes. This can lead to swelling respiratory tract, shortness of breath and even death. For allergy sufferers, it is extremely important to carry an antihistamine with you all summer. For a wasp sting, it should be taken until the swelling subsides. If after taking the drug the victim does not feel better, urgent hospitalization is needed. Competent and timely first aid for a wasp sting can save the life of an allergic person.

A wasp sting is considered one of the most painful. The main unpleasant feature of a wasp sting is that this insect, unlike its bee relative, can sting its opponent when attacked. This is primarily due to the fact that wasps are more irritable and vindictive, unlike bees.

Immediately after a wasp sting, a person feels severe pain at the site of the bite. In addition to pain, the bite usually swells and starts to itch a lot. The bite site turns red and swells. Secondary signs after a wasp sting will be considered fever, dizziness or headaches, nausea, vomiting, and seizures may also occur.

The most dangerous areas for wasp bites are the face, eyes, and neck. If these places are affected, the victim should be immediately taken to medical institution for first aid. You should also immediately contact a doctor in case of an allergic reaction to the poison of wasps or other insects. The danger of an allergic reaction with a wasp sting is that in the absence of proper assistance, the patient may even die. Anaphylactic shock will also possible cause for rapid response and immediate admission of the victim to the hospital. Anaphylactic shock It is considered the most severe reaction of the body, it manifests itself extremely hard and is always carried out under the supervision of doctors.

So, the first thing to do after a bite is to try as soon as possible. get away from the wasp attack. The reason for such actions will be that an angry wasp will not be able to find and bite its offender a few more times. All this must be done for human safety.