Prunes - benefits and harms to the human body. Prunes - calories, beneficial properties and harm

Prunes are dried plum fruits used in medicine and cooking. The facts established by scientists speak of the benefits and harms of prunes for the body in the field of dentistry, skeletal system and maintaining excellent physical shape.

The main thing is that nothing needs to be done with it additionally - the taste is already excellent without it, and in any form - both dried and fresh.

The benefits of prunes for the body

The taste of prunes is supplemented with a rich composition represented by vitamins C, PP, B and A, minerals with large quantity potassium. The berry has a mild laxative effect with fiber. Pectin helps to remove heavy metals, radionuclides and toxins from the body with toxins. The composition contains 4 acids - salicylic, citric, oxalic and malic with antioxidants in the form of phytonutrients and carotenoids. All of them fill prunes with benefits:

  1. For the gastrointestinal tract, relieving constipation and excess weight.
  2. Antibacterial, stopping development pathogenic bacteria and infections. This applies even to salmonellosis and coli.
  3. For slightly spoiled meat - prunes can fill it with freshness.
  4. Increasing appetite, forcing more active production of gastric juice.
  5. In the restoration of impaired metabolism. Prunes are also useful in the ability to stabilize kidney and liver activity.

Dry fruit normalizes arterial pressure with regular use. For this, only 5 berries eaten per day are enough.

Prunes have a disinfecting effect that extends to the oral cavity, destroying pathogens. It is recommended to keep the fruit longer in the mouth, slowly dissolving.

dried prunes

Dried prunes are useful for their ability to increase elasticity blood vessels, their walls. As a result, the entire activity of the CCC improves. Berry in this form improves general well-being improving performance and strengthening the entire body. The reason is the tonic substances included in the composition.

Dried prunes are useful for a large potassium composition, clearly conveying nerve impulses and helping work muscular system. This substance stimulates normal functioning urinary and choleretic organs.

The presence of antioxidants in dry fruit increases immune system including general body resistance harmful effects surrounding factors.

The benefits of prunes for women

Prunes are useful for women approaching premenopausal and menopause protecting bones from osteoporosis. It is enough to eat 100 grams of the product during the day.

Another important useful property of prunes for women is the removal and prevention of swelling of the face and body with the help of potassium.


Bearing a child forces the expectant mother to be careful about all foods and dishes due to hormonal changes in the body during this period. Prunes are on the list of permitted, providing benefits during pregnancy with their rich vitamin and mineral composition. This is due to:

  • Maintaining the general good condition of the physical and moral sphere;
  • Mild elimination of stool problems often accompanied by women during this period;
  • Normalization of metabolic processes in the body;
  • The presence of potassium, which eliminates edema and prevents their occurrence;
  • Help in the prevention of anemia and beriberi;
  • Normalization of blood pressure.

Prunes are useful during pregnancy by the ability to improve the condition of the skin, eliminating problems that arise in the form of inflammation and acne. Dry fruit is an excellent diuretic and choleretic agents o, as well as protection from harmful environmental factors.

lose weight with dried fruits

The combination of dried apricots, raisins and prunes is useful for people suffering from overweight and slagging of the body. This is a real salvation for lovers of sweets. But you should observe the measure without overeating, since all dried fruits are high in calories. Here is one of the recipes for preparing a dish from these products:

  • Prunes - 400 grams;
  • Raisins - 100 g;
  • Dried apricots - 100 g;
  • Figs - 200 g;
  • Rosehip (fruits) - 200 g;
  • Senna (grass) - 50 g.

Twist everything with a meat grinder, add honey and mix. Use the resulting mixture 1 tbsp. l. in the morning and evening, store in the refrigerator. For greater benefits of dried apricots, raisins and prunes, it is recommended to drink plenty of water - at least 1.5 liters per day. Such a mixture is also indicated for people of age.

About harm and contraindications

In addition to the listed benefits, prunes can also harm the body. To avoid this, you must have information about the contraindications of the product.

Obesity and diabetes are just such diseases. It can be consumed, but in limited quantities and with the permission of a doctor. Although this rule is recommended even by healthy people.

Prunes are contraindicated in lactating women, because of the laxative effect, which negatively affects the fragile digestive organs of the baby. Being careful when eating dry fruit does not hurt anyone in terms of the presence of chemicals on it. During long-term storage, they process fruits. Therefore, when buying at a retail outlet, you need to carefully look at appearance.

It is contraindicated to eat prunes for people with kidney stones and allergic reaction on the product.

Choice of prunes

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a product is the color - black. The presence of gloss and fading indicates processing with glycerin, which improves the presentation.

A brownish tint indicates heat treatment. This is done for the purpose of disinfection - the lesser of all evils. The taste of such a product with a slight bitterness.

Before use, be sure to wash thoroughly, and it is better to let stand in water for 15 minutes. Processing allowed boiled water- just scald. Interesting fact- prunes with a stone retain more useful properties than peeled.

Dried fruits are highly valued for their nutritional value and good taste qualities, but not all species bring the same benefit to the body. Prunes are one of the few products that have been used in medicinal purposes. The benefits of prunes for the body are enormous, dried fruit helps get rid of different problems with health, while it is affordable, pleasant to the taste. natural medicine Almost everyone can use it, but in some cases it can be harmful.

  • The benefits and uses of prunes
  • Treatment of constipation with prunes
  • The use of prunes during pregnancy
  • The benefits of dried plums for weight loss and cleansing
  • Unloading day on prunes

The benefits of dried plums for children The harm of prunes. Contraindications for use nutritional value prunes How to choose healthy prunes

The benefits and uses of prunes

Prunes are dried plum fruits. Despite this, these products work in completely different ways. The concentration of vitamins, trace elements and fiber in prunes is much higher, so it is much more convenient to use it for medicinal purposes.

The benefits of prunes lie mainly in its ability to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but for other organs and systems it is obvious:

  1. Relieves constipation. To solve delicate problems, prunes have been used since ancient times, it is a laxative. medium strength, is used in doses.
  2. Prunes are useful for atherosclerosis, hypertension, due to the high content of potassium salts.
  3. It has a diuretic effect, helps to cope even with severe edema, improves kidney function, promotes the removal of toxins from the body.
  4. Prunes are rich in vitamin A, which has a positive effect on vision. The use of the product is shown to people who spend a lot of time at the computer or surgical operation on the eyes.

The use of prunes in food helps to cope with a breakdown, raise vitality, improve performance. The product, rich in antioxidants, fights free radicals, slows down cell aging and rejuvenates the body.

Treatment of constipation with prunes

Prunes - natural and effective remedy for the treatment of constipation. The product has a pronounced laxative effect, contains a large amount of fiber, so it easily copes with a delicate problem.

Prunes are used for constipation in several ways:

  1. In the form of an infusion. To prepare a drink, 100 g of dried plums are placed in a thermos, pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist 5 hours, you can leave it overnight. The prepared infusion is drunk before meals in several doses, fruits are eaten.
  2. In the form of a decoction. If there is no time to wait for the infusion, you can boil the washed prunes in boiling water, drink it warm.
  3. With kefir. For a glass of fermented milk drink, 5-6 pieces of prunes are used. You can eat fruits and drink kefir. Or cut prunes, mix with a fermented milk drink and eat like that. It will turn out very tasty and healthy yogurt.

If constipation lasts for more than 5 days, dried plums alone may not be able to cope. In this case, it is recommended to add laxative herbs, such as senna.

Recipe for constipation with hay

Prunes - 100 g
Senna grass - 2 tsp
600 ml water

Prunes need to be washed, cut, put into a saucepan, add pharmaceutical herb senna. Pour all this with boiling water, cover, wrap in a towel, leave for 2-3 hours. Take 3-5 teaspoons every hour until the result is achieved.

Note: No scales? On average, one prunes weighs 8-10 g, that is, for 100 g you need to take 10-14 pieces of medium size and moderate humidity.

Video: How it works: interesting about prunes

The use of prunes during pregnancy

It is possible to introduce prunes into the diet of pregnant women. The product will have a positive effect on the body of the expectant mother, improve digestion, raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and help cope with constipation. delicate issue often accompanies pregnant women in the last trimester.

It is worth remembering that dried fruit has a high calorie content and high content sugar, so do not eat the product in large quantities. The benefits and harms of prunes directly depend on the amount eaten. Overuse leads to large weight gain sharp increase blood sugar levels, to stool disorder. A contraindication is also pregnancy diabetes, individual intolerance to the product.

The benefits of dried plums for weight loss and cleansing

The energy value of dried plums is 256 kcal. Approximately 57 g are sugars. The product is high-calorie, but this does not prevent it from being used for weight loss. Possessing choleretic, diuretic and laxative effects, it helps to cleanse the intestines from fecal deposits, remove excess water from the body, due to which several kilograms are lost.

Rules for the use of prunes for weight loss:

  • the daily norm of the product should not exceed 100 g;
  • it is desirable to use dried fruit in the morning;
  • you can not combine the use of prunes and other laxatives.

Dried fruit is allowed to be consumed before or after meals, added to salads, cereals, drinks. It can be used as a treat that will help suppress sugar cravings and prevent diet breakdown.

Interesting: Natural sweets are prepared from prunes. It is enough to soak the product in warm water, chop, mix with chopped nuts, honey, seeds, and other dried fruits. Candies are formed from the resulting mass and cooled.

Unloading day on prunes

To cleanse the body, you can spend a fasting day. With its help, they get rid of 1-2 kg of excess weight, which occurs due to the cleansing of the body. On this day, it is not recommended to leave the house, it is also worth abandoning excessive physical activity And be sure to drink more fluids.

For unloading, you will need 25-30 pieces of prunes and pure water, herbal decoctions, unsweetened tea. Every 2 hours you need to eat 3-4 pieces of steamed fruit, drinking plenty of water. In total, at least 3 liters are drunk during the day. If by the evening you feel a strong hunger, it is allowed to use a glass of kefir or unsweetened yogurt.

Benefits of Dried Plums for Children

Prunes are introduced into the diet of a child in the first year of life, often this is done to normalize the stool. Puree can be used as the first complementary food. In this case, it is desirable to give preference to the product industrial production that meets the needs child's body and undergone the necessary processing.

At home, a decoction of dried fruits is prepared for a child. It is important to pay special attention to the quality of raw materials, thoroughly wash, soak, heat treat. Children of the second year of life and older can add the product to cereals, desserts, casseroles.

Harm of prunes. Contraindications for use

Any product can cause harm to the body if it is not suitable, used incorrectly or in unlimited quantities. Absolute contraindications to the use of prunes are:

  • stool disorders, diarrhea;
  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance;
  • kidney disease.

Limit the use of dried fruit for obesity due to its high calorie content, reducing the amount of the product to 50 g per day. With caution and only if necessary, they are introduced into the diet of women during lactation, since prunes can cause diarrhea in an infant.

The nutritional value of prunes

100 g of dried prunes contain 56.9 g of sugars, which is 114% of the recommended daily requirement organism. Nevertheless, the product helps to lose weight, cleanse the intestines, feel light and cheerful. And all thanks to the high content of coarse fiber and potassium.

Vitamin and mineral content table (per 100 g)

Video: The benefits of prunes and plums in the Living Healthy program

How to choose healthy prunes

For the manufacture of real prunes, dried plum fruits of the Hungarian variety are used. Depending on the degree of maturity, the place of growth and the accuracy of the technology, the appearance, taste of the final product and the amount of sugars, calorie content may differ.

The main features of quality prunes:

  • black color without red patches;
  • shiny, smooth, hard skin;
  • elastic pulp, when pressed, the fossa does not remain.

Dried fruit keeps well in airtight jars or containers at room temperature. It has high humidity and is prone to mold. Such prunes are desirable to decompose into small containers, close and store on the shelf of the refrigerator.

Delicious prunes are popular due to their useful qualities and universal combination with various products. On the basis of the fruits, pastries and decoctions are prepared, prunes are added to salads and second courses, and used externally as lotions. The product has other advantages, let's talk about them in more detail, consider potential harm from acceptance.

Composition of prunes

Prunes are obtained by drying the fruits of the Italian Hungarian. Ultimately, we have a great opportunity to saturate the body with all the necessary nutrients.

Among the most beneficial vitamins, located in prunes, it is worth highlighting thiamine, pyridoxine, folic acid, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and other B vitamins. Also, the fruits are rich in gamma-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, alpha-tocopherol, biotin, alpha- and beta-carotene, vitamin K.

Speaking of accumulation minerals, when consuming 5-7 fruits per day, you will replenish the norm in calcium, silicon, chlorine, sodium and magnesium. Prunes also boast the content of potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, manganese, vanadium, boron, iron and aluminum.

A special place in the product is given to cobalt, iodine, molybdenum, zinc, rubidium, nickel. With all this, the nutritional value of 100 gr. fruits is quite low (compared to dates, for example). Calorie content is only 254 kcal. From 100 gr. over 57 gr. allocated to carbohydrates, 0.6 gr. - fats, 2.3 gr. - proteins.

the benefits and harms of dried bananas

The benefits of prunes

  1. Aronia plum has the highest antioxidant and tonic properties. The systematic intake of dried fruit increases efficiency and normalizes the psycho-emotional environment. This is made possible by the presence of the most valuable B vitamins. They soothe the body and improve sleep.
  2. Prunes in without fail should be introduced into the diet of those who seek to lose weight. Despite the content of carbohydrates, protein and fat metabolism is normalized. Sugars are converted into energy, and not deposited as fat at the waist. Prunes increase metabolism and cleanse the intestines.
  3. Traditional medicine has long recognized the fruits of chokeberry as powerful remedy to cleanse the liver and restore its structure. With the help of decoctions based on dried fruits, the outflow of bile is stimulated, the load on the filtering organ is reduced.
  4. Prunes contribute to rapid improvement general condition health. Dried fruits must be taken with you on the road or to work in order to satisfy a sharply raging hunger. In this case, harm to the figure or stomach will not be done. Fruit better than cookies or fruits saturate the body.
  5. Prunes are indispensable for categories of people who spend a lot of time behind a PC or driving. Beta- and alpha-carotene improve perception and concentration, and are required for eye health. Prunes are a must for people with low vision.
  6. Another benefit of plum fruits is to improve intestinal motility and normalize its microflora. The composition contains dietary fiber that cleans the esophagus and prevents food from fermenting in it. Reduces the frequency of constipation and bloating.
  7. Even with obesity, doctors are allowed to include fruits on the menu to make up for the deficiency. useful substances. Should not be addressed special attention on the accumulation of saccharides, they are in the correct form. But people with diabetes should be careful, you need to consult a doctor.
  8. Decoctions based on prunes are necessary to cleanse the body of strong slagging and toxic substances. Such drinks have a positive effect on the composition of the blood, improve blood flow and open the channels, and also cleanse them of cholesterol.
  9. If you have disorders in the work of the heart muscle, the product must be included in the diet. And it is not necessary to use it on its own. Add prunes to salads, main dishes, teas.
  10. Of course, it was not without the most valuable qualities of dried fruit for hypertensive patients. Due to the mild diuretic effect, plum fruits lower blood pressure. Also normalizes intracranial pressure, which leads to the elimination of frequent headaches and throbbing in the temples.
  11. Prunes are good for oral cavity. In view of bactericidal properties the product kills pathogenic microorganisms, prevents the appearance of caries and stomatitis, strengthens tooth enamel. Aronia fruits are necessary to prevent the reproduction of staphylococcus aureus, salmonella and E. coli.
  12. Because of the special color, the dried fruit is called the “black healer”. It is indicated for liver diseases, osteoporosis, fallen vision, gastrointestinal problems, rheumatism, varicose veins veins and atherosclerosis. In all these cases, prunes have a powerful therapeutic result.
  13. healers traditional medicine it is advised to prepare an infusion for the treatment of bronchitis from grated fruits of prunes and vodka. After insisting, such a remedy is taken in a teaspoon three times a day. This helps to clear mucus from the airways.

The benefits of prunes for women

  1. Dried fruits should be introduced into the diet of girls who experience pain during menstrual cycle. Prunes eliminate spasms, normalize the abundance of secretions, replenish iron deficiency, eliminating dizziness and lethargy.
  2. Not without benefits for women in climatic period. Prunes reduce the number of hot flashes, make up for the lack of vitamin D and calcium, thereby preventing osteoporosis.
  3. Ladies during pregnancy, dried fruit is indicated for use to suppress anemia and its consequences. The fruits of the chokeberry plum are necessary for the correct formation of the central nervous system of the child.
  4. Dried fruit is used by women for weight loss, because it has the ability to increase metabolism and start the breakdown of fat. Weight loss is achieved by cleansing the intestines and removing excess fluid.
  5. It is important for girls and women to always look well-groomed. Prunes do an excellent job with this task. It supports the beauty and health of hair, skin, teeth, nails.

the benefits and harms of raisins

The benefits of prunes for pregnant women

  1. Any dried fruit has a valuable niche of beneficial enzymes for human body. Prunes are among such products. Active substances needed by the fair sex during gestation.
  2. The abundance of B vitamins is necessary for the rapid restoration of the activity of the nervous system. Prunes significantly improves mood, prevents panic attacks and depressive states.
  3. Availability ascorbic acid allows a pregnant girl to protect herself from seasonal viruses. Tocopherol has a positive effect on the tone of muscle tissue. The enzyme also improves hormonal levels.
  4. Vitamin K is necessary for the formation of bones in the baby. With the help of an enzyme, protein is synthesized correctly in the body. The abundance of iron in the product helps to avoid the development of anemia. The mineral has a positive effect on blood formation.
  5. Prunes are famous for their richness in folic acid, a substance necessary for the formation of the baby's nervous system. Silicon synthesizes collagen in the body. The substance prevents the development of rickets in a child.
  6. The only condition is the normalized eating of prunes. In case of non-compliance with the prescribed norm, the level of sugar in the blood and urine can jump. The risk of obesity and rashes on the skin increases.

The benefits of prunes for weight loss

  1. The systematic consumption of dried fruit can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol. Prunes have shown themselves well in the fight against harmful deposits.
  2. In addition, the product produces a mild laxative effect, removing all the muck from the body. The result is a natural weight loss.
  3. The undoubted advantage of the product is considered low glycemic index. As a result, eaten prunes will give a feeling of satiety for long term. The fruits have a sufficient amount of dietary fiber, due to which the filling of the stomach is felt.
  4. Prunes will be a good alternative to snacks during snacks. You need to exclude fast food and all kinds of sandwiches. Dried fruit is useful in that it does not contain saturated fats, due to which obesity and heart pathologies develop.
  5. The sweetness of the product is achieved by the presence of natural sugars. Therefore, during weight loss, you can replace all kinds of harmful delicacies with natural dried fruit. It is enough to eat about 3 fruits to satisfy your desire.
  6. Observations have confirmed the fact that prunes are an excellent antidepressant. Systematic eating of the product allows you to have a stable mood. This may affect the effectiveness of weight loss.
  7. Weight loss with the inclusion of prunes in the diet will help improve the psycho-emotional background and increase brain activity. The product saturates the body essential enzymes. Also, you are not threatened with vitamin deficiency.
  8. The active substances in the raw material stop premature aging. Prunes increase skin elasticity, flabbiness gradually disappears, wrinkles and creases are smoothed out.
  9. The abundance of potassium in prunes helps to avoid cardiovascular diseases and strengthen muscle tissues. Do not forget that the timely intake of dried fruit improves metabolism and prevents constipation.
  10. Nutritionists recommend combining prunes with homemade yogurt. Such a duet allows you to lose weight as much as possible short time without harm to the body. Together, the products have a positive effect on the activity of the digestive tract.
  11. During the diet, replace 1 meal with a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt with 4 dried fruits. You can pass the product through a blender and enjoy a healthy cocktail.

the benefits and harms of dates for the health of the body

Harm of prunes

  1. It is not recommended to eat prunes with diabetes. Dried fruit can provoke sudden jump blood glucose levels.
  2. It is forbidden to include raw materials in the daily diet for obesity. Abuse of the product provokes complications.
  3. If you are suffering from prolonged diarrhea, prunes are contraindicated for a while.

Undoubtedly, prunes can be categorized useful products, which should be included in the daily diet in the absence of contraindications. The only condition is that you must comply daily allowance dried fruit.

the benefits and harms of dried figs

Video: 10 reasons to love prunes

Dried fruits and, in particular, prunes stand out as a separate link in the human diet. it dried treat It has a pleasant taste and can be used to improve health. Fans of such a product should know what the benefits and harms of prunes for the body are, as well as to whom it is indicated and to whom it is prohibited.

Prunes: chemical composition and calorie content

Prunes have a fairly high energy value - 264 kcal for every hundred grams.

The chemical composition includes:

  • fats - 0.7 g,
  • proteins - 2.3 g,
  • carbohydrates - 57.5 g.

Also, the composition of dried fruit includes a whole bunch of useful substances, vitamins and minerals:

  • Sahara;
  • pectins;
  • cellulose;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins A, B, C, PP;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium.
  • sucrose;
  • glucose;
  • fructose.

Useful properties for the human body

What is useful prunes? The fetus has a positive effect on all body systems:

  • Cleanses the intestines from toxins and toxins.
  • It is considered a good prevention of constipation.
  • Promotes natural weight loss.
  • It has a cleansing effect on blood vessels.
  • Resists free radicals, reducing the risk of cancer.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • It has an antibacterial effect (suppresses the activity of harmful microorganisms: Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus).
  • Serves for the prevention of dental diseases.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the quality of vision due to the content of carotene in its composition.
  • Helps improve performance.
  • Has a tonic effect.
  • It has a mild diuretic effect.

Treatment of constipation with prunes

The beneficial properties of prunes are relevant in the fight against such unpleasant phenomena like constipation. If this condition is not caused by serious pathologies, then traditional medicine recipes can be used to eliminate it.

Tea with prunes against constipation. Cooking steps:

  1. Pour boiling water over several fruits.
  2. Let them brew for at least 5 hours (best left overnight).
  3. Take the infusion throughout the day in small portions.

Advice. Take this decoction should not be more than 2 times a week. Those who do not like prune fruits can remove them from the decoction and take only the liquid.

There is another option for using prunes for constipation (for those who value time and do not want to spend it brewing dried fruits).

  1. It is enough to take 5 ripe prunes, chew them thoroughly and drink clean boiled water.
  2. After 3-4 hours, the process should be repeated.
  3. Relief, as a rule, occurs on the same day. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure on an empty stomach.

How to lose weight with prunes

Can prunes be used for weight loss? Of course, because the components in its composition help to quickly lose extra pounds without exhausting diets.

The main "weight loss" benefits of prunes are as follows:

  • Normalization of blood sugar levels. Despite the high calorie content, the fruit has a low glycemic index - only 29 units. This is almost 2.5 times less than that of sugar. Thus, prunes are also suitable for diabetics.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Gives a feeling of satiety, dulling hunger. The fiber in the composition of the fruit fills the stomach, temporarily discouraging the desire to have a bite.
  • Counts good antidepressant. Good mood= successful diet. Prunes guarantee a charge of vivacity and optimism, improve mental and emotional state.
  • Cleanses the intestines. A diet rich in fiber is considered more effective.
  • Provides the body with all the necessary substances. Dried fruit retains all the properties of a ripe plum and provides the systems with everything essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, this delicacy is very tasty.

The combination of prunes + kefir has excellent "weight loss" properties. For the sake of experiment, you can try replacing dinner or breakfast with these tandems. Cut 5 prunes (or chop in a blender) and mix with a glass of kefir. Such a cocktail will not only help you lose weight, but also prevent possible constipation.

Advice. When buying kefir, you should pay attention to the production time, since the laxative effect directly depends on its “age”.

A product older than 2 days, on the contrary, is able to have a fixing effect. In this case, it remains only to guess who will win - laxative prunes or fixing kefir.

The use of dried fruit during pregnancy

What is useful prunes during pregnancy? The fetus has a beneficial effect on the body of expectant mothers due to the following properties:

  • Improves the complexion, revitalizing the skin.
  • Eliminates constipation - frequent companions of pregnant women.
  • Normalizes the water balance in the body expectant mother.
  • Has a choleretic effect.

And although this dried fruit has practically no contraindications for women in position, when using it, you should follow some recommendations:

  • Do not use prunes often and uncontrollably. Particular care should be taken to dose the intake of the fetus to pregnant women suffering from diabetes.
  • To reduce the risk possible allergies, you need to carefully choose prunes. The fruits should be sweet, with a slight sourness, without bitterness and fairly firm.

Dried prunes: benefits and harms

Such dried fruits are valued for their multiple positive qualities:

  • Stabilize pressure.
  • Fight oral infections.
  • Relevant on early stages diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Helps to eliminate pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
  • Increase performance.
  • Rejuvenate body cells.
  • Improve eyesight.
  • They have a powerful antibacterial effect, not inferior to medications.

Attention! All listed qualities refer exclusively to natural, chemical-free fruits.

For a long time, plums were dried directly in the sun, and only in the 30s of the last century, mechanical dehydration began to be used.

As a rule, only ripe, fleshy fruits are dried with a sugar content of at least 10%, and acids - no more than 1.2%.

Drying prunes at home:

  1. Plums carefully sort, rinse and blanch.
  2. Arrange the fruit on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
  3. It is necessary to dry the raw materials for at least 4 hours at a temperature of 100 degrees, but it needs to cool much longer - 6 - 8 hours.
  4. After drying, the future prunes must be placed again in the oven, preheated to 80 degrees. At this temperature, the hearths are dried for 6 hours, after which they are cooled for another 3 hours.
  5. It remains to heat the oven again to 100 degrees, place the plums there and hold for 30 minutes.
  6. Prunes are ready. You just need to transfer it to a suitable storage container.


Contraindications to the use of prunes are few.

So, the fruits should not be introduced into the diet (or strictly limited):

  • patients with diabetes;
  • nursing mothers (can provoke colic and indigestion in the baby);
  • people suffering from obesity.

Prunes are a universal delicacy that combines a pleasant taste and invaluable benefits for the body. With a relatively small number of contraindications, these fruits are suitable for people suffering from constipation and those who want to lose weight. Dried plums are also useful for those who just like to enjoy healthy sweets.

Prunes are dried plum fruits. The tree appeared for the first time in the area Caucasus mountains, on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

The favorite delicacy of many of us is not only tasty, but also healthy, since the composition of dried plums is very rich in vitamins and microelements.

An interesting property of dried fruit is its unique ability to combine with many products, which is why prunes can be used not only as some kind of dish or dessert. It also makes an excellent seasoning for meat.

In order for prunes to taste truly divine, usually the ripest and sweetest of all plums are selected.

The composition of vitamins and useful properties

Prunes are usually made from a special variety of plums called Hungarian or Renklod. Approximately 200 g of prunes come out of 1 kg of ripe plum fruits..

This product is convenient because it is on sale all year round, which allows you to freely use it in your diet.

Composition of vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamins A (0.039 mg), B1 (0.051 mg), B2 (0.186 mg), B3 (1.882 mg), B5 (0.422 mg), B6 ​​(0.205 mg), B9 (0.004 mg), C (0.6 mg) , E (0.43 mg), K (0.0595 mg);
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium:
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • zinc.

Prunes also contain fiber, pectin, oxalic, citric and malic acid, glucose, fructose and sucrose.

Dried prunes are very useful for immunity, due to the content of a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements in it.

Healing properties of prunes:

  • It is used as a diuretic, which allows you to remove excess fluid from the body and prevent swelling.
  • Useful in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, due to the high content of magnesium (41 mg).
  • Small amounts are added to your diet for diabetes, as prunes contain organic sugar (38 mg).
  • Reduces pressure.
  • It has a positive effect on vision (vitamin A).
  • Antibacterial action.
  • Lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • It is a natural antidepressant.
  • Improves brain function due to the high content of phosphorus (69 mg).
  • Prevention of oncological diseases.
  • For women, prunes are also useful in that they promote weight loss. If you eat a couple of pieces of dried fruit before eating, then the amount of food eaten will be less than usual, as the effect of saturation will come faster. Prunes increase skin elasticity, hair and nails become healthy and well-groomed ( great content calcium in the amount of 43 mg, vitamin E and beta-carotene). Calcium is also known to strengthen bones.
  • The high content of potassium (732 mg) strengthens muscle mass useful for men. For comparison, in prunes, the content of this trace element is 1.5 times higher than in a banana. Also, dried fruit increases potency.
  • Prunes are good for children too. Babies can be given decoctions and tinctures. Children who are already eating with a spoon can be fed gruel. Dried fruit is important to use in small quantities. Doctors usually recommend starting to introduce prunes into the baby's diet no earlier than he reaches six months of age.

It is also useful to use dried fruit in your diet as an addition to the main treatment for diseases. kidney, liver, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, anemia.

Dry plum helps to restore the body after surgery.

Prunes have a low glycemic index - this contributes to a quick feeling of fullness when consumed in small quantities.

It is worth noting that in dry prunes dried with a stone, useful substances last longer than in peeled fruits.


There are 241 kcal per 100 grams of raw prunes.(fresh plum - 42 kcal).

The nutritional value product: 2.18 g protein, 0.38 g fat, 63.88 g carbohydrates.

The daily intake of prunes is 100 g (on average, this is about 6 pieces). The fats contained in the product help the vitamins to be absorbed in the body.

Prunes are rich in fiber (9.2 g) and pectins. The percentage of water in dried fruit is 24%.

As you can see, the composition of prunes is rich and varied in vitamins and other useful trace elements. That is why, for medicinal purposes, delicious dried fruit began to be used a long time ago.

So in most old reference books, prunes are described as dried plums that can cause a laxative effect.

Dried Hungarian, which has antiemetic properties, helps eliminate nausea and quenches thirst.

Due to the fiber contained in the dried fruit, prunes have cleansing properties and help lower cholesterol levels. rich in calcium prunes are able to prevent the formation of caries, strengthen teeth, nails and bones.

Use during pregnancy

The use of prunes in the diet is very beneficial during pregnancy, as it replenishes the vitamins and minerals that go to the development of the fetus.

Useful properties of prunes for pregnant women:

  • Restores the nervous system.
  • Normalizes stool. This has been known for a long time, but scientifically proven and published by American scientists only in 2011. In prunes, the substances diphenylisatin and sorbitol were found, which act on the body as a moderate laxative.
  • Teeth, hair and nails become healthy.
  • Antibacterial action. It is very important that the body of the expectant mother does not form various kinds infections, since during pregnancy everything that happens to a woman affects the development of the fetus. And the use of prunes in food reduces the growth of E. coli, salmonella, and staphylococcus aureus.

  • The high content of antioxidants in the product reduces the likelihood colds and has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
  • Removes excess fluid from the body (pectins).
  • Small pieces of prunes added to black tea relieve fatigue.

But it is worth remembering that prunes can be consumed by pregnant women in small quantities according to the “do no harm” principle.

Harm and contraindications

Obese people, as well as people with diabetes, can only eat a few pieces of prunes per day.

Also, do not abuse this delicious dried fruit and breastfeeding women, as substances that affect peristalsis can get into mother's milk, as a result of which an upset stomach can be provoked in a child, colic and gases will begin.

Some people have an individual intolerance to the product. In such cases, after taking dried fruit within the normal range, symptoms such as bloating and flatulence may appear. This means that the product should be excluded from the diet.

Prunes should be carefully selected at the time of purchase, as chemicals are often added to the product to make it look beautiful. Dried fruit must be black with a natural sheen.

To check the prunes for the presence of any chemicals, you need to hold them for 30 minutes in water, the product is without harmful additives brighter in some places.

One of the healthiest and tastiest dried fruits available in almost all regions is prunes. Drying, as a way of harvesting fruits for future use, has been used for several centuries, but this has not lost its relevance. When drying plum fruits, they do not lose their useful properties, as in pickling and cooking, retaining all vitamins and microelements.

Prunes are obtained from sweet, fleshy and dense fruits of the Hungarian variety, or Hungarian plum, which have a small stone.

What is useful prunes for the body?

The exceptionally rich composition of the fruit allows you to saturate the body with vitamins and microelements. It is useful in that it exhibits properties strong antioxidant, relieving cells from free radicals, positively affecting well-being.

The benefits of prunes:

    Prevention of constipation - plum fiber is a mild laxative, improves the passage of the food bolus through the gastrointestinal tract;

    Antiseptic properties for infectious diseases, inhibition of the growth of salmonella, Escherichia coli, sanitation of the oral cavity, prevention of caries;

    An increase in the secretion of gastric juice and the associated increase in appetite helps to gain weight when it is deficient;

    Prunes antioxidants prevent the occurrence of malignant transformation of body cells;

In addition to valuable medicinal properties, prunes bring pleasant taste sensations when consumed. Despite their calorie content and high sugar content, small amounts of prunes can be used in diets to correct excess weight for short-term “snacks” when you want sweets.

It is exceptionally useful, according to American scientists, to use prunes for women during menopause to prevent osteoporosis. This disease strikes women when a sharp decline the hormone estrogen in their body becomes a provoking factor for the accelerated leaching of calcium from the bones.

Only 100 g, consumed daily, becomes a means of preventing osteoporosis. The combination of boron, calcium and vitamin D in this fruit makes up for the lack of them in the female body.

During pregnancy, prunes are not contraindicated for a woman who is expecting a baby. It is a source of valuable vitamins and minerals and excellent tool for prevention. The normalization of the stool, which so often disturbs pregnant women with constipation, occurs gently, without side effects for fetal development.

100 g of prunes contain 240 kilocalories, which is an energy value of 1006 kJ .

The nutritional value:

    Carbohydrates - 96%;

    Fats - less than 1%;

    Proteins - 3.2%.

Chemical composition of 100 g prunes


Quantity (g)

    Saturated fatty acid;

    Fatty monounsaturated acids;

    Fatty polyunsaturated acids


  • sucrose,



Inorganic substances: calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, selenium, fluorine, copper


Amino acids: tryptophan, leucine, methionine, threonine, isoleucine, cystine, glycine, serine, arginine, valine, tyrosine.

Vitamins: C, B, A, E, K, α-carotene, β-carotene, thiamine, a nicotinic acid, riboflavin, folates, folic acid, choline, betaine, lutein, tocopherol

When dried, prunes retain everything beneficial features the original product is black plum. This is one of the most healthy dried fruits for the human body, known to date.

Prunes are used on the recommendation of nutritionists for weight correction, treatment and maintaining health. Removal of toxins from the body, optimization of metabolism - only part of the beneficial properties of prunes. In addition to use in diet food prunes are an excellent alternative to sweets, so they can be replaced in the diet.

In order for prunes to become a full-fledged component of various dishes, they need to be soaked for 1.5-2.5 hours. If you try 1-2 pieces of prunes, most likely, your appetite will play out, and you will have a craving for delicious dishes. If you eat 5-7 pieces, the feeling of hunger will not be so bright, and it is quite possible that you will not want to have lunch or dinner at all.

If you use prunes in a diet for weight correction, the best combination it will be consumed with raw grated carrots, boiled beets. In a salad of these ingredients, you can add lemon juice or kefir, which enhance the beneficial properties of prunes for our body.


Hello, dear users of your favorite site! Prunes are one of the varieties of the Hungarian plum variety.

But other sources call prunes any felted plum. Prunes are useful to use for healing the human body.

Prunes are mostly almost black or dark blue in color. It grows with and without bones.

Prunes: composition

Prunes have a pleasant taste and contain substances valuable for the body. Among them are vitamins of groups B, PP, A, D and C and beta-carotene. Pectin, vegetable fiber, oxalic, malic and citric acid are enough in prunes.

In addition, prunes contain potassium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, sucrose, fructose and glucose. The fruit contains polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids.

Plum also good source carbohydrates and sugars that provide energy. A serving of 5 plums supplies about 25 grams of carbohydrates and 15 grams of the sugar glucose and fructose.

Prunes: calories

In 100 gr. prunes have 231 calories. This is about 10 pieces, 1 fruit weighs about 10 grams.

How many prunes can you eat per day?

The daily norm per day of prunes for an adult, according to nutritionists, is 6-7 pieces, since prunes have a good laxative effect, so you should not eat more.


Prunes: benefits

1. Prunes act as a diuretic and choleretic agent. A healthy fruit eliminates bacteria and prevents the development of staphylococcus aureus, E. coli and salmonella.

2. The sweet fruit stabilizes the work of the stomach, intestines and enhances metabolism.

3. Prunes have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, lowering hypertension. Energizes and eliminates beriberi.

4. The use of the fetus helps in the treatment of oncology.

5. Due to the presence of a large number of antioxidants, the use of prunes cleanses the vessels of cholesterol accumulations. Antioxidants prevent free radicals from damaging body cells and activate blood circulation.

6. Prunes are useful to use when. In addition, prunes rejuvenate the body.

Dried prunes

Useful properties of dried prunes

1. The fruits contain special phytonutrients that have powerful properties. These phytonutrients can boost the body's immune system. They help bind free radicals and protect body cells from damage by carcinogens.

2. A quarter cup of fruit provides about 17 percent daily allowance vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene. It is the strongest antioxidant that helps to get rid of free radicals.

3. A quarter cup of dried plums provides about 10 percent of the recommended daily allowance for potassium. Potassium helps maintain stable blood pressure and eliminates blockage of blood vessels. It improves the heart and reduces the risk of stroke and coronary disease.

4. Potassium has also been found to be an essential mineral for bone health. And helps prevent loss of calcium, density bone tissue and prevent the development of osteoporosis.

5. A quarter cup of dried plums will provide about 15 percent of your daily fiber intake. The soluble fibers in prunes help regulate insulin levels in the blood.

6. Studies have shown that soluble fiber can help eliminate the development of diabetes. These fibers help prevent weight gain, promote feelings of fullness after meals, and help curb the need to eat more.

7. These fibers accelerate the cleansing of the intestines, i.e., they have a laxative property. In addition, insoluble fiber has been found to produce an acid that lowers cholesterol levels. Propionic acid helps to inhibit the activity of an enzyme that plays a role in the production of cholesterol produced in the liver.

The benefits of prunes for men

The use of prunes restores potency in men.

Recipe to restore potency

We'll have to mix 200 gr. crushed and chopped prunes. Mix nuts and fruits in 1 cup of liquid honey. You will have to take a tablespoon 2 times throughout the day. The tool is useful to take with a decrease in immunity.

1. You can not take the drug with individual intolerance.

2. Patients with diabetes do not need to use the remedy.

3. People with increased body weight should avoid eating prunes.

Prunes for women

What is useful prunes for women

1. According to the Americans, it is useful for women to use prunes when attacking.

2. It prevents osteoporosis. This disease occurs in women with a decrease in the production of the hormone estrogen. Then from the body there is an increased leaching of calcium. A woman will have to eat 100 grams daily. healthy fruit to prevent osteoporosis.

3. It is especially useful for any person, and a woman, to cleanse the intestines. This procedure not only heals the body, but also improves complexion.

To prepare the product, you will have to soak 10 fruits of prunes after dinner in warm water and leave in the room until morning. Next, before breakfast, consume 5 pieces and drink liquid. In the evening, eat the rest of the fruits. The intestines will work perfectly, without problems. The tool also serves as a prevention of constipation.

Can pregnant women take prunes?

During pregnancy, a woman will have to follow a diet, some foods are contraindicated for her.

1. She needs to take prunes, but not much. Prunes saturate a woman's body with valuable vitamins and essential trace elements. She especially needs them.

2. B vitamins will help to cope with the nervous tension that is present during pregnancy. A woman will be less afraid of an approaching birth.

3. The antibacterial ability of the fetus will reduce the risk of colds. They can harm the health of not only a woman, but also her developing fetus.

4. Due to the rich chemical composition, the use of prunes enhances, improves digestion, improves blood quality, and eliminates anemia.

5. Prunes prevent stool retention, which often occurs in women, especially in the last months of pregnancy. The growing fetus puts pressure on the rectum, preventing the stool from moving forward.

6. Useful fruit promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body, thereby improving skin color. Instead of laxatives, it is more useful to eat prunes, which will not cause additional stress on the liver.

7. Prunes remove excess fluid, thereby eliminating swelling, which often occurs in a pregnant woman.

8. It is useful for pregnant women to use vitamin mixtures consisting of an equal amount of crushed prunes, walnuts and liquid honey. You should eat a tablespoon before breakfast and dinner daily.

9. To relieve fatigue, you have to put a piece of prunes in a mug of black tea.

10. Instead of breakfast, it is good to eat yogurt with a piece of prunes. Then there will be no problems with the intestines. However, it is necessary to take prunes High Quality. Such a fruit is kiloto-sweet, completely without hot, black color.

Fruits with brown spots better to leave it at the store. Brilliant prunes can be bought, but before use, the fruit will have to be washed in warm water. Then the grease, which is used to process prunes, will be washed off. Next, the fruits need to be lowered into hot water for half an hour. If the fruits after hot water a little white, it means they are of good quality.

Prunes should not be taken if a woman has high level sugar in the blood or urine. In case of excess weight or skin rashes, the tasty fruit will have to be discarded.

Prunes for weight loss

Is it possible to eat prunes while losing weight?

Prunes will help a woman get rid of extra pounds weight, although it contains a large number of calories.

1. Carbohydrates contained in prunes are slowly digested, so a person who eats prunes feels full for a long time.

2. The fruits have a lot of fiber, which fills the stomach, and the person also does not feel hungry.

3. A prunes snack can replace a sandwich with butter or sausage. It will bring the body more benefits and fewer calories.

5. Prunes do not contain saturated fats, which provoke heart disease and are deposited in folds on the stomach.

6. A piece of sweet prunes will help you endure a strict diet when sweets are strictly prohibited. It is enough to add 3 fruits to tasteless food, as its taste improves significantly.

7. In addition, the antioxidants contained in the fruit improve mood, which often deteriorates in a woman with a strict diet.

8. The use of prunes saturates the body with useful substances, they are not enough if you follow a strict diet.

9. Vitamin E and beta-carotene will prevent flabbiness and aging of the skin, which are formed during weight loss. Potassium will strengthen the muscles.

10. Prunes speed up metabolic processes, prevents stool retention, which contributes to weight loss.

11. To reduce weight, lunch should be replaced with unsweetened yogurt with 4-5 pcs. prunes. Yogurt can be replaced with low-calorie kefir. Fruits can be crushed in a blender, or eaten whole.

Video: Prunes for weight loss. Recipes

Prunes: contraindications

1. Prunes contain oxalates, which can cause health problems. If you have kidney problems or gallbladder dried prunes should be avoided. This reduces the risk of oxalate-related kidney stones.

In contact with

Plum lovers are very lucky, because, unlike other fruits, it can be consumed all year round, only in dried form. But nothing, neither the taste, nor even the vitamins disappear from this. Prunes, the benefits and harms of which have been studied for a long time, contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. It can be used by everyone without exception, because not only is it useful, but its taste is simply amazing. So what is prunes?

The benefits and harms to the body of this product are unequal, because it has much more advantages than disadvantages. Let's see what its composition is?

Composition of prunes

Not all berries and fruits can boast of such an abundance of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. Moreover, it contains as much fiber as there is in almost no other product.



  • Potassium is necessary for the functioning of all body systems.
  • Magnesium - fights anemia.
  • Iron is needed for the development and growth of bones and teeth.
  • Phosphorus - is involved in all biochemical reactions of the body.
  • Calcium - maintains healthy teeth and bones, has an effect on muscle contraction.

Also, prunes contain fiber, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and pectin, needed by the body to get rid of heavy metals, toxins, slags, radionuclides.

Phytonutrients and carotenoids are also found in prunes. They protect our body from various diseases, including cardiovascular.


Dried prunes, the benefits and harms of which have long been known in medicine, are prescribed in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular with regular constipation. This is due to the fiber present in its composition and sorbitol, which acts as a mild laxative.

The constant use of prunes in food will restore normal process metabolism, as well as the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Just a few pieces a day are enough to normalize blood pressure, as well as prevent vascular diseases.

Prunes, the benefits and harms of which have long been known to nutritionists, are prescribed in the case of a diet for weight gain, since the berry allows you to more actively produce gastric juice and, accordingly, increase appetite.

If you dissolve prunes in your mouth for some time, this will get rid of microorganisms that have accumulated in the oral cavity, as well as remove inflammation on the gums and teeth.

Prunes also contain antibacterial substances that stop the spread of infectious bacteria in the body, and also resist E. coli and salmonella.

Also, prunes are well used in the kitchen. It can easily return a fresh taste to the meat, while the berry should simply be added to the meat dish.

Harm and contraindications

As much as one would like, but this topic still has to be touched upon. Along with many useful properties, prunes can still harm, especially for diabetics. It is contraindicated for such a group of people, since it contains a high content of sugars.

In addition, prunes lose in industrial plan. It is more expedient to cook it yourself, while you can be sure that it will not harm you in any way. But if you decide to still buy prunes on the market, you should be extremely careful here. First of all, you need to look at the "wrapper".

And the thing is that some unscrupulous producers treat their crops with sulfur dioxide in order to get more fruits and get rid of insects that spoil them. But that's not all. Before going on sale, prunes are subjected to another bad treatment - glycerin. This is done so that the berry shines and shimmers in the sun. Also sometimes it is subjected to artificial staining. Do you think such prunes will help our body? The benefits and harms in this case are clear, so the berry should be shriveled and "ugly", and the taste is not very pronounced. This will be natural prunes.

Is it possible to give prunes to children?

Of course, prunes are very valuable in themselves. The benefits and harms for children, however, are a separate issue. For too small crumbs, this product is not very useful due to its laxative effect, so it is better to refuse it before six months.

It is a completely different question if the child suffers from constipation (and his age has already reached 4 months of age), in which case it is more expedient to give him prunes compote, decoction or infusion.

To do this, take a few berries and wash them under running water. Pour in one glass of water and boil for a few minutes. Then insist for about an hour. Give the crumbs a teaspoon in the daytime.

If the baby is older, then you can cook him a delicious puree. To do this, fill a few pieces with water and leave overnight. In the morning, pour out the liquid and boil the prunes for several minutes until tender. Pass through a meat grinder or chop in a blender - and a healthy puree is ready.

Berry for nursing mothers

If present desire eat prunes, then you can try, you just need to start with small doses in order to check the reaction of the baby. Try to eat one prunes on the first day. If the baby does not express dissatisfaction after your meal, is not naughty and walks normally in a diaper, then the next day you can increase the dose by exactly one berry, and so on up to 4 pieces a day.

If the mother has constipation, then in this situation one should also act quite carefully. Start with one berry first and continue until you reach desired result, but do not forget to monitor the reaction of the child, because prunes are quite aggressive in relation to the children's intestines.

To prepare a cure for constipation, a nursing mother should take a few pieces of prunes and pour boiling water over them. Let it brew all night. Drink the liquid in which the berries were infused, and eat the berries. You can also cook prunes compote or prepare an infusion, and after the baby is 4 months old, you can give him a try.

Many doctors do not recommend nursing mothers to use prunes if the children react poorly to the product eaten by the mother. But everything is individual, rely only on your maternal intuition, it will definitely tell you what to do in this or that situation, how to properly take this wonderful product - prunes.

Benefits and harms during pregnancy

Everyone is well aware that during pregnancy one should limit oneself in various sweets, but those who have had to deal with this know that it is quite difficult, especially if the body of the expectant mother requires it. Therefore, it is more expedient to replace sweets with prunes.

He is excellent prevention bleeding gums, caries, which is very common during pregnancy.

Also, prunes, the benefits and harms of which have been known since ancient times, are used for constipation in pregnant women, anemia, beriberi, to strengthen the immune system. It can be added to different dishes, cook compotes, make decoctions and infusions.

This prunes is so useful!

Benefit and harm. Calorie content. Does the berry help with weight loss?

The calorie content of this product is 244 kcal per 100 g of the product, so it cannot definitely serve as a fat burner, and you should not replace your entire diet with it either. But it is still possible to achieve significant results with the help of prunes by combining its use with sports and adding to various dishes (cereals, salads, cocktails). If you decide to lose weight and use this product in your diet, then there is also a highlight here. It serves as an excellent snack, but it should be eaten no more than two pieces (5-6 per day).

It will be very useful to drink a glass of prune decoction in the morning so that you do not feel discomfort in your stomach throughout the day. And this is not all the qualities that prunes have.

The benefits and harms of this berry for weight loss, as mentioned above, are understandable, so if you want this delicious product rendered beneficial effect on your figure and body as a whole, then choose "ugly" and non-shiny prunes. And remember that everywhere there should be a measure, do not abuse it - and you will achieve excellent results.