Causes of burning in the eyes of a person and how to treat it? Dryness and burning in the eyes: causes, treatment.

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Burning in the eyes is one of the group of “eye” symptoms associated with each other (lacrimation, itching in the eyes, redness of the eyes, etc.), therefore it mainly manifests itself in combination with them. Burning in the eyes may also appear somewhat separately from these symptoms, it depends on the specific cause that caused it and on other factors.

Causes of burning in the eyes

Burning in the eyes is a rather unpleasant symptom, it not only interferes with life, bringing discomfort to it, but also visually makes the eyes tired, red, which does not give a person (especially a woman) beauty. If such a problem has arisen, it must be dealt with, and in order to effectively carry out treatment, accordingly, you need to know the causes of burning in the eyes.

So, the most common causes of burning in the eyes:

  • Eye injury: blow, fall, small sharp object on the cornea of ​​the eye.
  • Infectious disease of the eye. The etiology of such diseases is different. Its causative agents can become both fungal, viral infections, and pathogenic flora. Such symptoms can be provoked by diseases such as influenza, conjunctivitis, SARS and others.
  • Overstrain, eye fatigue can also provoke a burning sensation in the eyes.
  • Raise intraocular pressure associated with some kind of disease of a neuralgic or ophthalmic nature.
  • Increased tearing and burning in the eyes may be symptoms allergic reaction to some irritant.
  • burns various etiologies. They can be of a thermal nature (exposure to objects that have a high temperature: steam, hot water...), as well as chemical exposure (when a chemical agent gets into the eyes: household chemicals, chemical reagents).
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Tobacco smoke.
  • Ophthalmic diseases can also lead to such symptoms. For example, such as glaucoma, conjunctivitis, cataracts and others.
  • Working air conditioner.
  • A sensation of burning and sand in the eyes may appear due to a decrease in the production of fluid by the lacrimal glands, that is, the patient receives a “dry eye effect”.
  • Burning in the eyes can provoke the wrong choice contact lenses, violation of hygiene rules when wearing them.

Burning eye symptoms

Burning is expressed by the appearance of discomfort: itching, peeling and redness in the eye area. There may be more swelling strong highlight fluid from the lacrimal canal, photophobia. In some cases, redness appears even on the iris of the eye.

Possible types of burning, their causes

Burning around the eyes

Such soil can be:

  • Pathology of the function of the endocrine glands.
  • Disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pathology of the sebaceous glands.
  • Various diseases of the liver.
  • Pathological changes occurring in the nervous system.
  • And others.

An allergic reaction (vascular dystonia), for example, to a cream applied to the face, can also cause a burning sensation around the eyes.

In order to correctly diagnose the cause that causes burning, the patient must immediately contact a local therapist, who, if necessary, will refer to a more specialized doctor: a dermatologist, ophthalmologist, allergist, and so on.

Pain and burning in the eyes

The feeling of itching and burning is a symptom of many diseases, and only by contacting a doctor, you can make the correct diagnosis and establish the causes of its occurrence. Some diseases in their symptoms have pain and burning in the eyes. Pain manifestations are both internal localization and external. In intensity, they can be sharp and pulsating, or they can be dull, aching. The pain can last constantly or its manifestation is periodic. Often pain symptoms accompanied by redness of the eye. You can't delay. An urgent consultation and examination of a doctor is necessary, which will provide first aid.

When pain and burning in the eyes is permanent, especially if it increases with pressure or during movement, these symptoms can indicate an inflammatory etiology of the process: uveitis (inflammation choroid eyes), iridocyclitis (inflammation of the ciliary body eyeball and iris), conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye) and others. Wherein health care must be provided as soon as possible.

Cutting and burning in the eyes

Redness, discomfort, stinging and burning in the eyes - this is not always associated with a mote that has got into the eye or sitting in front of a computer for a long time. These and some other manifestations may be symptoms of inflammatory processes that occur in the eye area. With inflammation of the mucosa, there is a progression of conjunctivitis. The same symptoms manifest diseases such as blepharitis, fungal infections mucous.

Cutting and burning in the eyes are often accompanied by redness, increased secretion tears from the tear duct painful sensations into the world. Pain in the eyes can also appear in a smoky, dusty room, in a room with a low percentage of humidity (that is, when the air in the room is dry enough). And also these symptoms are quite often present in people wearing soft contact lenses.

Burning and redness of the eyes

Blepharitis is one of the most common causes of eye redness. The causative agent of the inflammatory process is often an infection that affects the follicles located in the moist area of ​​​​the eyelid. But not only this symptom is an indicator this disease. Burning and redness of the eyes, annoying itching, the formation of a dry crust that covers the eyelid - all this signals to its owner that an infection has entered the body and must be taken Urgent measures. At the same time, self-medication is not worth it, the wrong selection of drugs and their dosages can cause more more harm the patient's health.

The same symptoms can show and conjunctivitis. The causative agents of this disease are many: these are pathogenic bacteria, various viruses, irritating allergic particles. If the cause of conjunctivitis is a virus, then such a patient is dangerous to others, since “this infection” can be infected by airborne droplets.

One of the most dangerous diseases accompanied by a burning sensation in the eyes, is uveitis - an inflammatory process that occurs in blood vessels that streak the entire shell of the eye. And the disease itself with its manifestations is not so scary as the complications after it. The root cause of the disease can be an autoimmune pathology, poisoning with toxic fumes, severe infections. to one of the main and severe consequences This disease is referred to as total blindness.

Another cause of burning in the eyes can be corneal ulcers - a fairly rare occurrence. Ulcers appear due to the defeat of the iris of the eye of a certain category of pathogenic bacteria. Another cause of burning and redness of the eye can be a corneal injury. Scratches can appear on the surface due to microparticles of dust or improper use of contact lenses.

Therefore, in order to get rid of burning sensation in the eyes, it is necessary first of all to establish the cause, which became the impetus for the disease, and only after that it is necessary to start treatment. It is not the symptom itself that needs to be treated, but its cause. But it must be remembered that under no circumstances should you touch your eyes with your hands, scratch and rub them - redness and itching will only increase. It is necessary, without delay, to consult a doctor for an examination.

Burning eyes and tearing

Burning eyes and watery eyes are usually a sign of a developing allergic reaction. The lacrimal glands begin to produce fluid at an accelerated pace, as if they want to wash away the irritant that led to such consequences. Therefore, in case of signs of allergy, it is necessary to take an antihistamine drug in time (in the form of one or two tablets) and use drops, which include corticosteroid hormones.

Dryness and burning in the eyes

If a person spends a long period of time at a computer or in his work, it is necessary to be collected and attentive all the time, his eyes are in tension all the time, as a result, getting the “dry eye” syndrome. Working on office equipment, the eyes “forget” to blink often, wetting the mucous membrane with moisture, it begins to dry out, which provokes dryness and burning in the eyes.

In this case, you should use drops (the so-called "Artificial tear"), which will moisten the surface of the eyeball. In the evening, before going to bed, it is advisable to carry out procedures that relax eye muscles, for example, put compresses from a decoction of chamomile.

Burning under the eyes

On the face of a person, the most vulnerable place is the skin above and below the eyes. In these areas, it is four times thinner than in the rest. Because of this, they are the first to undergo aging, and they are the most vulnerable to infection and other irritants. Quite often, especially in the spring-autumn period, burning under the eyes appears as a reaction to allergenic microparticles, although dermatological diseases can also show the same picture.

Therefore, you should not self-medicate: diagnose yourself and attribute treatment. This should be done by a specialist. In this case, it is necessary to make an appointment with an allergist and a dermatologist, only they will correctly differentiate the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

Severe burning sensation in the eyes

Severe burning sensation in the eyes can become a symptom of a pathology caused by a burn of the cornea of ​​​​the eye. If the rules of operation have been violated chemical substances(work related to chemical production or unsuccessful handling of household chemicals, and so on), then Great chance receiving chemical burn eyes, both by means of vapors, and by direct contact of liquid fractions in the eye area.

The burn may be of thermal origin, that is, formed under the influence of high temperatures. In this case, the victim experiences pain and severe burning in the eyes. In this case, urgent medical care is needed, since a person’s complete blindness can become a complication.

The luster of the eyes is directly dependent on the tear film. It would seem that it is just a physiological fluid, but the tear film is not simple in structure. It consists of three layers: lipid, water and mucin layer. Let's talk about each of them. outer lipid layer. It is responsible for the degree of evaporation from the surface of the eye, and regulates the evaporation of physiological fluid themselves. Thanks to this layer lacrimal fluid do not spread all over the face, but flow down in the form of a “tear”. Middle, water layer. It consists of almost 98% water, it also contains salts and proteins. This layer is directly related to the factors of emotions - during crying or laughter, it is he who secretes a tear into the corners of the eyes due to reflex factors. It also responds to irritation of other receptors, some of which are located in the nasal cavity. Inner, mucin layer. This layer is responsible for the shine in the eyes and directly touches the corneal cells, smoothing out irregularities into a smooth surface. It is also a conductor between the water layer and the eye: thanks to the mucin layer, the flow and movement of nutrients from the aqueous layer to the epithelium of the eye. In addition, mucin smooths out all the microroughness of the epithelial surface and gives the cornea its normal mirror shine. This is normal.

Burning eyes when wearing contact lenses

Properly selected and clean lenses are so comfortable to use that their presence on the cornea is not felt at all. If the lenses are uncomfortable, something is wrong.

The causes of burning in the eyes when wearing lenses can be several:

  • allergic reactions dust, animal hair or pollen. The usual manifestation of allergies is redness of the eyes, itching and watery eyes. Solution: temporary or permanent transition to daily lenses- the allergen does not have time to deposit on their surface in a short period of use.
  • Reaction to preservatives in solution for lens storage. This is also a kind of allergic reaction, which can appear suddenly after months and years of using a solution of a proven brand. Solution: change solution.
  • Contamination of contact lenses. Protein deposits form on the surface of the lens, even with daily cleaning and disinfection, and worsen its gas permeability. Solution: Strictly adhere to the terms of planned replacement of lenses, switching to lenses with a shorter replacement period or to disposable lenses.

Unhealthy eye shine

Most often occurs with fever. The temperature rises and the tear fluid evaporates faster than usual, therefore more fluid is released, which gives the impression of a more pronounced shine in the eyes.

When should you urgently see a doctor?

  • If the burning sensation in the eyes is accompanied by pain or hypersensitivity to light and lachrymation;
  • if you have any discharge from the eyes;
  • if, along with a burning sensation, there is a deterioration or blurred vision.

How to treat burning in the eyes?

The treatment for burning eyes mainly depends on the cause that led to this symptom.

In case of impact negative factors environment must be avoided in the first place. similar situations. Cold compresses with a decoction of chamomile will help to quickly relieve the symptoms of burning around the eyes, in case of environmental causes. For allergies, the doctor prescribes anti-allergic drugs that minimize the occurrence of burning in the eyes. Burning eyes with dry eye syndrome are relieved by the use of moisturizing drops. It is often necessary to use artificial tears that do not contain preservatives.

What should absolutely not be done?

If there is a burning sensation in the eyes, DO NOT:

  • rubbing the eyes, this exacerbates burning symptoms
  • bury eye drops without a doctor's prescription
  • put on contact lenses


Here are some tips to help you avoid burning your eyes:

  • Visit your eye doctor regularly to diagnose conditions that may be causing the burning sensation.
  • If you wear contact lenses, tell your eye doctor if you experience burning symptoms.
  • Use eye protection (sunglasses, masks, protective glasses) when exposed to adverse environmental factors.
  • If you suffer from a condition that causes burning (such as dry eye syndrome), use moisturizing drops to reduce symptoms.
  • Never ignore new symptoms or sensations that come up in your eyes.

An annoying burning sensation in the eyes appears for a number of reasons. Among them are soap ingress and serious problems such as disorders caused by Sjögren's syndrome. It is important to recognize the onset of an ophthalmic disease in a timely manner or to effectively eliminate more simple reasons burning. In most cases, this symptom requires treatment, but in each case of pathology, therapy will be different.

Possible causes and their treatment

There are many causes of burning in the eyes of both an adult and a child.

In most cases, the appearance of pain is combined with other symptoms, which makes it possible to determine the cause and correctly eliminate it.

household factors

They usually do not carry significant complications. Along with a burning sensation, there are profuse lacrimation, severe redness sclera, feeling foreign body in the eye.

  • Eye contact household chemicals: soaps, cosmetics, hair care products. In such cases, the redness goes away on its own. To eliminate it, it is enough to wash with running cold water.
  • Contact with the organs of vision of products for the care of furniture, plumbing, etc. In this case, sometimes you need to see a doctor (burning sensation and redness intensifies or does not go away for 2-3 days). But the first action should always be washing the eyes with running clean water.
  • The impact of the strong sun rays(their reflection from water, snow) causes, in addition to burning, pain, severe redness of the sclera and a feeling of dryness, photophobia. Symptoms appear 10-12 hours after exposure to this factor. You will need to use ophthalmic drops without preservatives (Hilabak, Vizin, Artificial tear). Timolol is effective in such cases.
  • Eye contact with smoke, dust, chemicals in polluted air, and strong winds. These factors also cause a feeling of pain, redness of the cornea and eyelid skin around the eyes, and lacrimation. For treatment, you will need to instill moisturizing or ophthalmic preparations for several days - Vizin, Pure tear, Oftagel, Timolol, Hilo-Komod.
  • Burns due to non-compliance with safety precautions for working with welding. In this case, the eyes will not start to hurt immediately, a burning sensation, photophobia, severe discomfort will appear after a few hours. For removal mild symptoms that have arisen after welding, it is enough to take an anesthetic (Nurofen) or an antihistamine (Suprastin), make compresses on the organs of vision with brewed tea bags. For elimination severe pain need to see an ophthalmologist.

allergic reactions

The presence of an allergen causes severe itching, burning, swelling of the conjunctiva and skin of the eyelids, face. When such a reaction occurs, the appearance of severe lacrimation and the associated runny nose are also characteristic.

Allergies are caused by the following reasons:

  • Plant pollen.
  • Fungi and their spores.
  • Animal fur.
  • Mold.

Manifestations of allergies require the instillation of antihistamines into the eyes. For fast elimination symptoms fit Okumetil, Vizin, they can be used no longer than 4 days.

For long-term treatment Kromheksal, Alergodil are shown. Their use is desirable to coordinate with an ophthalmologist. With a strong burning sensation, systemic antihistamines are taken orally (Suprastin, Diazolin, etc.)

Ophthalmic diseases

Many eye diseases cause a burning sensation. Usually, discomfort is accompanied by other symptoms and often leads to a decrease in the quality of vision. To eliminate it and treat the disease, you should contact an ophthalmologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary examinations, correctly diagnose and recommend treatment that will lead to recovery and elimination of symptoms.

Among the ophthalmic causes for burning can be identified:

  • Dry eye syndrome. The disease occurs as a result of insufficient hydration of the cornea (often provoked by too much long stay in front of a computer monitor or TV screen).
  • Incorrect wearing of lenses. In such cases, pain in the eyes is always added to the burning sensation.
  • Conjunctivitis of various etiologies (viral, bacterial, allergic). In addition to burning, they cause pain, a sensation of a foreign body in the eye, hyperemia (overflow of blood) of the conjunctiva, redness of the sclera, and the formation of pus on the edge of the eyelids. After sleep, eyelashes often stick together. In children, especially in younger age, infection in the eye often provokes conjunctivitis.
  • Blepharitis (inflammation of the skin of the eyelids). Cause severe itching, redness and swelling, redness of the cornea. Often, purulent crusts form on the ciliary edge in the morning.
  • Chronic meibomites. In addition to the sensation of an acute burning sensation, there is a feeling of a foreign body in the eye, and on inside century, a yellow nodule is formed, which gradually increases.

After contacting an ophthalmologist and conducting an examination, the patient is prescribed eye drops, ointments, and some other procedures. As a result of these activities, vision is restored, and unpleasant symptoms pass.

Burning eyes is a feeling of burning and dryness in the eyes. Very often, a burning sensation is a symptom serious problems In eyes.

Burning eye symptoms

Burning eyes may be accompanied by other eye symptoms, including:

  • eye discharge
  • feeling of dry eyes
  • itching and burning in the eyes
  • redness and pain in the eyes
  • pain, lacrimation and photophobia
  • blurred vision

Causes of burning in the eyes

Distinguish the following reasons the appearance of this symptom:

1. Environmental reasons. Most often, the symptom of burning in the eyes causes aggressive environmental influences:

  • strong wind
  • dust or smoke
  • intense solar exposure
  • chemical irritants (soap, makeup removers, cosmetics, etc.)

Causes associated with allergies

  • pollen
  • mold
  • fungus, fungal spores
  • animal dander

2. Eye causes

  • dry eye syndrome
  • inflammation of the lining of the eye (conjunctivitis)
  • inflammation of the skin of the eyelids (blepharitis)
  • inflammation of the cornea (keratitis)
  • chronic meibomitis
  • Sjögren's syndrome
  • wearing contact lenses

3. Other reasons

  • elderly age
  • taking certain medications

When should you urgently see a doctor?

  • if the burning sensation of the eyes is accompanied by pain or increased sensitivity to light and tearing
  • if you have any discharge from the eyes
  • if, along with a burning sensation, there is a deterioration or blurred vision

Even if you do not have any of the above symptoms, but there is a burning sensation in the eyes, you should consult a specialist.

How to treat burning eyes

The treatment for burning eyes mainly depends on the cause that led to this symptom.

In the event of exposure to negative environmental factors, it is necessary first of all to avoid such situations. Cold compresses with a decoction of chamomile will help to quickly relieve the symptoms of burning around the eyes, in case of environmental causes.

For allergies, the doctor prescribes anti-allergic drugs that minimize the occurrence of burning in the eyes.

Burning eyes with dry eye syndrome are relieved by the use of moisturizing drops. It is often necessary to use artificial tears that do not contain preservatives.

What should absolutely not be done?

If there is a burning sensation in the eyes, you should not:

  • rubbing the eyes, this exacerbates burning symptoms
  • instill eye drops without a doctor's prescription
  • wear contact lenses

What happens if the symptom is not treated?

On their own, without consequences for your vision and health, a burning sensation in the eyes caused by environmental reasons can pass.

In other cases, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, which leads to the development of this symptom.


Here are some tips to help you avoid burning your eyes:

  • Visit your eye doctor regularly to diagnose conditions that may be causing the burning sensation.
  • If you wear contact lenses, tell your eye doctor if you experience burning symptoms.
  • Use eye protection (dark glasses, masks, goggles) when exposed to adverse environmental factors.
  • If you suffer from a condition that causes burning (such as dry eye syndrome), use moisturizing drops to reduce symptoms.
  • Never ignore new symptoms or sensations that come up in your eyes.

Feeling as if eyes are burning, burning, itching and lacrimation are symptoms that should alert a person. Problems with the organ of vision are quite dangerous, they can lead to serious complications up to total blindness.

Causes of burning in the eyes

The reasons why eyes burn can be the most various diseases, influence external environment and human life itself. Determine why it bakes visual organ It is possible, taking into account additional symptoms - redness, dryness, etc.

Environmental factors that provoke burning

  1. Certain weather conditions can cause eye burning, for example, strong wind, especially with dust impurities. Smog, smoke from a fire provoke irritation of the eye apparatus, and, as a result, cause tearing, redness, and so on.
  2. Burning can cause personal care products: soap, gels, shampoo, hair balms. Care must be taken to work with detergents to prevent them from getting into your eyes.
  3. Girls and women should carefully select cosmetics. Beauty products may have irritant, especially low-quality mascaras, shadows, makeup removers and others. In addition, they can cause an allergic reaction.
  4. Contact lenses can also be the cause that led to these symptoms.

Under such conditions, burning is a transient condition and will pass after the cessation of irritating factors.

Traumatic lesions

The reasons that cause this symptomatology include trauma. It may be a foreign body in the eye, which causes discomfort. It should be remembered that the injury causes not only a burning sensation in the eyes, but also an increase in intraorbital pressure, strabismus.

Prolonged eye strain

Prolonged work with gadgets, sitting in front of a computer, reading from electronic media can not only worsen visual acuity, but also cause hyperemia, discomfort, dryness and burning in the eyes.

Such signs of constantly tired eyes indicate that it is time to reduce total time spent in front of the screen.

Diseases accompanied by burning in the eyes

Often the reasons why the eyes are burning are problems of the ophthalmological profile, as well as systemic diseases causing these symptoms secondarily. At serious illnesses often appear additional symptoms: itching, pain and discomfort.

Infectious eye diseases

Pathogenic agents that affect various elements of the eye apparatus provoke the development of infectious and inflammatory processes in conjunctiva (conjunctivitis), inflammation of the eyelid skin (blepharitis) and cornea (keratitis).

Inflammation can be bacterial, viral and fungal etiology and cause pain in the eyes and burning. Often there is a release of serous or purulent exudate.

The inflammatory process can take an acute and chronic form.

Purulent conjunctivitis

Often, purulent conjunctivitis is bacterial in nature and develops due to infection with staphylococcus aureus. You can bring a pathogenic agent by touching dirty and unwashed hands, getting earth and sand into your eyes.

The main symptoms of purulent conjunctivitis are:

  • burning in the eyes;
  • edema;
  • hyperemia of the conjunctiva;
  • purulent discharge.

This disease is treated with antibacterial and antiseptic agents.

Adenovirus and epidemic conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis, which causes redness and burning of the eyes, often has viral nature. Often provoke inflammation of the conjunctiva and adenoviruses. The disease proceeds against the background of fever, rhinitis is observed.

Epidemic conjunctivitis is common in countries with a hot climate and has a certain seasonality - an outbreak of the disease occurs in summer and autumn. calls this species conjunctivitis Koch-Wicks stick. Favorable conditions for the disease are increased solar radiation, dust and wind, which are typical for a hot climate.

Systemic diseases

With certain diseases, the organ of vision is indirectly affected, which causes tearing, burning and redness in the eyes.

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • blood diseases, including leukemia;
  • autoimmune diseases (scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis);
  • vasculitis of the eyeball;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • influenza and SARS;
  • violation hormonal background during pregnancy and menopause.

Endocrine eye disorders

Endocrinological ophthalmopathies are manifested by pain, burning and redness in the eyes. This pathology develops due to autoimmune lesion tissues and muscles of the orbit, which ends with a displacement in front of the eyeballs, or exophthalmos. Visual impairment is observed - the image may be blurry or doubled.

Allergic diseases

Allergies are a common cause of watery and burning eyes. Allergic processes develop as a result of the ingestion of allergens that can cause an immune system response.

Such diseases include:

  • hay fever;
  • dermatitis;
  • angioedema;
  • atopic keratoconjunctivitis.

Glaucoma is a disease characterized by increased intragastric pressure, which causes dystrophic processes in the retina and optic nerve. If treated carelessly, glaucoma can lead to complete blindness.

It is important to know the first symptoms of glaucoma in order to recognize the problem in time and start treatment in a timely manner.

Her clinical manifestations are:

  • narrowing of the field of view;
  • pain and burning in the eyes;
  • hyperemia of the conjunctiva;
  • pain in the temporal areas;
  • blurred field of view.

Keratitis is accompanied by sharp pain, foreign body sensation, lacrimation, burning sensation in the eyes and redness, orbital fissure while narrowed (blepharospasm).


Barley or hordeolum is a purulent limited inflammatory process that develops due to infection in the hair follicle or sebaceous gland.

The first symptoms of barley are itching of the eyelid and burning in the eyes, followed by redness, swelling of the eyelid. When pressing on the focus of inflammation, the patient feels sharp pain. Two days later, the development of an abscess is observed, and after that its contents are released, then the barley regresses.

Blepharitis is often a chronic inflammatory disease that strikes the edges of the eyelid. It develops due to damage by bacteria, fungi, mites or with allergies, vitamin deficiencies, anemia and diabetes mellitus.

Patients go to the doctor because their eyes burn and itch, their swelling, redness is observed, and fatigue increases.

dry eye syndrome

The reason why a person feels that the eyeball burns may be dry eye syndrome. It develops due to long work with a computer, frequent phone use, reading e-books and wearing contact lenses. It is characterized by burning, dry mucous membranes, hyperemia and itching.

When should you urgently see a doctor?

A person who feels a burning sensation in the eyes for a long period of time should first of all contact an ophthalmologist, because this symptom may indicate serious vision problems in the future.

Short-term signs of irritation of the eyeball do not require a visit to a specialist, however, it is necessary to minimize contact with the causes that cause such symptoms.

What is required to make a diagnosis?

To determine the diagnosis, the specialist doctor must conduct a thorough interview of the patient, during which he must:

  • find out the patient's problem with which he turned to him, as well as detailing each complaint (if it is a burning sensation: when it bakes the eyes, under what circumstances does the symptom occur, and when the unpleasant sensation subsides);
  • conduct a laboratory and instrumental examination(examination of the visual apparatus with side illumination, biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy and bacteriological examination of secretions).

Only if the results of all examinations of the eye apparatus are available, the ophthalmologist is able to make a reliable diagnosis and prescribe effective therapy.

How to treat burning in the eyes?

Burning in the eye is caused various reasons on which treatment depends:

  1. If the disease has bacterial etiology , it is advisable to prescribe antibiotics and antiseptics, steroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. At viral inflammation appoint antiviral drugs and agents that increase the function of the immune system.
  3. For the treatment of fungal infections apply antifungal medicines. For allergic reactions prescribed antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids and tissue basophil stabilizers.
  4. If the patient has been diagnosed with dry eye syndrome, then the only effective means are tear substitutes that moisturize the conjunctiva.


Ointments are often used to treat itching and burning in the eyes.

The most effective are:

  • Floksal (indications conjunctivitis, keratitis, barley, blepharitis);
  • Colbiocin (indications: conjunctivitis, blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, keratitis);
  • Zirgan (indications: cytomegalovirus retinitis).


Drops will help relieve symptoms (dryness, burning, redness) of ophthalmic diseases.

Popular drugs are:

  • Albucid (indications: bacterial conjunctivitis, some fungal diseases);
  • Vitabact (indications: conjunctivitis, trachoma, keratitis);
  • Akyular HP (indications: inflammation of viral etiology);
  • Opatanol (indications: diseases of allergic etiology);

Folk remedies

Some ophthalmic diseases respond very well to therapy. folk remedies, relieving severe burning sensation in the eyes, their hyperemia and itching.


  1. It is necessary to dilute aloe juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10. Use the resulting product as a compress.
  2. You need to take 1 tablespoon of cornflower flowers, which is poured with boiling water and settled for half an hour. After, the filtered product is used for washing.
  3. You can make an infusion of snapdragon, marshmallow root, black nightshade leaves. Crushed herbs pour 500 ml of boiling water and cool. After the product is decanted and used as eye drops(3 r / s).

  1. You need to take 3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers and pour a glass of boiling water. Next, close the vessel with the future remedy and leave for an hour. Use the rinse solution afterwards.
  2. With frequent lacrimation, lotions at night from a decoction of dill seeds help. The lotion is placed in a warm form for 10 minutes.
  3. Symptoms of inflammation are effectively relieved by a decoction of valerian root. and eyebright (during the day it is used for washing, a compress is put before going to bed).

What absolutely should not be done?

If the above symptoms are found, then in no case should you rub your eyes. Such actions will only increase inflammation, and can also lead to infection.

If you have a burning sensation, do not wear contact lenses.

What happens if the symptom is not treated?

Burning in the eyes, their redness and itching can go away on their own, if the cause that causes such manifestations, influence adverse conditions external environment. When limiting such a source of irritation, a person may not turn to an ophthalmologist, because specific treatment not required.

In order to detect an ophthalmic disease in time and prevent the occurrence of deterioration and the development of complications, the patient must follow the recommendations:

  1. Regular visits to the ophthalmologist for the purpose of routine visual acuity checks.
  2. Timely referral to an ophthalmologist prolonged symptoms indicating an eye disease (burning, itching, redness, dryness).
  3. It is necessary to wear protective goggles, masks in case of adverse weather conditions(dust, wind, smog).

Discomfort in the eyes is a common occurrence that every person has encountered at least once. Causes of burning in the eyes can be caused by both external factors and disturbances in the functioning of the body. We will look at the main causes of discomfort, as well as ways to eliminate them.

Causes of the problem

Strong gripes and unpleasant burning sensation in the eyes are often symptoms of ailments that affect the mucous membranes. If a problem is found, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence, which will allow you to choose the right course of treatment.

So, what factors can cause discomfort?

  • Injuries. Friction, impact and foreign objects can provoke discomfort;
  • infectious diseases. Pathogenic microorganisms represented by viruses, fungi can provoke the development of a number of eye ailments: conjunctivitis, glaucoma, herpes, etc.;
  • Overvoltage. Permanent job at the computer or with small details causes the eye muscles to constantly strain. This, in turn, can cause itching, burning and even pain;
  • Photophobia. An abnormal reaction of photoreceptors to light, caused by a significant dilation of the pupils. It usually occurs as a result of the development of certain types of diseases (measles, corneal erosion, rubella);
  • Increased tearing. Most often occurs due to an allergic reaction, accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the eyeballs;
  • Burns. Chemical and thermal burns cause damage to the mucosa and, accordingly, severe burning;
  • Hormonal imbalance. Hormonal instability caused by endocrine disorders, in some cases, it also affects the condition of the mucous membranes, including the eyes;
  • Incorrect selection of contact lenses. This problem is common in people who regularly use optical contact lenses.

The list of causes of discomfort is incomplete, and therefore, for the treatment of burning in the eyes, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist. By using modern methods examination, he will be able to find out exactly what factors influenced the occurrence of the problem and how it can be dealt with.

What are the symptoms?

Why do eyes hurt? As already noted, mechanical damage to the mucous membranes, as well as the development of infectious and viral ailments, can cause discomfort.

Which symptomatic picture will be a direct indication for seeking help from an ophthalmologist?

  • itching and cramps;
  • It's a dull pain;
  • increased tearing;
  • sensation of a foreign object inside the orbit;
  • redness of the "proteins" and the iris;
  • sensation strong pressure on the eyeballs.

Such signs may indicate increased dryness in the eyes, ignoring which in some situations leads to partial loss of vision. To find out the nature of discomfort, first of all, it is worth consulting with a qualified physician.

Possible diseases

Often, discomfort and pain are the result, or rather, a sign of the development of some more serious health problems. Therefore, they should never be ignored.

If the eyes are very sore, what diseases can this indicate?

  • Glaucoma. An increase in intraocular pressure provokes the appearance of discomfort, pain and a feeling of pressure on the eyes;
  • Barley. Often, pain is caused by suppuration on the rim of the upper or lower eyelid;
  • Dry eye syndrome. Insufficient secretion of natural lubrication makes a person feel foreign object inside the orbit and burning;
  • Keratitis. Inflammatory processes in the cornea cause redness and pain when moving the eyes;
  • Conjunctivitis. Purulent formations that occur in the mucosa provoke the appearance of puffiness. This, in turn, causes severe itching or burning;
  • Blepharitis. Acute or chronic inflammation eyelid tissue causes a feeling of clogging of the eye.

As you can see, the list of possible eye diseases serious enough. In addition, eye pain, photophobia, severe burning, redness and tearing may indicate the development of herpes zoster, measles, rubella, allergies, sinusitis and vascular disease.

Diagnosis of diseases

In order to assign competent treatment, it is necessary to undergo an appropriate examination in the clinic. Otherwise, you can start the disease and provoke serious complications.

In order for the ophthalmologist to be able to confidently issue a “verdict” to the patient, he must diagnose:

  • do visual inspection the patient;
  • find out the symptoms
  • check the reaction of the pupils to the light stimulus;
  • find out the patient's history;
  • check if there is a decrease in visual acuity;
  • determine the degree of sensitivity of photoreceptors to light;
  • in cases of suspected infectious viral diseases make appropriate analyses.

Methods of treatment

How can redness of the eyes and burning eyes be cured?

Depending on the cause of the problem, the specialist prescribes a certain drug. resort to self-treatment not worth it, because in most cases such experiments do not bring positive results.

What types of medicines can be prescribed by a doctor?

  • Tetracycline ointment. This tool allows you to cope with conjunctivitis, mechanical damage, thermal burns, as well as ailments that were caused by pathogens;
  • Oftalmoferon. The drug fights viral manifestations, as well as dry eye syndrome;
  • Emoxipin. The drug affects the blood microcirculation in small vessels, due to which there is a rapid resorption of hemorrhages in the eyeball;
  • Tsipromed. Effective eye drops fight against infectious diseases, blepharitis and mechanical damage mucous;
  • Thiotriazoline. One of the most effective means stimulating tissue regeneration after chemical and thermal burns;
  • Levomycetin. Sufficient strong medicine with very a wide range actions. It is used to eliminate infectious diseases such as keratitis or purulent conjunctivitis;
  • Drops "artificial tear". Effective treatment dryness and severe burning sensation in the eyes involves the use of drops, which are very similar in composition to human tears. Their regular use allows you to quickly cope with discomfort in the eye sockets.

In the absence of viral and infectious diseases, itching, burning and tearing can also be treated with folk remedies. Phytotherapists recommend using potato and nut lotions, compresses from decoctions of mint, black tea, onion peel, calendula and aloe.