How much chicken meat is digested. How much watermelon is digested in the body

Even without having medical education, often a person is interested in the intricacies of the digestion process in order to find out how long it takes for food to pass through gastrointestinal tract, as well as compare the assimilation of food by duration.

But why do we need to know this if the stomach does everything by itself without our conscious thinking? And in order for a person to avoid a combination of unsuccessful products, which not only make the stomach work harder, but also provoke the development various pathologies digestive organs.

Food is an integral part of the life of not only a person, but also all living beings that inhabit our planet, as it is a fuel for the body, a source of energy for future achievements. without vital nutrients the development, protection and regeneration of body cells will not be able to be carried out. The products that enter the body go an extremely long way before becoming a necessary building block. It should be noted that the energy consumption for the processing of certain products depends on their belonging to a certain group.

How much food is digested in the human body. The range is quite large and is half an hour to six hours. How long does it take for food to enter the intestines? After 7-8 hours of slow movement along small intestine with parallel splitting processes, the food gradually passes into the large intestine, where it can stay for about 20 hours. Average duration conversion of food into feces is one and a half days.

It is also worth pointing out that the terms "assimilation" and "digestion" are completely different. The first implies suction of incoming useful substances and using them as energy needs , serving to maintain the viability of systems and organs, as well as for the regeneration of cellular matter. Second determines how long food stays in the stomach undergoing staged processing in the form of synthesis into simple chemical compounds.

Every person who cares about their health and the health of their loved ones should know how long food is in the digestive organs, delimiting the time of digestion and assimilation of products. Doctors strongly do not recommend starting a new meal at a time when the old "batch" has not yet gone through the process of complete processing.

The time of digestion of food in the human stomach: table

Digestion rate is an indicator that indicates how long food enters the intestines after processing in the stomach. Sometimes products differ dramatically with characteristics relative to the specified parameter. Therefore, it is important to know how much cottage cheese, meat and other products are digested.

The table below will allow not only to find out the time, but also to systematize the obtained indicators for dividing food into groups.

Category Products Time
Not to be digested mushrooms, meat, tea and coffee with milk, durum pasta, stew and canned fish, mushrooms The duration of digestion of pork is about 6 hours. More than 4 hours or immediately withdrawn
Sustained absorption (complex carbohydrates) nuts, bakery products, legumes, mushrooms, cereals, hard cheese, cottage cheese, mushrooms and potatoes Cottage cheese - about two hours. Other products - about 2-3 hours
Average digestion time (proteins with little fat) Dairy and sour-milk products (in addition to hard cheese and cottage cheese), poultry meat, seafood, eggs Fish is digested for no more than one hour. Other products - about 1-2 hours
Rapid absorption (carbohydrates) Vegetables, fruits (excluding avocado and banana), vegetable and fruit juices, berries How long does a banana take to digest? About an hour. How much other fruits are digested - no more than 45 minutes

Based on these data, you can have an idea of ​​how long it takes for the stomach to digest the incoming food.

However, it is worth noting that special role plays a way of processing and mixing products.

Let's highlight the main points that greatly complicate the life of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • the same digestion time, no heat treatment, no added sugar and fats;
  • the same duration of digestion, spices, butter and sugar are added;
  • different duration of digestion, various processing and cooking methods, various fats and oils are added.

A competent approach will allow you to systematize the data obtained and build an infallible nutrition algorithm that is ideally suited directly to your body. Let's get familiar with existing nearby general rules which will significantly facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract:

Optimal time for various products

It is worth noting that the indicator of the number of hours of digestion of food in the stomach depends directly on the nature of the product itself.



Flour products:

Food of animal origin:



Meat is one of the main products in daily diet. The digestion of meat in the human body occurs according to a special mechanism. Food of animal origin contains protein, minerals and vitamins that the human body needs. But each type of this product has features that are worth knowing.

Composition and properties

Meat is rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, cholesterol and essential amino acids. The composition of this product contains trace elements such as iron, sodium, zinc, magnesium. And also in meat food there are vitamins of groups A, B, E, D, which regulate the functions of neurotransmitters, thereby guaranteeing working capacity and activity for a person. These substances are essential for the proper functioning of the body.

Meat contains proteins foreign to the human body. When using this product in large quantities, the natural intestinal microflora is disturbed.

Animal products can and should be included in your diet. Only they should be fresh and in moderation. The benefits of meat depend on how it is processed. Nutritionists do not recommend eating fried and smoked meat, it is better to bake or cook the product. Any meat product is recommended to be eaten simultaneously with vegetables or porridge, so that the absorption of the product will be complete.

Digestion process

Pepsin in the stomach breaks down complex proteins into simple level.

When it enters the mouth, the product is subjected to mechanical processing - chewing. The more thoroughly the food is chewed, the faster the digestion process will be. Food is coated in saliva, which is characterized by bactericidal properties. After swallowing the crushed food, it moves to the stomach. By using of hydrochloric acid product fibers are oxidized and more easily broken down by enzymes. Under the influence of pepsin and trypsin, the protein is broken down into amino acids.

Next, the lump falls into duodenum, there it is affected by bile and under gastric juice. AT small intestine proteins are broken down and fats are digested. Under the influence of enzymes, amino acids and vitamins enter the bloodstream. The rest of the food moves into colon. There, the assimilation of useful nutrients takes place, which then spread to all cells and ensure the maintenance of the body's vital functions. The large intestine absorbs minerals that are necessary for the normal functioning of a person.

Types of meat and digestion time

Meat is usually divided into 2 groups:

  • Diet varieties:
    • rabbit meat;
    • chicken;
    • beef;
    • turkey.
  • Fat varieties:
    • pork;
    • mutton.

Turkey meat takes a little longer to digest than chicken meat.

Diet varieties digest faster. assimilation fatty This product is considered heavy on the body and may cause stomach discomfort. But each type of meat has its own characteristics:

  • Rabbit meat. It is considered the most dietary. Rabbit meat is hypoallergenic, so it is given to young children. The human body absorbs it by 90%. Rabbit meat contains a small amount of cholesterol, it is rich in minerals, vitamins and fats. Contains an omega-3 substance that promotes brain activity. The digestion period is a little over 3 hours.
  • Chicken. The most common type meat product. Often used in the diet of athletes. Contains a lot of protein, has a balanced composition of amino acids, low fat. The speed of digestion of chicken meat depends on its variety, but on average it is 1.5 hours.
  • Turkey meat. Very similar in composition and properties to chicken, but contains a large number of macro- and microelements and low-calorie. Digestion of turkey takes longer than chicken, more than 2 hours.
  • Beef. Beef contains amino acids, protein necessary for human body. This meat is rich in zinc and iron capacity. The digestion time of beef takes 3-4 hours.
  • Pork. Contains many minerals and vitamin B group. It contains fat and is more difficult to digest by the body than other types. Therefore, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pork is excluded from the diet. Eating a significant amount of pork leads to obesity. In the human body, such a product is digested for about 5 hours.
  • Mutton. It contains little cholesterol and a large number of vitamins. fatty substances less than pork. But despite this, lamb is harder for the body to digest, the process is more than 3 hours. Therefore, people with diseases of the stomach lamb is contraindicated.

Many people, even those who monitor their diet, do not take into account such a factor as the time of digestion of food in the stomach and what it affects, so in this article we will understand in detail how long food is digested in the human stomach and what affects the speed of digestion.

What determines the rate of digestion of food over time?

  • Drinking water and other liquids during meals. It is not recommended to drink water and drinks during meals, as they dilute the gastric juice and the digestion time of the food increases (or the food is not completely digested).
  • Many products after heat treatment (boiling, frying, stewing) are absorbed in the human body longer (the time for assimilation of products increases).
  • Cold food is digested faster.
  • Food eaten at lunch is digested faster than food eaten in the morning and evening.
  • The rate of digestion in the stomach and assimilation in the body is strongly influenced by the type and amount of food consumed, since different foods are absorbed at different rates (from several minutes to several hours), while mixing them can increase the digestion time.

Of these factors, which significantly affect how quickly the food eaten and the drinks drunk will be digested, let's take a closer look at the speed of digestion of all foods separately and consider how many hours are digested various food(meat, fish, cereals, vegetables, fruits, etc.) in the human stomach.

Table: how much food is digested in the human stomach

The product's nameProduct digestion time
Water and drinks
Water (drank on an empty stomach)enters the intestine immediately
Vegetable and fruit juices15-30 minutes
TeaAbout 60 minutes
Broth (vegetable, chicken, meat)20-40 minutes
Vegetables and greens
Jerusalem artichoke (ground pear)1.5-2 hours
Potatoes (young potatoes)2 hours
boiled potatoes2-3 hours
Fried potato3-4 hours
Carrots (fresh)50-60 minutes
White cabbage (fresh)3 hours
Sauerkraut4 hours
Beets (boiled)45-55 minutes
Tomatoes30-40 minutes
Cucumber30-40 minutes
Bulgarian pepper30-40 minutes
Salad30-40 minutes
Greens30-40 minutes
Zucchini (boiled)40-50 minutes
Corn (boiled)40-50 minutes
Corn (canned)partially digested for at least a few hours
Salads with vegetable oil50-60 minutes
Mushrooms5-6 hours
Fruits and berries
Orange30 minutes
Grapefruit30 minutes
Grape30 minutes
Cherry40 minutes
Peach40 minutes
Pear40 minutes
Apple40 minutes
Kiwi20-30 minutes
Banana45-50 minutes
A pineapple40-60 minutes
Mango1.5-2 hours
Lentils3 hours
Peas2-2.5 hours
Green peas2-2.5 hours
Beans3 hours
Soya2 hours
Dried fruits and nuts
Dates2 hours
Raisin2 hours
Prunes3 hours
Nuts (walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts)3 hours
Seeds (seeds) of sunflower, pumpkin, sesame2 hours
Cereals and cereals
Millet60-80 minutes
Rice60-80 minutes
Buckwheat (buckwheat porridge)60-80 minutes
Barley porridge60-80 minutes
Oatmeal60-80 minutes
Milk and dairy products
Milk2 hours
Sour-milk drinks (such as kefir)60 minutes
homemade cheese90 minutes
Brynza90 minutes
Fat-free cottage cheese90 minutes
Fat cottage cheese2 hours
hard cheese4-5 hours
Yogurt2 hours
Ice cream2-2.5 hours
Chicken meat1.5-2 hours
Turkey2 hours
Pork3.5-5 hours
Beef3-4 hours
Mutton3-3.5 hours
SaloAt least 5-6 hours
Dumplings3-3.5 hours
Fish and seafood
Lean fish (such as cod)30 minutes
Fatty fish (herring, trout, salmon)50-80 minutes
Shrimps2-2.5 hours
Seafood Cocktail2.5-3 hours
flour products
Bread (wheat, rye)3-3.5 hours
Macaroni, spaghetti3-3.2 hours
egg white30 minutes
egg yolk45 minutes
Scrambled eggs ( fried eggs), omelette2-3 hours
boiled egg2-2.5 hours
Chocolate2 hours
Honey1-1.5 hours
Zephyr2 hours
Halva3 hours
Gumnot digested (leaves the body in 12-36 hours)

At detailed review presented table, we can conclude that the digestion time in the stomach different category products is:

  • Water and drinks are absorbed within 20 minutes.
  • Vegetables are digested within 30-60 minutes (with the exception of vegetables containing starch in large quantities).
  • Fruits and berries are digested within 20-40 minutes.
  • Legumes are digested within 2 hours (120 minutes).
  • Cereals and cereals are digested within 2 hours (120 minutes).
  • Nuts and seeds are digested within 3 hours (180 minutes).
  • Milk and dairy products are digested within 2 hours (120 minutes).
  • Fish and seafood are digested within 1 hour (60 minutes).
  • Poultry meat is digested within 2.5-3 hours.
  • large meat cattle absorbed within 4-6 hours.
  • Eggs are digested within 40-45 minutes.

On a note: the most quickly digestible foods are berries, fruits (excluding banana and avocado) and vegetables (with the exception of potatoes and Jerusalem artichoke), as well as fruit and vegetable juices. And products such as coffee, milk tea, hard cheese, fish and canned meat, stew, pate are digested long time or leave the human body without being digested (partially or completely).

  • More thoroughly chewed food is digested better and faster.
  • It is more beneficial for the body to eat foods that have the same digestion and assimilation time in order to reduce the load on the stomach.
  • Products with high content it is better to use protein only in a warm form (they are digested longer in the stomach, due to which all proteins useful for the body are broken down). Cold protein products do not have time to be digested in the stomach and are sent to the intestines, which can lead to backfire(disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, bloating).
  • It is better not to drink water and drinks during meals, so as not to dilute the gastric juice. By the way, ordinary drunk water is absorbed quickly (drinking on an empty stomach), while it does not linger in the stomach and immediately goes to the intestines.
  • Nuts and seeds are better absorbed if they are first soaked overnight in water, and then crushed.
  • Vegetables are better absorbed and bring more benefits to the body when they are not seasoned with oils (vegetable, olive), which prevent them from breaking down in the stomach (covering them with a “protective” film).

We hope the table indicated in the article helped you find answers to questions such as how much is digested in the stomach oatmeal on the water sauerkraut, canned corn, fat-free cottage cheese, dumplings, chewing gum, bacon, fish, meat, bread, apple, tangerines, bananas, grapes, persimmons and mushrooms.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how much food is digested in the human stomach, you can build your diet so that there is no big load on the stomach, and many healthy foods are absorbed better and they would be more beneficial for the body. Their helpful tips and reviews

Balanced nutrition is the most reasonable type of nutrition today. The term "digestion" in medicine means the time that food is in our stomach. This time is enough to digest proteins and fats, since the time of their splitting is equal to the time of digestion in the stomach.

With carbohydrates, things are more complicated. Two concepts are required here: "digestion", "assimilation". And they form the basis of the diet for a raw food diet, so clarity is important in this matter. It is when a person decides to switch to a raw food diet that the question arises, what is the rate of absorption of products.

Unfortunately, little attention is paid to this issue, despite the fact that it is fundamental in such a nutrition system. Separate intake means not just sequential consumption of food, which is separated in time, but the intake of one class of products after digestion (assimilation) of another. It is worth saying that the time and rate of assimilation various products may differ significantly.

Let's talk now about digestion and assimilation of food.

For our body, food is vital, it receives from it the substances necessary for life: nutritious and biologically valuable. But in order to get them, you must first digest food, first splitting it into chemical components, and then assimilate it.

The process of digestion takes a long time, it begins with enzymatic and mechanical processing of food in the oral cavity and ends in the last sections of the intestine. Such a journey of food in the body in time looks something like this: food is digested in the stomach from 30 minutes to 6 hours, continues to travel further in the small intestine until 7-8 hours, continuing to be broken down and absorbed along the way, and only then everything that has not had time to be digested , enters the large intestine and there can be up to 20 hours.

Now let's move on to the time of digestion and assimilation of products. This time is also called the speed of digestion (assimilation) of products. But in fact, at this time, food is processed only in the stomach. So.


  1. Tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, peppers, herbs - 30-40 minutes (vegetables that are seasoned with oil - up to 1.5 hours).
  2. Zucchini, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, corn - boiled are digested for 40 minutes, seasoned with oil - 50.
  3. Parsnips, beets, carrots, turnips - will be digested within 50-60 minutes.
  4. Potato, sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke, chestnuts, pumpkin, yams - in 60 minutes.

Berries and fruits:

  1. Berries, watermelon are digested for 20 minutes.
  2. Melon, grapes, citrus fruits and other juicy fruits - 30 minutes.
  3. Apples, pears, cherries, sweet cherries, peaches, apricots and other fruits are digested for 40 minutes.
  4. fruity, fruity vegetable salads- 30 - 50 minutes.


  1. Water is almost instantly absorbed if there is no other food in the stomach. It immediately enters the intestines in this case.
  2. Fruit and vegetable juices are digested within 10-30 minutes.
  3. Broths of various saturation - 20-40 minutes.
  4. Milk - up to 2 hours.

Cereals, cereals, legumes:

  1. Buckwheat, polished rice, millet are digested in 60-80 minutes.
  2. Barley, oatmeal, cornmeal - 1-1.5 hours.
  3. Peas, chickpeas, lentils, beans (red, white, black) - 1.5 hours.
  4. Soy - 2 hours.

Nuts and seeds:

  1. Sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, and melon pear seeds are digested on average in about 120 minutes.
  2. hazelnut, peanut, pecan, almond, Walnut- digested 150 - 180 minutes.


  1. Protein is digested in 30 minutes.
  2. Yolk - in 45 minutes.

Milk products:

  1. Any sour milk drinks - 60 minutes.
  2. Cheese, cottage cheese and homemade fat-free cheese - 90 minutes.
  3. Milk, fatty cottage cheese- 120 minutes.
  4. Hard fatty cheeses such as Swiss and Dutch take 4-5 hours to digest.

Fish and seafood:

  1. small, not oily fish will take 30 minutes to digest.
  2. Oily - 50-80 minutes.
  3. Protein from seafood is digested in 2-3 hours.


  1. Chicken, skinless chicken - 90-120 minutes.
  2. Skinless turkey - just over 2 hours.


  1. Beef will be digested - 3-4 hours.
  2. Lamb - 3 hours.
  3. Pork is digested in about 5 hours.

We examined the rate of digestion in the stomach of food, as well as the processes that affect this rate. Now you know what digests faster and what is slower, and you can use this knowledge in the fight against extra pounds.

(approximate time spent in stomach before passing on)

if the stomach is empty, passes immediately to the intestines

fruit and vegetable, vegetable broth - 15-20 minutes
Semi-liquid (mashed salad, vegetables or fruits) - 20-30 minutes

Watermelon - 20 minutes
Melons - 30 minutes
Oranges, grapefruits, grapes - 30 minutes
Apples, pears, peaches, cherries, etc. - 40 minutes

Raw mixed vegetable salads - tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, celery, green or red peppers, other juicy vegetables - 30-40 minutes

Vegetables boiled, stewed or steamed
Leafy vegetables - spinach, chicory, kale - 40 minutes
zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, pumpkin, corn on the cob - 45 minutes
Root vegetables - carrots, beets, parsnips, turnips, etc. - 50 minutes

Semi-concentrated carbohydrates - starches
Jerusalem artichoke, acorns, corn, potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, yams, chestnuts - 60 minutes

Concentrated carbohydrates - cereals
Brown rice, millet, buckwheat, cornflakes, oats (first 3 - best) - 90 minutes

Beans and legumes (Concentrated carbohydrates and protein)
Lentils, lima beans, chickpeas, peas, kidney beans and beans - 90 minutes
Soybeans - 120 minutes

Nuts and seeds
Seeds - sunflower, pumpkin, pepita, sesame - about 2 hours
Nuts - almonds, filberts, peanuts (raw), cashews, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans - 2.5-3 hours

Skimmed milk, ricotta, low-fat cottage cheese or cream cheese - about 90 minutes
Whole milk cottage cheese - 120 minutes
Whole milk hard cheese - 4-5 hours

animal squirrels
Egg yolk - 30 minutes
Egg (full) - 45 minutes
Fish - cod, scrod, flounder, sole seafood - 30 minutes
Fish - salmon, trout, herring, oilier fish - 45-60 minutes
Chicken - 1-2 hours (no skin)
Turkey - 2 hours (no skin)
Beef, lamb - 3-4 hours
Pork - 4-5 hours

Editor's Notes
approx. one: raw animal proteins are digested in more than a short time than that given above for prepared/heated animal fats.
approx. 2: this digestion time is given for the ideal situation where you eat one food at a time, chew well, your digestive tract works effectively, as, for example, after fasting. This is the digestion time for optimal healthy person with healthy eating behavior. For the most part, this data comes from the work of Dr. Gian-Curcio and Dr. Bass.
Digestion time for normal diets, for people with suboptimal digestion who are low on energy, and for meals that are mixed from a large number of ingredients (not assembled in right order), much longer.

For proper nutrition you need to know not only the number of calories in food, but also the time it takes to digest a particular product, so as not to burden the stomach with a senseless load in the form of some apple eaten between lunch and dinner. Fast-digesting foods give a person fast energy, digested slowly - a long feeling of satiety. Everything that is not included in the digestion time described below is digested even longer.
1 hour 15 minutes

1 hour 30 minutes
sea ​​kale

1 hour 45 minutes

2 hours
Sweet cherry
Coconut milk
brown rice

2 hours 15 minutes
Fresh figs
A pineapple
Salads: lettuce, head, etc.

2 hours 30 minutes
Dried figs
fresh peach
White rice
Basmati rice

2 hours 45 minutes
fresh apples
fresh apricots
Dried apricots
fresh coconut meat
pine nut
vegetable marrow
wheat bran

3 hours
Dried prunes
Swiss chard
Sweet corn
White beans
Soya beans
germinated wheat

3 hours 15 minutes
Olive oil
Cashew nuts
Dried coconut pulp
Sweet green pepper
sweet potato
fresh peas

3 hours 30 minutes
Sesame oil
dried peas
Soybean oil

3 hours 45 minutes
red cabbage

4 hours
Brussels sprouts

Useful products that deserve more attention.

There are a number of products that we very rarely or never buy. Let us recall at least those vegetables and fruits that our mothers and fathers forced to eat, but we stubbornly refused. It's a pity! They help to improve health without a doctor's prescription. The benefits of such products have been proven by many years of use, and some - literally for centuries.
First on the list -
kiwi. This exotic fruit is last years became a regular guest on our shelves. One kiwi a day covers daily allowance vitamin C, which is known to strengthen immune system, blood vessels, increases the body's resistance to all kinds of infections, helps the body fight stress. In addition, kiwi contains a lot of magnesium, potassium mineral salts and fiber, which helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body and normalizes digestion.
Second in line useful product -
cranberry. This berry is indispensable for colds - it has an antipyretic effect, kills viruses in acute respiratory infections. The use of these healing berries lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patients, strengthens the gums, enhances the secretory activity of the pancreas.
Raisins are a tasty and nutritious product with many beneficial properties. Raisins have a strengthening effect on nervous system, helps to suppress anger, strengthens the heart. Raisins contain substances that stop the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.
Ends our list
broccoli. This is an excellent supplier of vitamins C, PP, K, U and beta-carotene. ascorbic acid(vitamin C) in broccoli is almost 2.5 times more than in such recognized suppliers of this vitamin as citrus fruits. In addition, broccoli is a valuable source minerals: in terms of the content of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, it competes with its closest relative - cauliflower, surpassing it twice in terms of not only mineral salts, but also protein. Even for broccoli, the fame of a famous cancer fighter has been entrenched - because of selenium, which this product is especially rich in. And, finally, for those who care about their figure, it will be useful to know that the calorie content of broccoli is only some 30 kcal per 100 g!
