Nutmeg essential oil beneficial properties and uses. Nutmeg oil

properties and applications

(Myristica fragrans Houtt.)

Action(see below for details):
analgesic, hemostatic, tonic. Increases sexual activity (aphrodisiac). Improves digestion, increases appetite. Stimulates blood circulation. Increases performance, relieves mental fatigue. Reduces toothache, pain in muscles and joints. Stimulates and normalizes menstruation. Eliminates sagging skin. Stops hair loss and stimulates hair growth.
Essential oil nutmeg applies(see below for details) for mental fatigue, bleeding, impotence, indigestion, arthritis, myositis, neuritis, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, gout, for the care of aging skin and as a remedy for wrinkles on the face and neck.

Effects of nutmeg essential oil

hemostatic, antiseptic, antifungal, antifungal, expectorant, antispasmodic, analgesic, carminative, diuretic, antioxidant, astringent, antiemetic, laxative, general stimulant, tonic, cardiotonic.
Activates the heart, stimulates central and peripheral circulation, helps to quickly warm up and increases the effectiveness of sports.

Effectively affects the digestive system. Strengthens enzymatic activity digestive organs, increasing appetite and improving food digestion processes. Promotes dissolution gallstones. Deodorizes breath, eliminating bad smell from mouth.
Enhances performance, relieves mental fatigue. Increases thinking productivity and memory capacity. Can be used as a remedy against fainting. Nutmeg essential oil fills with energy, inspires, and increases the brightness of perception of the world. Eliminates overexcitation and stress, relieves nervous and cold chills, helps to quickly recover from conflicts and grievances. The scent of meditation. Eliminates hysterical attitudes and self-pity.
Develops will, helps to achieve success in achieving your goals.
It increases sexual activity in both men and women, and has a strong reputation as an effective aphrodisiac.
Has an estrogen-like effect, stimulates and normalizes menstruation, reduces menstrual pain. By enhancing uterine contraction, it helps during childbirth. Eliminates functional disorders V menopause, helping to get rid of neuroses and apathy.
Aromatherapy manuals note that its warming and analgesic effects help with neuralgia, dental, muscle and joint pain.
It is considered a “cosmetic surgeon”, eliminating sagging skin and rejuvenating its cells. The brightest cosmetic property This oil is its ability to tone hair, stop hair loss, increase strength and stimulate hair growth.

Aroma: warm, warming, pulsating, heady, intoxicatingly spicy, sweetish-tart, slightly musky, slightly peppery.

application cases

Asthenia, mental fatigue, impotence, bronchitis, acute respiratory diseases, dysfunction gastrointestinal tract(flatulence, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation), intestinal infections, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.
As a hemostatic agent, it is used for bleeding (nasal, traumatic, uterine).
It is used as an effective painkiller for arthritis, myositis, neuritis, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, gout, and joint stiffness.
For the care of aging skin and as a remedy for wrinkles on the face and neck.
Other uses:
Used in cosmetics and perfumery, mainly for men, as well as for creating spicy compositions " oriental type" It serves as a fragrance and fixative in the manufacture of soap, scented candles, deodorants, cologne, and perfumes. The main consumer of oil, as well as the nuts themselves, is food industry. Nutmeg is a popular spice all over the world. Nuts and essential oil are used to flavor baked goods, cakes, cookies, creams, pickles, sauces, ketchups and others. food products and dishes. In the canning industry it is used as a flavoring agent standardized in composition and properties. Also used in the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. It is also a component of some pharmaceutical preparations with analgesic and tonic effects. However, for internal use there are restrictions on its concentration, since components such as safrole, elemicin, myristicin have a psychotropic effect and can cause altered states of consciousness and hallucinations.

Receive obtained by steam distillation from the fruits and pericarps of nutmeg (nutmeg) - Myristica fragrans Houtt. (muscat family - Myristicaceae).
Origin of the plant: Moluccas and Banda Sea Islands.
Plant distribution: Cultivated in Southern and South-East Asia, South America, East Africa and Madagascar.

Light mobile liquid light yellow color with an astringent taste and a weak specific spicy-pepper odor, which only intensifies when the oil is diluted. Over time it may darken and become more viscous.
Main components:
alpha and beta pinene, camphene, sabinene, myrcene, cymene, terpinene, terpinolene, terpinen-4-ol, alpha-terpineol, alpha and beta phellandrene, 1,8-cineole, limonene, linalool, geraniol, safrole, eugenol, isoeugenol, methyleugenol, myristicin, elemicin. The oil contains about 80% monoterpene hydrocarbons, 10% terpene alcohols and their acetates and about 10% phenylallyl derivatives (eugenol, methyleugenol, safrole, myristicin, elemicin, isoelemycin), which affect not only the smell, but also the medical and biological properties .


With oils of orange, clove, geranium, cypress, coriander, cinnamon, lavender, frankincense, lime, lemon, mandarin, lemon balm, juniper, mint, patchouli, rosemary, santhal, thyme, tea tree. Complementary oils – cinnamon, lavender, lime.


For massage— 5-10 drops per 10 ml of base vegetable oil.
For enrichment of creams and tonics– 2 – 3 drops per 10 ml of base.
For inhalations– 1-2 drops.
IN aroma lamp– 2-3 drops.

Precautionary measures.
Do not use during pregnancy, epilepsy, increased nervous excitability And mental illness, and hypersensitivity to the oil components. Is potent drug, it should be used with caution, strictly observing dosages. Exceeding doses leads to an increase in toxic effect due to the presence of safrole, myristicin, elemicin, which have a psychotropic effect. Long-term use may cause overstimulation nervous system, euphoria, disturbances of consciousness, convulsions, loss of sensitivity, disturbance heart rate. When applied to the skin, it can cause irritation, and with prolonged contact, it can cause burns.
Storage conditions.

Store in tightly sealed dark glass bottles at room temperature out of the reach of children. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

Articles on the topic "Essential oil Nutmeg «.

In the 11th and 12th centuries, nutmeg was worth its weight in gold. The island plantations, where enterprising merchants grew nutmeg trees, brought fabulous profits to their owners - up to 1000% of income. Natives who tried to grow nutmeg were severely punished - planters suppressed any attempts to create competition. The use of nutmeg was considered the privilege of noble and wealthy people, nutmeg oil They were used as a flavoring agent for royal residences, and the crushed kernels were poured into special compartments on the belt or pendants and carried with them. It was considered especially chic to take out such a pendant during a dinner party and season the food served with fragrant spices to your liking.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, nutmeg production reached stratospheric heights. For one pound of this spice you could buy six (!) cows, and it was poured into miniature glass vials and was valued no less than the most exquisite jewelry. It was believed that a few drops nutmeg oil, applied to the skin or clothing, makes any person attractive to the opposite sex - this property has only further increased the value of nutmeg.

In the 18th century, the French government sent an entire expedition to search for nutmeg. The expedition was well equipped and armed - everyone understood the complexity and danger of the task. The participants in the “spy” campaign lived up to the hopes placed on them: they managed to steal and take away seeds and seedlings of the nutmeg tree from Holland. The Dutch, who realized it too late, sent their ships after the kidnappers, but the French were quicker, and soon nutmeg spread throughout the world.

Properties of nutmeg oil

Obtained by steam distillation. It is a light liquid with a viscous consistency and has a complex chemical composition. It, along with aromatic substances-terpenes (geraniol, dipentene, ovgenol, etc.) contains many biologically active substances, which, taken together, have a fairly strong psychostimulating effect on the human nervous system. Therefore, the use nutmeg essential oil has some contraindications and is not recommended for use by pregnant women and people with nervous excitability.

Nutmeg oil has antibacterial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and hemostatic effects. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, softens it and stimulates regeneration. Effectively helps with fungal infections, swelling, irritation.

Prevents hair loss and eliminates dandruff. Nutmeg essential oil, at correct dosage, relieves nervous excitement, tones and activates brain activity. In addition, it is a powerful aphrodisiac - it was not for nothing that noble nobles paid for a small bottle of oil with gold and jewelry.

Health benefits of nutmeg oil

Nutmeg oil great for treatment infectious diseases, arthritis, osteochondrosis, neuralgia, neuritis, muscle pain. If you have a sore throat, it is recommended to gargle with warm water several times a day. boiled water with the addition of 5-6 drops of oil per glass. You can add 10-minute inhalations to the rinses - they will help relieve inflammation. For colds and joint diseases Hot ones have a good effect (dilute a few drops of nutmeg oil in 100 g of milk and add to water).

Massage using nutmeg oil. Mix 5 drops of oil with 10 g of base (cream or vegetable oil) and rub thoroughly sore spot. This composition will also help people with weakened psyches: massage the head and neck twice a day, pressing each point well with your fingers - this procedure will calm and relieve nervous tension, normalizes sleep. After a massage, it is not advisable to go outside for two hours.

With flatulence, intestinal disorders, loss of appetite drink Herb tea, adding one drop of nutmeg oil to it. This will restore gastric activity, relieve spasms and normalize stool. Can be used nutmeg essential oil and to aromatize the room by adding 5-7 drops to the aroma lamp.

Nutmeg oil in cosmetology

Nutmeg oil not suitable for sensitive skin, therefore, before use, test the composition on a small area of ​​skin.

Skin care. Add a few drops of oil to your daily skin care cream (2 drops per 50 g of base), apply as usual. Tones, eliminates fine wrinkles and inflammation. Once a week you can make a moisturizing mask for the neck and décolleté: mix 100 cottage cheese, a teaspoon of sour cream and half a teaspoon of natural orange juice, add 2 drops of nutmeg oil. Apply thin layer and wash off after 10-15 minutes warm water. Lubricate your skin with nourishing cream.

Hair care. Mix 1 egg yolk, juice from half a lemon, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 2 drops nutmeg oil. Rub the mixture into the scalp, wrap your head in a terry towel and hold the compress for 20 minutes. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo. Strengthens hair, eliminates dry skin.

Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

The fruit of a plant unusual for our regions - nutmeg (Myristica Fragrans), whose homeland is Indonesia, has served as a discovery for humanity. Were studied it unique composition and properties, therefore the production of nutmeg essential oil began. The substance has a psychophysical effect - light yellow, viscous consistency, with a spicy, bitter-sweet aroma.

Used for oil production standard method distillation, and after crushing - the method of steam distillation. In production, ripe and bursting fruits of fragrant nutmeg are used without human intervention. Sometimes in sales you can see oil extracted from the soft peel of the nut. Store the finished product in a dark place in glass containers for about 2 years.


The benefits of the oil are due to its rich chemical composition. It is a storehouse of vitamins, macro and microelements.

  • Vitamins A, D, PP, F, E, K, group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B12).
  • Potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium.
  • Copper, phosphorus, selenium, iron, sodium, manganese.
  • Borneol.
  • Terpenes.
  • Limonene.
  • Phenols.

The healing effects of spicy oil on the body

  • It has a calming effect. Eliminates nervous and frosty tremors.
  • Develops memory and intuition.
  • Cups painful sensations. It is an antispasmodic. Helps with joint pain, osteochondrosis.
  • Deodorizes.
  • Disinfects.
  • Tones.
  • Prevents the formation of gases in the intestines.
  • Has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Heals fungal diseases.
  • Sets up work digestive system, intestinal motility.
  • Relieves the gag reflex and nausea.
  • Has a general stimulating effect. Used during obstetrics.
  • Normalizes blood circulation. Is an aphrodisiac.
  • Relieves symptoms during menopause.
  • Stops uterine bleeding.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the bronchi.
  • Has a warming effect.
  • Repels midges, mosquitoes, ticks, horse flies.

Uses of nutmeg essential oil

Spicy liquid can influence mood, not just calm the nervous system, but give a feeling of happiness. It has positive influence on the perception of the surrounding world. Has a beneficial effect on sex life partners. Arouses interest and desire. Heals from pathologies:

  1. Problems with musculoskeletal system(arthritis, deterioration motor activity vertebrae, gout, arthrosis).
  2. Fungal skin infections, swelling, alopecia.
  3. Diseases respiratory tract(bronchitis, colds, rhinitis, pneumonia, laryngitis).
  4. It relieves hysteria, heals the central nervous system, and removes apathy and melancholy. Copes with migraines.
  5. Heals from lesions oral cavity, gingivitis, periodontal disease.
  6. Indicated for problems with potency, frigidity, violation monthly cycle, relieves symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome.
  7. Used for stool disorders, vomiting, flatulence, lack of appetite, cholelithiasis.
  8. This oil is effective in cases of excess weight, disorders metabolic processes, a decrease in estrogen in the blood.

Essential nutmeg concentrate can improve the properties of other oils. It harmoniously combines with essential oils of cinnamon, juniper, tea tree, orange, and patchouli. A combination of up to 4 ester components in one composition is allowed.

Cosmetological properties

Nutmeg essential oil has long been used effectively in for cosmetic purposes, it is also used to add aroma to men's perfume. Adding a few drops to usual means care, you can:

  1. Strengthen, restore, enhance hair growth. Cure from alopecia, split ends, hair loss.
  2. Tighten facial skin, smooth out wrinkles, get rid of sagging.
  3. Sculpt the body using massage using etherol, give it elasticity, get rid of the “orange peel”.
  4. Eliminate the development and signs of vital activity of fungal microorganisms. Has a fungicidal effect.
  5. Stimulate blood circulation, therefore, provide nutrition to the follicles.


Like all foreign substances that come into contact with the human body, nutmeg oil has contraindications:

  1. Cannot be used during pregnancy or in children.
  2. Prolonged contact with skin is not recommended (4 hours, no more), as it can cause burns.
  3. Do not use on sensitive skin.
  4. Contraindicated for people with nervous disorders And increased excitability, with schizophrenia, epilepsy.

It is important to adhere to the indicated dosage, as this powerful stimulants functioning of the heart and nervous system. Also, myristicin and safrole in the composition can have a narcotic and hallucinogenic effect - the nutmeg etherol does not tolerate neglect.

Average dosage for home use

  1. Compresses: Nutmeg oil (5 drops) is combined with a base (10 ml), heated, and applied to the injured area.
  2. Hemostatic tampons: Apply etherol (2-3 drops) to the turunda soaked in base or water, squeeze out, and tamp tightly.
  3. Nasal drops: St. John's wort oil (2-3 teaspoons) is mixed with essential nutmeg (2 drops), 3 drops are instilled into each nostril hourly.
  4. Local applications: St. John's wort oil (10 drops) is combined with essential nutmeg concentrate (5 drops), applied strictly to the inflamed area using a cotton swab.
  5. Composition for washing wounds: 2% solution. nutmeg (30 drops) emulsified with 0.5 teaspoon soda and diluted in water - 100 ml.
  6. For rinsing: Half a teaspoon of emulsifier (salt, honey, soda), combine with nutmeg essential oil (1 drop). Dilute in a glass of warm water.
  7. For inhalations: Hot (3-5 minutes), cold (2-3 minutes) - 1 drop of nutmeg concentrate.
  8. Remedy for mosquito bites: Base oil or body milk (50 ml) is combined with nutmeg (15 drops), distributed in even layers on open areas skin.
  9. Cosmetic ice: Nutmeg ether (2 drops) is combined with industrial cream for cosmetic purposes (1 teaspoon), mixed until smooth with water (200 ml), frozen into ice cubes. Use to wipe the face and neck. Cosmetic cream can be replaced with honey.
  10. Nourishing hair mask: Nutmeg concentrate (5-7 drops) is combined with clay, balm, macadamia oil (7 ml), distributed over the skin between the hair, wrapped and allowed to soak (15 minutes).
  11. Warm mask from acne and post-acne scars: Honey (1 tablespoon) is combined with cinnamon (a quarter of a teaspoon), nutmeg oil (1 drop). The composition is heated until pleasant warm state. Distribute evenly over cleansed skin for 20 minutes. Rinse off with chamomile decoction or warm water, without using deep cleansers.
  12. For mixing with usual cosmetics: The base (5 ml.) is mixed with etherol (1-3 drops). It is believed that the smell of nut oil helps the right attitude for meditation, helps to distract from pressing problems, penetrates into the subconscious. Eastern yoga schools use it in their classes.

Important! When applying any mixture with essential nutmeg oil to the skin, a characteristic burning sensation appears, which can last 2-3 minutes. This is a natural reaction.

Video: nutmeg essential oil

In this article we talk about nutmeg oil. You will learn about it healing properties, methods of use and contraindications. Homemade mask recipes will help you take full care of your skin and hair.

Nutmeg oil has a bright and rich aroma and is used in perfumery.

Nutmeg oil properties and uses

The oil can cure many diseases, as it has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used in medicine to treat diseases of the back, stomach, kidneys and other organs and systems.

It helps improve blood circulation, protects against bacteria and viruses, awakens the body's hidden powers and has a tonic effect.

In cosmetology, nutmeg oil has gained great popularity; it helps maintain a healthy and fresh appearance of the skin.

Its use has a beneficial effect on the body and relaxes it. Experts recommend using oil, as having a warming effect, it promotes weight loss and removal of toxins from the body.

Beneficial effects of nutmeg oil:

  • helps fight nervous exhaustion, apathy, depression;
  • fights intestinal infections;
  • treats respiratory diseases;
  • improves the condition of blood vessels varicose veins veins;
  • helps improve sleep;
  • accelerates fat burning;
  • increases concentration;
  • improves cardiac activity;
  • rejuvenates, cleanses and restores the body.

Nutmeg oil is a powerful natural aphrodisiac and can solve problems reproductive system men.

Use a product for making massage mixtures, add a couple of drops to the bath and make compresses.

Aromatherapy with oil helps get rid of negative thoughts and nervous disorders.

Nutmeg oil can be used internally. To do this, you need to dilute a drop of the product in 100 ml of water or chamomile decoction. Use 20 minutes before meals. This will help cure gastrointestinal diseases.

Nutmeg oil in cosmetology

The product has long been popular among cosmetologists. It can be added to products to treat hair and skin diseases.

Products with the addition of nutmeg oil promote cell renewal, stimulate collagen production, and remove excess sebum.

Those with sensitive skin should use the oil with caution. It may cause irritation as it is a potent agent.

Nutmeg oil for face

The oil helps to care for aging facial skin, as it has a rejuvenating effect and restores elasticity to the skin.

It is used to treat acne and acne scars.

Use nutmeg oil on your face with caution as it may cause inflammation or irritation. The instructions for use should be strictly followed and the dosage should not be exceeded.

You can prepare homemade skin care masks.

Below are effective recipes.

Mask for oily skin


  1. Liquid honey - 1 tbsp.
  2. Nutmeg oil - 3 drops.
  3. - 1 drop.
  4. Sour cream - 1 tsp.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients until smooth.

How to use: Apply the mask to cleansed facial skin 1 hour before bedtime. You can distribute the product onto the décolleté and neck area. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. At the end of the procedure, wipe your face with a refreshing toner or apply a light night cream.

Result: The components of the mask regulate the work sebaceous glands. After a few treatments, you will notice that your skin condition has improved and the oily sheen is less noticeable.

Mask for dry skin


  1. - 1 tbsp.
  2. - 3 drops.
  3. Nutmeg oil - 2 drops.
  4. Lingonberries (can be cranberries) - 3 pcs.
  5. Patchouli essential oil - 1 drop.

How to cook: Mash the berries and mix with the rest of the ingredients.

How to use: Apply the mask with massaging movements, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and moisturize your skin with coconut oil.

Result: The effect will be noticeable after several weeks of use. Dryness and flaking will go away. The skin will receive maximum nutrition and hydration. This mask is good to make in winter.

Anti-wrinkle mask:


  1. Nutmeg oil - 3 drops.
  2. Cream - 1 tbsp.
  3. Cinnamon essential oil - 2 drops.
  4. Aloe juice - 10 ml.
  5. Rose oil - 3 drops.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients.

How to use: Distribute the mask over the entire surface of the face, neck and décolleté. Leave on for 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Moisturize your skin with cream or wipe with toner.

Result: Active components masks penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and restore collagen production. After a month of regular procedures, you will notice that there are much fewer wrinkles and the texture of your face has smoothed out.

Rejuvenating mask


  1. Nutmeg oil - 3 drops.
  2. Ylang-ylang essential oil - 2 drops.
  3. - 1 drop.
  4. Natural yogurt - 2 tbsp.
  5. Finely ground oatmeal - 2 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients until you obtain a creamy consistency.

How to use: Apply the resulting mixture in an even layer to cleansed skin of the face and neck. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Result: You will see the effect after a month of regular procedures. The skin will become smooth, moisturized and elastic.

Homemade masks can serve as an alternative to salon care, as they have a natural composition.

Nutmeg body oil

Homemade products will help you take care of your skin without visiting cosmetologists.

Anti-cellulite scrub


  1. Ground walnuts - 1 tbsp.
  2. Cane sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  3. Nutmeg oil - 7 drops.
  4. - 1 tbsp.
  5. Almond oil - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients until a thick mass is obtained.

How to use: Apply the scrub to problem areas of the body and scrub for 5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and apply moisturizer to your body.

Result: The product will help get rid of orange peel.

Rejuvenating scrub


  1. Sea salt - 1 tbsp.
  2. Round rice - 1 tsp.
  3. Nutmeg oil - 5 drops.
  4. Lavender essential oil - 2 drops.
  5. Olive oil - 1 tbsp.
  6. Apricot oil - 1 tsp.
  7. - 1 drop.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients.

How to use: Apply the product to cleansed body skin and scrub for 5-7 minutes. Rinse with water.

Result: You will notice that your skin has become firmer and tighter.

Body wrap


  1. Nutmeg oil - 5 drops.
  2. Clove essential oil - 3 drops.
  3. Cinnamon essential oil - 3 drops.
  4. - 2 drops.
  5. Tincture hot pepper- 10 drops.
  6. Olive oil - 5-6 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients.

How to use: Apply the oil mixture to problem areas of the body and wrap with cling film. To enhance the effect, cover yourself with a blanket. Carry out the procedure for no more than 25 minutes. Rinse with water and apply body cream.

Result: After 5 procedures, you will notice that your skin has become smooth, elastic and toned. The wrap is suitable for those who want to lose weight, as it combats extra pounds and removes excess volume.

Homemade body remedies will help you always stay in good shape and maintain skin elasticity.

Nutmeg oil for hair

The oil helps strengthen hair follicles, gives hair shine and volume.

Hair growth mask


  1. Nutmeg oil - 4 drops.
  2. Almond oil - 1 tbsp.
  3. - ½ tsp.
  4. Cognac - 1 tsp.
  5. Protein - 1 pc.

How to cook: Beat the egg white and add oil to it.

How to use: Apply the mask to the scalp and massage for 3 minutes. Distribute over the entire length and comb. Collect hair and leave for 1 hour.

Rinse with water.

Result: After a month of regular use, you will notice that your hair has become thicker, denser, and has begun to grow faster.

Firming mask


  1. - 1 tbsp.
  2. Chamomile decoction - 100 ml.
  3. Bay essential oil - 3 drops.
  4. Cinnamon essential oil - 2 drops.

How to cook: Combine the ingredients and mix well.

How to use: Distribute the mask over the entire length of your hair and comb thoroughly. Leave for 1 hour and rinse with water and shampoo.

Result: Hair will gain additional volume and shine.

Masks based on nutmeg oil will help strengthen your hair and prevent problems with it.

Allergy to nutmeg oil

Nutmeg oil can cause allergies, which manifest as rashes and redness.

To avoid this, do an allergy test or consult your doctor.

Nutmeg oil during pregnancy

Aromatherapy with nutmeg oil

Aromatherapy sessions using oil will help relieve tension and stress, relieve insomnia, and help cope with hysteria and depression.

It is useful for women to inhale oil vapors, as it helps to improve self-esteem.

Please note: fumigation of the room should not exceed 1.5-2 hours.

Contraindications and restrictions

Nutmeg oil has contraindications. It should not be used by pregnant women, children, or people with epilepsy.

The instructions for use must be strictly followed, otherwise it will lead to a negative effect.

Nutmeg is a very popular spice, constantly used to prepare various dishes by many chefs from different parts of the world. This seasoning harmonizes haute cuisine dishes, imparting a warm taste and aroma. But the spice is not only famous for this; nutmeg oil is also made from it - a unique and rare product that has many healing properties.

The history of using nutmeg oil is quite long. Its homeland is the Moluccas Spice Islands. Muscat appeared on European tables in the 6th century, and in the 12th century it became so popular that all of Europe began ordering this product from merchants in distant Arab countries.

Nowadays, nutmeg essential oil is also very popular. Today, as in ancient times, it remains in demand and expensive product, as well as the richest aromatic oil.

From what parts and how is nutmeg oil obtained?

Receive ether extract just like a spice, through processing ripe fruit fragrant nutmeg. Moreover, only plant kernels are used for production. However, today you can buy an oil product made from the color of nutmeg (machis), the peel that covers the seeds.

It is worth noting that the essential extract obtained from the aroma has similar characteristics, but has a softer, more refined odor. From nuts oil extract obtained by steam or water distillation.


Nutmeg oil is transparent with a slight beige tint. Its consistency is the same as tea tree oil. The smell is characteristic, intoxicating and warming. In conditions proper storage aroma oil can retain its valuable properties for 5-8 years. The product cannot be used undiluted due to its high toxicity.

Nutmeg goes well with floral, spicy, woody essential extracts:

  • geraniums;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • sandalwood;
  • mint;
  • sage;
  • black pepper;
  • myrrh;
  • lemon balm;
  • ginger;
  • patchouli.

Beneficial features

Nutmeg oil is very valuable due to a number of unique properties:

  1. Nutmeg aroma oil activates blood circulation and also improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  2. The essential product of fragrant nutmeg is an antibacterial agent that actively fights various inflammations, which is often used to disinfect indoor air. The substance also improves the functioning of the bronchi, increasing their elasticity.
  3. Nutmeg essential oil normalizes work digestive organs. Removes foul odor from the mouth, improves stomach fermentation and actively fights nausea. Effectively fights indigestion and eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, kills intestinal infections.
  4. The essential extract has antispasmodic, warming, and anti-edematous effects. The product is actively used for myositis, pain in muscles and joints, arthritis, osteochondrosis, as well as neuralgic diseases.
  5. Nutmeg oil is an excellent hemostatic agent that can cope with internal bleeding. Also, the essential product effectively fights fungal diseases, activates hair growth, whitens the skin, making it more elastic.


Today, the essential essence obtained from fragrant nutmeg is actively used in a variety of fields:

  1. Aromatherapy. Thanks to its warm, spicy aroma, nutmeg oil helps cope with nervous conditions, hysterics, and depression. At the same time, the spicy nutmeg aroma improves memory and even sharpens intuitive abilities. Moreover, this product is a very powerful aphrodisiac. For use in an aroma lamp, it is not recommended to add more than 3 drops.
  2. Medicine. Aroma oil has a wide variety of medicinal properties. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that it is actively used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, digestive organs, joints, blood vessels and heart. For inhalation add 1-2 drops.
  3. Cosmetology. Nutmeg essential oil is an important component of products designed to stop hair loss. Nutmeg is also used to strengthen cell membranes and care for sagging (atonic) aging skin. To care for skin or hair, add 2-3 drops of nutmeg oil per 20 grams of shampoo, cream or other cosmetic product.