Hair mask for severe dandruff. Honey-egg mask for dandruff

Today we will find out which masks at home are effective against dandruff. Of course, there are a huge number pharmaceutical drugs, which promise to help cope with dandruff. But most of them are either dummy or cost a lot of money. The problem of dandruff is alarming great amount of people. And, if you once got rid of it, this does not mean that dandruff no longer threatens you. Therefore, in addition to getting rid of it, it is also necessary to create all the conditions so that dandruff does not appear again. But we will talk about this in another article.

There are many proven anti-dandruff masks at home. Still, homemade masks are much better, healthier, more effective and cheaper than store-bought products. No one will promote a homemade mask if it does not help against dandruff, but with store-bought ones the situation is different. Therefore, in today’s article I will share with you the most effective and proven homemade masks against dandruff. However, first you should decide what type of dandruff you have, and, based on this type, use specific masks. There is dry and wet dandruff.

  • Dry dandruff haunts owners of dry and brittle hair. The scalp is terribly dry and itches periodically. Because of this, hair falls out rapidly.
  • Wet dandruff- those with very oily hair types. This dandruff looks like large white flakes.

Masks for dry dandruff at home:

Mask with oils

Any vegetable oils are perfect for this mask, such as castor, flaxseed, burdock, argan and others. Once the oil is selected, pour out 2-3 tablespoons and heat it. Then add a couple of drops essential oil rosemary, orange and eucalyptus. Massage the mixture into your scalp. You can put a hat on top. Leave the mask on for 40-80 minutes and wash off with shampoo. To get rid of dandruff, use this mask at home 2-3 times a week.

Masks with yolk

Separate two yolks. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and mix with the yolks. You can add castor oil or any other oil to the mixture, if available. Apply the mask to the scalp and leave for 30-60 minutes. Use this mask 1 time every 3 days.

Separate 1 yolk, mix it with a teaspoon of aloe juice and two tablespoons of honey. Also, add a tablespoon of sunflower oil and mayonnaise. After mixing everything, rub it into the roots. We put all this under a hat and insulate it. Wash off after 30 minutes.


Mix the yolk with 3 tablespoons of kefir and one tablespoon of olive oil. Rub into the roots and distribute along the length. Keep the mask on for at least two hours. Apply 2 times a week.


Take the yolk, a teaspoon of calendula tincture and a little of any oil. Rub into the roots and leave for no more than two hours. Use this anti-dandruff mask It is best not more than twice a week.

Onion masks

This mask is very effective in fighting dandruff, however, it has a drawback. Since it contains onion juice, after use your hair will smell like onions. Rinsing with water and lemon juice will help get rid of the smell.

For the mask we need a tablespoon of fresh onion juice and a spoonful of vodka. Mix and add a tablespoon of castor oil. Rub the mask into the roots and leave in a warm place for about an hour.


Finely grated onion must be mixed with honey, maintaining a 4:1 ratio. Add a little olive oil and apply to the roots. Wash off after 60 minutes.

Masks for oily dandruff at home:

Green clay mask

Take 2 tablespoons of green clay and add a decoction of any herbs to it, so that you get a very thick mixture. Now add the yolk and tbsp to the mixture. apple cider vinegar. Keep the mask on for 30 to 40 minutes.

Mustard mask

Take a tablespoon of dry mustard powder and dilute warm water to obtain the consistency of sour cream. Add two tablespoons of lemon juice. Mix and apply to scalp. We wash off the mask after 10-15 minutes. If suddenly after a couple of minutes you feel a burning sensation, immediately run to wash off the mask. Adding sour cream will help reduce the sharpness of the mask.

Garlic masks

Chop 5-7 garlic cloves and rub into the roots. Wash off after 2 hours with shampoo.


Add lemon juice and aloe to two crushed cloves, pour in castor oil, honey and sour cream. Everything should be in a 2:1 ratio. Massage onto the roots and rinse off after 30 minutes.

Herbal mask

We take motherwort, oak bark and burdock root. The ratio should be 2:1:2. Mix the herbs with vodka (take half a liter). We insist everything for about two weeks. However, it is necessary to shake the container with the decoction every day. Apply this mask for 30 minutes. Can be used every day if very oily skin heads.

Lemon mask

Lemon juice should be mixed with olive oil and rub into the roots. Wash off after 30-40 minutes.

  • Do not forget that all of the above anti-dandruff masks at home must be applied under a hat and insulated.

Which anti-dandruff masks have the best reviews at home - see recipes for effective homemade anti-dandruff masks that have proven to be highly effective.

How to make anti-dandruff masks at home

  • If there is a lot of dandruff, make masks 2-3 times a week. If you want to use them in for preventive purposes- 1 time.
  • Dandruff is a problem that does not go away quickly. Therefore, the use of masks must necessarily be a course - 10-12 masks 2-3 times a week, then a break of 2 weeks and a new course.
  • Try to use cellophane wrap or a shower cap during the mask, even if this is not in the recipe. The effectiveness of the mask will be higher.
  • After using a homemade anti-dandruff mask, you should not go outside for at least an hour.
  • Alternate masks every week; practice shows that using different home recipes leads to faster results.
  • Do not change recipes - dandruff, as a rule, is an indicator of high sensitivity of the scalp, and changing the recipe may provoke an even stronger manifestation of it.
  • If homemade masks for dandruff do not work desired result, contact a specialist - you may have fungal disease scalp and need medical treatment for the problem.
  • Determine the problem of your dandruff. There are 4 main areas - dandruff with hair loss, dandruff with itchy scalp, oily or dry dandruff. If you are missing the first two points, look in the article how to get rid of dandruff test how to determine your type of dandruff, and use homemade masks in your direction.

Homemade masks for dandruff and hair loss

It often happens that dandruff and hair loss bother a person at the same time - in addition to masks, in this case it is necessary to drink vitamin complexes and massage the scalp for better blood circulation and acceleration of metabolism in the scalp. As for the masks themselves, here are the recipes recommended by traditional medicine.

  • The simplest, and at the same time very effective the folk way to stop dandruff and hair loss is to use a mask based on onions. You need to grate one onion on a fine grater, mix it with a tablespoon of liquid honey and rub this mixture into the hair roots. Put on a shower cap and leave the mask on for 30 minutes. If the smell of onion remains, rub your hair with kefir (if you have dry hair) or water with apple cider vinegar (if oily, 2 tablespoons per glass of water) for 5-10 minutes, then wash with shampoo.
  • The following mask for dandruff and hair loss is based on aloe juice; it is already sold in ready-made form in the pharmacy. Mix 50 gr. aloe (standard bottle) with a glass of vodka, let it brew for 3 days in a dark place. Application is simple - divide your hair into 5-6 partings and rub into each this tincture, applying with a pipette or cotton pad. There is no need to wash off the mask; do it 2 times a week.
  • To strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff, use a mask with natural fruit acids. To prepare the mask, combine 2 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon, orange and burdock oil. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp and massage for 10 minutes, then wrap your head in cellophane and a towel and leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. Do it once a week.
  • Our grandmothers also knew about the benefits of nettle in the treatment of hair from severe dandruff. It perfectly cleanses hair, regulates secretion sebaceous glands and strengthens the hair roots, which is very important for hair loss problems. Pour a tablespoon of nettle into a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, distribute the resulting liquid over the roots and entire length of the hair. You can do this even after washing your hair, using nettle infusion as a rinse.
  • If your hair is falling out a lot, use hair loss masks in addition to the anti-dandruff mask once a week.

Homemade masks for dandruff and itchy scalp

Masks against dandruff and itchy scalp should contain substances that soothe the skin and relieve irritation. This is what home cosmetology offers in such cases.

  • Received excellent reviews against dandruff and itchy scalp masks made from colorless henna, which is sold in cosmetics stores and household chemicals. It does not dye your hair, so you can safely use it for any color of your hair. The simplest option- Dilute 3 tablespoons of henna with warm water until it becomes sour cream, let it brew for 5-10 minutes and rub it into the scalp for half an hour, cover with a cap. The effectiveness will be even higher if you add 5-6 drops of eucalyptus oil to the composition.
  • An elementary option is to use a solution for dandruff and itchy skin salicylic acid. It is no coincidence that many factory-made anti-dandruff shampoos contain this component, but making a mask yourself is both easier and cheaper. You will need 1 yolk and a teaspoon alcohol solution acids, mix thoroughly and apply to hair at the roots. We do it 2 times a week.
  • For those who want to not only fight itchy scalp and dandruff, but also vitaminize their hair, give it shine and a pleasant smell, we can recommend a mask made from green apples. 1-2 apples are grated into a fine grater, 5 drops are added to them tea tree oil(it costs pennies at the pharmacy) and the resulting pulp is rubbed into the roots. We keep it under the cap for half an hour, after which the hair is simply washed without shampoo.
  • For those who do not want to waste time on mixing, we recommend using kefir for hair(low fat for fatty ones) or yogurt (for dry ones). Apply them to hair and scalp for 15 minutes. It couldn't be simpler!

Homemade masks for dry dandruff

Let's move on to masks against dry dandruff - according to experts, this is what bothers us much more often. After reading your numerous reviews, we have selected the best recipes, in your opinion.

  • Finely grate 2 heads of garlic, fill them with any vegetable oil and let it brew for 3-5 days. Rub the resulting garlic oil into your scalp.
  • Mix one yolk (contains zinc) with a teaspoon apple cider vinegar. The composition normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminates dandruff.
  • Another good tandem is a tablespoon burdock oil and the same amount of honey.
  • If you have dark hair, we advise you to pay attention to a product such as turmeric, it copes well with dandruff. To prepare the mask, dilute 1 tbsp. l. turmeric warm milk, you should end up with a liquid mass. Apply it to your hair and scalp, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Homemade masks for oily dandruff

Oily dandruff is stickier, thicker, very difficult to comb out, but also against it folk experience I found decent recipes for homemade masks.

  • Buy an alcohol tincture of calendula, combine it in equal proportions with burdock or castor oil and rub the mask into your hair half an hour before washing.
  • Judging by numerous reviews, a grapefruit mask often helps to cope with oily dandruff even when other remedies are powerless. To make this mask against dandruff on your hair, peel the fruit and mash it well, mix the pulp with a tablespoon of aloe juice and rub this mixture into the scalp, then massage lightly for 5-7 minutes, put on a cap and hold for another quarter of an hour. Do this mask 2 times a week for a total course of 7-8 times, it will definitely help you get rid of dandruff.
  • Brew strong green tea- 1 tbsp. l. half a glass of boiling water, strain. Add a quarter cup to your tea apple cider vinegar. Distribute the resulting solution over your hair, squeeze out excess moisture and cover your head with a terry towel. After 40 minutes, rinse the mask with warm water.
  • And a number of recipes that you often mention - homemade pumpkin masks for oily dandruff. This is the same pumpkin, zucchini, watermelon. Finely grated pulp of any of the products (watermelon, as you understand, you don’t have to grate at all) is applied to the roots and distributed along the entire length of the hair. Keeping it for half an hour is enough. The product is simple, but very effective, tested on myself.

Ekaterina the Beautiful All rights reserved

What else do they read on the site on the topic of dandruff?

Homemade hair masks. To solve the problem, anti-dandruff masks alone are often not enough; you also need strengthening, nourishing, moisturizing (for dry) and normalizing oily hair in order to create the necessary acid-base balance in the scalp.

Essential oils for beautiful hair. At home, essential oils will become real healers for you that will help remove dandruff. Just add a few drops to your mask and shampoo. Which oils to choose, their doses, what to mix with, how to rub in - in this material.


Dandruff is a disease called epidermal seborrhea, which accompanies most representatives of the fair sex, but it is also not uncommon in men. The motive for the appearance of such unpleasant phenomenon on the scalp - incorrect operation gastrointestinal system, which is typical for 80-90% of cases. In the rest - a consequence severe stress or bad environment. It is possible to influence certain factors, but, unfortunately, not all. That's why women turn to specialists in beauty salons. An alternative to expensive salon procedures, is an anti-dandruff mask that can be made even at home.

Types and causes of dandruff

The cause of the detachment of skin particles is a fungus that is found on the epidermis of the scalp in many people. As a result of its activation, rapid death of the cells of the hairy skin occurs. Life cycle cells is 28-32 days. Instead of due date, they live only 8 days. The reasons for the spread of this fungus are a malfunction of one of the body systems:

  • endocrine;
  • nervous;
  • digestive.

There are three types of dandruff:

  1. Dry. Appears as a consequence of insufficient sebum production. Characterized by many dry scales.
  2. Oily liquid. Formed due to excessive formation of fat. This type is typical only for hormonal imbalance. The scalp takes on an unnatural shine, the pores expand, and the hair remains greasy, even after using shampoo. Frequent cases of alopecia (partial baldness).
  3. Thick oily. Occurs due to the strong intensity of the sebaceous glands. The hair shaft thickens and becomes stiff.

Dry and thick oily dandruff can be treated with homemade masks, the production of which does not take much time and, moreover, will not affect the budget. Oily liquid - subject only to specialists; therapy is prescribed by a dermatologist, taking into account the severity of cutaneous seborrhea.

Home therapy should not be limited only to hair masks; in order to avoid relapse, it is necessary to exclude the irritating factor, as a result of which epidermal seborrhea appeared. If this is an exacerbation chronic diseases related to digestive system or thyroid gland, it is better to visit a doctor for an appointment drug treatment. IN complex therapy with a hair mask against dandruff, get rid of unpleasant itching and peeling is possible after 8-10 procedures.

How to choose the right hair mask

Anti-dandruff masks prepared at home are natural and pure product which is very easy to prepare. Pick up remedy You can start from your hair type, because inappropriate ingredients can only worsen the condition.

Anti-dandruff hair masks for oily hair, are always prepared on the basis various oils. They have the necessary properties for all types of curls, they help restore the structure of the hair shaft after dyeing, which can also serve as an impetus for the aggravation of dandruff. For a single serving, 1-3 tbsp is enough. any type of oil, the amount depends on the length of the curls.

Egg masks against dandruff, must be chosen for dry and depleted hair. Due to the fact that chicken eggs enriched fatty acids Omega-3 and vitamin complex groups A, B, D, and E, they prevent hair loss and split ends, and also, due to nutrients, eliminate the appearance of dandruff. You can use the whole egg in the recipe, but it’s better to limit it to just the yolk, because... for this type of curls it will be more nutritious.

Secrets of effective use

In order to get the desired effect from the anti-dandruff mask, you need to follow these rules:

  1. Heat to a temperature of 36-37°C. Applies to all recipes except egg ones, because... Heating will cause the egg to curdle.
  2. Keep warm. After applying the mask, you need to wait 20-30 minutes. During the procedure, the head must remain warm. Thermal insulation can be achieved using cling film or a bag and additionally wrapped in a terry towel.
  3. Rinse off only with warm water. Hot water will increase sebum production, cold water will create a shocking effect, can injure the already weakened hair structure, as a result, the mask will not give the desired result,
  4. Dry wet hair only by blotting.
  5. For intensive revival of curls, you can use an anti-dandruff mask at home 2 times every 7 days.

Masks for dry hair

If you are looking for a remedy for seborrhea, a dandruff mask at home will be best assistant. The composition must necessarily include egg yolk; it is this ingredient that allows you to comprehensively restore and saturate with the necessary microelements both dry hair and problematic skin heads.

Anti-dandruff mask with lemon

Freshly squeezed lemon juice 10 ml, olive oil 15 ml, egg yolk 1 pc.

Apply the composition initially to the skin, then distribute throughout the curls. Exposure time is 20-30 minutes. A steep decoction of burdock roots and chamomile inflorescences will effectively remove exfoliated skin particles.

With aloe

Aloe juice 3 tbsp, jojoba oil 2 tbsp, honey 2 tbsp.

This homemade anti-dandruff mask will require a little more effort, but the effect on dry hair will be noticeable after just 14 days of use. To prepare, you need to cut 2 aloe leaves, wrap them in gauze and place them in the refrigerator for 8-10 days. After time, place the leaves in a blender and grind to a mushy consistency. Place the resulting mixture on a fine sieve and strain off the juice.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt jojoba oil and honey in a steam bath.
  2. Pour in aloe juice.
  3. Mix well. The mass turns out liquid.

Aloe vera juice can be used in a similar way on its own, applied only to problematic scalp.

Masks for oily hair

Anti-dandruff mask with dry mustard

Mustard powder 1 tbsp, honey 1 tsp, kefir 15 ml, oatmeal flour 1 tbsp, freshly squeezed lemon juice 10 ml.

A mustard mask against dandruff at home is used no more than once a week.

Leave the mixture for no more than 15 minutes. This burning panacea is recommended for unwashed hair. A slight burning sensation is considered normal. To enhance the effects of mustard, it is necessary to keep warm and eliminate drafts; to do this, wrap your head with a towel. A slight burning sensation is normal phenomenon, if it gets too hot, you should immediately wash off the mask.

Breed mustard powder You can’t use boiling water, it should only be warm water.

Beneficial features mustard:

  • stimulates hair growth by improving blood flow and, accordingly, supplying necessary microelements to hair follicles;
  • effective against baldness;
  • improves the functions of the sebaceous glands.

With burdock oil

Dry mustard 2.5 tbsp, water 2 tbsp, sugar 2 tsp, burdock oil 2 tbsp, egg yolk 1 pc.

  1. Apply the mixture to unwashed hair.
  2. Wrap in a towel.
  3. Wash off after 15 minutes.

In this instruction, it is necessary to follow exact proportions, for example, increasing the amount of sugar will lead to severe burning sensation skin.

With honey

Oil solution with vitamin A 5 drops, homemade sour cream 1 tbsp, freshly squeezed lemon juice 15 ml, honey 1.5 tbsp.

To prepare a hair mask against dandruff, honey must first be melted in a steam bath. Apply the honey consistency to the skin and curls for 30 minutes. Warm your head with a swimming cap.

Calendula tincture for dry and oily dandruff

Calendula tincture is good for all types of dandruff and is suitable for all types of curls. You can prepare it yourself or buy a ready-made product at the pharmacy. Calendula helps improve blood flow, regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands and generally affects many metabolic processes.

Recipe for dry dandruff:

  1. Calendula tincture 50 ml.
  2. Olive or castor oil 2 tbsp.
  3. Aroma oils chamomile and rosemary 3 drops each.

It must be applied in this way:

  1. Divide your hair into partings, this will make it easier to reach all areas.
  2. Using a coloring brush, distribute part of the mask over the scalp.
  3. Roll your hair into a bun and put on a swimming cap.
  4. Wrap in a towel.
  5. Wash off with sulfate-free shampoo after 30 minutes. Several rinsing procedures may be necessary.

Composition of a hair mask against oily dandruff: calendula tincture and oil, in a ratio of 1:3. You can take any oil: rosemary, fir, eucalyptus, castor, etc. First of all, rub the mask into the scalp using massage movements, then comb it with a thick comb from roots to ends.

Masks for dandruff and hair loss

There are frequent cases when dandruff is so strong that unbearable itching appears, and as a result of scratching the skin, hair falls out severely. Sometimes this happens due to constant stress, and sometimes it is a common vitamin deficiency. This is where masks with B vitamins, also called beauty vitamins, will come to the rescue. For hair, in such a situation, you will need vitamins B6 and B12. They are produced in the form of ampoules for injection. After the first course of therapy, it will be possible to visually observe an improvement in such indicators as:

  • hair loss is minimized;
  • more intensive growth curls;
  • adds gloss;
  • The number of exfoliated skin particles will be significantly reduced.

Mask with “red” vitamin complex

Almond oil 2 tbsp, 1 ampoule each of B6 and B12, vitamin C 1 sachet, honey 2 tbsp, hair balm 2 tbsp.

All ingredients must be whisked and applied to the skin and strands. Be sure to create a “greenhouse effect”. Wash off after 1 hour.

You cannot reheat the ingredients in this recipe.

You can use tips for caring for your curls without resorting to expensive and grueling procedures, at home, which also affects positive result anti-dandruff masks. The added feeling of comfort helps relieve stress and promote relaxation.

Dandruff is a fairly common cosmetic problem associated with stressful situations, poor nutrition or the use of low-quality hair care products. With increased work of the sebaceous glands, the hair becomes thinner and begins to fall out, important processes for exfoliation and cell restoration.

To eliminate this ailment effective means It is considered an anti-dandruff mask that can be prepared at home.

Which masks are considered the most effective against dandruff?

The anti-dandruff mask accelerates the process of exfoliation of atrophied cells, as a result of which the scalp receives the necessary oxygen supply and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is improved. It’s not at all difficult to make at home; it will not only relieve unpleasant problem, but will also fill your hair with strength and shine.

The following masks are considered quite effective:

1. Using medicinal herbs, including dandelion, calendula, burdock root, mint, oak bark and many other herbs.

Hair masks with medicinal herbs Not only will they get rid of dandruff, but they will also solve many other hair problems

Preparation: a collection of nettle, chamomile and burdock root is poured with vegetable oil and infused for 1 week. Afterwards, the resulting mixture is rubbed into the hair roots and left for several hours. A noticeable result will be visible after 2 sessions.

2. Garlic mask. Grind 9-10 cloves of garlic. The porridge is rubbed in and washed off after 2 hours.

Garlic hair mask eliminates dandruff and accelerates hair growth

3. Using apple cider vinegar. The method is one of the most effective. Apple cider vinegar is applied to the skin with massaging movements and washed off after 1 hour. The result will surprise you after a week of use.

Apple cider vinegar is effective against dandruff and for adding shine to hair

4. Onion mask. Onions not only take excellent care of hair, but also effectively fight dandruff. There are quite a few anti-dandruff masks based on it; if you make them at home, they may also contain honey, cosmetic oils etc.

Action onion mask for hair similar to garlic

It is important to know! To consolidate the effect of the mask, it is better to minimize the use of a hair dryer, straightener or hair curling iron.

Hair masks for oily dandruff

When a person has oily dandruff, the correct balance of oil content in the scalp is disturbed. The source is the excessive work of the sebaceous glands, in which the skin does not breathe, the pores close and dead particles stick together and fall off in the form of large fatty flakes.

A possible pathogen may also be a pathogenic fungus, for which best place habitat is sebaceous skin.

Today in folk medicine There is a large selection of all kinds of anti-dandruff masks that are easy to make at home and will get rid of the problem in a reasonable amount of time.

Soda + salt

The indicated ingredients are taken in 1 tbsp. l. and diluted in warm water, until a paste forms. Apply for 1-2 hours.

A mask based on soda and salt has a peeling effect.

The mask has an excellent peeling effect and removes atrophied skin particles.

Vodka + onion + castor oil

Masks based on alcohol tinctures which have a drying effect.

Mask from castor oil, onion and vodka will relieve oily seborrhea and dry out the epidermis

1 large onion, finely grated to obtain 1 tsp. juice Add castor oil - 1 tsp. and vodka - 2 tsp. Apply the consistency for 40-60 minutes. To avoid unpleasant odor on the hair, they are rinsed with water and lemon juice.

Hair masks for dry dandruff

Dry dandruff is the result of insufficient sebum production and a scalp that is too dry.

Egg + honey

For this mask we need oil - 2 tsp, vegetable, olive or almond oil is suitable, it is also assumed that there is an yolk - 1 pc., 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, aloe juice - 1 tsp. and 2 tsp. honey

The egg-honey mask has wonderful nutritional properties

The yolk is beaten with mayonnaise, and the remaining ingredients are added to the resulting consistency. The mixture is thoroughly applied to the scalp; the remainder can be applied to the hair. The head needs to be wrapped in film for 25-30 minutes.

Burdock oil mask

Oil in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. needs to be heated to warm state, rub into scalp. Wrap yourself in a thick towel for 30 minutes and wash your hair as usual.

Burdock oil is a truly miraculous remedy against trichological problems

Onion peel + oak bark

Onion peel And oak bark take 0.5 cups in a 1:1 ratio and pour in 1 liter of boiling water, cook everything for 20-30 minutes. Cool and strain.

The broth should be thoroughly rubbed into the scalp. You can also smear it on your hair, but it is worth considering that this composition will give it a golden-brown hue. The head is wrapped for 30-40 minutes, after which everything is washed off.

With systematic use several times a week, the mask will help you forget about the problem in a month.

Very important to remember! Any anti-dandruff mask at home should not be left on for longer than the specified period of time.

When the head is wrapped up, a greenhouse effect is created, which after 1 hour suppresses protective forces skin and impairs the penetration of nutrients.

Recipes for anti-dandruff masks with medicinal herbs

An excellent option against dandruff are herbal masks, which can be used at home individually or in the form of medicinal mixtures.

Decoctions and herbal teas for dandruff:

A decoction of birch buds and Birch tar will help solve the problem of dandruff
  • birch tar is mixed with a decoction of birch buds - rub the resulting mixture onto the scalp;
  • nettle - 1 tbsp. l. crushed and poured with 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for 1.5 hours, then strain. Apply within 25-30 minutes. before washing;
  • Boil 100 g of nettle leaves in 0.5 liters of water and apple cider vinegar for 30 minutes. Use this recipe to rinse your hair without using shampoo;
  • rinse your hair with a decoction of black capsicum without wiping yourself dry;
  • rinse your hair well with a decoction of hop cones and birch leaves;
  • A tincture of tansy flowers or rosemary leaves is perfect as a rinse;
  • take 4 tbsp. l. nettles and coltsfoot, boil for 20-25 minutes. in 0.5 liters of water. Cool and strain;
  • For rinsing, crushed calamus root is also used, after boiling it in 1 liter of water for 15-20 minutes.

It is important to know! If there is no result after using several masks for a certain time, you should seek help from a dermatologist, who will accurately identify the cause of the problem and prescribe surgical treatment.

Recipes with active ingredients that accelerate hair growth

Yeast based mask

It is necessary to heat 1 tbsp. kefir, add 1 tbsp. l. dry yeast, leave for 30 minutes. in a warm place. Make a mask and leave for 30-40 minutes. Wash your hair, rinse with water and apple cider vinegar.

A mixture of kefir and yeast will get rid of dandruff, activate hair growth and nourish it nutrients

The mask actively eliminates dandruff and promotes hair growth.

Kefir with nettle

Nettle decoction is mixed in equal proportions with kefir. The contents are applied to the hair for 40-50 minutes. Instead of nettle, you can use burdock root.

The mask will help you forget about dandruff and enhance hair growth.

Kefir + black bread

This mask uses kefir - 0.5 tbsp, vegetable oil- 1 tbsp. l. and a small part of black bread crumb. The ingredients are combined and applied to the head for 30 minutes. After the specified time, rinse off as usual.

For maximum benefit kefir masks, they should be used several times a week, for at least 2 months.

Recipes to soothe skin (anti-itch)

With onion

With nettle infusion

Nettle infusion is considered an effective remedy. Chopped herb in the amount of 4 tbsp. pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse your hair with this infusion every other day.

From dandelion, honey, lemon

Dandelion flower lotion will help relieve an itchy scalp. Grind a handful of flowers, add 50 ml of vodka. Add the juice of 1 lemon and honey - 1 tsp.

A mixture of dandelion with honey and lemon will have a soothing and antibacterial effect on the scalp.

The ingredients are mixed and left to infuse for 1 week. The composition is applied for 25-30 minutes, the head is wrapped with film.

From carrots and mint

A decoction of carrot tops and mint will help cope with itching.

A mint-carrot mask will also relieve the itchy scalp that accompanies dandruff.

The ingredients in equal quantities must be placed in boiling water and mixed, left to infuse for a couple of hours. After a while, add a little water and lemon juice.

The decoction is used to rinse hair; it is not recommended to use a hair dryer after.

Recipes for masks for scalp treatment

Masks have a moisturizing effect on the scalp, help get rid of irritation, itching and dandruff, and also remove inflammatory process and accelerate hair growth.

Egg + avocado

The pulp of half an avocado is crushed, mixed with 2 yolks and 40 ml of any oil. Apply to hair for several hours, rinse better decoction from herbs.

Glycerin mask

Combine 1 egg, glycerin, food vinegar - 20 ml and castor oil - 50 ml. Apply the mask and wrap tightly for 35-40 minutes.

An egg mask with glycerin and castor oil has nourishing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Milk mask

Combine 0.5 tbsp cream and 20 g wheat flour. Viscous consistency Apply for 40-50 minutes, rinse with water.

Banana mask

Banana will help cope with itching and irritation.

Banana also relieves scalp irritation

You need to mash 1 banana, combine with 50 ml of milk, 30 ml almond oil and how much honey. Rub the resulting composition into skin covering for 40-50 minutes, then rinse.

Rules for using the presented masks

An anti-dandruff mask at home helps speed up the process of exfoliation of dead cells, improves oxygen supply, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

It is necessary to remember the rules for using such masks to get the best results:

  • use masks for 2 months several times a week;
  • It is recommended to choose an anti-dandruff mask for your type and use only it.

If dandruff occurs, you should also check the operation gastrointestinal tract, liver and nervous system, because this disease in addition to cosmetic, may also carry medical problem. A good rest is necessary proper nutrition, as well as regular walks in the fresh air.

Health and beauty to your hair.

Watch a video on how to eliminate dandruff at home:

See another recipe for strengthening hair and getting rid of dandruff at home:

What are the causes of dandruff, how to deal with it and what anti-dandruff shampoos are available - you will learn from this video:

Dandruff is one of the most popular hair problems and is extremely difficult to solve. Everyone wants to have healthy and shiny hair, and not even think about dandruff, but not everyone succeeds. As a result, no fashionable haircut or hairstyle brings joy, and clothes always have to be worn only in light colors, since a “powdered” dark suit or dress will look more repulsive than elegant. Anti-dandruff hair masks will come to the rescue. I will tell you several recipes for anti-dandruff masks that are most effective for use at home.

Why I recommend using hair masks to combat dandruff:

Expensive does not mean effective. In addition, many cosmetic preparations contain not the most natural ingredients that can cause allergic reactions. And the most unscrupulous manufacturers go so far as to add special substances to their products, addictive. And it turns out that as long as you use this expensive shampoo, your hair is fine, but if you stop, the problem is right there. In turn, making healing masks at home, you can be completely sure that they are natural, and the healing effect will be noticeable soon.

It should be noted right away that it is recommended to use hair masks against dandruff not just spot-on, but in courses of about 2 months, after which you take a break for 2-3 months. By adhering to these rules and using the mask recipes given below, you can get rid of scalp problems and forget about dandruff and unpleasant itching forever.

So, the most effective hair masks against dandruff:
Henna anti-dandruff hair mask
  • Anti-dandruff mask from colorless henna- new among home cosmetology, but its effectiveness among anti-dandruff masks due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties is very high. To prepare an anti-dandruff hair mask, take 3 tbsp. l. henna and pour half a glass of it hot water. Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes, then rub thoroughly into the scalp, wrap your head in cellophane and cover with a towel. Time for the mask is 40 minutes. Do similar procedure Recommended once every 2 weeks for a month.
Kefir mask against dandruff for hair
  • Anti-dandruff masks from fermented milk products traditionally considered one of the best at home, the fungi they contain successfully eliminate dandruff. The following mask will help get rid of oily dandruff (hard to shake off, greasy) - in a water bath, heat a glass of kefir to 37 degrees (body temperature), add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and apply to scalp and hair. To get rid of dry dandruff (copious, dry, easily flies off) sour cream - 3 tbsp. l. sour cream plus 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, mix and distribute over head and hair. Regardless of the recipe, homemade anti-dandruff masks always need to be insulated; you need to wear a shower cap, wrap your head in a towel, or, alternatively, wear knitted hat. Duration - 45 minutes, course - 2 times a week for a month.
Anti-dandruff hair mask made from honey and yolk
  • Against dry dandruff best reviews at home shows an anti-dandruff hair mask based on honey and egg yolk. Ingredients: a tablespoon of honey and olive oil plus one yolk. Divide the resulting mixture in half, apply part of it to the scalp in a circular motion, distribute the rest of the anti-dandruff mask over the entire length of the hair, put on a cellophane or shower cap, over which you will warm yourself with a knitted cap. After 1 hour, wash off the mask. The course of treatment is 2 times a week for 1.5-2 months. Somewhat slow, but the results are excellent.
Anti-dandruff mask with cognac
  • Cognac stimulates blood flow, cleanses and treats dandruff, plus gives hair shine and a subtle sweetish aroma. To prepare the mask, beat two yolks, add 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, honey and cognac, mix. Apply to hair and scalp and cover it plastic bag and a warm scarf on top. After 1-1.5 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water and, if necessary, wash your hair with shampoo. If cognac is expensive for you, you can use good quality pepper tincture.
Nettle masks for dandruff
  • Nettle in homemade hair masks has long been used in the treatment of dandruff by our grandmothers. It perfectly cleanses hair, regulates the secretion of sebaceous glands and strengthens hair roots. To get rid of dry dandruff, make the following tincture: heat half a glass of olive oil in a water bath, add 3 tbsp. l. nettle (purchase at the pharmacy). Let it brew for a week in a cool, dark place, then strain the infusion. Before washing your hair, rub the mixture into the roots of your hair. For better effect cover your head with a plastic cap. After 40 minutes, wash your hair regular shampoo. For oily dandruff, rinsing with nettle infusion helps a lot. Pour 2 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over the nettle, let it brew for 30 minutes, strain, then rinse your hair with the broth. Rinse can be used after washing your hair or in between washes.
Anti-dandruff mask with vinegar
  • Vinegar helps normalize metabolic processes, so it is often used in a homemade anti-dandruff mask for all hair types and has a lot of positive feedback from readers of our magazine. For the mask, brew strong green tea – 1 tbsp. l. half a glass of water, strain. Add a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar to your tea. Rinse your hair with the resulting solution, squeeze out excess moisture and cover your head with a terry towel. After 40 minutes, rinse your hair with warm water.
Anti-dandruff oil masks for hair
  • Oil masks perfectly glue hair scales together and, thus, treat the scalp from dandruff and prevent its further appearance. To prepare a homemade anti-dandruff mask, you need to mix 2 tbsp. l. castor and burdock oils, heat the mixture in a water bath to 37 degrees, then add 5 drops of essential oil tea tree. Half oil mask for dandruff, rub into the scalp and distribute the rest over the entire length of the hair. Warm your head by wearing cellophane and tying a scarf or towel. Leave the mask on for about an hour, then rinse off. Make these masks 2-3 times a week for a month.
Mask against dandruff and hair loss
  • Dandruff, both dry and oily, is often accompanied by hair loss. To strengthen your hair and get rid of dandruff, we recommend using an anti-dandruff mask with fruit acids. To prepare the mask, mix 2 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice, orange and burdock oil. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp and massage for 10 minutes, then wrap your head in cellophane and a towel and hold for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. Do it once a week.
Mask for dry and oily dandruff
  • Prepare the next one homemade mask dandruff is very simple - mix 1 tbsp. l. castor oil, vodka and strong brewed black tea. The resulting mixture must be thoroughly rubbed into the roots of the hair and distributed over the entire length using a comb, wrapped in polyethylene and washed off with shampoo after 40 minutes. Use a similar mask before every hair wash for a month. Afterwards, judging by the reviews, it will be enough to use it for preventive purposes once every two weeks.
Herbal hair mask-rinse
  • Herbs will not only help masks get rid of dandruff, but will also make hair stronger and shinier. So for herbal mask for hair dandruff you will need the following mixture - oak bark, nettle, plantain and wormwood. All these herbs can be easily found at the pharmacy. Mix the collection 2 tbsp. l., pour into a saucepan and add half a liter of water. Boil the broth under a closed lid in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then let the broth sit for half an hour and use it as a rinse after washing your hair.
Mask for dry dandruff with turmeric
  • Turmeric is used by Eastern women to treat hair from dandruff; in addition, turmeric gives volume and shine to hair. To prepare the mask, dilute 1 tbsp. l. turmeric with warm milk, you should get a liquid mass. Apply it to your hair and scalp, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. It is not recommended to use such a mask for owners blonde hair, turmeric can give them a yellowish tint.
Anti-dandruff tincture with aloe
  • The following recipe will help in treating oily dandruff at home: pour 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice (sold at the pharmacy) with a glass of vodka. Let the tincture brew in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Then soak a cotton pad in the anti-dandruff infusion and wipe the scalp with it, dividing the hair into partings. There is no need to wash off this homemade dandruff mask, but let it dry before going outside. The course of application is every two to three days for 2 months.

I think you will choose the right mask for yourself in the fight against dandruff and healthy hair. Be beautiful!