The healthiest food products TOP10. The healthiest foods for the body and human health The healthiest foods for humans

Balanced diet– one of the keys to good health and good health any age. But not everyone knows which ones exist healthy foods, and what constitutes junk food. And when going to a store or a market, it’s not difficult to get confused by the variety of food you see.

The division into harmful and beneficial is conditional

Of course, the most important thing to know about the benefits and harms of products is that the division into such groups is very arbitrary. For example, we all know that a ripe red tomato is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, just like a cucumber. Both of these products serve as a good prevention of vascular atherosclerosis, help the body not accumulate excess weight, remove waste and toxins, help launch tissue regeneration processes and improve blood properties.

Undoubtedly, cucumbers and tomatoes are healthy food, which can be eaten at any age, excluding the period up to a year due to the risk of allergies. But in reality everything is more complicated. These products are useful only if they are grown without the use of synthetic substances, collected in a timely manner and purchased in season. That is, maximum benefit benefits for the body from tomatoes and cucumbers can only be obtained from the end of June to the end of September. The rest of the time, such food, grown in a greenhouse, or spent weeks on the road to the place of purchase from hot countries, is no longer so useful. In addition, due to the abundance of chemical additives in the composition, it can even be classified as a harmful product.

Another point is the presence of certain contraindications in humans. For example, cucumbers are not recommended for those with thyroid dysfunction, kidney disease and genitourinary system, tendency to edema. But tomatoes should not be eaten if you have certain diseases of the liver and gallbladder, hypertension and gastritis, problems with the joints and spine. Besides, everything is good in moderation. Excessive consumption of cucumbers and tomatoes can lead to exacerbation chronic diseases, nausea and vomiting, poisoning, digestive disorders, development of allergic reactions.

Important! This is just a particular example of why the division of food into healthy and harmful is only conditional. Each specific product can be classified into any of the groups depending on its quality and properties, as well as the individual characteristics of a person. But there are foods that are bad for everyone. For example, this is fast food, a large number of sweets, sweet soda, chips and other similar foods. Such products are especially harmful for children.

The most necessary for the body products

The healthiest foods are those that do not contain chemical additives, are tasty, fresh, properly stored and prepared. Be sure to include such healthy foods in your daily recipes and reduce your consumption of junk food. And then in a few days you will feel better, and after a few weeks you will notice not only good health, but also improvements in your health. appearance. We have compiled for you a rating of the healthiest and most delicious foods that you can eat every day.


Undoubtedly, summer food is the most delicious and healthy. Most often, in the warm season, we include a lot of fruits and berries in our diet. Such healthy food contains vitamins, fiber and minerals, macro- and microelements, bioflavonoids, amino acids. They can be eaten at any time of the day. But for those who suffer from excess weight, it is better to move high-calorie and sweet fruits to breakfast or eat them in the first half of the day.

You can prepare salads from such food, eat them fresh, add them to cocktails, compotes, fruit drinks, and jams. The high fiber content helps normalize digestion and serves as a good preventive measure for constipation. Among other beneficial properties of fruits and berries, it is worth noting improved hematopoiesis and blood circulation, increased stamina and immunity, and accelerated metabolism at the cellular level.


For men's and women's health Vegetables are also beneficial. They contain a lot of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, beta carotene, B vitamins, and many others useful substances. Among the beneficial properties of vegetables, it is worth noting the following:

  • improving digestion and absorption of nutrients from food;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and increasing their tone;
  • decrease in level bad cholesterol in blood;
  • acceleration metabolic processes and removal of toxins;
  • cleansing the liver, kidneys and other organs;
  • increasing immunity.

In addition, some vegetables, for example, all varieties of cabbage, daily use help reduce the risk of developing cancer and tumors in the body.


Dairy products contain many useful substances that are easily absorbed by the human body at any age. Kefir, curdled milk, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, natural yogurt, fermented baked milk, butter- all this when included in daily diet will help maintain health and beauty. Such products are useful for digestion, normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the transmission of nerve impulses.

Kefir and fermented baked milk are recommended to be consumed at night if you are prone to constipation and excess weight. And sour cream is necessary for those who cannot refuse mayonnaise or have problems with bones and joints. Scientists have also identified the benefits of products made from milk for those who suffer from high blood pressure.


Nuts are the strongest source of energy. They are very high in calories and should be consumed in small quantities. But at the same time they contain a lot useful minerals, vitamins, amino acids that the body needs. It has been known since ancient times that walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews and others improve memory and concentration, promote the production of serotonin, increase performance and endurance.

It is one of the main sources of vegetable protein and arginine. It is not without reason that nuts are recommended for athletes and bodybuilders during periods of intense training. Nuts are also useful for children, pregnant and lactating women (if not allergic reaction). You can use these products in a mixture with honey and dried fruits, seeds, aloe and lemon juice, and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Fish and meat

Fish and meat are essential products for humans. Without them, it is difficult for him to maintain balance in the body, since this is one of the main sources of protein - the main building element for our body. Fish and meat contain large amounts of protein, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, some of which the body itself does not produce, macro- and microelements. Fish also contains fatty acids that are involved in many metabolic processes.

Important! Most useful low-fat varieties fish and meat. Also, try not to buy frozen products. It is better to give preference to local, fresh food. Moreover, it is advisable to eat fish no more than 2 times a week, since it is capable of accumulating mercury and other harmful substances in its tissues.

Good Carbs

Good carbohydrates occupy a special place in the list of healthy foods. In the tables, this food group includes, in addition to fresh vegetables and fruits, the following food:

  • beans, soybeans, beans, peas;
  • honey and all bee products;
  • rye bread and bran;
  • different types of cereals;
  • dark natural chocolate (cocoa bean content above 60%);
  • mushrooms;
  • pasta and all products made from durum wheat.

Such food gives satiety and energy for the whole day, saturates with vitamins and minerals, and helps normalize metabolism.

Important! Except good carbohydrates There are also bad ones. They should not be consumed, as they usually do not provide any benefit to the body. Bad carbohydrates include potatoes, soft wheat pasta, sweets, sugar, cereal, muesli, white polished rice, white flour products, chips, preserves and jams, popcorn, store-bought yogurts and cheese curds.

Spicy food

Spicy food serves as a good prevention of atherosclerosis and congestive processes, stimulates appetite, reduces salt consumption several times, and also helps the body rejuvenate. In addition, such products help improve immunity, which is especially important during the cold season, improve a person’s emotional and mental state and return him to healthy sleep.

What to give up

In order to always be healthy, beautiful, feel great and be in good physical shape, you need to once and for all give up foods that are dangerous to the body. Experts warn that junk food is:

  • canned food, as it contains many preservatives and chemical substances, bacteria may accumulate;
  • foods high in caffeine, sugar, salt, and alcohol;
  • baked goods;
  • instant food products;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup and some other sauces;
  • sweet soda;
  • a variety of snacks, as well as chips and crackers;
  • sausages;
  • smoked meats;
  • margarine, spread, low-quality butter;
  • a variety of sweets, including sweets and cakes.

Also, experts do not recommend eating a lot fried food, for example potatoes or meat. There are plenty of studies showing the harmful effects of foods that you choose to fry rather than boil, bake or stew. It's all about the oil in which the frying takes place. During heat treatment, carcinogens are released. Research confirms that such substances can cause cancer and other serious illnesses.

For your information. It is also not recommended to constantly cook food in microwave ovens. In this case, heating and cooking affects food at the molecular and even atomic level, which can affect the functioning of the entire human body. To avoid harm in this case, buy a high-quality microwave and use it strictly according to the rules.

As you can see, any product can turn from useful to harmful. And vice versa. When choosing food for yourself and your family, try to give preference only natural food grown outdoors, purchase vegetables, fruits and berries only in their natural season. Also pay attention to expiration dates. Healthy foods can rarely be stored for long. The only exceptions are dried fruits, nuts, and oils. But food with synthetic additives, on the contrary, can be stored without changing its external and taste qualities for weeks.

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Orthodox Christians are called to take care not only of their souls, but also of their bodies. After all, they will have to enter the future life after the general resurrection and the Last Judgment, so to speak, “comprehensively” - in the fullness of a transformed nature.

In addition, our longevity and the implementation of the good deeds we have conceived, which we wish to dedicate to the Lord, also depend on the strength and health of our body.

Finally, do not forget that the body is a gift God's man. And it, like all the gifts of the Creator, should be treated with care and precision.

Human health largely depends on the food he consumes. We present to your attention ten products considered the most useful for human body(the TOP includes those products that are widely represented in Russia and are available to the majority of our fellow citizens):

1. Olive oil

Perhaps the most popular among vegetable oils, as it contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which are very good for the heart and fight against cholesterol plaques. It can be added to salads, soups, porridges, many main courses and even taken on an empty stomach. Oil will save the heart and normalize arterial pressure, and, thanks to the vitamins A, D, E and K it contains, will help strengthen bones.

Olive oil is especially beneficial for children, as it stimulates growth bone tissue. Olive oil is indicated for people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, liver diseases and gallbladder diseases. Oleic acids contained in olive oil help strengthen memory and have a beneficial effect on mental processes.

In addition, it is worth remembering that oils are high-calorie products that replenish energy well during intense physical labor or sports.

2. Honey

“The best gift, in my opinion, is honey! Even the donkey will immediately understand this.”- Winnie the Pooh bear used to say and he was right a thousand times!

This is an extremely useful and necessary natural product in the diet, which increases the body’s resistance to many infections, strengthens the immune system and is best source energy.

Honey contains many vitamins, enzymes, microelements, organic acids and proteins. It is recommended to be taken in the treatment of liver diseases, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, and just for general strengthening body.

Honey contains kaempferol and quercetin. These substances help prevent depression (and keep your brain healthy) by reducing inflammation in the brain. Add honey to tea, porridge, drink boiled water adding honey before bed will help you fall asleep faster and regain strength.

3. Fish in general and red fish in particular

Just imagine - 30 grams of fish products per day or three “fish” lunches during the week and the likelihood of developing a heart attack is reduced by 50%!

In terms of its nutritional and culinary qualities, fish is in no way inferior to meat, as it contains proteins, fats, extractive and minerals, and in terms of ease of digestion of proteins it even surpasses the latter, it’s not for nothing that the Lord and his disciples often ate fish...

Among all types of fish, it is considered especially useful sea ​​fish, since it contains a high content of dietary iodine and fatty acids necessary for our body. But even among sea fish there is the most useful one - this red fish!

For example, let's take salmon holding the record for Omega-3 fat content, which lowers cholesterol levels and prevents individual species cancer and vascular thrombosis, as well as Omega-6 and iron. Red fish lovers can more easily overcome depression, prevent memory loss and improve hair condition. Make it a rule to replace meat with fish more often, especially since this is prescribed for fasting.

4. Apples

An apple is not some exotic mango, lychee or durean! Apples also grow in Russia. Moreover, even in Siberia, famous for its cold climate. This means that this fruit is most accessible to us.

Eating apples slows growth cancer cells, relieves inflammation, normalizes stomach function. And besides, apples are a real storehouse of vitamins such as C, B1, B2, P, E, and minerals (for example, manganese and potassium and dietary iron), beneficial for the immune system and circulatory system person.

Apples are used for prevention colds, as well as for the treatment of serious ailments such as malignant formations.

5. Nuts

The Babylonians also noticed one of the main beneficial effects Eating nuts helps strengthen memory and sharpen attention.

On Russian markets Now almost all nut varieties are represented - cashews, peanuts. hazelnuts, pistachios, walnuts, almonds, etc., so we won’t single out any particular nut - they are all extremely healthy.

Nuts normalize acidity levels gastric juice, normalize intestinal functions, as mentioned above, have a positive effect on brain activity, relieve stress and very effectively saturate the body with vitamins - just a small handful a day is enough.

Nuts are also necessary for people suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, joint diseases, mastopathy and fibroids.

6. Eggs

All eggs are also healthy - turkey, goose, quail... But we will talk about chicken eggs, as the most common.

One egg contains 15% daily norm protein, easily digestible and including a full set of essential amino acids. Eggs contain large amounts of zinc, iodine, omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid, biotin, choline, vitamins A, E, D, B12, B3, selenium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and calcium.

The most useful way to eat eggs is to cook them “softened”, when the vitamins are not yet destroyed, but pathogenic bacteria are already dying.

7. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are another storehouse of a large number of vitamins, minerals and substances beneficial to the body. These substances include, in particular, wine, apple and citric acid. In tomatoes you can find vitamins: A, B2, B6, PP, E, rare vitamin K and others.

In addition to vitamins, tomatoes contain useful: fructose, glucose, mineral salts, iodine, as well as magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, sodium.

But perhaps the most obvious benefit of tomatoes is that they contain a powerful antioxidant - lycopene. The peculiarity of lycopene is that it increases its beneficial properties in finished form, and not in raw fruits. Powerful natural remedy has anti-cancer effects, preventing DNA mutations and cancer cell growth, and also fights brain inflammation and generally protects the brain. For achievement best results, tomatoes are best eaten with olive oil, because... in this case, lycopene is better absorbed.

8. Beans

Beans belong to the legume family and are its most useful member. Bean eaters live longer and look younger than others.

In addition, beans are very unpretentious and can be easily grown at a city dweller’s dacha or in the garden of a private household.

Beans contain a high amount vegetable protein and potassium, necessary for good functioning of the heart and other vital important organs, fiber – for better work the entire gastrointestinal tract. It is also extremely low in calories and high in antioxidants. The amount of bean protein is superior to lamb, chicken and cottage cheese, and is on par in protein with granular caviar and cheese products - good news for fasting people!

Relatives of beans: peas, beans and soybeans are also full of pleasant surprises and are recommended for food.

9. Seaweed (Kelp)

The Japanese who regularly eat seaweed get sick much less often and also have a very high life expectancy.

It’s understandable, because seaweed- this is an almost ideal product containing about 40 micro and macro elements, which are in combination with organic substances. Compared to regular cabbage, sea cabbage has twice as much phosphorus, 11 times more magnesium, 16 times more iron, and 40 times more sodium.

Cabbage also contains other rare beneficial substances: alginic acid, sodium alginate, potassium alginate, ammonium alginate, calcium alginate, agar and mannitol. Laminaria helps with thyroid diseases, tuberculosis and other diseases, quickly restores strength.

10. Onions and garlic

Onions and garlic have become famous primarily for their antibacterial effect. But not everyone knows that the vitamin C content in them is higher than in oranges, which means that a person’s own immunity will be strengthened. They contain vitamins: B1, B2, C, A, PP, potassium, allicin, flavonoids, calcium, magnesium, nickel and cobalt.

Russian sailors have long used onions and garlic on long voyages as a remedy for scurvy and vitamin deficiency. They will also lower blood cholesterol levels and help with liver diseases.

It is healthier to eat onions and garlic raw, and to get rid of the smell, it is better to brush your teeth once again.

Andrey Szegeda

In contact with

Much in our lives cannot be constantly controlled. Although even health, longevity and, sometimes, mood can be influenced. After all, science does not stand still, and the data that has been collected by specialists in the field of healthy nutrition and lifestyle since the 90s only proves that life expectancy and the general emotional background are significantly influenced by the foods we eat. From the article you will learn about the most beneficial foods for health and the principles of healthy eating.

Our list contains 31 nutrition tips that will help maintain health and longevity. These are the products and tips to follow. They say that when you start drinking sufficient quantity water, you can get rid of half of your health problems (read more about how to lose weight and maintain health). A proper diet nutrition will only enhance this effect.

Broccoli, grapes, salad

Let's start with a long-known scientific evidence: a diet rich in vegetables and fruits, including nutritious and, at the same time, low-calorie foods, is ideal for those who want to live a long time.

Want clarification? Yes, everything is extremely simple! Broccoli, grapes and lettuce actually contain substances responsible for our longevity.

These tiny fruits are chock-full of antioxidants, which in turn support the immune system and prevent the onset of deadly diseases. They can easily help you preserve your age. Research from Harvard University in 2012 showed that a glass or a couple of glasses of strawberries at least once a week is beneficial for older people - the berries fight against mental disorders and memory diseases.

In Pennsylvania, celebrating her 107th birthday, Nancy Fisher explained that the secret to her longevity lies in her addiction to garlic.

And in fact, this is confirmed from the point of view modern science: Research has shown that the phytochemicals in garlic can stop the formation of carcinogenic chemicals in the body. Women who eat more garlic have a lower risk of developing certain types of colon cancer.

A tasty and valuable product at the same time. This healthy natural fat strengthens the heart muscle, which naturally has a direct impact on life expectancy. Olive oil is no less effective in preventing brain diseases and cancer. A couple of tablespoons of this “potion” a day will fulfill its purpose.

Research shows that cruciferous vegetables like this one are rich in nutrients, or rather, coarse fibers, vitamin C and folic acid. These elements actually help to cheat death. A study conducted at Vanderbilt University showed that residents of Shanghai manage to almost completely recover from breast cancer, even if they were on the verge of death. The fact is that their diet contains a huge amount of cruciferous vegetables - especially turnips and Chinese cabbage. In this way, Chinese women save themselves from the development and complications of this terrible disease.


How to prevent heart disease and strengthen blood vessels? Introduce avocado into your diet! Avocado fruits reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and help the body fully absorb beta-carotene and lycopene - microelements responsible for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Lycopene contained in tomatoes is also an active fighter against cancer cells. Tomatoes are healthy in almost any form, so don't forget to add them to pasta sauce, eat tomato soups more often and vegetable salads with fresh tomatoes. When you eat tomatoes, your body produces a huge amount of carotenoids - the main enemies of carcinogens.

In 2014, studies conducted among older people in Australia, Japan, Sweden and Greece showed that in groups of those subjects who ate legumes daily, mortality decreased by 7-8%, compared with those who did not consume them at all. Legumes significantly increase the level of butyrate (butyrate) in the blood. Butyric acid actively fights cancer cells and tidies up organs digestive system, renewing mucosal cells in the intestines.

Grains and cereals

Coarse fiber obtained from whole grain bread and whole grain pasta protects against diabetes, heart and vascular diseases, and some types of cancer. Also, it is faithful assistant in the fight against obesity, high level cholesterol and blood sugar and high blood pressure.

Alcohol – in moderation

Surprisingly, some studies show that small amounts of alcohol (no more than two glasses of red wine per day for men and one for women) improves heart health. Moderately drinking people, as a rule, live longer than those who do not drink in moderation and those who do not drink at all. A 2012 study from Harvard Medical School also found that moderate alcohol consumption reduced the risk of death in men after a heart attack.

Sober lifestyle

If you want first-hand advice on longevity, look no further than the advice given by Tomoji Tanabe, a Japanese man who lived a long and happy life. When he died (in 2009) he was 113 years old. In all his interviews, he always claimed that the secret of his “eternal” life was abstinence from alcohol. Iago favorite dish– Japanese miso soup with shellfish and shrimp. And he couldn’t live a single day without milk.

Well, okay, no one canceled a sip of whiskey

French twins Raymond and Lucien Watlad were recognized as the oldest twins in 2010 (they were 98 years old). They always said they were their favorite alcoholic drinks(in moderation, of course) preserved their youth. Raymond preferred Whiskey, and Lucien preferred anise liqueur. Although, in their youth, the sisters were members of the French gymnast team and since 1930 regularly engaged in aerobics, dancing and physical education.

Puer tea

Strong immunity is the key to health and a guarantee of longevity. To support your immune system, you need to make sure your diet includes foods that contain antioxidants. From the above, we have already understood that antioxidants can fight various ailments. Chinese Pu Er tea contains much more antioxidants than its green relative. Brew Pu Er tea for five minutes and drink with honey and lemon.

106-year-old Ethel Engstrom told the Pasadena Central Channel that she has lived so long because of her addiction to invigorating drink. She drank about 12 cups of black coffee a day! Of course, no one is saying that you need the same amount to prolong your life. It's just that a 2008 Harvard University study showed that coffee actually prolongs the life of those who drink it every day. Such people live, as a rule, 18% - 26% longer than those who do not drink it. So, two to four cups of natural brewed coffee a day will add some energy and energy to you. happy years life.

Eat chocolate - it will add another year to your life. Those who eat chocolate at least three times a month live a year longer than those who do not. To find out, in 1999 Harvard University tested this on 8,000 subjects. And scientific research in 2009 at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm confirmed that 44% of those subjects who regularly eat chocolate recover significantly faster from severe heart attacks. Moreover, the likelihood of fatal outcome for several years after a heart attack in old age. No other sweets have such an effect on the human body. The fact is that cocoa beans contain antioxidants and flavonoids. The highest concentration of flavonoids is naturally found in dark chocolate.

Less red meat

A few days without meat and strict vegetarian diet also prolong life. Red meat in large quantities increases the risk of developing heart disease. Bacon, fatty ham and pork steaks are mostly to blame. If you have heart problems and want to live many more happy years, then try to reduce the amount of red meat in your diet.

More white meat

Protein sources - chicken, turkey and fish - perfectly support the healthy functioning of our body. They accelerate the regeneration and formation of new muscle and tissue cells. Those who eat white meat actually live much longer than those who prefer red.

More nuts

Nuts are one of the healthiest sources of protein. A serving of nuts replacing a serving of pork reduces the risk of death from heart disease by 19%.

Corn, beans and pork

Eat like a Costa Rican - prolong your life! A Costa Rican man, on average, lives to be 90 years old. While the male half of Europe and the USA lives only to 60. Costa Ricans lead active life and eat mainly corn, beans, pork + a huge amount fruits and vegetables, which they usually grow themselves.

Red blood cells - where do they come from?

If red meat is bad for you, then what remains? Red cabbage - in any form. Promotes active growth of red blood cells and helps protect the body from cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Let's not forget about beet juice– it helps keep blood pressure normal and tomatoes – they reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

A universal fruit that saves you from all diseases, including stomach ulcers, chronic fatigue and anemia. Vitamins B, E and potassium help keep our skin, hair and nails in their original form for as long as possible.


Salmon and tuna support heart muscle function. They also contain saturated Omega-3 fatty acids, which prevent inflammation that provokes DNA damage. Naturally, in this case you need to give up fried, dried and salted fish and switch to steamed food. Properly cooked fish prolongs your life by 23%.

Organic food

Many people believe that organic vegetables are nothing special. vitamin composition do not differ from those that were grown on dietary supplements. However, food obtained without any additives retains its own immunity, which it subsequently transfers to humans - in the form of minerals and biologically active substances. Such products are usually less attractive in appearance, but they are the key to a long life without disease.

The last piece on the plate

Do you want to live to be a hundred? Leave one uneaten piece on your plate. The Japanese, for example, live longer only because they do not eat until they are completely full. It is customary to learn this from childhood. We all know that the feeling of fullness comes 20 minutes after eating, so if our stomach is not 100% full, but only 80%, then this will be enough. And most importantly - no stomach problems - he won’t have to work hard.

Two meals a day

Walter Broning of Montana died in 2011 at the age of 114. How did he do it? He always said that he was used to getting up from the table a little hungry, and most importantly, every day he only had two main meals. The rest of the time he snacked on fruits and vegetables and drank a lot of water.

... or even less

Looking for eternal youth many people also venture on special types of diets (those that are indicated for those suffering chronic diseases heart or stomach). Such diets are very difficult to endure, but they give good results. Research from the University of Washington has shown that short-term low calorie diet or fasting cleanse the body of toxic substances and correct the figure after a well-fed holiday. Short-term fasting is beneficial for absolutely everyone, except minor children - they need a full set of minerals and trace elements.

Japanese diet

Fish, tofu and vegetables – basic elements Japanese diet. Nutrition experts believe that the Japanese style of eating not only helps preserve good figure, but also add many joyful years to our lives (which the Japanese themselves prove with their world-famous longevity). The Japanese do not age for a long time and never get fat - this is a fact.

Mediterranean diet

Healthy fats from fish, olive oil and nuts, slow carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables and wine in moderation. This food is popular in Greece and Italy. This combination prolongs life, strengthens the heart, and protects against obesity and Alzheimer's disease. The Mediterranean diet necessarily involves eating only with family and best friends - this is a tradition.

Scandinavian diet

It is often called the Viking diet. Based on cabbage rye bread, root vegetables, oatmeal and fish. Followers of this diet not only live long, but also experience virtually no health problems.

homemade food

This is the main ticket to a long and happy life. A 2012 Cambridge study showed that amateurs homemade food live 47% longer than lovers of semi-finished products and ordered food from cafes and fast food restaurants.


No, pizza lovers never die before anyone else. This famous Italian dish is made from several different varieties capsicum. It contains a lot of essential and vegetable oils + vitamins B, C and carotene (the main accelerator of metabolic processes in the human body). So, if occasionally you treat yourself to pizza, then let it be pepperoni!

The main thing is to never forget that everything is good in moderation. No matter how controversial some of the advice may seem, each of them really has something that will add health, beauty and longevity to us. But remember that even the most best vitamins don't eat by the handful. Therefore, be honest with your body - and it will definitely thank you for it. Long life to you!

Based on materials from:,20610379,00.html

Hello everyone, dear friends! ?

As you may have guessed, today my inquisitive mind found a new topic for discussion. Not long ago, we became familiar with the benefits of proper nutrition, identified what the daily diet should be, and decided on alternative food options to replace unhealthy foods.

The first step was undoubtedly successful. However, visitors to our blog, which is dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, still have current issues about this theme.

What does the grocery list consist of? proper nutrition? What are the most effective recommendations for menu planning? Is there an optimal combination of healthy foods? What food can you do without by changing your diet?

Welcome to the web resource, guys, where you will learn everything about healthy eating! I propose not to hesitate another minute and begin our gastronomic exploration. ?

Top 10 recommendations from nutritionists: combining foods correctly

Friends, I would like to remind you that you can learn in detail about proper nutrition in this article. Today, as usual, I will start with the advice of nutritionists and qualified workers in the field of medicine. In my opinion, in order to begin to identify the main products “included” in our daily diet, we should familiarize ourselves with the opinions of experts in advance.

This approach is the safest for our health, because the stronghold of research is the recommendations of professionals.

I present to your attention top 10 rules, without which we will not be able to achieve the desired result:

  1. You cannot combine foods high in carbohydrates and “sour” foods - the gastrointestinal tract has difficulty digesting such food at the same time.
  2. Proteins and fats guarantee slow digestion of foods digestive tract. We don’t want such a speed to cause an extra centimeter to appear on the waist, do we?
  3. It is recommended to consume carbohydrates with a small amount of protein - joint reception Such food causes a decrease in gastric juice.
  4. It is also not recommended to eat fermented milk products with protein foods at the same time - the appearance of rotting processes and fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Separate proteins by type, because they secrete completely different enzymes - rationalize your diet.
  6. It is better to eat meat with herbs and vegetables - rapid absorption of food by the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. If you want to lose weight, then give up pasta and brown bread - if you don’t have a goal to lose overweight It is also impossible to eat such food at the same time, because it slows down the metabolic process in our body.
  8. Eat watermelon without everything - this berry cannot be combined with any product.
  9. Milk should not be combined with fruits - this is a sure way to have a negative impact on the functioning of the digestive tract.
  10. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or peptic ulcers, then be sure to consult with a specialist in advance of switching to proper nutrition.

The rules are quite simple, guys, so remembering them won’t be difficult for you. ? The main thing is not to forget that only A complex approach is a guarantee of a successful result. Carefully study the 10 recommendations of experts and try to strictly follow each of them.

If this is your first time visiting the site: “Be sure to read the list of gastronomic products that should be excluded from your daily diet In this article posted on our blog. Especially for you, we have identified 15 categories of products that have a negative effect on the body.”

Classification of healthy foods: list of foods for proper nutrition

Friends, regardless of whether you want to switch to proper nutrition for gaining weight or losing weight, all products are classified into 5 main categories:

Speaking of fruits, there is one exotic fruit that is rare in our area - it’s called mangosteen. It contains a RECORD amount of useful substances that stimulate active fat burning and weight loss. The guys from LadySecrets have collected interesting stories success, we recommend

Now we know 5 categories of products that will become the basis of our daily diet. I suggest we don’t stop there and identify the foods that are most beneficial for our bodies. Let's get started. ?

A must read, dear subscribers: “I did not put in a separate category products that negatively affect our body. This includes not only food, but also alcohol, tobacco products. Remember that to adhere to proper nutrition means to lead healthy image life, therefore, drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes should be a priori excluded.”

Top 10 healthy foods: proper nutrition as a method of improving health

Proper nutrition is a great way not only to get rid of extra pounds and lose weight, but also improve your health by normalizing the functioning of vital processes. Guys, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the products that provide beneficial effect to specific areas of the body:

  1. Hair- vegetables with dark shades, beans and fish from the salmon family.
  2. Brain– tuna, salmon and walnuts.
  3. Eyes and vision- corn, egg yolks and carrots.
  4. Heartripe tomatoes, baked or boiled potatoes, plums and juice made from them.
  5. The cardiovascular systemgreen tea, dark-colored vegetables.
  6. Muscle structures– bananas, meat, fish, eggs and tofu.
  7. Lungs– broccoli, as well as Brussels sprouts and Chinese sprouts.
  8. Gastrointestinal tract– prunes and dairy products containing bifidobacteria.
  9. Skeleton and joints– oranges, celery, milk and kefir.
  10. Leather– blueberries, salmon.

For clarity, below is an image that I found on the Internet. ?

Thus, knowing the above information, you can use products to influence individual areas of your body.

Friends, food is also used as a preventive measure for existing diseases, preventing their exacerbation. Be sure to bookmark this list - unique and systematized material that is not presented on the Internet.

An integral part of proper nutrition: “Guys, drink regular without gas throughout the day. Dehydration of the body is a sure way to weaken the immune system and the emergence of new diseases.”

The number of dishes and their taste characteristics will create the feeling that you can eat everything and there are no gastronomic restrictions at all. The main thing is to use your imagination in the process of preparing food from healthy products.

Now, dear friends, you know absolutely everything about proper nutrition, all that remains is to use the information rationally and gradually change your daily diet. If you still have questions that we can answer, be sure to ask them in the comments.

And once again: Our friends from LadySecrets have collected interesting success stories, we recommend

Very soon we will meet again on the web pages of our blog. All the best!

Have you ever wondered what food product is the most beneficial for our health and longevity? But there is no such thing as just one product, there is a great variety of them. Nature took care of this. And that's great! Therefore, it is important to maintain a balanced and varied diet; simply put, you need to eat a little of everything.

Yes, nature gave it to us, but we people managed to pervert everything and, out of goodness, do... harm) Because of our food addictions, we kill the benefits of foods, eat a lot of useless and harmful food. Although in our time it is generally difficult to maintain proper and healthy nutrition. The reason for this is the environment, the lack natural products, quite often the presence of chemical additives.

What is healthy to eat?

And yet, let’s try to figure out, from all the variety of products given to us by nature, plus everything that we ourselves have learned to produce, what should we prefer in our diet for health? It is important to know these points at least theoretically.

I will try to build a rating of products based solely on my knowledge in the field of nutrition, using the experience of centenarians, nutritionists, vegetarians, Ayurveda, which is close to me in spirit, and, of course, without discounting my opinion official medicine. Everything is in descending order by level of usefulness.

Fresh vegetables

So first place unconditionally, both official and non-traditional dietetics fresh vegetables and herbs: carrots, beets, zucchini, all types of cabbage ( high dose, antioxidants), onions, sweet and bitter peppers, tomatoes, especially yellow and orange in color (as a source of lutein and lycopene - a fighter against certain types of cancer cells), (inulin) melons (pumpkin,) and so on - the leaders of this line.

So Marva Ohanyan - a doctor, naturopath, biologist recommends a tomato diet for one day and eating only these fruits is better than orange or yellow color. In addition, we already know that even heat-treated tomatoes are healthy.

We also include all dill here on Olympus. The abundance of vitamins, chlorophyll, a source of microelements, fiber - makes greens desirable on our table. So you can eat greens unlimitedly! It’s a pity that you can’t eat much, after all, we are not cows and our digestion is slightly different.

Boiled vegetables are also useful, but less so; it is very important to cook them correctly. The best way is oven baking. Roasted vegetables, just what we love, lose their benefits. You can't fry on vegetable oil, it is better to use animal fat ( lard, creamy melted butter) to prevent the release of carcinogens during frying.

All plant gifts of nature Green colour super useful:

  1. They are a storehouse of vitamins,
  2. Lots of chlorophyll - green blood plants, a magical healer and a source of life for people.
  3. Low calorie content,
  4. No sugars, harmful salts,
  5. Easy to digest.

All this is living food that gives us the energy of the earth and the sun. Salads, vegetable juices, smoothies, fresh juices - super healthy food, the path to health, strength, and!


In second place we place fresh fruits and berries, only the presence of sugars lowers them a little bit below vegetables and herbs. Fruits grown in the area where people live: green apples are better (a source of pectin, vitamins, iron), plums, pears, apricots (potassium), peaches, medlar (iodine), persimmons, citrus fruits (as a source of vitamins C), especially lemon (as alkalizing organism).

Transcarpathian centenarian, who lived for 104 years, Andrey Voron, gives a special place to wild forest apples and pears, and not to those bred during selection.

Here, in the second place of honor, we will place berries, all without exception: currants, strawberries, raspberries, especially field and forest ones. Northern berries, environmentally friendly: blueberries, lingonberries, cloudberries are a super source of health, not causing allergies. Dark grape varieties as a source of antioxidants and flavonoids. The same sugar in the berries slightly spoils the picture of goodness. But if you don’t go overboard with them, in moderation, fruits and berries along with vegetables are leaders in our diet.

Cereals and legumes

The third step goes to grains and legumes. Porridge made from unpolished grains, especially buckwheat, millet (a source of potassium), corn (of course, if you are sure that it is non-GMO), although oatmeal has been found to contain gluten, it is still important on our table. Rice is healthy, but it is better unpolished and in moderation.

Thus, in the course of a large-scale 20-year study conducted by American scientists from the National Cancer Institute in Rockwell (USA) over 400 thousand patients, it was found that cereal porridges have the most favorable effect on humans.

Porridge lovers have the greatest resistance to disease and the ability to live to old age in good health. The most useful were porridges made from unprocessed whole grains, rich in fiber. This is brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.

They have unprecedented benefits, This is true magic for all diseases. But you must admit, there are hardly many lovers of such food. You can at least occasionally add sprouts to your diet in early spring.

And although cereals are recognized as the most useful product, there is still the fact that porridge is a boiled product, that is, some of the beneficial substances are lost during heat treatment. That’s why porridge still goes down a notch.

Legumes- an invaluable product, rich in protein, vitamins, fiber, which can heal the human body. However, the same heat treatment still deprives them of super usefulness.

Honey and nuts in nutrition

Nuts will also share fourth place
, I don’t even know which is more useful. Natural honey, real - priceless gift nature, not only an important product for nutrition, but also healing for a number of diseases, as a prevention of illnesses. He who loves honey lives long. Here! 🙂

I would even elevate honey to the very Olympus of usefulness, but still it can only be an additive to our food, due to high content sugars, and high calorie content we place it slightly lower.

And of course, the measure that is important here is that the product is allergenic. And even today, due to poor ecology and unscrupulous entrepreneurs, it is very difficult to find high-quality honey.

All nuts, without exception, are very useful: hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios, Brazilian nuts, pine nuts as a source of vitamins, vegetable protein, iodine, and enzymes. They are in no way inferior to honey, and can even act as an independent food.

M. Bircher-Berger - a Swiss doctor named walnuts

“The healthiest food for humans is natural living food, saturated with the energy of the sun. You can basically eat nuts alone.”

And Hippocrates believed that nuts could relieve diseases of the heart, brain, stomach, liver, kidneys, and liver.

Vladimir Levi (a famous psychologist) praised the walnut and called it “a holiday for the brain.” It is indispensable for brain activity and memory.

Michurin called the walnut “the bread of the future.”

However, you should not eat a lot of nuts due to their high calorie content. possible allergies for a product that is difficult to digest, so it is important to take moderation.

Fish and seafood

Well, further, the fifth most useful product is sea fish, seafood, seaweed- as a source of saturated Omega-3 fatty acids, animal protein, phosphorus, and group vitamins. Particularly useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. People who eat a lot of fish do not have heart attacks or strokes.

That's all. The unconditional benefit of everything else is very debatable. And yes, vegetable oils are very useful. But we use them as an additive to dishes.

Vegetable oils

This category of products is also very necessary for people correct exchange substances. Unrefined vegetable oils, especially pumpkin, sesame, flaxseed, olive, as an additive to the diet due to their polyunsaturated and fatty acids organic acids are perfectly absorbed by the body. But only in finished form, you can’t fry it in vegetable oil, which we all do and always do almost everywhere. The resulting carcinogens are harmful to our health.


Dairy products, melted butter, properly prepared, as a source of animal protein, milk fat, micro-macroelements. Let us remember how healthy ghee is. And milky sour foods: kefir, yogurt, ayran, live yoghurts without preservatives, even whey are of great benefit.


IN Lately are widely promoted. Yes, if fresh and if in moderation, they are useful and even cure a number of diseases.

That, perhaps, is all that should be in our diet. But there are quite a few healthy and tasty products. I did not include bread in the list due to very large attacks due to the use of incorrect yeast, due to the refining of grain, Bad quality flour. Large-grain bread with the addition of yeast-free bran is recommended by nutritionists.


Meat has long been recognized as a harmful product for health by medicine (it causes colon cancer), nutritionists, not to mention naturopaths. Red meat is especially harmful; according to research results, it is ranked third in terms of the degree of harm to health after tobacco and alcohol.

Most people love meat, because of its taste, the content of animal protein, imino acids and iron, it is fed to children with early childhood. Therefore, it is difficult to reconsider your views on this product; without meat, the majority of the world’s population would be nowhere.

Those who can not eat it easily give up; those who cannot or do not want, then it is better and preferable to eat beef, rabbit meat, lamb, turkey, quail or white meat chicken breast. Don't eat pork, but thin plastic