The left arm hurts up to the elbow from the shoulder: the main reasons. Pain in the arm from shoulder to elbow: causes and treatment

Many people are quite familiar unpleasant state when arms hurt from shoulder to elbow. Usually, such pain has a one-sided direction, is felt in a specific place or spreads over the entire surface of the arm, and can last both a short period of time and a long one. Most often, the causes that caused it are muscle strain or a long stay in an uncomfortable state. However, it is also a sign dangerous disease Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a correct diagnosis in order to exclude such a situation and start treatment in a timely manner. Let's take a closer look at why the arms from the elbow and shoulder hurt, what causes this pain and how to treat it.

There can be many reasons for the occurrence of pain in the hands. First of all, they call excessive muscle tension. It occurs, as a rule, during or after an intense workout, especially with an increased power load on the muscles of the shoulder. The pain is aching, the inconvenience increases when performing any movements with the hands. This problem is familiar to those involved in bodybuilding, as well as people who have to lift weights.

The second, no less common reason is a long regular stay in the same, often uncomfortable, position. Pain stops during rest and occurs when the load is resumed.

Besides, pain syndrome in the arm above the elbow indicates a variety of pathologies, which are conditionally combined into several groups:

  • Diseases of the spine, muscles.
  • Disorders in the work of the joints.
  • Systemic diseases.
  • Pathological changes in the internal organs.
  • neurological diseases.
  • Injuries.

Diseases of the spine

In certain situations, pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow is caused by diseases that are not related to the upper limbs.

  • Spondylosis in the cervical region also responds with a pulling pain in the arm, because. the lateral processes of the vertebrae are significantly enlarged, hindering the neck in movement.
  • With intervertebral hernias (protrusions), the discs are noticeably damaged: their wear and thinning bring the vertebrae together, as a result of which the nerve endings are pinched, which, in turn, causes severe pain in hand.

  • Osteochondrosis of the thoracic and cervical spine is manifested by pain in the left or right hand, as well as tingling and numbness in the hands. However, the functionality of the limbs is preserved, although the pain in them increases significantly if you need to turn or tilt your head, raise your hand. You can work on correcting your posture using a corset. Specially designed exercises, swimming, also help well.
  • Myositis is an inflammatory disease of the muscles. It can begin to develop due to injuries, hypothermia, infectious lesions of the body. It is manifested by the fact that the muscles hurt, in advanced cases, even their atrophy is possible.

Articular pathologies


Inflammatory process in the tendons, which occurs as a result of a constant load of the same type on the shoulder joint. This violation is accompanied by swelling, redness of the affected area, its swelling. You can hear a crunch when moving your hand. The patient does not experience limited mobility in the upper limbs, but the pain bothers the person constantly, either intensifying or decreasing. If tendinitis is left untreated, it will become chronic.

Neurological pathologies (sciatica, paresis, neuropathy, neuralgia) can cause pain in the hand.


Pain in the right or left arm may indicate an injury. As a result of a blow or inaccurate fall, a person gets a shoulder injury. In this case, it is likely that the humerus will move, if the tendons rupture, then the shoulder will be very sore, numb, and also will not function. long time. The severity of pain can be judged on the resulting damage. For example, when a bone is broken slightest movement will respond with severe pain in the hand. Moreover, the soreness of the injured place persists for a long period of time. In right-handed people, it is more intense when injured left shoulder, because the muscles of the left hand are much weaker, and in left-handers - the right.

See below for advice and exercises for the prevention and treatment of the shoulder joint from the doctors of the SportClinic.

Older people are most often affected by traumatic injuries due to age-related changes in bones and muscles. Athletes who have increased loads on the shoulder joints and bones are also often injured.

Shoulder dislocation can also be the answer to the question of why the arm hurts. You can dislocate the shoulder joint during an unexpected fall or intense movement during training. In the professional environment of athletes, there is even the term "habitual" dislocation of the shoulder.

Therapeutic activities in the treatment of pain, first of all, they are aimed at reducing pain and eliminating the cause of the disease. Therapy is often enough, but in the most difficult situations, surgery is possible. Surgery is indicated if:

  1. The integrity of the bones is broken.
  2. Arthritis or arthrosis led to deformity of the joints.
  3. Need to be cured intervertebral hernia that put pressure on nerve endings.
  4. There is swelling in the shoulder.

In less complex cases, the doctor will limit himself to prescribing medicines, physiotherapy, plastering, splints and physiotherapy exercises.


Medicines used in the treatment are divided into several types.

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used both in the form of tablets and in the form of an ointment. Their main task is to stop the inflammatory process in the joint.
  2. Painkillers significantly reduce or completely relieve pain.
  3. Chondoprotectors prevent the development of destructive processes in the joints, perform a restorative function. In advanced situations, drugs are injected directly into the joints.

You can also use warming ointments, but you need to be attentive to your feelings: in no case should a burning reaction be allowed.

Pain-blocking drugs work for a short time. You should not independently determine the causes of pain and prescribe treatment for yourself.


If a person has pain in his hands, then in the remission stage he is shown the following physiotherapy treatment:

  1. Electrophoresis.
  2. Magnetotherapy.
  3. Manual therapy.

Orthopedic products

In case of shoulder injuries, in particular, fractures, it is necessary to apply a splint and a fixative - a plaster cast. For sprains, an elastic bandage is used. If osteochondrosis is diagnosed in the cervical spine, a Shants tire is used.

Traditional medicine

When the right hand hurts or pains are felt in the left, then you can pay attention to traditional medicine. At the same time, they should be used only after consulting a doctor, because. possible intolerance to the components.

  • Baths with essential oils. For 600-700 g of warm (but not hot) water, take 8-10 drops essential oils orange and parsley. The patient's hand is kept in water (avoiding burning) for up to 15 minutes, the course is 7-10 days.
  • Vodka and honey compresses also relieve pain well. You will need to mix 1 tsp. honey with 100 gr. Vodka. The resulting mixture is applied to the sore spot, fixed with a bandage, left overnight.

Any folk remedies do not affect the main factor that provoked the pain, but help to remove or reduce it.

The main thing, remember, the causes of pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow, will reliably determine only professional doctor. He will advise how to cure the disease.

For more information about pain in the hands, see the program "Live healthy" with Elena Malysheva.

When the arm hurts from the shoulder to the elbow, it is important to determine the causes as accurately as possible so that the optimal treatment can be prescribed, if necessary. There may be several provoking factors for the development of such a condition. Pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow occurs as due to harmless reasons as well as severe joint disorders. Discomfort can be of varying degrees of intensity. If the right hand hurts, then it usually interferes a lot in everyday life, since for many people the main load falls on this particular limb. If there is a suspicion of serious injury, then you should immediately contact the nearest medical center.

Causes of pain in the arm from shoulder to elbow

Pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow are quite common. They can be the result of various provoking factors: from banal overstrain to serious joint pathologies and injuries. Pain in the right arm is often due to strain and overuse. In the first case, this happens with inaccurate manipulations and actions, sudden movements. Also, pain in the right hand occurs with an uneven distribution of the load and carrying weights. As a rule, right-handers load this limb the most.

Sometimes this phenomenon occurs in schoolchildren and students with wrong position elbow with a large amount of written work. The pain in the right arm at the same time gives to the shoulder and causes severe discomfort. Gadgets can also provoke a similar condition.

Constant use of tablets and phones in an uncomfortable position leads to pain in the right hand; this pain sometimes persists for a long time.

However, not only modern technology can become a factor in such conditions. The reasons lie also in excessive stress on the joint.

It can be:

  1. Sports. If the arm hurts from the shoulder and the day before there was work in the gym. It doesn’t matter what a person specifically did: pumping muscles or stretching, the result will be the same with incorrect manipulations. The reasons for the discomfort are in the heavy workload that people who aim for a quick result impose on themselves.
  2. Carrying weights. The causes of uncomfortable conditions can lie precisely in the wrong and uneven distribution of gravity. Carrying heavy bags, especially in women, can lead to painful conditions. If a muscular system underdeveloped, the risk increases. Pain in the left arm may be from carrying a heavy bag over the shoulder. It occurs gradually and descends to the elbow bend.

If it hurts left hand may have been made a sharp movement in the shoulder joint. In this case, the discomfort may not go away. for a long time and should consult a doctor.

Other pain factors and treatment

If the hands hurt from the shoulder, then the reasons may be in chronic diseases joints. With degenerative processes in cartilage, discomfort often occurs. Pain increases as the disease progresses.

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint will help get rid of discomfort. When dystrophic processes take place in cartilage tissue, then the hand often hurts - this is how it reacts to weather changes. In this case, the pain can radiate to the bone, which blurs the picture of the disease. For example, it hurts the shoulder joint, and pain is felt in the elbow, and vice versa.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical region is also capable of giving false sensations in other segments. At the same time, doctors believe that the joints of the shoulders are affected.

If cartilage lesions are not the cause of discomfort, then there is a common household factor. The elbow can hurt when working with a knife for a long time while cooking. At the same time, the shoulder and the bone hurt. Symptoms subside after a short rest.

Methods of pain therapy depend on the causes that provoked such troubles.

With mild pain in the hands, you can use special anti-inflammatory creams. For example, Nise gel. If you regularly rub them with a problem joint, then the uncomfortable sensations will decrease. From periodic pain associated with weather changes, it is good to use Chondroxide cream or another similar composition based on chondroitin and glucosamine.

Soft gymnastics of the shoulder and elbow joints helps well. To do this, you need to make slow circular movements with your hands. First, the shoulders are stretched, then the elbows. All manipulations must be done smoothly, 10 repetitions clockwise and vice versa are enough. The main thing is regularity.

Pain in the arms from the shoulder to the elbow, which do not go away for a long time, should be alarming; you should consult a doctor to find out the reasons before the process has gone too far.

Treatment in this case will be aimed at eliminating the main factor, while it is possible to stop changes in the articulation at the initial stage. Pain in the arm from the elbow to the shoulder will no longer bother if you spare this area and do not overexert.

Pain in the shoulder or elbow joint, difficulties in performing the usual range of hand movements, a feeling of numbness and tingling are frequent complaints of patients at the appointment with a neurologist and traumatologist.

Classification of pain syndrome

Types of pain differ in subjective sensations of a person, localization, development mechanism and causes.

In the vast majority of clinical cases, a person notes discomfort in one hand, but there are situations when pain impulses occur on both limbs. Often the patient can clearly point to a specific area that hurts - to the zone of the shoulder or elbow joint. Although often painful discomfort has a "blurring" character, covering the entire surface of the hand.

Acute superficial pain, manifested as a result of a violation of the integrity of the skin or damage to the superficial subcutaneous tissues, is perceived by a person as local stabbing, piercing, burning sensations. This condition, called transient or acute nociceptive pain, is characterized by the presence of a mechanical stimulus and immediate regression after a short course of analgesics.

The pain syndrome can come from the “deep” segments of the arm: muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, bones. With the rapid development of acute pathology deep pain manifested by unbearable cutting, shooting sensations. At the same time, in chronic ailments, deep pain can be overcome constantly and persistently, without giving a person a break and making it impossible even to slightly raise his hand. For many diseases chronic pain is dull, aching in nature and does not have a clear localization.

Doctors can diagnose diseases and differentiate a specific ailment from other diseases by specific clinical signs observed during visual inspection and palpation, as well as the study of patient complaints. Guess about potential cause why hands hurt from shoulder to elbow, every contemporary can, having studied the features and manifestations of common lesions of the locomotor system.

Causes of pain that manifests itself from the shoulder to the elbow

Factor 1. Injury

Likely Causes why a particular segment of the right or left upper limb hurts a lot - traumatic damage to the atomic parts of the arm:

  1. violation of the integrity of the humerus or ulna in a fracture;
  2. dislocation of the shoulder joint or elbow joint;
  3. bruises, ruptures and sprains of the tendon apparatus;
  4. muscle tissue damage.

It is not difficult to determine the traumatic nature of the damage: pain, as a rule, develops at lightning speed after exposure to a negative external factor and is manifested by strong sharp, stabbing sensations. Another sign of injury is the limitation of the ability to perform movement of the affected limb. The location of the damage changes externally: the appearance of puffiness, swelling is visually fixed, the skin area becomes red.

An informative sign of a fracture is crepitus - a sonorous crunch. The appearance of mobility in the area where there are no joints also indicates a fracture of the bones. In some cases, it is possible to detect fragments of bone elements. With a dislocation of the shoulder or elbow, there are no such symptoms.

An unconditional signal that a muscle, ligament, or tendon has torn is a loud and resonant crack during injury, reminiscent of a cracker explosion. The injury site quickly swells and becomes shapeless.

If the muscle of the arm has suffered from a bruise, then due to a rupture blood vessels a hematoma rapidly develops at the site of injury, the color of which changes from lilac-red to yellow-green. As a rule, this condition is accompanied by a slight increase in local (skin) temperature.

Factor 2. Inflammatory processes in an acute form

Often observed reasons why areas from the shoulder to the elbow hurt are an inflammatory process of an infectious nature, stationed on specific segments of bone or articular tissues. An acute inflammatory lesion is characterized by the occurrence of severe sharp pain, which does not subside at rest. Absolute signs penetration of a bacterial, viral, fungal infection and the acute development of an inflammatory or purulent-septic process are: an instant rise in body temperature to high values, accompanied by chills and fever, signals of intoxication of the body:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness.

It should be noted that the focus of inflammation can be localized in different departments musculoskeletal tissue. Widespread diseases are arthritis, which is characterized by damage to the joints of the shoulder or elbow of an inflammatory nature. With an infectious or pyogenic (purulent) form, in addition to an increase in temperature, there is a change in the contours of the articulation, its swelling and swelling, and redness of the skin.

Osteomyelitis is a dangerous condition that requires immediate assistance. With this disease, a purulent-necrotic process develops in the bone and bone marrow. For septic-pyemic form acute osteomyelitis the patient's condition is extremely severe:

  • heat;
  • chills;
  • strong headache;
  • nausea with repeated vomiting;
  • delusional inclusions;
  • confusion of consciousness up to coma.

The onset of the disease is accompanied by severe localized pains, the right or left hand acquires a forced position, the patient cannot raise the limb. Puffiness quickly increases in the area, the skin over the focus is hyperemic.

Tendinitis is an inflammation of the tendon, which is characterized by the development of dystrophic lesions. Symptoms of the disease range from mild pain to burning unbearable pain after performing the movement. When the hand hurts, there is stiffness of the joints, swelling and redness of the skin.

Similar symptoms are manifested by myositis - a collective term for inflammatory muscle lesions. Due to the pain associated with intense contraction of the skeletal muscles, a person deliberately limits motor activity leading to muscle atrophy.

Factor 3. Arthrosis

With this progressive disease, a degenerative-dystrophic change in the segments of the joint occurs, up to the complete destruction of the hyaline cartilage. The peculiarity of arthrosis is the nature of the pain: it is aching, pulling in nature and intensifies as the aggravation of the disease. Pain syndrome occurs when excessive overload of the upper limb or performing unusual work with the hand.

The clinical herald of pathology is a loud, sonorous crunch that occurs when performing movements in the affected shoulder or elbow. Typically, at this chronic pathology the patient's body temperature remains unchanged, its sharp and sudden rise with a concomitant increase in pain indicates the addition of an inflammatory pathology.

In the stage of exacerbation of arthrosis, visual signs are observed: a change in the shape and an increase in the size of the damaged joint, their swelling and swelling, and the absence of clear contours.

Factor 4. Tunnel neuropathies

Separate group diseases manifested by the occurrence of local pain and isolated motor disorders - tunnel neuropathies. Conditions develop as a result of compression of the nerve: suprascapular, axillary, median, ulnar.

With the syndrome of notch scapula (pinching of the suprascapular nerve), the pain is localized in the deep sections of the shoulder joint. Pain is especially intense at night, when a person sleeps on the affected side. At long course neuropathy, there is atrophy of muscle tissues and a restriction in performing rotations of the shoulder.

With neuropathy of the axillary nerve, the pain syndrome increases when trying to take the arms back or bring the straight limbs in front of the chest.

A common condition is pronator syndrome, provoked by repetitive tension in the muscles of the shoulder and muscles of the hand during professional, sports or household activities. Such situations can be observed in nursing mothers, when the head of the crumbs exerts intense pressure on the forearm. A pinched nerve is often recorded in people with working specialties who use a screwdriver, a hammer for a long time and perform movements on weight without giving a hand rest. Pain in pronator syndrome occurs when performing certain activities and disappears at rest.

In case of chronic traumatization of the shoulder, for example: when carrying a heavy bag or writing in an uncomfortable position, the motor branch of the forearm nerve is pinched. In addition to the fact that the shoulder hurts, neuropathy is manifested by paresis of the thumb and middle finger and the specific position of the hand.

The first messengers of neuropathy ulnar nerve, often occurring in bedridden patients, is pain and itching in the upper limb, the appearance movement disorders. However, in the algic form, there may be no motor defects and muscle atrophy may not occur.

separate forms neuropathies are unique conditions, for example: Guyon's bed syndrome, which occurs due to a pinched nerve during prolonged use of crutches.

Factor 5. Epicondylitis

The disease, also referred to as "tennis elbow", has an inflammatory etiology. The pathological focus is located in the area of ​​muscle attachment to the epicondyles humerus. The main symptoms of epicondylitis are aching pain when the elbow is extended and flexed, a burning sensation on the outside of the arm. A frequent companion is injury to the radial nerve due to an increased load on muscle tissues this zone.


In order to determine exactly why the hand hurts, you need to contact a medical institution and perform a series of diagnostic studies, after which the doctor will choose an individual treatment regimen to get rid of pain.

Pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow can be disturbing for various reasons. An uncomfortable position during sleep or prolonged monotonous hand work can cause short-term pain associated with muscle strain or sprains and tendons. With prolonged discomfort, when the arm constantly hurts from shoulder to elbow, the cause does not always lie in the limb itself and requires serious attention. Numbness, discoloration of the skin, soreness in the left or right hand - this can manifest neurological disorders, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as diseases musculoskeletal system. Before treating pain and eliminating its causes, you will need to undergo a diagnosis.

Why does arm pain occur?

Pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow occurs for various reasons. Causal factors by localization pathological process can be classified:

  • trauma;
  • diseases of the shoulder joint - capsulitis, plexitis, tendobursitis, tendinitis, bursitis, periarthritis;
  • diseases of the spine cervical osteochondrosis, protrusions and hernias of the intervertebral disc, spondylosis of the cervical region;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract - pneumonia, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, liver pathology;
  • osteoporosis;
  • neurological disorders - neuropathy, paresis, paralysis;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases - rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, periarthritis nodosa;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Factors that provoke the occurrence of pain in the muscles, joints and tendons of the hands:

  1. high loads at sports training, heavy physical labor, leading to trauma and inflammation of the muscle tendons;
  2. injuries: bruises, muscle strains and torn ligaments;
  3. intercostal neuralgia, accompanied by intense pain in the shoulder and arm of a stabbing character, limited movements of the limb and shortness of breath;
  4. hypothermia, leading to inflammation of the shoulder joint or myositis;
  5. infectious processes, manifested by sharp and sudden pain;
  6. tumors leading to neuritis;
  7. arthrosis and arthritis large joints(shoulder, elbow);
  8. trophic disorders in the area of ​​the shoulder joint that occur when the supply vessels are damaged or squeezed.

Arm hurts from shoulder to elbow, causes


it inflammatory disease muscles, which arise under the influence various factors. Presents with pain, muscle weakness early stages and, as a result, muscle atrophy.

The causes of myositis are very diverse: infection, trauma, cooling, exposure to toxins and occupational factors.

The main symptom of the disease is aching pain in the arm, burning, hyperemia (redness) skin and swelling at the site of injury. Dense nodules and strands are palpable in the muscles. The patient's general condition worsens - fever develops, chills occur.

Diseases of the joints and periarticular tissues

Neurological disorders

Plexopathy is a pathology inflammatory nature affecting branches nerve plexus located in the shoulder near subclavian artery.

Degree of damage nerve fibers with plexopathy, it can vary from local inflammation of individual nerve bundles to the spread of the inflammatory process along the entire long branch of the nerve that innervates the muscles of the arm and skin from the shoulder to the elbow of the wrist and to the fingertips.

With plexopathy, pain is disturbed in the area of ​​​​the shoulder joint, collarbone, neck, shoulder blade, arm (more often up to the elbow bend, less often up to the hand).

Due to the fact that in most cases the pathology affects the leading hand, a person suffering from plexopathy partially or completely loses his ability to work.

Pathologies of the spine

  1. Pain in the hands with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine spread throughout the arm, aggravated by turning or tilting the head. Patients often complain that the shoulder hurts and the arm goes numb, there is a feeling of "goosebumps" on the skin.
  2. A hernia or protrusion of the intervertebral disc in the cervical region is also accompanied by pain in the shoulder and arm. Damaged discs lose elasticity and become thinner, the distance between the vertebrae decreases. Approaching, they pinch the nerves, which leads to the appearance of pain in the spine with irradiation to the arm.

Other diseases and injuries

  • With a dislocation of the shoulder joint and a rupture of the shoulder tendon, the shoulder is very sore when the arm is raised, limiting its motor function. Such a traumatic lesion occurs during an accidental fall, intense sports load and active movements during workouts.
  • Habitual dislocation of the shoulder is a common diagnosis among athletes.

  • Osteoporosis is mainly a disease of the elderly, caused by a violation of calcium metabolism and deterioration of regeneration. bone tissue. The nature of the pain is aching, pulling.
  • Mental illness is manifested by sudden pain that occurs in different parts body and accompanied by anxiety, panic attacks and shortness of breath.
  • Acute inflammation bodies digestive system, peptic ulcer stomach, hepatic colic, cholelithiasis accompanied by pain spreading to the arm, shoulder, under the shoulder blade.


Diagnosis of pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow is carried out by a neurologist or therapist.

If, after questioning and examining the patient, the doctor finds out that the cause of the pain is a disease of the internal organs, he sends him for a consultation to specialized specialists who will try to eliminate the source of pain, and will not just deal with the symptoms of the pathology.

    Additional diagnostic methods are:
  1. x-ray of the spine, shoulder and elbow joints of the arm;
  2. computed or magnetic razonan tomography;
  3. biochemical and to detect autoimmune processes and infectious pathology;
  4. densitometric study for the presence of osteoporosis;
  5. scintigraphic examination for suspected malignant tumors and metastasis;
  6. arthroscopy may be indicated for osteoarthritis.

How and what to treat

Treatment of the disease is aimed at eliminating the cause of the pain syndrome, the destruction of pathogenic microflora and the elimination of the symptom complex of the disease.

  • Medicinal systemic treatment .
    Therapeutic measures for arthritis and arthrosis consist in the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Meloxicam, Indomethacin, Ketoprofen, anesthetics and chondroprotectors. With absence therapeutic effect patients are prescribed - "Prednisolone", "Hydrocortisone" and narcotic analgesics. Medicines are taken orally, administered intravenously and intraarticularly. So with arthrosis, intra-articular injections of drugs are effective.
  • Medical local treatment.
    To reduce pain in the elbow joint, arm and shoulder, anti-inflammatory ointments are used - "Dolgit", "", "Diclofenac". If the pain is caused by spasms of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck, anti-inflammatory ointments based on should be used. In case of trauma and bruises, accompanied by ruptures of ligaments and tendons, ice is applied to the sore spot, and at night they do vinegar compress.
  • Physiotherapy treatment.
    Electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, as well as osteopathic treatment, massage, physiotherapy, yoga classes are shown only after stabilization of the patient's condition and elimination of the acute stage of the disease.
  • Surgery .
    If a conservative treatment arthrosis of the shoulder joint does not give positive result, then proceed to the surgical treatment of pathology - arthroplasty of the affected joint.

Prevention of pain in the arm from shoulder to elbow

To prevent the occurrence of pain in the arm and shoulder, you should not:

  1. sleep on a hard and high pillow,
  2. carry a heavy bag on one shoulder or in one hand,
  3. sit in an uncomfortable position
  4. supercool,
  5. overburden cervical region when doing physical exercises.


  • sleep on a hard cushion
  • take care of your posture
  • do exercises,
  • dress for the weather
  • warm up before workouts
  • follow a diet
  • evenly distribute the load on both hands.

A condition when the arm hurts from the shoulder to the elbow, - clinical sign many diseases. The appearance of persistent pain in the shoulder requires an immediate examination by specialists and the appointment of appropriate treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the identified pathology.

Author of the article: Sergey Vladimirovich, an adherent of reasonable biohacking and an opponent of modern diets and rapid weight loss. I will tell you how a man aged 50+ to remain fashionable, handsome and healthy, how to feel 30 at his fifty. about the author.

​DiscussionsMake an appointment with a paid doctor​

​When muscle pain that has arisen after recent sprains or bruises, you can use special cooling gels and creams that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. These include: Diclofenac, Voltaren, Ortofen, Bystrumgel, Venoruton-gel, DIP Relief, Indovazin, Indomethacin, Ketonal, Fastumgel. For neuralgia, it is advisable to use warming ointments that reduce pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect: Nise-gel, Nikoflex, Finalgon, Analgos, Apizartron, etc. Most of these ointments can be used for arthritis of various etiologies (with joint pain).

When muscles and ligaments are stretched, aching pain appears in the hands

Of the inflammatory lesions of the articular ligamentous apparatus elbow the most common are epicondylitis.

swelling and stiffness of the joint;

With damage to nerve fibers by dislocations and fractures of the elbow joint, patients complain of weakness, tingling or numbness, and with damage to large blood vessels, pallor and cold in the damaged part of the arm.

The most common are posterior dislocations of the elbow joint. Front and side - a rarer case. With posterior dislocation, deformation of the elbow joint is observed, shortening of the forearm, the protruding olecranon is visually determined. Movement in the joint is sharply limited, the patient is worried about severe pain. When trying to perform extension in the joint, spring resistance is determined. With an anterior dislocation, there is an elongation of the forearm, compared with a healthy arm, and there is a retraction in the region of the olecranon. With a lateral dislocation, the forearm is displaced inward or outward. Anterior and lateral dislocations are often accompanied by damage to the median or ulnar nerve, which causes loss of sensation in the area of ​​the hand.

Damage to the nervous and cardiovascular system, leading to pain in the elbow:

In addition to the actual disorders that occur in the shoulder joint itself, pain in the forearm may have a cause in diseases of other organs. For example, irradiating (reflected) pain in diseases of the liver, heart, lungs.

Dislocation leading to "falling out" of the shoulder. May be recurrent.


In the hustle and bustle of business, we sometimes pay little attention to minor pains, the original signals of our body about some kind of malfunction in the body. Somehow we suddenly notice that the arm or shoulder (back, leg, etc.) hurts. We endure, we hope that it will pass, because you can endure. But in fact, it might be better to immediately figure out what this is happening from? Of course, you need to do this with the help of a doctor.

Cause classification

If the pain persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps this is a symptom of a serious illness, in which only a doctor should prescribe treatment.

, daily actions with the hands become difficult to perform, with a load on the damaged muscles, the pain intensifies. When the ligaments are torn, the pain is acute, intense. Movement in the hands is sharply hampered, it is impossible to hold any object in the hand.

  • Epicondylitis is inflammatory lesion ligamentous apparatus of the elbow joint, which is provoked by chronic overloads or microtraumas of the tendons of the hand. characteristic feature This pathology is pain in the elbow joint that occurs when there is stress on the arm, such as carrying weights and trying to lift something heavy. In addition, pain sensations also occur during such hand movements, which are performed with a rotational force. So, pain often occurs when turning a wrench or a tight lever, working with a screwdriver for a long time, playing some sports (for example, arm wrestling and tennis), or after active agricultural work. Monotonous, constantly repetitive hand movements and a high load on the elbow joint cause microdamage to various joint tissues (muscles or ligaments), which provokes the development of this disease. Ordinary daily movements, extension and flexion of the elbow, which are performed without load and resistance, most often do not cause discomfort. In addition, with epicondylitis, the occurrence of pain at rest is not typical. With epicondylitis, joint mobility is also not disturbed - the arm bends and unbends at the elbow in full. Outwardly, the elbow joint looks absolutely healthy and unchanged. Only when feeling it, pain is determined on the condyles of the joint, i.e. on bones protruding on the sides. There are two main forms of epicondylitis: external and internal.
  • In some cases, crunching during movements in the affected joint;
  • Chondrocalcinosis is a joint disease that is associated with the deposition of calcium salts in the articular cartilage. This process disrupts mobility in the joint, causes pain, swelling and swelling. There are several clinical forms of this disease:

In children at the age of 3-4 years, when stretching or lifting by the hand, subluxation of the head of the radius sometimes develops. It is manifested by sudden pain in the elbow and arm, limited range of motion in the elbow joint. This injury is connected with the fact that children's articular ligaments are still very elastic and stretch well, which allows the articular surfaces to disrupt their spatial arrangement. Elbow dislocation can be combined with tendon tears, as well as with fractures of the bones that make up the elbow joint.

  1. neuritis of the ulnar nerve;
  2. But most often in the forearm "gives" pain associated with disorders in the spine. Among them: osteochondrosis, protrusions, intervertebral hernias in the cervical and thoracic spine. Pathological changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs lead to pinching and disruption of the radicular and other nerves. If the forearm suffers precisely for this reason, then constant or periodic pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow increases with body tilts in different directions and head turns.

All these disorders require the intervention of doctors: a traumatologist, surgeon or orthopedist. Without treatment or with improper self-medication, ailments can turn into chronic form.​


Mechanical impact on the joint

The doctor will definitely ask why and how the arm hurts, in what place, with what movements or postures. After all, pain symptoms can appear for various reasons.

​If you don't know the cause of arm pain, see a therapist. In addition to him, you can contact a traumatologist, surgeon, neurologist and rheumatologist.

What can this lead to

Arthritis of the joints

  1. External (lateral) epicondylitis is an inflammation of the tendons of the muscles that extend the wrist, where they attach to the bones. The function of the elbow joint with "tennis elbow" practically does not suffer, and the pathology is manifested mainly by pain. The appearance of pain is usually preceded by an unusual or increased load - intensive sports after long breaks, long work in the garden, etc. The patient is most often able to accurately indicate the place of greatest pain, which corresponds to the external epicondyle of the humerus. With this pathology, pain often spreads down to the hand along the outer surface of the forearm. Another characteristic symptom is a slight reproduction of pain when resisting active extensions in the wrist joint. In addition, the signs of "tennis elbow" are:
  2. Sometimes, with superficially located intraarticular bodies, they can be determined by touch.
  3. Pseudogout
  4. Pain in elbow fractures is very intense, which is caused not only by bone trauma, but also by fragment damage to nearby nerves, blood vessels and tissues. Usually at the time of the fracture, you can hear a characteristic crunch. Movement in the hand is severely limited, up to complete impossibility, the joint abruptly changes its normal shape. Often there are bruises caused by rupture of blood vessels.

Osteochondrosis of the spine and intervertebral hernia;

When salt is too much

Since the shoulder joint is the most “influential” in relation to the forearm, most of the pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow is associated with the so-called humeroscapular periarthrosis. It can be called with a number of synonyms: “frozen” shoulder syndrome, adhesive capusulitis, arthrosis of the shoulder joint, but this does not change the essence. With this pathology, there is pain in the muscles in the shoulder area. In this case, the patient notes their stiffness. And already from the shoulder joint, the pain can move down the forearm.

Another common cause of pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow is the deposition of salts, familiar to physicians as the "collision" syndrome. At its core, it signals failures in other parts of the body, in particular, and violations of salt metabolism, in general, and the shoulder is the "injured" side.

  • articular.
  • The first reason we feel pain can be muscle fatigue. Worked hard the day before, wore heavy things. Or maybe this is a consequence of your work, for example, you have been typing on a computer for a long time. Then it is clearly felt that the muscles of the hands hurt. This feeling of fatigue will eventually pass along with the pain. But sometimes, it would seem, for no reason, the pain appears, then disappears, and then disturbs again. Or unpleasant sensations arise in the hands, or we feel that the arm in the elbow hurts. Perhaps it is arthritis, an inflammatory disease of the joint. It can be promoted by infectious diseases, injuries, bruises. Another reason why the arm hurts can be a severe bruise, dislocation or hidden fracture.
  • Dmitry Voroshilov
  • It can be caused by so many reasons (this includes rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout). that inflammatory disease in which the joint swells, the skin over it becomes hot, pain appears.
  • puffiness and strong
  • Gout is a disease that is associated with a violation of the metabolism of purines. It is characterized by an increase in uric acid in the blood, and the deposition of its salts (urates) in the articular tissues. When the elbow joint is affected, patients complain of burning, excruciating pain. A typical gouty attack often begins with pain in the joint of the big toe. With the development of the disease, more and more joints (including the elbows) are involved in the pathological process - polyarthritis develops. Most gout attacks begin at night. They proceed with a rapid increase in redness and an increase in the temperature of the skin around the joint. Sharply increases its swelling and soreness. Inflammation can also capture soft tissues, manifesting itself as a clinical picture of cellulitis or phlebitis. AT severe cases attack is accompanied by an increase general temperature body. The usual duration of a gouty attack is up to several days, and sometimes several weeks. After subsidence
  • It is characterized by an acute onset with pain, redness of the skin, swelling of the joint and severe limitation of mobility. The pain attack is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and lasts up to several weeks. Attacks of pseudogout in some patients are provoked by surgery (especially often for the removal of the parathyroid gland), acute vascular pathologies (stroke, myocardial infarction) or injuries. In the interictal period, all of the listed joint symptoms can disappear almost completely.
  • One of severe complications with a fracture of the elbow joint - this is Volkmann's ischemic contracture. It arises as a result acute violation arterial blood flow in the arm due to damage to blood vessels, or their compression by increasing edema in the elbow bend. Symptoms of such arterial ischemia are:


Doctors have not yet established the exact cause of this disease. But among the options for the factors of its development, all of the above are called: excessive physical exertion, joint trauma, pathological disorders in the spine, malfunctions in the metabolic process, reflected pain from internal organs.

Reasons for "other sites"

The following factors contribute to the deposition of salts:

In turn, these pains in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow can cause internal and external influences. The specified pain syndrome may be the result of violations:

Shoulder-shoulder periarthrosis

Injuries to the elbow joint or dislocations occur with tendon rupture and bone fracture. In this case, the person loses the ability to bend the arm at the elbow and other active movements, swelling appears. The most common are industrial, automobile and sports injuries of the hands, in which pain also occurs.


Rheumatoid arthritis

Elbow pain - nature, causes, treatment

  1. joint pain
symptoms Pseudo-rheumatoid arthritis Increasing pain in the area of ​​the fracture, which is not relieved by analgesics;

Causes of elbow pain

Arthritis is an inflammatory lesion of the joint, which is one of the manifestations of any systemic disease of the connective tissue: If the disease is left to chance, the consequences can be serious, for example, the problem can lead to the development of osteoporosis of the head of the humerus and atrophy of the deltoid muscle. This disease is treated in a complex way, using medication (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and physiotherapy (electrophoresis, massage) methods. Unhealthy diet, overeating, overuse meat;
  • In the shoulder joint itself or in the muscles that are attached to it.
Some professions provoke pain in the arm: hand, elbow joint, shoulder. These are professions associated with intensive and permanent job on the computer, and some creative. For example, painters, musicians, sculptors and other bohemians often complain about pain in their hand. Sometimes athletes experience pain in the arm, especially in the elbow joint: tennis players, badminton players, weightlifters, athletes (shot throwers), that is, those on whose arms a lot of physical stress falls. I have a stabbing pain in my arms. Sometimes it seems that thousands of needles dig into my palms. Tell me what to do and what it could be.​
  • Affects the smallest joints (interphalangeal). In the morning, stiffness of movements appears, lasting about 30 minutes. Pain in rheumatoid arthritis appears already in the first stage, when the synovial bag of the joint swells, the local temperature rises, and swelling is visible externally. After compaction of the synovial membranes of the joints, the process passes to cartilage and bones, which is manifested by increased pain, deformity of the joints and impaired motor functions.
  • the joint returns to its normal shape. characteristic symptom gout are tophi - foci of pathological compaction of the subcutaneous tissue. In typical cases, tophi are localized over the affected joints, on the auricle, on the extensor surfaces of the forearms, shins and thighs, on the Achilles tendon or on the forehead.

Arthritis elbow pain

characterized morning stiffness, swelling, swelling and progressive deformity of the joints, as well as the development of contractures and mobility restrictions.​
  • Sharp blanching of the skin on the arm;
  • metabolic disorders;
Exercise for elbow pain - video

Pain in the elbow joint with arthrosis

Disturbances in the work of the endocrine and circulatory systems;

Elbow joint injuries

In other organs and systems of the body.

Elbow dislocation

Pain in the elbow does not go away or recurs periodically, it prevents the arm from bending or stretching - these can be symptoms of diseases such as rheumatoid or gouty arthritis, arthrosis, chest osteochondrosis and other diseases. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor (traumatologist, neurologist or rheumatologist), who will help to find out the cause of the disease by examining the hand, taking an x-ray if necessary, and prescribing treatment.​
  • Shamil
  • Pain in the arm may be due to excessive deposition of urate in the joints
  • restriction in mobility;
The first symptoms that make it possible to suspect the presence of a malignant pathological process in the body are weakness, fast fatiguability, spontaneous increase in body temperature, loss of appetite and weight. This is the syndrome of "small signs" characteristic of most tumors. In the case of localization of the tumor in the elbow joint, one of the most frequent signs there will also be pain. At first, the pain syndrome does not have a pronounced intensity, and sometimes disappears spontaneously. With the development of pathology, the pain becomes persistent, constant, aggravated over time, and also at night. They are usually described as aching. They are practically not amenable to the effects of painkillers. The pain can change its intensity, but the faster the tumor grows, the pain becomes stronger there. In addition, tumor formation of various sizes can be detected visually and limit mobility in the affected joint. Sometimes the first symptom of an articular tumor can be fractures that are not associated with trauma or other damage, but occur spontaneously, when lifting weights, sudden movements, and sometimes even at rest. In such cases, fractures are due to the instability of bone structures, since during the growth of the tumor, the bones lose their natural strength.​

Subluxation of the radius in children

destructive form

Fracture in the elbow joint

coldness of the limb area;

Ischemic contracture

Autoimmune pathologies.
  • Surely everyone has experienced
  • dermatological problems;
  • Muscles in the forearm itself can hurt ( different kind myositis). Nerves can be affected, causing neuropathy. Most often this is tunnel syndrome caused by compression of nerves by tendons, muscles, tissues of the articular bag. Do not discount and bone lesions (osteoporosis, osteomyelitis and others), vascular pathologies, and also the cause may be hidden in various neoplasms of a malignant and benign nature.
  • What if the arm hurts from the shoulder to the elbow? Although the shoulder is less likely to be injured because it is protected by well-developed muscles, pain can also appear here.

Pain in the arm and elbow due to rupture of the tendons of the elbow joint

either nerves or microcirculation. Go to a better therapist, he will figure out what's next.
  • . This disease is called gout. The joints of the hand with gout are not affected as often as the joints of the foot. The pain syndrome is so intense that even the touch of a sheet becomes unbearable.
  • gain pain symptom when trying to make repeated hand movements.
  • Tendonitis is inflammation of the tendons where they attach to the joint. The general clinical picture of this pathology includes:
  • It occurs most often in women over the age of 60. It proceeds in the form of polyarthritis - that is, it affects several joints at once. The elbow, knee, shoulder, hip, and ankle joints may be involved. This form chondrocalcinosis is accompanied by severe pain and dysfunction of the joints.
  • Rapidly growing swelling of the fingers.
If pain in the elbow joint is caused by arthritis, then most often in such a patient, inflammation affects other joints besides the elbow. Monoarthritis is quite rare. Arthritis pain in the inflamed elbow joint most often has a fairly pronounced intensity. It occurs not only during movement, but sometimes at rest. In addition, with any arthritis, severe swelling and swelling of the elbow are observed. The skin over the inflamed joint becomes red or purple. The local temperature in the affected area also increases. Arthritis is characterized by limited mobility in the joint: flexion and extension are usually impaired, while rotation (rotation of the elbow) is preserved. In many patients, arthritis of the elbow joint is also accompanied by bursitis - inflammation of the periarticular connective tissue bag.

Pain in the knees and elbows with chondrocalcinosis

pain in the elbow obesity associated with arterial hypertension or liver failure; In addition, pathologies of the mobile joint itself can also respond with pain in the arm. human body- the shoulder, from which, in fact, the forearm begins. Firstly, from lifting weights, playing sports after long break, unusual physical activity. These pains pass pretty quickly. Faith Osteoarthritis In this case, the muscle tendons that attach to the internal epicondyle humerus. As with external epicondylitis, pain is felt in this area, and pain may spread down to the hand along the lateral surface of the forearm. But with internal epicondylitis, pain occurs when the hand is bent at the wrist joint. In addition, any form of epicondylitis may be accompanied by inflammation in the joint capsule, and the accumulation of fluid in it. pain in the elbow joint with active movements that require the participation of the affected tendon; Latent form.

Acute pain in the elbow during the formation of osteophytes

With ruptures of the tendon apparatus, the biceps, or the biceps of the shoulder, most often suffers. In some cases, tendons and several muscles can be torn off. With this pathology, there are:

Elbow pain during flexion and extension due to synovial chondromatosis

Arthrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the joint, the cause of which is damage to the cartilage tissue on the articular surfaces. With arthrosis of the elbow joint, pain is not as intense as with arthritis. In addition, pain occurs only during movements with maximum amplitude, that is, when trying to extend the arm at the elbow as much as possible, or bend it tightly. Directly at the moment of movement in the joint, you can often hear a crunch, and he himself acquires some swelling. To the touch, the elbow is practically painless, there is no reddening and an increase in the local temperature of the skin. This is explained by the absence of an intense inflammatory process. With the progression of the disease, mobility in the elbow joint gradually decreases. It is increasingly difficult for the patient to fully bend or straighten the arm to the end. The range of available movements is reduced. With advanced arthrosis, the patient's arm remains slightly bent at the elbow all the time. As a rule, this pathology affects both elbow joints, and can spread to other joints. at least once in a lifetime. Acute or aching, these pains can not only cause some discomfort, but also quite significantly limit the ability to work and motor activity. The elbow joint is formed by the articulation of the humerus, ulna and radius bones. Their articular surfaces are covered with cartilage, which contributes to soft and smooth movement. The elbow joint is classified as complex, since there are three smaller joints in its cavity: humeroulnar, radioulnar and humeroradial.
  • bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol);
  • Excessive load on any mechanism leads to its wear and tear. The same can be said about human joints, which are unique systems, which have their own threshold of strength. The shoulder joint is no exception. If you subject it to unbearable loads, then the consequences will not be long in coming. Many may recall that after intensive work, during which the arms are very tense, the next day, aching pain in the shoulder area worries on the side that had to work more.
  • Secondly, it can be a disease - tendinitis, when the tendons of the biceps become inflamed due to its friction against the bone with the tear following it. Disease of the shoulder joint - bursitis - also gives pain from the shoulder to the elbow. Soreness in the hand can also occur after an injury, the result of which is a broken bone, dislocation in the joint, or damage to the ligaments and muscles. Some types of arthrosis also cause pain in this area of ​​the hands. It is better, of course, to consult a doctor who will find out the cause and give advice if it is a sprain, or (with a different diagnosis) put a cast and prescribe treatment.
  • Hello, I'm 27. Five days ago I started to have a nagging pain in my left thumb. The finger is not red or swollen. The pain may be throbbing. Today, the shoulder of the same left arm ached and the feeling that the temperature of the arm increased from the shoulder to the elbow. The finger continues to hurt in a calm position. What it can be and who to contact and whether it is necessary to contact.​

Burning pain in the elbow with gout

It affects the articular cartilage, often the small joints of the hand, causing their deformation. The disease is associated with inflammatory processes. Osteoarthritis can go on for a long time without symptoms. Pain appears with the progression of the disease, when the bones, joints and periarticular tissues are damaged. At physical activity soreness intensifies, and at rest it can disappear completely. In addition to pain, osteoarthritis is manifested by a specific crunch in the joints during movement. Bursitis is an inflammation of the periarticular connective tissue sac with accumulation of fluid (exudate) in its cavity. Inflammation of the bag of the elbow joint can occur in an isolated form, as a result of chronic injuries of the posterior surface of the elbow, or be a complication of arthritis. The main symptom of bursitis is the appearance in the region of the olecranon of a mobile round swelling up to the size of a chicken egg, which has a soft texture. This swelling is often painful when palpated, and becomes clearly visible when the arm is extended at the elbow. In addition, in the area of ​​​​inflammation, the temperature of the skin increases, and they themselves become purple in color. Bursitis of the elbow joint impairs or limits the motor functions of the affected limb. With a long course of the pathological process, bursitis becomes chronic. In such cases, the formation of calcium deposits in the joint joins the inflammation. The accumulation of calcium salts over time begins to cause constant pain and interfere with movement. Pathological microflora can also join the inflammation, and in this case, purulent bursitis develops, in which all symptoms become more pronounced: Painlessness of similar passive movements;

Aching pain in the elbow with a tumor of the elbow joint

Sometimes there is a deposition of calcium crystals in the cartilage tissue, which practically does not manifest itself clinically. In this case, there is no pain in the joints, and the pathology is detected by the results of an x-ray.

Elbow pain with tendonitis

Violation of active movements in the upper limb;
  • The elbow joint is quite often prone to various injuries. Their origin can be different: a fall on the hand or elbow, sports, industrial, automobile and other injuries. Almost always, injuries of the elbow joint are accompanied by pain of varying intensity.
  • Pain in the elbow joint can occur for a variety of reasons. Conventionally, they can be divided into:
  • Excessive formation of urates (salts of uric acid);
  • Athletes who, for the sake of records, expose their bodies to excessive loads. Although it should be noted that the same result can be obtained by people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, do not lift anything heavier than a computer mouse. The joints are still designed for movement and its absence can lead to congestion, and those, in turn, to various pathologies. Alone in the lineup of patients whose arm pain can be explained mechanical action, there are victims of accidents and various injuries in which the joint capsule is damaged, ligaments are torn and other disorders occur.
  • People with heart failure need to be especially careful if the arm hurts in the shoulder area, and the pain radiates to the chest. Sometimes it's a symptom heart attack or even a heart attack. In this case, you must urgently call an ambulance. Surprisingly, the pain associated with physical activity and passing at rest, can also be caused by angina pectoris.
  • Gennady
With osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias of the cervical region

Elbow pain on exertion due to epicondylitis of the elbow

In addition, pain in the left arm can appear with myocardial infarction and coronary disease hearts.​

Pain during pull-ups and other loads due to external epicondylitis, or "tennis elbow"

Pain when feeling along the affected tendon;
  • Osteophytes are pathological growths on the surface of bone and cartilage tissue. As a rule, such marginal growths occur under deforming loads or as a result of calcium metabolism disorders. The development of osteophytes occurs for a long time, and is accompanied by limited mobility in the joint. In addition, these dense formations always provoke the occurrence of acute, intense pain due to damage to surrounding tissues during movements in the joint. Decreased flexion strength at the elbow; A dislocation is a violation of mutual correspondence and location articular surfaces both with and without damage to the joint capsule. General symptoms when dislocated are:
  • ailments of the urinary system;

Elbow to wrist pain due to internal epicondylitis or "golfer's elbow"

To various unpleasant consequences, including:

Pain in the bend of the elbow with bursitis

In any case, if the arm hurts, no matter what the pain is: aching, pulling or passing, it is best to consult a doctor who will diagnose, identify the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment. And it's better to start it earlier.

Like a strong mosquito bite on the hands, sometimes on the face, until you touch it. Severe aching pain in the neck on the head or in the arms, especially if the breeze has passed and felt the difference in temperature.

Diseases that cause pain in the hand

Pain in the arm is accompanied by numbness, crawling, decreased sensitivity in the arm, and movement disorders. In addition, a headache often appears.

  • Above, we have already briefly said for what reasons there may be pain in the arm. Now some comments: redness of the skin and an increase in their temperature over the area of ​​​​inflammation;
  • Chondromatosis of the joints is a disease that is characterized by a violation of the formation of cartilage and the formation of cartilage or, less commonly, bone bodies inside the joint. In fact, chondromatosis is a malformation of cartilage tissues. This disease is often detected in early childhood. It is manifested by deformation of bones and joints, lameness (with damage to the knees), progressive shortening of the limbs. The cause of pain and joint blockades is an inflammatory process that joins chondromatosis. In addition, "articular mice" - additional cartilaginous or bone formations - are often found in the cavities of the affected joints. They can also impede movement in the joint, and if the cartilage or joint capsule is damaged, they can cause pain. The appearance of asymmetry in the shape of the muscles in comparison with an intact limb;
  • redness of the skin over the damaged joint;​Losses directly articular cartilage and bones:
  • Hereditary tendency. Inflammatory processes in the tendons surrounding the joint (tandinitis).
  • When pains appear in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow, some of us do not pay attention to it, they say, what can hurt in the forearm? And then they pay for their carelessness. After all, like every ailment, this pain syndrome needs treatment prescribed by a doctor. Elena
  • With anterior scalene syndrome Currently, one of the typical causes of pain in the hand is the illness of a computer scientist.
  • crunching when the tendon moves, audible at a distance or through a phonendoscope; The clinical picture of chondromatosis includes:
  • edematous phenomena; Quite intense pain;

What to do with arm pain


In the initial stage of this process, the patient does not feel pain in the arm or shoulder. It can be discovered by accident X-ray examination. These results can be confirmed by ultrasound, MRI and computed tomography.​

Which doctors to contact for pain in the arm

Inflammation of the mucosa of the joint (bursitis). As a rule, it accompanies tandinitis.

As a rule, pain is felt in one of the hands. Bilateral involvement is much less common. In principle, in the forearm there are only bones, muscles responsible for the movement of the hands and fingers, as well as blood vessels and nerves.

  • Pain in the left hand. especially when flexing and extending the fingers. the pain radiates throughout the arm to the shoulder joint. In the hand of strength there is nothing impossible to take.

    Soreness in the arm increases at night, during a deep breath, when the arm is moved to the side and the head is tilted. The strength of the muscles of the hand decreases, the skin becomes pale, even cyanotic, puffiness appears.

  • . It develops as a result of prolonged work at the computer, when the right hand is constantly in one position, on the computer mouse. At the same time, blood circulation in the limbs is disturbed, insufficient supply nutrients. Circulatory failure is manifested by coldness of the hand, the appearance of aching pains in it. In addition, it can be clamped median nerve, which causes sensations of numbness, tingling, pain. There is a decrease in strength when bending the hand, I and II fingers, a decrease in sensitivity on their palmar surface.

    Swelling in the area of ​​the affected tendon.

  • Pain during flexion and extension of the elbow;

pain syndrome.

  • joint swelling.
  • Most often, calcification occurs in the joint capsule, as well as in the tendon that stretches under the clavicle and scapula. It is possible to eliminate the problem by correcting the cause of salt deposition: treating diseases, switching to healthy eating and lifestyle. A special diet will not hurt either.

Joint injury. May be accompanied by a violation of its integrity, rupture of ligaments.

The causes of pain may be of the following nature: