"Amoxicillin" for cats: dosage and instructions for use. Amoxicillin for cats: a safe universal antibiotic Amoxiclav for cats dosage in tablets

In veterinary medicine medicine"Amoxiclav" for cats is used in the treatment infectious diseases. The medicine is highly effective and fast acting. And diversity dosage forms makes it convenient to use and allows you to fight pathologies at various stages of development. Before giving Amoxiclav to your pet, you must consult a veterinarian and read the attached instructions for use.

Form and composition

The popular pharmaceutical drug "Amoxiclav", which found wide application in the treatment of animals, sold in various pharmacies. You can buy it in the form of tablets, some of which are intended to be swallowed and dissolved in the intestines, and others that are absorbable in the oral cavity. The medicine is also available in the form of a suspension or powder, used after dilution for intravenous administration. Typically, in veterinary medicine, a solution is used that is instantly absorbed into the blood fluid, where its active substances remain for 2 days after the dose is taken. "Amoxiclav" is excreted from the cat's body along with urine and in small quantities with bile.

According to official instructions, the medication contains 2 active components: clavulanic acid and amoxicillin. The tandem of substances provides the drug with a strong antibacterial effect, which consists of suppressing the process of bacterial protein synthesis on cellular level. "Amoxiclav" affects gram+ and gram- microorganisms.

Amoksiklav is a low-toxic medicine, which justifies its use in the treatment of cats.

To whom is it assigned?

If an animal’s suture does not heal well after surgery, then it may be prescribed such a drug.

The effectiveness of the combined antibiotic in the treatment of cats has been proven by many scientists who study the effects of human antibacterial drugs on the animal body. Thus, tablets and suspension are prescribed to pets when an infection develops in the upper respiratory tract, stomach, intestines, urinary system and in the sexual sphere. Excellent results gives "Amoxiclav" for cats who have purulent wounds and poorly healing postoperative sutures.

Instructions for use

An antibiotic can only be used for cats after consultation with a veterinarian, who will assess the pet’s condition and diagnose accurate diagnosis, weigh the purr and only then prescribe the dosage and set the required duration treatment course. When prescribing Amoxiclav in powder form, it will need to be pre-mixed with water and administered into the oral cavity cats. The suspension is used for intramuscular and subcutaneous injections. Antibiotic tablets should be given to the pet in a dosage of 12.5 mg of medication per kg of weight, twice a day. The duration of treatment usually ranges from 5 to 28 days. depending on the diagnosis. Wherein therapeutic effect achieved on average in 6 days.


A veterinarian's consultation is necessary for your pet in case of an antibiotic overdose.

At correct use With Amoxiclava, the risk of overdose is reduced to zero. But if you neglect the doses recommended by the veterinarian, significantly exceeding them, the cat will develop symptoms characteristic of poisoning the body with antibacterial substances. In this case, you will need to discontinue the medication and consult a veterinarian.

Negative phenomena and possible limitations

Veterinarians warn pet owners that taking Amoxiclav can cause various unwanted effects, among which:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • allergic reactions in the form skin itching, increased lacrimation, allergic rhinitis;
  • diarrhea, vomiting and other changes in the functioning of the digestive system;
  • dyspnea;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

If any of the listed signs It will be necessary to show the cat to a veterinarian, who will adjust the therapeutic regimen or replace Amoxiclav with a similar medication. Despite the relatively good tolerance of the antibiotic and its high effectiveness, the use of Amoksiklav is not always permitted. So, you will need to discard the antibacterial drug if the kitten is less than 6 weeks old. Amoxiclav is also contraindicated for pets with the following conditions:

Lactating females should not be prescribed this drug.
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • problems in the hematopoietic system.

Veterinarians do not prescribe the antibacterial medication in question to cats that were previously treated with penicillin-type medications. Otherwise, cumulative effects, overdose and allergic reactions are possible. The appropriateness of using Amoxiclav is determined by a veterinarian on an individual basis for each cat.

Pets are not only a joy, but also a great responsibility. Your pet is like any other Living being, may become ill, injured, and require medical attention. Of course, every task should be handled by a professional, and medical care This applies first and foremost. However, a responsible owner should be aware of the care provided as well as the medications that are used on pets. Today we want to tell you about Amoxicillin for cats. This is an almost irreplaceable drug that is widely used in veterinary medicine.

general description

"Amoxicillin" for cats is semi-synthetic antibacterial drug, which is produced in Spain. Manufacturer - pharmaceutical company Invesa, widely known high quality medicines. Amoxicillin belongs to the group and has a wide spectrum of action. In fact, this is a universal drug that will help with the most various symptoms. Once again we want to warn you: do not self-medicate, in most cases you will only harm your pet!

Effect of the drug

This is an antibiotic whose action is based on inhibition of the formation of the cell wall of the microorganism. This disrupts the entire metabolism of the pathogenic element and leads to its death. absorbs well and is easily distributed throughout the body. Maximum concentration in muscles, kidneys and liver.

Any drug has its own duration of persistence in the blood. Due to the oil filler, "Amoxicillin" for cats slowly releases the active component and affects pathogenic microflora long time. After just two hours, the content of the active substance in the blood becomes sufficient to fight bacteria. The therapeutic effect lasts up to 48 hours.


The drug is prescribed for the most various diseases. But its most effective use is for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. These primarily include gastroenteritis, enteritis and enterocolitis. Amoxicillin is no less effective for treating bronchopulmonary system In particular, it is prescribed for bronchopneumonia and bronchitis.

The real salvation is this drug at acute diseases genitourinary system. Metritis and endometritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis and urethritis are all ailments that, without proper treatment, quickly develop into chronic ones. "Amoxicillin" is a gentle remedy for quick disposal from unpleasant symptoms and their reasons. This antibiotic also widely used as prophylactic after surgical interventions. This virtually eliminates the development of inflammatory processes.

Amoxicillin is widely used for treatment various wounds and abscesses, mastitis, joint inflammation, skin and soft tissue ailments. If the disease is too serious or advanced to be treated only externally, with local means, then best choice This particular drug will become

Release forms

If you want to urgent help, observed severe inflammation, heat, vomiting and other symptoms that threaten the life of the animal, then injectable Amoxicillin is selected. Injections to a cat should be given by a veterinarian or an owner who has been instructed. The suspension is a white or yellow oily substance for intramuscular injection. It is sold in glass jars of various sizes.

The suspension is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly at the rate of 1 ml per 10 kg of animal body weight. Shake the bottle and then use a needle to draw out the required amount of suspension. There is no need to dilute it with Novocain. A repeat injection may be needed after about 48 hours.

"Amoxicillin" for cats in tablets

If the situation is not so critical, then it is quite possible to get by with the tablet form. If the injection takes effect almost immediately, you will have to wait several hours for the effect of the pill. Pills weighing 0.25 and 0.5 g are produced, in contour plates or glass jars. Finally, there is a powder for mixing with food or water.

Tablets are prescribed in a course of 5-7 days. It is easy to calculate the dosage: per 1 kg of animal weight there should be 12 mg of the drug. If yours is 2.5 kg, then for her single dose- a quarter of a tablet. A large pet weighing from 3 to 5 kg should receive half a tablet.

Today, the most affordable antibiotic can be called Amoxicillin. The price of the suspension depends on the volume of the bottle. The most popular for home use- bottle of 10 ml. Its cost is 120 rubles. It can be used within 14 days and stored open bottle better in the refrigerator.

With absence acute symptoms It is better to use tableted Amoxicillin. Price from - 65 rubles per package, shelf life - 18 months.

Side effects

When we talk about antibiotics, the first thing that comes to mind is the saying “we treat one thing, we cripple another.” Despite the fact that Amoxicillin is a gentle remedy for cats, reviews from veterinarians fully confirm this rule. It acts quite carefully and targetedly, but still destroys a huge amount of useful and necessary for the body bacteria. That is, regardless of whether the veterinarian prescribed pills or injections, the furry pet’s body is still under threat. Of course, tablets act more harshly, pass through the stomach, and affect the liver, but injections cannot be called harmless. Of course, if life is at stake, you don’t have to choose.

Allergic reactions

These are the most common side effects, which need to be remembered. After the bacteria die, all this biological mass will be excreted from the body through the kidneys and liver. In some cases, this phenomenon can cause awakening chronic diseases. That is, it is extremely important that the dosage of antibiotics is calculated individually, focusing on the age, weight and condition of the animal. In addition, it is necessary to use hepaprotectors and drugs that could relieve the load on the kidneys and liver.

Individual intolerance is another problem that you may encounter if you use antibiotics. In this case, complete withdrawal or replacement of the drug with a more gentle one is necessary. Allergic reactions may cause swelling, itching, baldness and skin rashes. In the most severe cases you may experience difficulty breathing and anaphylactic shock. That is, in any case, the choice of drug, its dosage and course duration should be determined by the doctor.

Using medication to treat pregnant cats

In fact, the pregnancy period involves giving up most medicines. This applies to both humans and cats. However, if you ask the question of whether it is possible to inject Amoxicillin into pregnant cats, you can answer it as follows. If there are serious concerns for the life and health of the expectant mother, the doctor has to sacrifice possible consequences for fetal development. In this case, the use of Amoxicillin for pregnant cats is completely justified. If there is an opportunity to avoid prescribing antibiotics, the doctor will definitely take advantage of it.

Anyone for a pet Regardless of the conditions of detention, assistance may be required with infectious disease, surgery and after it, problems with the eyes and skin. In all cases, antibiotics are used to combat bacterial infection, in particular Amoxicillin - safe remedy, successfully used in the treatment of various diseases in the cat family.

Pharmacological properties

Amoxicillin for cats, antibiotic penicillin series

Amoxicillin is a semisynthetic antibacterial drug produced in Spain. pharmaceutical company Invesa. Belongs to the group of penicillin antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action. It is well absorbed at the injection site and distributed throughout the body, concentrating as much as possible in the muscles, kidneys and liver.

The action of the drug is based on slowing down the formation of the cell wall of the microorganism, preventing the synthesis of the enzymes carboxypeptidase and transpeptidase, as well as disrupting the osmotic balance. This leads to the death of pathogenic bacteria.

The oily filler slowly releases the active component, ensuring a long-lasting effect of the drug. The maximum content of the active substance in the blood is observed 1-2 hours after administration, and therapeutic effect

lasts about 48 hours. Excretion from the body occurs mainly through the kidneys unchanged.

Dosage forms

  • The drug is available in the following forms:
  • Tablets 0.25 and 0.5 g in contour plates of 10 pcs. or glass jars;
  • Suspension (white or yellowish oily substance) for intramuscular administration in glass bottles of various volumes;

Powder for mixing with water or food, with packaging from 50 g and above.

Indications for antibiotic use Veterinary amoxicillin is prescribed to cats in case of bacterial infections

  • for the following diseases:
  • In the gastrointestinal tract: gastroenteritis, enteritis and enterocolitis;
  • In the respiratory system: rhinitis, bronchopneumonia, bronchitis;
  • In the genitourinary system: metritis and endometritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis;
  • As a prophylactic after surgery;

Various wounds, abscesses, mastitis, joint inflammation, skin and soft tissue diseases.

Doses and method of administration of Amoxicillin for cats

Amoxicillin is prescribed to cats for bacterial infections. Amoxicillin suspension is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly in a dose of 1 ml. by 10 kg. animal weight. light massage injection sites. To do this, use only dry needles and syringes, avoiding moisture getting into the bottle. Repeated injection, if necessary, is carried out after 48 hours.

Tablets are prescribed orally for 5-7 days at a dose of 12.5 mg. per 1 kg. animal weight. So, with a weight of 2.5 kg. give a quarter of a tablet, from 3 to 5 kg - half, from 5 to 7.5 - three quarters, and with a weight of 8-10 kg - a whole tablet.

Side effects

Possible allergic reaction on the active substance, which goes away after stopping the use of the medicine. If necessary, corticosteroids or epinephrine are administered if allergy symptoms occur.


Amoxicillin is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug or to other penicillin antibiotics. Forbidden intravenous administration and mixing in the same syringe with other medications. Not prescribed for diseases caused by microorganisms that produce penicillinase.

Amoxicillin overdose

Intoxication in case of overdose is impossible.

Storage conditions

Tablets and powder are stored in a cool, dry place away from light. The suspension is stored in the refrigerator; an open bottle can be used for 14 days, after which it can be disposed of.


Amoxicillin in 10 ml. a bottle costs from 105 to 150 rubles, in tablets from 65 rubles. per package.

The information posted on this page is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-medication!
Before using medications, consultation with a specialist is MANDATORY!

Short description: The drug Amoxiclav is an antibiotic of the penicillin group. It contains two active ingredients – amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, which when taken enhance each other’s effect. The drug is characterized by a wide spectrum of antibacterial action; it has a detrimental effect on many gram-positive, gram-negative pathogens (salmonella, pasteurella, clostridia, coli, staphylococci, Haemophilus influenzae and others). The medicine is prescribed to animals for infections caused by the above microorganisms, namely: salmonellosis, bronchopneumonia, colibacillosis, infections genitourinary tract, infectious pathologies of soft tissues and skin. When taken, the drug is quickly absorbed from the stomach and intestines and, easily penetrating into the tissues and organs of the animal, creates the necessary therapeutic concentration there, which persists for 12 hours. Feed intake does not have a significant effect on absorption. The drug is classified as a moderately hazardous substance; like all penicillin antibiotics, it is characterized by low toxicity.

For whom: Amoxiclav powder is used to treat pigs and poultry, and tablets are most often used for cats and dogs.

Leave form: The medicine is available in two forms: white homogeneous powder with specific smell highly soluble in water, packaged in polyethylene bags or plastic jars of 100 and 500 grams; oval biconvex tablets of white color, packed in blisters or dark glass bottles.

Dosage: Before use, the powder is diluted in water until completely dissolved - 20 grams of the drug per 7 liters of water. The solution is poured into drinking bowls and drunk poultry and pigs for 3-5 days. Tablets are given to cats and dogs orally along with food or forcefully on the root of the tongue; the dosage and duration of use are determined by the veterinarian, based on the diagnosis and severity of the disease.

Restrictions: subject to recommendations side effects not recorded, animals with hypersensitivity to penicillin may develop allergies. In this case, the drug is discontinued and prescribed antihistamines. Amoxiclav is prohibited for use on laying hens if their eggs are used for human nutrition. Do not use tablets for rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs and other small herbivores.

Reviews about “Amoxiclav (suspension, tablets) for cats and dogs”:

The kitten was vomiting and loose stool They prescribed amoxiclav suspension for children, they gave it 3 days, everything seemed to be back to normal

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Picked it up on the street adult cat With a huge amount problems. It is pointless to list everything; the infection affected both the lungs and bladder, the cat was bleeding from the eyes and ears. Veterinarian I recommended amoxiclav - modern antibiotic. The tablet was divided into parts, mixed with pate and fed to the cat. She was willing to eat anything, so there were no problems.
They gave it twice a day for a week.
Improvement came very quickly, but the course was taken completely, in combination with other drugs. True, the better the cat became, the less appetite she ate the pate with the antibiotic. But on extreme case The veterinarian recommended that we dissolve amoxiclav in water and spray it from a syringe into our mouth.
I’m very pleased with the result, and I’m also pleased with the fact that amoxiclav can also be bought in a human pharmacy; in our city there is only one veterinary pharmacy and its assortment is poor.
According to the test results, the cat is healthy, so the drug has an effect.

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This spring my dog ​​got sick. It all started with the fact that she began to constantly ask to go for a walk, rushed along the corridor, ran up to me, then ran to front door, that is, in every way available to her, she invited me to go for a walk. Naturally, I took her outside and watched her sit down small many times, while she did not urinate a lot. I began to peer into the urine and found streaks of blood in it.
On the same day we went to veterinary clinic take urine and blood tests. When I collected urine into a jar, I saw that the urine was not only streaked with blood, but also terribly cloudy.
Based on the results of a blood test and urine test, the dog was diagnosed acute cystitis. We were prescribed the antibiotic amoxiclav 1000 mg. twice a day (this is large dog, 55 kg).
We started taking the drug on the same day, of course we still suffered through the night with endless urges to pee, but by the morning the dog felt much better, we took a calm walk (the dog no longer sat down to pee every meter).
The course of treatment was 5 days.

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One day we came across staphylococcal infection at the dog. Externally, this disease manifested itself in the form of bald patches on the body, in which itchy and suppurating spots appeared. The dog was treated for a very long time for food allergies, until the new veterinarian insisted on taking a culture, which revealed staphylococcus. In addition to the ointment, the antibiotic Amoxiclav was prescribed. The dosage was calculated based on the dog’s weight and it turned out to be a quarter of a tablet. The tablets themselves are oblong and easy to divide. I crushed the resulting quarter tablets into powder (the easiest way is to crush them in a mortar) and mixed them into my favorite canned food. The powder is bitter, but there is so little of it, and there is so much canned food that the dog never noticed the catch. We gave amoxiclav twice a day. I can’t say that the effect of the drug came very quickly, perhaps, of course, the reason is advanced disease, but the initial seven-day course had to be extended for another week, after which the antibiotic was no longer required.
Amoxiclav - powerful antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action, really effective. The main thing is without self-medication.

Amoxicillin is a veterinary antibacterial drug with a wide spectrum of action. Often used in treatment respiratory diseases, as well as pathologies of the digestive and genitourinary systems caused by harmful microorganisms. It is highly effective and is considered one of the safest antibiotics for dogs.

Most often, an antibiotic is used for dogs in the form of a suspension intended for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection. Externally white liquid packaged in glass bottles, which are sealed with rubber stoppers and rolled up with aluminum lids to maintain tightness. The composition of the drug is based on amoxicillin in the form of trihydrate. Its concentration in the medicine is 150 mg per 1 ml of suspension. It also contains an oily filler. He performs special role– ensures long-lasting action of the main component.

Note! You can store the medicine in an opened bottle for no more than 28 days.

The antibacterial agent is also available in the following pharmacological forms:

  1. Pills. May contain 0.25 and 0.5 g active component. Tablets are resistant to gastric juice and are quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Powder for oral administration. Concentration active substance is 150 mg of amoxicillin for each gram of powder. Packaged in polymer bags of various volumes - from 1 g to 1 kg.

The main active substance amoxicillin is a semisynthetic antibiotic of the penicillin series. Its main advantage is wide range actions. The drug is active against various gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. These include:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • salmonella;
  • enterobacter;
  • pseudomonas;
  • erysipeloids;
  • pasteurella;
  • listeria, etc.

A complete list of bacteria against which Amoxicillin is effective when used in dogs can be read in the instructions included with the medication.

How it works

The principle of action of the drug is based on the fact that upon penetration into the body, the active substance blocks the production of substances that ensure the vital activity and reproduction of bacteria. As a result of its action, the bacterial cell is destroyed.

After injection into the body, the medication quickly spreads from the injection site throughout the body. Thanks to this, Amoxicillin is effectively used to destroy harmful bacteria, regardless of their main location. In just 1-2 hours, the concentration of the antibacterial agent in the animal’s blood plasma reaches its maximum value. Thanks to the oily filler, the effect of the medication lasts for 2 days. The active substance is excreted from the body along with bile and urine. It is not metabolized in the pet’s body and is excreted unchanged.

Note! Amoxicillin is a safe antibacterial agent; its use without a doctor’s prescription is strictly prohibited. The drug can be used only after examination and an accurate diagnosis.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for use, Amoxicillin is used for dogs in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • gastroenteritis;
  • enteritis;
  • gastroenterocolitis;
  • pathologies caused by other intestinal infections;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • rhinitis;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • endometritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • mastitis;
  • cystitis;
  • arthritis;
  • joint inflammation;
  • leptospirosis;
  • parainfluenza, etc.

Medicine can also be prescribed for inflammatory processes soft tissues or skin caused by microorganisms sensitive to amoxicillin. The drug is also used for the treatment and prevention of complications after surgical interventions, for serious wounds and the risk of infection.

Instructions for use

Thanks to long-term action and the high effectiveness of the drug, injections are given once. If the disease is advanced or severe, a second injection may be required after 2 days. Decision on necessity reintroduction The medicine should only be taken by a doctor.

An important advantage of an antibiotic in the form of a suspension is the simplicity of its dosage. The required amount of medication is calculated according to the scheme 1 ml of suspension per 10 kg of weight. The breed and age of the animal does not matter; the dose is always calculated the same. The drug can be administered intramuscularly (into a muscle on the leg) or subcutaneously (under the fold of the neck). Before use, shake the suspension well to make it homogeneous. Sterile syringes should be used for injections. It is better to give preference to disposable syringes.

If tablets are used for treatment, the daily dose is 12.5 mg of active substance per 1 kg of weight. Recommended daily dose split into two steps. The duration of treatment should not exceed 7 days, but is determined by the doctor in each case individually.

The powder is given with food or water in a dosage of 2 g for every 10 kg of animal weight once a day. The duration of treatment is from 3 to 5 days, depending on the symptoms and severity of the pathology.

Note! If tablets or powder are used, after the course antibacterial therapy the animal is prescribed lactobifidobacteria to restore intestinal microflora and prevent the development of dysbacteriosis.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug should not be used for dogs that are hypersensitive to penicillin antibiotics. If medications of this group have not previously been used for the animal, upon first administration it is necessary to observe the body’s reaction. The antibacterial agent has no other contraindications and can be used for dogs different breeds and weight. Consultation with a doctor is required if the animal has serious illnesses kidney

Amoxicillin is usually well tolerated by animals and has no side effects. When hypersensitivity an allergic reaction may develop to the medicine. In this case, further use of Amoxicillin is excluded, and the animal is prescribed symptomatic treatment. Drugs are selected individually depending on the characteristics of the allergy.

In rare cases, slight swelling may appear at the injection site. There is no need to treat it specifically; redness and swelling go away on their own within 1-2 days. To prevent swelling, it is recommended to lightly massage the injection site after administering the suspension. This will help distribute the fluid evenly in the soft tissues.

Note! It is strictly forbidden to mix Amoxicillin with any other medications.

The drug should not be used simultaneously with other antibacterial agents, as well as chemotherapy drugs.


You can now view the current price of the drug and buy it right here:

The price of Amoxicillin depends on the form of release and volume of packaging. Below are approximate prices from online pharmacies:

  • tablets 20 pcs. – about 100 rubles;
  • injection solution 10 ml – 200-260 rubles;
  • injection solution 100 ml – 600-800 rub.

If the pharmacy doesn't have it the right drug, you can purchase one of their analogues. Several are produced antibacterial agents With active substance amoxicillin.