How many walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, cashews can you eat per day? Hazelnuts - properties and applications.

Literal translation Latin name walnut - “royal acorn”. Product for a long time considered the food of the elite, the lower classes could not even try it under pain of punishment. It was also called the “tree of life.” This happened before, today such a nut is freely sold, but it also remains a valuable product for the entire human body.

The nut has been known in medicine since the times of Avicenna and Hippocrates; it was used as an antiseptic, tonic and cleanser that can significantly improve digestion. We can say that even today such a nut is used by doctors, it is also widely used in cosmetology and not only. But many people still want to know why such a product is of great benefit to the entire body, and in what quantity is it allowed to take? All these questions are normal and they have complete answers.

What is a walnut made of?

Specialists try to constantly find out all the necessary information about each product, and then it will be freely available. Studies have established that eating at least two nut kernels per day will enrich the human body with the following beneficial elements:


Vitamins of groups A, K, PP, B, E, C;


At the same time, various micro- and macroelements are located in different parts nut For this reason, you should not assume that only nut kernels can and should be consumed. Thus, the leaves are rich in alkaloids, carotene, vitamins C and E, the kernels are proteins, vitamins E, C, K, P and amino acids. Wherein a large number of salts of cobalt, iron, essential oils is contained precisely in ripe fruits, while unripe ones contain more vitamins and carotene. Therefore, many people use not only ripened nuts, but also those that are still green are beneficial and can be used in creating the most various means body care. It is clear that there are benefits from the nut, but what exactly needs to be figured out!

Useful properties of walnuts!

In medicine, nuts are used as a vasodilator, choleretic, anthelmintic, and anti-inflammatory agent. Many people note that eating nuts is a great way to restore strength after serious illnesses, surgical operations And various injuries. And this is only a small part of the benefits that nuts bring to the human body.
In addition, it is worth noting the following beneficial properties:

The process of improving memory is underway.

Helps relieve constipation.

Reduces blood fat levels.

Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Improves potency in men.

Nuts contain a number of antioxidants that can prevent the development of cancer cells.

Reduces symptoms metabolic syndrome, including: high blood pressure, increased level fat and cholesterol in the blood, excess weight.

Helps control insulin and blood sugar levels, which is very beneficial for people suffering from diabetes mellitus second type.

Strengthens the skeletal system.

Normalizes sleep.

Strengthens immune system.

We can talk for a long time about the benefits of walnuts. But a completely normal question also arises: does it have those qualities that can harm the body?

Harm from eating walnuts

As is known, walnuts are allergenic due to great content fats and proteins. Excessive use can lead to such negative consequences, like inflammation of the tonsils, rash in oral cavity, spasms of cerebral vessels, urticaria, stomatitis and diathesis. To avoid this, you should not overuse nuts. It is better to eat no more than 4 kernels per day. Then walnuts will only bring benefits and not harm.

There are also contraindications to eating walnuts for several categories of people who:

Increased blood clotting;

Intestinal diseases;


A contraindication may also be the fact that the product is quite high in calories; there are 650 kilocalories per 100 grams. This is worth considering for those who are struggling with excess weight. Under no circumstances should you eat spoiled nuts: mold produces toxins that can cause cancer. Despite all these concerns, walnuts are very useful product, its harm to the body is minimal if you follow the rules listed above.

Treatment with walnuts

Traditionally for treatment various diseases Leaves, shells, membranes and kernels of nuts are used.
A decoction of the leaves is recommended for vitamin deficiency, dysentery, sore throat, periodontal disease, dysbacteriosis, worms, diarrhea, hemorrhoids in women, and intestinal diseases.

Tincture from partitions has a positive effect on the immune system and improves hormonal background person. To prepare, you need to take 100 grams. alcohol and add partitions of 30 nuts. Leave to infuse for 10 days. Take 20 drops three times a day.

Tinctures of their shells are useful for many skin diseases. It is prepared in this way: 300 gr. shells are boiled for 20 minutes in 1 liter. water. After 3 hours, the infusion must be strained.

From the cores walnuts All kinds of infusions, balms, and oils are prepared. They are used to improve performance, prevent atherosclerosis, and strengthen the immune system.

So, one thing will help with cough amazing remedy from nuts: 100 gr. nuts and 50 gr. honey mixed and taken 1 tsp. before eating.

A mixture of the following products will help with colds, as well as to strengthen the heart muscles: 300 gr. nuts, 300 gr. honey, 300 gr. raisins, 300 gr. honey, 300 gr. dried apricots. All ingredients are crushed, mixed and stored in the refrigerator.

A tincture of green walnuts will help with an upset stomach. The fruits of 30 green nuts are poured into 1 liter. alcohol (70 degrees). The mixture is infused for 2 weeks in a dark place. After straining, the tincture should be taken three times a day, 1 tsp.

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Doctors assure that plant foods do not harm the figure, especially if they are not processed, but the energy value of a number of products raises doubts. What nuts can you eat while losing weight, taking into account their high calorie content, so that they only show positive traits, and how many pieces per day will not harm the diet? How is this product useful and is it possible to lose weight and fat reserves with it?

Doubts about the safety of this product in relation to the figure are raised by the amount of fat and calories that are not at all inherent in dietary food. However, nutritionists are confident that nuts have so many benefits, especially for women, that throwing them out of the diet is unwise. Fatty acids (especially Omega-3), vitamin E, polyphenols - these elements are vital for the body. Is it possible to eat nuts while losing weight? With caution is the doctor's answer. You will not lose weight slower if you find your dose and understand what is best to combine them with and when to eat them.

The healthiest nuts

If you take fresh product– not fried with butter, not salted, not covered in glaze - it will only work for the benefit of health. However, doctors also highlight the most healthy nuts for weight loss, of which there are only 5 types. The rating, according to experts, looks like this:

  1. Almond.
  2. Walnut.
  3. Cashew nuts.
  4. Pistachios.
  5. Pine nuts.

Calorie content of nuts

The overall energy value for this category of products ranges from 560-690 kcal, but every single calorie in nuts is healthy. Vegetable fats therefore do not settle on the vascular walls. Protein is easily digestible. There are few carbohydrates, so they do not turn into fat reserves. However, obese people need to decide what nuts can be eaten on a diet when the daily calorie content of the menu is seriously limited. Tables indicating the energy value and BJU of each of the nuts available in Russia come to the rescue.

The most high-calorie nuts

This category includes those varieties of this product whose energy value exceeded the limit of 650 kcal per 100. Experts advise consuming elements of this group less often or in very small quantities. It is noteworthy that the most high-calorie nuts also have a high proportion of fat. The picture looks like this:

Lowest calorie nuts

If you've been trying to figure out how to properly include in your menu this group products and what nuts you can eat while losing weight, the elements of this table are what you need. Their energy value is below 610 kcal per 100 g serving, and, according to nutritionists, they are as safe as possible for the figure. The list of the lowest calorie nuts looks like this:

Nuts for weight loss

The main benefit of this food product lies in its high energy value, which is dangerous only if it is abused. Nutritional value – distinguishing feature nuts: if you feel hungry at the wrong time, you can eat a few to eliminate your appetite for a long time. In terms of calorie content, such a portion will be approximately 100-120 kcal, which is comparable to a sandwich made from white bread and a slice of cheese, but the satiety of the latter is significantly lower. However, nuts are safe for weight loss only if the daily requirement is met.

Is it possible to eat peanuts while losing weight?

From a scientific point of view, this product is classified as a legume, not a nut, and most nutritionists are skeptical about eating peanuts for weight loss. Why? It is lighter in calories than almonds or pecans, but has a high fat content, often provokes allergies and is poorly digested when raw. To eliminate the last disadvantage, experts advise letting the peanuts dry on a baking sheet or frying pan. In contrast to these disadvantages, he:

  • has increased content protein, which is equivalent to meat (only the calorie content prevents you from eating as much peanuts as beef or chicken when losing weight), therefore it fills you better;
  • helps the body get rid of cholesterol;
  • actively accelerates metabolic processes due to the thermogenic effect;
  • contains serotonin, which helps maintain normal hormonal levels ( common reason weight fluctuations in women).

Walnuts for weight loss

Along with oatmeal, this product is called the main brain assistant, but not only for mental activity it has benefits - prevention oncological diseases, hold normal level cholesterol, strengthening blood vessels, the presence of B vitamins. How valuable are walnuts for weight loss? Doctors' advice:

  • The fiber and protein contained in them are the main “enemies” of excess weight and insatiable appetite.
  • It makes sense to replace sunflower oil in salads with squeezed walnuts.
  • The high calorie content requires reducing the daily amount of this product during a diet to 30 g, and for overweight persons - to 10 g.
  • Please note that high acidity stomach, erosive damage to the mucous membrane, pancreatitis and too high speed Blood clotting makes eating walnuts impossible.

Almonds for weight loss

According to experts, if any nuts on a diet can help you deal with excess weight, it’s almonds. He is a leader in this matter, although this cannot be said in terms of calorie content. Almonds are popular for weight loss fatty acid, the content of which is off the charts, protein and fiber. It suppresses the feeling of hunger better than other nuts, creating an illusory feeling of a full stomach, even if you eat only 8-10 kernels. A number of microelements (especially magnesium and copper) from the chemical composition of almonds dampen the desire to eat sweets, which is why it is very much appreciated during diets.

Nutmeg for weight loss

This is the only representative of this category of products that enters food as... a spice. It is not chewed like almonds or cashews, but when ground it is added to food. Chemical composition The fruit of nutmeg is no less rich than that of its other “brothers,” but nutritionists value it much more highly. Nutmeg is useful for weight loss due to its ability to increase cellular temperature, which entails the burning of fat deposits. Like other spices, it:

  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • improves the functions of the digestive tract;
  • suppresses hunger;
  • reduces sugar levels.

If we talk about which nuts are the healthiest for weight loss, nutmeg will be in the forefront. Try adding a couple of grams of it (ground) to any drink (it will perfectly complement hot tea, especially in winter), salad, rice, or even mix with kefir or cottage cheese. This volume is enough to suppress hunger and help metabolism. Just don’t overdo it – actively nutmeg It is undesirable to eat, especially if you have stomach diseases or excessive outflow of bile.

Hazelnuts for weight loss

Hazelnut or Lombard nut is hardly mentioned as a food that can be valuable for weight control or weight loss, but it is needed by the entire body. Your detoxified liver will thank you, bone, vessels. There are so few carbohydrates here, and the risk of an insulin spike is so insignificant that hazelnuts are allowed for both diabetics and obese people. In terms of manganese, it surpasses other nuts. Eating hazelnuts when losing weight and not only needs to be dosed, because... it can provoke headache due to vasospasm.

When is the best time to eat nuts?

If that's what this one is about delicious product it is advisable to eat separately from the rest or not combine with heavy foods (vegetables instead of meat, no bread, etc.), doctors do not argue among themselves, when is it better to eat nuts - in the morning or in the evening, from each of them you can get diametrically opposite information . It is recommended to leave high-calorie foods for the first half of the day, but at the same time drive away acute hunger before bed better in pairs nuts rather than candy.

  • Mix nuts with oatmeal during breakfast and you will forget about hunger for 3-4 hours.
  • Try replacing your afternoon snack with a handful of almonds - you'll eat less for dinner.
  • A few nuts in a green salad without dressing in the evening - not high in calories, but satisfying.
  • You should not eat any nuts at night, even the low-calorie ones.

How many nuts can you eat per day?

The daily norm for a person who is not overweight is 30 g. This is about 200 kcal (approximate figure), which is recommended for a non-main meal. For vegetarians, you can increase the dose to 50-70 g, which will be equal to a good hearty lunch. The exact amount of how many nuts you can eat per day must be established for each type separately, taking into account the difference in calorie content and weight:

  • almonds – 12 pcs.;
  • hazelnuts – 8 pcs.;
  • walnuts (halves) – 6 pcs.;
  • pecans – 7 pcs.;
  • cashews – 9 pcs.;
  • pistachios – 8 pcs.

Video: which nuts are the healthiest

What nuts can you eat while losing weight - calorie table and composition, how much you can eat per day - all about medicines and health on

Hazelnuts are a high-calorie product, the calorie content per 100 grams is 703 Kcal. Content of main nutrients:

  • Proteins - 16.4 g;
  • Fats - 66.5 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 9.7 g.

Despite high content fat, hazelnut is considered dietary product nutrition. A small amount of carbohydrate nutrients does not pose a danger to a person’s figure and health. Proteins cause a feeling of fullness for a long time and contribute to the construction and growth of muscles.

Includes many nutrients and microelements:

  • Calcium - helps improve the structure of bones, hair and teeth;
  • Magnesium - helps the body fight stress, nervous breakdowns And PMS syndrome;
  • Phosphorus - participates in the structure of bone tissue, necessary for child's body;
  • Iron - helps reduce blood pressure;
  • Potassium - supplies brain cells with oxygen;
  • Yod - plays important role for functioning thyroid gland And endocrine system;
  • Colbat - regulates hormonal levels;
  • B vitamins - promote normal;
  • Vitamin C - strengthens the immune system, participates in the fight against viruses.

Hazelnuts, rich in vitamins and minerals, not only have a beneficial effect on the human body, but also add a delicate nutty flavor to dishes.

Beneficial features

Regular use hazelnut in food strengthens the walls of blood vessels and lowers the level bad cholesterol. Promotes normal operation hearts. Therefore, hazelnuts are good for people with diseases of cardio-vascular system, athletes.

Impact on the male body

Men are advised to add hazelnuts to their daily ration nutrition. The product has a beneficial effect on reproductive function male body. Increases the number of sperm produced, making them more active.

Also used as aid in the treatment of prostatitis.

Impact on women's health

One of the main features of bush fruits is the slowing down of the aging process. Maintains the beauty of skin and hair. The skin becomes youthful and elastic, the hair becomes silky and elastic, hair loss and fragility are reduced.

Eating unroasted nuts helps normalize metabolism and promote rapid weight loss.

During pregnancy and lactation

There are no contraindications for eating hazelnuts during pregnancy. It is worth remembering that a high-calorie product must be added to the diet in limited quantities, especially in the second and third trimesters.

Availability folic acid has a beneficial effect on fetal development and the formation of basic internal organs child. During pregnancy planning, doctors recommend eating a handful of hazelnuts daily.

Thanks to nutritional composition, contributes to the correct and timely development of the baby on early stages pregnancy.

During breastfeeding Hazel helps milk production and improves lactation. Passes into mother's milk useful microelements and vitamins.

It is worth remembering that nuts are food, should be eaten with caution and monitor the reaction of the child’s body.

Use in cooking

Hazelnuts have a sweet taste and delicate texture and are used to prepare various dishes.

Chefs prepare hazelnuts different ways: fried, ground into flour, made into butter and nutritious milk, candied, salted.

In crushed form, add to sauces, soups, seasonings for meat dishes. Making many desserts and baked goods is not complete without adding hazel. Nutella with hazelnuts is prepared at home. Homemade pasta has a bright taste and healthy composition.

In Austria, a mandatory ingredient for traditional cakes is hazelnuts ground into flour.

Present in recipes for churchkhela, Tuscan cantuccini cookies, honey Spanish turron, Italian panforte pie.

For a variety of taste impressions, they are added to traditional dishes: chak-chak, gingerbread, biscotti, muffins, Turkish delight. At home, it allows you to create original dishes and experiment with recipes.

In folk medicine

Due to its beneficial properties, hazel is used in folk medicine. Natural healer It has wide range actions.

  • To treat bronchitis and remove phlegm, the crushed unfried product is mixed with milk. Drink half a glass 3 times a day warm;
  • By mixing hazel with honey, they get a cure for anemia, anemia, varicose veins veins Use the resulting mixture daily on an empty stomach, 1 tablespoon;
  • For bloating, flatulence and intestinal colic ah, they use a decoction (a combination of nuts and shells works more effectively). Grind the product a little, pre-soak for 30 minutes - 1 hour, then boil. The resulting decoction is filtered and consumed half a glass 3 times a day before meals;
  • Healing properties Hazelnut oil is different. The oil has an enveloping effect, shown in complex therapy gastritis, stomach ulcers, enterocolitis.

IN home cosmetology Hazel oil is used to improve hair quality. It is rubbed into the scalp and added to masks. By adding a few drops of oil to the cream, the skin becomes soft and velvety. Use a decoction of bark and nut shells to wash problem skin.

Daily norm

Hazelnuts are good for children's bodies; you should monitor the amount of nuts you eat. The daily norm for children over 3 years old is 5-7 pieces.

Just 30 g of hazelnuts can replace a small snack, and 60 g can replace a full meal. But overeating can cause headaches and high blood pressure.

Contraindications and possible harm

The use of hazelnuts should be avoided in the presence of individual intolerance and allergic reactions. Common allergy symptoms include redness and itching of the skin around the mouth and swelling of the tongue and larynx.

IN large quantities may cause constipation, migraines, blood thickening. People with severe liver disease and uncompensated diabetes mellitus should take hazelnuts with caution.

How to choose and store correctly

Signs of quality hazel:

  • A ripe nut is heavier than its unripe counterparts;
  • When you tap or pour in a handful, you hear the distinct sound of shells clicking;
  • The shell shows no signs of damage;
  • There are no visible traces of mold or odor;
  • There are no traces of insects;
  • Nuts are the same size and shape.

Stores sell shelled hazelnuts. A high-quality product has a uniform color, a pleasant nutty aroma and a lack of bitterness in taste.

Peeled hazelnuts are stored in glass or ceramic containers, completely sealed. This method is suitable for short-term storage (3 months).

Hazel in the shell is stored much longer. It is necessary to ensure low temperature air.

At a temperature of 3-10 degrees, the shelf life is one year, and at 0-3 degrees - 4 years.

It is worth paying attention to the air humidity in the place where nuts are stored. The room should be dry. The optimal humidity range is 10-14%. At high rates there is a risk of mold and harmful fungi.

Inshell nuts are stored in a cotton bag or thick paper bag for cross ventilation. Storage in plastic bags leads to spoilage and rancidity.

Nuts are a favorite treat for many. modern people. Our ancestors have long known how valuable this product is. They ate it long before the first weapons appeared that allowed them to hunt game. After reading this article, you will learn how many nuts you can eat per day.

A few words about almonds

This product is widely and quite successfully used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. Those who want to know how much they can eat per day will probably be interested in the fact that this product is used to treat tachycardia, stomatitis, bronchial asthma, otitis, pneumonia and many other diseases. In cosmetology, it is often used to promote hair strengthening and growth.

Nutritionists recommend eating about 10-15 almonds daily. They are especially useful for people suffering from illnesses digestive system. Almonds help maintain the desired weight, normalize intestinal function and reduce cholesterol levels. Regular consumption of this product is considered a good prevention of many cardiovascular diseases.

How much can you eat per day?

This is popular and very healthy treat was brought to Europe by the Portuguese. Nutritionists recommend eating 30 cashews daily. These nuts contain 18 amino acids, copper, manganese, iron, selenium, fatty polyunsaturated acids, high-quality protein and dietary fiber.

It is believed that regular use of this product can prevent the development of diseases such as osteochondrosis, arthritis and atherosclerosis. Cashew oil is used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, rheumatism, eczema and allergies.

How much can you eat per day?

Recommended medium daily norm This product is about 100 grams. Even our distant ancestors knew about unique properties pine nuts. It has long been believed that this natural delicacy can heal a person from many different diseases.

Modern scientists have been able to establish that regular consumption of pine nuts has beneficial influence on the state of the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems. Thanks to unique composition This product helps normalize blood pressure and speed up wound healing.

Useful properties of walnuts

This product contains a lot of valuable substances that have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels in the brain. It is rich in proteins, vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids. Those who want to know how many walnuts can be eaten per day should not forget that moderation is needed in everything. Leading nutritionists recommend consuming no more than ten pieces per day. This amount is quite enough to saturate the body with all essential vitamins and minerals.

Walnuts indicated for diseases of the thyroid gland, anemia and diathesis. The oil obtained from this product has found wide application in folk medicine. It promotes rapid healing of wounds and burns. A decoction of unripe nuts is recognized as an effective anthelmintic agent.

What is the actual daily value for this product?

Those who are wondering how many nuts you can eat per day should not forget about the high calorie content of this delicacy. Most leading nutritionists recommend limiting its consumption to thirty grams per day. Girls who are watching their figure and on a strict diet need to reduce this norm to 15-20 grams.

Babies should not eat more than ten kernels a day, and expectant mothers should pay attention Special attention on hazelnuts, considered one of best sources folic acid.

In general, 20 grams of nuts can replace a light snack, and 60 grams of this product can be a good alternative to a hearty lunch.

Recommendations for the selection, storage and use of this product

Having figured out how many nuts you can eat per day, you need to mention that violating the rules for storing this product leads to the loss of most of it. useful properties. Since nuts contain a lot of fatty acids, it is best to keep them in a cool, dry place. As for peeled kernels, it is recommended to store them in the refrigerator. Otherwise, they will develop a rancid taste over time.

When purchasing unshelled nuts, you need to pay attention to the integrity and cleanliness of the shell. They should not emit a strong, persistent odor. Also, you should not purchase a product whose shell is covered with black holes or small cracks.

To improve taste qualities product, it is advisable to fry it before use. To do this, place the pre-peeled nuts on a baking sheet and place them in a preheated oven for five minutes. Usually this time is enough for the kernels to fry without burning.

Some interesting facts

For those who have already understood how many nuts you can eat per day, it will not hurt to know that during excavations carried out in the Hula Valley, archaeologists found the remains of this product, which are about 780 thousand years old. Based on this find, it was concluded that in ancient times people ate water chestnuts, wild almonds and high-calorie pistachios.

Palm trees bearing unusual nuts are grown on the coast. The thickened juice of these fruits takes on the taste of butter.

Few people know why cashews are sold exclusively in peeled form. The thing is that directly under their shell there is a substance harmful to human skin.

It is considered macadamia. It contains great amount calcium, fats and others useful substances. For a kilogram of this exotic gourmet delicacy, often used for the production of ice cream and cookies, they ask for no less than $30.

To support good health and a good mood, you need to eat a varied and high-quality diet, eat fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cereals and nuts every day. But how many nuts can you eat per day if you are advised to eat the same fruits and vegetables in large quantities? After all, everyone knows that nuts are very high in calories and are difficult to digest in excessive quantities.

Benefits of nuts

Even the ancients knew about the benefits of nuts. They are a storehouse of plant proteins, microelements, fats, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, some of which are found only in nuts. In terms of nutritional value, they can compete with meat and milk, and despite their high calorie content, nutritionists advise people on strict diets to include them in their diet.

Regular consumption of various nuts will bring invaluable benefits to the body. Vitamins will improve the heart and nervous system, activate brain activity, stimulate memory and attentiveness. A few pieces eaten daily will become excellent prevention many diseases - heart attack, pathologies reproductive system, impotence, senile dementia, premature aging, obesity. Vitamin E will prevent formation cholesterol plaques, iron will relieve anemia, Omega-3 normalizes hormonal levels.

Each type of nut contains its own set of useful substances.


Consists of vitamins A B C E. By availability ascorbic acid far superior to currants and lemon. In addition, it contains iron, selenium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iodine. This entire set is extremely important for the health of the kidneys, stomach and liver. It is used for hypertension, heart pathologies, weakened immunity, insomnia, stress, flu, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Walnut oil is famous for its rejuvenating and healing effect. It is actively used in many cosmetics, nourishing masks, and by using it internally, you can prevent colds. It is taken to treat diabetes, atherosclerosis, thyroid disorders, chronic forms hepatitis A.

Pine nut

By amount of content minerals pine nut ahead of other types of nuts. Cedar kernels effectively restore ability to work, restore metabolic processes, and have antimicrobial, immunostimulating, and antibacterial effects. They are especially good in combination with honey, which greatly enhances their effectiveness.


It is used for gastrointestinal diseases - ulcers, heartburn, colitis. Helps fight biliary tract diseases and obesity. Doctors recommend eating almonds for kidney diseases, reproductive system and anti-cancer therapy. For colds and lingering cough as natural medicine eat almonds in sugar.


Hazel kernels perfectly regulate metabolic processes, slow down aging, and fight excess weight. Hazelnuts help restore strength after exhausting long-term illnesses, it is believed prophylactic from anemia, heart disease and neoplasms.


Despite its comparative cheapness, the benefits of peanuts are extremely great. Regular use in food lowers cholesterol, promotes cell renewal, improves function nervous system, helps with insomnia, promotes heart function.


They have a unique tonic property and are extremely useful in stressful situations, depression, overwork. Reduce cholesterol, regulate metabolism.


Strengthen protective functions body, have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, help with diseases respiratory tract, flu, colds, bronchitis. They have analgesic properties. Cashew-based ointment treats gum inflammation.

All nuts are eaten both raw and roasted. After roasting, it is easier to peel them and a more subtle aroma and taste of the kernels is revealed. It is useful to eat nuts without salt, sugar and various flavor enhancers. They perfectly complement culinary masterpieces and enrich the taste. confectionery and sweets, fill salads and side dishes with piquancy and nutritional value.

Norm per day

It's no secret that any proper diet provides a varied, full menu, and not a rigid 1200 kcal per day, which includes a glass of kefir, an apple and water. Of course, this may seem like an excellent diet, especially to those who want to “quit overeating,” but there will be no benefit for the body from such a menu, and as soon as the diet ends, a devastating feeling of hunger will immediately arise, suppressed by remarkable willpower. In the end, the unfortunate person gives up and leans on everything.

So isn’t it better to eat a healthy and balanced diet and include high-calorie nuts in your menu? Moreover, scientists conducted a number of experiments in which it turned out that regular consumption of nuts improves the functioning of all organs, promotes weight loss, good mood and cleansing the body. But how many nuts should you eat per day so as not to harm your body?

Nuts are full of fats, but these are natural vegetable fats that are not harmful to the body and do not increase cholesterol levels. Polyunsaturated fatty acids burn slowly in the body, which means they constantly provide energy and strength. If you eat 20-30 g per day, there will be no problems with your figure. 30 g contains 200 kcal. How many nucleoli fit into the treasured 20 g?

  • almonds – 20 pcs.;
  • pine nuts - 150 pcs.;
  • peeled pistachios – 40 pcs.;
  • walnut – 10 pcs.;
  • Brazil nuts – 8 pcs. (it is not recommended to eat more than 3 nuts per day due to the risk of selenium overdose);
  • pecans – 18 pcs.;
  • cashews – 18 pcs.

100 g of nuts will replace half of the calories necessary for life. But you don’t need to rush to a package of nuts, hoping to survive on it all day. The body will not be able to digest more than 100 g, and if there is no food poisoning, excess folds of fat on the sides and hips will be ensured.

You should also not eat nuts at night. It is advisable to eat them for breakfast or have a snack before lunch. This will give you vigor, charge you with strength and energy, and enhance memory and reaction.

Nuts and pregnancy. Norm

During this period they will help support the health of the mother and the unborn baby. They are good because:

  • have a high calorie content;
  • energize;
  • reduce cardiovascular disorders and development of atherosclerosis;
  • filled with vitamins and minerals;
  • can increase the tone of the nervous system;
  • improve brain function;
  • normalize fat metabolism, help maintain normal weight;
  • lift your spirits;
  • provide positive influence on the development of internal organs and the formation of bone and muscle tissue of the fetus
  • Poor digestibility. The eaten dose of nuts should not exceed 30 g per day. During administration, they must be thoroughly chewed or crushed. You can soak them in water for better digestion. Doctors recommend eating nuts with herbs and dried fruits.
  • Irritate the stomach. The fiber contained in nuts helps cleanse the intestines and its active work. At the same time, during pregnancy there is no need for extra stress on the body. Therefore, if you have a stomach upset, you should limit yourself in consuming this product.
  • Strong allergen. Nuts can provoke not only an allergic reaction in a pregnant woman, but also cause sensitivity to allergens in their composition in the unborn child. In the second and third trimester, you should completely exclude them from the diet, or limit yourself to a few kernels per week.

When feeding

Despite their calorie content and high fat content, nuts are practically devoid of carbohydrates. This means that it is impossible to gain excess weight by eating a handful of nuts. But they will fill you up breast milk proteins, amino acids, vitamins, will increase its nutritional value.

How many grams of nuts can you eat per day when breastfeeding, if there are no contraindications? Any should be taken in moderation and with caution. Even if the mother is not worried about allergies, stomach upset, etc. unpleasant symptoms, you should not exceed 15 g per day. It is better if you mix them with the main dish or dessert, after chopping them. If exceed permissible norm, the allergy will not appear immediately, but gradually, accumulating in the baby’s body. Then it will be difficult to determine why he has anxiety, irritation and rash.

Nuts can be replaced with any nut butter– peanut butter, cashew butter, hazelnut butter, almond butter. By adding it as a dressing to salads, soups and side dishes, you can provide yourself with all the necessary elements without fear of any unpleasant consequences. On the contrary, the stool will settle after labor activity, constipation will stop, and the frequency of intestinal colic in the baby will decrease.

Nuts for children

All parents are interested in the question, how many nuts can children eat per day? Certainly, children's table will be enriched with many elements necessary for the development, growth and formation of the body. But scientists and pediatricians advise giving them to children after reaching 3 years of age. Moreover, even 4-5 year old children can develop allergic reaction with swelling and anaphylactic shock if you are predisposed to allergies.

You can fully introduce such a valuable product from the age of 5, strictly controlling the dosage and monitoring the reaction. Healthy babies who do not suffer from obesity and severe diathesis can diversify taste sensations 20-30 g per week, and there are no restrictions on the types and varieties of nuts.

How to choose nuts?

The beneficial qualities of nuts depend not only on their variety and type, but also on how they were transported and stored before reaching supermarket shelves. When purchasing raw nuts, pay attention to appearance. It is important that they are intact, clean, and do not smell moldy or musty.

The best place to store any nuts is the freezer. If you store them in a room or closet, they may lose some useful qualities, and the fat contained in them can become bitter.

About the benefits of nuts: