Breast cancer in cats and cats. Tumors, cancer in cats

A tumor, or neoplasm, is a pathological growth of tissue that is not regulated by the body. Consists of qualitatively changed cells, continuously multiplying and transferring their properties to daughter cells.

What are tumors?

Tumors grow at the expense of the animal's body and, according to the degree of aggressive impact on it, are divided into benign and malignant.

benign tumors grow slowly, squeezing and pushing the surrounding healthy tissue. As a rule, they are enclosed in a capsule and can reach a considerable size. These tumors do not metastasize and do not reappear after removal (do not recur).

A benign tumor does not deplete vitality organism, but exerts on it, rather, mechanical impact. For example, when the tumor begins to compress large blood vessels or vital important organs. Therefore, if the process of its growth is not stopped in time, then the animal may die due to the development of severe, irreversible disturbances in work. internal organs.

Malignant tumors, as a result of increased reproduction of cellular elements, grow rapidly. They are characterized by unlimited growth. In other words, they grow into a healthy surrounding tissue, exposing its cells to destruction. However, these tumors do not reach a large size, since the body dies relatively quickly from developing exhaustion and intoxication - poisoning by the waste products of tumor cells. In addition, malignant tumors are characterized by:

  • Metastasis is the ability of tumor cells to spread throughout the body with blood, lymph and contact and give rise to other similar tumors.
  • Recurrence is the ability of a tumor to grow and develop again, even if, as a result of surgical removal of the tumor, one or more cells remain in the surrounding tissue.

Cats have both malignant and benign tumors. Average age animals with such problems 10, 5 - 12 years old, after 12 years the incidence rate decreases.

According to statistics, the following regularity in the frequency of occurrence of various neoplasms in cats is noted:

Tumors of the skin and subcutaneous tissue are most often diagnosed and, as a rule, they are benign (papillomas, lipomas, etc.). Breed predisposition no.

Breast tumors are the most common malignant neoplasms.

Often, lymphosarcoma is diagnosed. In cats, the cause of this disease is the leukemia virus.

Less common are various bone neoplasms, tumors in oral cavity, in abdominal cavity and in chest affecting internal organs.

What does it look like?

Neoplasms developing on the surface of the cat's body (tumors of the skin, mammary glands, oral cavity, etc.) can be seen with the naked eye and recognized by a characteristic seal that is unusual for this part of the body. But even such neoplasms are difficult to identify at an early stage, since for this you need to regularly examine and feel your cat from head to tail.

Tumors of internal organs can cause wide range changes in the state of the animal. These are metabolic disorders, changes in blood composition, respiratory problems, neurological symptoms, violations by gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, they can be suspected for a number of clinical signs (cough, vomiting, shortness of breath, ascites, etc.).

What to do?

If you have found a formation similar to a tumor in your pet, or if you suspect an oncological disease based on indirect signs, it is better to consult a doctor without delay. At home, unfortunately, this problem cannot be solved.

At the appointment, the doctor should try to establish accurate diagnosis. By appearance some tumors can be assumed further tactics treatment. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to have a histological or cytological description of the structure of the tumor. This is a microscopic evaluation of tissue and cells taken from a tumor by biopsy. There are situations when a biopsy before starting treatment is contraindicated (for example, in melanoma) or does not make much sense, since it is clearly assumed surgery. In addition, before choosing a treatment method, it will be necessary to establish whether it is a single tumor or not, that is, to check the patient for the presence of metastases. This is usually done with the help of x-rays and/or ultrasound. It will also be necessary to establish the degree and nature of disturbances in the work of internal organs caused by the development tumor process. And this may also require laboratory research.

How are cats with tumor treated?

Per recent times in veterinary oncology appeared a large number of treatment methods. The main method is surgical excision tumor followed by histological examination. Histology determines the type of tumor and the stage of the process. After that, the question of the need for chemotherapy is decided. For some types of neoplasms, only chemotherapy is used as treatment (for example, with some types of skin tumors, in the last stages of breast tumors). Radiation therapy is used, as a rule, for inoperable neoplasms, but is not as widely used in veterinary medicine as surgical excision and chemotherapy.

How long will the animal live?

Without a doubt, this is one of the main questions that a doctor will have to answer! The determination of the prognosis is based on many factors: the histological type of the tumor, the stage of the disease, clinical condition, the presence of secondary complications, the possibility and effectiveness of therapeutic methods of treatment.

Tumors and neoplasms scare not only people. Alas, but our mustachioed pets also have them. Naturally, a cat, on whose stomach something foreign has appeared, must be urgently taken to an appointment with a veterinarian, simultaneously studying possible reasons such a state.

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What diseases cause tumors?

Not every tumor is a death sentence for an animal. Many of them turn out to be benign and after surgical intervention forever out of your pet's life. However, there are also disappointing diagnoses, where only promptness can save your pet. And about those, and about others further.


Lipoma is benign appearance tumors, however, should not be taken lightly. Lipoma is a tumor of lipocytes, that is, fat cells, therefore, such formations are popularly called "wen". In principle, a lipoma can occur wherever there is a subcutaneous adipose tissue, and on the stomach as well. According to the observations of veterinarians, lipoma is not as common in cats as it is commonly said.

Lipoma to the touch is a soft, pasty formation. It can sort of roll under the skin if it is located between the muscle layer and the skin. If it was formed between the muscle fibers, then it will most likely have a fixed position and will not “ride” like that. Lipoma grows slowly and is not always immediately noticeable.

In principle, it does not pose a threat to life. However, as the lipoma grows, it can cause discomfort to the animal even when walking.

Lipomas are usually divided into infiltrative and non-infiltrative. The latter are associated with less discomfort, because they have clearly defined boundaries and are easier to remove. Infiltrative ones do not have clear boundaries, they can “spread” over neighboring tissues and take root there. It is already more difficult to remove such a lipoma, but, fortunately, it does not give metastases.

A cat with a tumor in the abdomen

Lipoma of any kind is characteristic of elderly animals; in young cats, however, like any other neoplasm, it is rare. Despite its relative safety, a lipoma can develop into a liposarcoma, and this is already a malignant and dangerous formation. In order to make a diagnosis - a lipoma, it is necessary to do a biopsy. In this case, it is desirable to take several samples at once in order to get the most clear picture of what is happening. The only way get rid of lipoma - surgery.

breast tumor

It is breast tumors that are the most common type of neoplasms in cats, especially the elderly. As a rule, the age of patients with such a diagnosis is more than 10 years, although there are exceptions.

Alas, 90% of neoplasms in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands in a cat are malignant.

A certain predisposition to the development of mammary tumors has been noted in cats that have been given hormonal preparations to suppress sexual desire. And in cats prone to manifestations false pregnancy. But in sterilized animals, cases of breast cancer are extremely rare. Moreover, sterilization in more early age, up to two heats, will almost completely protect your pet from a terrible disease.

Breast cancer is dangerous for its metastases and recurrences. Only a veterinarian can distinguish a tumor from the same lipoma. Outwardly, this cannot be done.

Need a biopsy and detailed cytological analysis samples. Outwardly, a breast tumor looks like an extensive swelling that grows quite quickly. Depending on what cells the tumor consists of, it will be called differently. An epithelial cell tumor is a cancer, but connective tissue- sarcoma.


Fibrosarcoma is another type of neoplasm in cats. With such a diagnosis, the chances of recovery are much greater, the mortality rate from such an ailment is 5-20%. Fibrosarcoma is a tumor consisting of fibroblasts of the skin and connective tissue. Fibrosarcoma grows more slowly than sarcoma, which makes it easier to deal with it. Fibrosarcoma is the most common tumor and can behave in different ways.

Sometimes a cat lives with her relatively calmly for years, and sometimes the tumor grows to an impressive size in just a few months. By the way, fibrosarcoma is a painful formation, during its palpation the animal experiences pain and anxiety. Externally, fibrosarcoma is also a kind of swelling various shapes and density. It can occur anywhere on the animal's body, including the abdomen.


Sometimes a mass on your cat's abdomen is not related to a tumor. There is also such an option as a hernia. A hernia can be congenital or traumatic. In fact, a hernia is a displacement of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity through a hole in the muscle layers, obtained artificially or congenitally. The hole will be called hernial orifice, and the walls of the cavity - a hernial sac.

If it is possible to correct hernial sac, a hernia is called reducible, if there are adhesions between the walls of the hernial sac, it will not work to set such a hernia. If the hernial sac is infringed at the gate, this can be fraught with tissue death and necrosis. And this is very dangerous. It is necessary to treat a hernia only in the clinic, the doctor will either set it or prescribe conservative treatment. Surgery is also possible.

Complications of tumors

Sometimes a tumor in a cat on the stomach is manifested not only by a banal swelling, but also by more serious complications, which we will discuss later. And before that, we advise you to look detailed video about breast cancer.


Quite often, tumor growth is accompanied by the appearance of necrosis on its surface. At the same time, it appears bad smell, discharge, secondary bacterial inflammation cause intoxication of the body. It may look like a large purulent wound that can burst suddenly and is very difficult to heal. festering wounds dangerous because they can cause blood poisoning and death of the animal.


Some tumors, especially large ones, can be easily injured. When they are damaged, bleeding often occurs. Variants are possible when a very large and neglected tumor stretches the skin so much that cracks and microtraumas appear on it, which bleed. heavy bleeding with neoplasms, as a rule, does not occur. However, even small blood loss delivers a lot discomfort sick animal.

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Video "Tumors in a cat"

Another video about the most common type of neoplasm - breast tumors at the end of our review.

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  1. Khabibullina Galina


  2. One of the most dangerous and diverse diseases in terms of symptoms is skin cancer in cats. 75% of all reported skin tumors in cats are malignant. Depending on the type of tumor cells, treatment, prognosis and Clinical signs differ greatly. In this regard, one of milestones therapy is accurate diagnosis pathology.

    Despite the fact that skin cancer in cats occupies 20% of all diagnosed neoplasms, the exact causes for the development of pathology have not been established. It can be said for sure that an excess of UV light causes skin, but other unidentified factors can lead to it to the same extent.

    As for other types of skin tumors, nothing can be said here. Dependence on feeding or viruses has not been established. There is no predisposition in any breed.

    Types of tumors

    By origin, neoplasms are divided into primary (originally occurring in the skin) and secondary tumors(cancer cells brought from the lymph). By localization, they can be divided into single and multiple. Downstream - into malignant and benign.

    Skin is the most big organ in cats, it consists of several layers, each of which is made up of a unique type of cell. Because of this, the most important classification is the division by histological composition:

    • Cutaneous lymphoma.
    • Mast cell tumors.
    • Melanocytic tumors.
    • Soft tissue sarcomas.
    • Squamous cell carcinoma.

    When making a diagnosis, it is very important to distinguish skin tumors from diseases similar to them:

    • viral damage to the dermis;
    • genetic abnormalities;
    • changes associated with hormonal disorders;
    • hyperplastic;
    • granulomatous processes.

    For this, as well as to establish the histological composition of the tumor, prints and scrapings from tissues, aspirates and biopsy specimens are taken.

    Squamous cell carcinoma

    Description. The tumor comes from flat cells epidermis. On the early stages the neoplasm has the appearance of erosions with convex borders, reminiscent of productive papillomas or cauliflower.

    Symptoms. The main place of localization is the fingers and head (ears, nose, lips). This is due to the fact that the predisposing factor is an excess of sunlight.

    Flow. Usually, the neoplasm does not affect the lower layers of the skin, although in advanced cases it can reach the subcutaneous layer.

    Forecast. Usually squamous cell carcinoma well localized, does not spread with blood and lymph, therefore, with proper resection, the prognosis is favorable.

    Treatment. Due to the high differentiation, the most effective is surgery. The problem may be cancer at the tip of the nose. The nose, together with the pterygoid cartilages, is removed, and later, in several stages, a reconstruction is made from the surrounding skin (by moving the flaps).


    Description. It comes from mesenchymal cells of the dermis and subcutaneous layer, which include muscle, fat, fibrous, vascular. To determine the histological type of sarcoma, laboratory samples are taken. Some sarcomas do not have a clear differentiation and are called spindle cell or anaplastic.

    signs. They are the same for all histological types of sarcomas, a neoplasm develops anywhere, deep in the skin. Usually, the tumor does not have clear boundaries, but sometimes, due to rapid development, a false “capsule” is formed around it from compressed healthy tissues. It is not real and cancer cells are often found outside of it.

    Flow. Sarcomas develop in older cats (> 9 years old), with the exception of fibroscarcoma, which develops in pets up to 5 years old. The disease is dangerous, often gives metastases to the lungs and other organs.

    Forecast. From cautious to unfavorable. Metastases give 25% fibrosarcomas, cancerous hemangiopericytes rarely metastasize (but often relapse). Anaplastic sarcomas and hemangiosarcomas are the most dangerous, they metastasize in most cases and quickly spread throughout the body with blood.

    Treatment. Sarcomas are resistant to chemotherapy and radiation, so resection is the only effective way. If the tumor is localized on the limb, it is amputated; if it is localized on the skin, the largest possible area is captured.

    Melanocytic tumors

    Description. They arise from melanocytes that belong to the basement membrane (the junction of the epidermis and dermis). They usually develop in the oral cavity and are malignant. Melanomas appear less frequently on the skin, but in this case they become benign.

    Symptoms. Cutaneous benign melanomas look like dark nodules. Malignant melanomas on mucous membranes are sometimes also pigmented, but not always. They often ulcerate and bleed, often complicated by secondary infections.

    Flow. Skin melanomas can disappear on their own. Malignant melanomas quickly metastasize, sometimes only to the lymph nodes, and sometimes spread throughout the body.

    Forecast. With cutaneous melanoma - favorable, with malignant neoplasm on the mucosa - unfavorable or cautious.

    Treatment. Skin melanomas can be treated with radiation and chemotherapy. If this fails, then surgical resection is used. Malignant tumors are excised with surgical margins of more than 3 cm, however, due to their localization (oral cavity), this often becomes a problem for the surgeon.

    Mast cell tumors

    Description. Mastocytoma develops from mast cells connective tissue that are responsible for allergic and inflammatory reactions. The cells have a large number of dark inclusions, which is why they got their name. These "grains" secrete histamine, heparin and other vasoactive and proteolytic enzymes, so mastocytoma is always complicated by local and systemic reactions.

    Signs. A tumor develops in the dermis or subcutaneous tissue. It looks like a dark dense plate under the skin with clear boundaries. because of severe inflammation the place hurts a lot, the tumor under the skin often ulcerates, there is a local increase in temperature.

    Flow. A neoplasm can be single, or it can quickly metastasize throughout the body (usually to the liver and spleen). At first they are single and grow slowly, but then they are reborn and become aggressive, give many metastases. In cats, the tumor usually quickly becomes aggressive.

    Forecast. If the tumor is detected at an early stage, then the prognosis is favorable, otherwise it is cautious or unfavorable. In cats, they usually quickly turn into an aggressive form.

    Treatment. At an early stage, surgery or surgery is used, complete with chemotherapy. However, since in cats, pathology is diagnosed, as a rule, on late stage the more commonly used chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

    Cutaneous lymphomas

    Description. A rare disease in cats. It develops from T-type lymphocytes, is a systemic pathology that is localized not only in the skin, but affects many organs. Cutaneous lymphoma is diagnosed when the pathology is most pronounced on the skin.

    Symptoms. It has the appearance of multiple nodules on the epidermis, which sometimes transform into ulcerated areas of the skin. There are almost always others system signs diseases that depend on which organs are affected (more often the liver and spleen).

    Flow. Lymphoma eventually affects all organs and leads to the death of the pet.

    Forecast. Unfavorable, since lymphoma in cats is difficult to treat, cancer cells almost do not respond to chemotherapy.

    Treatment. Only chemotherapy is used. Surgical intervention or radiation therapy often does not make sense, since the source of the disease is lymph, but these methods can be used in severe skin lesions to alleviate the patient's condition.

    Unfortunately, cancer also affects pets. To date, the situation has progressed somewhat. better side with the development of new drugs, treatments and vaccines. However, not all pathologies can be cured, and it is not always possible to prolong the life of pets.

    The occurrence of cancer in cats

    Factors in the development of cancer this moment not yet fully elucidated.

    Many experts believe that the main factor may be wrong content pet, not attentive to his problems, ignoring minor symptoms and untimely treatment.

    Improper maintenance of cats can lead to cancer.

    Poor quality feed

    Poor quality feed contains carcinogens that disrupt the cellular genome.

    One of the reasons is just poor quality feed saturated with preservatives, chemical additives to improve palatability and smells. Carcinogens present there provoke a violation of the cellular genome, as a result of which cell mutation occurs, tissue degeneration and tumor formation.

    If the cat refuses to eat food - this is a reason to think.

    Cancer viruses

    However, one should not discount oncological viruses, of which there are more than a hundred species.

    Cancer viruses can appear in a cat due to stress.

    Such viruses are present in the body of most animals in a dormant state, and any pathological factor contributes to their "waking up". These factors can be:

    • stress;
    • wrong diet, low quality feed;
    • frequent illnesses;
    • infection;
    • helminthic invasion;
    • long-term chronic processes;
    • wrong treatment.

    genetic predisposition

    We should not forget about the genetic predisposition.

    Often, cancer can be provoked by obesity.

    Often, oncology can be provoked by a violation of the diet and, as a result, obesity. crash hormonal balance, long-term stay of the animal in poor conditions. Large dose radiation, sedentary image life, restricting access to fresh air. Oncological cat diseases for humans are not dangerous.

    Types and stages of cancer in cats

    The transformation of cells and tissues can occur on any organ, in any system of the body. There is no particular predisposition.

    The transformation of cells and tissues can occur on any organ.

    Neoplasms distinguished by type : benign and malignant tumors.

    benign tumors

    Benign neoplasms are characterized by slow progress, absence of pain syndrome, absence. Surgical removal of such tumors usually results in complete recovery of the cat.

    Surgical removal of benign tumors leads to recovery of the cat.

    Malignant tumors

    Tumors of a malignant nature are manifested by more severe symptoms.

    noted enhanced growth pathogenic cells, the presence of bleeding. The growth of foci of affected tissues - metastases, to other nearby organs and tissues. In the last stages, there is a strong pain syndrome. Such neoplasms are very rarely amenable to complete cure, especially in the last stages, which are manifested by the presence of metastases.

    Malignant tumors are rarely curable.

    Formation types

    Exist different types formations: sarcoma - the spread of pathogenic cells throughout the body, without reference to a specific organ, skin cancer, oncology of the reproductive system, breast cancer.

    Skin cancer in a cat.


    Development pathological process distinguish four stages.

    During the first stage, a small cancerous nodule appears.

    1. During the first stage, a small cancer nodule , possibly consisting of several degenerated cells. Such compaction of metastases does not give and is quite amenable to complete cure.
    2. The second stage is manifested by the progressive growth of the neoplasm, germination into the depth of the affected organ, "capture" lymphatic system in the form of metastases.
    3. The onset of the third stage slows down the growth of the tumor itself, but makes it possible for metastases to grow throughout the body.
    4. The most difficult and already incurable stage is the fourth. The whole body is affected and ends in death.

    The main symptoms of cancer

    At oncological diseases the cat becomes depressed and lethargic.

    Depending on the location of the lesion, different symptoms will occur.

    1. The first stage is usually is asymptomatic , and it is extremely difficult to notice the presence of a tumor. That is why systematic complete medical examination animal, allowing you to notice the problem in time.
    2. Then there is a decrease in appetite, a sharp decline weight.
    3. The coat becomes dull, clumps form, an untidy general appearance.
    4. The pet is oppressed, lethargic, reluctantly there is no contact.
    5. Light scratches or wounds do not heal well, nosebleeds are possible.
    6. Failure of natural processes - defecation, urination.
    7. Difficulty breathing, possible shortness of breath, the presence of an unpleasant odor.
    8. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands in females, a painful seal is felt.
    9. On the early dates positive result will give surgical removal tumors.

      Complex medical measures depends on the degree of damage and the stage of the disease.

    • In the early stages, a positive result will be given by surgical removal of the tumor and the subsequent use of chemotherapy.
    • The use of maintenance therapy will help to slightly extend the life of the pet: heart medications, pain medications.
    • In the last stages, the animal is euthanized so as not to prolong the agony.

    Video about a tumor in a cat

    Cancer affects cats less frequently than dogs. But, unfortunately, most neoplasms in the body of a cat are of a malignant nature. Cat cancer is deadly dangerous disease, requiring complex treatment under the supervision of an experienced veterinarian. What cancer tumor And is it possible to defeat the disease?

    Cancer is the result of a "failure" in the program of the DNA molecules that are contained within each cell and are comparable to a repository of information: how cells should divide, what functions they perform, and so on. Cancer begins with a small group of cells whose DNA has changed: cells begin to divide abnormally rapidly, their structure changes, their functions are limited and their functions change. Mutant cells are carried throughout the body with the flow of lymph and blood, settling on the tissues of organs. In the place of localization, "daughter" neoplasms are formed. For example, lung cancer in cats often metastasizes to bone tissue. Benign tumors do not metastasize.

    Increasing in size, a malignant tumor grows into healthy tissues of organs, inhibiting their functions. On the last stage body can't handle pathogenic activity cancer cells. For example, liver cancer in cats often results in a condition called cachexia: general weakness, refusal of food, severe exhaustion, persistent vomiting, hair loss. Almost any cancerous tumor in a cat has a “lifespan”, after which the neoplasm begins to decompose, which leads to ulceration and bleeding. At this stage, the diagnosis of the disease is difficult, veterinarians often make mistakes. For example, bowel cancer in cats doctors take for ulcerative colitis in the exacerbation phase.

    AT last years there was a lot of information that scientists allegedly proved viral nature cancer. It is not true. Cancer cannot be contracted, even if the affected cells are transplanted into the healthy tissue of the subject, which has been proven by numerous experiments. Similar tests were carried out by scientists from the USA, France, Great Britain, Germany, Japan and other countries. The result is the same - not a single sick volunteer. Cancer in cats is naturally human cancer is no different, so do not believe the tales that a pet with cancer can be dangerous for family members.

    Read also: Immunodeficiency in cats (FIV): what is it, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

    Disposing factors

    In most cases, the veterinarian cannot answer the question: “Why did my cat get cancer?”. However, there are dozens of factors that predispose to cancer, the most common of which are listed below:

    • low immunity;
    • microtrauma of internal organs;
    • poor quality food;
    • smoking, including passive smoking (some owners smoke in the presence of a cat, without thinking about the harm that is done to her body);
    • hormonal disorders (for example, breast cancer in a cat is almost always the result of an excess of a number of hormones);
    • viral, fungal and bacterial infections;
    • psychological factors (stress associated with a tense situation in the family, frequent estrus, etc.);
    • unfavorable ecological situation;
    • ultraviolet and ionizing radiation.

    Types of cancer and symptoms of the disease

    As in humans, a cancerous tumor in a cat can be localized in the tissues of any organ or body system (except for the heart, since this organ contains an insignificant amount of inactive epithelial cells). Signs of cancer in cats differ depending on the stage of the disease, the general condition of the pet, and the location of the tumor. Symptoms can be mixed and blurred, long years Cancer may not show up in any way.

    Liver cancer in cats: change in the consistency and color of the stool, fast fatiguability, general weakness, low appetite, weight loss for short term. Due to impaired liver function, bile enters the bloodstream- develops (whites of the eyes, mucous membranes, skin acquire a yellowish tint).

    Lung cancer in cats: early stages - dry frequent cough, hysterical, then sputum appears interspersed with pus, and later - blood clots. Possible dyspnea unrelated to physical activity(the cat breathes through the mouth, swallowing air). Sometimes the body temperature "jumps", then rising one degree, then falling one degree below normal.

    Stomach cancer in cats: sudden weight loss, anemia, change in stool color and consistency, general weakness, drowsiness, painful stomach, poor appetite, fever. May be present in stool dark clots blood.

    Bowel cancer in cats is symptomatically similar to stomach cancer. But the blood in the stool is fresh, scarlet. Sometimes there is flatulence, unbearably fetid. Often - putrid smell from the mouth, rumbling in the abdominal cavity, chronic constipation or diarrhea (depending on the part of the intestine where the tumor is located).

    Breast cancer in a cat is characterized by the appearance at first of small seals, visible only on palpation, and then, as it grows - big shots and ridges of neoplasms. Tumors open, forming non-healing ulcers, fetid, weeping and extremely painful. Important: breast cancer accounts for more than 60% of all malignant tumors in pets. Neutering a cat before her first estrus reduces the risk of this disease by up to 1%! In addition, sterilization is 100% effective method prevent ovarian and uterine cancer.

    Skin cancer in a cat: non-healing ulcers in any part of the body, bumps, swelling, especially on the lips, on the nose, on inner surface auricles, around the genitals, spots on the skin, growing to the sides, bumps on the pads of the paws and between the fingers. If the disease is detected at an early stage, the likelihood full recovery very high.

    Kidney cancer in a cat: blood clots periodically appear in the urine, in the early stages “one-time” (the cat peed, the owners saw blood and were scared, but when next visit the urine tray is normal - the owners relaxed). General state depressed, appetite reduced, possible aching pain in the side (but the owners may not notice this symptom). Often the body temperature tends to rise slightly in evening time which is also difficult to detect.