Hawthorn berries - benefits and harms to the body. Benefits and uses of hawthorn fruit

Boyarka, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which we will consider today, is a hawthorn plant that can be perfectly used as so-called hedges, in addition, it will grow in the forest belt on its own. In autumn, purple-red fruits appear on this bush, they small size and have healing qualities.

The medicinal properties of the boyarka have been known since ancient times, and besides, as already mentioned, the hawthorn is an excellent plant for hedges, since the presence of large thorns on the branches will prevent the so-called uninvited guests from getting through the bush.

The hawthorn or boyarka bush belongs to the rose family. It can be quite high, up to four meters, eventually turning into a beautiful and neat tree with strong wood, while four-centimeter thorns are present on its branches. The flowering of the plant does not last long, but during this time the bees manage to collect valuable hawthorn honey from it. Berries ripen in autumn, they are not very tasty, but useful.

Useful properties of the boyar berry

The small boyarka berry contains a lot of useful chemical substances, I will list them for informational purposes: choline, acetylcholine, fatty oil, flavonoids, present essential oils, sorbitol, caffeic acid, there are saponins, as well as from organic acids it can also be noted: wine, lemon, in addition, tannins, as well as other valuable components, have been identified.

These fruits are extremely useful, as they can improve heart function, normalize blood pressure, and generally improve blood circulation, in addition, the process of falling asleep and sleeping in general, therefore, insomnia will not bother, in addition, the berries prevent the development of shortness of breath and tachycardia .

From berries you can prepare medicinal decoctions and healing infusions which are accepted from preventive purpose. In addition to the stimulating effect, the fruits are famous for their content of a significant amount of vitamins. A lot in the boyarka ascorbic acid, without this connection it is difficult to imagine normal functioning organs and systems.

It is advisable to use these berries during the period colds as well as influenza. Except medicinal properties the fruits of this shrub also have some contraindications that are worth listing.

Does boyarka have contraindications for use?

It would seem that this berry is good for everyone, but there are some contraindications. It should not be consumed in large quantities, the norm is a glass of berries per day. It should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as in renal pathology.

In addition, boyarka is a berry that can provoke the development of drowsiness, and a relaxed state will also appear in a person, therefore, car drivers should be careful when eating berries.

Dishes that include boyarka, recipes for their preparation

Exist different recipes cooking berries, for example, housewives prepare jam, jam, healthy confiture from these fruits, in addition, they are added to apple compote, which makes it taste special and also insist and make delicious and healing tea in addition, you can prepare a decoction, as well as a medicinal tincture.

In addition, if you grind these berries and add them to flour, then you get a sweetish dough that can be used to prepare various confectionery dishes.

jam recipe

You can make medicinal jam from the boyar, for this purpose you will need the following ingredients:

Berries - 1 kilogram;
Glass of water;
Sugar - 1 kilogram.

The berries should be sorted out, washed and dried well, then it is necessary to boil the syrup, for this, sugar and water should be mixed and brought to a boil, after which they should be poured over the fruits. You can leave them like this for 12 hours. Next, boil the jam for five minutes and leave to cool again for two hours, then after the secondary heat treatment, it should be decomposed into glass jars.

First, the jars must be sterilized, after which jam is poured into them and the container is rolled up with a tin lid for winter storage. It turns out delicious jam with useful properties that can be used for medicinal purposes.

Infusion of berries

Can cook medicinal decoction from the fruits of the boyarka. This will require two tablespoons of berries in a glass of boiling water. Such a drug should be covered with a lid and left to infuse for a while, about 40 minutes. After which it will medicinal infusion to be filtered.

To do this, you must use a strainer or you can use gauze folded in two layers, through which the infusion is filtered, and the remaining berries can be thrown away. The drug is brought boiled water up to a volume of 200 milliliters and are taken on the recommendation of a phytotherapeutist for heart diseases.

And here's what else you can cook from boyarka berries:

Compote of berries and apples

On the winter time can be made from these useful berries, for this in three-liter jar pour about a quarter of the capacity of the fruit and the same number of pieces of peeled apples and pour them with boiling water. Then, after 30 minutes, when the liquid has cooled slightly, it is poured into a saucepan, where a glass of granulated sugar is added, everything is brought to a boil.

Next, pour berries and apples with ready-made syrup, and then screw the jars with tin lids. After that, they are turned over on the lid and cooled, then you can take them to storage. Useful compote is ready. Enjoy your meal!

It is a pleasure to look at hedges - objects of garden skill and pride of the owners. These are pieces of nature on a built-up street. But it’s even better to get out of the city at the very beginning of summer and enjoy the company of green friends in full. The birds are singing, the bees are buzzing, the sky is blue and clear, the flowers are fragrant ... What can not be said about the hawthorn: refined small light flowers smell of spoiled fish. But in the fall, when you see fragile-looking branches dotted with small crimson berries, you just want to call this rich boyar bush in a popular way - a boyar. The medicinal properties of its fruits have been known for a long time, and practical use I also found this plant, because the hawthorn is an excellent plant for a hedge: no one will get through its tenacious thorns!

Boyarka-berry. What a beauty?

Hawthorn is a member of the rose family. This shrub can grow up to four meters in height, turning into a neat little tree. The wood is very strong and strong, and four-centimeter thorns will not show mercy to anyone. Small petals are collected in corymbose inflorescences. Flowering does not last even half a week, but during this time the worker bees manage to collect nectar. Hawthorn honey is very valuable. And in the fall, berries are poured on the branches of the bush, almost tasteless and small, but what useful ones!

Boyarka: medicinal properties are provided by the chemical composition

Hawthorn is indeed rich, rich in its composition. A small berry with a diameter of less than a centimeter contains so many useful substances! These are choline, acetylcholine, flavonoids, essential oils, caffeic acid, and also tartaric and citric, fatty oils, saponins, tannins, sorbitol ... And this is not a complete list.

Boyarka: medicinal properties and contraindications for use

This berry is extremely useful. First of all, pay attention to the properties of the boyarka, which contribute to the improvement of the work of the heart. Preparations based on hawthorn stabilize high pressure, tones the heart. When taken, blood circulation improves, you will not be disturbed by insomnia, shortness of breath and tachycardia. And in general, it is better to drink decoctions and infusions for the prevention of heart disease - for people no better than a helper. In addition to the general stimulating effect, the berry is also famous for its decent content of vitamins. For example, there is a lot of vitamin C in berries, so it is advisable to lay on a boyarka during the flu and cold season.

And in a frantic urban rhythm, what will help you calm down and get rid of overwork better than a boyar? Its healing properties do not end there - and dentists have noticed its miraculous effect. It would seem that the berry is good for everyone, but only here there are contraindications. It is not recommended to consume more than a glass of berries a day, especially for pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as people with kidney problems - too huge pressure on the stomach. And you should also remember that berries cause drowsiness and a relaxed state, so drivers should be careful when using them.

What to cook from boyarka?

You can make jam from berries, which will help you not get sick in winter; they are added to insist and make tea, decoctions, tinctures. If you grind the berries and add to the flour, you get a sweet dough. The flowers are also harvested and made into a tincture that no drug can compare to.

For figures of traditional and traditional medicine, the hawthorn plant has long been known. Its useful properties and contraindications are described in this article. AT medicinal purposes not only fruits are used, but also bark and flowers. In these parts of the plant, special biologically concentrated active ingredients.

Hawthorn is a shrub that belongs to the Rosaceae family and has thorns on its purplish-brown branches. The size of the hawthorn reaches four meters in height. The leaves of the hawthorn are alternate, round-rhombic in shape, pointed and with deep lobes, they are also pubescent on the sides. The flowers of the plant are rather small, white, in very dense and corymbose inflorescences, emitting a not very pleasant smell. Regardless of the fact that the flowers are white and at the same time smelling unimportantly, hawthorn fruits bright red, tastes sweetish, the pulp resembles something mealy.

The time when the hawthorn begins to bloom falls in June, and the full ripening of the fruits, that is, berries, is reached in late August or early September.

In order to medicinal use almost all components of this plant are used, except for branches, that is, leaves, flowers, and hawthorn fruits. If you need to use hawthorn for medicinal purposes, you should collect the flowers at the very beginning of summer, as soon as the hawthorn begins to bloom, you must use the dried flowers.

In order not to lose useful properties dried hawthorn components, it is necessary to keep them strictly in air-tight places. Due to the frequent exposure to air, the plant, so to speak, weathers and loses almost all of its useful qualities. Try to put dried hawthorn in tightly sealed containers protected from moisture.

The fruits of the hawthorn must be harvested only at the moment when they become red enough. The blood-red years indicate that they are ripe and ready to eat. If, after picking the berries, you decide to dry them, do it immediately after picking. The hawthorn will bear berries every year.

Hawthorn seedlings are adapted for grafting several types of plants on one trunk, such as pear and medlar. As a result, the trees produce pink and white flowers in May and fruit throughout the summer. Such trees can be seen in Vigo, Spain and France.

Many species and hybrids of hawthorn are used as ornamental and street trees. They are widespread in Europe. Varieties with pink or red flowers have been bred. Most recommended for water protection landscapes.

You can also easily find hawthorn in the form of candied pieces, jam, jelly and wine.

The fruits of the Chinese species are tart, bright red and resemble small apples. They are used in Chinese snacks and cereals. AT South Korea a liqueur is made from the fruit. In Mexico, they eat raw or make jam, and they also make traditional Christmas punch and popular Mexican candies. In the southern United States, hawthorn jam is recognized as a delicacy. In Iran, hawthorn fruits are eaten raw and the leaves are consumed in salads.

Dried fruits from hawthorn (Shan Zha) are used in naturopathy, herbal medicine, Chinese and Japanese traditional medicine.

The wood of some species of hawthorn is resistant to decay. It is used to make poles and tool handles in the American countryside.

Chemical composition

Hawthorn fruits are complex chemical composition, which has not yet been fully explored. However, it is considered that greatest benefit It is achieved due to the presence of anthocyanidin and plant residues of polyphenols in the plant.

Composition of hawthorn:

  • 10 percent sugar and organic reagents;
  • 0.5 mg / 100 grams of carotene;
  • up to 0.3 mg / 100 grams of ascorbic acid;
  • 0.75 percent various essential oils;
  • 15 percent anthocyanidin;
  • triterpenic acids, namely krategic, oleander, ursolic, coffee, citric;
  • astringents;
  • minerals - potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, magnesium, molybdenum, selenium and boron.

However, despite such a diverse and useful composition, hawthorn fruits have a low calorie content. In total, proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber are approximately 59 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Hawthorn - useful properties and contraindications

Hawthorn berries are used in different ways. Compotes and jams are cooked from them, mashed potatoes, stuffing for pies, rolls and donuts, jam, marshmallow, compotes are prepared, and they are also ground with sugar - the so-called "raw jam".

Hawthorn is widely popular in both folk and traditional modern medicine. It is actively used for the treatment various diseases of cardio-vascular system. Medical preparations, which include hawthorn, help to improve the functioning of the heart muscle, and they also help well with diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, cardiac arrhythmia, tachycardia and angina pectoris. In addition, they are very effective in general cardiac weakness.

Hawthorn helps to increase the contraction of the heart muscle, while reducing its excitability; lowers high blood pressure, improves blood circulation in the heart and brain vessels, and also helps to normalize the rhythm of cardiac activity and improve general condition people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

It was also noticed that the fruits of the plant are able to reduce the level bad cholesterol contained in the blood, as well as stimulate normal activity thyroid gland- all this contributes good results in the treatment of diseases such as atherosclerosis.

In addition to the culinary and medical fields, ripe hawthorn fruits are also widely used in cosmetology. Highly effective masks are prepared from them, as a result of which the skin becomes smoother and more elastic. In addition, hawthorn masks well tone the blood vessels of the skin.

The use of hawthorn in folk and official medicine

There are many pharmaceutical preparations, the basis of which is the fruits and flowers of hawthorn.

Hawthorn fruit is used to make tablets, powders, tinctures or extracts. These drugs lower blood cholesterol levels sedative effect on the central nervous system or are used to normalize digestion in infants.

most popular pharmaceutical products are considered:

  • hawthorn tincture at 70% alcohol - used as a cardiotonic and sedative;
  • cardiovalen - contain hawthorn extract, are used to increase the strength of heart contractions and for neurological diseases;
  • valemidin - alcohol tincture, relieves spasm smooth muscle, has a relaxing and sedative effect;
  • phytorelax - herbal preparation, which includes valerian root and hawthorn berries. Used for high nervous excitability and insomnia;
  • kedrovit - strengthens the immune system, helps fight against infectious diseases and viruses;
  • Demidovsky syrup - has an antispasmodic and choleretic effect.

Contraindications and possible harm

Any plant is useful only if it is correct application, which is especially important in the case cardiovascular diseases. Before using the beneficial properties of hawthorn on your own, you should consult a doctor, especially in case of severe disorders heart activity or kidneys.

  • Taking it for an excessively long time may cause depression of the heart rhythm.
  • Eating fruits in excess can cause mild poisoning.
  • If treated on an empty stomach, spasm of the intestines or blood vessels may occur, and vomiting may occur. In this situation, it is worth taking infusions and tinctures two hours after eating, reduce the concentration or dose of the folk remedy.
  • When treating hawthorn, you should not immediately drink cold water, otherwise it may happen intestinal colic, paroxysmal pain.
  • In some cases, hypotensive patients for more effective application beneficial properties of hawthorn in the treatment of heart disease, it is worth using infusions not of the fruits, but of the flowers of the plant.

What can be made from hawthorn

Hawthorn tincture - instructions for use

Alcohol tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself. Fruit tincture prepared from 25 g of fruit per 100 g medical alcohol or vodka and take 30-60 drops 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. A tincture of flowers is prepared at the rate of 1 part of flowers to 2 parts of alcohol, infused for 15 days and taken 40 drops 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

First of all, hawthorn tincture has positive impact to the central nervous system and cardiovascular system. With its regular use, irritability, anxiety are removed and a person begins to fall asleep better.

Hawthorn tincture also has a positive effect on the walls blood vessels relaxing them, resulting in lower blood pressure. If you start using the tincture on initial stages hypertension, it is possible to completely normalize the pressure.

If you turn to this tool for more late stages, then it will need to be combined with other drugs that lower blood pressure.


Teas increase working capacity, regulate heartbeat and pressure in the vessels, positively affect the work nervous system, lower cholesterol, normalize digestion. They are recommended for atherosclerosis, neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as in postoperative period. For older people, drinking tea will help maintain vigor during the day and strengthen night sleep.

To do this, dry flowers, fruits, leaves and twigs can be brewed like regular tea. They can also be added to green or black teas.

If you drink this tea for preventive reasons, then it is important to remember that hawthorn should not dominate in such collections, but take up no more than ¼ of the volume. If you want to use teas for treatment, then raw hawthorn should make up a large part of the tea collection.

Important! If you drink hawthorn preparations with cold and raw water, severe colic may occur.

Invigorating tea

For him you will need:

  • 1 cup dried hawthorn berries;
  • 1 cup dried rose hips;
  • 1.5 liters of boiling water;
  • dried fruits - to taste.

Tea is prepared like this:

  1. Rinse dried fruits and berries.
  2. Pour raw materials into a thermos, pour boiling water.
  3. Insist night.
  4. Filter.

You need to drink such tea during the day, 1 glass 1 hour before meals.

Soothing tea

To make a soothing tea, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 tsp dried crushed berries.
  • 2 tsp mint.
  • 2 tsp Ivan tea.
  • 200 ml of boiling water.

Tea is prepared like this:

  1. Crush the fruit in a mortar.
  2. Mix the crushed raw materials with the herbal mixture and pour into the teapot.
  3. Pour the collection with boiling water and cover the kettle with a towel.
  4. Let stand 10-15 minutes.
  5. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to warm tea and drink before going to bed.

Did you know? A red dye for fabrics is extracted from the hawthorn bark, and brown and yellow are obtained from a decoction of the roots, bark and leaves.

Tea to improve digestion

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon hawthorn fruit;
  • 1 teaspoon of rose hips;
  • 1 teaspoon septa walnut;
  • 1 teaspoon (without a slide) of black tea;
  • 1 liter of boiling water.

Tea is prepared in this way:

  1. Crush the berries of hawthorn and wild rose.
  2. Combine crushed mixture with walnut partitions and tea.
  3. Pour into an enamel bowl and pour boiling water.
  4. Simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
  5. Let the tea brew and strain.

Consume during the day before meals for 1 hour (or 3 hours after) 1 glass.

Five-minute hawthorn jam

Hawthorn fruit jam helps prevent angina attacks. Just remember that you need to eat this jam little by little, since hawthorn has a strong healing effect. So, experimentally, scientists found that a rosette of hawthorn jam eaten at a time is equal to a double dose. cardiac remedy(i.e. 40 drops). Therefore, having received tasty and healthy jam from the fruits of hawthorn, do not get carried away with it much. And now the recipe for making five-minute jam from hawthorn berries.

If a hawthorn bush grows on your site, then rinse the ripe berries and peel them from the stalks, remove the seeds (it is better to do all the work with rubber gloves, otherwise the hawthorn juice will stain your hands in Brown color). For two parts of hawthorn berries, you need one part of granulated sugar. Pour the prepared berries with sugar and leave for half an hour so that the berries give juice. In order for the berries in the jam to resemble candied fruits in syrup, to remain intact and not too soft, it is better to cook the jam in three stages (morning, evening, morning). Put the berries covered with sand (for example, in the morning) to cook on the smallest fire until boiling. Once it boils, turn the heat up to medium and simmer for another 5 minutes, skimming off the foam.

Then turn off the heat and, having covered with a lid, leave the jam to cool. After 8-12 hours, i.e. in the evening, put the jam on a small fire again and after boiling for 5 minutes, boil over medium heat. And then just leave to cool, as in the first cooking. After 8-12 hours or in the morning, repeat the same steps, then pour the still hot jam into sterile jars and close the lid. Remove jars of hawthorn jam for storage in a cool place. You can eat hawthorn fruit jam - half a tablespoon half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day, or an hour after meals.

Growing: planting and care

To grow hawthorn in the country, you need to choose the right place and land for planting the plant in open ground. First of all, it should be said that this plant is very fond of sunlight, so the area where the hawthorn will grow should be well lit by the sun. As for the soil, it must be fertile and without stagnant water.

Planting a plant such as hawthorn in open ground can be done either in spring or autumn. In the first case, the plant is planted after thawing and warming up the soil. But the planting of hawthorn in the fall is carried out with the advent of leaf fall and until the first frost.

To plant a hawthorn in open ground, you should dig a hole about eighty centimeters wide and up to forty centimeters deep. After the seedlings are planted, they should be watered abundantly, and humus should be added to the soil.

As for the care of the hawthorn, here you need to regularly weed, fertilize and water the seedlings. The soil needs loosening and mulching. It is also necessary to remove dry and broken branches. The plant only needs to be watered once a month. If there is a severe drought, then the bush must be watered twice a month.

With the advent of cold weather, young seedlings should be covered with burlap so that the branches do not freeze. In more adulthood hawthorn shelter for the winter is not necessary.

A fruit plant can be propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Planting hawthorn cuttings. To do this, it is necessary to take only young shoots that are cut off at an angle of forty-five degrees. The cuttings are planted in soil mixed with peat and sand. In order for the cuttings of the plant to take root, the soil should be well moistened.

Planting hawthorn seeds is one of the most difficult ways growing this plant. First you need to remove all the seeds from the unripe fruits and lower them for a day in a one percent solution of potassium nitrate. After the seeds must be folded into a dark box and taken to a cold room, where the temperature will not exceed two degrees Celsius. They keep for about eight months. Growing hawthorn from seeds is characterized by a rather slow growth of the plant. The seedlings are planted on permanent place when they are three years old.

Boyarka bushes often become one of the decorative ornaments on a suburban area. Gardeners love to use this plant because it has huge amount bright purple flowers. It is no coincidence that the boyarka is called the boyar bush in a different way, because it looks incredibly interesting. The plant is popularly known as hawthorn. But what qualities does it have? This will be discussed.

Composition features

For medicinal purposes, leaves and fruits of hawthorn can be used. The possibilities of these folk "medicines" can be explained by looking at their composition. AT alternative medicine used to treat various diseases, because it contains:

  • essential oils that are responsible for digestion and overall metabolic processes;
  • tannins, also involved in cellular metabolism and regulating hormone levels;
  • essential oils for normal operation almost all organs;
  • flavonoids, citric and tartaric acids, as well as a host of other substances.

Each substance present in the composition of the boyarka affects health in one way or another. Therefore, one can imagine a rather impressive list of medicinal properties found in the plant. The main ones should be described in more detail.

medicinal properties

As mentioned earlier, hawthorn contains a lot of ingredients that affect the human body. Moreover, both leaves and fruits of the plant can be used for treatment. If you properly organize the use of funds based on boyarka, you will be able to notice such healing qualities.

  1. It has a positive effect on blood circulation. Boyarka has a complex effect on the cardiovascular system. It increases the strength of blood vessels, strengthens the heart, normalizes the heartbeat. Boyarka can be used by people suffering from the most different problems the specified plan.
  2. Removes overexcitation, relieves the consequences severe stress. When using funds from hawthorn, you can improve the blood supply to the brain. This largely contributes to the normalization of the central nervous system.
  3. The antiseptic qualities of boyarka are also highly valued. With it, you can fight germs, rid the body of viruses, speed up the treatment of colds and other viral diseases.
  4. The boyarka has enveloping qualities. Therefore, its use helps protect the stomach and intestines from ulceration. This is especially important for people who suffer from or are at risk of developing an ulcer.
  5. Infusions and other remedies from the boyar bush allow you to quickly restore strength. Their reception stimulates activity, increases working capacity. Therefore, it is recommended to use such drugs for people who have recently undergone surgery or long-term treatment.
  6. Since the components contained in the boyarka stimulate the formation of collagen, the plant can be used to combat wrinkles, skin lesions, acne and so on. Hawthorn will work for these problems regardless of the application. It can be taken internally or applied as a lotion.
  7. The boyarka will also be useful for the sick diabetes. Its use leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels.

Can name a lot more useful qualities found in such a plant. But we must not forget that its possibilities are still limited. In addition, certain contraindications prevent everyone from using hawthorn.

Boyarka - important contraindications

Regardless of the form in which boyarka is used, contraindications should be studied first. There is nothing terrible in them, but this does not mean that these contraindications can be treated negligently. The most important of them are:

  • individual intolerance, the presence of which can be found out only after the practical use of funds from the boyarka;
  • pregnancy and lactation, which stand out as contraindications in relation to almost all folk medicines;
  • low blood pressure or diagnosed hypotension, since hawthorn itself exhibits a mild hypotonic effect.

And it should also be recalled that overdoses of any drugs from medicinal plants cannot be allowed. If you exceed the recommended amount of consumed boyarka, there will inevitably appear side effects. They usually manifest as headache or nausea. If such changes in well-being are detected, it is necessary to immediately stop taking it and consult a doctor. Only a responsible approach in this case guarantees good effect. We must not forget that even plants, if used incorrectly, are dangerous.

Ordinary boyarka or red boyarka - vernacular name hawthorn. Moreover, this word most often means useful berries. medicinal plant. The history of their use in traditional medicine is over a thousand years old. The hawthorn was mentioned in the sources of times Kievan Rus. Widespread from Western Siberia to the central regions of Russia and Kazakhstan - allowed many people to appreciate the benefits of treatment with boyarka berries. In modern medicine, they are most often used to strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and additional vitaminization in the winter.

The content of the article:

Berries, and if more correctly - fruits, boyars are rich sources of pectins, tannins and flavonoids. No wonder, because the plant belongs to the Rosaceae family, almost all the fruits of its "relatives" contain pectin. A large number of fiber is the very reason why hawthorn is used to produce various dietary supplements to improve digestion and lose weight. Sometimes it is advised to eat the berries themselves, which remain, for example, after brewing tea. If your body tolerates fiber normally, you can try this method.

Hawthorn is also rich in trace elements - calcium, potassium, magnesium, cobalt and even molybdenum are found in its fruits. From vitamins, berries contain almost everything necessary for immune system person, as well as good heart function - A, C, E. It is noteworthy that the infusion of a couple of tablespoons of berries in 500 ml of water 90 degrees will contain all the same useful material as the fruits themselves.

The ability of hawthorn to positively influence the state of blood vessels has been proven. Some doctors are sure that the regular use of hawthorn extract allows you to cleanse the vessels of lipid deposits. Active substances of this plant reduce blood pressure, relieve tachycardia, help nourish heart tissue. The ability of this plant to improve blood circulation in coronary arteries heart, as well as improve brain nutrition due to more active blood circulation. Hawthorn is prescribed the ability to selectively dilate blood vessels, and improve blood flow.

In addition, the sedative properties of the tincture are noted. Sometimes it is prescribed along with motherwort, peppermint and other herbs that relieve anxiety and stress. Quite often, tea based on hawthorn fruits is prescribed for pregnant women suffering from insomnia and anxiety. Despite the “naturalness” of the recipe, it is better to consult a doctor leading the pregnancy before starting to take the remedy on your own.

Water tincture has a mild diuretic effect, in folk medicine it is used to combat edema various origins, including those caused by disorders in the work of the heart. Sometimes berries are advised to eat fresh for the same purpose. Due to the diuretic and restorative effect, hawthorn is included in many dietary supplements for weight loss, in this regard, it should be understood that the plant does not have any fat-burning properties, and its use does not contribute to “acceleration of metabolism” and other mythical transformations.

Hawthorn fruits are able to gently regulate blood sugar levels, so they are often included in herbal preparations for diabetics and people with impaired insulin metabolism.

In addition to fruits, they are used in folk and official medicine also flowers, shoots and leaves of hawthorn.

Berries and sometimes green leaves are used in cooking. Dried berries are added during brewing to regular green tea, sometimes jam, jelly are prepared on their basis, berry soufflé, various drinks.

Boyarka jam

Option normal

1 kg of boyarka berries, 1 kg of granulated sugar, sterilized jars for rolling.

Peel the boyarka, place in a blender, and pour about a glass of water. Whisk until puree. Place in a jam bowl or any deep non-stick frying pan. Add sugar and cook for about half an hour, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Pour hot into jars, close with lids, leave to cool under a warm blanket.

Option for diabetics

1 kg of boyarka berries, 500 g of natural fructose, cans.

Grind the peeled berry in a blender, add fructose and grind again. Place in pots for roasting, and simmer in the oven at 200 degrees for an hour. Pour into banks.

Slimming option

1 kg of berries, 200 g of Fitparad sweetener.

Pour the berries with a liter of water and grind with a blender. Cook puree for about 20 minutes in a bowl or saucepan for jam. At the end of cooking, add Fitparad, and roll hot into jars. Leave to cool under the covers.

Boyarka jam

A kilogram of berries and the same amount of sugar, 3 glasses of pure water.

We put water in a bowl for jam, pour out sugar and cook the syrup until the crystals disperse. Then pour the berries, and cook, stirring, until the berries become transparent. Pour into jars and close with lids. This jam can be stored in a simple container in the refrigerator for about a month.

On fructose

1 liter of water, 500 g of fructose, jam thickener, a kilogram of berries.

We heat the water, add a thickener according to the instructions (they are different, the amount needed for each type is indicated on the package. Pour the berries into hot syrup and boil until transparent. Place in jars and close with lids.

No extra calories

1 liter of water, a packet of agar or jam thickener, 1 kg of boyarka berries and any calorie-free sweetener (stevia, erythrol, or mixtures thereof).

The cooking method is similar to the previous one. The thickener is diluted in the already sweetened hot water, add the berries and cook until they turn a clear amber. Then preserve in the usual way.

Cold boiled jam

1 kg of boyarka berries, a glass of Fitparad, vacuum bags for storage in the refrigerator.

Peel and rinse the berries, grind with a blender with a small amount of water and sweetener. Arrange the finished cold-cooked jam in bags, pump out the air, store in the refrigerator. You can also store in a glass jar, but then it is better to pour the surface of the jam with melted coconut oil to prevent air entry and bacterial growth.

First of all, be careful when using alcohol tincture plants. It is known that in overdose it can be toxic. The use of alcohol homemade tincture on vodka is not recommended at all. Especially you should not cook "homemade cognac" according to this recipe. Cases are not uncommon household poisoning drink, with serious consequences, due to the fact that an overdose causes a sharp decline blood pressure.

Like other plants, boyarka can cause allergies, cause individual intolerance, or simply go poorly with other products. Particular attention should be paid to people with poor fiber tolerance, "sensitive" intestines, as well as large quantities various vegetables and fruits in your diet.

It is important to stick to the dosages recommended by your doctor. Long-term use boyars, especially simultaneous combination different forms, for example, tea "for the heart" and dietary supplements for blood vessels with an extract of this plant, can lead to a decrease blood pressure and deterioration of well-being.

Hawthorn calorie content 52.5 kcal

Energy value of hawthorn (ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates):

Proteins: 0 g (0 kcal)
Fat: 0 g (0 kcal)
Carbohydrates: 14 g (56 kcal)

Energy Ratio (BJU): 0%/0%/100%

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