Unique and rare kandyk honey as a natural medicine. A delicacy for increasing lactation - kandyk honey


What it is

Kandyk honey is a unique honey, collected by bees With the rarest flower called dog tooth (kandyk). This flower received such an exotic name because its bulbs resemble a dog’s tooth. Kandyk ( Latin name"erythronium") is an excellent honey plant, but has a very early and short flowering period, during which it happens that the bees have not yet left the winter hut.
In addition, this plant is in the Red Book and is localized mainly in coniferous forests Western Siberia. This is truly a unique gift of nature, which is quite difficult to find on sale.


Kandyk honey contains, in addition to easily digestible carbohydrates, substances that have great importance for the human body (vitamins, minerals, enzymes).

The huge number of beneficial properties that kandyk honey has has made it not just a delicacy, but a most valuable natural medicine.

Here are some of the main medicinal properties of this product, which are often used in folk medicine:

  • cleansing and restoration of the liver;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • useful for colds and coughs;
  • gives a rejuvenating effect;
  • helps with sexual impotence;
  • anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, etc.
  • treats insomnia.

Methods of application

Honey collected from kandyk is a truly life-giving product that has miraculous medicinal and cosmetic properties, which give a person health and prolong youth. However, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

Such preventative measure, How daily use one small spoonful of honey will prevent many diseases, strengthen immune system and avoid many unnecessary problems with digestive system.

This variety has no contraindications. But people who should not consume bee products should be careful.

How to choose quality kandyk honey

To really choose real honey collected from a rare plant, you need to remember its distinctive features:

  • immediately after pumping out it is saturated dark color and liquid consistency, but as crystallization takes on the shade of baked milk, quickly thickens and becomes creamy;
  • has large grains in the structure;
  • characteristic spicy aroma and unique subtle aftertaste.

There is a very high probability of purchasing a fake. Such honey is often passed off as sainfoin, buckwheat, rapeseed or sunflower honey, with various flavoring and aromatic additives added to them. If the seller has a pollen analysis confirming the predominance of kandyk pollen, the buyer will be confident in the quality of the product being purchased.

You should make a purchase in places where honey plants grow, then the likelihood of purchasing a natural product will be much higher. It is advisable to buy from beekeepers, and not from resellers of bee products. Stores must have appropriate documents guaranteeing quality. By the end of autumn, real honey thickens and crystallizes; otherwise, it is fake. The price of kandyk honey is high, so the sale of such honey is average price also raises suspicion.

» Honey

Honey from the Siberian plant kandyka is found on store shelves and markets less and less often. The thing is that the honey plant is gradually disappearing.

This honey, unfortunately, is one of the rarest varieties.. And he certainly helped many people restore their health.

This variety is interesting in taste and composition, and kandyk itself is a medicinal plant. The product belongs to the category because after crystallization it acquires this color.

Freshly pumped honey from kandyk is dark. After crystallization it changes color - it becomes white, similar to baked milk.

The aroma is delicate, the taste is sweet, pleasant, without bitterness. Like any flower honey, this variety is beyond praise in terms of taste and aroma l. Children eat it with pleasure as a delicacy. Wherein beneficial features perform a positive function for the body.

A long period leaves a pleasant aftertaste. After sugaring Easily scooped up with a spoon.

Ingredients: vitamins and minerals

Kandyk honey is rich in easily digestible carbohydrates. It contains a lot of fructose and glucose (75% of the total composition).

Fatty acid none. Iron, calcium, manganese, zinc, copper, iodine - these are mainly trace elements and minerals are in it.

It contains vitamin C, E, K, and other B vitamins.

Beneficial features

Kandyk honey is especially useful to use in the off-season, when there is a shortage nutrients in products.

This variety helps restore strength after overwork and also calms nervous system. Therefore, it would be good to eat a teaspoon of this delicacy before bed.

Honey has a rejuvenating effect. It helps the functioning of the liver, kidneys, heart, pancreas. It also nourishes the skin with beneficial substances, preventing premature aging.

Besides, honey is used in cosmetology. Masks containing this variety make the skin fresh and the hair strong. The product has well-defined anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that help heal wounds.

Honey based lotion – excellent remedy for cleansing and nourishing the skin

Its restorative effect is manifested in quick recovery energy balance, increased immunity.

For prevention, it is enough to eat 40-50 g of this bee product per day. You can enjoy it at large quantities, but should not be abused. The consumption threshold is individual, but in general it is not recommended to eat more than 100 g per day.

Contraindications and harm

In small quantities, up to 30 g per day, can be eaten by pregnant women, insulin-dependent people, teenagers.

Others can enjoy the product with pleasure, eating up to 100 g per day. It is better to do this in the morning on an empty stomach or before going to bed in the evening.

Unlike other varieties, this honey is unlikely to cause anaphylactic shock with its excessive constant use, but the allergy is fully manifested.

About the honey plant

The melliferous plant of this honey is the bulbous plant kandyk. It grows at the foot of the mountains, in coniferous and mixed forests. Found in the Caucasus, Siberia, Kazakhstan, and Altai.

Types of kandyk:

  • Siberian(white color with a pink tint, blooms for 2 weeks);
  • Sayan(purple-pink tones);
  • Caucasian(blooms for 3 weeks).

As we see, nectar collection period – within a month. During this time, the bees need to work hard. The flower produces a lot of nectar. But due to the short period from the beginning to the end of flowering (from April to May), it is still not possible to produce a lot of honey.

The honey plant itself is considered medicinal plant, has a stimulating effect on men, increases potency. It is also used for pancreatitis, epilepsy, and against hair loss.

Storage conditions

The beneficial properties of kandyk honey are not lost after crystallization. First him stored at positive temperatures from 14 to 18 degrees. Crystallized loves mode from +4 to +7.

Low temperatures have a detrimental effect on the structure and availability of vitamins. The storage location can be a balcony, basement, or other room. There is no need to heat honey after it has been candied, since above 40 degrees it loses its properties. This product also reacts poorly to sub-zero temperatures (below 30 degrees) - its beneficial properties are lost.

Relative humidity- 60%, dark place - conditions for long-term storage.

What main diseases does it treat?

Kandyk honey helps with pancreatitis, epilepsy, tachycardia, hepatitis and cystitis.

He strengthens the body's immune system by saturating with vitamins and minerals. The product is useful for gastritis, ulcers, and other diseases gastro- intestinal tract. Normalization of metabolism– also a consequence of its regular use.

Pneumonia, laryngitis and bronchitis will disappear faster if you do not forget about this type of honey. It helps to cure conjunctivitis and headaches. Bee product copes with skin diseases.

Kandyk honey along with medicines fights anemia, atherosclerosis.

Growing in ecologically clean places, the honey plant produces nectar, from which natural and tasty honey is obtained. This product is rightfully appreciated by fans healthy eating. Its disadvantage(small amount compared to other types of honey) is compensated by beneficial properties for the human body.

One of the rarest beekeeping products, kandyk honey, has unique properties. This viscous substance has already helped more than one thousand patients cope with various health problems that previously seemed insurmountable.

What is this?

Siberian kandyk honey is one of the rarest varieties, since kandyk, unfortunately, is gradually disappearing from the face of the earth. The small number of flowers, which also have a very short flowering period, causes a small amount of honey produced by bees.

The aroma of this product is particularly subtle, and once you try it, it is impossible to forget the excellent aftertaste. But the color of kandyk honey depends on its consistency. If the product has not yet had time to crystallize, it retains a rich dark color, but as soon as it begins to thicken, dramatic change colors. As a result, after crystallization, honey has the rich color of baked milk.

Nevertheless, this variety is rich in all kinds of vitamins and minerals, which are almost completely absorbed human body. Therefore, regular consumption of honey has a powerful preventive and, if necessary, therapeutic effect.

Beneficial features

The main beneficial properties of kandyk honey are:

  • cleansing the liver and bile ducts;
  • restoration of liver tissue after long-term use medicines, hepatitis or poisoning;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • anti-inflammatory effect, which allows its use even during exacerbations peptic ulcer;
  • beneficial effect on cardiovascular system;
  • improving the functioning of the pancreas;
  • strengthening the muscles of the large intestine;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • rejuvenating effect.

Important: thanks unique composition honey kandyk is practically an indispensable product for expectant and nursing mothers.

All these properties allow the use of a rare beekeeping product in the composition complex therapy diseases such as:

  • pancreatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • biliary colic;
  • insomnia;
  • epilepsy;
  • depression;
  • peptic ulcer of the digestive system;
  • colds;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • laryngitis, etc.

Among other things, the components of honey help improve the functioning of male and female genital organs and, therefore, overcome the problems of pathologies and infertility.

Mode of application

Thus, medicinal properties honey kandyk is difficult to overestimate. Therefore, it is recommended to consume 1 teaspoon of this product daily. This simple preventive measure will allow you to avoid the development of a large number of diseases, significantly increase the tone of the body and eliminate almost any digestive problems.

Attention! The attending physician should advise the patient on how to take kandyk honey, since regular consumption of excessive quantities of this product can negatively affect the condition of the body.

Kandyk honey, the photo of which is shown above, can be used in a rather original way. To combat viral diseases and with fever you can apply lotions to your chest.

If a person suffers from acne, then this rare beekeeping product will come to the rescue here too. For quick fix For all acne, you need to wipe your face daily with lotion prepared from 1 liter of purified water and half a glass of honey. This product does not dry out the skin, but at the same time exhibits excellent antiseptic properties, so its use is approved by millions of people and cosmetologists.
Kandyk honey can also be used for weight loss. To improve metabolism and digestion quality, you need to take 2 tsp. pure product in the morning on an empty stomach and then at night. Usually, in such cases, honey is consumed dissolved in water. You can enhance the effectiveness of the product with lemon juice or a teaspoon of cinnamon. By the way, in combination with this spice, any honey becomes even more useful, and not only for weight loss. You can read about the healing properties of the duet in the article:

Important: honey does not burn kilograms, but only normalizes the flow metabolic processes in the body, so you shouldn’t expect amazing results from its use.

How to choose

Of course, you can get a positive effect from consuming honey only if you take it 100% natural product. Fortunately, there are usually no problems with how to identify natural kandyk honey. It is quite easy to distinguish it even for a layman by its characteristic odor and the presence of clearly visible grains in the crystallized product.

Usually these parameters are enough to find the real “right” honey, but it is still always better to find one bona fide manufacturer and regularly make all purchases only from him. This approach will avoid the unpleasant process of gaining experience based on making mistakes.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Even the ancient Greeks sang useful qualities honey, believing that honey is ambrosia - the food of the gods. One of the types of honey will be discussed further.

Kandyk honey - what is it, beneficial properties

Except their own taste qualities and its pleasant aroma, honey has a positive effect on human health. One of the rarest and useful species, is honey kandyk. Its name comes from the flower pollen from which this type of product is obtained.

This flower grows in remote areas of the Siberian and Altai tundra. These regions of Siberia are located far from big cities and retain their pristine purity. Therefore, the pollen of the kandyk flower has unique characteristics that saturate the beekeeping product itself. It should be noted that due to pathogenic influence forest areas are shrinking, and the places where the plant germinates disappear, which leads to the extinction of the kandyk. Therefore, this variety is valued more and more every year.

The flowering period of kandyk occurs in early spring, when the ground is still susceptible to frost. But due to its structure, the pollen on the flower remains, even during frost, and the flower can bloom again after freezing. Kandyk perennial with a bulbous root system.

What you need to know about kandyk honey? Distinctive features

The kandyka flower variety has a number of unique properties, it helps to heal chronic pathologies, is an excellent preventive measure.

Characteristics of kandyk Siberian honey, medicinal properties


Depending on the place of collection, it has different color inclusions from light pink lilac to dark rich shades with purple and lilac tints. Color fresh product rich, intense with bright tints.


Delicious, sweet, floral, tender, not cloying, but rich.


It has a special spicy aroma with a “waxy” tint. Strong, lasting aroma.


The structure of the freshly harvested product is granular, viscous and thick. Crystallized Adam's apple honey changes not only its structure, but also its color palette. The colors become cloudy, lose their brightness, and it becomes a dark cream shade with a characteristic yellowness. During initial crystallization, it can be stirred, then its consistency turns creamy, and the color when described becomes white with delicate creamy shades. If you do not mix the product, then after crystallization it becomes similar in consistency to halva, with the same characteristic granular surface. Thick enough to cut with a knife. Due to the fact that kandyk has a very short flowering period, as well as its unique geographical area of ​​growth, honey from this flower is rare, and it is not often found on open sale.


The spring flowering of kandyk contributes to the fact that its nectar produces a large number of useful substances such as:

  • vitamins of groups B1, B2, B6, B9, C, H, E and PP;
  • amino acids;
  • fructose and glucose, its coefficient is 75% of the total composition;
  • useful mineral elements and enzymes - calcium, zinc, manganese, iodine and copper.

Calorie content of kandyk honey

It is important to know that when treating diseases, the dosage is different. One-time use of kandyk honey is not enough. For positive effect you need to undergo a course of treatment, which can be prescribed to you by a medical professional competent in this matter.

Treatment of diseases

Kandyk honey, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are described in the article, is used as a preventive vitamin natural remedy in the off-season, when the body especially requires nutrients and minerals. The average dosage is 1 teaspoon. The product is best taken at night, before bed.


Doctors say that a teaspoon of honey before bed improves the process of falling asleep and promotes a healthy night's sleep and easy awakening.

Kandyk honey: beneficial properties and contraindications. Indications

Kandyk honey is indicated:

  • for any form of hepatitis, due to the beneficial substances in the product, it has a beneficial effect on the weakened body of the patient, restores tissue of the damaged liver;
  • at various diseases genitourinary system;
  • for impotence, acts as erythronium;
  • useful for diseases of the intestinal tract, gastritis, calms the microflora of the stomach and normalizes digestive processes;
  • Can be used after a course of chemotherapy as a restorative, healing drug;
  • honey is indicated for patients with problems with the pancreas, pancreatitis;
  • for poisoning, as it has an antitoxic effect. It is useful to take after a course of antibiotics to restore the mineral balance of the body;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is recommended to drink it during infectious diseases;
  • at various diseases respiratory tract, bronchial asthma, at wet cough, helps remove mucus;
  • due to the large amount of iron, kandyk honey is useful for people with a weakened nervous system;
  • in addition, it acts as a sleeping pill, calms and normalizes the body’s functioning after stressful situations;
  • widely used as cosmetic product, affects the skin with acne, as it has an anti-inflammatory, healing effect;
  • rejuvenates tissues and prevents the epidermis from early aging, gives the skin elasticity and saturates with moisture;
  • affects the hair, nourishes the hair follicle and gives shine and strength to the hair.

Kandyk honey - medicinal properties, how to take

  1. Kandyk honey is taken for infectious diseases, flu and colds. For one glass warm milk 1 teaspoon honey, beat an egg into the liquid. Don't forget that the milk should be warm.
  2. If you are obese, you should consume it regularly twice a day before eating. You can also stir it in a glass warm water and drink in the morning and evening before bed.
  3. For diseases of the digestive tract, gastritis, you need to take one teaspoon.
  4. It works as an antioxidant if you drink it with water every day. Similar procedure Helps relieve redness and rashes on the face.

Clinical contraindications

There are not many contraindications for this type of medicinal treat; the main ones relate to allergic reactions, as well as the patient’s individual intolerance to beekeeping products.

Beauty Recipes

Face masks

  1. For acne and acne

The mask is prepared using lemon juice and honey. In a 1:1 ratio, mix grandfather and lemon juice, also add lemon pulp. Apply the resulting mixture to a cleansed, steamed face. This type The mask also helps fight blackheads and has a healing effect.

  1. Nourishing mask for face

By adding one egg to a teaspoon of honey, you get a mask with a rejuvenating, nourishing effect that can be applied to the neck and forearm.


If you add only protein to honey, then this mask is perfect for oily skin.

  1. Whitening effect

The whitening mask is made from lemon parsley and cottage cheese. Grind the washed parsley and lemon in a blender, add a teaspoon of cottage cheese and the same amount of honey. Apply to cleansed skin. The mask also gives tone to the skin and nourishes it.

Hair masks

For hair, a mask based on eggs (yolk), honey and alcohol is best.

Mix these ingredients depending on the volume of your hair. Approximately 1 egg, one spoon of honey and a teaspoon of alcohol (cognac can be used). Apply this mixture to your head, thoroughly massaging the hair roots. The mask helps normalize blood circulation, which promotes hair growth, the egg strengthens the structure, and honey saturates it with useful substances.

Honey for the body

As for the face, kandyk masks will be beneficial for the body using various substances. One of the most nourishing beneficial masks for the body is a scrub mask.

It is made from coffee. The remaining coffee grounds are drained and mixed with honey, after which they are applied to the body using massage movements. The scrub exfoliates dead epidermis and saturates the skin with elements.


Storage conditions

It is important to know how to store this product. Otherwise, it will lose its unique features and lose its healing qualities. Before the product crystallizes, it is stored in a relatively warm temperature range of 15 to 20 degrees. After crystallization, it must be transferred to a colder room with a temperature of up to 10 degrees so that it does not lose its properties.

It is important to know!

After crystallization, it is not recommended to heat the product, especially bring it to a boil, since at temperatures above 40 degrees, everything useful material evaporate.

Hitting the bright ones sun rays, also has a detrimental effect on quality. It is best to store in a dark place with air humidity of 60%.

How to identify real kandyk honey?

Due to the fact that kandyk honey is a unique and expensive product, adulteration of this type of honey often occurs. Kandyk honey - how to determine naturalness? You can do this as follows.

Determined by external signs

An inexperienced consumer of this species may confuse it with buckwheat, since they are very similar in color, but it should be remembered that the kandyk variety has its own floral aroma, distinguishable from buckwheat. Also in candied form, this variety has a characteristic granular structure and a unique baked milk color, which will help distinguish its authenticity.

Kandyk is Siberian honey, and it is best to buy it in the areas where the flower itself grows. If this is not possible, it is better to purchase honey from trusted beekeepers.

To always be healthy and feel a charge of energy and positive mood. It is enough to take kandyka honey, it the best remedy in combating everyday stress and environmental influences on your body.

The delicate, bell-like flower Kandyk belongs to the bulbous family. This flower is widespread in coniferous and mixed forests of Altai, Kazakhstan, and the Caucasus. Kandyk is a good honey plant. It begins to bloom from late April to mid-May, releasing a large amount of nectar, most of which (up to 60%) is sugar.

Kandyk is listed in the Red Book. Honey collected from this flower is a rare variety of honey and has incomparable healing and beneficial properties.

In liquid form, kandyk honey is dark in color. When crystallized, it acquires the color of baked milk with pronounced grains. This may be why beekeepers often sell this honey as cream honey.

Cream honey is obtained by mechanically stirring honey pumped out of honeycombs until crystallization begins. In this form, kandyka honey white, delicate soft consistency.

The smell of kandyka honey has a pleasant floral aroma and a specific taste, reminiscent of a spicy ethereal one.

Basic useful and healing properties This honey will have invaluable benefits for the liver. By regularly consuming kandyka honey, you can cleanse the liver and bile ducts. In addition, consuming kandyk honey can restore damaged liver tissue. This property of honey is especially useful for poisoning and long-term use medications for hepatitis.

This type of honey improves the function of the pancreas and will be useful for people suffering from a disease such as pancreatitis.

The use of kandyk honey is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer duodenum, intestinal atony.

Like any natural honey, kandyk honey is rich useful microelements and vitamins. Honey contains simple sugars: fructose and glucose. Because of high content glucose, such honey will be useful for young nursing mothers.

Honey also has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, reproductive system men and women.

For colds, kandyka honey soothes coughs, helps clear phlegm better, and has diaphoretic properties.

Just one spoon a day of this wonderful aromatic honey will help you strengthen your immune system and cope with many ailments.

Rubbing with lotion prepared with kandyk honey will rejuvenate and tighten the skin, giving it a healthy look.