Ammonia solution 10 percent use. Diluted ammonia solution - application, instructions

Ammonia when inhaled, it causes reflex stimulation of the respiratory center. Externally, an ammonia solution is used as an antipruritic agent and for washing hands (in surgery).

ATC code: R07A X. Agents that stimulate receptors of mucous membranes, skin and subcutaneous tissues.

Indications for use

  • Inhalation - stimulation of breathing and recovery from fainting.
  • Inside - as an emetic.
  • Externally - insect bites, hand treatment in surgical practice using the Spasokukotsky-Kochergin method.

Rules of application

Ammonia is used:

  • For recovery from fainting And excitation of breathing(reflex stimulation of breathing through the receptors of the upper respiratory tract) a piece of cotton wool or gauze moistened with an ammonia solution is brought to the nostrils.
  • At alcohol poisoning (poisoning ethyl alcohol) ammonia is prescribed orally, 5–10 drops per ½ glass of water.
  • In surgical practice for hand washing according to the Spasokukotsky-Kochergin method ammonia is used in dilution (25 ml of ammonia solution per 5 liters of warm boiled water).
  • At mosquito bites As a means to eliminate itching, an ointment made from equal parts of ammonia and lanolin is used.

Side effects

When inhaling vapors of ammonia solution in high concentrations, a reflex cessation of breathing is possible.

Ammonium hydroxide is a weak alkali; if it comes into contact with the skin, it causes very painful superficial pain. inflammatory reaction with the formation of edema.

Poisoning with ammonia

Clinic of poisoning with ammonia when taken orally: pain in the stomach, vomiting with a characteristic odor, diarrhea with tenesmus, runny nose, cough, laryngeal edema, agitation, delirium, convulsions, collapse - death.

Lethal dose of ammonium hydroxide 10–15 g.

At autopsy - redness and detachment of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, in the lungs - pneumonic foci, a characteristic odor, sometimes lacquered blood (hemolysis), in the kidneys - inflammation (acute nephritis).

Composition and release form

Ammonia solution recipe

Rp.:Sol. Ammonii caustici 10%1,0
D.t. d. N 10 in amp.
  • 10% aqueous solution of ammonia in ampoules of 1 ml, in packs of 10 ampoules.
  • 10% ammonia solution for external use in glass bottles of 10 ml, 40 ml or 100 ml, bottles of 5 kg or 10 kg. 100 ml of solution contains: 25% concentrated aqueous solution ammonia - 44 ml (corresponding to 9.5 g–10.5 g); Excipients: purified water.

Shelf life and storage conditions

Store in a cool place. Available without a prescription.

Shelf life of ammonia: ampoules - 5 years, ammonia solution in bottles - 2 years.

Ammonia preparations

A combined preparation of anise oil, ammonia solution and ethyl alcohol is used as an expectorant.

Or flying ointment- used externally for rubbing as an irritating and distracting agent. Consists of 1 part ammonia and 3 parts sunflower oil.

Opodeldoc(Linimentum saponato-camphoratum) - a preparation for external use, which includes ammonia, camphor, ethyl alcohol and essential oils. Used as an irritant.


Ammonia(Solutio Ammonii caustici) - colorless volatile clear liquid with a pungent characteristic odor, a highly alkaline reaction, obtained by dissolving ammonia in water to form a solution of ammonium hydroxide (NH 4 OH).

Ammonia is mixed with water and ethyl alcohol in all proportions.


Ammonia solution (Liquor Ammonii caustici seu Ammonium causticum solutum).


AMMONIA SOLUTION 10% (Sоlutio Аmmonii саustici 10%). Synonyms: Ammonia, Liquor Аmmonii саustici, Аmmonium сausticum solutum. Transparent, colorless, volatile liquid with a sharp, characteristic odor, highly alkaline reaction. Mixes with water and alcohol in all proportions. Local application Ammonia solution is contraindicated for dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases.

Taking the undiluted drug causes burns to the esophagus and stomach.

Available: in bottles (with ground-in stoppers) of 10; 40 and 1OO ml and in ampoules of 1 ml (with braid) in a package of 10 pieces.

Store: in a cool place.
  • Drops of ammonia-anise. Breast elixir.
  • Ammonia liniment (Linimentum ammoniatum) contains 25 g of ammonia solution, 74 g of sunflower oil, 1 g of oleic acid. A thick, yellowish-white liquid with an ammonia odor.
  • Used for rubbing for neuralgia, myositis, etc.

Pharmacological group

Antiseptics and disinfectants Breathing stimulants

Local irritants

Indications for use

Substance-liquid Ammonia solution 10% (Ammonia 10%)

Instructions for

medical use
Description of pharmacological action


Release form

substance-liquid; polyethylene canister 10 kg.

substance-liquid; polyethylene canister 19 kg. substance-liquid; polyethylene canister 28 kg. Pharmacodynamics

When inhaled, it reflexively has a stimulating effect on the respiratory center. When taken orally it has an emetic effect.

Contraindications for use

Dermatitis, eczema,

skin diseases

(for local use).

Side effects

Burns of the esophagus and stomach (in case of taking an undiluted solution); reflex cessation of breathing (when inhaled in high concentrations).

Directions for use and doses Prescribed orally, 5-10 drops per 100 ml of water. Storage conditions List B: Under normal conditions. Best before date

** The Drug Directory is intended for informational purposes only. To get more complete information Please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; Before starting to use the drug Ammonia solution 10%, you should consult a doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the site does not replace medical advice and cannot serve as a guarantee positive effectmedicine. Are you interested in the drug Ammonia solution 10%? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need a doctor's examination? Or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor– clinic Euro lab always at your service! The best doctors positive effectmedicine. open for you around the clock.

** Attention! The information presented in this medication guide is intended for medical specialists and should not be a basis for self-medication. The description of the drug Ammonia solution 10% is provided for informational purposes and is not intended for prescribing treatment without the participation of a doctor. Patients need to consult a specialist!

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Ammonia is a colorless gas with very strong odor. It is part of various compounds, each of which has its own name.

  • when molecules of ammonia (gas) and water interact, a compound is formed - ammonium hydrate;
  • an aqueous solution of ammonium hydrate is ammonia (the word “alcohol” in this case means “spirit” - “spirit” “gas”).

Ammonia in medicine

In medicine, a 10% ammonia solution is used and is often produced under the name “ammonia”. Therefore, if a pharmacy offers you ammonia instead of ammonia, know that it is the same thing.


The solution is transparent, has Strong smell and evaporates quickly. Therefore, the container must be tightly closed.


Ammonia is a respiratory stimulant, local irritant, antiseptic and disinfectant.

Indications for use:

  • fainting (syncope) and collapse - to stimulate breathing;
  • toxic effect of alcohol - to stimulate vomiting;
  • surgical practice - for hand disinfection (method of S. I. Spasokukotsky and I. G. Kochergin);
  • neuralgia, myositis - pain relief;
  • insect bites - as a distraction and disinfectant.


  • externally - for eczema, dermatitis, skin diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • children's age - up to 3 years;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • epilepsy.

Ammonia 10% (the instructions for use warn) also has some side effects:

  1. You should not breathe ammonia fumes for a long time; this can lead to headaches, symptoms of intoxication (nausea, vomiting) and respiratory arrest.
  2. Do not use undiluted orally, as this may cause poisoning and burns to the digestive system.
  3. When used externally, irritation, burns, and an allergic reaction may occur. In this case, it is necessary to stop contact with the drug and rinse the skin and mucous membranes. big amount clean water.

Release form

The solution is available in bottles of 10, 40, 100 ml and in ampoules of 1 ml. The bottles must be tightly closed and do not allow the smell of ammonia to escape.

If you purchased ammonia in ampoules, the instructions for use will differ only in the way you open the container: you need to wrap the thin neck of the ampoule with a piece of cotton wool and then break it, applying a little force.

Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

The effect of ammonia on the human body

At correct use ammonia solution has a positive effect.

  • when applied to the skin, it has a vasodilating effect, improves tissue regeneration, suppresses the source pathological process, reduces muscle tension, vascular spasm, pain (distracting effect).
  • when inhaling the vapors of the drug, it stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers.
  • when taken orally (diluted), it increases the excitability of the vomiting center and provokes vomiting.

Help for insect bites

Ammonia is very suitable for relieving pain from insect bites. The instructions for use explain this by the fact that it activates substances that block pain impulses from receptors to the brain.

Therefore, it is often prescribed for insect bites to relieve unpleasant itching and sometimes significant pain at the site of the bite.

It is necessary to use a 10% ammonia solution. Instructions for use are quite simple:

  • moisten a piece of cotton wool in the solution and apply to the bite site for a few minutes;
  • If an allergic reaction or pain occurs, remove the cotton wool with the solution and rinse the skin area clean water.

Effect of ammonia on fainting

Even in a dissolved state, ammonia evaporates quickly, and its odor appears immediately after opening the bottle.

Marvelous fast action ammonia vapors on the human condition is explained by the fact that when inhaled, this substance enters the mucous membranes, penetrates inside and irritates nerve endings. This leads to respiratory excitement and is manifested by rapid breathing and increased blood pressure.

That is why most often in medical practice Ammonia solution is used to revive a fainting person. After all, this condition is characterized by decreased blood pressure and respiratory depression.

Help for fainting

Fainting can happen completely unexpectedly to anyone. It occurs during prolonged exposure to stuffy room, blood loss, decreased blood pressure, in some diseases, severe nervous shock.

Therefore, it is advisable to always have ammonia on hand. The instructions for use recommend that in case of fainting, lightly moisten a piece of any fabric or cotton wool (gauze, handkerchief) in an ammonia solution and bring it to the victim’s nose for literally 1-2 seconds - no longer.

This almost always immediately brings the victim to consciousness and simplifies the provision of follow-up medical care, if necessary.

Ammonia for alcohol poisoning

Sometimes, when you drink too much alcohol, provoking vomiting helps alleviate the condition. However, a person is not always able to evoke the corresponding reflex. Then an ammonia solution can be very useful. Instructions for use usually do not contain detailed information for this case. However, doctors recommend doing the following:

  • with average drunkenness add 2-3 drops of ammonia solution into a glass of water;
  • in case of severe alcohol intoxication, increase the number of drops of solution per glass of water - 5-6 drops.

The victim must drink this water, and then it will work for him vomiting reflex. Even if this does not cause vomiting, it will help quickly bring the person to his senses and simplify further assistance help. Treatment must be supplemented with plenty of drink in the form of strong tea, coffee, fermented baked milk or kefir. It is also recommended to rub the victim’s temples with ammonia solution (ammonia) - this will clear his mind.

as a remedy for binge drinking

To the person long time It is quite difficult for someone who has been on a drinking binge to come to their senses. To help him with this, you can use ammonia. The instructions for use of the drug do not officially provide recommendations in this regard. This method is rather folk, but effective.

However, dosages should be strictly adhered to to prevent the occurrence of side effects which can be caused by ammonia. The instructions for use describe them in detail (they are also presented to your attention in the article).

So, to the person after long-term use Alcohol should be given to drink the following remedy: 10 drops of ammonia solution per glass of water. This drink should be given three times a day.

Ammonia for neuralgia and myositis

What else can be useful? ammonia solution? The instructions for use contain information about the treatment of neuralgia and myositis, but the details of its implementation are not described.

These recipes are varied and typical mainly for traditional medicine. There is no need to describe them all. Usually it all comes down to lotions and compresses (applications), which contain ammonia.


Neuralgia is characterized by muscle pain caused by inflammation, pinched or irritated nerve endings.

In case of illness, ammonia can be used in the form of lotions and compresses. The solution should not be used undiluted. It is better to mix ammonia with water, oil or cream in a ratio of 1:5, where 1 is an ammonia solution (ammonia).

This method is intended rather to remove pain than for full recovery. After all, the causes of neuralgia can be very different: from a cold to injury.

In any case, if a burning sensation or other uncomfortable sensations occur, you should stop the procedure, remove the compress and rinse the skin with water.


Myositis is inflammation of the muscles. The main symptom is pain at the site of inflammation: in the neck, shoulders, chest, back or hip.

(ammonia solution), as well as for neuralgia, helps reduce pain syndrome in this condition. This treatment is considered symptomatic and not primary.

On sore spot Apply compresses containing 1 part of ammonia and at least 5 parts of another component (water, oil, decoction, cream).

Before carrying out such treatment, you should consult your doctor.

We will discuss the well-known Ammonia or Ammonia. In this article we will talk about how to use this solution and in what cases it should absolutely not be used.

Pharmacists synthesize ammonia from the gaseous state of hydrogen and nitrogen in the air using certain catalysts, forming from gases aqueous-alcohol solution. The liquid has a pungent odor that cannot be confused with anything else. Ignoring the fact that the solution found enough wide application In the life of housewives and the medical activities of doctors, ammonia is a dangerous substance for the human body.

Vapors from ammonia have an irritating effect on nerve endings. During inhalation, the vapors excite the respiratory center and irritate the receptors located on the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Due to this effect, ammonia is used to bring a person out of a state of fainting; it is used as a substance that provokes the gag reflex; applied to the skin for insect bites and as a antiseptic in the history of surgery.

"Ammonia" release form

“Ammonia”, “Ammonia solution”, “Ammonia”, the same solution can be found under these names.

The solution is available in two types:
In bottles of 100 ml, 40 ml or 10 ml
In ampoules of 1 ml (pack of 10 ampoules)

The ammonia solution contains 10% active substance. It is a colorless liquid that has the ability to evaporate, with a very pungent odor and an alkaline reaction.

"Ammonia" indications for use

Initially this remedy has been shown for use in medical purposes, we'll talk about them:
In surgery when treating hands medical personnel before surgery using the Spasokukotsky and Kochergin method
Ingestion to provoke the gag reflex
To bring the patient out of a state of fainting by inhaling ammonia vapor and stimulating the respiratory center, by irritating the afferent receptors of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract
In the form of lotions on insect bites to relieve the reaction

Regardless of the method of administration, the solution is quickly eliminated by the body through Airways. The drug affects vascular tone and cardiac activity. Thanks to reflex action on the vessels, at the site of application the vessels dilate, thereby blood supply improves and the process is stimulated regeneration.

A similar action occurs in internal organs, resulting in an improvement in their functions as a whole. Ammonia lowers voltage muscle tissue and relieves spasm from blood vessels.

At oral administration ammonia does not penetrate vascular bed and blood.

"Ammonia" dosage

Due to the antiseptic characteristics of this solution, it is used in one of the stages of preparing and treating the doctor’s hands according to the Spasokukotsky-Kochergin method, namely, a solution is prepared in the proportion of 25 ml of ammonia solution per 5 liters of boiled water warm water. Hands are washed in the prepared solution for a certain time in order to have an antibacterial effect.

At food poisoning“Ammonia” is used as a substance to provoke the gag reflex. Prepare a solution in a ratio of 5 to 10 drops of ammonia per 1 glass of water and take orally. An important condition is to be used only in a diluted state.

For a long time, “Ammonia” has been prescribed as an irritant (stimulating the respiratory center) to bring the patient out of fainting or semi-fainting. To do this, moisten a tampon with the solution and bring it to the person’s nasal passages to inhale the vapors of the product. The moistened swab is held near the nasal openings for 0.5 to 1 second.

The solution is used as a lotion on insect bites to remove unpleasant symptoms"trauma".

"Ammonia" side effect

We have already noted that as an emetic, “Ammonia” should be used only in diluted form. If a patient takes ammonia with a 10% active ingredient content without diluting it in water, this can lead to burns of the esophagus, stomach and initial parts of the intestines (depending on the amount of solution drunk).

When using the drug as a medicine emergency care to stimulate the respiratory centers. If you use a solution with a high concentration of the active substance, its overdose (excessive irritating effect) can lead to reflex respiratory arrest.

"Ammonia" contraindications

The proposed pharmaceutical product is not recommended for use in case of individual intolerance or in an unconscious state of the patient, if there is a history of disturbances in reflex conductivity from the afferent receptors of the nasal sinuses to the brain. In such a case, manipulations will not be effective. In this case, only the administration of parenteral drugs can help.

The use of lotions with a solution of ammonia is strictly prohibited in the presence of weeping ulcers, eczema and dermatitis. This could provoke even more extensive allergic reaction and burns skin.

"Ammonia" overdose

If the recommended dosage is exceeded, ammonia may cause increased side effects.
When taking the solution orally in large doses as an emetic, the following may occur:
Diarrhea with false painful urge to defecate
Vomiting with a strong ammonia odor
Reflex cough
State of overexcitation
Convulsive conditions
State of collapse

Taking 10 to 15 grams of the substance can be fatal.

In case of ammonia poisoning through the respiratory tract, the following symptoms may occur:
Redness of the skin of the face
Tachypnea (increased breathing)
Acute pain behind the sternum
Convulsive state
Laryngeal swelling with spasm vocal cords
Fainting and loss of consciousness
Circulatory disorders
Muscle weakness
Respiratory tract burns

If there are symptoms of poisoning, it is necessary first of all to ensure an influx of fresh air to the victim. Rinse the mouth and larynx with clean water for 15 minutes, and drop 0.5% Dicaine solution into the eyes. The victim must be urgently transported to the department and hospitalized for therapy.


TO medicines ammonia include:
Ammonia-anise drops
Ammonia liniment

Video: Elena Malysheva. First aid for fainting.