Nicotinic acid single dose. There are many different recipes, here are some of them

Cosmetologists often mention nicotinic acid when talking about hair care. Don't be intimidated by the name, which looks like an ingredient in cigarettes. This vitamin has nothing to do with this substance; on the contrary, it is very useful microelement for hair and the body as a whole. Otherwise, nicotinic acid is called vitamin PP or nicotinamide. You will learn about how nicotine tablets affect curls, the basic rules for their use and contraindications in our article.

Operating principle

Nicotinic acid is a drug that has been used in medicine for quite a long time to treat various diseases and replenish the lack of vitamin PP in the body.

The substance has a vasodilating effect, so it is often used as a component of hair care recipes. This element takes an active part in the metabolic process; its deficiency negatively affects the digestive, nervous, cardiovascular system etc.

Externally, a lack of niacin manifests itself in a deterioration in the condition of hair, skin, and nails. The principle of action of nicotinimide is as follows: The substance, entering the body, gradually replenishes the lack of vitamins and increases blood circulation. Accordingly, a larger amount reaches the hair follicles. useful components

, the metabolic process is accelerated. All this leads to an increase in the growth of strands, thickening, and strengthening their structure. Note, The vitamin also affects the production of the strands’ own pigment. With regular correct use

the natural shade of the curls improves, gray hair decreases, and the brightness and shine of the hair returns. The drug is available in three forms: powder, tablets, injection solution . Today we'll talk

  • specifically about the tablet form, and the reasons for this are as follows:
  • wider effect, since after taking the tablets an improvement in the condition of nails, eyebrows, eyelashes, and skin was often observed;

treatment results are longer lasting compared to other forms of nicotinic acid.

Composition and benefits

  • Nicotinic acid in hair growth tablets contains a B vitamin called vitamin PP, vitamin B3 or niacinamide.
  • The composition also contains excipients:
  • talc;
  • corn starch.

Vitamin B3 is also found in foods that we eat regularly: eggs, fish, beef liver, kidneys, beans, bread products, potatoes, chicken, dairy products, buckwheat, carrots. Read on our website what other products stimulate hair growth.

Nicotinic acid in hair growth tablets has the following advantages compared to other drugs:

  1. The drug does not dry out the skin and hair.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Easy to use.
  4. Long lasting results.
  5. Eliminates the problem of dandruff, split ends and hair loss.
  6. The condition of not only curls, but also eyelashes, eyebrows, nails, and skin improves.

In what cases is it accepted?

Nicotinic acid tablets are prescribed in the following situations:

  • avitaminosis;
  • postpartum period and pregnancy;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • wrong, not good nutrition;
  • constant nervous tension;
  • frequent migraines;
  • hair loss.

Nicotine can also eliminate the following hair problems:

  • slow curl growth;
  • hair loss;
  • dry scalp;
  • dandruff, flaking, itching of the scalp;
  • frequent use of hot tools for styling curls;
  • weakened, dull curls.

You might be interested to know which hair comb will help you grow long and thick curls.


The cost of the drug is one of its main advantages. Price in Russian pharmacies for a package of 50 tablets with a dosage of 50 mg nicotinic acid varies from 15 to 40 rubles depending on the manufacturer.

You can purchase this product at any pharmacy. The packaging contains vitamins on a blister or in a jar and instructions for use.


Hair growth tablets with nicotinic acid should not be taken for the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • peptic ulcer and duodenum;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • gout;
  • childhood.
  • glaucoma;
  • gastritis;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • low blood pressure with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

How to use it correctly

Nicotinimide for hair growth in tablets is used in a course of 15–45 days, 2 tablets per day. You need to take plenty of nicotinic acid tablets mineral water or milk, it must be taken after meals.

For prevention It is enough to take 1 tablet 1–2 days after meals.

With excessive hair loss you need to take 1 piece three times a day.

However, experts recommend starting with taking 1 tablet per day and in the absence adverse reactions and the result is increased to 2 pieces. In case of discomfort or deterioration of health, it is better to refuse such a remedy and look for an alternative.

Important! The course of treatment can be repeated no more than once every six months. In general, the interval for repeating treatment depends on the length of the course, that is, the longer the course of treatment, the longer the break.

In any case, before starting to use any medicine prior consultation with a doctor is required.

Photos before and after

Effect of use

The results of taking the drug appear after a couple of weeks. Typically the effect goes according to the following scheme:

  1. First, hair loss gradually stops, as evidenced by the reduction of hair on a comb that has been used regularly.
  2. Next appears vellus hair in place of bald patches. This suggests that the dormant bulbs have activated and begun to produce new hairs. Thanks to this, the thickness of the hairstyle increases and volume appears.
  3. 3-4 weeks after taking it, increased hair growth will become noticeable. The curls become thick, dense, and shiny. Nicotine can increase hair growth by up to 4 centimeters in a month.

However, nicotinimide has the following side effects:

  • skin redness, burning;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness, dizziness, sharp drop blood pressure;
  • disorder gastrointestinal tract(diarrhea, flatulence);
  • increased production of gastric juice;
  • urticaria, itchy skin;
  • deterioration of liver function.

Attention! Most frequent reaction the body's response to vitamin PP is skin redness and burning - you should not immediately stop taking the drug because of this.

Usually similar symptoms occurs due to increased blood circulation hair follicles and pass as the body adapts to the action of the drug. However, if these symptoms do not stop for a long time and cause discomfort, you should consult a doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages

TO positive aspects Nicotinimide includes:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of use;
  • long lasting effect;
  • normalization of the condition of hair, skin, nails;
  • accelerating the growth rate of curls;
  • stopping hair loss;
  • the drug can be combined with other drugs.

Among the negative aspects of using nicotinimide are:

  • the presence of many contraindications and adverse reactions;
  • hair may begin to grow not only on the head.

To summarize, we can say that nicotinic acid is an excellent remedy at an affordable price, helping to increase hair growth and improve its condition. A bunch of positive feedback only confirms the effectiveness of the product. However, you should not prescribe it yourself or abuse it; it is better to entrust this to a trichologist, because there can be a huge number of reasons for hair loss or slower growth.

Correct use of the drug according to the instructions for use and with the recommended dosage will give excellent result already after 15 days of use.

Useful videos

Nicotinic acid for hair growth.

Trichologist about nicotinic acid.

Injections of nicotinic acid (nicotine) are prescribed for various diseases. The thing is that it affects the body differently in case of certain ailments. This drug belongs to the vitamin group of medications.

Why are nicotinic acid injections prescribed and their beneficial properties?

Basically, this drug has a positive effect on the body:

  • normalizes the metabolic process;
  • restores neural structure;
  • leads to normal condition blood circulation in certain areas and throughout the body as a whole;
  • promotes vasodilation, normalization of oxygen absorption and restoration of oxidation processes inside the body;
  • removes toxins from the body.

Nicotinic acid injections - indications

The drug is used to treat many ailments:

  • stroke;
  • poor circulation in the head and limbs;
  • noise in ears;
  • pellagra;
  • poor glucose tolerance;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • liver diseases;
  • blurred vision;
  • with medication, alcohol or occupational intoxication.

The drug is often prescribed for prophylaxis. It helps reduce the possibility of education cancerous tumors in the body and accelerates the breakdown of fats, which has a beneficial effect on their absorption in the body. In addition, it is prescribed to: remove any symptoms of hemorrhoids; treatment of gastritis; improving memory and vision.

Contraindications to the use of nicotinic acid injections

Despite the many positive properties, nicotine still has contraindications. Thus, it is not advisable for use by people who have the following ailments: atherosclerosis; stomach ulcer; problems with the duodenum; gout; hepatitis on different stages; diabetes mellitus or simply their body does not interact with the drug.

However, it should be taken with some caution in patients:

Side effects

If nicotinic acid injections are prescribed for the treatment of bones, for example, for osteochondrosis, you need to be prepared for some side effects. With short-term use, the main ones are: skin rash and itching, unstable breathing, pain and dizziness. In addition, there is a feeling elevated temperature bodies. Basically, after some time, all symptoms go away on their own.

At long-term use nicotinic acid in injections, for example, to improve blood circulation, it is imperative to monitor other indicators of the body. The thing is that if the drug enters the body excessively, the following problems may develop:

  • deterioration of glucose perception;
  • blood composition disorder.

At the same time, the injections themselves are considered painful.

Consequences of overdose

The dose is prescribed to each person separately, based on personal indicators body and age. If the amount of drug for injection is incorrectly calculated, some discomfort. So, the most common is considered to be a temporary rush of blood to the upper body and head, itching throughout the body and stomach upset. Symptoms generally go away on their own after some time, or are treated separately.

Application for weight loss

One of the most popular ailments that nicotinic acid injections help with is excess weight. Many nutritionists and personal trainers prescribe this particular medication because it helps burn fat cells. It is prescribed both in injections and tablets.

Latin name: Acidum Nicotinic®
ATX code: C10AD02
Active substance: niacinum
Manufacturer: Avexima, Ozonfarm (Russia)
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: Over the counter

Skin and hair care products include vitamins and mineral complexes. Content useful substances in masks provides complete nutrition to the roots and cuticles. Most often for the preparation of cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies use niacin. Nicotinic acid against hair loss is considered the most effective component. It also helps get rid of acne, has properties that allow a person to lose weight, get rid of excess weight. Vitamin B3 is actively used both in tablets and in injections, since nicotinic acid is often prescribed for osteochondrosis.


The beneficial properties of the vitamin are aimed primarily at replenishing the deficiency. Nicotinic acid is also prescribed in tablets and injections for the following diseases and states:

  • Treatment and prevention of pellagra - a pathology in which there is a deficiency of amino acids, especially tryptophan
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Failure of the heart and blood vessels
  • Increased lipid levels in the bloodstream
  • Encephalopathy
  • Disturbance of cerebral microcirculation
  • Vascular spasms of various etiologies
  • Angina pectoris
  • Increased blood clotting
  • Tendency to form blood clots
  • Facial neuritis
  • Intoxication
  • Low regeneration
  • Ulcerative formations on the epidermis and mucous membranes
  • Digestive disorders
  • Chronic infectious diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Microangiopathy
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Dermatitis and psoriasis.


The substance is available in two forms. The first is nicotinic acid in ampoules, which contains the main active substance, sodium bicarbonate and water. The second type is anti-hair loss pills. Niacin concentration - 0.05 g. Auxiliary components - glucose, stearic acid to create and stabilize the dosage form.

Pharmacological properties

The benefits of nicotinic acid are due to its effect on different systems body. Vitamins are involved in all chemical reactions, are responsible for replenishing energy resources. Their effect is the transformation and processing of fats, protein and carbohydrate compounds. Since oxidation and reduction processes are the basis of the life activity of any organism, niacin is necessary for its normal functioning, as it ensures the implementation of almost all chemical processes. It is for this reason that the use of nicotinic acid is recognized by doctors as a therapeutic necessity for many diseases.

This element helps strengthen and reduce the permeability of vascular walls, which reduces swelling and expands the lumens. At the same time, the fibrinolytic activity of the blood increases and the aggregation of platelet compounds decreases. Thanks to this, nicotinic acid for the face in the composition of masks allows you to eliminate stars and vascular network, improve tissue trophism, prevent premature aging.

It is known that vitamin PP is not a fat burner and does not have a direct effect on weight loss. But nicotinic acid for weight loss is very effective due to its participation in metabolic processes. It helps produce serotonin or the happiness hormone, the production of which is directly related to the synthesis of insulin. When there is a deficiency of vitamins, the body tries to make up for their deficiency by sending signals to the brain about the need to consume food, rich in carbohydrates fast type. These are baked goods and sweets, the increased volume of which affects weight gain. If a niacin deficiency is corrected, the need for harmful products disappears overweight leaving.

In the process of caring for curls, nicotinic acid for hair is used in various variations. Vitamins can be added directly to shampoo, they are included in masks and scrubs, people purchase ready-made drugs or combine the substance with different components to enhance the effects. Thanks to this element, blood circulation improves, the follicles receive nutrition several times faster, which affects their condition. Strong and healthy bulbs prevent baldness. Hair mask with nicotinic acid protects strands from external influence, prevents the tips from splitting, which is why their growth increases several times.

State change cartilage tissue occurs gradually and is mainly associated with the aging process. In addition, osteochondrosis can occur due to constant overload or, conversely, as a result of low mobility. Due to its properties, the substance reduces painful sensations, helps remove inflammation and restore mobility. The vitamin increases blood flow to the nerves and joints, prevents the formation cholesterol plaques and prevents the proliferation of osteophytes.

In addition to being effective against hair loss, nicotinic acid can have a calming effect. Since stress is one of the main causes of alopecia, isolated use for anxiety, depression and emotional breakdowns gives a high therapeutic result. In addition, the substance perfectly removes toxins from the body, even with prolonged exposure. The use of the element allows you to reduce insulin levels, which is important for diabetes. The substance protects pancreatic cells from damaging factors and the influence of negative mediators.

The daily requirement for the vitamin varies depending on age. So children from one to five years old need 6-12 mg of the substance per day, 6-13 years old - 13-20 mg, teenagers need up to 21 mg per day, adults - 20-24 mg, and nicotinic acid must be present in the body during pregnancy in an amount of at least 25 mg per day.

Release forms

The drug goes on sale in two forms:


Cost: solution 1% No. 10 – 80-110 rub.

Liquid for intramuscular injection odorless, transparent, bottled in glass ampoules of 1 ml. They are placed in contour cells of 10 pieces. The pack is white, with yellow and scarlet stripes, contains 1 strip of medicine. It also includes instructions for using nicotinic acid.

Methods of application

The vitamin can be used parenterally and infusionally. If the drug is administered in a stream, this is done slowly, but only a qualified healthcare worker can do this in a hospital setting. This is due to the fact that the drug sometimes causes serious allergic reactions that need to be stopped immediately.

Dosages depend on the specifics and severity of the disease:

  • At deficiency states prescribed to adults 50 mg intravenously or 100 mg intramuscularly twice a day for two weeks.
  • For ischemia and stroke, it is necessary to use 100 to 500 mg of the drug parenterally 1-2 times every 24 hours until the patient is stabilized.

To treat osteochondrosis, nicotinic acid injections are carried out through electrophoresis. For this, a 1% composition is used, which is delivered directly to the affected area. The element helps better penetration of other drugs, relieves pain and restores mobility. The procedure is carried out once a day for 10 days.

Improving blood circulation in the epidermis of the head determines the effectiveness of the vitamin for hair growth. People often ask the question of how to use niacin for hair. For these purposes, niacin can be used in several ways:

  • Add to shampoo - 2-3 ampoules of product are needed per 100 ml.
  • Rub directly into scalp. Apply 2-3 ml of solution on your palms and treat the root part. Then go through the comb to the ends. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse. Use no more than once a week.
  • A mask using various components is effective. To do this, you can add propolis, dimexide, ginger, and herbs.
  • Before application, it is better to check with a doctor or cosmetologist how to rub nicotinic acid with aloe. Both ingredients are quite potent, so a preliminary allergy test will be required. They are mixed in the proportion of 20 g of plant juice per 2 ampoules of niacin. The resulting composition is applied to the head, left for no more than 40 minutes, and washed off. The use of nicotinic acid for hair consists of a 2-3 month course, once a week.

Tablet form

This type is a round white tablet weighing 50 mg and odorless. They are packaged in 50 units in dark glass or propylene jars. In addition, the manufacturer produces the product in plastic blisters. The pack contains one bottle or 5 strips.

Methods of use

Cost: tab. No. 50 – 25-30 rub.

The drug in this form is recommended for the treatment and prevention of diseases. It is better to take the medicine twice a year in monthly courses. The patient should be given tablets after meals. Answering the question why drink them big amount water, therapists and pediatricians clarify that niacin can have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa. The regimen for taking nicotinic acid drugs depends on the severity of the pathology, age and body weight of the patient. Traditionally, average dosages are prescribed:

  • To prevent vitamin deficiency - adults 12-25 mg per day. Children – 5-20 mg.
  • When diagnosing pellagra, adults: 100 mg three times a day. Children – 50 mg.
  • For atherosclerosis - 3 g, divided into 4 doses.
  • For lipid metabolism disorders, you should take an initial dosage of 500 mg every 24 hours, gradually increasing it so that on day 21 the amount is 500 mg three times a day. This volume is maintained for 2 months, after which they take a break for 30 days, then continue treatment.
  • For dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels, it is recommended to consume 1 g per day.
  • For other pathologies, adults are prescribed 20-50 mg, and children 12-25 mg three times every 24 hours.

Use during pregnancy

It is allowed to take the drug at any time and during lactation, but prior consultation with a doctor is required. High doses prohibited.


The vitamin is not prescribed for the following pathologies and conditions:

  • Serious liver damage
  • Hemorrhages with brain damage
  • Hemostasis disorders
  • Intolerance to the main active ingredient
  • Children under 2 years old should not be given tablets
  • It is forbidden to take the composition during exacerbations of ulcerative formations
  • Arterial hypertension
  • Gout.

Combination with other medications

According to research, some drugs may enhance the properties of niacin, while others may reduce the effectiveness:

  • Ganglion blockers increase exposure, leading to hypotension
  • Cholestyramines reduce the bioavailability of the vitamin
  • Dosages of lipid-lowering formulations should be monitored
  • Metamorphine loses some of its properties when simultaneous administration
  • You cannot combine nicotinic acid with thiamine.

Adverse reactions

Taking medications containing nicotinic acid can lead to negative effects from the outside digestive system. The vitamin also promotes the production of histamine, an excess of which leads to hypotension, skin rashes and redness, and a feeling of hot flashes. Vitamin PP can lead to hyperglycemia.


If the amount is exceeded, adverse reactions become more pronounced. Therapy in case of overdose is supportive and symptomatic.

Storage rules

The solution can be used for 5 years, tablets for 4 years. Both forms should be kept in a closed place, protected from light and moisture. The medicine must be out of reach of children


The pharmaceutical industry offers a whole list of drugs containing niacin. The most well-known medications are:


Manufacturer: Hinoin (Hungary)

Price: tab. No. 50 – 180-200 rub.

The product contains niacin and drotaverine hydrochloride. In addition to the properties that the vitamin has, the medicine provides an antispasmodic, myotropic, and vasodilator effect. It reduces muscle tone, improves intestinal peristalsis, but has no effect on vegetation. The composition is prescribed for colic, cholecystitis, dyskinesia, constipation. In addition, the drug helps with exacerbation of ulcerative formations, and is used in case of threat of miscarriage.

Available in tablets of 50 pieces in a propylene jar. Contraindications – severe liver and kidney failure, serious cardiac dysfunction. You should take 1-3 units once a day.


  • Helps during menopause
  • Affordable price.


  • The drug is not recommended for lactose intolerance
  • Cannot be taken simultaneously with statins.

Manufacturer: Biokhimik (Russia)

Price: solution No. 10 – 100-150 rubles. tab. No. 10 – 50-70 rub.

Vitamin preparation intended to normalize oxidative and recovery processes in organism. Takes part in metabolism, controls insulin levels, ensures metabolic rate. It is suitable for improving the condition of hair and skin, strengthening nails, and helping to replenish energy reserves. Prescribed for the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with thrombosis and increased lipid levels.

Available in tablet form and solution for injection. The medicine is contraindicated for hypersensitivity to the main substance, may cause allergic reactions. Dosage depends on daily requirement and the patient's condition.


  • The drug is effective for body weight control
  • Helps eliminate skin defects - acne, peeling.


  • It is necessary to monitor liver function during administration
  • The product may cause irritation of mucous membranes.

Nicotinic acid tablets have a complex effect on the body. The drug improves skin condition, promotes weight loss and allows you to get rid of.

International nonproprietary name

On Latin name drug - Nicotinic Acid.

ATX and registration number

ATX and registration number: C10AD02

Pharmacotherapeutic group

For impaired renal function

Use with caution after consulting a doctor.

Side effects of Nicotinic acid

When taking the drug, the following reactions from the body may occur:

  • dizziness;
  • redness of the facial skin;
  • liver dystrophy;
  • decreased glucose tolerance;
  • allergic reactions.

Effect on driving

Nicotinic acid has no effect negative influence on concentration.


If exceeded permissible doses You may feel a rush of heat to your head, as well as allergic reactions and abdominal pain.

Drug interactions

  • salicylates;
  • anticoagulants;
  • antihypertensive drugs.

Alcohol compatibility

When taking nicotinic acid and alcohol simultaneously, no adverse reactions occur.

The active substance of the drug neutralizes toxic effects ethyl alcohol on the body.

When taking medication and alcohol simultaneously, no adverse reactions occur.

Nicotinic acid or niacin is a water-soluble vitamin PP or B3, which is necessary to ensure redox reactions in the organs and tissues of the human body. IN natural conditions vitamin PP is contained in large quantities food animal origin: liver, eggs, seafood, chicken meat, pork, as well as vegetables and cereals.

Nicotine normalizes metabolic processes, participates in recovery nerve fibers, ensures lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

The lack of a substance affects blood supply, the condition of blood vessels, and affects the timely removal of toxins and ethyl alcohol from the body.

If a person is deficient in niacin, the likelihood of diseases dermatitis, pelagra and diarrhea.

Composition and release form of the drug

Vitamin PP is produced in two dosage forms having the same therapeutic effect. These are tablets and solution for injection. In this regard, it is customary to combine them common name– “Nicotinic acid preparations”

pharmachologic effect

Nicotinic acid is the only vitamin that has therapeutic action and is used to treat a number of diseases. Also. This drug is actively used to lower cholesterol levels.

It affects the production of enzymes that carry out carbohydrate metabolism in the body.

Its action normalizes the production of insulin, estrogen, testosterone and progesterone in the human body.

Nicotinic acid has vasodilator action, improves blood circulation in small blood vessels, reduces the risk of blood clots. Regular use of nicotinic acid reduces the risk of developing diabetes mellitus type 1, myocardial infarction and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

The drug reduces pain in osteoarthritis, has positive impact on joint mobility.

The drug has sedative properties, so it serves as a treatment depressive states, increased anxiety, absent-minded attention.

Medicines are used to detoxify the body after exposure to toxic substances and alcohol.

Nicotinic acid indications for use

The use of nicotinic acid preparations is indicated for patients with the following diseases and pathological states:


The use of the medicine is not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to the active substance, as well as in case of peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, liver cirrhosis, excess levels uric acid in the blood, atherosclerosis, changes in blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes.

Nicotine can only be used for treatment as directed specialist with low blood pressure, hemorrhages, glaucoma.

Instructions for use

The use of nicotinic acid is possible only as prescribed by a doctor. The effect of the drug will be most effective if the body’s condition is associated with a deficiency of this substance.

Treatment with nicotinic acid is carried out according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor. One-time use of the drug does not give any result.

The drug can be used in the form of intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous injections. Intravenous The medication is administered in a hospital setting by a medical professional. The drug is administered slowly, in a stream.

Subcutaneous and intramuscular injections can be done at home. It should be remembered that the administration of the drug is painful.

For injections, a 1%, 2.5% and 5% solution is used, which is administered once a day. The dosage of the drug is calculated taking into account the content of nicotinic acid in it.

Typically, to treat pellagra, 50 mg of solution is used intravenously or intramuscularly for 10 days.

Nicotinic acid for hair

This method of strengthening hair cannot be recommended by your doctor. It is better known as a remedy traditional medicine and can only be used as a recommendation.

Nicotinic acid is known for its vasodilating properties. When applying the drug to the scalp, hair follicles enrich themselves nutrients. To strengthen hair, the drug is used for 30 days.

According to recommendations, a small amount of niacin apply on scalp heads. Rub the product in with light movements. One ampoule is used per application. The drug is applied to the hair in a small amount at the temples, back of the head and parting.

For convenience, the medicine can be poured into a plastic container and applied with your fingertips.

If the dose is exceeded, that is, using more than one ampoule, allergies may develop, which is accompanied redness skin. Please note that redness is possible after each application of the product. Therapeutic effect from using the product will be noticeable after a short time.

Nicotinic acid preparation can be mixed with juice, egg yolk, burdock oil to obtain healing masks. The mask should be applied after shampooing along the entire length of the hair. It is applied for one hour, re-application is possible within a week or with short breaks.

You can also make your own shampoo using medicinal effect. To do this, you need to mix 10 ml of nicotinic acid with 10 ml of ready-made shampoo, which is applied to washed hair for 15 minutes.

As a result of using the product, the state hair and scalp.

Nicotinic acid during pregnancy

The use of nicotinic acid preparations during pregnancy, according to experts, is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account possible risk harm to the fetus, possible side effects and method of administration of the drug.

During lactation, the use of the drug is possible with complete cessation of breastfeeding.

Nicotinic acid side effects

The use of nicotine, like any medicine, can cause a number of side effects. actions.

These symptoms go away on their own and don't require treatment.

  • At intravenous use nicotinic acid may lower blood pressure; with prolonged use, fatty liver degeneration may develop.


In case of a deficiency or overdose of vitamin PP, the body may develop symptoms that are associated with an unfavorable state of the body caused by a lack or excess of the vitamin.

  • Typically, nicotinic acid deficiency is accompanied by general weakness, apathy, increased fatigue, headaches and dizziness, sleep disturbances, weight loss and lack of appetite, dryness skin, stool disorders, decreased immunity.
  • With a prolonged lack of nicotinic acid, the patient may develop pellagra, which is characterized by chronic diarrhea, discomfort in the stomach, burning sensation in oral cavity, increased salivation, redness of mucous surfaces, cracks on the surface of the tongue. Numerous inflammations appear on the surface of the skin, the skin on the elbows and joints becomes covered with red spots. Patients experience numbness in their arms and legs, and a sensation of “pins and needles” appears on the body.
  • Long-term use of a drug containing nicotinic acid may cause fainting, itchy skin, disruption of cardiac activity and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


As active substance nicotinic acid is part of Apelagrin, Niacin, Nikoverin, Nicotinic acid Bufus, Enduracin.

Nicotinic acid price

You can purchase Nicotinic acid in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. The drug is inexpensive. average price for a package of tablets is from 20 rubles and 50 rubles for a solution for injection.

Nicotinic acid reviews

I took nicotinic acid as prescribed by a neurologist to normalize blood flow in the vessels. The drug was used without side effects, because I used it strictly according to the instructions.

I was prescribed Nicotinic acid for the treatment of vegotovascular dystonia in combination with other drugs. After the first injection there was a slight redness of the face, but the doctor warned about possible action medications. After using the drug, the headaches went away and the general state, the tinnitus disappeared.

To relieve headache attacks, the doctor advised taking nicotinic acid tablets to dilate blood vessels. After the first uses I began to feel much better. After the full course, the pain stopped. From side effects Only facial redness was noted.