Azithromycin and alcohol: compatibility, consequences. "Azithromycin" and alcohol: joint use, contraindications, consequences

Any antibiotics and antibacterial drugs suggest complete failure from alcohol during treatment.

Drinks that contain alcohol, including beer, reduce the effectiveness of the drug, and the body's reaction can have a wide variety of negative consequences.

Description of the drug

Azithromycin is a medicine that belongs to the group of antibiotics.

Prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases transmitted by airborne droplets and sexual contact, sometimes prescribed for peptic ulcer stomach.

The second simple name of the drug is Azitrox. It is prescribed for both adults and children over three years of age. The active substance has cumulative effect at the site of infection formation. Azithromycin is a potent drug, so the course of treatment with this antibiotic rarely exceeds 5-7 days. An excellent analogue of imported antibiotics with similar pharmacological properties

, but at low cost.


The instructions for use for this medicinal product do not contain any information about the compatibility of Azithromycin and alcoholic beverages. However, this does not mean that you can drink alcohol during antibiotic treatment.

Treatment with Azitrox involves complete abstinence from drinking alcohol until the course of treatment is completed. The interaction of alcohol and medication can be dangerous for the body. The attending physician will definitely mention this when prescribing the drug and you should not neglect his advice. Taking even a small amount of alcohol along with the drug will reduce the absorption of the latter in the body, so less active substances will accumulate at the site of infection, and the course of treatment will increase. It is possible that for this reason it will be necessary to increase the dosage of the substance, which is

negative factor for the body. If you take alcoholic beverages and an antibiotic at the same time, the infectious disease can develop from acute form into chronic. As soon as the course of treatment is completed, after two to three days you can use it once

a large number of alcohol. can cause serious negative consequences for the body, including myocardial infarction or cerebral hemorrhage.

On a note: Taking antibiotics and alcohol requires adjustment of the course of treatment, which can cause serious negative consequences for the body. Increasing the dose of the drug affects the functioning of the liver, kidneys and heart, and also causes dysbiosis. Only the attending physician decides how much to increase the dosage.

“Compatibility” of alcohol and Azithromycin has the following consequences:

  1. Slowing down absorption processes.
  2. Speed ​​reduction metabolic processes in organism.
  3. The load on the liver increases several times.
  4. General intoxication of the body.
  5. The gradual death of liver tissue cells, which can cause the development of liver cirrhosis.

Time of elimination from the body

The drug and alcohol are eliminated from the body through the kidneys and liver. Therefore, when these two substances are used together, the load on these organs doubles.

Therefore, the risk of death of tissue cells of these organs and disruption of their functions increases, which leads to kidney and liver failure. Concomitant use may result in symptoms considered to be side effects

from taking the drug. Conditions that pose a threat to the health and life of the patient may appear as a consequence of untreated infectious disease

or alcohol intoxication. An increase in the time of complete removal from the body is fraught with severe alcohol intoxication. At the same time, it decreases medicinal effect

erythromycin, which requires an additional dose increase. As a result, the load on the liver and kidneys increases, the time spent by decay substances in the body increases, all this has an impact Negative influence on cardiovascular system and may cause irreversible changes

her activities.

In individual cases, one-time consumption of alcohol in small doses may not affect the effectiveness of treatment, but may affect the patient’s health with side effects. It is relatively safe to drink alcohol 72 hours after taking the last dose of Azithromycin, but in this case the maximum strength should not exceed 14 degrees. But even a couple of glasses of wine or a bottle of beer in the morning will remind you of yourself with strong signs of a hangover.

Consequences of combination Use of Azithromycin or Zitrolide ( active substance – azithromycin) may lead to such side symptoms

  • , How:
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • intoxication of the body and its manifestations - weakness, lack of appetite, abnormal bowel movements;
  • increased risk of developing liver cirrhosis;
  • failure metabolic processes;
  • clouding of consciousness, short-term losses memory;
  • dyspnea;
  • V rare situations an allergic reaction may occur.

Compatibility of alcohol and antibacterial drugs- a question that arises quite often. In the life of each of us there are situations, holidays, accompanied by abundant feasts and drinking alcoholic beverages. If such events coincide with the period of taking antibacterial drugs, the question arises: is it possible to drink alcohol during antibiotic therapy, what are the consequences of taking medications with alcohol, and after what period of time after treatment can you drink alcohol.

Azithromycin is an effective and frequently prescribed antibiotic. If indicated, it allows you to quickly, reliably, and adequately resolve emerging health problems. Has undeniable advantages:

  • This is an antibacterial drug, widely used for the treatment of inflammatory processes of various localizations, used for complex therapy gastric ulcer, effective for infections of the urogenital tract that are difficult to treat - chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasma lesions.
  • Belongs to the group of macrolides and forms an independent subgroup of azalides. Unique in its essence. The exclusivity of Azithromycin lies in the fact that it has the ability to selectively accumulate at the site of infection and persist there long time, having a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The medication regimen is convenient: take azithromycin once throughout the day. Thanks to this feature of the drug, the course of therapy is shortened. The average duration of treatment is from three to five days, however, even after the end of treatment, the therapeutic effect persists for at least 5–7 days.


Main role in compatibility issues medications the mechanism for removing the drug from the body, its effect on the main organs and systems that carry out this process - the liver, kidneys - plays with alcohol.

The pharmacokinetics of Azithromycin are as follows:

  • Sufficiently large concentrations of the drug are excreted unchanged in the bile. Despite the fact that macrolides are drugs with a relatively low potential for hepatotoxic action, uncontrolled use, non-compliance with recommended dosages, and simultaneous exposure to alcohol can cause toxic hepatitis.
  • In the liver, drug metabolites can form complexes that destroy healthy hepatocytes or cause dystrophic changes in them. Clinically such pathological changes characterized by an increase in the level liver enzymes blood, bilirubin. Manifested by an increase in the size of the liver, discomfort, pain in the right hypochondrium. Severe cases toxic hepatitis accompanied by yellowing skin, changes in the color of urine and feces, disruption of the entire digestive system.

Emerging toxic drug-induced hepatitis is an irreversible chronic condition.

Similar changes are characteristic of the glomerular epithelium renal tubules, through which Azithromycin is predominantly excreted, leading to the development of renal failure.

The effect of alcohol on the liver and kidneys

The process of neutralizing ethanol, which contains all alcoholic drinks, is also carried out by hepatocytes. Metabolic products are excreted from the body by the liver, through the bile system, and by the kidneys. Mechanism of destructive action:

  • Ethanol can cause irreversible damage to liver cells, destroying their membranes, leading to death. The result of this effect is toxic alcoholic liver damage, hepatitis and cirrhosis, caused by the replacement of hepatocytes with adipose tissue, which leads to fatal outcome as a result of liver failure.
  • The metabolic products of alcohol-containing alcoholic beverages have a destructive effect on the cells of the renal glomeruli. The consequences of the toxic effects of alcohol are: the occurrence malignant tumors kidneys, stone formation, disruption of secretory and excretory function, leading to the development of such severe complication, How renal failure. Acute renal failure that occurs can be fatal.

Azithromycin and alcohol

The instructions for use of the drug do not contain separate instructions characterizing the compatibility of alcohol and Azithromycin. It is assumed that while taking antibiotics, it is assumed that you should abstain from any type of alcoholic beverages. Perhaps everyone knows the fact that there is no compatibility between alcohol-containing drinks and medicines, especially antibacterial ones.

Taking into account the characteristics of metabolism, excretion medicine, the same “critical points of application” in the body, which are similar to Azithromycin and alcohol, any amount of alcohol while taking an antibiotic can cause irreparable harm. In this case, it does not matter at all what to take at the same time as the medicine: beer or stronger drinks.

Taking Azithromycin and alcohol at the same time is strictly prohibited.

The result of interaction in the body of a drug and alcohol-containing drinks is:

  • Impaired absorption of the drug, which can lead to an incomplete therapeutic effect and failure to cure acute process, its transition to a chronic form of the disease.
  • Change in the rate of elimination of the antibacterial agent: there is a slowdown in the processes of its absorption and excretion.
  • The liver and urinary system are subject to significant stress.
  • Signs alcohol poisoning similar to symptoms of adverse reactions to an antibacterial drug. At the same time, it has been proven that alcohol can provoke the development of undesirable side effects on the drug.
  • The occurrence of intoxication of the body is the result of a destructive effect on liver cells and kidney epithelium.
  • An extreme scenario is the occurrence of acute renal and liver failure.

It is a proven fact that simultaneous administration medication with alcohol reduces the effectiveness of treatment many times.

When is it safe to drink alcohol?

Azithromycin is distinguished by its ability to persist for a long time in the site of inflammation, to provide therapeutic effect for up to 5–7 days. This is exactly the ideal time period after finishing taking the medication, which answers the question: how long after can you take alcoholic drinks. After 72 hours from drinking the last Azithromycin tablet, the dose of the drug in the body is significantly reduced, so small amounts of alcohol can be taken relatively safely after just three days.

Whether or not to drink alcohol is a matter of choice.

Drinking alcohol during treatment serious illness is fraught with serious consequences for the body.

About the dangers of simultaneous consumption of alcohol with medicines Everyone has heard, but despite this, many people, while taking a certain medicine, have a need or desire to drink alcohol. How the body reacts to such a cocktail largely depends on the type of drug, the person’s health status, the duration of treatment and the dose of alcohol. It is especially dangerous to combine alcohol with antibacterial drugs. In our article we will talk about when to drink alcohol after azithromycin, and whether it is possible to combine taking the medicine with drinking alcohol.

About the drug

Azithromycin is a combined antibacterial drug that also has antiprotozoal and antifungal effects. This antibiotic belongs to a large group of macrolides and is a representative of azalides. The drug inhibits RNA-dependent protein synthesis in sensitive microorganisms. When taking the drug, many pathogenic bacteria and pathogens die.

The drug is quickly absorbed from the digestive system, but food intake may slow down the absorption process. Maximum concentration antibiotic is observed 2 hours after its use. Azithromycin quickly penetrates into the bloodstream into body tissues and biological fluids, beginning to have a therapeutic effect.

Important: only 35% of the drug is processed by the liver, 60% is excreted unchanged through the intestines, and the remaining 5% is eliminated in the urine.

The drug should be taken as prescribed by a doctor for the following diseases:

  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms that are sensitive to azithromycin (bronchitis, pneumonia).
  • Various infections of the skin and soft tissues.
  • Borrelosis.
  • Otitis media
  • Acute sinusitis.
  • Spicy and chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis.
  • Purulent urethritis.

Since azithromycin can cause problems with the liver and kidneys, it should not be used to treat patients with functional complications of these organs. The medicine should be taken 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after it, as this slows down the absorption of the drug.

As a rule, none pharmaceutical company does not test the drug for compatibility with alcohol, since, it goes without saying, that during any treatment the use of alcoholic beverages must be completely abandoned. When both substances enter the body, you can get the most unpredictable reaction.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is not recommended for use when hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient - azithromycin, as well as macrolides in general. The antibiotic easily crosses the placenta, so during pregnancy it should only be used if possible risk for the fetus will not exceed the benefits for the mother. Combination breastfeeding and treatment with azithromycin is contraindicated. Lactation should be stopped during treatment with the drug.

This medicine may cause the following side effects:

  1. Digestive system:
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • stomach ache;
  • cholestatic jaundice (rare);
  • transient increase in the number of liver enzymes.
  1. Genitourinary system:
  • candidiasis;
  • vaginitis;
  • nephritis;
  • increase in urea levels.
  1. Nervous system:
  • general weakness;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • drowsiness.
  1. Allergic reactions:
  • rash;
  • erythema multiforme;
  • angioedema;
  • epidermal necrolysis.
  1. Other side effects:
  • arthralgia;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • photosensitivity;
  • chest pain.


To understand whether it is possible to combine azithromycin and alcohol, you need to understand the mechanism of action of the drug. The drug is produced in a shell so that the absorption of the active substance occurs in the intestines. The effect of the drug is that a certain amount of the drug accumulates in high concentration near the source of infection. In this case, the inflammatory process is suppressed, and the cause of infection is also destroyed.

Important: since the duration of removal of the active substance from the body is no more than 3 days, the medicine should be taken once a day.

Answering the question whether azithromycin and alcohol are compatible, it is worth saying that the absorption of alcohol also occurs in small intestine. That is why, when interacting in the intestines alcoholic drink will help reduce the concentration of the drug in the blood. As a result, the dosage of azithromycin required for successful treatment, will not be respected.

Danger of combined use with ethanol

Answering the question whether azithromycin can be taken with alcohol, the answer can be unequivocal, no. The dangers of such combined use can be argued based on the following: negative consequences for the body:

  1. Both alcohol and azithromycin are eliminated from human body through the kidneys and liver. As a result, these organs receive additional stress, which in some cases may not be able to withstand. This can lead to liver failure and kidney failure.
  2. Drinking alcohol often leads to general intoxication of the body. Moreover, the symptoms of ethanol poisoning are very similar to the symptoms of side effects of the drug. As a result, it will be very difficult for the doctor to find the cause dangerous manifestations and stop the drug or adjust treatment in a timely manner. Moreover, if an adverse reaction to the drug and symptoms of ethanol intoxication appear simultaneously, the severity of their manifestation will be many times stronger.
  3. Answering the question, is it compatible? ethanol with azithromycin, the answer is no, since it will increase the side effects of the drug, and the drug itself may increase hangover syndrome and general intoxication of the body.
  4. At joint reception alcohol and azithromycin, the time for elimination of the drug from the body is extended or accelerated. Moreover, both are harmful, since in the first case the body will receive additional intoxication, and in the second - active substance won't have time to provide therapeutic effect on the body. Accelerated elimination The drug requires an increase in dosage, which in turn increases the load on the liver and kidneys.

  1. If azithromycin, approved by a doctor, is mixed with alcohol, the drug will not have the desired effect, and the disease may become chronic. It will take more time and effort to cure a chronic disease. This will require re-prescribing a stronger antibiotic in an increased dose, which will again put stress on important organs.

Let's summarize. Now we know whether alcohol is compatible with azithromycin. The answer is clear - no. As a result of consuming such a cocktail, the following negative consequences may occur:

  • Reducing the speed of all metabolic processes in the body.
  • Slowing down absorption (absorption of the drug).
  • Increased load on the kidneys and liver.
  • General intoxication.
  • The death of such cells important body, like the liver. The result is cirrhosis.

There is advice online that you can drink alcohol and be treated with azithromycin at the same time. Experience is provided as evidence American soldiers, who during World War II were forced to be treated with penicillin, but at the same time drank beer. It was issued to all military personnel every day. Due to drug shortages at the time, doctors were forced to extract penicillin from the urine of these soldiers.

At first glance, it seems that the low-alcohol drink did not reduce the concentration of the drug in the body. But as it turned out later, penicillin was extracted from the urine of these soldiers much worse than from the urine of a non-drinker, due to its low concentration. In other words, in the urine of a person who drank alcohol, the amount of the drug was less, which proves the danger of combining alcohol and azithromycin.

When can you drink alcohol?

Much has been said about the dangers of using antibiotics and alcohol together. But now another question remains: how long after azithromycin can you drink alcohol? The time after which, after completing the full course of treatment with a macrolide antibiotic, you can drink alcoholic beverages depends on the timing complete removal current medicinal substance from the body.

Attention: since the time for complete elimination of azithromycin from the body is three days, after this time you can drink a small dose of alcohol.

Usually, immediately after treatment, even if the antibiotic is completely removed, you should not drink strong alcoholic drinks, or drink in large quantities alcohol. This is due to the fact that the liver faced a lot of stress during treatment and needs time to recover. That is, if 3 days after completion of treatment the liver still neutralizes and removes the remaining azithromycin, then at the end of these three days It will take some more time to restore and normalize the functioning of this organ. As a rule, if the treatment was successful and the doctor confirmed complete recovery, you can drink alcohol 4-6 days after stopping taking the pills.

Some studies have shown that a single dose of azithromycin with small dose alcohol will only slightly reduce the effectiveness of the drug. However, despite this, there are drugs that, when interacting with alcohol, cause a disulfiram-like reaction (as from coding with disulfiram-based drugs). In this case, the patient may experience vomiting, nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness, etc.

How compatible is taking antibacterial drugs and alcohol is a fairly common question. After all, there are joyful events and holidays accompanied by drinking alcoholic beverages. They may coincide with therapy antibacterial agents, for example, with Azithromycin. Is it possible to drink alcohol, and what could be the consequences?

Azithromycin - description

The main component of this medication is azithromycin. This is an antibiotic that is prescribed to treat infectious diseases. It is also present in other drugs, for example, Azivok, Sumaklid, Azitrus, Zitrolide, Sumamed and others.

If you study carefully instructions for medications, then there is no information about Azithromycin’s compatibility with alcohol. It turns out that manufacturers do not prohibit the use of strong drinks during treatment. Accordingly, consumers take this information as permission and take tablets containing Azithromycin along with alcohol. However, such carelessness can be extremely dangerous.

How does it interact with alcohol?

During treatment you should not drink strong drinks. You must adhere to this rule: Do not use antibiotics or alcohol.

It is also important to know how the mechanism of action of the drug works. The tablets are produced in a coating so that the absorption of the main substance occurs in the intestines. The effect of therapy is that most of the substance will accumulate near the source of infection. The inflammatory process is suppressed and the cause of infection is destroyed.

When answering the question of how compatible Azithromycin is with alcohol, it is worth knowing that alcohol is absorbed in the small intestine, just like medicine. For this reason, intoxicating drinks will affect the decrease in the concentration of the drug in the blood. As a result, the dosage required for effective treatment, will not be respected.

Drinking alcohol interferes with the absorption of Azithromycin in the body. Accordingly, the accumulation of the drug in the place where it occurs inflammatory process, decreases, and the medicine does not have the desired effect. Will have to take more strong antibiotics, which will not bring additional benefit. Moreover, Azithromycin, namely interaction with alcohol, can lead to the development chronic form pathology.

Consequences of combining Azithromycin with alcohol

If you use antibiotics and alcohol at the same time, p consequences can be unpredictable:

Many people wonder: is it possible to take an antibiotic the day after drinking alcohol? It depends on the amount of alcohol you drink. For example, if one glass of beer was drunk, then the next day you can take Azithromycin. But if a whole bottle of wine was drunk, then you need to wait 2 days and only then start treatment.

When can you drink alcohol?

This drug is prescribed for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases respiratory system, genitourinary and gastrointestinal tract. In these conditions, ethanol should not be consumed, as the patient's condition may worsen. From this it follows that Azitrox and alcohol are not compatible.

This drug has a prolonged effect, and average duration treatment lasts about 3 days. Doctors do not advise drinking alcohol the day after completion of treatment. You must wait at least 72 hours. And only after this period of time can you take a little alcohol. But if you are planning a stormy feast, then you must wait at least 5 days after taking the last pill.

You can drink alcohol after finishing treatment only if full recovery. If the desired effect is not achieved, the doctor will prescribe another drug. How compatible it will be with alcohol is worth considering separately.

Doctors' opinion

They say: antibiotics and alcohol are definitely incompatible. Any medication will have a positive effect on a particular diseased organ and a negative effect on a healthy one. Alcohol will enhance this is a negative influence. This is especially true for those who have chronic diseases. Azithromycin and strong drinks can cause allergic reaction for those who have increased sensitivity.

None of the companies involved pharmaceutical activities, does not test how medications and alcohol interact. Initially, it is believed that people will refrain from drinking alcohol during therapy. If both a medicine and a drink containing a dose enter the stomach at the same time, reactions that cannot be foreseen may occur.

The decision, of course, is made by the patient himself, but doctors strongly recommend refraining from using it for several days. strong drinks after completion of treatment. In this case, you can save own health and avoid negative consequences.

However, if it is impossible to avoid a festive feast, then you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Limit yourself to a glass of champagne or light wine.
  2. Drink plenty of plain fluids and light snacks. This way you can reduce the load on the liver.
  3. It is recommended to take probiotics, such as yogurt. It will restore the microflora and intestinal mucosa, thereby avoiding excessive irritation.

What should you do if during treatment you really want to have a glass of wine, drink beer, but the doctor prescribed Azithromycin? If a person cares about his health, he will think about how Azithromycin and alcohol interact, is the combination of these elements safe for health and is it possible to drink them at the same time? The doctors' answer is clear: alcohol and antibiotics are incompatible, so during treatment you should avoid situations where there is a risk of drinking alcohol.

Azithromycin (Zithromax, Z-max) is a semi-synthetic antibiotic from the azalide group of the macrolide class. It is used to treat many infectious diseases caused by bacteria. These include:

  • infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • respiratory infections;
  • skin and soft tissue infections;
  • ear infections (otitis);
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • urinary tract infections.

The drug is not prescribed if the patient has problems with the heart (arrhythmia), liver or kidneys, or if there has ever been a reaction to the drug in the form of jaundice. Azithromycin is not prescribed if you are allergic to macrolide antibiotics (clarithromycin, erythromycin and telithromycin). Myasthenia gravis is also a contraindication.

During pregnancy or lactation, the drug is prescribed with caution: there is no exact data on how the drug affects the unborn child and infants. Azithromycin is not prescribed to children under the age of six months, but even then, up to the age of sixteen, it is prescribed with caution.

Treatment with Azithromycin should be carried out in full accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, strictly adhering to the indicated dosage and timing of use. Do not prescribe dosage on your own: for treatment various diseases apply different dosages and timing of treatment.

Mode of application

The drug is produced in the form of tablets, capsules, and suspensions for children. The drug can be taken both before and after meals, but not during meals, as this reduces the absorption of the drug. Therefore, the medicine should be taken on an empty stomach, at least one hour before meals or two hours after meals.

The prescribed period of treatment with Azithromycin should not be interrupted, even if the symptoms of the infectious disease have disappeared before the end of the course of treatment. Skipping doses of the drug can lead to the risk of mutation of infectious agents and the emergence of bacteria resistant to this antibiotic. It should be borne in mind that Azithromycin is not used for the treatment viral infections such as flu or colds.

If you miss a dose of Azithromycin due to forgetfulness or some other reason, you simply need to continue taking the drug as planned. Do not increase the dose in order to catch up.

Reaction to a combination of the drug with alcohol

Azithromycin and alcohol cannot be combined. The fact is that combining drugs with alcohol is not best idea due to increased side effects and decreased effectiveness of therapy. Moreover, the consequences of combining antibiotics with alcohol are especially dangerous.

Among the most common side effects Azithromycin can be called:

  • diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • stomach ache;
  • nausea, vomiting.

In complicated situations, a severe allergy may occur, which will make itself known by urticaria (skin rash), scabies, and swelling. Side effects of the drugs may also include fainting, irregular or too fast heartbeats, jaundice and chronic fatigue.

If you want to drink alcohol, you need to remember that alcohol has a negative effect on immune system. This means that the body’s ability to fight infections is impaired, which means the use of any antibiotics and alcohol abuse is strictly contraindicated. When Azithromycin and alcohol are combined, there is no compatibility.

Liver and stomach reaction

The liver, which is responsible for removing toxins from the body, such as antibiotics and ethanol, suffers especially badly from the combination of Azithromycin + alcohol. In this case, there is an increased load on the organ, which can provoke the development of jaundice, the appearance severe pain in the stomach, and chronic fatigue.

Doctors advise avoiding anything that can cause the liver to work under stress, so it is believed that drinking alcohol with azithromycin is not best choice for a person who cares about his health.

Another result of ethanol is tissue dehydration, which is especially severe during a hangover. If you undergo Azithromycin therapy at this time, dehydration may increase side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and headache.

In addition, alcoholic drinks and this antibiotic are irritants to the mucous membranes gastrointestinal tract, to which the body can react with nausea, vomiting, cramps, and abdominal pain. The combination of alcohol and Azithromycin enhances these manifestations.

If it so happens that you did drink alcohol during treatment, you definitely need probiotics (for example, yogurt) and coating substances. They restore mucous membranes and microflora to avoid excessive irritation.

When thinking about whether you can drink alcohol with an antibiotic, you need to remember adverse reactions from such a combination, and that even in small quantities an unpredictable reaction can occur. If you drank a glass of wine or a can of beer, but there were no consequences, you don’t need to think that everything will work out if you increase the dose. Eventually there will be a limit when the body reacts.

We should also not forget that there will be no benefit from treatment, since alcohol strongly suppresses the immune system.

Therefore, it will take more time to treat the disease. Before drinking alcohol, you must complete the course completely. drug therapy