Treatment of age-related retinal dystrophy - with medications, hardware or surgery. Features of treatment of retinal dystrophy

Eyes are one of the most important organs human feelings, and it is very important to monitor visual acuity in a timely manner. In an advanced state, diseases may develop that lead to complete blindness. Retinal dystrophy is one of the most dangerous and common diseases, which manifests itself as a result of age-related changes in the body in relation to the functioning visual organs.

Faced with this diagnosis for the first time, people are looking for an answer to the question, retinal dystrophy, what it is. The disease is characterized by damage to the eye tissues, leading to their complete death. The cause may be either a disturbance in the metabolism of nutrients in the body or a lack of nutrients and vitamins. Advanced stage The disease leads to complete loss of vision, without the possibility of its restoration. It is very important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and begin its treatment immediately. This diagnosis can be confirmed by contacting a specialist - an ophthalmologist. The risk group for retinal dystrophy includes not only adults, but also children.

Retinal dystrophy – quite dangerous illness, manifested with age-related changes body to the functionality of the eyeballs.

Retinal dystrophy is an irreversible degenerative disease.

Classification of the disease

According to statistical data obtained as a result of a study of the disease, it was revealed that the disease is “getting younger” every year. Today in the group at risk There are not only elderly people, but also those who have a hereditary predisposition to eye diseases, as well as people leading unhealthy image life. Another important factor in the development of diseases associated with the sensory organs is ecology.
Retinal dystrophy has several typologies.

Central retinal dystrophy

Central dystrophy, a process originating in the molecular zone eyeball, receiving its development due to irreversible aging of the body. The disease is dangerous due to complete, irreversible loss of vision. The treatment process is quite complicated, as it affects central part eyes. The diagnosis is divided into dry and wet retinal dystrophy.

Peripheral retinal dystrophy

Changes in the eyeball can be caused by trauma to the visual organs, as well as complications from the treatment of other diseases. Often the disease can be preceded by myopia and myopia at different stages. Today, with timely access to specialists, the disease is successfully treated surgically.

Causes of occurrence

Identifying the disease at an early stage is only the beginning of a long journey to be taken. It is very important to determine the causes of retinal dystrophy and what led to its development. Ophthalmologists identify the following reasons that can play a decisive role:

  • complications after surgical intervention;
  • poor diet and bad habits;
  • imbalance of nutrients in the body;
  • dysfunction of the eyeball vascular system;
  • diabetes mellitus, infectious and viral diseases.

With dystrophy, retinal tissue is destroyed, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in visual acuity.


Symptoms of retinal dystrophy manifest themselves gradually and cause many difficulties in life. The early stage of the disease occurs without visible symptoms, however, the disease can progress rapidly. A person experiences discomfort when blinking, which can be expressed as a burning sensation in the eyeball, a sharp drop in vision, loss of sharpness and various cloudings are observed. However, these symptoms may also indicate other possible problems body. It is very important that the final diagnosis is made after a complete examination and all necessary procedures. Symptoms:

  • blurred vision in the evening;
  • a veil before the eyes;
  • sharp narrowing and distortion of the picture;
  • flashes, “floaters” before the eyes;
  • distorted perception of shapes, sizes and colors.

Diagnosis of the disease

Dystrophic changes in the retina of the eye require a competent specialist approach and full examination ocular structure. More appropriate here A complex approach, during which a complete history will be prepared. The following activities are mandatory during diagnosis:

  • perimetry– examination of peripheral vision in order to determine its boundaries;
  • ophthalmoscopy– study of the fundus of the eyeball;
  • biomicroscopy– analysis of the structure of the eyeball;
  • adaptometry– study of light perception;
  • measuring pressure in the visual organs;
  • retinal examination;
  • Ultrasound of the eyeball;
  • visometry– one of the ways to test visual acuity is to work with four types of tables.

This disease is the most common cause deterioration of vision in old age.

It is also possible instrumental studies the bottom of the eyeball. These include:

  1. Fluorescein angiography– one of the methods for studying the vessels of the eyeball, when an organic pigment is injected intravenously.
  2. Electrophysiological study– necessary to measure the condition of the retina and nerve cells.

Treatment of retinal dystrophy

Treatment of retinal dystrophy is determined during diagnostic study. Most experts give their preference to the following methods:

  • laser intervention;
  • medical supplies;
  • vitreoretinal surgery.

The choice of method by which treatment will be carried out is chosen by the ophthalmologist, based on the information obtained during diagnosis.

Treatment with medications

Treatment based on medication is mainly used for early stages diseases. Also, this method is used during the rehabilitation of the patient after surgery. There are a number of medications that have a positive effect on visual acuity, boost the immune system and enrich the body with vitamins. These medications can be divided into the following pharmacological groups: angioprotectors, polypeptides, disaggregants, biogenic stimulants, combined vitamins, as well as drugs that increase blood circulation stimulation.


Physiotherapy is an auxiliary method of combating the disease, which will strengthen the eyeball muscle system. Usually the prescribed procedures are carried out in specialized center or clinic.

  1. Electrophoresis– impact on the body through the supply of low-amplitude current.
  2. Photostimulation– exposure to the retina using bright flashes of light.
  3. Magnetotherapy- influence on the body through magnetic field, in order to change the biological fluid in the body.

The set of procedures can be supplemented with laser radiation to stimulate the retina of the eyeball. This method is extremely effective in trying to stop the development of dystrophy. The essence of the method is that with the help of a laser, the doctor draws a certain boundary between healthy and diseased tissues. While under the influence of the beam, the diseased vessels are “sealed”, and the liquid inside the eyeball stops flowing to them.

Thanks to this procedure, the disease is taken under complete control, and the patient avoids such terrible consequences as retinal degeneration. The laser treatment procedure is quick and simple, but at the same time requires full compliance with the ophthalmologist's requirements during the rehabilitation period.

Often dystrophic changes retinas accompany the middle and high degree myopia.

Surgical intervention

Carrying out surgical operation usually required when the disease is diagnosed late in its development and is the only way avoid such unpleasant consequences like destruction of the retina. There are two main types of surgical intervention:

  1. Revascularization procedure– is a process of blockage of the affected tissues of the eyeball, followed by an increase in the lumen in working vessels.
  2. Vaso-reconstructive surgery— is carried out using special grafts designed to stabilize the microvascular bed of the eyeball.

Retinal degeneration: causes and treatment

Retinal degeneration is the irreversible destruction of tissue that leads to complete blindness. The disease occurs mainly among elderly people. Degeneration of eye tissue is extremely rarely diagnosed in children and adolescents.

Today, medicine is unable to answer the question of what causes the degenerative process. It has been scientifically proven that this disease may be hereditary, but manifests itself only closer to old age. The phenomenon itself may also be associated with big amount metabolic substances in the eyeballs.
The answer to the question of how to treat retinal dystrophy is quite complicated, because the problem itself is not always solvable. Stop progression of this disease Unfortunately, this is not possible with the help of therapeutic influence.

Experts recommend that many patients consider laser therapy options, since with such a complex diagnosis this is the only method that can produce tangible results. Besides, alternative way The fight against retinal degeneration may be photodynamic therapy.

Retinal dystrophy may be asymptomatic at first

The essence of this method is to influence only newly formed vessels in which the photoreceptors are not yet damaged. This technique can be combined with other methods of influence.

Preventive standards

For prevention eye diseases There are several recommendations that people at risk should use. It is necessary to periodically perform eye exercises by performing special exercises. You should beware of harmful radiation, and also spend less time in the sun.

If you have a predisposition to visual dystrophy, you should take vitamin supplements and dietary supplements. Don't forget that your eyes need rest, which means you need to add time to your schedule when you can relax.

The eyes are not only the mirror of the soul, but also one of the main organs of perception of the outside world. This is why most people endure even partial loss of vision very painfully, not to mention complete degeneration of the retina.

Retinal dystrophy is a pathology in which the entire vascular system eyes, as well as photoreceptor cells. The latter are responsible for distant vision and color perception. This pathology often leads to complete loss of vision, so treatment for retinal dystrophy must be comprehensive and timely.

Why does dystrophy occur?

The reasons that provoke the development of this pathology are very extensive:

  • age-related accumulation of metabolic breakdown products in tissues;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • previous infections;
  • myopia – increases pressure on the eye membranes;
  • smoking;
  • “flies” before the eyes;
  • excess weight;
  • diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • various eye injuries;
  • pregnancy. Sometimes eye dystrophy develops even in very young expectant mothers;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • acquired eye diseases – glaucoma, myopia and others;
  • congenital eye diseases.

Congenital diseases include:

  • yellow-spotted dystrophy (Stargardt disease);
  • Wagner's disease;
  • nyctalopia or night blindness(lack of night vision);
  • Leber congenital amaurosis;
  • age-related macular degeneration;
  • Goldman-Favre disease;
  • vitelline dystrophy (Best's disease).

How does retinal dystrophy manifest itself?

Symptoms of retinal dystrophy do not appear immediately and develop gradually. At first, a person notices a slight decrease in vision when looking at objects up close. Then the images are distorted more and more, which leads to broken lines, doubling of objects and the appearance of so-called blind spots before the eyes.

Types of retinal dystrophy

This disease has two forms.

1. Congenital – genetically determined. With a dominant type of inheritance, it progresses already in early childhood. If it is recessive, it manifests itself around the age of thirty. It is irreversible.

2. Acquired - occurs among older people who have crossed the 60-year mark.

There is another classification of retinal dystrophy.

Central dystrophy is the destruction of the macula (the central part of the retina). The victim can distinguish between day and night and distinguish the outlines of objects.

Central retinal dystrophy is also divided into two subtypes:

  • wet - accumulation of blood and fluid in the retinal area;
  • dry – accumulation of metabolic products between the retina and the choroid;
  • peripheral - most often found in nearsighted people. Lead to the development of peripheral dystrophy serious illnesses kidneys, pancreas, liver, adrenal glands, as well as ARVI, influenza and other infections.

Retinal dystrophy is considered one of the most insidious diseases, since it does not reveal itself in any way in the early stages of development. Well, why not go to the hospital complaining about spots before your eyes?! Go! And as quickly as possible. Timely diagnosis lets start correct treatment and save the patient from complete loss of vision. As a rule, doctors use the following research methods to make a diagnosis:

1. Definition color vision according to Rabkin's table;

2. Visometry – determination of visual acuity;

3. Perimetry – determination of narrowing of the field of view;

4. Biomicroscopy – reveals concomitant pathologies;

5. Ultrasound of the eye;

6. Optical coherence tomography retina;

7. General tests blood and urine;

8. Amsler grids - allow you to determine the presence of macular degeneration. You do not need to visit an ophthalmologist to take this test. You can easily make gratings on a regular piece of checkered paper:

  • draw a square whose sides are 10 cm;
  • place a black dot in its center;
  • put on reading glasses;
  • close your right eye;
  • focus your gaze on the point - do not move your eyes around and do not look away from the center of the square;
  • While continuing to look at the dot, try to determine whether all the lines and small grid squares are the same size;
  • repeat testing with the other eye.

If you feel that any areas of the square are smeared, distorted or changed in color, visit your local clinic as soon as possible;

9. Refractometry – determines refractive errors of the retina;

10. Ophthalmoscopy – allows for a detailed examination of the retina;

11. Fluorescein angiography - identifies areas that require laser coagulation.

What about treatment?

Treatment for retinal dystrophy should be carried out qualified specialists. Most often doctors use following methods.

Photodynamic treatment

This technology involves the introduction into a vein of photosensitizers - substances that can stop the development of retinal dystrophy and bind proteins of pathological vessels. The course of treatment is purely individual, depending on the level of sensitivity of a particular person.

Anti-VEGF drug injections

An anti-VEGF drug is a special protein that blocks the development of dystrophy in the macula of the eye. This method gives positive results only in the early stages of retinal dystrophy, when its cells are in a state of parabiosis (on the verge of life and death). According to statistics, anti-VEGF drugs restored vision to 12% of patients (up to the ability to write and read).

Laser coagulation

In this case, cauterization of damaged eye vessels occurs. laser beam. This non-contact method treatment, which will allow you to do without surgical opening of the eyeball.

Plus: the procedure does not require long recovery.

Minus: a small scar forms on the burned tissues of the macula, and therefore full recovery vision in this area is out of the question.

Despite this, many doctors practice this method, as it helps prevent the further development of retinal dystrophy.


The surgeon removes the deformed vitreous and injects it in its place saline, liquid silicone or perfluorocarbon compound (either gas or liquid). The main task is to press the retina of the eye to choroid.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Here we are talking about electrical and magnetic stimulation of eye tissue. However, the effectiveness of these procedures is not high enough.

Vaso-reconstructive operations

The purpose of this operation is to improve the blood supply to the retina, thereby eliminating one of the causes of the disease.

Local filling

Local filling in the area of ​​the retinal tear is used only in case of partial detachment of this organ.

Circular filling

This treatment method is used in cases of complete retinal detachment.

Vitamin therapy and a special diet are prescribed as auxiliary procedures.

Alternative treatment for retinal dystrophy

Many patients prefer treatment at home. It has a right to exist, but only as an additional therapy. How is retinal dystrophy treated? Here are the most effective recipes.

  • Recipe No. 1
  • pine needles – 10 tsp;
  • onion peel - 4 tsp;
  • rose hips – 4 tsp;
  • water – 1 liter.

How to cook?

1. Grind all the ingredients and fill them with warm water.

2. Place the container on low heat and boil the mixture for about 10 minutes.

3. Let the broth cool completely and strain through a fine strainer.

4. Drink one liter a day instead of regular water for a month.

  • Recipe No. 2

Take 2 parts:

  • pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • calendula (flowers);
  • celandine;
  • dandelion officinalis (root);
  • dill (fruit);
  • sweet clover;
  • lingonberries (leaves);
  • knotweed;
  • swamp cudweed.

Take 5 parts:

  • black currant (fruit);
  • wild strawberry (leaves);
  • oats (seeds).

How to cook?

  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Pour 3 tablespoons of raw material into 500 ml of boiled water.
  3. Pour the mixture into a thermos and leave it closed for two hours.
  4. Drink the infusion in equal portions throughout the day. The course of such treatment is 45 days.
  • Recipe No. 3
  • garlic – 250 g;
  • Vodka – 1 l.

How to cook?

  1. Pour vodka over garlic.
  2. Place the mixture in a warm place (+30 degrees) in a tightly sealed jar.
  3. Infuse the liquid for at least 14 days. Don't forget to shake it several times a day.
  4. Strain the mixture and take it for 2 months, 13 drops before meals (at least 3 times a day). Take a break of 10 days and continue the course of treatment.
  • Recipe No. 4
  • goat milk whey (fresh) – 2 tsp;
  • water – 2 tsp.

How to cook?

  1. Mix the serum with water.
  2. Place 1 drop in each eye.
  3. Cover your eyes with a tight bandage and rest for half an hour. Try not to move your eyes or strain your vision.
  4. Carry out the procedure every day throughout the week.
  • Recipe No. 5
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 1 drop for each year of life.

How to cook?

  1. Boil 2 eggs laid by healthy domestic chickens. Be sure to wash them thoroughly with soap and running water.
  2. Peel the eggs from the shell, dry it and grind it in a coffee grinder.
  3. Mix the resulting flour with lemon juice.
  4. Eat the resulting lumps daily on an empty stomach and before going to bed.
  5. The course of treatment is at least 20 days.

Preventive measures

To wrap up this conversation, here are some helpful tips.

  1. Regardless of the form and severity of retinal dystrophy, register with a dispensary at the ophthalmologist's office. Come on in preventive examination at least once every six months.
  2. Have your vision tested using the Amsler grid as often as possible.
  3. Try not to work by bending your torso down.
  4. Avoid strenuous physical activity.
  5. Don't lift heavy objects.
  6. Avoid hot showers and baths.
  7. On sunny days, do not go outside without sunglasses.
  8. Try not to strain your eyes.
  9. Take care of quality lighting.
  10. When working with books, papers or a computer, take breaks every 40 minutes.
  11. It's also worth going to therapeutic diet. Your table should include greens and fats plant origin, blueberries, carrots, seasoned vegetable oil, and pharmacy vitamins containing zinc. But from sugar, salt and fatty foods rich in cholesterol (eggs, meat, butter), it is better to refuse.

As you can see, in the treatment of retinal dystrophy, much depends on the patient himself. Remember the main thing - early diagnosis will stop the progression of the disease and give you a chance to live a full life.

1118 02/13/2019 5 min.

The retina is an important part human eye. Thanks to it, light rays are refracted, allowing you to see.

Among the diseases, retinal dystrophy is distinguished. The process may be asymptomatic and lead to serious violations visual function.

What is it and what types of retinal dystrophy are there?

The retina of the eye consists of:

Failures in the functioning of photoreceptors gradually lead to distortion of the “picture” of vision

Performs the following functions:

  • receives visual signals;
  • encodes the received image;
  • transmits it to the brain.

This process is possible thanks to photoreceptors. Retinal dystrophy is:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • tissue destruction;
  • problems in the functioning of photoreceptors (responsible for distance vision and color perception).

The article is for informational purposes only. To obtain advice, you must contact a specialist.

To assess the condition of the fundus, miotics, such as Atropine, are often used. Instructions for use eye drops Atropine is presented.

Photo of the retina for the peripheral type of the disease

Patients at risk:

  • aged people,
  • those suffering from myopia;
  • having a history of hypertension, diabetes or vascular problems;
  • those who have relatives with a similar disease.

Retinal dystrophy has several varieties. By distribution there are:

  • central;
  • peripheral.

Central dystrophy is more common than others. Peripheral vision is not affected. The ability to visually function is lost when writing, driving and working at close range.

According to genetic indications:

  • congenital (pigmented and dotted white);
  • acquired (chorioretinal or senile, after 60 years).

Congenital types of retinal dystrophy can be diagnosed in childhood. The sooner this is done, the better.

Also distinguished separate species dystrophy – macular. In this case, the central part of the fundus of the eye, the macula, is affected. It is a disease of old age.

The lattice appearance is characterized by segmental cell damage

Find out whether conjunctivitis is contagious in children.

Causes of occurrence

Retinal dystrophy can occur for the following reasons:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes.

Any disturbances in visual function can lead to retinal dystrophy. Fundus examinations should be performed regularly.

A dangerous disease that requires urgent treatment.

Visual signs appear only in the later stages of the development of the disease

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Symptoms and diagnosis

Reasons for concern may include:

  • blurred vision;
  • disorientation in unlit rooms;
  • “black spots” before the eyes;
  • blurred image in the lateral vision zone;
  • inability to visually separate an object in static and in motion;
  • whitish veil before the eyes.

When similar symptoms It is necessary to urgently undergo examination by an ophthalmologist.

Some types of dystrophy are practically asymptomatic and difficult to diagnose.

Diagnostics by visual signs – .

During pushing, pregnant women may experience complete retinal detachment

An eye examination to detect the disease includes:

  • general vision test;
  • comparison of sensitivity;
  • determination of color sensitivity thresholds;
  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • assessment of the vascular system of the eye;
  • tonometry;
  • fundus photo;
  • retinal tomography.

During diagnosis, the patient's pupil is dilated with medication to relax the eye muscles.

Central type of disease

Quick help for tired eyes - .

Treatment methods

Can it be cured? – Retinal dystrophy is an incurable degenerative disease. It is impossible to restore lost vision. All measures and treatment methods are aimed at stopping the process of cell death.

It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible due to the long treatment process.

Medication methods:

  • antigioprotectors (vasodilation, improvement of blood flow);
  • antiplatelet agents (reducing the risk of blood clots);
  • vitamins;
  • drugs to lower cholesterol levels;
  • Lucentis (reducing vascular proliferation);
  • polypeptides;
  • eye drops (for tissue regeneration).

The use of prescribed medications is considered in each case individually. The attending physician prescribes the dosage regimen and administration regimen.


  • electrophoresis;
  • photostimulation;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • magnetotherapy.

Physiotherapy is usually combined with using medicinal methods treatment.

Treatment of deep inflammatory lesion organs of vision or how to recognize the first symptoms of iridocyclitis is described in detail in.

Occurs as a result of natural aging processes

Anti-VEGF eye injections are also performed. This is a drug that inhibits cell death and slows down the process of vision loss.

The most in an effective way Laser coagulation is currently recognized as a treatment for retinal dystrophy.

  • Its functions:
  • strengthening the fundus of the eye;
  • slowing down the process of retinal degeneration;

prevents retinal detachment.

The operation is performed without bloodshed. After the procedure, the patient is prescribed local antibiotics. Laser coagulation is recognized surgical intervention

. There are a number of contraindications to its implementation.

  • In folk medicine there are also a number of methods for slowing down cell death, often discussed on thematic forums:
  • hirudotherapy;
  • herbal tinctures: birch, oak bark, lingonberry, celandine, caraway, rose hips (topically and internally);

goat milk with water (topically). Usage traditional medicine

should be combined with traditional therapy.

“Snail trail” under a microscope

Find out which lens solution is best to choose.

What is the danger of the disease The danger of the pathology lies in the risk of retinal detachment.

In this case, the patient will completely lose vision. It will be impossible to restore it in any way.

  • The disease is especially dangerous during pregnancy. Monitoring a woman’s condition is carried out in several stages:
  • at 3 months – examination by an ophthalmologist;
  • if violations are detected, you must contact a specialist again at 8 months;
  • in the presence of myopia or myopia, diagnosis should be carried out monthly;

Voltage during birth process can cause retinal detachment due to retinal dystrophy.

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Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis when the disease is detected is not favorable. It is impossible to restore lost vision. Cells do not regenerate. If pathology is identified in time and treatment is started, the process can be stabilized. As a result, the disease can be slowed down.

Preventive measures:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • giving up alcohol and smoking;
  • refusal of food containing a large number of cholesterol;
  • timely examinations by an ophthalmologist;
  • control over the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • reception vitamin complexes(especially lutein-containing);
  • gymnastics for the eyes;
  • absence of excessive physical activity.

It is easier to prevent a disease than to stop it.

Surgery is aimed at stopping further cell death

What is contraindicated

When diagnosing dystrophy, the following is contraindicated:

  • long-distance flights (associated with pressure changes);
  • getting injuries in the head area;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • lifting loads;
  • diving.

Weight lifting and increased physical activity. loads are strictly contraindicated


This video will tell you what retinal dystrophy is and how to deal with this disease.

Responsible for the perception of light and the creation of the primary image, so disruption of its function can cause blindness.

Patients need to know about such a disease as retinal dystrophy: what it is, is it dangerous. This disease is more common among older people.

Retinal dystrophy is a degenerative disease

Retinal dystrophy is a degenerative disease characterized by a gradual impairment of the visual function of the eye.

Retinal dystrophy primarily affects central vision and for this reason does not cause complete blindness in the patient. This disease is most common in older people, which is why it is also called senile retinal dystrophy.

Retinal dystrophy is one of the most common causes of vision loss worldwide. The risk of developing the disease increases significantly upon reaching 55 years of age.

Pathology can develop over several years. The early stage of retinal dystrophy often has asymptomatic, which is why doctors diagnose the disease late.

From the point of view of the development mechanism, two types of pathology are distinguished:

  1. Non-exudative form. This type of disease is characterized by the appearance of yellow deposits in central region retina. Sediments small size may not cause serious visual impairment, but yellow spots increase in size over time. Gradually, the growth of deposits causes noticeable symptoms of the disease: dimming of vision, deterioration of photosensitivity, impairment. In later stages of retinal dystrophy, thinning of the light-sensitive layer of cells also occurs, which leads to tissue atrophy and death. For atrophic course The disease is characterized by the appearance of blind spots in the field of vision. Gradually, complete loss of central vision occurs.
  2. Exudative form. This type of retinal dystrophy has distinctive features. Abnormal blood vessels gradually form in the choroid of the patient's eye, allowing blood and fluid to pass into the retinal area. This pathological phenomenon called choroidal neovascularization. The release of blood and fluid into the tissue causes distortion of vision: the patient sees wavy lines instead of straight lines, and the appearance of many blind spots in the field of vision. Prolonged release of exudate into the retinal area ultimately leads to complete loss of central vision.

Most patients have a non-exudative form of retinal dystrophy. It is noted that in many cases the non-exudative form gradually turns into an exudative one.

This video will explain what retinal dystrophy is:

Causes of the disease

Aging is the cause of retinal dystrophy

Aging causes a gradual breakdown of all functions of the human body. Tissues become less elastic, the amount of fluid decreases, and the regenerative reserve is lost.

The retina of the eye is no exception. From a certain age they can begin to form irreversible changes leading to retinal dystrophy.

However, some evidence suggests that heredity also influences the development of the disease. Scientists have identified a specific gene disorder and linked it to the pathology.

The gene that influences the appearance of retinal dystrophy normally determines the development immune system person. This hereditary region is responsible for the synthesis of proteins involved in protecting the body from various pathogenic factors.

Also notes the role in the disease of the gene responsible for the development of new blood vessels during embryonic development. Excessive activity of this gene is directly related to the abnormal growth of new vessels in the retina during the exudative form of the disease.

Risk factors

Retinal dystrophy may not only occur in older people, although the likelihood of developing the disease increases significantly with age.

There is also an increased risk of the disease in patients with a family history of retinal dystrophy, which is explained by a hereditary transmission mechanism.

Other risk factors:

  • Belonging to the Caucasian race. At the same time, women get sick more often.
  • Smoking. This bad habit negatively affects the health of the microvasculature.
  • Excessive exposure to sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation may cause pathological processes in the retina.
  • Excessive consumption of fatty foods.
  • Aging. The highest risk is observed in age group from 60 to 90 years.
  • Shortage physical activity And overweight. In this category of people, retinal dystrophy occurs twice as often as in other people.
  • High blood pressure. The constant effect of hypertension on the vessels of the eye can cause degenerative processes in the retina.
  • Light eye color. Researchers have long established that a decrease in the intensity of pigmentation may be associated with the risk of developing retinal dystrophy.
  • Side effects of medications. The effects of antimalarial drugs and some antipsychotics can affect the condition of the retina.
  • High concentration bad cholesterol in blood.

These risk factors can also accelerate the onset of the disease in people with a hereditary predisposition.

Symptoms of the disease

Retinal dystrophy affects the quality of vision

Retinal dystrophy is a progressive disease, due to which the intensity of symptoms may gradually increase.

At an early stage of the disease it is possible complete absence symptoms. In addition, damage to only one eye can be asymptomatic for quite a long time.

Symptoms of the exudative form:

  1. Distortion of the contours of objects in the central field of vision.
  2. Impaired visual acuity.
  3. Significant decrease in clarity of vision even with a slight lack of light.
  4. Blurred and blind areas in the field of view.
  5. Problems with face recognition.
  6. The non-exudative form of the disease may be characterized by the presence of specific symptoms:
  7. A blurred spot in the field of view (instead of a blind spot).
  8. Rapid worsening of symptoms.
  9. Hazy vision.
  10. Inability to recognize small print.

As already mentioned, the disease does not affect peripheral vision, so complete blindness does not occur even late stage retinal dystrophy.


Retinal dystrophy can be detected during a routine ophthalmological examination. The most noticeable early diagnostic sign is the appearance yellow spots and thickening of eye pigment.

During the examination, the doctor may also ask the patient to look at the Amsler grid. This is a peculiar pattern of straight lines, reminiscent of a chessboard. A patient with retinal dystrophy will observe distorted lines.

Other diagnostic methods:

  • . This method makes it possible to study the vessels of the eye. The doctor injects the dye intravenously and after a while uses special equipment to assess the condition of the eye's blood vessels. During the diagnostic process, abnormal vessels can be identified.
  • Optical coherence tomography. The method allows you to obtain cross-sectional images of the retina, so the doctor can assess the condition of the structure. The method is also used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Retinal biopsy followed by histological examination.
  • Multifocal electroretinography.

Early diagnosis of retinal dystrophy is very important, since the most effective methods available only in the early stages of the disease.

Treatment and prevention

Retinal dystrophy: laser treatment

Scientists have not yet developed treatment methods that can completely relieve patients from retinal dystrophy.

However, modern therapeutic and surgical methods allow you to slow down the development of the disease and prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications.

Drug treatment:

  • Drugs that reduce the growth of abnormal blood vessels. These drugs are used to treat the exudative form of the disease. Preventing the growth of new blood vessels significantly smoothes symptomatic picture and partially restores the patient’s visual acuity.
  • Vitamins and microelements. Ascorbic acid, tocopherol, beta-carotene, zinc, honey and others useful material may have a beneficial effect on eye health and reduce the symptoms of retinal dystrophy.
  • Antioxidants.

Invasive treatment methods:

  1. Laser therapy. High-energy laser light is used to destroy actively growing abnormal blood vessels in the eye.
  2. Photodynamic laser therapy. This two-step method combats choroidal neovascularization much more effectively.

The following methods of preventing the disease exist:

  • To give up smoking.
  • A diet low in fat, especially cholesterol.
  • Moderate physical activity.
  • Losing excess weight.

The listed preventive measures are most relevant for older people. It is also recommended that patients at risk undergo an ophthalmological examination at least once a year.

Any dystrophy causes irreversible organic damage to the retina of the eye, due to which it ceases to function normally. Because the retina has a complex structure, it is almost impossible to restore its structure and functions. This means that a person with dystrophy is unlikely to be able to see well again.

Which doctor treats retinal dystrophy?

The diagnosis and treatment of pathology is carried out by a retinologist - an ophthalmologist who specializes in diseases of the retina. If surgical intervention is necessary, a vitreoretinal surgeon comes to his aid. This specialist performs complex operations on the posterior segment of the eyeball.


Using what methods and how to treat retinal dystrophy? Medical tactics depend on the location of dystrophic foci, their size and type. The choice of treatment method is also influenced by the presence (or absence) concomitant diseases and complications.

Uncomplicated cases are usually treated with medications. If the patient is diagnosed with excessive thinning or undergoes laser treatment. But lasers are not used, since this is fraught with serious complications.

On initial stages Medicines are used to combat central degenerations. If the wet form of macular degeneration develops or macular edema appears, the patient is administered anti-VEGF drugs.

Due to the abundance of forms and types of retinal dystrophies, the question of treatment tactics for each of them is decided on an individual basis. First, the doctor carefully examines the patient and makes a diagnosis. After this, he tells the patient in detail about his illness and possible methods fight her.

Based on the information received, the person himself makes the final decision. Forcibly force a patient to buy expensive medicines or agree to expensive surgery no one has the right.


Drug treatment is used for age-related, pigmentary and peripheral retinal dystrophies. Patients are prescribed drugs that improve blood supply to the tissues of the eyeball and saturate the retina nutrients. Medicines can be taken orally or administered parabulbarly.

Drugs used to combat retinal degeneration

A drug Action Features of application
Eufillin It has an antispasmodic effect, that is, it relieves spasm from the vessels supplying the retina of the eye. Improves blood circulation in the tissues of the eyeball, thereby slowing down the course of the disease The drug is taken orally, in the form of tablets or capsules
Emoxipin The medicine strengthens retinal vessels, has an antiplatelet and antihypoxic effect. Thanks to this, it improves blood circulation in the retina, which slows down its destruction For the treatment of retinal dystrophy, the drug is used in the form of parabulbar or subconjunctival injections
Cavinton Antispasmodic agent with antihypoxic effect.

Normalizes microcirculation, thins the blood, slows down platelet aggregation, protects tissues from the effects of free radicals and oxygen starvation

The drug can be prescribed in tablets or administered intravenously.
Retinalamine The manufacturer positions Retinolamine as a drug that improves metabolism and normalizes energy processes in the retina. Restores some damaged cells and prevents the death of others The medicine is administered intramuscularly or parabulbarly
Adruzen Tsinko Is biologically active additive, containing mass active ingredients. Improves metabolism, preventing retinal destruction Available in capsule form to be taken orally
Visiomax The medicine contains a complex of vitamins, minerals and pigments that actively nourish the retina Taken orally in tablet form


Along with medicines Physiotherapeutic methods are used to treat central and peripheral chorioretinal retinal dystrophies. They are prescribed in courses lasting 10–14 days. A person must undergo at least two courses of physiotherapy per year.

Methods that may include in treatment:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • photo- or electrical stimulation of the retina;
  • stimulation of the retina with low-energy laser radiation;
  • electrophoresis with nicotinic acid, No-Spy or heparin.

With absence therapeutic effect from conservative therapy More effective methods are recommended to the patient.

Intravitreal administration of anti-VEGF factors

In modern ophthalmology, anti-VEGF drugs are used to treat the wet form of macular degeneration and macular edema of the retina. The drugs are administered intravitreally, that is, directly into the eyeball. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

The administration of Lucentis or Aylia helps to remove macular edema and even improve the patient’s vision. To get a good, lasting result, you need to perform several injections. Due to the high cost of drugs, not every person can afford this procedure.

Description of anti-VEGF factors

Lucentis Ilia
Active substance Ranibizumab Aflibercept
Mechanism of action Medicines suppress angiogenesis - the process of growth of new blood vessels. Thus, they help to avoid neovascularization, macular edema, and hemorrhage. They also reduce the permeability of the vascular walls, thereby preventing hemorrhagic leakage of the retina
Indications for use
  • Neovascularization caused by peripheral degeneration.
  • Wet macular degeneration of the retina in people over 50–55 years of age.
  • Diabetic retinopathy or macular edema.
  • Myopic choroidal neovascularization
Possible side effects and complications
  • Subconjunctival hemorrhages.
  • Endophthalmitis.
  • Retinal detachments and breaks.
  • Increased intraocular pressure.
  • Allergic reactions
Average cost per package 42,500 rubles 38,000 rubles
How many injections are needed? Three injections at 1 month intervals

Avastin is also an anti-VEGF factor. However, the drug is intended exclusively for the treatment oncological diseases. It should absolutely not be used in ophthalmology. Intravitreal administration of the drug can lead to unpredictable consequences and severe complications.

Surgical intervention

Treated surgically central dystrophy retina, complicated by macular hole. The essence of surgery is to remove vitreous. After this, an air bubble or a special liquid is introduced into the cavity of the eyeball, which puts pressure on the retina and prevents its detachment.

Peripheral chorioretinal retinal dystrophy can also be treated surgically. The indication for vitrectomy is the formation of adhesions between the retina and the hyaloid membrane of the vitreous body. Removal of the strands in this case is necessary to prevent retinal detachments and ruptures.

Stages of surgical treatment:

  1. Exploratory survey . Before the operation, the patient is sent for consultations with specialists and for tests. This is necessary to identify concomitant diseases that can cause intraoperative complications.
  2. Preoperative preparation . A few days before surgery, the patient begins to put drops prescribed by the doctor (antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) into the eye. Similar preventative measure helps reduce the risk of complications in the postoperative period.
  3. Anesthesia . The operation is performed under local retrobulbar anesthesia. The anesthetic is injected into the postorbital space.
  4. Operation . During surgery, the patient lies on his back. His head is carefully fixed. The operation usually takes about 30-40 minutes. After this, the patient is transferred to the recovery room.
  5. Rehabilitation . After the operation, the patient must use the medications prescribed by the doctor for some time. In the future he will need to be under dispensary observation at the ophthalmologist.


Laser coagulation is used to protect areas of degeneration and suppress pathological vascular growth. This allows you to slow down the development of the disease and reduce the risk of complications. Timely laser coagulation of newly formed vessels makes it possible to avoid hemorrhages, which are fraught with severe deterioration or even loss of vision.

The laser is used to treat lattice degeneration, retinal pigmentary degeneration, cochlear track and cobblestone dystrophies. They do not do it in the macular area because high risk complications. Because the retina is very thin in this area, it can tear or peel off.

Since it is impossible in principle to cure retinal dystrophy, laser coagulation has only a temporary effect. Don’t think that it will help you forget about the disease forever. Unfortunately, over time, the patient may develop new degenerative lesions. Therefore, after the procedure, it is necessary to continue to be observed by an ophthalmologist.

Traditional methods

How to treat retinal dystrophy with folk remedies and is it worth doing it at all? Unfortunately, traditional medicine is in many ways inferior to traditional medicine. She is powerless macular edema, ruptures and detachments. Usage various tinctures and decoctions in this case will only harm the patient.

Treatment at home with folk remedies is possible only with slowly progressive peripheral and age-related retinal dystrophies. It should be noted that traditional medicine methods can only be used after consultation with your doctor.

Folk remedies that are used for dystrophies:

  • crushed sprouted wheat;
  • infusion of nettle leaves;
  • a decoction of blueberries, rowan and sea buckthorn;
  • a collection of chamomile, lingonberries, calendula, dandelion and dried cucumbers;
  • blueberry infusion.

The above remedies are taken orally. But to wash the eyes, use a decoction of nettle and lily of the valley leaves, aloe juice, a mixture of water and fresh goat milk. It is believed that these remedies nourish the eyes and help cope with the disease.

Is eye dystrophy curable? Yes, there are many methods that can successfully combat the disease. However, the second question is, is it possible to completely cure retinal dystrophy and forget about the problem forever? Unfortunately, this is impossible to do these days. However, despite this, sick people should not despair.

Thanks to the achievements modern medicine You can slow down the progression of the disease and preserve your vision. To combat the disease, medications, physiotherapeutic, surgical and laser methods treatment of retinal dystrophy. They can be used separately or combined.

Useful video about retinal treatment