How to know if you are an ectomorph or not. How to determine who you are - ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph: test

If you want to build the figure of your dreams and go to the fitness and bodybuilding forums in search of truth, you will immediately see characteristic posts and comments there. “I’m an ectomorph in its purest form, tell me how to gain weight?”, “And I’m an endectomorph with a bias in endo, this course doesn’t suit me”, “You are lucky, you are an ectomesomorph in general!”.

It is clear that we are talking about a certain typology associated with the structure of the body. But where did it come from and what are the exact typing criteria? And what is the use of it, after all? Let's try to answer.

Dr. William Sheldon and Somatotyping

Somatotyping, or the very division of people into ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs, was invented in the 1940s by the American physician and psychologist William Sheldon. He noticed a certain connection between physique and personality traits and set out to “calculate” this connection scientifically.

Dr. Sheldon got down to business thoroughly. First, he studied 4,000 standard photographs of college students in front, side, and back nudes. The doctor analyzed only the figures of men - morality and the public rebelled against the "scientific study of naked female students".

The tireless researcher carefully measured all the possible parameters of the figures, looking for patterns. As a result, he identified 17 key anthropometric features and, based on them, deduced the three most pronounced somatotypes.

Borrowing terms from embryology, W. Sheldon called them:

1. Ectomorph. The name is due to the fact that skin and nervous tissue develop from the ectoderm. The body of an ectomorph is fragile and thin, the chest is flattened. The limbs are long, thin, with weak muscles. The nervous system is very sensitive.

2. Mesomorph. Representatives of this type have a well-developed muscular system, which is formed from the mesoderm. Slim strong body. The mesomorphic type has great mental stability and strength.

3. Endomorph. From the endoderm, mainly internal organs are formed, and in people of this type, their excessive development is just observed. The physique is relatively weak, with an excess of adipose tissue.

It is wrong to think that W. Sheldon divided all mankind into three discrete types. He repeatedly emphasized that there can be an infinite number of body types, but at the same time, it is always possible to calculate the preponderance of proportions, which does not change even when losing weight or gaining weight.

After finding the somatotypes, Dr. Sheldon turned to the "most interesting," that is, the search for a connection between them and the psyche. As a result, he stated that three types of physique correspond to three types of temperament: viscerotonia, somatotonia and cerebrotonia. They differed in physical reactions, sociability, ability to self-control, etc.

There were a lot of plans. Based on somatotyping, Sheldon was already ready to give advice on raising children, identify leaders, identify criminals - but something went wrong.

Defeat in psychology and resurrection in bodybuilding

After the Second World War, during which humanity shuddered from the brutal persecution of people on a national basis, the idea of ​​dividing people according to the type of figure began to lose fans. Criticism flew from all sides, but Dr. Sheldon did not want to give up without a fight.

In 1954, he managed to publish his famous atlas of somatotypes with numerous illustrations and practical explanations. The atlas was really good, and even some haters recognized its convenience and information content.

Unfortunately, the 1960s saw the rise of humanistic psychology. Viktor Frankl and Abraham Maslow inspired stories about the priorities of higher values, self-actualization of the individual, creativity, freedom and the victory of the human spirit over circumstances. Sheldon's "theory of body types" had to move and find its place in a lonely dusty corner. So she would have withered, but this did not happen, thanks to the development of bodybuilding.

In the late 60s, Arnold Schwarzenegger became "Mr. Universe", and then "Mr. Olympia 1970" and held this title for 6 years. After that, he played leading roles in Hollywood blockbusters that became cult. His popularity has grown to fantastic proportions. The world went crazy for Arnie: men wanted "a figure like him", and women wanted such men.

People massively desired to acquire certain body proportions, and then Joe Weider, the “dad” of the American bodybuilding empire, wasted no time reworking the forgotten theory of somatotyping for these purposes, which told literally everything about proportions. After some time, the words "ectomorph", "mesomorph" and "endomorph" became part of the generally accepted bodybuilding lexicon. True, only a facade remained from Sheldon's theory.

The modern "ectomorph", "mesomorph" and "endomorph" are no longer the same as those of Sheldon, although the general meaning has been completely preserved. They differ from each other in the relative width of the bones, the predominant type of muscle fibers and metabolic rate.

  • Sheldon didn't pay much attention bone width, but now this indicator is considered one of the basic ones. According to bone measurements (elbow, wrist) and height, you will be calculated the type in any physique calculator. Here, the terminology of M. V. Chernorutsky is often used to designate constitutional types. Asthenic is equated with ectomorph, normosthenic - with mesomorph and hypersthenic - with endomorph.
  • One of the most important indicators in bodybuilding - ability to build muscle mass. It is believed that red (slow) fibers predominate in an ectomorph, so it is difficult for him to pump up, he needs a special training system. Mesomorph and endomorph are more fortunate in this regard. To determine the predominant type of muscle, there are several types of testing with a decrease or increase in weights. The type of dominant fibers needs to be known in order for them to be loaded and grown in training.
  • It is also commonly believed that the ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph different types of metabolism(carbohydrate, mixed and protein). Therefore, the ectomorph, relatively speaking, “eats buns with jam every day” and is still thin, and the endomorph cannot afford an extra piece of cake on holidays. On the Internet you can find a couple of tests to determine the type of metabolism. The nutritional strategy of different somatotypes should be different.

Mixed types are also taken into account today, those very ectomesomorphs, endectomorphs, etc. Sometimes they are also divided into subtypes with separate recommendations for each. However, there are critics who still lack something in this typology. Often they criticize without looking up from the couch.

Most bodybuilders do not neglect training and nutrition advice for different body types. These recommendations have withstood half a century of practical application and are definitely worth discussing in more detail. We will certainly do this in the next article.

Irina Kainova


Hello, hello, dear friends. I am with you again, and I would like to introduce you to such a topic “Ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph. How to determine. From the title of the topic, it’s already clear that you will hear about the features of body types and learn how to determine which one you belong to. But that's not all. Read on and you can learn a lot of interesting things. For example, how to eat with one or another type of physique. Let's get started.

In our society there are people who are very different from each other: athletic, thin and full. And it's not that one of them regularly visits the gym, and the other two do not pay attention to their health. No, it's all about genetics. It may even be that a fat person spends a lot more time in the gym than someone with an athletic build.

Remember that funny excuse of some fat people like "I have a wide bone"? They are partly right, but the point is not in the bone, but in a predisposition to gaining excess weight. And more precisely, in the rate of metabolism - metabolism. It is because of him that there is a classification of body types. I will describe each in more detail below.

Somatotype differences

To put it simply, body types are also called somatotypes. The following classification was proposed by William Sheldon. I don’t know who this man is, but if anyone is interested, then you can easily find information about him.

Despite the fact that somatotypes differ from each other in many ways, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which, if desired, can be "operated" - for example, turn disadvantages into advantages.

So, body types:

Ectomorph - tall, thin, with a small percentage of muscle and adipose tissue, but great muscle detail. The bones are thin, but elongated, which is why the owner of this type has an impressive growth. Fast metabolism, which does not allow the body to store subcutaneous fat. If you are an ectomorph, then here you are.

Mesomorph (athletic)- average height, has an optimal ratio of fat and muscle mass, average build (not thin, but not fat). The bones are of medium size, due to which the carriers of this type can be considered almost tall people. The average metabolism, allowing you to quickly gain and lose excess weight. The same principle applies to "dry" mass (muscles).

Endomorph - low (stocky), full, with a large percentage of muscles, but also with an increased percentage of body fat. The bones are short, but compacted (thick), which indicates a powerful musculoskeletal system. Slow metabolism: Gains weight quickly and loses it slowly. This quality has a positive effect on muscle tissue.

How to determine your somatotype?

There are many methods to do this. There are precise, such as measurements of individual parts of the body and their proportions, and there are not very accurate, but simple ones, such as a test on the wrist.

This test is as follows: wrap your thumb and middle fingers around your wrist in the thinnest place (approximately under the protruding bone on the wrist, right at the fold). If both of your fingers overlap, then you are an endomorph; they just touch one another (or slightly fall short), you are a mesomorph; they miss each other very much (the distance is about 1 centimeter), you are an ectomorph.

This test cannot be considered a reference, rather an auxiliary one, because incidents of a large scale occur due to the inaccuracy of this test or body disproportion. A person may think that he is an endomorph, although in fact a slightly plump mesomorph. As a result, an incorrectly selected training program, wasted time, inappropriate nutrition and lifestyle.

It is better to look at yourself in the mirror, comparing yourself with any of the characteristics. Choose the right one and remember how fast you tend to gain or lose weight.

Well, there are no problems with ectomorphs - they quickly drop and slowly gain. Mesomorphs - quickly gain and quickly dump. Endomorphs gain quickly and lose slowly. So be guided by this, although it would not hurt to measure yourself.

Women and men of the same body type have almost no serious differences in this regard.

As a rule, there are very few pure body types. People with such phenomena are very rare. In most cases, people are of a mixed type, and one of them prevails over the others.

For example, my good friend is 65% mesomorph, 25% ectomorph, and 10% endomorph. These figures indicate that a person is not an ideal being, and that everyone has their own imbalances. It would seem that where there should be a characteristic feature of a full person, there is a feature of a thin one. Although in general the guy is an ectomorph. Something like that.


The following information is based on the fact that people with different body types want to achieve optimal physical shape and a beautiful body.

As for nutrition, ectomorphs need to eat a lot and everything: carbohydrates, fats and especially proteins, subject to regular training. They allow "excess weight" (fats and carbohydrates) to be converted into energy, and proteins to be used to build muscles.

Mesomorphs should consume enough carbohydrates to keep the body alert, but not overdo it. It is also characteristic a large number of squirrel. With fats a little more difficult - they need to be reduced. Do not remove (still fail), but reduce.

But endomorphs need to focus only on proteins and vitamins with minerals. Carbohydrates and fats will have to be cut very much. This is due to the fact that under your skin in the problem zones and so full of food for the body. So force the body to take nutrients from there, without giving it carbohydrates and fats with food.

Based on everything described, you need to choose accordingly. For example, an endomorph should not take a gainer, even if it is high-protein. It's still carb based.

So, I hope I have explained in an accessible way who the ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph are, how to determine belonging to one or another type, and also provided interesting information. If you liked it, you can thank me by sharing this article with your friends on social networks. Write what somatotype you have, and also subscribe to blog updates. Bye.

Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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Before engaging in sports training, you need to know your own body type, depending on which a training complex and diet are developed. If you do not take into account such features, you may not get the desired result.

A somatotype is a type of human body structure, characterized by specific features of the development of bones, subcutaneous adipose tissue, and metabolic processes occurring in the body. The genetic factor plays an important role in the formation of the somatotype.

Body Types

According to W. Sheldon, there are three types of people, depending on the physique:

  • ectomorph - such people are distinguished by weakly developed organs, low weight, sophistication and fragility;
  • endomorph - in people with this somatotype, organs are overdeveloped, excess weight is observed, which appears as a result of the accumulation of body fat;
  • mesomorph - such a somatotype is characterized by a proportional development of the body, a stable psyche and good physical data.

Most often there are people with a mixed body type. That is, they are dominated by individual signs of ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph.


Ectomorphs are energetic, active, but lack strength and endurance. Such people are distinguished by a lean physique, they have narrow shoulders and chest, but elongated limbs. The muscle mass is rather poorly developed, the bones are thin. They do not have to exhaust themselves with diets, subject themselves to excessive physical exertion in order to lose the hated kilograms, because they simply do not have excess weight.

In the body of ectomorphs, the metabolism is fast, their problem is weight gain and muscle building.


Mesomorphs are slender, average build. The bones are medium in size, the arms and legs are in proportion to the body. It is difficult to call such people complete, but they do not differ in excessive thinness either. Fat is evenly distributed throughout the body, and does not accumulate in any particular place.

Due to the effective material metabolism, mesomorphs easily gain muscle mass with the help of physical exercises.


Natural strength and endurance are inherent in endoforms. The physique of such people is round, there is a predisposition to fullness. The body of endoforms quickly accumulates fats, and all because of a slow metabolism. Their figure is pear-shaped: the hips are wide, and the shoulders are narrow. And although nature has endowed endoforms with strength, they are often subject to fatigue and laziness.

How to determine your somatotype?

There are several ways that allow you to determine the type of your physique:

  • according to anthropometric data;
  • along the intercostal angle;
  • by wrist measurement.

You can determine the type of physique according to anthropometric data as follows: the physical indicators of the body are measured, and then, using formulas, conclusions can be drawn. This method is considered the most reliable. It is used in health centers and fitness clubs.

The advantage of the second technique lies in its simplicity. To determine your own somatotype, it is enough to feel the lower border of the ribs with your hands. Putting your thumbs on them and repeating their line, you can see that an angle has formed. If it is less than 90 degrees, then the human body belongs to ectomorphs. If the angle between the thumbs is more than 90 degrees - endomorph. Accordingly, a right angle indicates that a person is a mesomorph.

An insufficiently accurate result is given by a method for determining a person's body type by measuring the girth of the wrist. However, its advantage lies in its simplicity. It is enough to clasp the wrist with the thumb and middle fingers of the opposite hand. If they overlap, the person is an ectomorph. Mesomorphs are characterized only by the contact of fingers. In endomorphs, they do not touch each other.

In addition, the wrist can be measured with a tape measure or a meter at the narrowest point. The results are described below:

  • endomorph - 15-17 cm for women and 18-20 cm for men;
  • mesomorph - more than 17 cm in women and more than 20 cm in men;
  • ectomorph - up to 15 cm in women and up to 1 cm in men.

The latter method is not accurate, it is used only as an auxiliary method to help determine the body type of a person.

There are also special programs for determining the somatotype of a person. It is enough to pass the test by answering simple questions.

For a person of a certain body type, there are recommendations that will help you get the maximum effect from training.

For ectomorphs , unlike mesomorphs and endomorphs, the number of calories burned during exercise should be minimal. It should be borne in mind that their body already has a high level of metabolic processes. The main part of the classes is occupied by basic exercises. The number of sets and repetitions increases slowly. An important role is played by rest between workouts, which is necessary for recuperation. Sports loads in ectomorphs are intense, but short. This is how you can effectively gain muscle mass.

To get the most out of your workouts mesomorphs should often change the pace of strength exercises, as well as combine them with a different number of repetitions.

In the body endomorphs fat deposits accumulate quickly, so they need to train often, allocating a minimum of time for rest. The intensity of exercise plays a big role, it must be high in order to gain muscle mass and break down fats.

People with different body types should also have different diets. Ectomorphs you can eat absolutely everything and in large enough quantities, especially if they exercise regularly. Organic substances that enter their body with food are quickly converted into energy. With sufficient consumption of proteins (3 g per 1 kg of net weight per day), they become a building material for muscles. It is necessary to drink up to 1 liter of fluid per day.

Mesomorphs It is allowed to eat a moderate amount of food, but make sure that it does not become excessive. Also important is the intake of protein products (2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day). As for fats, mesomorphs are not recommended to get involved in food with a high content of them. However, it is not necessary to completely remove fat from the diet. The main thing is to adhere to the correct proportions.

inclination endomorphs to fullness causes them to reduce the number of calories consumed. Especially severely will have to limit carbohydrates. The main emphasis for people with an endomorph physique should be on foods high in protein, minerals and vitamins. As a result of training, given the lack of carbohydrate intake and their subsequent conversion into fats, the body will begin to borrow nutrients from the subcutaneous layer.

Thus, training and nutrition should be designed taking into account the physique of the person. This is the only way to achieve the maximum result on the path of strengthening muscles and not harm your health. If it is not possible to independently determine your somatotype and develop a set of necessary exercises for gaining muscle mass, you should contact specialists. It is especially difficult to do this for people with a mixed body type, who simultaneously have signs of exomorph and mesomorph or endomorph.

All people are different. Someone is tall, someone is small, someone has a dense body type, someone is asthenic. The girth of the chest, waist, hips, thin or massive wrists and ankles - all this is different for all women.

Many of them have a question: why, with the same height, some women have a thin figure, and some cannot in any way with all their efforts? First of all, the genetic factor plays a role here. This is the body type. Knowing your body type is important when planning your diet and sports training.

Body Types

Distinctive characteristics of this type:

  • rounded body with smooth curves;
  • medium or large joints and bones;
  • limbs of small length.

Typically, endomorphs have small shoulders and wide hips, which makes such women owners of a pear-shaped figure.

The main problem of female endomorphs- excess adipose tissue in the body, as opposed to exomorphs. Together with the low metabolism characteristic of endomorphs, losing extra pounds becomes a real difficulty for them. Even with low calorie intake and high physical activity, it is more difficult for them to keep fit than representatives of other somatotypes. Basically, fat is deposited in the lower parts of the body (stomach, sides, legs), and is not distributed evenly throughout the body.

Many endomorph women can complex because of their physique, but in vain. The innate tendency of the body to store fat and low metabolism do not mean that it is impossible.

Keeping yourself in shape is difficult for endomorphs, but possible. They will need more effort, proper nutrition and regular sports training.

Endomorphs have sufficient muscle mass and, if desired, can easily build muscle. They were not as lucky with the diet as ectomorphs and endomorphs - low metabolism does not forgive them wrong, however, it can be accelerated with sufficient water intake and cardio loads.

How to determine body type?

The somatotype is determined by measuring certain body parameters.

The easiest way- measurement of the length of the wrist. For women, the result of 15-17 cm is an indicator of the mesomorphic type, less than 15 - ectomorphic, more than 17 - endomorphic.

If there is no ruler or tape measure at hand, you can simply grab your wrist with the middle and thumb of the opposite hand. In a mesomorph, the fingers converge at one point, in an ectomorph they overlap each other, in an endomorph they do not reach each other.

Measurement of parameters such as bust, waist and hips, cannot accurately determine the somatotype, since there are different types of figures (, etc.), and representatives of different somatotypes can be their owners. To accurately determine it, it is better to contact any fitness center or health center, where specialists will take into account a whole range of signs.

Understanding your body type at the initial stage is difficult. So you can always go back to the basics. Today we will study what types are, which should help you classify your body to one type or another and choose the right path for training and nutrition.

Muscular body that stands out even without strength training, broad shoulders, narrow waist, normal amount of fat. A prominent representative of the school of bodybuilding and, accordingly, this type of physique is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Mesomorphs train very hard, because the result is not long in coming. In fact, it comes very quickly. Accordingly, feeling a quick result, such a person is chasing the improvement of form with each workout.

It just so happened that in nature there are very few "pure" mesomorphs. Scientists distinguish mixed somatotypes: ecto-mesomorphs and endo-mesomorphs. Accordingly, these body types include certain features from different types, forming something averaged between them.

The work of actors is associated with constant self-improvement and sometimes changing their body to the stage of unrecognizability. Mark Wahlberg - being at the age of 22-25 years old was a real ectomorph. A lean, not muscular boy, but hard training and nutrition led him to the covers of fashion magazines. In the photo on the right, Wahlberg already resembles an endo-mesomorph rather than an ectomorph. Mass pret, what to say.

Training and nutrition for the mesomorph. The mesomorph must work hard in training no less than others, otherwise progress may freeze. Training is optimal for gaining muscle mass. A mesomorph can try different types of training - from strength training for 6-8 repetitions to 12-15 or more for pumping. In any case, the quality depends on the athlete himself, and there are a lot of training programs. It is easier for a mesomorph to choose something for himself, since the body responds to almost any training. Since the mesomorph has an excellent metabolism, he can afford to lean on carbohydrates, but at the same time he must monitor fats.
Mesomorph or not? There are opinions that it is possible to determine the type of physique by measuring the thickness of the bone at the level of the wrist. For this we need a measuring tape. For a man over 21 years old - a girth of 18-20 cm - a mesomorphic body type. Less than 18 is an ectomorph, more than 20 is an endomorph. But everything is relative - and you should remember this.

Perhaps the most common body type. Lean, low to moderate fitness and strength, no or very low, narrow bones.

Do not be discouraged if you now find yourself an ectomorph. So what? Not everything is so bad and amenable to change. Of course, if your plans are to gain mass like Phil Heath or Jay Cutler, then you won’t go far on idling and regular nutrition. But to look decent and have good muscle mass - you can do it, believe me. For example, Jason Statham. In different years of his life, he possessed and continues to possess an inspiring mass, although by nature he is an ectomorph.

Ectomorph training and nutrition. The most key element of training an ectomorph is that he needs to limit his aerobic activity. Cardio will burn even more calories, and an ectomorph needs an excess of them. Since people with this type of physique have a “frantic” metabolism that works like an oven - it burns everything that you don’t throw. Ectomorphs should be trained using basic exercises. Since its goal is to build muscle mass, the relief will be tightened due to the rapid metabolism. As for nutrition, it is important for an ectomorph to follow a high-calorie diet. Achieving the ideal diet can only be achieved through constant adjustments. I advise you to act according to the scheme of increasing the amount of carbohydrates with weeks, while it is desirable to focus on complex carbohydrates, despite the ability of the ectomorph body to “burn” everything to the ground. Ectomorphs can ask for help from "Mr Gainer". It will add the missing portion of calories. At least 500-700 calories on top - it will only work for this type of physique. It is advisable to choose a gainer with a minimum sugar content, since there can be no benefit from regular sugar.

Chunky men for whom gaining muscle mass is baby talk. Mature, strong and muscular. However, not everything is as good as it seems. Endomorphs do not have beautiful and traced muscles, most often it is hidden under a considerable layer of body fat. In addition, endomorphs have a slow metabolism. An example of an endomorph is the famous actor Jonna Hill.

Training and nutrition for the endomorph. Unlike previous body types, the endomorph has an excess of body fat, so its goal is to maintain a high metabolism. And it will be possible to disperse it with the help of training with a large number of repetitions, in conjunction with aerobic exercise. In this case, it is not necessary to choose a run. Any kind of aerobic exercise is allowed - brisk walking, swimming, sports games, skipping rope. The goal is to speed up the metabolism and keep it at a high level. As soon as the endomorph slows down, the progress stops and, as a result, regression begins. An endomorph can gain fat mass, as well as muscle mass, in no time, so you need to follow nutrition no less than training. You won’t have to limit yourself in everything, but you will have to forget about sweets (simple carbohydrates) and excessive fat intake. The most working scheme for endomorph weight loss is a gradual reduction in the amount of carbohydrates per day. Let's say today we will not eat carbohydrates after 19.00, tomorrow after 18.00, and so on until the end of lunch. This gradual reduction in carbohydrates will lead to a clear decrease in overall mass and body mass and will most likely allow you to see the muscles that have been hiding under the fat for so long. If you know you're going to stick with your diet, then whey protein and BCAA supplements will come in very handy as they protect your muscles from breakdown during grueling cardio workouts.