How to survive a sleepless night and the day after it. How to stay up all night

Sometimes in life it happens that at night, instead of sleeping sweetly, you have to stay awake. There can be many reasons for this - preparation for the exam, blockages at work that you decide to sort out at home, a protracted celebration or just friendly gatherings. In any case, staying up all night is no easy task. Let's try together to figure out how to help your body cope with this.

Good dream on the eve of a sleepless night will make you feel more alert. Sleep as much as you can. Get up as late as possible. If possible, sleep for an hour or two during the day. In this case, your body will be relaxed, rested and without much stress will endure a night without sleep. Take care of your nutrition. During the day, you will need to make at least three dense meals, and for dinner you should give preference to low-fat dishes so as not to experience heaviness in the stomach later. At night, you can arrange light healthy snacks from vegetables, fruits or nuts. In the fight against sleep, chewing gum comes to the rescue. By chewing, you send a signal to the brain that now is the time to start digesting food. As a result, the sleeping brain begins to secrete insulin and you have a feeling of cheerfulness. In order to get rid of obsessive sensation fatigue, ventilate the room you are in. Open windows, turn on a fan or air conditioner. Cool air activates the processes in your brain responsible for the proper functioning of internal organs and maintaining constant temperature body. More the best way cheer up will be a 15-minute walk on fresh air. In order not to feel tired for as long as possible, try every hour to do any physical exercises. You can jump or push up a few times from the floor, you can just do a light warm-up of the neck, back, arms and legs. Washing in cold water will complement the exercises. If possible, wash your face; if not, rinse only your wrists. To stay up all night, turn on bright lights throughout your home. Thus, you will be able to deceive the internal clock of the body. We also recommend listening to rhythmic music that you don't like, or even better - that annoys you. Songs that are unpleasant to the ear will evoke in you enough emotions so that the brain begins to fight sleep. There is another interesting technique that helps to stay awake throughout the night. The moment you feel like you can no longer stay awake, have a cup of coffee and… go to bed. Set an alarm for 15 minutes beforehand. During this short period of sleep, you will have time to rest, and when you wake up, the effect of caffeine will begin. Thus, you will receive a double charge of strength and energy. You can, of course, not sleep for 15 minutes, but simply consume caffeinated drinks during the night. This is tea, and coffee, and Coca-Cola, and various energy drinks. However, you should not get carried away with such drinks, as they have a negative effect on the functioning of the cardiac system.

Staying up all night is no easy task. How to defeat sleep and stay alert until the morning, we read in this article.

Sleep is an essential part of human life. But, life circumstances make their own adjustments. The birth of a baby, work on the night shift, insomnia, an upcoming exam, a party - they threaten a night spent without sleep and rest. Will constant sleep deprivation harm the body or complete absence sleep?

Is it possible to stay up all night without harm to health?

It is well known that for wellness a person needs seven to eight hours of sleep. You can, of course, not sleep for a day or two, but after that a good night's sleep is required condition for good health.

Some individuals conduct experiments on how long one can stay awake without a night and daytime sleep. Some say that they are able to stay awake for seven days, others that they were able to stay awake even longer. Scientists say that a person is able to live no longer than 11 days without a full night's sleep. During scientific research it has been proven that:

  • Already after three days, a person's vision, coordination of movements are disturbed.
  • After five sleepless nights, hallucinations appear, the person becomes nervous, irritable
  • Lack of sleep on the eighth day will affect memory, it will deteriorate. It will be difficult to talk, and trembling in the whole body and limbs will not allow you to move normally

There are exceptions, people who for decades have forgotten what sleep and dreams are, but feel great about it.

So, it's time to figure out what exactly sleep is for. What harm is done to the body by depriving it of proper sleep:

  • All while sleeping internal organs suspend their activities. Muscles relax, blood pressure and body temperature decrease. Even the heart stops its work, giving the heart muscle a rest in this way.
  • It is during sleep that the hormone melatonin is produced, which acts on the body as an antioxidant. It rejuvenates and strengthens the immune system
  • The somatotropin hormone, the so-called growth hormone, is produced during sleep. The hormone is responsible for the cells of the body, their regeneration. And also for muscle and bone strength. It is this hormone that promotes the production of collagen, making the skin smooth and supple.
  • And, the main one who should rest at night is the brain. Rest - it will not be quite right to say, work, but in a different way. It is in a dream that he sorts all the information received and puts it on the shelves. For the same reason, it is advised to postpone the decision of important matters until the morning, and not act rashly in the evening.

Drawing conclusions from the information received, it turns out that staying up all night without harm to health is unlikely to work out. The answer can only be headache, nausea, feeling tired, rumpled appearance, irritability and a desire to fall asleep as soon as possible.

Studies by scientists have shown that people who work night shifts and deprive themselves of a full night's sleep, more often than people who work during the day, postpone overweight in problem areas. And a tendency to colds significantly higher than for day workers.

IMPORTANT: Systematic lack of sleep can cause diseases such as breast cancer in women, and prostate cancer in men.

The negative effects of lack of sleep can be avoided if it happens only once a week. The body will rest for the remaining six nights.

Biorhythms of the "owl": when does the "owl" sleep?

A little man is born already with a biorhythm peculiar to him. Although, there is an opinion that the division of people into representatives different types became possible after the advent of electricity. Then it became possible to stay awake after sunset and darkness.

There are three types of biorhythms:

  • "Owl"
  • "Lark"
  • "Pigeon"

It is very difficult for “owls” to adapt to early morning rises, because their awakening should take place no earlier than 10-11 am. Only from this time the body begins to wake up and is able to start the working day.

The "owl" has three periods of activity:

  • At lunchtime, from one to two in the afternoon
  • In the evening, from six to eight in the evening
  • At night, from eleven to one in the morning

So they can fall asleep not earlier than midnight and even later. The process of falling asleep is very difficult. To make falling asleep easier:

  • At least half an hour before bedtime, give up the computer and TV
  • Go to bed at the same time
  • Do not overeat heavy meals during dinner
  • Take a relaxing bath
  • Drink milk with honey or green tea
  • Air out the bedroom before bed

How can an owl stay awake at night?

People with the “owl” biorhythm are the most adapted to active nightlife. They can stay up most of the night and feel great doing it. They can compensate for the lack of sleep at night. sound sleep afternoon.

IMPORTANT: Owls should choose to work with night shifts so they don't have to struggle with themselves during the early morning rises.

Biorhythms of the "lark": when should the "lark" sleep?

"Larks", if they are real, wake up early in the morning, along with the sun in the summer. And long before sunrise in winter. Such early awakening does not cause them discomfort. They are active during the whole working day, but in the end, in the late afternoon, fatigue and drowsiness pile up with great force.

Fall asleep "larks" already at nine - ten o'clock in the evening. The period of falling asleep occurs easily and naturally. There are times when the "lark" did not manage to go to bed on time, as a result of which he will wake up in the morning with a feeling of fatigue and weakness, but always on time.

IMPORTANT: "Larks" must sleep all night, night work is not for people with this chronotype.

How to stay awake at night if you are a "lark"?

IMPORTANT: It is very difficult for "larks" to stay awake at night, because the peak of their activity comes in the daytime, and at night they sleep soundly.

In order to stay awake at night, or switch to the “owl” mode, you should:

How to prepare yourself for night work?

It can be very difficult to set yourself up for work during the day, not to mention night work. If it is necessary to work at night, and this cannot be avoided, you should:

  • Get a good night's sleep before a sleepless night. If this is not done, then bad feeling and burning desire sleep, will not contribute to productivity night work
  • Eat well throughout the day, the body must receive everything essential vitamins and minerals
  • Positively set yourself up for the need for night work. FROM bad mood unlikely to be productive
  • Set a goal for yourself to get the job done at night. The reason may be the inability to do it during the day, or the fact that after completing the night work, you can rest for several days.
  • Motivate yourself with the fact that by doing night work you can earn a certain amount of money for certain needs
  • Create the necessary conditions for night work

How to Prevent Loss of Vitality: Keeping Alert with Short Sleep

IMPORTANT: Lack of a full night's sleep can adversely affect well-being, cause fatigue and drowsiness. To prevent loss of vigor, during the day or night, you can use the technique of short sleep.

There are some rules for short sleep:

  • The short sleep period is 15-30 minutes. You can start practicing the technique with more long period and then gradually reduce it
  • Feeling shaky and tired after a short nap signal that it was too long
  • In order to learn how to quickly fall asleep for 20 minutes, you should practice. Might not work on the first try.
  • For success in practice, you need to fall asleep and wake up at the same time.
  • If the dream was interrupted before the alarm signal, you should immediately get up. If you fall asleep again, you can fall asleep for several hours
  • You can use the technique only once, in the period from the beginning of activity to full sleep.
  • When working on the night shift, you must turn off the lights and the computer 15 minutes before falling asleep
  • Falling asleep, immediately after the first attempts, is unlikely to succeed, but one should not despair. The result will not keep you waiting
  • To quickly achieve your goal, you can listen to music that relaxes and puts you to sleep. Or insert special devices into your ears - earplugs. Wear a bandage over your eyes to protect your eyes from light.

After reading the rules, you can start falling asleep:

  • To begin with, you should start an alarm clock, you need to set it further than outstretched hand
  • Find your comfortable position: on the stomach, on the back, on the side. Since a person likes to fall asleep in ordinary circumstances
  • After that you can fall asleep

In order to fall asleep you need:

  • Close your eyes and relax, your heart should beat slower
  • Try to get all thoughts out of your head

IMPORTANT: You can develop your own method to fall asleep, acting exactly the way you want.

The most important thing remains - to wake up, and for this you should:

  • After the alarm sounds, immediately get up on your feet. It is for this that the alarm clock should be placed further from the place of falling asleep.
  • In no case should you go back to bed after the alarm signal, you can fall asleep soundly
  • After getting up, you should have a snack, so it will be easier to wake up
  • If you feel tired, take a breath of fresh air

If you use the technique of short sleep at home, you must:

  • Choose a place to sleep where every time you fall asleep
  • The room should be quiet and calm, you can just lie down in silence for about twenty minutes before falling asleep
  • If the process of immersion in nap happens at night, the room should be dark
  • For daytime sleep, you can wear a special mask on your eyes, and, if necessary, close your ears with earplugs
  • You can eat before sleep boiled egg or a piece of lean meat

If the feeling of cheerfulness leaves at the workplace, you can try this technique at a convenient time. For this you should:

  • Find a place where no one and nothing will interfere. For efficiency, you should fall asleep in the same place. You need to think it over in advance, and not before falling asleep, otherwise you won’t be able to fall asleep
  • Bring all your gear to work, such as earplugs and an eye mask.

Employees may look askance at a person sleeping during the day, but this should not be a concern. The feeling of cheerfulness and strength to work on is more important than other people's speculation and gossip.

IMPORTANT: Attempts to fall asleep for 15-30 minutes, as well as attempts to immediately wake up, at the beginning of the test of the technique, may not be successful. But you should not despair, after ten days in a row, everything will definitely work out.

What to do with yourself at night so as not to fall asleep?

In order not to fall asleep at night, working at a computer or due to another circumstance, you can:

  • Drink enough water, if this is not done, the body will get tired even faster and it will hardly be possible to hold out until the morning

  • Do stretching exercises, the pain caused by these exercises will drive away sleep

  • Breathing exercises will help you stay awake. Air is drawn into the lungs, and then exhaled sharply. While doing the exercise, one can imagine that it is not the air that is exhaled, but sleep and fatigue. Repeat the exercise, to achieve the effect, you need 12 times in a row

  • You can do a warm-up, like in a physical education lesson, or just walk around the room for about five minutes. This should be done every forty minutes

  • Massage of the ears, neck, back of the head and hands will help to cheer up

  • Turn on bright lighting in the room, it will help not to give up sleep
  • If it is not possible to walk in the fresh air, you can ventilate the room. And in the summer, leave the window open. The sounds of the night will disturb the mind

  • Do gymnastics for the eyes - this is the case when the reason for not sleeping is work at the computer. You can put tea bags on your eyelids to relieve fatigue

  • Use aromatherapy. Essential oils or the smell of coffee will help cheer up

  • If the work is sedentary, you should make a choice in favor of an uncomfortable chair, it will not let you fall asleep at the table

Each person is individual, what helps one stay awake, the other does not work at all. You can try all the ways and choose one. But if nothing helps to cope with sleep, nothing can be done, the body cannot be deceived, you have to go to bed.

How to meet the morning in order to be cheerful all day?

IMPORTANT: Probably the most main advice how to wake up in the morning and be whole hearty the day is to go to bed on time in the evening and get a good night's sleep. This should be done regularly, day after day. Then it will be possible to wake up refreshed every morning, even before the alarm goes off.

  • Blinds or curtains should be open, then the morning dawn, even through a dream, will set the body to wake up
  • You need to get up immediately, after the first alarm signal. Doing yourself a favor to lie down for another ten minutes, only harm your body. A feeling of fatigue and drowsiness will accompany you until the evening. There is one way to overcome laziness, to put an alarm clock on the other side of the room, so you will definitely have to get up
  • A positive mood, from the very morning, will help to spend a good, cheerful day. To cheer up, you can turn on your favorite music, creating a special atmosphere in the house.
  • Having risen from the bed, you should drink a glass of water, in this way the body starts up for a productive working day.
  • washing cold water finally drive away sleep and invigorate
  • Light morning work-out will help to cope with drowsiness throughout the day, give strength and vigor
  • After charging, you can take a contrast shower
  • An hour after waking up, you should have a full breakfast. This is necessary so that the body has enough energy to stay alert all day.
  • Breakfast should be leisurely, at this time you can dream. Set yourself a pleasant goal, and the task of achieving it before the end of the working day. In this way, you can cheer yourself up for the whole day.
  • Do not immediately after waking up to check the tape in social networks. This can be done within a day. The information flow is so great that the morning must be met in harmony with oneself.
  • You can arrange a joint breakfast with friends or with a person who has great value in life. Then the desire to get up later than the alarm signal will definitely not appear. Well, the morning itself will begin with Have a good mood and help you stay awake all day

  • If the desire to stay up all night is not related to the fulfillment important work or obligations, then you can experience all the methods of staying awake at night, and find exactly the one that will work one hundred percent
  • Many advise energy and caffeinated drinks, you can try, but you definitely shouldn’t abuse this method.
  • Fresh cool air will invigorate and give strength to fight sleep. Although some advise that the room should be unbearably stuffy. You don't want to sleep in these conditions.
  • Physical exercise or work that requires increased physical activity, will not give up to sleep
  • You can just dance and sing loudly. Following this advice, first of all, you need to think about the people around you and loved ones, they definitely want to sleep
  • Social networks steal a lot of free time, in order not to fall asleep, you can go to your page, the morning will come faster.
  • It is better to sleep at night, then everything will be in order with health and the mood is excellent. But if there is a need to sleepless night, then during the day you should sleep well, or lie down to rest a few hours earlier than usual

Experiencing an acute shortage of time and trying to solve the problem different ways. Someone reduces the hours spent on favorite friends and hobbies, and someone is visited by the thought: "And if you don't sleep all night?" What will happen in this case, we will consider further.

Healthy sleep duration

First of all, let's remember how long healthy sleep. For an adult, its duration is 6-8 hours, but it all depends on the characteristics of the body. There are also people who need a 5-hour rest. Children tend to sleep longer, but with age, its duration decreases.

Reasons for not getting enough sleep at night

1. Physiological features.

Thus, the lack of a night's rest can really become a serious problem for the body. Insomnia will definitely affect a person's health. It’s better not to test yourself for strength, not to ask yourself the question: “And if you don’t sleep all night, what will happen?” - and to allocate enough time for regular sleep at the prescribed hours.

What helps and what does not help after a night spent without sleep

A night spent at work, studying, or some other urgent matter can make you feel like a hero. You did the right thing no matter what!

But as the day comes on, the nighttime enthusiasm evaporates, and suddenly you begin to feel a little tired. Surviving the day after a sleepless night can be harder than being awake all night before.

A night without sleep affects the state of the brain - the speed of reaction, the ability to concentrate, the perception of information and the ability to remember it. Indeed, studies have shown that after a sleepless night you are about the same state as if you had drunk well before that.

Trapped in morning fatigue

You will feel bad already at the beginning next day.

"You may think that the more awake you are, the more lethargic you will be, but that's not necessarily the case," says sleep expert David Dinges, PhD, who is chair of the University of Pennsylvania's Department of Sleep and Biorhythmology and editor of the journal "SLEEP" ("SLEEP").

Due to daily and natural rhythms of your biological clock, "24 hours after your normal wake up time, you actually start to feel worse," says Dinges. “At this time, it’s hard to stay awake and be active.”

This is also the most bad time, in order to drive the car yourself, even if you are driving home from work. "If you've been up all night, you shouldn't be driving because you're distracted," says Mark Rosekind, PhD, an expert in fatigue management and a member of the National Transportation Safety Board. He warns that the monotony of the road, combined with a lack of sleep, can cause you to fall asleep at the wheel without knowing it. According to statistics from the American National Sleep Foundation, in 2005 more than a third of drivers were seen snoozing while driving.

The brain will help you

If you need to keep working, your brain will try to compensate for the lack of sleep.

In an experiment using functional magnetic resonance imaging, 16 young adults who had previously been awake for 35 hours completed tasks of increasing difficulty. When the subjects exercised "brain power," activity increased in some parts of the brain, as if they were well rested.

“Sleep-deprived people can take advantage of the mental resources that normal condition not used for any task. This allows them to cope with the task well enough, but not as well as if they had a rest, ”says Dr. Sin P.A., doctor of psychology who conducted the experiment. Drummond, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California at San Diego and San Diego Public Health Activist.

Your The biological clock give you cyclical activity because they send wake-up signals to your brain. You can feel a second wind in the middle of the morning (around 10 am) and then in the early evening (at 6 or 7 o'clock). "You may feel better, but you'll still be forgetful, inattentive, and you'll still have a bad reaction," says Dinges.

Luckily, there are several tricks on how to become less sleepy and get through the day after a sleepless night.

take a nap

According to Rosekind, who runs the Fatigue Program at NASA, the pill to stop you wanting to sleep is sleep. In a study conducted by Rosekind, flight pilots Pacific Ocean, who took an average of 26 minutes of naps, had a 34% temporary increase in working capacity, and they half reached the state as if they had had a good night's sleep.

Dinges claims that even a short nap, such as a 10-minute nap, can benefit you because the brain quickly enters slow-wave sleep. If you sleep more than 40-45 minutes, then after waking up you may feel not quite confident. This is called sleep inertia and happens when you wake up after deep sleep. By learning to shake off that feeling, Dinges says, you'll benefit from short naps and feel more alert than if you didn't sleep at all.

Drink coffee or some other caffeinated drink

Drink coffee or an energy drink right away and it will extra help for awakening. Rosekind says that most people, depending on body weight, need between 100 and 200 milligrams of caffeine (a 120 milliliter cup of coffee contains about 100 milligrams of caffeine, but the amount can vary depending on the strength of the brew). Caffeine tablets, available without a prescription, also come in 100 or 200 milligram dosages.

Rosekind says that it takes about 15 to 30 minutes for the effects of caffeine to be felt, and the effect will last for for three or four hours. Rosekind states: “If you consistently consume caffeine every few hours, you will have high level activity."

Best Strategy: Take some caffeine and lie down for a 30-minute nap. When you wake up, you will feel rested.

But there is a caveat: when you stop taking the caffeinated drink, you will feel a breakdown. “Caffeine hides the desire to fall asleep, but during this time the desire to fall asleep does not go away, but waits in the wings,” says Rosekind.

Turn on the light

Your body clock is designed to cycle between dark and light, so bright light will wake you up.

“The more tired a person is, the more unpleasant the bright light seems to him and the more he wants to turn it off,” says Dinges. “Instead, you need to turn on the lights or go outside where the sun shines,” Dinges confirms Drummond.

Get moving

Fast walking or a walk will disperse your blood. It also helps to activate the brain. “If you move, the muscles automatically send wake-up signals to central part brain,” says Sharon Keenan, PhD, founder and director of the School of Sleep Treatment at Stanford University’s Center for Improved Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Disorders.

Rosekind says that even if you just change activities or start talking to someone, it can be uplifting. But as soon as you stop acting or talking, you will begin to fall asleep again.

Avoid hard work

“After a night without sleep, your short-term memory is weakened. That means you can't hold a lot of detail in your brain at the same time," says Drummond.

A study in 40 young adults who were awake for 42 hours (that's equal to being awake during the night and the next day until evening sleep), showed that the ability of short-term memory is reduced by 38%. Imaging studies have confirmed that the part of the brain that is responsible for the perception of information is not active in sleep-deprived people.

Know your limits

You can try to stay awake by washing your face with cold water, or by airing out the room, or by going out into the cold. You may feel better after showering and if you change your clothes as the day begins. But the body and the brain cannot be held. A feeling of vivacity will be followed by a rapid decline in activity.

"The biological need for sleep is so strong that it can't be fooled," says Drummond. “Sleep is as important to life as water, oxygen and food.”

But in the night wakefulness there is positive side. When you finally get to bed, you will sleep much better than usual, and it will be a deep slow sleep. "In these cases, it's best to sleep until you wake up," says Dinges. “That means you need nine or ten hours of sleep. And it will the best treatment after a sleepless night.

Sleep is necessary for normal operation human body. There are situations when, after a sleepless night, you need to be "in shape" throughout the next day. It is very difficult to stay awake if you have not slept all night the night before. How to do it, what to do?

How not to fall asleep if you want to sleep?

Each organism lives according to its own biological rhythm. When the time comes for rest, sleep, unbearable fatigue rolls over, heaviness on the whole body. At this point, it seems that there is no way to cope with drowsiness.

It turns out that such a state of a sharp decline in strength lasts an average of 20 minutes for a person, and then a surge of energy occurs.

How to survive this third of an hour - just sitting will not work. You need to do something, deceive the body, i.e. do something that is usually not done during this period.

For example, perform a few exercises, the most simple. Over the millions of years of the existence of the human body, it has been transmitted at the gene level that activity at the “inappropriate” time is a danger. All forces are mobilized, and drowsiness instantly disappears. There is a myth that coffee invigorates for a long time and keeps you awake.

This is not the case, or rather, the opposite is true. A cup of coffee will help in the first 15-20 minutes, caffeine is quickly absorbed and blood pressure rises. Further, after 40-50 minutes, you will be drawn to sleep even more strongly. This is because coffee contains substances that can lower blood pressure. Will pull you to sleep new force. Although everyone is different, a cup of coffee affects each person differently.

How not to sleep a day (24 hours), two are the best ways

Instead of coffee green tea- the most suitable invigorating drink. Both drinks contain the same amount of caffeine, but tea also contains theanine. Combined with caffeine, it gives an invigorating effect.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises borrowed from yogis. You need to take a breath and exhale sharply. Perform the exercise 10 times. These actions warm up, affect the gland that affects the circadian rhythms responsible for "sleep-wakefulness".

Turn on bright lights

You can deceive the body by turning on the light not only in the room where you are, but throughout the entire room. In this case, the brain will be deceived, because it is more difficult to fall asleep during the day. This remedy will also help you feel more energized after a sleepless night and on a cloudy day.

Cold in the room

If you did not sleep all night, how to help the body not sleep the next day - here is another recipe. A stuffy, warm room causes a feeling of drowsiness, therefore, in order to feel a surge of energy, it is necessary to ventilate the room.

Freeze the body, coolness will drive away sleep, make you do more movements - all this interferes with the sleepy state. The brain in such a situation is activated, there is a surge of energy.

Take a cool shower

A contrast shower will help to cheer up. This remedy is not recommended if alcohol was taken at night, as the vessels in this state are dilated and should not be strained. In this case, it is better to take a warm bath.

You can recharge your energy for 3-4 hours by doing in the shower coffee scrub. The procedure will help get rid of a sleepy state - rinse your wrists with cold water or just wash your face vigorously.

Do not overeat at night. Skip sweets for a light meal

Here the advice may be different, depending on specific organism. For some, it is better to eat nothing before a sleepless night. In any case, dinner should be light. Sweets are not recommended.

High-calorie, fatty foods are undesirable. The body spends a lot of energy on digesting food, and this causes a feeling of drowsiness. The feeling of hunger, on the contrary, invigorates.

Drink coffee and energy drinks, but in small portions

It is believed that drinking a cup will help to cheer up. But, as mentioned above, the effect will be temporary. There is a proven sleep + coffee system. After drinking a cup of drink, you should try to fall asleep immediately for a quarter of an hour. During this micro-sleep, the body is recharged with energy.

The most important thing in this system is not to oversleep longer, because after 90 minutes another stage of deep sleep will come.

Interrupting it, a person will feel even more overwhelmed. This is a controversial method, since not everyone will be able to fall asleep during this period. Experts who study human sleep at a professional level are also skeptical about such a remedy for drowsiness. Perhaps this will help someone - everyone is individual.

How can you stay awake if you haven't slept all night? try energy drinks.

In this case, you need to be careful. Be sure to read the composition of the energy. The source of energy is caffeine, which is as much in a jar as in the same volume of coffee (80-100 mg). The second component of energy is glucose and sucrose. But further, in the composition there may be additional ingredients that must be considered.

Let's consider some:

  • Taurine- the norm for a person is 400 mg per day (there can be up to 1000 mg in a jar), its harmlessness has not been proven;
  • L-carnitine and glucuronolactone- these substances human body contained in the required amount and help with stress. In energy drinks, the dose of these substances is tens, and sometimes hundreds of times higher than the norm, and the consequences of such an amount have not been studied so far;
  • Ginseng extract in large quantities can cause unwanted fluctuations blood pressure, there is a feeling of anxiety

If you opted for an energy drink, then look at the composition and remember that you should not abuse it. And if you decide to cheer up with taurine, look in which products it is contained in order to supply the body with just them.

Strong tea

Tea also contains caffeine, in combination with thiamine, it acts softer and longer. There is more of it in green than in black. Experts do not recommend drinking tea before bedtime, as the pulse quickens, blood flows faster through the vessels and it is not easy for the body to fall asleep in this state.

Better to chew gum

To drive away sleep, you can chew chewing gum, for example, with menthol. In this case, it is important not what to chew, but the process itself. The brain prepares to digest food and the pancreas secretes insulin, the whole body is awake.

Walks and exercise

A good helper to relieve drowsiness are any simple exercises for vivacity and energy. Do the simplest ones: head turns, squats, jumps in place, etc. This will accelerate the blood, improve the flow of oxygen, the body receives additional energy.

This simple complex will help to quickly invigorate the body and mind.

Switch from the main activity to a more interesting one

If you need to work during the day, how not to sleep if you haven’t slept all night. Effective way is the periodic switching from the main type of work to something more interesting. It may be a hobby that will drive away sleep.

For women working from home, cleaning is excellent remedy cheer up. Each person chooses for himself what kind of activity is suitable for raising energy.

Listen to loud and energetic music

In order not to fall asleep, you can turn on the music. It should not be loud and annoying. It is better that the music is not well-known, and the words are hard to make out.

Then the brain is forced to turn on and start working, because music affects certain parts of the brain.

Create an inconvenience

Work, after a sleepless night, create inconvenience for yourself. In a relaxed position, sitting comfortably, you can quickly fall asleep. It is better to sit on a hard chair, because experiencing discomfort, it is unlikely that you will be able to fall asleep.


Massaging some points will help get rid of a sleepy state. Massage: crown, back neck, earlobe, the point between the index and thumb, as well as the area under the knee. Massage treatments relieve tension and improve blood circulation.


If you didn’t sleep all night, and during the day you need to be in good shape, then there are many ways to not sleep. One of them is strong smell. It can be pleasant or, on the contrary, disgusting.

Rosemary, eucalyptus, and mint oils are used in aromatherapy to calm the nervous system. You can just smell the coffee beans.

Find a thrilling experience: watching comedy or horror

One way to relieve drowsiness is to watch a comedy or some kind of video with a funny plot, or scary movie. It is desirable to watch sitting, and not lying in bed. Perhaps this will give energy to the body and for some time it will become easier to endure the consequences of a sleepless night.


This does not mean that you should tickle yourself under the armpits. Do this with the tip of your tongue the upper sky. Strange as it may seem, this effective way get rid of sleepiness.

Find company to stay awake

If you have to stay awake in the company, then remove sleepy state get a lot easier. You can talk, remember funny stories, or discuss some kind of joint event. Or you can just argue about something.

Internet disputes in social networks or forums

Alone helps to relieve drowsiness social networks. You can enter into a dispute by finding a suitable topic, of which there are a huge number on the Internet.

How to stay up all night and be awake in the morning for work

How to try not to sleep in the morning if you haven't slept all night? It is necessary to prepare for the working day in the morning. If time permits, you can sleep for an hour and a half. This will help the body relieve tension, improve physical state. You need to get up immediately, do not let the body relax.

Aromas of juniper, citrus, coffee help to quickly cheer up.

Maybe a few drops aromatic oil put on a handkerchief, and use during the day, if you suddenly begin to overcome drowsiness.

The next thing to do is recharge. It will help activate all body systems, invigorate and improve physical condition. A contrast shower will help add energy.

This little stress will help the release of adrenaline, the brain will receive an additional rush of blood, and the whole body will be filled with energy. Water procedures lethargy and drowsiness will be completely washed away, and bright light will tell the body that the night is over.

How to cheer up without coffee and energy drinks

A night spent without sleep should end with breakfast. It is desirable that food energizes the body. For example, oatmeal with the addition of berries or fruits. You can include cottage cheese, hard cheese, eggs in breakfast. If you do not have time to have breakfast, then have a snack with any nuts. A good tonic effect gives green tea.

When brewing, it must be remembered that the tea leaves should not be kept for more than 2 minutes, since then tea can give the opposite calming effect. Dark chocolate and well-brewed coffee will invigorate, relieve stress, and improve your mood. Coffee should not be abused a large number of may negatively affect nervous system.

AT public transport a short sleep will help restore strength, a run to the workplace will finally wake up the body. A night without rest reduces attention and perception of information.

By 10 o'clock in the morning the body is fully adapted and can be included in the work. By 13-14 hours, drowsiness again begins to roll over the body. You can sleep for 20 minutes during lunch, drink coffee.

If there is no way to sleep at the workplace, then the following tips will help:

  • Do some simple exercises;
  • Run up the stairs several times;
  • Wash, ventilate the room, if possible, do lower temperature in the room;
  • You can eat something light: an apple, a sandwich, chocolate;
  • Try to keep a straight posture - this allows you to maintain a cheerful state;
  • Distract yourself with something pleasant or playful.

The next stage of drowsiness occurs at 18-19 hours. If you have not slept all night, it is very difficult not to sleep during this period. How to overcome drowsiness - try to sit out this time and then the next night will become a real rest for the soul and body.

  • Get some sleep the night before;
  • Try to reduce the load, physical, including;
  • Eat a little at night, exclude high-calorie foods. You can eat a piece of chocolate, some fruit.

9 exercises to keep you energized throughout the day

Who does not know the feeling when in the morning you want to stretch and stretch the muscles that have become stiff during the night. The body needs to warm up before a full day of work. Therefore, you need to make it a rule to do exercises in the morning. In addition, such simple exercises will help relieve fatigue and drowsiness.

Benefits of exercising for alertness and energy:

Charging for vivacity and energy will help you wake up. Light intense movements will make the heart pump blood faster, which will give a surge of vigor, and the remnants of sleep will disappear.

  1. The tone and mood will rise. Exercises should not be heavy and pleasant, then the brain will begin to produce hormones of happiness, which will immediately affect the mood. But it is so important to start the day with a smile and a positive attitude.
  2. Charging promotes weight loss by accelerating the metabolism, helping to burn more calories, which leads to the loss of excess fat.
  3. By doing exercises, willpower is trained. After all, for example, in the morning you really want to soak up a little longer in a warm bed.
  4. Charging helps to strengthen the immune system. Right start day helps the body fight infections and keeps the body youthful.

Having understood why warming up the body is so important, consider a few simple exercises:

By doing these simple exercises every morning or afternoon, you will feel a surge of strength and vigor for the whole day.

How to keep children awake (if necessary at night during a flight)

It is more difficult to force a child not to sleep. This happens in rare cases. For example, you will be flying for the first time with a child. If he is at the age when he is able to understand, then you can pre-prepare. To do this, you need to tell what an airplane is, how interesting it is.

It is necessary to arouse interest in the upcoming flight. In flight, so that the child does not fall asleep, you can allow him what is forbidden in ordinary life.

For example, play more computer games on a tablet, watch cartoons. In between games, you can let the child walk around the salon (of course, when it is allowed). It is necessary to change entertainment so that the child switches from one activity to another.

How not to fall asleep while driving

Experienced truck drivers know several ways to stay awake on the road. Consider the main ones that will help those who rarely go on a long journey.

  • Conversation with a fellow traveler. It is desirable that one of the passengers should follow the driver and have conversations with him. Brain scientists say that an interesting conversation stimulates brain activity. In this situation, the main thing is not to get too carried away with the conversation, to follow the road. If suddenly a fellow traveler starts to doze off or falls asleep, it is better to transfer him to the back seat, because. the sight of a sleeping person, like a yawning one, is transmitted as a chain reaction;
  • It is recommended to listen to loud music while driving. It is believed that it should be rhythmic, invigorating. It is advisable to sing along, as at this moment more air the body is saturated with oxygen. While singing, remembering the words, you make your brain work, which means you won’t be able to fall asleep;
  • Many truck drivers on the road click seeds. The process of brushing and chewing distracts from sleep. You can gnaw on a carrot or eat an apple - this is more useful and healthy food. Sour lollipops have an "anti-drowsy" effect. If there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then as soon as you want to sleep, you can put a piece of lemon in your mouth or just smell it. This tool is used by many professionals. The smell of lemon stimulates the hypothalamus, which is responsible for concentration in critical situations;
  • Energetic drinks. As a liquid, everyone chooses what helps him not to fall asleep. Coffee comes first, everyone has their own dose. According to experienced drivers, caffeine lasts an hour and a half, and it is advised to add lemon to coffee. It contains glycolic acid, which has a tonic effect. You can use, with caution, such tonics: tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus and others. Some experienced drivers suggest drinking a glass of cold juice to relieve drowsiness. After all, warm liquids soothe, and cold ones activate all processes in the body;
  • You can change the position of the seat back. During the movement, try to strain and relax the muscles of the arms and legs, massage the ears, stretch the neck. It is very useful to stop once an hour and do a few simple exercises;

Useful products for energy

To relieve fatigue and get energy, the body needs, in addition to various procedures, special tonic products.


One of the causes of fatigue is dehydration. Drink normally cold water especially in the morning. Black and green teas contain caffeine and thiamine, which are well toned and invigorated.

Fruit teas are enriched with vitamins. Citrus juices are rich in vitamin C, and their smell stimulates brain activity.


Various nuts will help to recharge your batteries. It is better to choose cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts. It is not recommended to abuse the amount for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Meat, eggs


For a complete energy breakfast, oatmeal with a little raisins or nuts is perfect.

apples and banana

In addition to vitamins, this fruit contains the substance quercetin or flanovol. It makes the muscles produce more energy. The banana contains a large amount of potassium, which is responsible for the nervous system. Eaten banana is able to energize the body for several hours.

Drugs from a pharmacy that promote wakefulness

At the pharmacy, you can buy adaptogens - these are means plant origin that help counteract external influences, increase stress resistance.

Except vitamin complexes for vivacity and energy, of which there are many, among the safe natural adaptogens are the following herbs:

  • Ginseng root- has a stimulating effect during physical and mental stress. The effect of the drug comes immediately. Before use, you should consult your doctor about the dosage. Ginseng is available in tablets, granules, extracts and tinctures;
  • Chinese lemongrass allows you to relieve fatigue, fill the body with energy. For achievement desired result it is necessary to drink the full course, clearly following the instructions;
  • Eleutherococcus can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of a tincture or extract. Even after one application, the tone increases. After a full course, fatigue decreases;
  • Rhodiola Rosea also called "golden root". It is believed that this is an alternative to anabolics, for active people. Apply after studying the instructions, strictly following the recommendations

Consequences of a sleepless night

Anyone feels overwhelmed after a sleepless night. This is not surprising, because it violates biological rhythm and the following violations are possible:

Poor memory and poor concentration

During sleep, the body is cleansed of harmful substances accumulated per day. Therefore, due to a sleepless night, the purification process is disrupted. Scientists compare the effects of a night without sleep to a concussion. The same symptoms: tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, loss of concentration.

high stress level

After several nights without sleep, the human body is under stress. If there is no normal rest, then you can get a high level of stress. In this state, a person becomes irritable, there is a feeling constant fatigue sleep is lost. Such a person is deprived of pleasure, he does not even notice what is good that is happening around.

Weakened immune system

Consequently constant lack of sleepweak immunity, a person often gets sick, there is a feeling of constant fatigue and overwork. Therefore, if you have not slept all night, it is important not only to know how not to sleep, but also how to recover from a sleepless night.

At night, the human body is restored after labor day, cells and tissues are cleansed. Good sleep is incredibly important for normal functioning all human organs.

If you sometimes have to work at night, then it is important to know how to recover and not neglect the advice of medical specialists. It is necessary to remember about negative impact sleep deprivation. You have to take care of your body good sleep for him, that's the main thing.

Useful video clips on how you can fight sleep