Bandy world championship tournament.

15:1 - without sensations and options, the Russian team defeated the Norwegian team in the opening match of the 38th World Championship in Khabarovsk. Among those who distinguished themselves were two players from Khabarovsk SKA-Neftyanik. And ahead - a match with the Finns.

Bandy World Championship results: in spite of the records

The first game day of the tournament was marked by four matches. And all of them followed a long-known scenario: stronger teams warmed up for weaker ones, competing only in who would hit the opponents' goal more often. The teams of the USA and Germany opened the first game day - the Americans turned out to be stronger. The question of the winner was removed already in the first half - the athletes went on a break when the scoreboard was 7:2. In the segment of the game, the teams doubled this result, fixing the final score 14:4.

But already in the second meeting of the day, the Kazakhstan team almost set a record, defeating the unfortunate national team of Hungary with a score of 29:0! It is worth recalling that the most significant result at the World Championships was recorded in 2011, when the unpretentious Norwegian team did not leave a wet place from the Belarusian team 32:0!

So the national team of Kazakhstan, which is based on the players of the Russian championship, only a little fell short of the scorer "feat" of the Norwegian Vikings. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the Hungarians ended up in group "B" at the last moment instead of the Canadians who refused to participate (this trick, by the way, "maple leaves" were pulled without any special explanations in Khabarovsk in 2015), and because visa difficulties reached the Far East only a day before the first game. So it was hard for the sleepy Hungarians to oppose something to a more prepared and skilled opponent.

Scandinavian massacre

But the third game had a more solid sign - two teams of group "A" played: 12-time reigning world champions - the Swedish team met with the main competitors of the Kazakhs in the fight for the "bronze" - the team of Finland. It is worth recalling that a month and a half ago at the Four Nations Tournament in Sweden, the teams in a head-to-head meeting were pleased with the results: the Finns then lost 4:9.

But this time the struggle did not work out at all: the Swedes already opened the score in the debut and were already leading 5:0 by the break. True, during a short rest, the Finns seem to have done work on the mistakes, managed to soak the score and held back the onslaught of the champions for about half a time. However, at the end of the game, the Swedes added and literally in three minutes brought the score to a devastating result - 9:1.

Norwegian epics

Well, in the evening, in front of the filled stands of the ten-thousandth arena "Erofey", the owners of the ice appeared - 24-time world champions, the Russian team and another Scandinavian team - the Norwegian team. Of course, no one expected sensations from this game. Suffice it to recall that the Vikings, although they are one of the four old-timers of the world championships (they missed only two tournaments out of 38), however, they took only two medals during this time - “silver” in 1965 and “bronze” in 1993.

The main surprise for our team they presented in 1997, when they sensationally tied with the Russians 3:3. It was the only time in history that the Norwegians took away points from us at the World Championships. But since then, a lot of ice has melted - the Vikings caused some kind of surprise in everyone only last year, when for the first time in twenty years they were able to oust the Kazakhstan national team from the semifinal four teams.

However, this “comeback” of the Norwegians didn’t concern us much: for the last five years, after the 12-0 victory in 2013, we simply didn’t meet with the Vikings at the World Championships, and all other meetings ended with training and very pleasant results for us. Suffice it to recall, for example, a dry defeat 22:0 in 2005 or 19:0 in 2009. The last full-time meeting - at the same December Four Nations Tournament - also did not give cause for concern - 16:1.

Poker Lomanov, double Ishkeldin

The Russians, of course, justified all forecasts. The starting onslaught of the owners of the ice to the delight of the stands led to a quick goal - already in the third minute of the meeting, the player of the Krasnoyarsk Yenisei Andrei Prokopiev opened the personal score of the Russians. The bearded goalkeeper of the Norwegians Alexander Nygård worked tirelessly, however, in the 15th minute, he was unable to save the guests after a strike from the Khabarovsk "soldier" Maxim Ishkeldin, who scored twice in this game.

Well, the main joy for the fans this evening was brought by our nine-time world champion, Sergei Lomanov from Krasnoyarsk, who was excommunicated from the national team last year due to bureaucratic intrigues. Our record holder scored four goals and in the post-match interview he happily recalled the main reason for the wonderful victory of the Russians in the 2015 World Cup final - the crazy support of the Khabarovsk fans. Another hero of the day was the captain of the Arkhangelsk "Vodnik" Evgeny Dergaev, he scored a hat-trick.

    The Bandy World Championship for Women is a regular international tournament held by the Federation of International Bandy among women's national teams. The first tournament was held in 2004 in Finland, the first world champions were ... ... Wikipedia

    Bandy World Championship is a regular international tournament held by the Federation of International Bandy among men's national teams. The first bandy world championship took place in 1957 in Finland. When organizing ... ... Wikipedia

    32nd Bandy World Championship (2012) Kaz. Dopty Hockeyden Alem Championships 2012 Eng. Bandy World Championship 2012 ... Wikipedia

    The Bandy World Championship for Women is a regular international tournament held by the Federation of International Bandy among women's national teams. The first tournament was held in 2004 in Finland, the first world champions were ... Wikipedia

    6th Bandy World Championship for women (2012) Bandy World Championship for women Championship details Venue ... Wikipedia

    Bandy World Championship among youth teams is an international tournament held by the Federation of International Bandy among men's national teams under 23 years old. The first youth bandy world championship was held in 1990 in ... ... Wikipedia

    3rd World Bandy Championship among youth teams 2011 Other ... Wikipedia

    This article or section contains information about an upcoming bandy sporting event taking place in 28 days. With the start of the event, the content of the article may change ... Wikipedia

Domestic fans are looking forward to the start of the Winter Olympics. But on the eve of this sporting event, another significant event will take place - the Bandy World Championship 2018! The special attention of Russians is riveted to him, which is not surprising. Firstly, the national team of our country is a recognized leader in bandy (bandy), so the best results are always expected from the domestic team. And secondly, the annual tournament will be held in Khabarovsk. So the Russian bandy fans have a double motivation to watch the matches of the competition!

Where and when will the bandy world championship 2018 take place

The competition will be held separately for leagues A and B. For the first division, in which the strongest national teams of the planet are located, the championship will take place on January 29 - February 4, 2018. The Russian Khabarovsk will host the 38th draw of the tournament. The Far Eastern city will become the host country of the World Cup for the third time. All matches are scheduled within the walls of the Erofei Arena, which is designed for 10,000 spectators.

Group B teams will measure their strength in March. The competition for them will be organized in the Chinese city of Harbin.

Euro 2018 bandy teams

The greatest attention is riveted to the tournament for the major leagues. In the upcoming championship, division A will be represented by the following ice teams:

  1. Norway;
  2. Russia;
  3. Finland;
  4. Sweden;
  5. Germany;
  6. Kazakhstan;
  7. Canada;

But there are a little more teams in group B - 10. The current composition of the division looks like this:

  1. Belarus;
  2. Hungary;
  3. Mongolia;
  4. Japan;
  5. China;
  6. Netherlands;
  7. Somalia;
  8. Ukraine;
  9. Czech;
  10. Estonia.

The team that manages to win the tournament for league B will take part in the 2019 World Cup as part of the top division. The vacated place at the end of the 2018 world championship will be taken by the worst team of group A.

2018 bandy world championship winner

There are only three contenders for the trophy. These are the national teams of Russia, Sweden and Finland. Sometimes the national team of Kazakhstan is wedged into the top three.

The main battles take place between Russia and Sweden. The Finns are always content with bronze, occasionally with silver. Only at the 2004 World Cup they were able to get the trophy of the tournament. Therefore, with a high degree of probability, the first place will again be played between the Russians and the Swedes. This opinion is supported by at least the fact that Sweden and Russia have met 8 times in the last 10 finals. At the last championship of the planet in the culminating match, the Scandinavians celebrated the triumph, and in the previous four - the Russians.

Russian team at the 2018 World Cup in bandy

We have the most titled team in the world. If we take into account the achievements of the Soviet team, then on the account of the domestic squad there are 24 awards of the highest standard! For example, the closest rival - the Swedish national team - can boast of only 12 medals. This result became possible due to the great interest in bandy in our country and the good level of the domestic championship.

In the final match of the 2017 World Cup, the Russians lost the championship gold to the Swedes, thereby interrupting the series of four victories in a row won by the Russian team in 2013-2016. Therefore, our heroes have something to prove! The following guys will most likely take revenge for last year's fiasco:


  • Chernykh Roman;
  • Rysev Denis;
  • Shilyaev Mikhail.


  • Chizhov Alexey;
  • Ivkin Valery;
  • Granovsky Vasily;
  • Bulatov Pavel;
  • Prokopiev Mikhail.


  • Ishkeldin Maxim;
  • Dzhusoev Alan;
  • Saveliev Dmitry;
  • Shaburov Sergey;
  • Befus Janis;
  • Shardakov Yuri;
  • Antipov Alexander.


  • Bondarenko Artem;
  • Mirgazov Diamond;
  • Ivanov Nikita;
  • Ivanushkin Evgeny.

Most of our combatants have a residence permit in domestic clubs. The exceptions are Pavel Bulatov, Nikita Ivanov and Alan Dzhusoev, who play in Swedish teams. The first two played for Vönorsborg, and the last one for Sandviken AIK Bundy.


Alas, but bandy is much inferior in popularity to ice hockey. There are only a few strong teams, national championships are poorly developed, and there are few sponsors willing to develop this sport. Although even at the dawn of the 20th century, bandy was much more popular than "Canadian hockey" - modern ice hockey. But in recent years the situation has changed for the better. The number of participants in the World Cup is regularly growing, and the press is more and more willing to cover bandy competitions. Let's hope that the 2018 World Cup will open a new page in the history of this sport!

Bandy World Championship 2020, among the strongest teams, will be held from March 29 to April 5, 2020 in Irkutsk. The tournament will be the 40th world championship under the leadership of the Federation of International Bandy (FIB).


In tournament A, at the new arena of the Bandy and Skating Center, seven teams that retained their place at the end of the 2019 World Cup will play - these are Germany, Kazakhstan, Norway, Russia, the USA, Finland and Sweden, plus the Estonian team, which became the winner in Tournament B and promoted to the Premier Division.


At the group stage, the teams are divided into two groups, in which each team plays one match with each. The teams that took 1st and 2nd places in Group A immediately go to the semifinals, and the teams that took 3rd and 4th places in Group A play in the quarterfinals against the teams that took 1st and 2nd places in Group B.

The teams that lost in the quarterfinals play a match for 5-6 places, and the teams that took 3rd and 4th places in group B play a match for 7th place.

In turn, tournament B is planned to be held from March 1 to March 8, 2020 in Irkutsk, at the Zenit, Record and Trud stadiums. 12 teams will take part in the championship, these are Great Britain, Hungary, Canada, China, Latvia, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Somalia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Switzerland and Japan.