Meat patties. Meat tarts with mushrooms and cheese Meat tarts

Cheesecakes are not always sweet and made from yeast dough, and this recipe of mine is proof of that. Meat cheesecakes with mushrooms and cheese, baked in the oven, are very juicy and tasty. You can use any mushrooms you like. Meat cheesecakes can be served as a hot appetizer, with boiled potatoes or vegetables. An easy recipe with a photo, with a step-by-step description, will help you quickly prepare this dish.


  • 500 grams of pork shoulder;
  • 300 grams of veal;
  • 1 onion;
  • a mixture of spices: pepper, coriander, cumin, salt, nutmeg;
  • 1 medium sized egg.

Filling and sauce for cheesecakes:

  • 10 + 6 pieces of fresh champignons;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 1 tbsp flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream 20%;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • 90 grams of Parmesan cheese;
  • 100 ml of water to pour into the mold.

How to cook meat cheesecake with mushrooms in the oven

Let's cook first. We wash the pork and veal, cut and pass through a meat grinder. Add small cubes of onion to the minced meat, all the spices indicated in the list of ingredients, beat in the egg and knead the minced meat until a homogeneous texture.

Heat-resistant baking dish, grease with oil. We divide the minced meat into 6 equal parts, roll each part of the minced meat into a ball and put it in a mold. Then, we take a glass / cup, moisten the bottom (outer side) with water and press down the ball of minced meat. The photo shows that this way we get an even and beautiful recess for the filling.

How to make mushroom stuffing with sauce

In a pan with vegetable oil, pass the chopped onion. When the color of the onion began to change its color to golden, at this moment add chopped mushrooms (10 pcs.) Not too large.

In a separate cup, mix flour and sour cream, then pour water + spices into them. Stir and pour the resulting sauce into a pan with fried mushrooms. Stir occasionally, bring the contents of the pan to a thickening and remove from the stove. Sauce filling is ready.

Preheat the oven to 160°C. We spread the filling in equal portions into the recesses of the cheesecakes. Place whole mushrooms on top. One in each cheesecake and slightly drown it in the filling.

Sprinkle all the cheesecakes with grated parmesan on a cheese grater as in the photo.

Pour water into the mold with cheesecakes and set to bake in the oven for 40 minutes.

Ready with mushrooms and cheese, take out of the oven and immediately serve on the table until they have cooled.

Eat an unusual and tasty meat dish with mushroom filling to your health!

Surely many of us remember the taste of cheesecakes from childhood. They were with cottage cheese, very tasty and fragrant. Cheesecakes are round cakes with an open filling inside. Basically, cheesecakes are made from yeast dough. Nowadays, such pastries can be prepared with any filling. This is a hearty addition to both a homemade dinner and a festive table.

To prepare cheesecakes with meat, take such products.

I love making dough in a bread maker. She is very good at kneading dough. You are guided by your technique, as the product tab may differ. I use liquid products first, then dry products. So, pour warm milk, sunflower oil, add salt, sugar, sifted wheat flour and dry yeast. We start the program "dough". My time is 1 hour 15 minutes.

In the meantime, prepare the filling. Cut the onion into cubes. Add sunflower oil, chopped onion and minced meat to the pan. Minced meat, use any, at your discretion. Fry over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until tender. At the end, season with salt and ground pepper. We cool the filling.

The dough is ready.

Lay out on a board and crush. If necessary, dust with flour. We form a sausage and cut into 8 pieces. We crush each piece and form a ball. Roll out with a rolling pin or stretch with your hands, with a diameter of 8-9 mm.

We put the cakes on a baking sheet with parchment, cover with a towel and leave for 20-30 minutes in a warm place.

Make a hole in the center for the filling.

Add filling and press down with a spoon. Lubricate with whipped yolk and send to the oven at 180 degrees. Bake for 30-40 minutes until golden brown.

Meatballs are ready.

Enjoy your meal!

You can diversify the menu with the help of familiar products. An unusual presentation is the key to success for a chef. Minced meat cheesecakes are perfect for vegetable side dishes, cereal porridges. Original dishes can be prepared both for everyday lunch and for a festive table.

Meat patties with cheese

Cheesecakes are associated with a sweet product made from yeast dough stuffed with cottage cheese, jam or apples. This is a primordially Slavic dish, its name means "fire", "hearth".

Constant experimentation allows you to create new dishes. The shape of the product is taken as a basis or various ingredients are combined. You can make classic yeast dough, and make the filling from minced meat - you get an open pie with a cutlet, the famous cheesecake.

In traditional cheesecakes, the dough is replaced with minced meat, and the filling is made from cheese - this is how an original dish is obtained. The available products are perfectly combined and can always be purchased in the store. Cheese is allowed to use both hard and curd consistency.

Minced meat is preferably made from lean pork, veal or poultry. It is advisable to grind it at home from a whole piece of meat - this way a quality product without fat and streaks is guaranteed to be obtained. Garlic and sautéed mushrooms add flavor and create a rich, savory flavor.

There are recipes that use bread crumb soaked in milk - this option is definitely not suitable for a diet dish. An alternative would be grated zucchini - vegetable juice will soak the meat and make it more juicy. The egg is used to hold the ingredients together, but some housewives bake the cheesecakes in silicone molds and do not add it to the dishes.


In order to cook classic cheesecakes with meat, you need to take:

  • 500 g minced meat (chicken or pork and beef);
  • 100 g hard cheese (Dutch or cheddar);
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • black and allspice ground pepper;
  • dill and parsley;
  • sunflower oil for greasing the mold.

Sour cream is optionally replaced with mayonnaise, and spices are selected based on personal preferences. Red pepper, basil, marjoram go well with meat and improve the taste. The number of products is indicated for 8-10 servings. High-quality components of the dish are a guarantee of an excellent result.

Cooking method

The preparatory stage takes about 30 minutes. The process of preparing the dish is simple - even a novice cook will get a good result. Minced meat nests are the basis for cheesecakes with meat, they are prepared as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the minced meat - pre-wash the meat under running water, cut into medium-sized pieces and chop in a meat grinder.
  2. You can chop onions in several ways - grate, finely chop into cubes or scroll in a meat grinder along with meat.
  3. Mix minced meat with chopped onion.
  4. Salt and add eggs and spices.
  5. Form 8-10 cakes with a recess for the filling.

For the filling, cheese must be grated on a coarse grater, and garlic on a fine grater or passed through a press. Chop dill and parsley with a knife. Mix all ingredients with sour cream (mayonnaise). With a spoon, the filling is laid out in the recesses in the minced meat. The meat decreases in volume during cooking, so the filling should not fill the entire space.

The baking dish is greased with sunflower oil or covered with baking paper. It is advisable to use a deep container, as fat flows out during heat treatment. Special heat-resistant dishes for microwave ovens are suitable. Meat cheesecake with cheese will be ready in 30-45 minutes. This indicator depends on the type of meat - beef is baked longer. The optimum temperature in the oven is 180 ° C, it is allowed to use the grill mode.

During baking, the filling may flow a little from the center - this does not affect the taste, but the dish looks unaesthetic. Therefore, it is important to form cakes with a sufficient recess - 2-3 cm, so that the cheese does not spread. To do this, the minced meat should not be liquid - it is required to form balls with a recess in the center.

Cheesecakes with meat, cheese and cottage cheese filling are also a popular option. The recipe uses 2 types of cheese - processed and hard. The first is combined with cottage cheese, garlic and serves as a filling. And the second is rubbed on a grater and added to minced meat. In this form, healthy cottage cheese will be used by people who do not like it in its original form. The dish will be complemented by a spicy sauce - Bechamel is perfect. Ready cheesecakes are poured with sauce before serving - so they become more tender and juicy. A sprig of fresh greenery is the best decoration for a nest.

A great alternative to the usual cutlets are cheesecakes with meat. Quick preparation and many filling options will make the dish a regular guest on the table. Natural ingredients, a minimum of calories and the possibility of steaming make it possible for athletes and overweight people to use the recipe.

When the word “cheesecake” is used, the majority imagines a sweet bun made from yeast dough with curd filling. But today we will change traditions and make meat tarts. The form is the same, but the content is completely different. Minced meat cutlets will be used as a “test”, and the fillings will be a tender mass of cheese, eggs and sour cream. Here, in fact, are all the components of the original second, which is easy to prepare. It looks beautiful and unusual, so next time instead of the usual cutlets, make meat cheesecakes, you won’t regret it.


  • minced pork 300 g
  • egg 2 pcs.
  • long loaf 200 g
  • fresh parsley 1 bunch
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • sour cream 100 g
  • hard cheese 50 g
  • salt, a mixture of ground peppers to taste

How to cook meatballs

  1. I prepare everything you need. I clean the onion and garlic.

  2. I soak the loaf in water or milk, squeeze it well, knead it with my hands and spread it to the minced meat.

  3. Add chopped onion, break one egg.

  4. I season, pour out half of the chopped fresh parsley.

  5. I knead the minced meat thoroughly with my hands, carefully rubbing between my fingers.

  6. I am preparing the filling for future cheesecakes. To do this, put sour cream, egg and grated hard cheese in a bowl.

  7. I add the remaining parsley and finely chopped or passed through the press garlic, season.

  8. I mix.

  9. I warm up a suitable oven dish by greasing the bottom with a small amount of vegetable oil. Now you can start shaping the cheesecakes. With wet hands, I take about a tablespoon of minced meat. To “knock out” the air from the inside, I forcefully throw a lump from one palm to another or hit it on the table. First I make a ball, in the center of which I form a recess. The blank should look like a cup. I place it on a hot baking sheet. I spread the stuffing inside, its volume completely depends on the size of the “container”, but the level should not reach the very edges.

  10. I bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

I serve meat cheesecakes hot in combination with any side dish.

On a note:

  • Mushrooms can be added to the filling if desired.
  • the size of the cheesecakes is up to you, if you wish, you can stick a lot of very small ones, or, conversely, make one large one.