Balsam waller terry. Growing Balsam Waler

Waller's Balsam (Impatiens walleriana) belongs to the Impatiens genus of the Balsaminaceae family. Under natural conditions, it can be found in areas of East Africa.

This is a beautifully flowering herbaceous perennial, up to 60 cm high, with branched shoots and thick, juicy, fragile stems. Long-petioled bright green leaves, 3 to 10 cm long and 2 to 5 cm wide, are arranged on the stem, mostly alternately, but opposite ones can also be found on the tops of the shoots. The leaf plate is simple, broadly lanceolate, with a rounded-toothed edge with small cilia between the teeth.

Flowering is plentiful. Five-petalled flowers, 2–5 cm in diameter and with a small spur, are collected at the ends of the shoots in medium-sized axillary inflorescences.

Varieties of Waller's balsam

Waller's balsam is one of the most common indoor plants, which has become the ancestor of many hybrids and varieties combined into various series, characterized by the height of the bush, the shape or color of the flowers, which has up to 17 shades. There are also bicolor varieties.

Note most popular series.

Similar varieties of the two series "Stardust" (Stardust) and "Frosty" (Frosty) differ in the original color of medium-sized flowers. They are in the center as if silvered or powdered with white, and a wide orange, dark pink or scarlet border runs along the edge.

Varieties of the Symphony series (Symphony) are among the earliest flowering. These are low, up to 20 cm, fluffy bushes with rather large flowers of different colors.

The Novette series includes several miniature varieties, only 15 cm high, characterized by long and abundant flowering. The flowers are small, terry, with one-color or two-color color.

Medium-sized varieties, 20 - 25 cm high, with double and semi-double flowers include Duet (Duet), Fiesta (Fiesta), Rosette (Rosette), Carousel (Carousel), Funsiful Tropical (Fanciful Tropical), "Rose Parade" (Rose Parade) and a number of others. The color of the flowers is the most diverse, there are pink, salmon, coral shades, one-color and two-color. There are also variegated forms in this group.

"Firefly" (Firefly) - another series with medium-sized plants of 10 varieties. The flowering of these balsams is one of the most abundant: small blooming flowers of purple, lilac, pink and orange shades cover the bushes so densely that greenery is not visible under them.

High balsams include varieties of the King Kong and Bruno series growing up to 30 cm. These plants are distinguished not only by their large size, but also by large flowers, up to 6 cm in diameter.

If desired, you can also purchase balsams with simple, non-double flowers, among which the Candy series, which has 17 varieties, is very popular.

Plants from the Futura series are suitable for use as ampelous plants, as they have long drooping stems branching from the very base, looking good in a hanging planter.

The most popular among flower growers is the Essent (Accent) series, which includes 18 varieties, from 15 to 25 cm high. The color of the flowers is the most diverse: there are traditionally pink and salmon, there are one-color and two-color plants. The Salmon Picotee variety looks very original, with salmon petals and a dark pink border.

In addition to its specific name among flower growers, Waller's balsam is also known as Vanka wet. Probably, the plant received such a nickname due to the love for abundant watering, as well as sugar crystals that form on the cilia of the leaf edge. Another, no less popular name - Ogonyok - is given due to bright elegant flowers and abundant flowering.

Waller's balsam care at home

Balsams are quite unpretentious in their care and do not take much time from their owners. All they need for a comfortable existence is the observance of the following conditions.

Lighting. Waller's balsam prefers diffused light, while it can also grow in partial shade. Therefore, it feels great on windows of any direction. But when placed on the south side, he will need protection from direct sunlight on the leaves.

Active growth continues in winter, but due to lack of light, the shoots are strongly extended, while losing foliage in the lower part, which makes the appearance of the bush unattractive. In order to avoid such a nuisance, it is recommended to additionally highlight the balsam with phytolamps in the dark season, creating a 14-hour daylight hours for it.

Temperature. Throughout the year, the plant feels good at normal room temperature, which lies in the range of 18 - 24 ° C. Balsam does not need a winter decrease in temperature, since it does not have a pronounced dormant period.

Watering. Succulent leaves and stems need abundant watering to maintain their tone. But at the same time, balsam should in no case be poured, since the root system and aerial parts easily rot due to waterlogging. In order not to be mistaken with the irrigation regime, you can focus on the condition of the soil surface in the pot: as soon as it dries to a depth of 1 cm, the plant should be watered.

For irrigation use soft, well-settled water at room temperature.

top dressing. Balsam should not be overfed and it is recommended to exclude nitrogen-containing fertilizers from the “ration”, due to which the green mass actively develops to the detriment of flowering. You can apply a half dose of ready-made universal fertilizer for flowering plants every two weeks.

The soil. Waller's balsam is not picky about the soil; the main thing is that it be light, loose and nutritious, with an acidity of 5.8 - 6.2 pH. For him, ready-made soil for indoor flowers is quite suitable. If you want to prepare the soil mixture yourself, then for it you can take leaf, peat, humus soil and sand in a ratio of 3: 1: 1: 1. When planting, be sure to create a good drainage layer of expanded clay or pebbles in the pot to prevent stagnant water.

pruning. Young specimens should be pinched regularly to enhance tillering. Trimming adult plants is not recommended, as thick, ugly stumps remain after pruning.

Transfer. Waller's balsam does not need to be transplanted, because it is regularly renewed every 2 to 3 years, growing again, as it quickly loses its decorative shape, exposing the stems. But if necessary, an annual plant can be transplanted into a larger pot.

reproduction. Balsam is propagated by apical cuttings, into which pieces of shoots about 10 cm long are cut. Roots are easily formed within 2 to 3 weeks, even in a glass of water. Flowering occurs 2-3 months after planting the plant in the ground. You can also try .

Pests. The main pest is the spider mite, which often affects balsam growing in a warm and dry room. In addition to it, aphids and whiteflies may appear on the plant. To combat these pests, the plant should be thoroughly but gently rinsed under a warm shower.

Diseases. Most often, Waller's balsam suffers from root and stem rot, which develops due to waterlogging of the soil.

Waller's balsam can often be found both on the windowsill and in the front garden. It is also sometimes called touchy, because with a slight touch or a light breeze, it begins to shoot boxes with seeds. This article will discuss how to properly grow and propagate this flower, as well as the features of caring for it.

Botanical description

Balsam is a herbaceous perennial plant, the height of which ranges from 15 to 60 cm. It is rightfully considered one of the representatives of the longest flowering plants that can decorate both a house and a terrace or garden plot.

Waller's balsam belongs to the perennial family, but can manifest itself as an annual. If the flower is grown as a houseplant, then it is a perennial. However, in gardening, it behaves like an annual plant, since it is not able to endure winter frosts.

Did you know? In the people, Waller's balsam is also called Vanka wet, since small droplets of moisture form on the tips of the leaves, or a spark because of the bright colors.

The shape of the balsam bush can be upright, spherical, creeping along the ground or sprawling, it depends on the variety. The plant has a thick, well-branched stem.

Its color can vary from light green to purple. At the end of the stem are simple or double flowers that can grow both in inflorescences of several pieces, and one by one.

The color of flowers, depending on the variety, can have up to 17 different shades. There are flowers with shades of red, white, pink, varieties with a two-tone color, with interspersed or speck in the center of the flower, as well as with variegated petals.

Waller's balsam is a rather tall plant (up to 60 cm at room conditions). The foliage of this flower grows alternately and has a red central vein. The shape of the leaves can be lanceolate, entire or serrated.
Droplets of sweet juice collect on the edge of the leaf, which attract ants. Flowers come in various shapes (complex and simple), and their size ranges from 2 to 6 cm in diameter. The buds are predominantly pink in color, however, colors may vary in hybrids.

The plant has a powerful root system, and in some varieties the roots are collected in a single knot. Although Waller's impatience is a representative of tall plants, however, some series of varieties do not exceed 30 cm in height.

After Waller's balsam fades, a fruit is formed, which is a seed box with many seeds. It has 5 valves, which open during maturation.

Distribution and habitats

The birthplace of Waller's balsam is considered to be Zanzibar. This plant is also called Impatiens sultanii. It received this name in honor of the ruler of Zanzibar, who ruled in the middle of the 19th century (just during this period this species was discovered). Waller's balsam is most widely used in countries with a warm climate. It is also popular in temperate climates.

Did you know? The decoration of space with green spaces has been very popular at the courts of the rulers of the East since ancient times. In Europe, this practice spread already in the Renaissance.

Use in landscape design

Waller's balsam is used to decorate borders, create beautiful flower arrangements or decorative statues, vertical flower beds. The flower looks good in flowerpots and garden containers.
You also get beautiful screens with impatience. To create them, 4 pegs are used, which are driven 1/3 into the ground. The resulting frame is covered with a large-mesh plastic mesh with black lutrasil.

The resulting structure is covered with earth, while two hoses are laid that will provide irrigation. When the earth is laid in lutrasil, cuts are made and balsam bushes are planted. When planting, both young plants and already flowering ones can be used.

Gradually, the plants begin to grow and form a beautiful solid screen. Low-growing varieties are suitable for creating carpet-type flower beds and rock gardens. Impatiens is also used to decorate terraces or other outdoor areas. It is planted in hanging flower pots or trays, as well as in decorative planters.

Growing and caring for a plant

Many flower growers admire the long and abundant flowering of balsam, which more than compensates for the annual hassle of planting this plant. Proper care will help to enjoy the touchy for as long as possible. In this regard, let's consider the optimal conditions for the good growth of this plant.

Impatiens is the best flower for beginner growers, because it does not require any special care. It can be planted in various containers. For this, both a flower pot and a balcony tray, planter or hanging basket are ideal.

Impatiens put green spaces on the terrace or veranda, as well as on the windowsill or balcony. This flower can be used to decorate the garden, and plant it in open ground. The flowering period of impatiens in the garden lasts all summer, and in the house - most of the year.
It is necessary to carefully select the optimal place for a flowering handsome man, because direct sunlight contributes to the rapid drying of the soil. However, the touchy needs a lot of sun. In the front garden, you can plant balsam under the crown of a tree.

It is worth planting Waller's balsam in open soil only after stable warm weather has been established, when there is no threat of unforeseen frosts. In mid-latitudes, it is better to plant it only in mid-June, when most of the plants have already formed their greenery and began to actively bloom.

When choosing a site, it is also necessary to take into account the presence of drafts or strong winds. Such an impact can adversely affect the brittle branches of the touchy.
In the process of planting balsam, the distance between the bushes should be taken into account. 25 cm is considered to be optimal. At this distance, the bushes can intertwine and create more reliable protection from strong wind and rain, and also allow you to save the maximum amount of moisture.

Did you know? Previously, even separate celebrations were dedicated to the most revered flowers. For example, in ancient Greece there were holidays of lilies and hyacinths, and in Germany - violets.

Do not forget also about the timely removal of dry leaves and fading flowers. To form a cap, the touchy needs to pinch new shoots. This will create a compact and lush shape of the bush.

If the balsam grew in the open field in the summer, then it can be transplanted into a pot for wintering. This is best done in the fall, but after transplanting, the touchy does not tolerate the dry and hot climate in the house.

Soil and fertilizer

Balsam grows well in soil, the basis of which is peat. You can use a ready-made substrate with the addition of sand in a ratio of 5 to 1, or mix garden soil, coarse sand and peat in equal parts. Some flower growers use this mixture in a ratio of 2 to 1 for planting impatiens.

The soil should be close to neutral (5.5-6.3 pH). It is not recommended to introduce fresh organics () because balsam does not react well to it, in particular, this applies to young plantations. The soil should be light, loose, with good drainage.

During the budding period, it is necessary to start introducing fertilizers 1 time in 10 days. It is better to give preference to phosphorus-potassium top dressing.
With the onset of autumn, the plant does not need additional nutrients, so the feeding is stopped. Also do not fertilize plants that have recently been transplanted.

Watering and humidity

Impatiens is a moisture-loving plant, so it needs abundant watering. In the summer, it is better to water Waller's balsam in the morning or in the evening, when the scorching sun is no longer so warm.

During this period of the year, balsam is watered two or even three times a week. If the plant feels a lack of moisture, then it begins to lower the foliage and quickly wither. Watering is gradually reduced as winter approaches.

Important! Excess moisture leads to rotting of the roots, and that is why it is worth watering the plant in the evening with great care. You must sufficiently moisten the soil, but do not allow water to stagnate on its surface.

If the balsam is in a dry room, then in this case it needs periodic spraying, which is recommended to be done in the morning.

Relation to temperature

Waller's balsam is a rather heat-loving plant that needs a stable ambient temperature. The best temperature regime is considered to be an interval of +22 ... +24 degrees in the summer.

If the air warms up above +24 degrees, then it is necessary to increase the humidity, then Waller's balsam will grow well and bloom profusely. However, high humidity and low temperatures (below +18 degrees) can cause yellowing of the leaves and rotting of the root system.

If the air temperature during the day varies within +13 ... +15 ° С, and at night it drops below +5 ° С, then Waller's balsam will not endure such conditions and the plant will die.
Street transplants are poorly tolerated even if all conditions are met. You can get out of this situation by preparing cuttings in advance, which will be used as seedlings in the spring. Plants growing in winter at home need to maintain a temperature regime of +15 to +24 degrees Celsius.

Reproduction and planting

Balsam can be propagated in two ways: cuttings or seeds. The first is used much more often, since it does not require much effort, and cuttings can be prepared in the winter. The second method is more common in gardening.

It allows you to grow impatiens as seedlings or directly on the site where it will grow in the future. Let us consider in more detail each of the methods of reproduction.


Growing balsam from seeds can have two main purposes. The first involves the use of this plant as garden plantings or hedges. Such cultivation consists in planting directly into the ground.
The second is the use of impatiens as seedlings for flower arrangements or to create a rock garden. This means that the plant will be transplanted in the future. In this case, the seeds are sown in a plastic container that can be covered.

If you sow plants in a container, then you need to prepare the substrate in advance, which will be quite loose and nutritious. In the container where it is planned to grow impatiens, pour the earth mixture, spray it well with warm water and add seeds. At the same time, they should not be covered with earth, but simply pressed a little.

Important! The optimal distance for planting impatiens is 3-4 cm. If it is not maintained, then in the future it will be much more difficult to plant bushes. Such a removal of bushes from each other allows a transplant without damaging young and fragile roots.

Video: planting balsam seeds

The container with seedlings is covered and placed in a warm, well-lit place. At the same time, the temperature should be maintained in the range of +20 ... +25 degrees Periodically, the container lid must be opened and wiped from accumulated condensate. By removing condensate, you control the level of moisture in the nursery.

After 2 weeks, sprouts will appear, after which it is necessary to reduce the temperature in the room to +15 ... +18 degrees so that the plant does not stretch.

When the seedlings grow up (seedlings reach 1 cm in height or the first 3-4 leaves appear), it can be immediately planted out of the container into the soil or pots. Growing balsam from seeds using seedlings, flowering can be observed already 8-10 weeks after hatching.

To plant Waller's balsam directly into open ground, the temperature should not fall below +13 degrees (at night). It is necessary to prepare a pre-selected site (having loosened the soil well), an oilcloth that will cover the site, while creating a greenhouse effect, and the seeds themselves.

Before sowing, the soil is well moistened and seeds are sown in it. At the same time, it must be remembered that the distance between the bushes should be 25 cm. If planted more often, then in the future it will be necessary to replant already grown plants.

After planting, the seeds are covered with a film and periodically aired, and after the sprouts emerge, the balsam is regularly opened, which allows you to gradually harden young plants. When the flower gets used to the environment, it can no longer be covered. In the future, if seeds are not collected in time, the flower will multiply by self-sowing.


Reproduction of balsam by cuttings is the simplest and most common way. The optimal period for harvesting cuttings is considered to be the end of August. At this time, the apical cuttings are broken off from the garden plantations, which are placed in a container with clean water.

Important! Before putting the shoots into the water, it is necessary to remove the lower leaves so that they do not start to rot.

After about a week, the cuttings will be able to please you with the appearance of young roots. After germination, they can be planted in separate containers. In winter, impatiens is grown as an ordinary houseplant, and with the onset of warm spring days without night frosts, it can be planted in open ground.

Video: cuttings of Waller's balsam The advantage of this method of cultivation is the rapid germination of cuttings, which even in winter are able to delight you with beautiful and bright inflorescences. In addition, with the approach of spring, you can also prepare new cuttings from young shoots.

Features of care depending on the place of detention

Depending on where the balsam is grown (at room conditions or in open ground), its flowering period and height vary. So, in room conditions, flowers grow taller (up to 60 cm) and bloom longer and more abundantly.

In open ground, where the plant is affected by temperature changes, wind and precipitation, balsam grows lower (only 30-40 cm). Impatiens originally grown in a pot, basket or planter is more likely to survive the winter.

Since it is not recommended to transplant a flower from open ground into a pot for further wintering, if you want to save balsam, it is better to prepare cuttings in advance and plant them in a pot.
However, it is necessary to constantly monitor the humidity and temperature. If the room has dry air, it is recommended to regularly spray the plant, which will maintain optimal humidity.

Important! It should be remembered that during the wintering season, the touchy needs a bright, cool place and moderate watering.

Possible difficulties in growing

Balsam is considered a rather unpretentious plant, however, some problems may arise with it during the growing process. Most often, flower growers complain that touchy begins to fade. This can be caused by two main reasons.

The first is excessive watering and, as a result, rotting of the root system. If you regularly fill the flower, then it is better to use a stand with pebbles, where the water will be poured. In this case, the plant will receive exactly the amount of liquid that it needs.
Another reason could be a recent location change. Fixing this problem is simple - you just need to return the flower to its original place. If the impatiens begin to turn yellow or fall off the leaves, then you should pay attention to the humidity in the room, as this is a clear consequence of dry air.

Falling buds may indicate dry air or soil. And in the case when the inflorescence does not form for a long time, we can talk about an excess of nitrogen or growing balsam in an unsuitable pot.

Pests, diseases and prevention

If you follow the basic rules for caring for impatiens, he rarely gets sick. However, if any problems arise with the plant, it is first necessary to reconsider the conditions under which balsam is contained.

This will help to identify the main causes of the disease, these may include wilting, falling leaves and flowers, as well as the absence of buds. The appearance of black spots on the shoots means that the air temperature has dropped to a dangerously low level, or the plant is suffering from bacteriosis.
In this case, it is better to process it with special means (for example, "Fitoverm"

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Waller's balsam is a herbaceous plant from a numerous genus of balsams. In translation, it means "touchy" due to the fragility of ripened fruits. It is enough just to lightly touch the seed box so that it opens and the seeds scatter over long distances (this is how balsams reproduce in nature). And yet, it is called "light" for its bright flowers, and "wet roly" for its great love of moisture.

Balsams are well-deservedly popular with experienced and novice gardeners because of the beautiful, bright flowers of various shades. At the same time, they can be grown at home, or planted in a garden bed. Home balsam is a perennial. If it decorates a garden plot, it is used as an annual plant.

Today we will talk about one of its varieties - Waller's balsam, growing from seeds, consider what kind of planting and plant care. We will also find out if this plant has healing properties and how it can be used to improve the body:

Balsam Waller - plant description

Waller's balsam flower is a very beautiful flowering plant that can decorate a home interior or garden plot. It has smooth, juicy stems, oval or lanceolate leaves, growing up to 12 cm long. The leaves are often green, but may have a purple-bronze tint.

Simple or double flowers are located in the axil of the leaf, they are distinguished by a variety of colors and shades. When flowering stops, small green fruit-boxes with valves appear in their place. When the fruits ripen, the capsules dry out, become very fragile and burst at the slightest touch, scattering the seeds.

To date, several hundred varieties of impatiens have been bred. They differ in stem height (tall and dwarf), can be upright, bushy or ampelous. But they all share certain common features.

Waller's balsam has given rise to many hybrid varieties. All of them are distinguished by larger flowers of various colors and a long flowering time.

We grow Waller's balsam from seeds

In general, balsams are more convenient to propagate by cuttings; messing with very small seeds is more troublesome. However, if you decide to grow plants from seeds, it is quite possible if you follow some simple rules.

There are many different varieties on the market. But some can be quite difficult to grow at home. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend buying the least whimsical varieties, in particular New Guinea, which has beautiful purple or burgundy flowers.

Waller's balsam can also be grown from seeds, kept on the windowsill and admired for several years. And you can sow seeds for seedlings, for subsequent transplantation into garden beds.

When buying seeds, pay attention to the inscription about their protection against fungal diseases, which manufacturers put on the packaging. If there is no such inscription, be sure to process it yourself. To do this, before sowing, you need to pour the seeds with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, hold for 10 minutes. Then put them in a strainer and rinse with warm water.

Balsam Waller - planting and care

Soil preparation

Waller's popular balsam variety prefers light, loose, fairly nutritious soil. For the normal development of seedlings, you can use purchased ready-made soil intended for indoor flowers. If you want to prepare suitable soil yourself, then make a mixture of 3 parts of leafy soil and one part of the earth taken with peat, humus and fine river sand.

For sowing, you need pots or wooden boxes for seedlings. To avoid stagnant water (which is harmful to the roots), a layer of drainage, such as expanded clay or pebbles, should be poured onto the bottom of the tank.

Sowing balsam Waller

Sowing is carried out about three months before the proposed planting of seedlings in a flower bed or home pots.

Fill the prepared container, at the bottom of which the drainage layer is laid out, with soil, the composition of which we mentioned above. Spread the seeds on the surface, pressing lightly with your fingertips deep into. Sprinkle a small layer of clean fine sand on top.

Place the container in a warm, bright, preferably humid room with an average air temperature of 22 - 25 degrees. Top with glass or plastic.

With the advent of the first shoots, open the containers daily for a while for air to enter, and also moisten the soil. When the first 1-2 tender leaves appear, remove the glass (film) completely. In this case, the air temperature should not be higher than 20 degrees. Seedlings should also be protected from direct sunlight.

When young plants become stronger, give 3 true leaves, they can be transplanted to a permanent place - pots for growing at home or in a flower bed. After transplanting, plants should be watered regularly, fertilized every week or every ten days.

What does Waller's balsam love, what kind of care?

Remember that touchy is very fond of water, but too much of it, or stagnant water can kill the plant. The direct rays of the sun also have a detrimental effect on him, but he cannot live without the sun either. He needs regular top dressing, but overfeeding contributes to the growth of leaves and a decrease in the number of flowers.

Therefore, in order to avoid problems when growing balsam, you need to know certain rules for caring for it. Let's take a look at them:


For good development, provide the plant with diffused light. In the garden, it grows well in partial shade. At home, he will be comfortable on any windowsill, except for the south direction. However, even there it is quite possible to keep it, if you provide protection from direct sun.

In winter, when the sun becomes scarce, the plant is recommended additionally, extending its daylight hours by 14 hours.

Air temperature

Balsams develop well at normal room temperature. Moreover, the usual decrease in temperature in winter for many plants is not required. It is enough to keep it within 18 - 24 ° C all year round.

Humidity and watering

As we already know, balsams are very fond of water, but they do not tolerate stagnant water, and they cannot be flooded, as this can lead to rotting of the roots and the green aerial part. Therefore, water the plant only when the soil is sufficiently dry to a depth of about 1 cm. Use soft, not cold, settled water.

Nutrients, nutrition

In order for the balsam to please you with bright greenery, abundant, long flowering, it must be fed. To do this, you can use a ready-made universal fertilizer intended for flowering plants. You can buy it at a gardening store. Feed in small doses (half of the recommended on the package), but regularly, 1 time in 2-3 weeks.

Do not use nitrogen containing fertilizers. They contribute to abundant growth, the development of green mass, but at the same time reducing the number of flowers and the quality of flowering.

Pruning, transplant

To enhance tillering, it is recommended to pinch the green shoots of a young plant. Pruning of an adult is not carried out, since after that non-aesthetic thick stumps remain.

It also doesn't need to be replanted. After 2-3 years, the plant ages, loses its attractiveness, its stems become bare, and flowering practically disappears. Then it is simply changed to a new one, that is, it is grown again.

Pests and diseases

The main insect pests that damage leaves are: spider mites, whiteflies and flower aphids. They usually start when the flower is in a very warm room with increased dryness of the air. To get rid of pests, you need to rinse the entire plant well with a slightly warm shower, and then ensure normal temperature and humidity.

If we talk about diseases, Waller's balsam often gets sick and can even die from root and stem rot, which appears from stagnant water or strong, regular waterlogging of the soil. And in excessively acidic soil, bacteriosis can develop. It should be noted that balsams with light colors get sick more often than with dark ones.

Balsam in folk medicine

In general, the plant is considered toxic and official medicine is not in demand. However, in many countries, in particular, the eastern ones, the aerial part is considered edible. It tastes like asparagus, in addition, the leaves and stems contain.

Traditional medicine knows many different recipes for its use in the treatment of ailments. Externally, the plant is used to treat skin lesions: burn ulcers, wounds. With his help , .

Internal reception of funds based on it contributes to the treatment,. The use of alcohol tincture will relieve headaches, give vigor, increase tone in case of overwork.

Consider a few healing recipes:

Infusion for kidney stones

Pick a few fresh leaves, wash, dry and chop. In total, you need 1 tsp. Place in an enamel mug, add a glass of boiling water there. Cover with a saucer, warm with a towel. After half an hour, pour into a cup through a fine strainer. Take 1 tbsp. l., after eating. Be sure to talk to your doctor before using the infusion to avoid unwanted body reactions, such as vomiting.

Treatment of hemorrhoids, skin lesions

Wash the required amount of fresh leaves, rub them with your palms until the juice is released. Apply to broken skin or hemorrhoids. Be careful! If it burns badly, remove the leaves and rinse the skin. A strong burning sensation indicates intolerance to the plant by the body.

Treatment of rheumatism

Baths with infusion prepared from leaves, stems of balsam are considered very effective in this disease. Doctors recommend preparing them as follows: place 100 g of chopped fresh aerial parts of the plant in a bowl, add a liter of boiling water.

Insulate the dishes well, let them cool on their own. Then pour the infusion through a sieve into a bath filled with moderately hot water. Perform the procedures daily, for 15-20 minutes, until you feel better.

Treatment of varicose veins

It is believed that balsam leaves have anti-inflammatory properties, improve the condition of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity. Therefore, healers often use the plant in the treatment of varicose veins.

To do this, collect, wash fresh leaves, stems. Grind them with a knife, as finely as possible, and then crush them with a crush to make a juicy green mass. Put it in a gauze flap, fold it 2-3 times, pour boiling water over it. When it cools down a bit, it becomes warm, apply as a compress to the area with swollen veins, secure with a bandage. Exposure time - 15-20 minutes.

Contraindications for use

You need to understand that uncontrolled, self-treatment with balsam, ingestion of funds based on it, can be dangerously severe poisoning. In this case, there is dizziness, nausea with vomiting. Therefore, treatment can only be carried out under the guidance of an experienced herbalist, after consulting with the attending physician.

There are contraindications for taking funds based on it in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They seriously irritate the mucous membrane. Therefore, taking such drugs can seriously aggravate the situation, causing an exacerbation of the disease.

Balsam is not only a very beautiful ornamental plant that can decorate your home, garden or summer cottage. When used correctly, it can improve your own health. Therefore, be sure to get this wonderful flower. And our advice on breeding and care, I hope, will help you with this. Good luck, dear gardeners!

Balsam is an interesting plant whose flowers delight the eye with delight. It serves as an excellent decoration of the house all year round. Imagine the colorful richness of the flowers on the cap that the leaves form. These flowers are grown not only in room conditions. After the last spring frost has passed, they can be planted in window boxes, flower beds, hanging baskets or lawns. After planting, waterfalls of flowers and greenery are created that will look like colorful, bright spots under the open sky. With the onset of autumn, flowers should be removed from the ground and stored indoors until the next spring.

flower history

Balsam is also called touchy (impatiens) There is a wide variety of types of balsam. It grows in many countries with different climates (in Ceylon, India, New Guinea, East Africa and some areas of Asia). Balsam is nicknamed touchy because of the way it scatters seeds. Even with a light touch of a ripe seed box, it cracks, bursts and scatters the seeds.

For cultivation at room conditions, specially grown types of balsam are bred. In Europe, it has been seen since the end of the 16th century. Instantly became the most common plant for apartments. It also received additional comic names - "Zanzibar flower", "light", "wet Roly" - for the formation of small droplets on the leaves, which eventually take the form of slightly transparent grains.

Waller's balsam - an extremely attractive plant

Balsam flowers actually look like burning lights on the foliage plane. They have a really rich palette. The spectrum of colors is very wide: from snow-white and yellow-orange to red-lilac. They also have different patterns, sometimes in the form of stripes, sometimes with eyes. Their leaf shape is also different. They may look like a phleboton or an oval with teeth along the edge. The leaves, in turn, are also painted in different colors (bronze-brown, variegated, green or red).

Waller (or Waller) acquired the greatest fame, of all indoor and ground varieties of balsam. This is a semi-shrub that blooms all year round, with highly branched, not entirely transparent shoots that create small bushes up to 25 cm in height. There are also varieties of dwarfs, no more than 15 cm high. There are so many flowers on Waller's balsam that they practically cover the entire leafy part of the shrub.

Less popular hybrids are also known. For example, a well-perceiving sun, New Guinea hybrid with large flowers, having slightly oblong leaves. Or ampelous balsam, growing in Ceylon, with red stems and yellow flowers.

Growing features

Balsam species that perceive sunlight well do not need special care. Feel great in dark places; in rooms where the windows face north; in the shade from trees that can get into while in the open ground. On the warmest stuffy days of summer, all types of balsam, with the exception of the New Guinean hybrid, must be covered from the scorching rays of the sun.

In the summer, balsam should be constantly watered (avoiding water stagnation) and fed a couple of times a month, changing the infusion of mullein with mineral fertilizers. In winter, watering should be reduced to avoid damage to the stem and roots. In winter, they will be ideal for a place with a temperature of about 15 degrees, with enough light and coolness. Being in places with high temperatures, these plants are susceptible to attacks by aphids and spider mites.

With the onset of spring, the balsam is planted in fertilized soil and cut off, that is, they allow young shoots to grow. And those parts that are cut off are seated for reproduction.

Balsam is bred using cuttings. They cut off the top with a height of at least 10 cm, put it in water, and sometimes immediately plant it in watered soil. After the plant has taken root, it can be planted in a pot. Waller is also bred using seeds. They need to be sown in early spring. Sprouts will appear in 2-3 weeks. With the onset of summer, flowering will begin. Flower shops sell very beautiful mixtures of different colors of leaves and flowers. This makes it possible to grow large collections of balsam.

Balsam Care

  • First, pay attention to dried flowers and leaves. They need to be cut in time.
  • Secondly, do pinching shoots. This way you can create the shape of the plant you need.
  • Thirdly, do not forget that these flowers must be transplanted in the spring.

Caring for balsam will take a lot of your free time, but believe me, you will be rewarded for this with positive emotions and tenderness from your friends and acquaintances.

Balsam or Impatiens (Impatiens) is an annual or perennial herbaceous plant of the Balsam family. Includes more than 400 species growing in tropical and subtropical zones of Africa and Asia.

general description

The stem of the balsam is fleshy, watery, erect, usually 40-50 cm high, spreading. The leaves are oblong, with a finely toothed edge, their color can be green or all shades of purple, with light pronounced veins.

Ampel balsam

Balsam flowers are solitary, rather large, growing one at a time, of a wide variety of colors, can be either double or simple. The plant blooms for a long time, from June to October. The balsam fruit is a multi-seeded box, when touched, small seeds scatter. It is to this feature that the plant owes its second name - touchy.

In indoor floriculture, balsam is grown because of the long, abundant and attractive flowering.

Popular varieties

There are two broad groups - modern pot plants created by hybridization of Waller's balsam and the "New Guinea" group, obtained from crossing complex species. We will give a brief description of them.

Indoor balsams can be successfully grown in flower beds, planting them in open ground after the onset of steadily warm weather.

Balsam Waller (Wallera)

Compact spherical bush, reaching a height of 30-50 cm, with fleshy branching stems and single flowers. The leaves of this balsam are small and colored green or reddish, may have a monochromatic or variegated color. This group has single flowers, they can be either double or semi-double or simple with different colors, there are two-color varieties.

Waller's balsam with red flowers

This perennial balsam is most often grown in an annual culture, rooting apical cuttings after flowering. There are many variety groups, some of which we will consider below.

  • Series "Accent FT" - grows in height up to 15-25 cm, flowers are large one- or two-color of various colors.
  • Series "TempoF1" - up to 25 cm in height, with pink or peach flowers.

Balsam series "TempoF1"
  • Series "StardustF1" - with flowers, silvery in the middle, with a wide border of orange, red or pink.
  • Series "BrunoFT" - obtained through bioengineering, with flowers up to 6 cm. There are varieties with a wide variety of colors.
  • Series "Firefly" - grows up to 25 cm in height, with a wide palette of colors.
  • Series "FiestaFT" - up to 30 cm in height, with double one- or two-color flowers.

Balsam series "Fiesta FT"

Each series contains up to 2 dozen varieties.

Group "New Guinea"

All New Guinean hybrids were obtained by crossing various types of balsams. They are taller, their leaves and flowers are larger than those of Waller's balsam and have a wide range of colors.

  • Series "Java" - bright flowers, green or bronze leaves.
  • The Jangle Rain series - differs in flowers of gentle shades.
  • Series "Paradise" - flowers of various colors, the leaves may have a variegated color.

Balsam series "Paradise"
Balsam series "Paradise"
  • Series "Rainforest Exotic" - the color of the flowers is different, it can be multicolor.
  • Harmony series - compact plants with leaves of various colors. Large flowers come in 14 different colors and shades.
  • Series "Divaro" - a plant with medium flowers of 6 different colors.
  • Series "Mini Jini" - blooms all year round with small flowers.
  • Series "SunPatiens SpreadingWhite" - small plants with white flowers and variegated foliage.
Balsam series «SunPatiens Spreading White»

The flowers of this group are now more used in European countries than in our country.

Another species is cultivated - creeping balsam, which is a ground cover plant with creeping reddish stems and yellow flowers.

flower care

Caring for balsam is not very difficult, but if you do not follow some rules, the plant can easily die - soft, juicy stems easily rot, which is almost impossible to stop.

Temperature and lighting

Balsam grows well at room temperature. The ideal summer temperature is 20-25 degrees; in winter, at temperatures below 15, the plant will not bloom. At a temperature of 5 degrees, balsam may die.

The flower will grow well even in the shade, but balsam needs sunlight to bloom successfully. On the southern windows, shading is required at noon. In winter, the balsam must be rearranged to the south window or illuminated.

New Guinea hybrids tolerate the sun better.

Humidity and watering

Balsam is very fond of moisture, its fleshy stems contain a lot of water. In summer, the flower must be watered daily, in winter, watering is reduced, but the earthen ball should still be constantly wet. With a lack of moisture, balsam can shed flowers and lower leaves, the stems can wilt and become soft. If this happened, do not rush to throw away the plant - try watering by immersion, it is quite possible that after a couple of hours the balsam will come to life.

But such stress, of course, will not benefit the plant. So water abundantly and often, this is just the case when it is better to overfill than underfill. But water should not linger in the pan, since the watery stems and leaves of balsam are very susceptible to decay. Properly drain the water from the pan 30 minutes after watering.

Balsams do not tolerate spraying, all because of the ubiquitous rot, but they need high humidity. Even with abundant watering, if the air is very dry, the plant will shed flowers. Place a bowl of water near the balsam or place it on a stand with wet expanded clay or sphagnum moss.

Fertilizers and top dressing

Balsam from March to September is fed every two weeks with mineral fertilizers for ornamental flowering plants. It is better to take fertilizer for violets or begonias. If you want the balsam to bloom in winter, do not stop feeding at all, just reduce it to once a month.

Balsam cannot be fertilized with universal fertilizers, an excess of nitrogen will lead to an increase in green mass and reduce flowering. You can feed the plant two weeks after transplantation.

Soil and transplant

For balsams, it is better to take a universal soil for decorative flowering plants. Most often, after flowering, the plant is simply thrown away, having previously rooted the apical cuttings. But if you want to keep the balsam or the cuttings for some reason have not taken root, you need a transplant.

The plant is transplanted annually in the spring, it is possible in the same pot, simply by changing the soil. Balsam needs a cramped pot - in a spacious one, it will first build up the root system until it wraps around the entire earthen ball, and only then will it throw out the buds.

Carefully remove the plant from the pot, shake off the old earth, and plant the balsam by simply adding fresh earth and gently crushing it. Don't forget good drainage.

Plant propagation

Balsams are propagated using seeds and stem cuttings.

Seeds are sown in a mixture of peat and sand in the middle of winter with mandatory illumination. Seedlings of balsam dive immediately into a permanent pot, one or several pieces. Keep in mind that balsam grown from seeds does not inherit varietal characteristics.

It is easy to propagate balsams with stem cuttings, they can be rooted all year round, except for winter. The best cuttings are cut and rooted either in water, deep immersed in liquid, or in sand or vermiculite under a film.

Blooming rooted cuttings of balsam

After a couple of weeks, balsams can already be planted in permanent pots and cared for as adult plants.

Pests, diseases and possible problems

Balsam is affected by aphids and whiteflies, if the air is dry, a spider mite may appear on it. Treat the plant with an insecticide.

Excessive humidity can lead to the appearance of sciarids in a pot with balsam, the way out is a transplant. True, sciarids do not interfere with the plant, and if their presence does not annoy you, you can do nothing.

Balsam often suffers from various rots, and this happens most often through our fault - we spray the plant or pour water on the stem. If the process has gone far, there is only one way out - to root healthy cuttings, and discard the old plant. You can try treating the balsam with a systemic fungicide. The same should be done when powdery mildew appears.

  • If the balsam leaves fall or wither, the reason is irregular or insufficient watering.
  • Falling flowers can be caused by lack of moisture, dry air or low temperatures.
  • Weak flowering or its absence in balsam can occur due to lack of nutrition, light or heat, as well as when planting in a pot that is too spacious.
  • The stems of the balsam are drawn out due to low temperature or lack of light.

In fact, caring for balsam is quite simple, and its long and lush flowering will fully pay for our care.