How to take Bifiform - before meals or after? Bifiform: instructions for use, analogues and reviews, prices in Russian pharmacies.

Everyone is familiar with indigestion. It manifests itself known symptoms: nausea, bloating, diarrhea. Probiotics and prebiotics help a person feel comfortable. They're in short time restore digestive function without harming the body. Today's article will introduce you to the drug "Bifiform". Buy this remedy available without a prescription in almost every pharmacy. During treatment, consumers are wondering how to take "Bifiform" - before meals or after, to get maximum benefit from the drug? The answer to it will become known to you after reading the information provided.

The drug "Bifiform"

The drug is available in several forms. At the pharmacy, you can buy capsules, powder, chewable tablets or suspension in the form of drops. The composition of these funds includes lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, streptococci and enterococci. The content of the constituent components distinguishes the preparations. It is known that the drug cannot be overdosed, it is safe for humans. This statement raises the question of whether children can take Bifiform? Can! In a certain form, the drug is produced specifically for newborns and children of the first year of life.

In what cases does a person need medication?

Before taking Bifiform, you need to study its annotation. Instructions for use are always included with different kind drugs. It describes the main indications for which the medication is prescribed. It is also told how to take "Bifiform" correctly in one case or another.

The medicine helps to restore the natural normal intestinal microflora. It prevents such unpleasant symptoms like flatulence, bloating, increased flatulence, diarrhea or constipation. Taking the medication enhances immune protection and body resistance. The composition improves digestion. Learn how to take Bifiform. Before meals or after drinking medicine - depends on many factors. Consider special cases in details.

How to take "Bifiform" - before meals or after?

If you refer to the annotation, you can find out the following. The medicine "Bifiform" is taken by adult patients in the form of capsules or chewable tablets. The frequency of use is 2-3 times a day. The duration of the drug is determined by the patient's complaints. For example, in order to treat diarrhea biologically active additive appointed on average for 3-7 days. If the patient needs treatment for dysbacteriosis, then the period of therapy increases to 2-3 weeks. In order to increase immunity and normalize digestion, the composition can be used for a long time. Be sure to discuss this issue with your doctor.

How to take "Bifiform" - before meals or after? The instruction says that the effectiveness of the drug does not change in any way due to the time of its use. You can take "Bifiform" at a convenient time for you. You can take the capsules before meals or after meals. You can take the medication in between meals. If other drugs are not used additionally, then you can use a probiotic when it is convenient for you.

Combination with antibiotics, sorbents and antifungals

How to take "Bifiform"? Do you take the drug before or after meals? Much of the scheme for using a probiotic depends on additionally prescribed medications. Often the drug is used to treat diarrhea along with sorbents. This combination is also used for allergies, during the cleansing of the body. Antifungal formulations are prescribed for the treatment of candidiasis. "Bifiform" with antibiotics is prescribed quite often, because taking the latter eliminates not only bad bacteria, but also good ones. Therefore, always after a course of antibiotics, the patient's digestion is disturbed, immunity is reduced.

  • Very often reception antibacterial drugs depends on food. Medicines are recommended to drink after a meal or on an empty stomach. You need to use "Bifiform" with a break of 1-2 hours. Based on this, decide whether to take the probiotic before or after meals.
  • Sorbents are assigned to the patient separately from food. The cleanser should be used 1-2 hours before meals. The same break is made between the sorbent and the Bifiform capsules. Therefore, in this combination, it is advisable to take the probiotic during meals or immediately after eating.
  • Antifungal agents do not affect the effectiveness of Bifiform in any way. Therefore, in this combination of drugs, it is permissible to use a probiotic when it is convenient for you: before meals, during a meal, or after it.

For kids

For babies of the first three years of life, the medicine is prescribed in a certain form: "Bifiform Baby". The drug is available in powder form, the bottle has a pipette. With its help, you can easily give medicine to your child. The powder dissolves easily in liquid, after which it is given to the newborn once a day. Such medicines can be given to children at any time. It is acceptable to mix probiotics with formula milk and give them from a bottle. You can also add medicine to porridge. It is not recommended to mix nutritional supplements With hot food. Remember the shelf life of the finished medication and follow them.

If additional funds are prescribed for children, then the same recommendations that are given to adult patients should be followed. You already know how to take Bifiform with other medicines (before meals or after it).

For expectant mothers

In pregnant women, dysbacteriosis very often occurs and digestion is disturbed. The reason for this becomes malnutrition. During toxicosis, expectant mothers strive to eat incompatible products. It is worth mentioning other symptoms of toxicosis: vomiting, nausea. How to take a probiotic in these cases?

Doctors recommend drinking "Bifiform" during pregnancy according to the standard scheme. An exception needs to be made only if frequent vomiting in expectant mothers. It usually occurs on an empty stomach or, conversely, after a meal. Adjust to the work of your body so that drug taken did not go back. If you vomit more often in the morning, then postpone the use of the medication for lunch time. Be sure to consult your doctor about taking this remedy.

Consumer opinions

If you contact patients with a question about the use of the drug, you can hear a wide variety of reviews. Some consumers do not even think about how to take Bifiform. In capsules, the drug begins to act only after it enters the intestines, since gastric juice unable to dissolve the shell of the drug. Therefore, you can use the drug absolutely at any time - this is the opinion of users.

There are patients who report the absence therapeutic effect. The fact is that they took the medicine incorrectly. If you drink a probiotic along with antibiotics, then its effectiveness may be reduced. Some drugs are able to eliminate beneficial bacteria released from the capsule.

Most reviews about the use of the drug are positive. Consumers report that the treatment contributed to quick recovery digestive function. Discomfort in the abdomen passed without a trace, the stool returned to normal. After the treatment, the immune system became stronger.


If you have been prescribed the medication "Bifiform", then be sure to check with your doctor how to take it correctly. At separate application There are no restrictions on probiotics. When therapy is complemented by other means, it is worth considering their use. Often, drugs have their own limitations, they are always prescribed in the instructions. Carefully study the annotation before taking this or that remedy. Good luck!

"Bifiform" belongs to the group medicinal substances, which normalize the function of the gastrointestinal tract, that is, to probiotics.

It has an antidiarrheal effect, due to the fact that it contains live lactic organisms, able to positively affect the natural flora of the stomach and intestines.

Application this drug improves the absorption and synthesis of vitamins, and also accelerates the breakdown of substances such as complex carbohydrates, protein fractions and fats.

1. Indications for use

The use of this medicinal product is recommended in the following circumstances:

AT preventive purposes or for the treatment of dysbiosis phenomena, which is possible with colitis, gastroenteritis. Also after treatment antibacterial agents or sulfa drugs. It also occurs with violations of acidity (with reduced or hanging).

Mode of application

It is taken orally, washed down with distilled water.

In adults:

  • With symptoms of acute diarrhea - four times a day, one capsule until the stool returns to normal. Subsequently, use 3 capsules every day until all pathological symptoms disappear.
  • In cases of preventive maintenance of the protective system, up to three capsules per day can be used normally for up to twenty days.
  • In those individuals who are not susceptible to lactose, the drug is taken three times a day, one capsule.
  • If eradication measures are taken, then the medication is prescribed twice a day up to two capsules for a two-week period from the start of therapy.

AT childhood:

It is allowed to take the remedy from the age of two up to three times a day, one capsule. If it is difficult for a child to swallow a whole capsule, then opening it is acceptable. The contents of the capsule are mixed with some liquid (preferably water) and taken orally.

Release form

Produced in the form of capsules. They are hard, based on gelatin, the shell dissolves in the intestines. One aluminum case contains 30 capsules. The tube itself is in a cardboard box.


One capsule of the drug includes:

  • Main components: Bifidobacterium longum - 107 KUO, which are active microorganisms, about 11 mg; Enterococcus faecium - 107 CFU about 17 mg;
  • Additional ingredients: yeast, gelatin, anhydrous glucose, magnesium stearate, soybean oil, talc, titanium dioxide, polyethylene glycol, lactulose.

Interaction with other medicines

The drug can be used simultaneously with other therapeutic agents. It is possible to use the drug in combination with antibiotics in the interval between their intake.

2. Side effects

On the this moment recorded negative consequences after taking this medicine not received. The instruction that is attached to the drug also does not contain a list of side effects.

However, allergic reactions may occur(depending solely on individual characteristics body) into individual components of the drug, which appear as various rashes on the skin, hyperemia, as well as diarrhea phenomena.


Among possible contraindications to the use of the drug, there may be hypersensitivity on the part of the body to some of the components of the drug.

Among these may be allergic reaction for glucose, dry lactose, soybean oil, magnesium stearate, yeast extract.

During pregnancy

Doctors allow the use of this drug in women who are expecting a baby, if they have symptoms of dysbacteriosis and signs of diarrhea.

The drug can be used on various terms, because he carries no negative impact on the body of the future baby. It is also allowed to use it during the lactation period.

3. Storage conditions

Terms of Use

It is permissible to use the drug up to two years from the moment it was produced. Suspension for children, which is already prepared, should be applied within 1-2 weeks.

4. Price

  • Average price for the drug in the territory Russian Federation will be about 200 rubles.
  • Within the territory of Ukraine average cost medicine equals approximately 85 hryvnia.

5. Analogues

Similar medicinal abilities, in addition to "Bifiform" have:

  • "Bifidumbacterin";
  • "Bifinorm";
  • "Bifolong";
  • "Primadophilus";
  • "Romfalak";

Let's summarize the results of the drug "Bifiform"

  • It consists of active fermented milk microorganisms;
  • Improves the natural flora of the gastrointestinal tract and improves its functions, accelerates metabolic processes;
  • It is used for intestinal disorders, to improve the protective properties of the body;
  • Resistant to the action of antibacterial drugs, which allows them to be used simultaneously;
  • It is freely used in pregnant women, in childhood, taking into account the permissible dosage;
  • It has no side effects and obvious contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

6. Reviews

You can find patient reviews of the drug at the end of the article.

Tatyana, 25 years old :

“I have known this drug for a long time. I like his results. I take it periodically. This allows you to remove the symptoms of discomfort for several months.

Natalia, 23 years old :

“I had heard about probiotics from friends before, but I didn’t use them in practice. I used to be worried about skin rashes, but then I found out that the condition skin indicates a problem in gastrointestinal system. Having gone to the doctor, I was advised to fight dysbacteriosis with this drug. I want to say that it is very easy to take capsules - I say this as a person who finds it difficult to swallow pills. The result was not long in coming - the condition of the skin returned to normal, because the lactic acid components of the drug had a positive effect on the flora of my stomach and intestines. I advise everyone."

Last update of the description by the manufacturer 16.07.2010

Filterable List

Active substance:


Pharmacological group

Composition and form of release

Bifiform ®

in an aluminum case 30 pcs.; in a pack of cardboard 1 pencil case.

Bifiform ® Kid

sachet; in a carton pack 21 pcs.

in an aluminum tube 20 pcs.; in a pack of cardboard 1 tube.


Biologically active food supplement.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- normalizing intestinal microflora.

Bifiform ®- a drug for the treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis various etiologies. The lactic acid bacteria included in the preparation maintain and regulate the physiological balance of the intestinal microflora.

Bifiform ® Kid is a dietary supplement that contains a combination of beneficial bacteria and vitamins and is tailored to your needs. child's body. Bacteria included in the preparation Lactobacillus GG (LGG) and Bifidobacterium lactis (BB-12) restore balance normal microflora intestines, eliminating manifestations intestinal disorders. LGG help strengthen the immune system and restore the natural defenses of the child's body. Vitamins B 1 and B 6 contribute to the normal growth and development of the child's body, and are also an additional factor that ensures the balance of normal intestinal microflora.


Stimulates correction functional disorders Gastrointestinal tract, normalizes intestinal microbiocenosis, increases nonspecific resistance of the body.

Indications for Bifiform ®

Bifiform ®

To normalize the intestinal microflora, as well as to prevent and treat gastrointestinal disorders of various origins, chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, as well as to maintain immunity in children older than 2 years and adults.

Bifiform ® Kid

As a source of probiotic microorganisms - bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and B vitamins.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects

Dosage and administration


Bifiform ®

If no other regimen is prescribed, it is recommended to prevent and treat gastrointestinal disorders: children over 2 years old and adults - 2-3 caps. daily, regardless of food intake. A course of treatment acute diarrhea may be 2-3 days. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 4 caps. in a day. In other cases, the course of treatment is 10-21 days.

Bifiform ® Kid

Regardless of food intake.

Sachets / powders with orange-raspberry flavor: children 1-3 years old - 1 time. 2-3 times a day, older than 3 years - 2 times a day. 2-3 times a day.

Chewable tablets with orange-raspberry flavor: children 2-3 years old - 1 tab. 2-3 times a day, older than 3 years - 2 tablets. 2-3 times a day.

Duration of admission - 5 days or more.

Precautionary measures

Do not exceed the maximum daily dose.


Ferrosan JSC, Denmark.

Storage conditions of the drug Bifiform ®

In a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Bifiform ® expiration date

chewable tablets 625 mg with orange-raspberry flavor - 18 months.

enteric capsules - 2 years.

Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
K63.8.0* DysbacteriosisBacterial dysbacteriosis
Viral dysbacteriosis
Restoration of the intestinal flora
Deficiency of lactic acid and probiotic microorganisms
Diarrhea due to antibiotic therapy
Intestinal dysbacteriosis
Intestinal dysbacteriosis
Correction of intestinal microflora
Violation of the normal intestinal microflora
Disbalance of the intestinal microflora
Violation of the intestinal flora
Violations of the physiological flora of the large intestine
Violations of the physiological flora of the small intestine
Normalization of intestinal microflora

Bifiform - a drug that restores the intestinal microflora. At correct reception the drug is effective in the treatment of a number of diseases in adults and children of different ages.

Indigestion happens from time to time in all people. Many adults are familiar with symptoms such as bloating, nausea, or diarrhea. Today, there are many drugs that can cope with this disease. One of these drugs is bifiform. It consists of bifidobacteria, allowing to normalize digestion. But some people do not know how to take bifiform.

Bifiform is a medicine combined type. It contains several components. Bifidobacterium longum and Enterococcus facium are used as active ingredients. As auxiliary components, anhydrous dextrose, yeast sourdough, locust bean gum, lactulose and magnesium stearate are used. These substances are contained in the capsule form of the drug.

But in addition to the release in capsules, the medicine is also available in other forms intended not only for adults, but also for children. The tool is prescribed for children from birth, so they release it in the form:

All forms of medicine contain special substances that are a breeding ground for bacteria. What time to take bifiform is indicated in the instructions for use. It can be taken both with food and between meals.

Pharmacological properties

This tool was developed specifically to normalize the work digestive system. According to its properties, it belongs to the group of antidiarrheals and has positive influence on the state of the digestive function of the small and large intestines, and also eliminates fermentative dyspepsia and phenomena of flatulence.

The product contains bacteria that are highly resistant to many antibiotics. They stimulate local immunity, surviving in the human intestine, and multiply rapidly. Thus, the suppression of pathogenic microflora is carried out.

Assignments to use

If you carefully study the instructions for the medicine "", it is clear what it helps from. Regardless of the form of release, the probiotic composition has a beneficial effect on the body in the treatment of:

The tool can be used to treat people with poor digestibility of lactose. In addition, the drug is prescribed in the composition complex therapy patients with Helicobacter pylori infection.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions, you can take the remedy regardless of the meal time. Antibiotics should be taken before bifiform. The dosage of the drug depends on the type of disease and the age of the patient:

  • At acute stage diarrhea, you should drink 1 capsule 4 times a day until the stool normalizes. Then continue taking 2-3 capsules per day until complete recovery.
  • For supporting immune system and normalization of the intestinal microflora, the drug is prescribed 2-3 capsules per day for 10-21 days.
  • 1 capsule up to three times a day is prescribed for patients with lactose intolerance.
  • Babies from the age of two are prescribed one capsule 2-3 times a day.

The duration of therapy can be changed by the attending physician. If it is difficult for a child to swallow the capsule as a whole or he has a personal intolerance to the components from which it is made, then you can pour the contents into a spoon and dilute it large quantity water.

Side effects when correct use were not detected during testing. The use of the drug is not prohibited for pregnant women. During the period breastfeeding application is considered safe. Substances in the composition of the drug are not absorbed into the bloodstream and do not have systemic action on the mother and child.

Cases and symptoms of overdose have not previously been reported. In case of accidental excess of the recommended doses in significant quantities, consultation and supervision of a specialist is recommended. It is recommended not to exceed the daily dose. A contraindication may be personal intolerance to some excipients.

Treatment of thrush in a woman with probiotics is recommended to begin after the main treatment of the disease. medications. Bifiform should be used in this case only after consulting a doctor. Self-medication in this case can lead to the growth of a yeast-like fungus.

Reception of the drug depending on the food

The manufacturer recommends using the product within an eight-hour interval. That is how much time passes with three doses of the drug. When prescribing up to four times a day, the time intervals are reduced to six hours.

Some doctors advise taking the medicine one hour before meals. This advice is due to the better absorption of the drug and the best therapeutic effect on the body of the probiotic. However, often the patient decides on his own at what point to take bifiform.

Interaction with other tools

The drug can be used together with other types of drugs. The use of antibiotics is allowed. The drug does not negative impact for mechanical control vehicles and cars.

You should not use the drug and alcohol at the same time. The compatibility of ethyl alcohol and bacteria is undesirable. Ethyl alcohol is able to destroy not only harmful to the body, but also beneficial bacteria.

Storage conditions and expiration dates

The maximum storage temperature of the substance should not exceed 25 degrees. It is recommended to keep the drug in a dry and dark place, out of the reach of babies and pets. Unopened, the product is stored for about two years. The drug in the form of drops is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks after opening.

The balance of the intestinal microflora is the key wellness and healthy functioning of all systems and organs of the human body.

Many of our compatriots are very skeptical about such statements, and it’s completely in vain, because scientists have long proven a direct relationship between beneficial bacteria inhabiting gastrointestinal tract, and the immune system.

When imbalanced bacterial microflora the body becomes easy prey for pathogens, toxins, dangerous viruses, since the defending bacteria that remained in the minority are not able to give a worthy rebuff to the "pests" that penetrate the blood almost unhindered.

Bifiform is a probiotic that is prescribed to restore healthy microflora to patients of all age groups. Taking Bifiform capsules is safe for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Bifiform, reviews of which are exclusively positive character are classified as eubiotics. Lactic bacteria included in the composition of the drug contribute to the normalization of the intestinal microflora and improve the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The high efficiency and excellent digestibility of the components of Bifiform Forte is explained by the fact that the composition of the probiotic includes strains of representatives of the natural intestinal microflora.

Good bacteria, which are delivered to the intestines in special protective capsules Bifiform, actively populate the sections of the small and large intestines, where they immediately begin to produce milk and acetic acid, which allows you to inhibit pathogenic microorganisms and prevent their further reproduction. The penetration of bacteria into the blood is excluded, their excess is excreted with feces.

Bifiform compatibility with most medicines allows you to use a probiotic without interrupting the main course of treatment. Taking the drug simultaneously with antibiotics is permissible in medical practice, but to get the maximum positive effect it is better to drink Bifiform after antibiotics.

Bifiform complex

When visiting a pharmacy, many Russians are confused by the presence of several forms of release of the drug Bifiform. And if the difference between drops and capsules is in principle clear, then with the tablet form everything is somewhat more complicated.

Bifiform Complex instruction contains a clear indication that the product is a dietary supplement. Tablets contain 3 strains at once - Bifidobacterium BB-12, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA, but since they are not placed in a protective shell, as is the case with capsules, most bacteria die halfway to their goal, in the stomach.

Experts point out that side effects when taking Bifiform Complex, in principle, they are absent, but also great benefit don't expect anything from this tool. The similarity of names quite often disorientates patients, which, if there are serious indications for taking Bifiform for adults, can only lead to an aggravation of the situation.

Composition and form of release

Instructions for use of the drug Bifiform contains detailed information about the composition of the drug, and it is worth noting that the composition of tablets, capsules and drops, according to understandable reasons, has some differences. In addition to strains of lactic acid bacteria, which act as the main active active ingredient, includes a number of additional components.

Ferrosan (Denmark) offers probiotics in the following dosage forms:
  • Hard gelatin capsules;
  • sachet;
  • chewable tablets;
  • oil solution;
  • Bifiform tablets (BAA).

Good to know! Bifiform plus and other drugs in this series do not contain lactose, which makes possible reception Bifiform for dysbacteriosis and diarrhea in small patients suffering from intolerance to this carbohydrate.


Most consumers who encounter a new generation probiotic for the first time are interested in knowing what the drug helps with. The manufacturer's instructions contain the following indications for the use of Bifiform:

Dysbacteriosis, which is caused by taking antibiotics, exposure to toxins, pathogenic bacteria and other negative factors.

  • Bifiform is prescribed for diarrhea caused by rotavirus, acute or chronic gastroenteritis, eating exotic fruits and dishes.
  • Acute intestinal infections.
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Dyspepsia and flatulence.
  • Bifiform can be taken as a component of the treatment of candidiasis and vaginosis.
  • Preparation for surgical interventions.

Contraindications and side effects

The main contraindication to taking Bifiform is hypersensitivity to any component of the composition. Before starting the medication for patients with lactase deficiency, it is important to get the advice of the attending physician.

Subject to the rules for taking side effects in therapeutic practice was not recorded. In some cases, patients were taken for side effects symptoms of individual intolerance - redness of the skin, diarrhea, urticaria, etc. Also, no information on overdose has been recorded so far.

Attention! Bifiform and alcohol is an unacceptable combination, because ethanol by its nature, it is an antiseptic, which, when it enters the intestine, destroys not only pathogenic microflora but also beneficial probiotics.

How and when to take Bifiform: instructions for use and recommended doses

Patients, regardless of age, are prescribed 2-4 capsules of the drug per day. The antidiarrheal effect can be observed soon after the first dose of the medicine, while the course of treatment in the presence of other indications can last from 10 to 21 days (consultation with a doctor is required).

The contents of the sachet are recommended to be mixed with water or food products. Chewable tablets must first be chewed, then washed down with water. Before you start using Bifiform Baby, you will need to make a few simple manipulations with the vial, which are described in detail in the instructions that came with the drug. The dosage of Bifiform in this case is carried out using a dosing pipette. It is allowed to drink the suspension with water.

Capsules and tablets (BAA Bifiform Complex) are taken whole with plenty of water.

Should I take Bifiform before or after meals? This question, judging by the content of the forums, quite often worries the inhabitants of our country who are just planning to start taking the drug. The answer of experts is this: you can take the medicine regardless of the schedule of meals.

Special instructions for taking Bifiform

We found out how to take it correctly, but there are also special instructions to take the drug:

  • When taken together with antibiotics, the dose of the drug is increased to avoid a decrease in effectiveness.
  • It is unacceptable to continue taking the drug if bloody inclusions are found in the feces and symptoms increase. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible to find out the reasons for such an undesirable phenomenon.
  • Bifiform drops can be used to treat dysbacteriosis in newborns (as prescribed by a doctor).
  • To enhance the effect of taking a probiotic, it is recommended to enrich the diet fermented milk products, as well as those that include B vitamins.
  • The method of application, described in detail in the instructions from the manufacturer, contains information that it is highly undesirable to drink capsules hot water, since such actions can lead to the death of some of the beneficial bacteria.

Terms of sale and storage

To buy a Bifiform probiotic at a pharmacy, there is no need to present a prescription, but it will not be superfluous to get expert advice.

To store the drug, it is important to choose a dry, cool place (up to + 25 ° C). The expiration date is indicated on each package and is no more than 2 years from the date of issue. According to the storage conditions, regardless of the form of production, the opened package should be stored in the refrigerator.