Torn ligaments of the leg. Signs of torn ligaments in the leg and features of treatment

Many of us have had to deal with various injuries lower limbs. Any careless movement, and even more so by occupation active species sports can cause rupture of the ligaments of various joints on the leg: ankle, knee, hip or foot.

Injuries are quite common and no one is immune from them. Especially often, traumatologists are faced with torn ligaments of the lower extremities in winter, when roads and sidewalks are covered with ice.

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What is trauma

As you know, the lower limbs of a person consist of the following joints:

  • hip;
  • ankle;
  • knee.

Ligaments of these joints are formations from connective tissue. Their main function is to connect and fix parts of the human skeleton, in this case, the legs. Ligaments hold the bones in the leg together. correct position and can properly perform their basic musculoskeletal function. It follows from this that any damage to the ligaments, and even more so their rupture, leads to limited functioning of the lower extremities of a person and loss of ability to work.

Causes of damage

And other joints of the lower extremities can occur as a result of the following reasons:

  • weakening ligamentous apparatus and leg muscles as a result of a decrease in the level of human activity;
  • falling from height;
  • direct and indirect traumatic impact;
  • prolonged overstrain of the ligaments as a result of the specifics of the work or as a result of excess weight;
  • awkward movements or landing on the foot with a fold.

Classification of damage to the ligaments of the leg

Any rupture of the ligaments of the lower extremities can be, depending on the degree of damage to the ligamentous apparatus, of two types:

  1. Complete, in which the ligament is torn into two parts or it is separated from the place of attachment to the bone of the skeleton, i.e. pathology concerns all fibers of the ligament;
  2. Incomplete, which suggests partial break and at which to a greater extent is diagnosed. In this case, there is a partial loss of function of the leg as a whole.

As for the reasons as a result of which the ligament rupture occurred, injuries can also be of two types:

  1. Degenerative, which occur as a result of a deterioration in the blood supply to the muscles and ligaments, which leads to their aging, wear and loss of elasticity. This pattern is seen in older people.
  2. Traumatic, which occur as a result of exposure to the joint of various traumatic forces. This can be a fall, sudden movements, bumps, heavy lifting, etc.

This disease, among other things, medical practice It is also classified according to the severity of ligament rupture, as well as the intensity of tissue damage. There are three main degrees of severity of torn ligaments of the leg:

The first, the least intense, in which microtears of the ligaments are observed, and the patency of the vessels and nerve endings not broken. Symptoms in this case are mild, limited mobility lower limb minimum. This degree does not require complex treatment, hospitalization of the victim, and full recovery with a favorable prognosis happens in 1-2 weeks.

Second, average degree intensity, which is characterized by a partial rupture of the fibers of the joints. All the symptoms in this case are quite pronounced, and the mobility of the injured joint is minimal. This stage involves qualified treatment, the duration of which is 3 - 6 weeks. The prognosis in most cases is favorable.

The third, the most severe, which is characterized by a complete rupture of the ligaments of the joint or separation from the bone. In this case, there is damage to the muscle integument and the joint capsule. In this case, the symptoms are intense, there is a significant hemorrhage, movements of the injured leg are impossible. It is expected to be long and difficult treatment, as well as rehabilitation period. In some cases it is advisable surgical intervention. Recovery occurs after at least 6 weeks. The prognosis can be favorable if all the doctor's prescriptions are followed.

What symptoms appear

Hip or knee have their own characteristics. However, each type of injury is characterized by symptoms characteristic of ligament rupture:

  • pain, the intensity of which is more pronounced when trying to move the injured leg;
  • a feeling of limited mobility in the entire affected leg, as well as in the area of ​​​​the injured joint;
  • the formation of hematomas and bruises, which are more intense in the third degree of severity of injury;
  • the formation of swelling and redness of the skin over the injured joint;
  • listening to a specific crackling or clicking with the mobility of the injured joint;
  • sometimes tingling or numbness of the lower limb can be observed when the injury is accompanied by pathologies of the nerve endings.

Diagnostic methods

First of all, when making a diagnosis, the doctor examines the damaged limb and examines all complaints and manifestations of pathology. In this case, the injured joint of the lower limb is compared with a healthy one.

To clarify the diagnosis, it is advisable to conduct some additional examinations:

  • x-ray, which can be used to establish associated injuries, including fractures;
  • computed tomography, with which you can not only confirm the correctness of the diagnosis, but also monitor the intermediate results of treatment;
  • magnetic resonance imaging, which can determine the number and degree of damage to the fibers of the ligaments.

First aid

If there is a suspicion of rupture of the ligaments of the thigh, then in this case, the provision of unskilled assistance can only make things worse, and all attempts at self-treatment will be ineffective. In this situation, it would be advisable only to ensure complete rest for the patient and try to hospitalize him as soon as possible.

In all other cases of damage to the ligaments of the lower extremities, you can resort to the following measures:

  • try to minimize any movement of the affected limb and ensure an elevated position that reduces blood flow to the leg;
  • apply cold compresses to the injured joint, which will stop blood flow and localize hemorrhage, as well as reduce pain syndrome and puffiness;
  • with severe pain, you can help the victim take painkillers.

What is prescribed by the doctor

In most cases with torn ligaments of the lower extremities, conservative treatment. It comes down to the imposition of a tight bandage or plaster splint. This measure will provide rest to the injured joint.

Also, treatment in this case involves taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. It can be both tablets and injections. A place for treatment is quite effectively used by some ointments: nurofen, efkamon or fastum.

Concerning surgical intervention or in other words, the operation, then any experienced surgeon or traumatologist will be able to determine the appropriateness of this measure, taking into account the severity of the injury, associated injuries, as well as the results of gentle treatment methods.

However, after treatment, both surgical and conservative, recovery does not occur immediately. The next stage, which involves a complete restoration of the ligaments and a return to normal way life - rehabilitation. On the this stage it is advisable to use the following measures:

  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • wearing special orthopedic devices;
  • the use of warming ointments and compresses.

Full recovery and prognosis

In most cases, with a rupture of the ligaments of the lower extremities, there is favorable prognosis. However, such injuries often have rather deplorable consequences and can even cause disability. To achieve full recovery of the affected joint and the functioning of the entire leg is possible only with the timely start of treatment, the fulfillment of all the instructions of the attending physician and the passage of a full course of rehabilitation.

Everyone, probably, at least once in their life faced with a sprain. Everyone knows that this is very unpleasant and disease state. In the same article will be discussed about what is on the leg and how you can deal with this problem.

What it is?

Initially, I want to understand the main terms used in this article.

  • A ligament is a special collection of connective tissue that strengthens a joint.
  • What is a sprain in the leg? This is a partial or complete rupture of the ligament. This happens due to the action of the joint on the affected ligamentous apparatus.

It is worth knowing that the problem can be completely different. It can be stretched as one ligament, or several. If we talk about the legs, then the knee is injured most often less often.


How can you tell if a person has a sprained leg? Symptoms - what to look out for Special attention. What will a person feel with this problem? Here it is worth mentioning that there are three main degrees of stretching. Depending on this, the indicators will vary.

First degree

If a person has a first-degree sprain in the leg, the injury will be mild. The tendons may only be partially torn. Pain in this case will be mild, most often it is not disturbed, the mobility of the leg is preserved. If there is swelling, then it is completely insignificant. To cope with the problem in this case, you just need to give the leg peace, without loading it for a while.

Second degree stretch

If the patient has a grade 2 sprain in the leg, the symptoms will be mild. In this case, there is also a rupture of the ligamentous fibers. In some cases, it also happens that the capsule itself is damaged. The main symptoms in this case:

  1. Strong pain.
  2. Swelling at the site of injury.
  3. Hemorrhages, i.e. bruises that will be observed under the skin at the site of injury.
  4. Movement will be accompanied by severe pain. In some cases, the mobility of the joint is impaired.

Third degree injury

The third degree is a severe sprain in the leg. In this case, rupture of the tendons also occurs. What will the patient feel?

  1. There will be severe swelling at the site of injury, as well as hyperemia (overflow of the site of injury with blood).
  2. Pathological joint mobility may appear.
  3. Bruises are extensive, hematomas occur.

It should be said here that such ligament injuries most often require the intervention of a surgeon. At the same time, the recovery process will be quite lengthy and can take up to six months.

The patient may also have a sprain in the toe. In this case, the symptoms will be the same, but the pain will be concentrated in only one finger.

Symptoms that require immediate medical attention

In what cases should a patient with a sprain need to see a doctor immediately?

  • If very strong, it interferes with normal movement.
  • When there is a feeling of numbness in the affected area.
  • If an extensive hematoma or bruising occurs at the site of the lesion.
  • If there is a loss motor activity joint.
  • When a crackling sound occurs in a joint during movement.
  • When there is an increase in body temperature, chills, i.e., a febrile syndrome is observed.

It is also imperative to see a doctor if a few days after the damage to the ligaments of the leg, the symptoms have not disappeared, and the patient's health has not improved.

First aid

What should be done first of all if a person has sprained the ligaments in his leg? The procedure is as follows:

  1. Place an ice pack over the sprain. This will help relieve pain and swelling.
  2. Next, the place of damage must be wrapped elastic bandage.
  3. To relieve swelling, you can raise the damaged joint above the level of the heart. After that, the blood will recede from the injury site.
  4. To relieve pain, you can take any painkiller.


How can you tell if a patient has a sprain? thumb legs, knee or ankle joints? To do this, of course, you need to go to see a doctor. What will the specialist do? The first step is to examine the patient. Then it can be sent for an x-ray to exclude a fracture or to identify a possible displacement of the bone. If the ligaments are torn, surgery may be needed.


Be sure to talk about how to treat a sprained leg. What can be used for this and what can the doctor advise in this case? Treatment will vary depending on the extent of the lesion.

Degree one. In this case, an elastic bandage is applied for about 2-3 days. Ice is applied on the first day. Next, you can start applying heat. This is necessary to heal the ligaments and improve the blood supply to the affected area. After three days, you need to start developing the joint. In this case, you can also use external painkillers such as Voltaren or Diklak ointment. To improve venous return, the affected areas can be lubricated with Troxevasin or Lyoton-gel ointment.

Second degree. In this case, the joint will need to be immobilized for 2-3 weeks. In the first three days, the leg should be raised above the level of the heart as often as possible. Ice should be applied for the first 24 hours, then recommended dry heat. Ointments must be used the same. However, in some cases, additional pain relief with pills or injections may be needed. From the load on the site of the lesion must be abandoned. After removing the immobilization, you will need to visit the gym of physiotherapy exercises. The healing process will take at least 1 month.

Third degree. In this case, either surgery or gypsum is often required. Immobilization alone will be needed for a period of about 1 month. All exercises and treatment are prescribed by a doctor, the recovery process takes place under his supervision and can be delayed for six months.

Folk methods of treatment

What else can you do if a person has a sprain in his leg? Treatment can be more than just medication. Great help in this case, various folk methods. However, it is still better to remember that all procedures must be done with the permission of a doctor. Otherwise, you can greatly harm your health and only worsen the situation.

  1. Raw potatoes. It must be grated, and the resulting slurry should be applied to the sore spot. Such procedures must be done several times a day. Duration - 10-15 minutes.
  2. Clay. It must be diluted to the consistency of sour cream, then placed in a linen cloth and applied to a sore spot, fixing with an elastic bandage, for about 2 hours.
  3. Aloe. It is necessary to grind the leaves of this plant, attach to the affected area, wrap with an elastic bandage. When the mixture warms up, it must be replaced with a new one. This tool helps especially well in the first few days after the problem occurs.
  4. If there is a rupture of the ligaments, you can use a remedy from unripe elderberries. Their handful should be poured with 5 liters of water, adding a tablespoon of soda there. Cooled and unstrained broth should be periodically washed with the affected area.
  5. Milk compresses are also great for a variety of sprains. To do this, you need to fold the gauze four times, moisten in hot milk and apply on the affected area. Cotton wool and compress paper are applied on top. The application must be changed as it cools.


Everyone knows that it is better to prevent a problem than to get rid of it in the future. What are the preventive measures for leg sprains?

  1. You need to wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
  2. It is necessary to carefully monitor the unevenness of the surface on which the person walks.
  3. Often overweight causes increased stress on the joints.
  4. Muscles and ligaments need to be strengthened regularly.

By following these simple preventive measures, you can avoid the occurrence of such a problem as sprains in the legs.

Ligament rupture in the leg is a very painful injury, and to restore the full functioning of the lower limb, a sufficiently long recovery period will be required. If the ligaments in the legs are torn, you should definitely consult a doctor for help, self-treatment in such cases it is strictly contraindicated.

Depending on the location of the injury, there is a rupture of the tendons of the knee, ankle, foot or hip joint. In terms of severity, damage can be mild, incomplete and complete. At complete damage there is a separation of the fibers from the bone with possible damage to them. Ligament injuries in the leg occur for degenerative and traumatic causes. Degenerative causes associated with changes in the body with age. Injury includes direct blows, excessive load, dislocations and others.

Among the signs of ligament rupture, intense pain, restrictions in movement, swelling, numbness in the limb, and a crunch on palpation are noted. Diagnosis is based on ultrasound, MRI and X-ray. The duration of injury healing is from 2 weeks to 6 months. Treatment involves immobilization. Impose a fixing bandage or plaster. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Tendon rupture can be of several types. There are several classifications of such injuries, one of them depends on the specific location of the injury:

  • rupture of the tendons of the knee or ankle joints;
  • tendon injury knee joint;
  • injury;
  • hip joint.


also in without fail when making a diagnosis, the degree of damage is taken into account. Tendon rupture can be:

  1. Light - some tendon tissues are damaged, the overall integrity of the ligament, as a rule, is partially preserved.
  2. Incomplete - tendon fibers may lag behind the bone and rupture, but not completely.
  3. Full - the most dangerous. Sometimes the ligamentous fibers are completely detached from the bone, and some of their fragments may be damaged. This condition of the victim requires surgical intervention, during which the ligaments that cannot be restored are supplemented with any tissues of the patient, or with special material for transplantation.

To prescribe a phased treatment, the doctor sets with the help special methods, there was a complete or partial rupture. Partial is popularly called sprain, in which the motor functions of the lower limb are preserved, the injury is accompanied by minor pain.

The reasons

The two main causes of torn ligaments in the lower limb are degenerative and traumatic. The first often leads to injuries on the leg in more than late age- after 40-50 years. Due to the natural aging of the body, blood flow is disturbed, as a result of which the tendon tissues receive less useful substances which starts the degenerative process. At the slightest wrong movement, there is a risk of injury to the lower extremities. For example, partial can occur with excessive rotation of the lower leg with a stationary foot.

Traumatic causes of violation of the integrity of ligamentous tissues are explained by excessive physical activity or mechanical action to the lower limb. Ligaments in the leg can be torn during unsuccessful falls and other awkward movements. Traumatic injury can be triggered by the following factors:

  • with a sharp forced stop while running;
  • unsuccessful dislocation of the leg;
  • excessive stress on the legs, for example, lifting heavy things;
  • direct blow to the joint.


A traumatologist can preliminarily diagnose torn ligaments on the leg by characteristics. Signs of torn leg ligaments are expressed depending on the severity of the injury:

  • pronounced soreness in the injured area, even at rest;
  • limb movements are limited;
  • bruises and bruises are clearly visible on the skin;
  • severe swelling appears;
  • on palpation or an attempt to move the leg, a crunch is clearly heard;
  • the leg is partially numb.

Severity dependent

With the first degree of severity, tendon rupture is not very painful, the victim can step on the lower limb. Bruising and swelling are absent, activity is limited slightly. The second degree is characterized by partial destruction of the ligament fibers, which significantly reduces the natural functionality of the joint and is quite painful. The third degree is a complete break. Such an injury is the most painful, the damaged joint can no longer perform its natural functions, the pain persists even at rest. Bruises, bruises and abrasions appear at the site of injury. Read also - information about.

independent of severity

If a person has damaged a ligament, this may be indicated by such general symptoms:

  • the site of damage constantly specifically hurts;
  • the mobility of the limb at the site of the rupture is limited;
  • there are bruises and bruises, swelling, inflammation;
  • the shape of the joint in which the ligament is damaged changes;
  • when trying to move the injured limb, characteristic crackling sounds are heard;
  • the damaged area becomes numb, a slight tingling sensation is felt in it.

Additional features

When making a diagnosis, it is important to consider that the signs of torn ligaments in the leg will depend on the location of the injury:

  • Injury to the tendons of the hip joint leads to the inability to bend to the side.
  • A rupture of the knee tendons on the leg leads to a lack of fixation of the lower leg in its natural position. As a rule, it constantly deviates to the side.
  • With ruptures of the meniscus, they often suffer. Athletes are susceptible to such injuries. If you try to straighten your leg with such damage, it will cause sharp pain in one specific place. Skin covering at the site of injury will be hyperthermic.
  • Ankle ligament ruptures are characterized by severe edema and severe soreness, which intensifies when trying to stand on the foot. The damaged ligament is easily felt on palpation.


If the ligaments in the leg are torn, you should immediately contact a traumatologist for help. He will establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe the optimal treatment. As a rule, those people who are not in a hurry for medical care, later undergo treatment much longer than with immediate treatment. With characteristic complaints of an injured patient, the doctor may suspect damage to the tendon-ligamentous apparatus of the lower limb. To most accurately determine the degree and localization of the lesion, if any, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • x-ray examination;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography;
  • arthroscopy.

Treatment Methods

A torn ligament in the leg should be treated exclusively in a hospital in the trauma department. Damaged ligaments heal differently, the duration of recovery directly depends on the severity of the damage: with a mild degree, the fibers will recover in 2-3 weeks, and with a severe one, the recovery will be delayed for 6 months or more.

It is possible to treat torn ligaments in the leg at home only with minor injuries. In this case, you must visit the doctor regularly. As a rule, ligament tears in the leg are treated conservative methods except for the most severe cases. In the first and second degrees of severity, the injured limb is immobilized with a plaster or elastic bandage.

The duration of the use of fixatives is about 20 days, more exact time established by the doctor. For removal painful symptoms and inflammatory processes, special medications are prescribed. Most effective tool It is considered "Ibuprofen", which quickly has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

AT extreme cases injections - novocaine or lidocaine - can be prescribed to reduce pain. Anesthetic gels and ointments are also often used.

If the rupture of the ligaments is additionally accompanied by a violation of their structure, surgical intervention is indicated to restore the ligamentous apparatus. On average, the duration of the operation takes 70-90 minutes. Normal operation goes through the following algorithm:

  1. Spinal anesthesia is given.
  2. An incision is made. The place of rupture of the ligaments is thoroughly cleaned.
  3. Damaged tissues are replaced either by the patient's own material or by an implant (lavsan).
  4. The new ligaments are screwed to the bones with titanium bolts.

The patient, in the absence of complications, is discharged from the department already 3 days after the operation. The first recovery period will require the use of crutches while walking. It is necessary to treat torn ligaments on the leg under the supervision of a traumatologist until complete recovery. The rehabilitation period plays an important role in recovery. To avoid re-injury, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy exercises to strengthen the ligaments, massage the injured limb and physiotherapy.

Ligaments can be injured not only at work, but also at home. The risk group includes people middle age. This is due to the loss of elasticity of the ligaments due to changes in the structure of tissues. A sprain in the leg can be obtained during a workout.


Signs of a sprain depend on the nature of the injury:
  • the injury is accompanied by severe pain;
  • edema forms at the site of stretching;
  • due to subcutaneous hemorrhage, a hematoma is formed;
  • deformation of the damaged joint occurs;
  • the person is unable to move the injured limb.

The reasons

It is possible to damage the ligaments of the legs if you wear uncomfortable shoes. Do not put too much stress on the joints, as this can lead to a complete rupture of the tendons. Elderly people should be especially careful. Happens with age irreversible changes in the tissues of the joints. They lose their former flexibility and can be damaged when making too sudden a movement. Of course, the main cause is injuries sustained during exercise/loads. The most common type of such injury is knee sprain.


There are 3 degrees of sprain, which can be distinguished by the following features:
  1. Grade 1 is characterized by damage to part of the tendon fibers. The patient feels a little pain. Recovery usually takes about two weeks.
  2. With stage 2 sprains on the leg, more significant damage to the joint occurs. After receiving a blow, a large hematoma is formed. The person cannot move the injured leg. The lower limb is noticeably swollen. Recovery may take up to 5 weeks.
  3. hallmark 3 degree stretch is the final gap. Instability of the position of the joint manifests itself in the form pathological mobility. Man complains about intense pain. Rehabilitation takes about 7 weeks.

How to give first aid

To help the victim, it is necessary to provide fixation of the damaged joint. First you need to position the patient in a comfortable position, the injured limb should be in an elevated position. When spraining the ligaments on the leg, it is recommended to apply an ice compress to the affected area. It is necessary to avoid contact of ice with the skin, as this can lead to frostbite. A piece of ice must be wrapped in a cloth. Only after that the compress can be put on the diseased limb.
To fix the leg, you can use an elastic bandage. With severe pain syndrome, it is necessary to give the victim a drug with an analgesic effect.


To exclude the presence of a fracture, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis. The doctor conducts visual inspection of the patient, draws attention to the hematoma, the nature of the pain in the injured leg.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient is sent for an X-ray examination. Based on the picture, the specialist evaluates the nature of the injury and chooses the method of treatment. After passing the examination, you can confirm the absence of damage to bone tissue. If necessary, the patient is referred for an MRI to conduct a more detailed examination.

Conservative treatment

To eliminate grades 1 and 2, the patient is prescribed conservative treatment. Cold compresses are recommended immediately after an injury. Low temperature promotes vasoconstriction. This method of treatment allows to reduce the area of ​​the hematoma. The injured limb is fixed with a bandage or bandage. On day 3, you can start using drugs that increase blood flow to the sore spot.

Sprains in the leg are treated with drugs that cause blood flow to the injured area. Efkamon has a strong warming effect. It contains camphor, paraffin and essential oils. To remove puffiness, you can use another simple method. Apply to affected area iodine grid. After getting a stretch, you need to use painkillers with a cooling effect (Lidocaine, Indovazin). Sprain in the leg is accompanied by inflammatory processes. To relieve swelling and reduce pain, it is necessary to rub anti-inflammatory drugs into the injured area. The patient is prescribed Heparin ointment or Troxevasin. With severe pain, you need to take Ibuprofen or Analgin. Massage and warm compresses in the first days after the injury should not be used, as they increase blood circulation in the leg. The treatment for a sprain in the leg is to provide rest. It is necessary to minimize the load on the affected leg. The bandage should not be too tight so as not to interfere with the blood circulation process. To reduce pain, doctors prescribe Diclofenac and Efkamon. These drugs accelerate tissue regeneration and promote the resorption of hematomas. 2 days after the injury, you can start using warming preparations. The doctor recommends that the patient use Finalgon, which promotes vasodilation. When stretching, you can use Nicoflex. This drug reduces swelling and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

When is the patient referred for surgery?

With 3 degrees of sprain, conservative treatment cannot give positive results. To eliminate the consequences of the injury, it is necessary to perform an operation to suture the torn fibers. The method of treatment depends on the statute of limitations of the damage. To eliminate chronic stretching, it is no longer possible to sew the ends of torn ligaments. If left untreated, the joint shrinks. In this case, surgeons resort to endoprosthetics. The arthroscopic method is considered the least traumatic. After performing the punctures, the specialist introduces endoscopic equipment. After that, the joint is cleansed. The doctor then proceeds to transplant the new ligaments. They can be obtained from the patient's own tissues.


Such a sprain can heal from 10 to 75 days. It all depends on the severity and type of injury. For example, a slight ankle sprain may well stop bothering you after 15 days, while the rehabilitation period for a more severe injury can be several months!


The only way to get your legs back to normal is through regular exercise. It can take several months for an injured leg to recover. To restore the operability of the ligaments after the operation, it is necessary to perform special exercises. Most often, exercise therapy is used when stretching the calf muscles on the leg. primary goal therapeutic gymnastics- strengthening the joints and muscles of the legs.
  1. Sit on a chair and try to roll a round object with your foot.
  2. Place a mat under your feet and try to gather it under your foot with your toes.
  3. Put your foot on your heel and try to move his toe. After that, repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
  4. When developing the joints of the legs, exercises with a sword help. Place your injured foot on the ball. Make several back and forth movements. During the exercise, you can not take your foot off the surface of the ball.
  5. Instead of a ball, you can use a gymnastic stick. Rolling a stick on the floor improves coordination and strengthens muscles.

Orthoses for leg and foot joints

In case of damage to the ligaments, it is necessary to ensure complete rest and reliable fixation of the leg. it the necessary conditions for proper recovery torn joints.

Distinguish the following types orthoses:

  • hard;
  • semi-rigid;
  • soft;
Plastic plates are sewn into the rigid orthosis, which are fixed on the lower leg with straps. Velcro is used to fix semi-rigid models.
Soft orthoses resemble elastic bandages. They can only be used for minor damage. Wearing orthoses allows you to restore joints more short time. This reduces the load on the sore leg, the patient's pain decreases. Also, such bandages can be suitable for dislocation of the ankle joint.


Foot massage allows you to accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues. During the procedure, the specialist uses the following techniques:
  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • tapping.
The procedure begins with the tibial muscle. The specialist performs stroking movements to relax the muscles. The intensity of the massage depends on the nature of the injury. The first procedures are performed in a sparing mode. Rubbing promotes a rush of blood to damaged cells. The victim's metabolism improves. If severe pain occurs, the procedure should be stopped immediately.


The impact of low frequency electric current enhances medicinal properties drug. During electrophoresis, the patient is placed on the couch. Plates are applied to the damaged areas, which are used as electrodes. The drug penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin. The agent accumulates in subcutaneous fat and continues to act for several hours after the end of the procedure.


During a session of magnetotherapy, the patient's body is affected by electromagnetic fields that have beneficial effect on the patient's body. The patient improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism. After several procedures, swelling and bruising disappear, healing of torn ligaments is accelerated.

Folk methods

To restore ligaments after a leg injury, you can use ointments and compresses prepared at home:
  • Grate laundry soap on a grater. Add a small amount of water to the mass and egg yolk. Mix all ingredients until smooth and apply to the affected area.
  • Compresses help with stretching raw potatoes. Pass a few raw tubers, along with the peel, through a blender. Wrap the mass in a piece of gauze and fix the compress with an elastic bandage.
  • For the treatment of torn ligaments, you can use ordinary clay. Dilute raw materials with water until a creamy state is obtained. Clay compress should be kept on the leg for 2 hours.
  • Aloe not only draws excess liquid from the area of ​​injury. The plant has a bactericidal effect. Aloe can prevent the development of inflammation due to infection in the wound.

Sprains in the leg are one of the most common injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Often, sprains and their complete and partial rupture are observed in people involved in sports, as well as in women who prefer high-heeled shoes (suffers ankle joint). The load on this joint increases due to the fact that it bears the load of the entire weight of the person. A large percentage of ankle injuries occur during movement when the heel tucks. In addition to the ligaments of the lower leg and foot, in the process of such an injury, knee ligaments- outer and side group.

The first symptoms of sprain are pain in the joint, swelling, hematoma. During movement, the pain only increases, and with more complex injuries of the ligaments, independent movement is impossible. If the sprain is accompanied by a crunch or clicking, then this indicates a serious injury. It can be a complete or partial rupture of the ligaments, as well as a bone fracture. The first thing that can be done in such a situation is to immobilize the limb and apply cold to the sprain, and then fix the articular joint with a special bandage.

If after a short time from the moment of injury, swelling and pain increase, and movement in the joint is even more limited, then you need to seek help from a doctor.

ICD-10 code

T13.2 Dislocation, sprain and overstrain of capsular-ligamentous apparatus of lower limb joint, unspecified, level unspecified

Causes of sprains

The causes of sprains can vary. The mechanism of injury is based on increased stretching of the deeply located layer of connective tissue. In those places where the ligaments are the thinnest and weakest, stretching and tearing occurs. Muscles are connected by ligaments to bone formations, and also the bone articular processes are connected. The most commonly stretched are the shoulder, ankle, knee ligaments and ligaments of the fingers.

Ligament sprain occurs mainly with the twisting movement of the half-bent articular articulation. Overstretching and partial rupture of the ankle ligaments is very common in athletes involved in basketball and football. In weightlifting (powerlifting, bodybuilding), sprains and torn ligaments are also common, especially when lifting a barbell. In this position, the entire load falls on the knee, which is fraught with injury. The only way prevention - conducting a warm-up at the proper level and bandaging the knee joint, as well as smooth squatting with a load.

First first aid when stretched, it is immobilization and cold at the site of injury. If the moment of trauma was accompanied by a crunch or crack, and during the day the swelling only increases, the pain increases, then you need to go to the emergency room as soon as possible.

Sprain symptoms

Symptoms of a sprain are swelling around the injury site, bleeding, pain, and limited movement. There are three degrees of sprain, depending on the degree of damage to the tendon.

At the first degree of stretching, a small part of the fibers is damaged, but the overall structure and integrity is preserved, there is no hematoma at the site of damage. The injury site is slightly edematous, a slight swelling persists, the pain syndrome is mild. This is the most mild form damage, recovery usually takes no more than 2 weeks.

In the second degree of stretching, more fibers and the joint capsule are damaged. A hematoma appears and the damaged joint swells, movement in it is limited and accompanied by pain. When the joint capsule is damaged, a manifestation of pathological mobility in the articular joint is recorded. Recovery with this type of damage occurs in 4-6 weeks.

At the third degree of sprain, a complete rupture of the ligaments occurs. There is severe swelling at the site of injury, subcutaneous hematomas, the joint is not stable (a manifestation of pathological mobility is recorded), pain at the site of injury is pronounced. Recovery takes 6-8 weeks, without medical intervention, recovery does not always occur.

When sprained, it is better to consult a doctor to prevent the development of complications and exclude the possibility of rupture. nerve fibers.

Toe sprain

Toe sprains are fairly common, as are ankle and knee sprains. Most often, the ligaments of the toes are injured when:

  • doing sports;
  • active entertainment;
  • overvoltage and load during operation.

A high degree of risk of sprains in those who play sports associated with jumping or frequently changing the direction of movement of the joints (found in football players, basketball players, choreographers, gymnasts). In childhood, sprains and ruptures are especially dangerous, as they are accompanied by partial damage to the growth plate of the bone.

Sprain of the toes as an independent and combined injury occurs in old age. This is preceded by the development of osteopenia and muscle weakness. In general, injuries of this nature do not require specific treatment and surgery, and recovery requires 2-3 weeks, depending on age. The foot must be immobilized for the period of rehabilitation and cold should be applied for the first time to relieve swelling and reduce pain. In the future, you can use special ointments - Ibuprofen, Dip - Relief, Troxevasin, etc. The exception is children - in order to exclude the possibility of a growth plate defect and further pathologies associated with this, you need to show the child to the doctor.

Severe sprain in leg

A severe sprain on the leg is manifested by pain at the site of injury, increasing swelling, hematoma, and redness. Movement in the joint is impossible due to severe pain, lameness appears. With the second or third degree of stretching, tendon damage is more severe, in addition to partial and complete rupture of the tendons, bone tissue is also damaged at the place of their attachment.

The first thing to do when stretching is to limit any movement of the limb. It is best to lie down and put your foot in an elevated position.

Something cold should be applied to the injury site - this will help relieve swelling and slightly reduce pain.

If a crack or crunch is heard at the time of injury, then you need to contact as soon as possible to exclude the possibility of damage to the joint capsule, rupture of ligaments and partial separation bone tissue and fracture. Injuries of this nature require surgical intervention and a long recovery.

A severe sprain on the leg cannot be self-treated and requires medical intervention. Otherwise, refusal of treatment or violation of the doctor's prescriptions is fraught with protracted rehabilitation and complications from the musculoskeletal system.

Big toe sprain

Big toe sprains occur when there is excessive dorsiflexion or plantarflexion of the big toe. Outwardly, sprain is manifested by swelling of the first metatarsophalangeal joint, pain in it when moving, trying to step on the foot or stand on tiptoe.

The sprain of the tendons of the big toe is combined with stretching and tearing of the plantar and dorsal ligaments, damage to the metatarsus, the base of the phalanx of the big toe, and sesamoid bones.

With a strong sprain of the ligaments of the thumb, the pain has a diffuse character, spreads to the entire foot, swelling and hematoma are noticeable at the site of the injury, the movement of the finger is very painful, it is impossible to fully step on the foot. To diagnose complications in such an injury (tendon rupture, avulsion fractures of the bone tissue of the phalanges and metatarsus), an x-ray or MRI should be taken. Treatment in severe cases combined - appoint complete rest, cold at the site of injury, anesthetic ointments and ointments that relieve swelling. A bandage is also necessarily applied to the damaged joint or special elastic fixators are used. At complete break ligaments and an avulsion fracture, a plaster splint is applied to the limb for a period of 7-10 days with further rehabilitation, including massage, exercise therapy and physiotherapy.

Diagnosis of sprained ligaments on the leg

Diagnosis of sprains on the leg is based mainly on the data of the examination and questioning of the patient - strong pain in the area of ​​the articular joint, limited movement, swelling, hematoma in the area of ​​the joint already speaks of a stretching of the tendons. With severe swelling and hematoma in the joint area, limited movement, it is necessary to make an X-ray of the limb. If, according to the victim, the moment of injury was accompanied by a crack or crunch, X-ray control is mandatory. According to x-ray it is possible to assess the degree of damage, confirm or refute the rupture of the ligaments and the joint capsule, the separation of particles of bone tissue along with the tendons, a fracture or fracture of the bone. It is especially important in the process of clarifying the diagnosis to exclude the possibility of rupture of the nervous tissue, which in the future may cause chronic pain or sensory disturbances.

Based on the data of the examination, X-ray or MRI, the doctor makes a conclusion and prescribes further treatment. With the first second degree of sprain, the treatment is conservative, mainly based on resting the injured limb. In case of ligament ruptures, in severe cases, an operation is performed to suture the torn tendon, the limb is fixed with a plaster splint.

Treatment of sprains in the leg

Treatment for a leg sprain depends on the extent of the tendon injury. For injuries of the first or second degree, medical intervention is not required. It is enough just to provide the most favorable conditions - immobilize the limb in an elevated position, apply it to the joint cold compress or ice, fix the joint with a tight bandage or a special bandage-fixator. To relieve pain and swelling three times a day, rub painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs into the damaged area - Troksivazin, Lyoton, Ibuprofen, Indovazin, heparin ointment. In no case should you massage the injured joint or do warm compresses and baths in the first days after the injury!

When sprains of the third degree, which is accompanied by a partial or complete rupture of the tendon fibers, as well as a partial separation of the bone tissue, medical intervention is necessary. With a complete rupture of ligaments, surgery, including stitching broken fibers, articular connective capsule. After restoring the integrity of the ligaments, the diseased limb is immobilized with plaster cast(gypsum splint). This is necessary to maintain the physiological position of the leg and speedy healing. After removing the cast, the sprain is treated as in the first or second degree. In addition, for further positive dynamics of the rehabilitation process, it is not necessary to neglect thermal procedures and a set of physical exercises. Full recovery physical activity occurs after 6-8 weeks.

Prevention of sprains in the leg

Prevention of sprains on the leg is to comply with simple rules. Sprains and ruptures of ligaments can be prevented if:

  • Do sports in special footwear that provides the foot and ankle with sufficient fixation, use elastic knee pads.
  • If not completely, then partially abandon uncomfortable high-heeled shoes that violate the physiological position of the foot.
  • Control weight. Overweight put a high load on the joints, which increases the risk of injury.
  • Before strength training be sure to thoroughly warm up to warm up the muscles and ligaments before intense exercise.

To prevent ankle sprains, it is enough to do simple exercises several times a week that increase the elasticity of muscles and tendons. These are rotations of the toe in and out, pulling the toe in and out, walking around the room on toes and heels. Also to maintain the tone of the muscles of the foot and ankle, calf muscles jumping rope or just jumping in place, jumping with a lunge forward and backward are good.

But do not forget that the prevention of sprains on the leg should not be too intense, a sudden transition to a high load can cause injury. It is better to gradually increase the load and training time in order to gradually strengthen the muscles without damaging the ligaments.

Prognosis of a sprain on the leg

The prognosis for a sprain on the leg is generally favorable, but it depends on how the victim will follow medical prescriptions. With the first or second degree of stretching and subject to all points of treatment, complete recovery occurs in 2-4 weeks. At timely treatment even at the third degree of stretching motor function is fully restored. If within 48 hours after traumatization the edema and hematoma only increases, and the pain worries even at rest, you should immediately seek help from a traumatologist.

neglect medical assistance significantly prolongs the rehabilitation period in case of ligament rupture - the restoration of motor activity can be delayed for 6-10 months, in addition, ligament rupture is often accompanied by rupture of the tendon capsule of the joint, partial separation of bone tissue and rupture of nerve fibers. Nerve damage is especially dangerous - in the future it leads to chronic pain, loss of sensation or malnutrition and "shrinkage" of adjacent tissues. With early detection and concomitant treatment it is possible to exclude the development dangerous complications and speed up recovery normal activity after sprained ligaments in the leg.