Positive factors affecting human health. Factors affecting health

Our body is a perfect machine, all the components of which are amazingly correlated with each other. The correct and balanced activity of all organs and systems allows us to feel strong and healthy for many years. However, the body has a tendency to wear out. For some, wear time comes earlier, for others later. And even despite the high level of development of medicine, specialists are not always able to fix the breakdowns that occur. What does our health depend on? What factors have a particular impact on it?

More than thirty years ago, scientists compiled a list of four factors that ensure the health of everyone modern man. Fifteen to twenty percent provide genetic factors, condition environment determines health indicators by twenty to twenty-five percent. Ten fifteen percent of our body depends on the level medical support. And finally, fifty - fifty-five percent of our health is a way of life and its conditions.

It must be taken into account that the magnitude of the influence of individual factors also depends on age indicators, sex of the individual and his personal and typological features.

Let's look at each of the factors described above in a little more detail.


As you know, much in the development of our body is determined by the set of genes that our parents laid in us. Not only our appearance depends on genetics, but also the presence of hereditary diseases and predisposition to certain pathological conditions. Parents pass us a certain blood type, Rh factor and an individual combination of proteins.

The hereditary factor also determines transmitted diseases, such as hemophilia, diabetes, endocrine diseases. Predisposition to development can be passed on from parents mental disorders.

However, from the point of heredity, all forms of pathologies can be divided into four large groups:

Diseases that develop precisely because of the presence of pathological genes. These are diseases such as phenylketonuria or hemophilia, as well as chromosomal ailments;

Also hereditary diseases that can develop under the influence of the environment, while at the same time eliminating pathological factors external influence leads to decreased expression clinical manifestations. A prime example such disease is gout;

This group is represented by fairly common ailments, most of which develop in old age (ulcers, hypertension, oncology). The emergence of such pathological conditions in some way depends on the genetic predisposition, but the main factor provoking their development lies in the adverse effects of the environment;

The fourth group includes diseases that develop solely due to the influence of environmental factors, however, a certain genetic predisposition may influence the outcome of these states.


This factor of influence on human health includes a number of natural and anthropogenic influences, in the environment of which everyday life of people. At the same time, it includes social, natural, as well as artificially created biological, physical and chemical factors that directly or indirectly affect life, health and different types activity of the individual.

Medical service

Many people place most of their hopes for health on this factor, but its influence is at a rather low level. Now medicine involves the elimination of pathological conditions, and not the maintenance of health at the proper level. At the same time, the medicinal effect often reduces the stock of health due to the presence of many side effects.

In order for medical professionals to help the nation stay healthier, there must be primary prevention, namely, work with those people who are healthy, and with those who are just getting sick. However, our medical system does not have the resources for this, since all its forces are aimed at combating already developed diseases and preventing their relapses.


So, we come to the last and most important factor that half determines our health. It is a healthy lifestyle that contributes to the prolongation of life and the maintenance of a full life. At the same time, recommendations for optimizing everyday lifestyle should be selected based on individual characteristics individual. It is necessary to take into account not only gender and age characteristics person, but also his marital status, profession, family and country traditions, working conditions. Important role plays material support and working conditions.

At the same time, each person can individual work to optimize their lifestyle, using the available literature. Unfortunately, now many teachings offer the opportunity to maintain and strengthen health, using means with miraculous properties. These are amazing movement practices, nutritional supplements, drugs for cleansing the body. However, it should be taken into account that health can be achieved only by optimizing all spheres of life, including the mental side.

So, the main factors influencing human health are now clear to you. As you can see greatest influence on our body most people have a lifestyle that we create for ourselves. That is, a lot still depends on us ... And we are responsible for ourselves!

The state of health affects the well-being of a person, his physical, social and labor activity. The quality of life and the level of overall satisfaction depend on it. It is currently considered that general health consists of several components: somatic, physical, mental and moral. It is formed under the influence of a number of external and internal factors that can have beneficial or negative effects. Maintenance high level public health is important state task, for the implementation of which special federal programs are being developed in the Russian Federation.

The main factors affecting human health

All factors important for the formation and maintenance of human health can be divided into 4 groups. They were identified by WHO experts back in the 80s of the twentieth century, and modern researchers adhere to the same classification.

  • socio-economic conditions and lifestyle of the individual;
  • the state of the environment, including human interaction with various microorganisms;
  • genetic (hereditary) factors - the presence congenital anomalies, constitutional features and predisposition to certain diseases that arose during fetal development and during the life of a mutation;
  • medical care – availability and quality medical care, usefulness and regularity of preventive examinations and screening examinations.

The ratio of these factors depends on gender, age, place of residence and individual characteristics of a person. Nevertheless, there are average statistical indicators of their influence on the formation of health. According to WHO data, lifestyle (50–55%) and the state of the environment (up to 25%) have the greatest impact. The share of heredity is about 15-20%, and medical support - up to 15%.

Lifestyle includes a degree physical activity person and the presence of bad habits. This also includes the nature of the organization of work and leisure, adherence to the observance of the daily routine, the duration of night sleep, food culture.

Environmental factors are natural and anthroponotic ( created by people) conditions in the place of permanent residence, recreation or work of a person. They can be of a physical, chemical, biological and socio-psychological nature. Their influence can be small in intensity and permanent, or short-term, but powerful.

Physical factors

Temperature, air humidity, vibration, radiation, electromagnetic and sound vibrations are the main physical factors that affect health. In recent decades, all greater value attached to electromagnetic radiation, because a person experiences its effect almost constantly. There is a natural background that does not pose a health hazard. It is formed as a result of solar activity. But technological progress leads to the so-called electromagnetic pollution of the environment.

Waves different lengths emitted by all household and industrial electrical appliances, microwave ovens, mobile and radio telephones, physiotherapy devices. Certain influence They also provide power lines, intra-house power networks, transformer stations, urban electric transport, cellular communication stations (transmitters), television towers. Even the constant action of a medium-intensity unidirectional electromagnetic radiation usually does not lead to significant changes in the human body. But the problem lies in the number of sources of such radiation surrounding a city dweller.

The massive cumulative effect of electric waves causes a change in the functioning of cells of the nervous, endocrine, immune and reproductive systems. There is an opinion that the increase in the number of neurodegenerative, oncological and autoimmune diseases associated with the action of this physical factor.

The radiation factor is also important. All living beings on Earth are constantly exposed to natural background radiation. It is produced by the isolation of radioisotopes from various breeds and their further circulation in food chains. In addition to this, a modern person receives radiation exposure during regular preventive X-ray examinations and during X-ray therapy of certain diseases. But sometimes he is unaware of the constant action of radiation. This happens when eating foods with increased amount isotopes, living in buildings made of building materials with a high radiation background.

Radiation leads to a change in the genetic material of cells, disrupts the work bone marrow and the immune system, negatively affects the ability of tissues to regenerate. Functioning deteriorates endocrine glands and epithelium digestive tract, there is a tendency to frequent diseases.

Chemical Factors

All compounds that enter the human body are chemical factors that affect health. They can be ingested through food, water, inhaled air or through the skin. Negative influence can provide:

  • synthetic food additives, flavor improvers, substitutes, preservatives, dyes;
  • household and auto chemicals, washing powders, dishwashing detergents, air fresheners in any form;
  • deodorants, cosmetics, shampoos and body hygiene products;
  • medicines and dietary supplements;
  • pesticides in food heavy metals, formaldehyde, traces of additives to accelerate the growth of livestock and poultry;
  • glue, varnishes, paints and other materials for the repair of premises;
  • volatile chemical compounds released from floor and wall coverings;
  • used in agriculture preparations for combating pests and weeds, means for getting rid of mosquitoes, flies and other flying insects;
  • tobacco smoke, which can get into the lungs even of a non-smoker;
  • water and air polluted by industrial waste, urban smog;
  • smoke from burning landfills and burning leaves from city trees (which accumulate heavy metals and other exhaust products).

Chemical factors that affect health are especially dangerous if they tend to accumulate in the body. As a result, a person has chronic intoxication with defeat peripheral nerves, kidneys, liver and other organs. The work of the immune system is changing, which leads to an increased risk of developing bronchial asthma, autoimmune and allergic diseases.

Biological and social psychological factors

Most people give increased value the role of microorganisms in maintaining a sufficient level of health. To destroy pathogenic (pathogenic) bacteria, some people use for daily cleaning and washing dishes disinfectants, carefully process hands and even take with preventive purpose antibacterial drugs. But this approach is wrong.

A person is constantly in contact with a huge number of microorganisms, and not all of them pose a health hazard. They are found in soil, air, water, food. Some of them even live on human skin, in his oral cavity, vagina and inside the intestines. In addition to pathogenic (pathogenic) bacteria, there are opportunistic and even beneficial microbes. For example, vaginal lactobacilli help maintain the necessary acid balance, and a number of bacteria in the large intestine supply the human body with B vitamins and contribute to a more complete digestion of food residues.

Constant interaction with a variety of microorganisms has a training effect on immune system maintaining the necessary intensity of the immune response. Uncontrolled reception antibacterial agents, usage unbalanced diets and lead to violation normal microflora(dysbacteriosis). This is fraught with the activation of opportunistic bacteria, the formation of systemic candidiasis, the development intestinal disorders and inflammation of the vaginal wall in women. Dysbacteriosis also leads to a decrease in immunity and increases the risk of developing allergic dermatoses.

Social and psychological factors influencing health also play an important role. stressful situations initially lead to the mobilization of the body with the activation of the sympathetic nervous system and stimulation of work endocrine system. Subsequently, there is a depletion of adaptive capabilities, and unreacted emotions begin to transform into psychosomatic diseases. They include bronchial asthma, gastric and duodenal ulcer, dyskinesia various bodies, migraine, fibromyalgia. Immunity decreases, fatigue accumulates, the productivity of the brain decreases, existing chronic diseases become aggravated.

Maintaining health is not just about managing symptoms and fighting infection. Important preventive examinations, proper nutrition, rational exercise stress, competent organization of the workplace and recreation area. It is necessary to influence all factors influencing health. Unfortunately, one person cannot radically change the state of the environment. But he can improve the microclimate of his home, choose his foods carefully, keep his water clean, and reduce his daily use of pollutants.

The article was prepared by the doctor Obukhova Alina Sergeevna

Why should a person take care of their health? A person takes care of his health, because his future, well-being, and lifestyle depend on it.

Factors positively affecting health

  • Rejection of bad habits
  • balanced diet
  • State of the environment
  • physical activity
  • hardening
  • Personal hygiene
  • daily regime

Balanced diet. Is an important component metabolic processes in the body, provides it with the necessary energy, without which physical activity is completely impossible. Food should provide our body with all essential vitamins and minerals. All these substances are simply necessary to ensure proper life. The following factors influence the effectiveness of the food taken:

  • Origin of products. They should contain only natural ingredients.
  • The number of calories contained in foods should correspond to the physical and intellectual stress of a person.
  • Eating should be carried out only when necessary, and not when there is a desire to taste something delicious.

If at least one recommendation is violated, then there will be a possibility of failure in the activity of the whole organism or certain organs. As a result, health will deteriorate and immunity will decrease, a person will not be able to work productively. Most often, the result malnutrition is overweight, the appearance of diabetes, the occurrence of many other diseases.

Motor activity provides muscle tone, the proper functioning of all organs. Sport is tightly connected with the science of a healthy lifestyle, without it there can be no question of healthy body and in excellent shape. The state of muscular, respiratory, nervous and all other components of the body depends on sports loads. Systematic exercises help to improve the whole image of a person, the figure becomes slim and graceful.

Rejection of bad habits. One of the most important factors for maintaining health is the eradication of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs). These violators of health are the cause of many diseases, drastically reduce life expectancy, reduce efficiency, and adversely affect the health of the younger generation and the health of future children.

hardening- obligatory element physical education, especially important for young people, as it has great importance to improve health, increase efficiency, improve well-being, mood and vigor. Hardening, as a factor in increasing the body's resistance to various meteorological conditions, has been used since ancient times.

Important element healthy lifestyle life - personal hygiene. It includes a rational daily regimen, body care, clothing and footwear hygiene. Of particular importance is daily regime. With proper and strict observance of it, a clear rhythm of the functioning of the body is developed. And this, in turn, creates Better conditions for work and recovery.

If you adhere to the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle, you can get a bright and painless future, harmony of soul and body as a reward.

Everyone wishes good health, because it ensures the harmonious development of the personality, determines the ability to labor activity and is a basic human need.

And, unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with the factors that determine health. People often shift responsibility to others without taking care of themselves. Leading bad to thirty years lead the body into terrible condition and only then think about medicine.

But doctors are not omnipotent. We create our own destiny, and everything is in our hands. This is what we will cover in this article, we will consider the main factors that determine the health of the population.

Indicators that determine human health

Let's talk about components first. Distinguish:

  • Somatic. good health and life of the organism.
  • Physical. Proper development and training of the body.
  • Mental. healthy spirit and a sober mind.
  • Sexual. The level and culture of sexuality and childbearing activity.
  • Moral. Compliance with morality, rules, norms and foundations in society.

Apparently, the term "health" is cumulative. Each individual must have an idea about the human body, the work of organs and systems. Know your traits psychological state be able to adjust their physical and mental abilities.

Now let's talk about the criteria that match each component:

  • normal physical and genetic development;
  • absence of defects, diseases and any deviations;
  • healthy mental and mental state;
  • the possibility of healthy reproduction and normal sexual development;
  • correct behavior in society, compliance with norms and principles, understanding oneself as a person and an individual.

We have considered the components and criteria, and now let's talk about human health as a value, the factors that determine it.

Activity is encouraged from an early age.


  1. Physical health.
  2. Mental.
  3. Moral.

A physically and spiritually healthy person lives in complete harmony. He is happy, receives moral satisfaction from work, improves himself, and as a reward he gets longevity and youth.

Factors that determine human health

To be healthy and happy, you need to lead. You need to desire this and strive for the task.

How to achieve this goal:

  1. Maintain a certain level of physical activity.
  2. Have emotional and psychological stability.
  3. Temper.
  4. Eat properly.
  5. Follow the daily routine (work, rest).
  6. forget about bad habits(alcohol, smoking, drugs).
  7. Observe moral standards in society.

It is very important to lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle for a child with early childhood so that later, in the process of building his future, the "walls" would be strong and durable.

A person is influenced by many things. Consider the main factors that determine health:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Man's attitude towards own health and his lifestyle.
  3. environment.
  4. Level medical care.

Those were the key points.

Let's talk more about each

Heredity plays a huge role. If relatives are healthy and strong, long-lived, the same fate is prepared for you. The main thing is to maintain your own health.

Lifestyle is what you are. That's right, because proper nutrition, jogging, exercising, cold shower, hardening is your health. You need to be able to deny yourself for good. Let's say friends invite you to a nightclub, and tomorrow you have a hard day at work, of course, it's better to stay at home, get enough sleep, than with a sore head, inhaling nicotine, plunge into work. This applies to smoking, alcohol and drug use. Should be head on shoulders.

There are factors that determine human health that do not depend on us. This is the environment. Gas emissions from transport, the use of goods and food from unscrupulous manufacturers, mutating old viruses (flu) and the emergence of new ones - all this negatively affects our health.

We also depend on the healthcare system that exists in the region in which we live. Medicine in many cases is paid, and not many people have the means to get the help of a good, highly qualified specialist.

Thus, we have defined health as a value and considered the factors that determine it.

Health is a diamond that needs to be cut. Consider two basic rules for building a healthy lifestyle:

  • phasing;
  • regularity.

It is very important in any training process, whether it is the development of muscles, hardening, correcting posture, mastering educational material or mastering a specialty, do everything gradually.

And, of course, do not forget about the systematic, so as not to lose the result, experience and skills.

So, we have considered the main factors that determine health, and now let's talk about the processes that negatively affect a person's lifestyle.

What makes health worse

Consider risk factors:

  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs, substance abuse).
  • Poor nutrition (unbalanced eating, overeating).
  • Depressive and stressful condition.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Sexual behavior that leads to sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies.

These are health risk factors. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Let's define the term

Risk factors are confirmed or estimated possible conditions indoor and outdoor environment human body conducive to any ailment. May not be the cause of the disease, but contribute more likely its occurrence, progression and adverse outcome.

What other risk factors exist

Here are some examples:

  • Biological. Bad heredity, congenital defects.
  • Socio-economic.
  • Environmental phenomena (poor ecology, peculiarities of climatic and geographical conditions).
  • Violation of hygiene standards, their ignorance.
  • Non-observance of regimes (sleep, nutrition, work and rest, educational process).
  • Unfavorable climate in the family and in the team.
  • Poor physical activity and many others.

Having studied examples of risk, it remains for a person to purposefully, persistently, conscientiously work to reduce them and strengthen health protection factors.

Let's take a closer look at physical health. It affects not only the ability to work, but also life in general.

Physical health. Factors that determine physical health

This is the state of the human body characteristics which help to adapt to any circumstances, when all organs and systems are functioning normally.

It should be noted that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not just about sports, adherence to regimens and proper nutrition. This is a certain attitude that a person adheres to. He is engaged in self-improvement, spiritual development, raises the cultural level. All together makes his life better.

Lifestyle is the first major factor. Prudent human behavior aimed at maintaining one's health should include:

  • compliance with the optimal mode of work, sleep and rest;
  • the obligatory presence of everyday physical activity, but within the normal range, no less, no more;
  • complete rejection of bad habits;
  • only proper and balanced nutrition;
  • teaching positive thinking.

It is necessary to understand that it is the factor of a healthy lifestyle that makes it possible to function normally, to fulfill all social tasks, as well as labor, in the family and household sphere. It directly affects how long an individual will live.

At 50% physical health a person depends on his lifestyle, according to scientists. Let's start discussing the next question.


What factors determine human health, if we talk about the environment? Depending on its impact, three groups are distinguished:

  1. Physical. This is air humidity, pressure, solar radiation and etc.
  2. Biological. They can be helpful and harmful. This includes viruses, fungi, plants and even pets, bacteria.
  3. Chemical. Any chemical elements and compounds that are found everywhere: in the soil, in the walls of buildings, in food, in clothing. As well as electronics surrounding a person.

In sum, all these factors account for about 20%, which is a rather big figure. Only 10% of the health status of the population is determined by the level of medical care, 20% - by hereditary factors, and 50% is given to lifestyle.

As you can see, there are a lot of factors that determine the state of human health. Therefore, it is extremely important not only to eliminate the emerging symptoms of diseases and fight infections. It is necessary to influence all the factors that determine health.

It is extremely difficult for one person to change the environmental conditions, but everyone can improve the microclimate of their home, carefully choose food, eat clean water less use of substances that adversely affect the environment.

And finally, let's talk about the factors that determine the level of health of the population.

Circumstances that shape the way people live

Consider the most important indicators that affect the level of health:

  1. Living conditions.
  2. Habits that harm the body.
  3. Relationships between family members, microclimate, as well as the loss of family values, divorces, abortions.
  4. Committed crimes, robberies, murders and suicides.
  5. A change in lifestyle, for example, moving from a village to a city.
  6. Collisions that occur because of belonging to different religions and traditions.

Now consider the impact on the health of the population of other phenomena.

Negative impact of technogenic factors

These include:

  1. Decreased performance conditionally healthy people, as well as
  2. The occurrence of disorders in genetics, leading to the emergence of hereditary diseases that will fall on future generations.
  3. The growth of chronic and infectious diseases among the working-age population, due to which people do not go to work.
  4. Reducing the level of health of children living in contaminated areas.
  5. Weak immunity in most of the population.
  6. An increase in the number of cancer patients.
  7. Decreased life expectancy in people living in areas with high environmental pollution.

Thus, it is clear that there are many risk factors. This can also include industrial and transport emissions into the atmosphere, dirty effluents into groundwater, landfills, vapors and poisons of which then again with precipitation enter the human environment a habitat.

It can be noted that the negative impact on the health of the population of funds mass media. News on television, periodicals, radio broadcasts, full of negative material, excite people. Thus, they cause a depressive and stressful state, break the conservative consciousness and are the most powerful factor that is harmful to health.

The quality of the water used is of paramount importance for mankind. It can serve as a source of the spread of terrible infectious diseases.

The soil also has a negative impact on human health. Since it accumulates impurities from industrial enterprises coming from the atmosphere, a variety of pesticides, fertilizers. It may also contain pathogens of some helminthiases and numerous infectious diseases. This poses a great danger to people.

And even the biological components of the landscape are able to harm the population. it poisonous plants and bites from venomous animals. And also extremely dangerous carriers of infectious diseases (insects, animals).

It is impossible not to mention natural disasters that take away more than 50 thousand people annually. These are earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, avalanches, hurricanes.

And in conclusion of our article, we can conclude that many literate people do not adhere to the right lifestyle, relying on higher power(perhaps it will carry).

It is necessary to rest. Sleep is very important, which protects our nervous system. A person who sleeps little gets up in the morning irritable, broken and angry, often with a headache. Each individual has his own sleep rate, but on average it should last at least 8 hours.

Two hours before a night's rest, you should stop eating and mental activity. The room should be ventilated, you need to open the window at night. In no case should you sleep in outerwear. Do not hide with your head and bury your face in the pillow, this interferes with the respiratory process. Try to fall asleep at the same time, the body will get used to it and there will be no problems with falling asleep.

But you should not risk your health, life is one, and you need to live it qualitatively and happily in order to enjoy it. priceless gift so could your healthy descendants.