Is laser vision correction dangerous? Is laser vision correction dangerous? Is laser correction dangerous?

That moment when the attending physician advises a method of improvement, but in my head there is only the thought: “ Is vision correction dangerous?"? They begin to make a decision, weigh all the pros and cons. List of advantages of this procedure:

In any case, the patient will be familiarized with both the pros and cons of this operation.

Is vision correction dangerous? Ways to carry it out

Ophthalmologists generally recommend the most safe ways restoration of vision using laser correction. On this moment there are two of them:
  2. PRK - photorefractive keratectomy.
The first method has been practiced for many years in the USA and Japan outside of special clinics. Even very small institutions can conduct this procedure. In these countries this is a generally available technique. In the second method, the shape of the cornea began to change using a laser that evaporated tissue from its surface, thus forming a new appearance. Good accuracy guaranteed positive result and reduced side effects.

Negative aspects of laser vision correction

After any medical procedure complications may arise. After all, this is an intervention in a single well-balanced system - our body. Unfortunately, no one knows one hundred percent how he will behave in a specific situation. Difficulties after the procedure:
  • Darkening of the cornea, which will lead to poor vision;
  • The lenses of the pupil of the eye may shift due to tension during correction;
  • Opposite changes, such as from farsightedness to nearsightedness or the opposite effect;
  • The cornea weakens, which does not give any result at all;
  • Pupil displacement;
  • Inflammatory processes.
Before making such a decision, you need to weigh everything and decide for yourself whether you are ready to undergo laser vision correction or not.

It’s a risky undertaking, but those who don’t take risks continue to wear contact lenses and glasses.

There's a lot at the moment positive feedback and examples from people who took the plunge and improved their vision, saving their eyes from further destruction.
Video: “SHOCK!! Watch EVERYONE! LASER VISION CORRECTION - reviews and cons"

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A significant number of people are forced to wear glasses or contact lenses V last years appeared real alternative- laser vision correction. The choice of method and type of laser correction is also wide: lasik, epi-lasik, femto-lasik, lasek. What are these methods? What are their differences and advantages?

Modern ophthalmology is already difficult to imagine without the use of lasers, although critics of laser ophthalmic surgery blame this approach for the lack of information about long-term results. However, the desire to see again with one’s own eyes without the help of glasses and lenses every year makes everyone large quantity people contact ophthalmology clinics and centers specializing in laser vision correction.

What is laser vision correction?

Laser or, as it is also called, refractive ophthalmic surgery involves the correction of a number of visual problems using a laser, which corrects irregularities and defects in the cornea, allowing it to become the required form and thus change the optical characteristics of the eye. It is used to solve vision defects associated with refractive errors such as myopia, farsightedness, and astigmatism. The main advantages of this technology are low trauma, painlessness, high predictability and stability of results, speed, convenience and, most importantly, fairly high reliability and safety.

Possibilities of laser vision correction method

Significant improvement in vision using laser ophthalmic surgery techniques can be achieved with the following indicators:

Myopia (myopia) from -1 to -13 D
Hypermetropia (farsightedness) + 1 to + 6 D
Astigmatism from +/- 1 to +/- 4

Thanks to wide range methods of laser correction, ophthalmic surgeons are able to select the best way vision correction for each patient.

Contraindications to laser vision correction

Laser vision correction is not recommended for patients with too thin corneas, progressive myopia, inflammatory diseases eyes, glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment and a number of serious chronic diseases. Before surgery, it is necessary to examine not only an ophthalmologist, but also a general examination and assessment of the patient’s readiness for surgery.

To undergo laser correction, the patient must be 18 years of age. This is due to the fact that in children the process of formation of the eyeball is not yet completely completed and visual acuity may change. As for older people, here best results can be achieved with correction up to 45 years of age, because Subsequently, irreversible events occur in the eye. age-related changes worsening the results of the operation.

Today there are four reliable methods of laser vision correction:

Currently, it is the most popular and widespread method of laser vision correction. LASIK (LASIK is an acronym for Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis - “laser keratomileusis”). With this technique, the doctor uses a microkeratome (microknife) to cut off a corneal flap ( top part cornea) about 130 microns thick. The flap is not completely cut off. One end remains attached to the cornea, like an open book. Then the excimer laser is used. By specified by the program The corneal stroma is removed from the sample within a few seconds. The affected area is washed and the corneal flap is returned to its original place. Due to the rapid reunification of parts of the cornea and the independent growth of the separated corneal flap, no stitches are required. The maximum possible visual acuity for a particular patient is returned to him within 24 hours after the operation.


Retains all the advantages of lasik technology, but instead of a microknife, an epi-kerat is used, which allows you to separate a thinner flap than with lasik, which significantly reduces the risk postoperative complications and accelerates the process of cell restoration.


Unlike classical lasik technology, which is a combination of excimer laser and microsurgical technologies, when using the femto-lasik method, the surface layer of the cornea of ​​the eye is cut not using a microknife, but directly with a laser beam. Thus, the use of a femtosecond laser allows ophthalmic surgeries without the intervention of mechanical tools.

The superficial layer of the cornea is separated using ethyl alcohol and special tools. After laser correction, the separated flap returns to its original place, but it is no longer viable. Within a few days after the procedure, it is possible painful sensations in the eye. A more traumatic method than all of the above laser correction methods.

Possible complications after laser vision correction

Laser vision correction is considered to be one of the safest and least traumatic techniques, but, like any surgical intervention, it is fraught with a number of dangers. The most common complications after laser vision correction include:

Incomplete healing of the cornea

One of the most common complications, characterized by incomplete or incorrect growth of the corneal flap separated during surgery. As a result of this, in rare cases with mechanical external influence it may simply fall off and it will be impossible to grow it back. According to recent studies, all patients who have undergone laser vision correction remain forever susceptible to traumatic damage and dislocation of the corneal valve.

Hypo- or hypercorrection

One more possible complication laser vision correction is hypo- or hyper-correction, leading to short-term or long-term inconvenience. Hypocorrection refers to incomplete correction of refractive errors, and hypercorrection refers to excessive correction. For example, overcorrection for myopia can lead to farsightedness. If these complications are significant, they can be corrected with reoperation.

Dry eye

The appearance of dry eye syndrome is the most common complication after laser vision correction. This phenomenon may be temporary, or it may develop into chronic form accompanied by pain and discomfort in the eye. The appearance of dry eye syndrome after laser vision correction is due to the fact that the laser during surgery can damage the nerves in the cornea that are responsible for producing tears. On at this stage Development of ophthalmology, treatment of dry eye syndrome mainly comes down to symptomatic relief.

Deterioration in quality of vision

In rare cases, after a laser vision correction procedure, patients immediately or after a certain period of time experience a deterioration in the quality of night vision, decreased contrast, double vision, glare, light flashes, lightning and a halo when looking at light sources. If these phenomena are caused by tissue thickening or deposits in the eye after surgery, they can usually be successfully treated with drug treatment.

Iatrogenic keratectasia

Also, laser vision correction can lead to softening and weakening of the cornea, which, if progressed, can cause a disease such as keratectasia, which causes loss of visual acuity, and in case of serious damage to the cornea, a corneal transplant may be necessary. The danger of keratectasia is that it does not develop immediately after surgery, but months and even years after a seemingly successful surgical intervention.

Most people perceive laser vision correction as a cosmetic procedure to help them get rid of glasses and contacts, rather than as an absolute necessity. In any case, when deciding on laser correction, you should remember that it does not treat either myopia or farsightedness, but only changes the optical characteristics of the eye. And the most important thing to take into account: laser vision correction is not cosmetic procedure, but a surgical intervention, the initial result of which largely depends on the qualifications of the surgeon, the quality of the equipment and the level of the clinic


One of the most popular methods of improving vision today is the use of laser correction. The process occurs using an excimer laser. It is controlled via a computer, and the specialist selects the method of refractive surgery. This may be the least dangerous in terms of causing injury. LASIK surgery or SUPERLASIK (LASIK/SUPERLASIK), or PRK (photorefractive keratectomy).

Advantages of laser vision correction procedure

When a doctor advises a patient to use this technique, many people naturally ask whether laser vision correction is dangerous.


Like any other medical procedure, LZK has its certain disadvantages.

In some cases, laser vision correction is dangerous due to darkening of the cornea. If this happens, the person will have a blurred vision of surrounding objects, which can sometimes even cause double vision. Darkening of the cornea is characterized by sharp deterioration vision in twilight or bright light.

Another possible by-effect is getting the opposite of the expected result. For example, if laser method Myopia was treated, then farsightedness may occur and vice versa. The problem is that it will no longer be possible to correct vision using a laser again. In this case, more serious intervention will be required.

Sometimes surgery can cause a weakening of the cornea, which can lead to significant vision impairment. Then the success of laser correction in this case is reduced to zero, and the patient returns to wearing glasses or contacts.

Another danger of laser vision correction is pupil displacement. When the eye is exposed to a laser, the lens receives a very strong load, which can cause the pupil to move. Elimination of this defect requires a new complex operation, which does not guarantee a positive result.

TO possible consequences Laser correction may include conjunctivitis, problems with binocular vision, various inflammations, as well as fragility of the eyeballs. Sometimes the retina or sclera of the eye is damaged. These consequences require long-term treatment, which will include not only medication, but also surgery. If eyeballs become fragile after surgery, then any impact on them will cause vision deterioration.

To summarize, it is necessary to mention that laser vision correction LASIK method or SUPERLASIK (LASIK/SUPERLASIK) is a modern and high-tech medical manipulation. In our medical center Before recommending this procedure, the ophthalmologist conducts a full ophthalmological examination, the results of which determine the need and indications for laser vision correction for each patient absolutely individually. The predicted result is assessed and discussed with the patient. And if there are contraindications to laser vision correction or the possibility of any complications in the future, our doctors recommend not to carry out this procedure.

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The safest and most effective way to correct myopia is to undergo laser vision correction. This procedure improves vision and eliminates the need to wear glasses and contacts. But many people want to know whether there are any restrictions after laser vision correction? Still, this is an operation and after it you need to take care, and we will tell you how to do it.

The restrictions after the above operation are as follows:

Usage eye drops. After laser correction you will need to drip for a week eye drops, which are prescribed by the doctor. Be sure to come to the clinic for all follow-up checks prescribed by your doctor4

It is not recommended to rub the operated eye vigorously. This should not be done in the first days after surgery, as this may damage the corneal layer. However, you can wash your operated eye very carefully, just make sure that no soap or shampoo gets into it

Do not allow it to get into the eye dirty water. Therefore, during the week you need to refrain from visiting the bathhouse and sauna, swimming pool and swimming in reservoirs.

On the first day after surgery you need to sleep on your back.

Physical activity associated with heavy lifting and increased injury is prohibited. Therefore it is not recommended at all rehabilitation period dancing, skiing and skating, lifting weights, doing heavy physical work and extreme sports

Cannot be used for a week decorative cosmetics. This applies to women; it is also not recommended to use aerosols and hairsprays

- beware of direct contact sun rays on the eyes. Therefore, you shouldn’t go to the beach to sunbathe in the same week, go on vacation at sea and it’s best to wear Sunglasses

Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages

Restrictions on computer work and reading. You can’t put too much strain on your eyes for two weeks, otherwise you will feel the presence of sand in your eyes. If your work involves a computer or paperwork, then after the operation you will be given sick leave for two weeks, during this period take care of your eyes and do not strain them

Restrictions on planning pregnancy. After laser correction, you cannot plan a pregnancy for six months.

Articles from this section:

Truths and myths about laser vision correction

  1. Laser correction- an unpleasant, painful and scary procedure.

In fact, we can say that there is practically no sensation during the procedure. Before it starts, an anesthetic is instilled into you, then the eye is fixed (the eyelid is ensured immobility). The doctor will inform you about all the actions that will be performed so that this does not come as a surprise to you. All you have to do is look at the red dot, which will disappear at some point and appear again after a few seconds.

  • It is not recommended to perform surgery in the summer, as there is a risk of dust and infection.

    Since the procedure is performed on the surface layer of the cornea and, after placing the flap in place, it heals immediately, laser correction is not serious surgical intervention, so the summer season is not a limitation. It is only important to take into account that complete recovery after the procedure will take 1 month, therefore, if you plan to make a correction before your vacation, then you need to remember this period, during which you are not allowed to visit the sauna and bathhouse, or be exposed to strong ultraviolet radiation.

  • The operation should not be done before pregnancy.

    It is not recommended to carry out the procedure only for those women who are planning their pregnancy in the next six months, since it takes some time for the eyes to adapt and full recovery cornea. The operation will not affect pregnancy in any way. Progression of myopia after pregnancy and childbirth can occur regardless of whether you have undergone laser correction or not. There is a slight risk of regression due to hormonal shifts; to avoid this after surgery, it is recommended to plan a pregnancy after 3-6 months.

  • Eye surgery is a mandatory visit to the doctor every year to have your vision checked, as well as the impossibility of heavy physical activity, which can lead to deterioration or loss of vision.

    Any person needs to be checked by an ophthalmologist once a year, since even those who actually have normal vision may have hidden problems, for example, with the retina of the eye (thinning and tears of the retina can lead to its detachment, and then to blindness). After the procedure, you can lead a normal lifestyle, limiting at first (1-2 weeks) only heavy physical activity (for example, Gym) and classes team events sports (within a month) to avoid eye injury. There are no cuts or seams, which means there is no risk that they will come apart during active physical activity (with “notches” there was such a risk). Physical exercise the result of the operation will not be affected in any way. Vision will not deteriorate provided that it has been stable (not progressed) for a year or more.

  • After laser correction, there is a long and painful recovery, and many restrictions are imposed.

    All that has to be done after the procedure is to instill the drops. Quite often (every 2 hours) this will have to be done only in the first 2-3 days, then 3 times a day for a month. All discomfort problems that may occur in the first time after the procedure are periodic lacrimation and a feeling of dryness. This normal reaction the body, which usually goes away the next day, and for some it is completely absent. Photophobia may also occur for a few days (not everyone) - then wearing sunglasses. Vision will be restored in the next 2 hours! You will be able to drive a car, work on a computer and read a book the next day after the procedure! No additional restrictions are imposed after the operation. But! The restrictions you had before the operation will remain.

  • Serious complications often occur after laser correction.

    Serious complications When using the LASIK technique, they are very rare. LASIK is a safe, effective and permanent procedure. However, like any other surgery, it has some risks. The likelihood of a vision-decreasing complication with LASIK has been documented to be less than 1%. After laser surgery, you may experience some visual side effects, which usually go away after some time. Many of the risks and complications associated with this procedure can be reduced or eliminated through modern diagnostic technology, careful patient selection, and careful patient compliance with the physician's postoperative instructions.

  • The method has not yet been sufficiently tested. No one knows what will happen 20 years after such a correction.

    In fact, the first excimer laser correction using the PRK method was carried out in 1985 using the LASIK method (laser in situ keratomileusis) - in 1989. And keratomileusis itself (without the use of a laser) appeared back in 1948, that is, more than 50 years ago. Therefore, now we can talk about long-term results and large quantities clinical data.

    What are the limitations after laser vision correction?

    Voffka Polovtsev Enlightened (38855) 5 years ago

    There are no restrictions on life activity after laser vision correction. During pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding), this procedure is not carried out, since during this period deep hormonal changes in the body occur.

    Elena Vasilyeva Enlightened (22165) 5 years ago

    Age restrictions There is no option for laser vision correction, but vision will be restored to the extent that the retina of your eye is preserved.

    Is it possible to do weightlifting after vision correction? If yes, then after what period?

    The ability to engage in weightlifting depends on the condition fundus(retina). At high degree For myopia, it is not recommended to engage in weightlifting at all, and in some cases, myopia is a contraindication to such activities. The operation itself does not impose any additional restrictions; after vision correction, you will be able to train in 1.5-2 months.

    What are the restrictions on playing sports after correction? Have you heard that your eyes can “burst”?

    Restrictions in playing sports after laser vision correction will be partial for 1-1.5 months. After modern laser surgeries in our center there are no other restrictions; the eyes cannot “burst”.

    How soon can I return to working on a computer?

    You will be able to return to working at the computer the very next day after the operation, but after the operation it is recommended to limit large visual loads for at least 2 weeks.

    How long will disability last after laser vision correction? I work as a professional driver.

    In your case, the disability will last about 2 weeks, your vision will be restored the next day.

    Will vision decrease after surgery?

    The indication for laser correction of myopia is stable vision for at least a year, under this condition, vision will not decrease after the operation. We can talk about the possibility of laser correction after the examination. Vision after laser correction usually does not decrease if it is known that there was no progression of myopia before the operation.

    Laser vision correction. Is it dangerous?

    this is if it's strong poor eyesight and if there is no tendency to worsen

    After correction, vision may still deteriorate

    Svetlana Barchenkova Pro (982) 8 years ago

    80% - successful. 20 - unsuccessful. Better live with your eyes, don't do anything. You don’t know which category you will fall into. And the eyes are serious!

    Aleksandr Schumacher Master (1405) 8 years ago

    I know only one thing: any event has a probability! When a friend of mine had such a correction, she was given an agreement that the doctors would not bear any responsibility to her if the operation ended unsatisfactorily! What conclusion follows from this? Right! Doctors are quite aware of the significance of the probability of an unsuccessful outcome! Good luck!

    In 2015, welcome the new season of the program “I’m breaking my body” on the STB channel! The goal of the show is to help people change their lives in better side: teach how to fight the disease, change the perception of your body and, finally, love it. The STB program was based on a similar British project. The goal of our version of the show is to change the attitude of Ukrainians towards their health and body.

    People from all over the country will take part in the large-scale medical project “I’m ashamed of my body.” In their stories they will tell how they live with their problem, what treatment they underwent, and the program specialists will explain to them their mistakes, show them ways to recover and effective methods treatment.

    Doctors of the “I’m ashamed of my body” 2015 program are obstetrician-gynecologist Lyudmila Shupenyuk, dermatovenerologist Ekaterina Bezvershenko and trauma surgeon Valery Oslavsky. Throughout all episodes of the show, experts will talk about the disease and show real examples of how to treat it. Often the program deals with problems that are not usually discussed in society and that are considered unaesthetic. In each program you will learn 5 real stories people with a severe form of some disease. All patients will be examined in the most serious clinic in Kyiv, and their treatment will be carried out by qualified doctors from specialized hospitals.

    Watch online all episodes of the show “I am breaking my body” 2015 on the project page on the STB channel website! And remember: even the most complex diseases can be treated, you just need to contact a competent specialist in time. Your health is in your hands! Love your body and you won’t have to say: “I’m embarrassed by my body!”

    Answers and reviews

    Nastya336 yeah, copy-paste from the clinic’s page is mega-objective :)) Pure lie. Shifting value frames and skillfully composed text.

    A description of the methods can be found at the bottom of the page.

    My doctor said that this is all great, there doesn’t seem to be any particular pain, but if you have a minus, they will correct it, but then a plus may begin to appear

    Restoring vision. You can’t lift weights for two weeks, then you can.

    I had -3. Contrary to the stories that the next day you can see everything like a hawk (well, after a maximum of 4 days), it took about two months to recover. Gradually. And now, a year later, vision ranges from one to 0.8 or even 0.6. Vision is 1 only on holidays.

    But I think there are people luckier than me.

    Fuck her! This laser correction! After the movie Final Destination 5, I will never go near this laser in my life!((

    Half a year ago, a friend of mine did it at Salamatyev’s for 1200 hp. There was -2 vision. so far everything is great.

    At laser surgery The laser cuts off the plastic of the cornea of ​​the eye, which is why it is so important for this operation that the cornea be dense and thick. No one will sew this cut layer of the cornea back or return it. and this is vision and eyes.

    I came to the conclusion that it would be better for me to be the owner of a very strong disadvantage and wear lenses or glasses than to cut off a piece of my eye and God forbid I go blind in old age or lose even more vision over time and develop a bunch of other eye sores.

    Is laser correction dangerous?

    “Vision is not everything, but without vision everything else is nothing,” it’s hard to disagree with this wise saying.

    In recent years, the load on vision - the main source of obtaining information about the world around us - has been constantly increasing. TV, computer, newspapers, books, etc. - all this significantly weakens our vision. Age eye diseases“getting younger”, the number of people with myopia, cataracts, and glaucoma is increasing. Identify eye diseases early stage and starting its treatment on time means preserving vision for many years.

    What is necessary for the patient in each specific case is decided by the doctor, which is why the role of a comprehensive vision examination and consultation with an ophthalmologist is difficult to underestimate. For more detailed information, we turned to an ophthalmologist highest category Artemyeva Zhanna Ilyinichna, who receives patients at the Health Code medical center (Mariupol, Metallurgov Ave., 102, tel. 412-716, 342-237).


    Zhanna Ilyinichna, who needs to undergo a comprehensive examination first?

    Zhanna Ilyinichna:

    For people with increased visual stress (working with a computer, students, teachers, etc.) - once a year. Preventive measures will help preserve vision.

    Anyone whose vision is deteriorating. In this case, it is not enough to specify the number of diopters for selecting glasses, since there are diseases whose symptoms are similar to myopia, farsightedness, and astigmatism. We need to find out what is the reason for the loss of vision.

    For those who wear contact lenses. Dispensary observation In such patients, it allows to achieve optimal correction and avoid possible complications.

    To all women planning to have a child. Special attention Those who have myopia or retinal dystrophy should pay attention to their vision and undergo regular examinations before and during pregnancy.

  • The most effective way forget about myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism, but not everyone decides to part with glasses. This is due to a ton of myths that surround progressive treatment methods.

    Together with ophthalmologist Ekaterina Branchevskaya from Branchevsky’s clinic “Big Village”, she debunked the most popular horror stories and found out whether it is realistic to get rid of glasses forever, whether it is possible to play sports after recovery and whether it is worth considering surgery under certain time of the year.

    Myth: It takes a very long time for vision to recover after laser correction.

    Reality: Today, only one of the three known methods involves a long recovery. This is PRK or photorefractive keratectomy, which takes place without preliminary preparation of the cornea: the doctor restores diopters by removing the thinnest protective layer of the cornea with a laser. Healing lasts about four days, and the final result appears after three months. More modern techniques- lasik and femto-lasik - eliminate long waits - recovery lasts no more than three hours. The technology implies that the eye is protected from direct laser beams: this means no open wounds and long-term painful sensations.

    Myth: Surgery can be done
    everyone in general

    Reality: Indications for surgery are always determined individually after diagnosis. We try to prescribe LASIK and Femto-LASIK to patients as the most modern views correction, but sometimes only PRK surgery can restore vision. The good news: such cases are only 2% of the total statistics, which means that most operations are carried out in a gentle manner.

    Reality: During Lasik surgery, the doctor uses an automatic microkeratome device, which allows you to create an ultra-thin section of the layers of the cornea; the procedure is prescribed only if you are completely confident in a positive outcome. At the same time, today the most critical moments of correction have become automated and programmable. Thus, those who experience excessive fear of surgery are usually advised to use the absolutely knifeless Femto Lasik technology - the eyes are exposed to a femtolaser, which corrects vision even more carefully.

    Myth: Laser correction will help you get rid of glasses forever

    Reality: Additional correction is not needed in 95% of cases after laser surgery. The remaining 5% are the so-called “difficult” moments, where the client needs to work for some more time
    with a doctor to recover.

    Myth: Surgery cannot be done
    during pregnancy

    Reality: It depends on the correction method. After PRK, clouding of the cornea may occur during hormonal changes; hormones do not affect the results of Lasik and Femto-Lasik. The decisive factor will be the condition of the retina: if it is in order and there is no risk of detachment, the correction will take place
    no problem - risks are identified during the inspection. During the operation, the doctor will deal only with the cornea, without touching the depth.

    Myth: You can't have surgery in the summer because of dust.

    Reality: This myth was born in the last century, when PRK was the only correction method. During long recovery doctors really asked patients to protect their eyes, but not from dust,
    and from the scorching summer sun, which strives to leave burns. Today, at any time of the year, patients are prescribed antibacterial drops, and dust can
    Do not be scared. However, remember that here, as with any operation,
    there are restrictions: for example, after correction you cannot visit the pool, sauna, etc. public places where there is a risk of infection.

    Myth: After surgery you need
    forget about sports

    Reality: Doctors recommend avoiding workouts that can cause eye injury. It refers to contact types sports and any games where the ball can hit your face - football, volleyball, basketball.
    In winter, it is better to refrain from active skiing and snowboarding or,
    at least use a special protective mask.

    Myth: After surgery, you need to limit eye strain.
    otherwise your vision will deteriorate again

    Reality: The cause of vision deterioration in myopia is not stress,
    and the specific growth of the eye, which continues while the person himself is growing - up to 18-20 years. We only accept adult patients for surgery.
    with stable myopia, eliminating the risk of repeated vision loss.
    But there are caveats: for example, a temporary spasm of the lens, the main lens of our eye, may occur - this just happens from overexertion.
    But this does not mean that you need to forget about the computer and TV forever,
    but screen time will have to be reduced. IN severe cases Drops help relieve spasms.

    Myth: Laser correction methods are new, which means specialists
    know too little about them

    Reality: The first operation using the Lasik technique was performed in 1989.
    and femto-lasik is widely used in medical practice since 2000.
    During this time, thousands of successful operations were performed and sufficient quantity clinical trials- In general, doctors have enough knowledge.