Ointment Vishnevsky: reviews. Ointment for external use

The creator of the ointment - Dr. Vishnevsky - was a military surgeon. It was important for the practitioner to get effective remedy treatment infected wounds(military wounds are often accompanied by infection, suppuration). Therefore, only simple, available drugs, with antiseptic and wound-healing action.

Interesting to know: in addition to the ointment, Dr. Vishnevsky invented novocaine blockade(method of local anesthesia).

Ointment (or liniment) Vishnevsky consists of three components:

  • tar;
  • xeroform;
  • Castor oil.

Each of the listed components specific action. Together, they complement each other and provide a common therapeutic effect.

Castor oil - wound healing component

Castor oil is a well-known wound healing agent. It is pressed from the poisonous seeds of the Kleshchevin bush. The tool is often used for external treatment of rashes, peeling, for healing wounds, burns, frostbite. Also, castor oil is distinguished by antimicrobial properties - its components destroy the cells of bacteria, fungi.

Castor oil has a double benefit: disinfects and forms new skin cells.

Tar - a broad-spectrum antiseptic

Tar is a product of the sublimation of wood resin. He has a sharp bad smell, which is preserved in the Vishnevsky liniment. Depending on the type of tree bark from which it is evaporated, tar can be aspen, birch, pine. For the manufacture of Vishnevsky liniment, birch tar is used.

Thus, birch tar is an antiseptic broad action. It includes more than 100 useful components, which counteract microbes, disinfect wounds. The antimicrobial properties of tar in the composition of Vishnevsky form the antiseptic effect of the agent.

Xeroform - synthetic antiseptic

Xeroform is a synthetic component, a powder in which two active substances a - bismuth salt and carboxylic acid. It is received during chemical reactions. Bismuth in the xeroform oxidizes pathogenic bacteria. Carboxylic acid - disrupts the structure of the bacterial cell.

it synthetic agent is a well-known antiseptic. It binds pathogenic microorganisms, causing their death. Used to treat external wounds, treat skin inflammation. Xeroform ointments are often prescribed after surgery and for treatment postpartum ruptures, umbilical wound in a baby, with eczema and burns, after skin transplantation.

Instructions for Vishnevsky's ointment

Instructions for the use of Vishnevsky ointment regulate contraindications and indications for treatment and methods of application. Liniment is recommended for the treatment of wounds various origins- surgical incisions, postpartum injuries, purulent processes, external inflammations.

Contraindications of Vishnevsky's ointment- this is kidney failure, tumors. At long-term treatment the composition may form rashes, redness.

The shelf life of the drug is 3 years (in a dark, cool place up to +18ºC).

What determines the effectiveness of the application

Vishnevsky's composition was invented over a hundred years ago. In medical circles, there were disputes about the appropriateness of its use. It was discussed that during the application of liniment, a film is formed on the surface of the wound that is impermeable to air. Under such a film, conditions are created for the development of anaerobic bacteria. So, it is possible to strengthen purulent processes.

In order for Vishnevsky's liniment to bring only benefit, it is necessary to use it correctly. Before applying to the skin, the surface must be disinfected. salicylic alcohol, iodine or a weak solution of manganese.

Practice has proven the effectiveness of the drug for the treatment of abscesses. As a result of increased blood flow, the abscess forms faster, breaks through and heals.

Proper use of Vishnevsky ointment

Liniment Vishnevsky is a remedy for the treatment purulent inflammation. It accelerates the maturation of boils and their breakthrough with subsequent healing.

The process, which could take 7-10 days, takes 12-24 hours.

A pimple, abscess, another type of boil matures, forms a purulent head, bursts, followed by the expiration of purulent exudate. Further application of liniment removes the remnants of pus and heals the wound without scarring. Liniment is used to treat a number of purulent inflammations.

Do you want something interesting?

What helps Vishnevsky's ointment:

  • acne rashes;
  • gynecological inflammation;
  • congestion in the extremities (thrombophlebitis, endarteritis, varicose veins, trophic ulcers, gangrenous processes);
  • psoriasis;
  • burns, bedsores, frostbite;
  • edema, dropsy.

Let us consider in more detail how and why Vishnevsky's ointment is used.

Vishnevsky's ointment for acne

To reduce and get rid of acne, pimples various etiologies bandages and dressings are used. Bandages are used for extensive rashes. To do this, take a bandage or gauze (folded in several layers), apply liniment on them, apply to the affected area (cheek, chin, forehead). Cover with cotton cloth, fix with a plaster. Leave overnight. In the morning - remove and wipe the skin with salicylic alcohol or chlorhexidine (to remove pathogenic bacteria and the smell of the ointment).

The second way is spot application of liniment without a compress. In this case, Vishnevsky's ointment for acne on the face is applied separately to each pimple (use a stick for the ears or a match with cotton wool). Pre-pimples are treated with iodine (pointwise), on top - liniment is applied. It is not necessary to cover with a plaster, it is necessary to renew the ointment every 2 hours. If the boil is ripe and does not break through on its own, you can pierce it with a needle and apply the composition again. You can't pop a pimple.

The use of Vishnevsky ointment in gynecology

Vishnevsky's ointment in gynecology is used to treat various inflammations(adnexa, ovaries, inflammation of the vagina, tubal infertility- obstruction of the fallopian tubes). Tampons with liniment reduce the area of ​​inflammation, reduce swelling. In addition, the composition of Vishnevsky contributes rapid healing ruptures, postpartum sutures, resorption of adhesions.

Tampons with Vishnevsky ointment in gynecology have an antiseptic and epithelial effect. They are placed overnight in the vagina. Each tampon consumes up to 15 g of ointment, the duration of treatment is up to 10 days with a break of 10 days.

Need to know: Vishnevsky's ointment treats bacterial infections, inflammations. Viral infections and a number of fungal - the ointment does not heal.

Tampons with Vishnevsky ointment help in the treatment of endometriosis. They are rebuilding the inner layer fallopian tube, which allows the fertilized egg to move along it into the uterus and be implanted with the onset of the desired pregnancy.

Ointment Vishnevsky with hemorrhoids

Vishnevsky ointment is used to treat external hemorrhoids and for postoperative therapy to remove hemorrhoids. The ointment not only promotes the formation of new skin, but also prevents infection of the wound.

In the treatment of the initial stages of hemorrhoids, the liniment helps to stop the process and prevent the operation, promotes the resorption of the bumps. At early start treatment (in initial stage) you can get rid of hemorrhoids completely.

How does liniment work with hemorrhoids:

  • enhances blood circulation in the area of ​​application;
  • reduces puffiness;
  • heals wounds;
  • reduces soreness.

Liniment Vishnevsky impose only on a clean surface. it mandatory condition treatment, otherwise the composition may harm. If particles of feces remain under the fatty film, they will activate anaerobic processes and increase infection.

Therefore, before applying medicinal composition, the anus is treated with a weak solution of manganese (or warm sitz baths are made in water with potassium permanganate). It is recommended to treat the anus with a manganese solution during the day, and only after proceeding to treatment with liniment.

The ointment is applied as a compress at night. You can apply another treatment regimen - apply liniment for 2-3 hours several times a day.

Hemorrhoids are often activated during pregnancy. Can pregnant women treat hemorrhoids with Vishnevsky's liniment?

Ointment Vishnevsky during pregnancy

External use of liniment during pregnancy is safe and allowed for the following diseases:

  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Varicose veins on the legs - the use of the ointment reduces the protrusion of the veins, reduces pain in games.
  • Swelling of the legs - the ointment reduces the manifestations of edema.
  • Gynecological inflammation (tampons with liniment during pregnancy, such treatment is prescribed in case of urgent need).

Treatment features: before applying liniment, wipe the skin with alcohol. This will remove bacteria that can grow under anaerobic conditions.

Analogues of Vishnevsky's ointment

For a hundred years after the invention of Vishnevsky's ointment, many formulations were developed and released - more effective, without pungent odor providing oxygen access to the wound. What compositions does the modern pharmacy industry offer as an alternative to the old remedy (Dr. Vishnevsky's liniment)?

  • Ichthyol ointment. The main active ingredient (ichthyol) is active against staphylococci, streptococci, yeast-like fungi. Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. In addition to the treatment of boils, it is used for eczema, streptoderma, burns and erysipelas. The main action of ichthyol is that it draws out pus, but does not enhance wound healing.
  • Levomekol is an antibiotic ointment. Provides a pronounced effect of treatment festering wounds. Much more effective than Vishnevsky's liniment.

As well as the following drugs:

  • Actovegin(cream and gel, which activate the absorption of glucose, oxygen, and therefore stimulate wound healing).
  • Solcoseryl(ointment and jelly, also activates the absorption of oxygen and glucose).
  • Acerbin(contains malic and benzoic acids, which provide antimicrobial action).
  • Happyderm(a cream containing antiseptic chlorhexidine and dexpanthenol, a skin epithelialization stimulant).
  • Nitacid(cream with an antibacterial component - nitazole, streptocide).
  • Ebermin- a preparation that contains a natural antiseptic (silver).

And also Bepanten (cream, lotion, ointment), Panthenol (foam or ointment), Rescuer, Miramistin (antiseptic solution). From folk remedies - tincture of calendula, propolis, the pulp of aloe leaves.

Levomekol - what are the differences and features

As an analogue to Vishnevsky's liniment, the pharmaceutical industry offers Levomekol. This is an ointment that contains an antibiotic and an immunostimulant (methyluracin and chloramphenicol). Levomekol is also used for purulent wounds, burns, trophic ulcers and other infectious skin lesions. The antibacterial effect of Levomekoli is more pronounced than Vishnevsky's ointment. In addition, it does not contain components with a sharp unpleasant odor.

What is better Levomekol or Vishnevsky ointment? This is determined by the severity of skin lesions and the condition of the sick person.

If the condition is severe and a quick therapeutic effect is needed, Levomekol with antibiotics is used. If the purulent process is not extensive, they turn to the more accessible composition of Vishnevsky.

The antibacterial components of Levomekoli, when absorbed into the blood, enter the cavities internal organs and can disrupt their microflora. It is also better not to use Levomekol for pregnant women, especially in the early stages (the first four months).

Ointment Vishnevsky - simple, inexpensive and enough effective remedy treatment of ulcers and boils. Before applying the composition, it is necessary to treat the skin with an antiseptic solution. This will prevent anaerobic processes and prevent increased inflammation.

Familiar from childhood, the names "Vishnevsky's Ointment", "Ichthyol" are regulars in all home first-aid kits, are in an irreconcilable dispute for the right to save people from such troubles as ulcers, eczema, bedsores, abscesses and other diseases.

Many wondered what is better - "Ichthyol ointment" or "Vishnevsky's ointment", leaving him among the rhetorical questions. The answer, however, exists.

Compare the compositions of ointments

Everyone knows that Dr. A. V. Vishnevsky invented his own " folk remedy» by mixing birch tar, xeroform and castor oil.

The simplicity and elegance of the drug formula is admirable:

  1. Xeroform, a salt of bismuth (Bi), which inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, actively heals wounds of any origin.
  2. Birch tar, which is made from birch bark - a folk remedy that has a disinfectant, antiseptic, regenerating and other effects.
  3. Castor oil, a drug plant origin, which is made from the seeds of the castor bean, a variety of milkweed, which has a pronounced antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial effect, thanks to a large number ricinoleic acid in its composition.

It's important to know: all three components of the ointment destroy pests, enhancing each other's action.

The composition of "Ichthyol ointment" is two-component, consists of the main substance of ichthyol and auxiliary - vaseline. Role excipient can also play:

Basically, they don't affect anything. Thus, "Ichthyol ointment" is actually ichthyol, in the form in which it appeared to people from nature. This is the result of dry distillation of bituminous stone from Mesozoic shale deposits, consisting of countless remains of fish, plankton, marine mammals, algae and all that is rich in the seabed.

The origin of the name is clear - fish (ichthammol means fish) or made from fish. From this Mesozoic ore, shale oil is obtained, which is divided into two fractions. One of them, volatile, is combined with sulfuric acid, then it is removed. This is how tar from shale is obtained, similar in consistency to birch tar.

Note: the compositions are different, but there is one absolute similarity: the natural components of ointments, which have existed in medicine for many more than a hundred years, do not cause allergies in patients.

In any case, the statistics of applications state rare single phenomena of individual intolerance to drugs. Natural ointments do not harm human body, only help him in case serious illnesses. Study the composition of medicines without relying on the comments of pharmacists and doctors.

Compare the properties of ointments

How much the properties of ointments differ if they belong to the same pharmacological group? The result will show information revealing the scope of their application.

A significant sulfur content in the composition of ichthyolka gives it the following properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • antimicrobial;
  • keratolytic (destruction of dead skin cells).

Thus, the ointment helps in the fight against fungal and microbial infection, many diseases of the skin. There is an acceleration of regenerative processes, vasoconstriction.

The ointment relieves itching in psoriasis, increases skin elasticity, activates metabolism locally, relieves peeling.

Advice: be interested in how this or that drug affects the patient's body, analyze the effectiveness of the drug without relying on doctors.

The properties of Vishnevsky's Ointment are similar. It does not have only a pronounced keratolic effect, all other pharmacological properties are identical.

Indications for use

And yet, there is a difference between the drugs. You can find it in the instructions for use.

In addition to indications for treatment skin diseases, ichthyol ointment used for neuralgia, treatment of arthritis. Candles with ichthyolka treat prostate disease, many gynecological diseases.

Ointment removes pain symptoms, draws out abscesses of boils and acne, but only when they have been outlined, and a yellow dot has appeared on the swelling. Ichthyolka is not able to dissolve the capsular walls of wen, purulent formations.

Levomikol, Vishnevsky's Ointment copes with this task. With their help, the maturation of abscesses is activated, it helps the boil to ripen, cleans the hole cleanly, drawing out the pus, then heals the wounds.

"Liniment Vishnevsky" better helps with burns, gangrene. Treats tropical ulcers, helps with thrombophlebitis, frostbite, lymphodermatitis. Possessing a healing and antiseptic effect, it is effectively used for psoriasis as part of complex therapy.

According to doctors, drugs can replace each other in such diseases:

  • burns;
  • acne
  • erysipelas;
  • abscess;
  • abscess;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • furuncle.

In the instructions for both ointments, it is easy to find methods of application: they are applied to the wound, applying a patch, applying cotton gauze bandages compresses. There is little difference between drugs in price.

Take note:"Ichthyol ointment" surpasses the opponent in terms of pain relief, its anti-inflammatory effect is stronger. "Vishnevsky's ointment" treats the skin more carefully, its action can be called more gentle.

Still, it is impossible to talk about which ointment is better. Medicines that have the same pharmacological effect, differ in composition, therefore, and work differently in each specific situation, with each disease.

Add to this the different susceptibility of the human body to the same drug, and the answer becomes completely clear. Detailed information about "Ointment Vishnevsky" see the following video:

home > Means > "Ichthyol ointment" or "Vishnevsky's ointment": which is better and more effective

Familiar from childhood, the names "Vishnevsky's Ointment", "Ichthyol" are regulars in all home first-aid kits, they are in an irreconcilable dispute for the right to save people from such troubles as ulcers, eczema, bedsores, abscesses and other diseases.

Many wondered which is better - "Ichthyol ointment" or "Vishnevsky's ointment", leaving him among the rhetorical questions. The answer, however, exists.

  • Compare the compositions of ointments
  • Compare the properties of ointments
  • Indications for use

Compare the compositions of ointments

Everyone knows that Dr. A. V. Vishnevsky invented his "folk remedy" by mixing birch tar, xeroform and castor oil.

The simplicity and elegance of the drug formula is admirable:

  1. Xeroform, a salt of bismuth (Bi), which inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, actively heals wounds of any origin.
  2. Birch tar, which is made from birch bark, is a folk remedy that has disinfectant, antiseptic, regenerating and other effects.
  3. Castor oil, a herbal preparation that is made from the seeds of the castor bean, a variety of milkweed, has a pronounced antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial effect, due to the large amount of ricinoleic acid in its composition.

It is important to know: all three components of the ointment destroy pests, enhancing each other's action.

The composition of "Ichthyol ointment" is two-component, consists of the main substance of ichthyol and auxiliary - vaseline. The role of the excipient can also play:

  • paraffin;
  • beeswax;
  • glycerol.

Basically, they don't affect anything. Thus, "Ichthyol ointment" is actually ichthyol, in the form in which it appeared to people from nature. This is the result of dry distillation of bituminous stone from Mesozoic shale deposits, consisting of countless remains of fish, plankton, marine mammals, algae and all that is rich in the seabed.

The origin of the name is clear - fish (ichthammol means fish) or made from fish. From this Mesozoic ore, shale oil is obtained, which is divided into two fractions. One of them, volatile, is combined with sulfuric acid, then it is removed. This is how tar from shale is obtained, similar in consistency to birch tar.

Please note: the compositions are different, but there is one absolute similarity: the natural components of ointments, which have existed in medicine for many more than a hundred years, do not cause allergies in patients.

In any case, the statistics of applications state rare single phenomena of individual intolerance to drugs. Natural ointments do not harm the human body, they only help it in case of serious illnesses. Study the composition of medicines without relying on the comments of pharmacists and doctors.

Compare the properties of ointments

How much do the properties of ointments differ if they belong to the same pharmacological group? The result will show information revealing the scope of their application.

A significant sulfur content in the composition of ichthyolka gives it the following properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • antimicrobial;
  • keratolytic (destruction of dead skin cells).

Thus, the ointment helps in the fight against fungal and microbial infection, many diseases of the skin. There is an acceleration of regenerative processes, vasoconstriction.

The ointment relieves itching in psoriasis, increases skin elasticity, activates metabolism locally, relieves peeling.

Tip: be interested in how this or that drug affects the patient's body, analyze the effectiveness of the drug without relying on doctors.

The properties of Vishnevsky's Ointment are similar. It does not have only a pronounced keratolic effect, all other pharmacological properties are identical.

Indications for use

And yet, there is a difference between the drugs. You can find it in the instructions for use.

In addition to indications for the treatment of skin diseases, ichthyol ointment is used for neuralgia, the treatment of arthritis. Candles with ichthyolka treat prostate disease, many gynecological diseases.

The ointment relieves pain symptoms, draws out abscesses of boils and acne, but only when they are outlined, and a yellow dot appears on the swelling. Ichthyolka is not able to dissolve the capsular walls of wen, purulent formations.

Levomikol, Vishnevsky's Ointment copes with this task. With their help, the maturation of abscesses is activated, it helps the boil to ripen, cleans the hole cleanly, drawing out the pus, then heals the wounds.

"Liniment Vishnevsky" better helps with burns, gangrene. Treats tropical ulcers, helps with thrombophlebitis, frostbite, lymphodermatitis. Possessing a healing and antiseptic effect, it is effectively used for psoriasis as part of complex therapy.

This is interesting: once the ichthyol was prescribed inside, now this is not practiced, both ointments are used only for external use.

According to doctors, drugs can replace each other in such diseases:

  • burns;
  • acne
  • erysipelas;
  • abscess;
  • abscess;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • furuncle.

In the instructions for both ointments, it is easy to find methods of application: they are applied to the wound, using a plaster, cotton-gauze dressings of compresses are applied. There is little difference between drugs in price.

Take note: "Ichthyol ointment" is superior to the opponent in terms of pain relief, its anti-inflammatory effect is stronger. "Vishnevsky's ointment" treats the skin more carefully, its action can be called more gentle.

Still, it is impossible to talk about which ointment is better. Medicines that have the same pharmacological effect differ in composition, therefore, they work differently in each specific situation, for each disease.

Add to this the different susceptibility of the human body to the same drug, and the answer becomes completely clear. See the following video for more information about Wisniewski's Masi:


  • eliminate inflammation and pain;
  • dissolve swelling and hematomas;


Selection rules

  • break through the shell of the abscess;

See also: Magnesium B6 instruction during pregnancy and for children

Description of drugs

pharmachologic effect

Composition and form of release

Instructions for use

Indications and contraindications

  • streptoderma;
  • staphyloderma;
  • furunculosis;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • trophic ulcers.

Side effects

Dosage and administration


Elena, Krasnoyarsk: I did not choose which is better - Ichthyolka or Vishnevsky's ointment. I have been allergic to the first remedy since childhood. But the balsamic liniment suits me perfectly. I use it for boils.

Anna, Saratov: I can’t choose which is better - Ichthyol or Vishnevsky ointment, because I use both. First I apply liniment for accelerated maturation eel. And Ichthyolka helps to quickly break through and clean the wound from contamination.



Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment which is better: a review of drugs, differences, effectiveness and reviews

Liniment balsamic according to Vishnevsky and Ichthyol ointment are used for the treatment infectious diseases skin covers. The drugs quickly stop inflammation, reduce the severity of pain, eliminate itching and burning. And thanks to the antiseptic action of their ingredients, the damaged tissues are completely cleansed.

What is better for the patient - Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky, the attending physician decides. The dermatologist will determine the stage of the course of the pathology, establish its cause, evaluate general state skin. Of no small importance is the individual intolerance of certain components of agents for local application by a person.

Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky - which is more effective?

AT dermatological practice Ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky ointment are most often used in the treatment of purulent wounds. They are used at the stage of maturation of boils or abscesses and after the release of their contents to the outside. In most cases these effective medicines interchangeable. They have a variety of effects on the human body:

  • eliminate inflammation and pain;
  • dissolve swelling and hematomas;
  • destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
  • significantly speeding up recovery.

Unlike balsamic liniment, Ichthyolka is used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With its help, arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis are treated.


To determine which ointment is better - Ichthyol or Vishnevsky, is often possible only in practice. Most patients do not feel any difference between them due to the high therapeutic activity drugs. And many use them alternately, strengthening clinical efficacy. What is the difference between Ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky liniment and is the difference so fundamental:

  • the liniment has a more multicomponent composition. When summed therapeutic actions ingredients, the overall clinical effect is the same as that of the ointment;
  • Ichthyolka is produced by manufacturers with different concentration active substances. This significantly expands the scope of its application;
  • medicines are not expensive, but the price of balsamic liniment is somewhat lower.

Different preparations and smell, which they have a very specific. Ichthyolka smells of sulfur and oil, and liniment smells of tar and xeroform. Sometimes it physical property becomes a determining factor in the choice of drugs.

Selection rules

Ointment Vishnevsky or Ichthyol is usually used for infectious and inflammatory skin pathologies. They occur against the background of the formation of abscesses, delivering to a person severe pain. Liniment should be used at the initial stage of abscess formation. It will accelerate its maturation and prevent the spread of infectious pathogens to healthy tissues. And Ichthyolka has the ability:

  • break through the shell of the abscess;
  • pull its contents out;
  • sanitize the cavity of the inflammatory focus.

You can use only Ichthyol ointment, applying it at each stage of treatment. But this will slow down the rate of recovery by 1-2 days. The external agent does not have the ability of the liniment to thin the dense capsule of the abscess.

If drugs are prescribed to eliminate acne and chiri, then in addition to them there are regeneration stimulants.

Ichthyolka and balsamic liniment are not intended for application to open wound surfaces. Therefore, after opening the abscess, Solcoseryl, Levomekol, Levosin are used. For the treatment of wounds, constant treatment with antiseptic solutions, for example, Chlorhexidine or Furacilin, is necessary.

Description of drugs

The composition of the ointment Ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky includes components that have antimicrobial and antimycotic efficacy. They are active against many pathogens of fungal and bacterial origin. Under the influence of external or internal factors damage to the skin and tissue infection. Pathogenic fungi and pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply actively. This process is accompanied by even greater tissue damage:

Ichthyolka and balsamic liniment act directly on the cause of the pathology, destroying infectious agents. At the same time, they reduce the severity of symptoms - pain syndrome, skin itching, burning. The preparations contribute to the rapid disinfection of the abscess cavity, stimulate the regeneration of damaged soft tissues.

pharmachologic effect

Drugs are prescribed by a doctor for the sanitation of infectious foci in the skin. Their active ingredients inhibit the synthesis of peptides that pathogenic bacteria need to build cell membranes. Under such conditions, staphylococci and streptococci lose their ability to reproduce and die. Medicines also provide the following pharmacological actions:

  • prevent the production of prostaglandin inflammatory mediators by suppressing the activity of the cyclooxygenase enzyme;
  • inhibit the biosynthesis of ergosterol cell walls yeast-like fungi, which leads to their death;
  • speed up the metabolism, stimulating the rapid healing of tissues.

The difference between Vishnevsky and Ichthyol ointments lies in the keratolytic activity of the latter. It denatures proteins, exfoliates epithelial cells, stimulates the formation of new tissues.

Composition and form of release

Pharmacological properties drugs and a small number of contraindications are determined by the natural origin of their ingredients.

The composition of Vishnevsky's liniment includes tar, castor bean oil and xeroform, Ichthyolki - ichthammol and vaseline.

Auxiliary ingredients enhance therapeutic properties active ingredients:

  • provide optimal absorption and uniform distribution in damaged tissues;
  • soften skin, retain moisture in them, normalize microcirculation.

The drugs are produced by manufacturers in dark glass jars or aluminum tubes of 20.0 g or 30.0 g. The secondary packaging is cardboard box with attached annotation.

Instructions for use

Ichthyol and Vishnevsky ointments are used in dermatological, gynecological, urological and proctological practice. In addition to the usual application thin layer on infected skin are allowed following methods treatment:

  • applying compresses with the drug to the inflammatory focus for 4-5 hours;
  • the introduction of tampons into the vagina or rectum 1-2 times a day;
  • spot application on acne, boils, abscesses.

The most commonly used therapeutic dressings with a thin layer of external agent. They can be fixed with adhesive tape or elastic bandage.

Indications and contraindications

What is better to use in the treatment of abscesses, abscesses or abscesses - Ichthyol or Vishnevsky ointment is decided by a dermatologist. It takes into account the developed complications and the degree pathological process. Both drugs have proven themselves in the treatment of such diseases:

  • streptoderma;
  • staphyloderma;
  • furunculosis;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • trophic ulcers.

Patients are interested in a dermatologist, which draws out pus better - Ichthyol or Vishnevsky ointment. There is no fundamental difference between them, but the answer matters immune system for drugs. The main contraindication to the use of this or that remedy is a predisposition to the development of an allergy to their ingredients.

Side effects

Medicines are used in the treatment of children and during pregnancy.

They are non-toxic to the human body, but in rare cases provoke allergic reactions. Clinically, this manifests itself in skin itching and rashes, redness and swelling of the epithelium.

Dosage and administration

According to the instructions for preparations for the treatment of psoriasis, furunculosis or dermatitis, 1-2 dressings are sufficient. Patients with inflamed hemorrhoids Interested in what are the differences between Ointment Vishnevsky and Ihtiolova. Balsamic liniment is used only for lubrication of the anorectal region 2-3 times during the day. And Ichthyolka is also used for medical tampons introduced into the rectum. single dose is 1 cm strip of external agent.

Dermatologists are often asked if Ichthyolk can be applied to an inflamed pimple. The drug is used in the treatment of rashes in the form of small bandages 1-2 times a day.

For the treatment of skin diseases, many doctors recommend the use of ointments. Unlike antibiotics, they have much fewer contraindications, as they must be used externally. Some of the most popular ointments a few years ago and today are Vishnevsky and Ichthyol. Most of the reviews about these drugs are positive, besides, the price of the funds is cheap. Many people confuse the properties of these funds and do not know what their difference is. But they have different composition, we will discuss this below.

Ointment Vishnevsky or Ichthyol: what draws better?

Do not confuse these two drugs, as they differ in composition and functions, but they also have common features. First of all is that they belong to the same category pharmacological preparations. They quickly disinfect the affected area and destroy harmful bacteria. Ointments successfully relieve inflammation and redness, swelling, reduce pain.

In what cases are these funds prescribed? Doctors recommend using them to eliminate inflammatory processes on the skin of a focal nature, the cause of which are pathogenic bacteria. Contraindications for use - acne, abscesses and boils, in some cases burns and skin areas with frostbite, bruises.

Check out our post How to Use Ichthyol Acne Ointment

As you can see, these drugs have a lot in common. But they are different in some way, right? And which is better - Vishnevsky's ointment or Ichthyol? Both ointments are in the same price range and have similar properties. But they also have a difference - this is the composition. In Vishnevsky's ointment, the xeroform substance, as well as tar, is used as the main component. But in ichthyol, the active substance is ichthammol.

In addition to the main active components, drugs also differ in their concentration. Ichthyol ointment you will find in two versions - with a concentration active substance 10% and 20%. But Vishnevsky's ointment has a universal concentration, which is 30 mg of xeroform and birch tar.

As for the cost of medicines, there is a difference, but it is insignificant.. Vishnevsky's drug is a little cheaper. Both products do not have the most pleasant aroma, they are also similar in color and thick consistency.

It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question which of the presented ointments draws out pus better. Both drugs are effective in the treatment of purulent processes such as abscesses and furunculosis. In order to determine, you need to use first one remedy, and after a few days - the second. Observe the reaction of boils, only in this way you can determine which remedy works best on your skin. You can also alternate these two remedies - for example, use Vishnevsky's ointment in the first part of the day, and ichthyol ointment in the second.

And yet, ichthyol ointment copes with drawing out pus from abscesses better than Vishnevsky. Vishnevsky's ointment promotes rapid healing, so it is best to use it after removing pus from the abscess.

Ichthyol ointment better anesthetizes and relieves inflammation, which is why this product is recommended to be used not only for abscesses, but also for the treatment of eczema and burns.

Composition of Ichthyol ointment

As we have already said, the main component is ichthammol, it destroys harmful bacteria and microbes. The substance copes well with streptococci and staphylococci. Ichthammol is produced by processing oil shale, which was formed from algae and plankton.

The composition of Vishnevsky's ointment

The drug also helps fight bacteria and successfully fights inflammation, it promotes rapid healing of wounds. Due to the content of xeroform, the ointment disinfects and accelerates tissue regeneration.

Presented ointments have irritant effect for inflammation. They accelerate the flow of blood to inflammation and thus stop it, causing pus to come out.

At frequent appearance purulent formations on the skin, do not self-medicate and be sure to consult a doctor. You may need to be treated with antibiotics to eliminate pathogens.

In those days when there were not so many medicines, they used ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky ointment. They have been used to treat a wide variety of skin conditions. These medicines have high efficiency and low price, for which they are still valued by doctors.

Many people buy their own medicines without waiting for a doctor's prescription. But what is better - Vishnevsky's ointment or ichthyol?

Features of medicines

Both drugs belong to the same pharmacological category. To understand what exactly distinguishes them, you should know what is the difference between ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky.

So, both products have high disinfectant properties: ointments are excellent antiseptics. The substances included in the preparations have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, irritating effects.

Both tools have almost the same scope. Usually they are prescribed for focal inflammatory infections on the skin, with bacterial infections: furunculosis, abscesses, acne. Sometimes the funds are used for burns, bedsores, they treat bruises, frostbitten skin. All these properties make you think: which is better - ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky?

Ichthyol ointment

This tool has a pungent smell, reminiscent of tar, tar soap, but it is not resistant and quickly disappears.

The composition of the ointment includes ichtamol, obtained as a result of the processes of burning slates. It is because of this substance that the product has such an aroma. What are the indications for the use of ointment?

Ichthyol ointment is used for:

  • burns of varying degrees;
  • erysipelas;
  • hydradenitis;
  • boils;
  • sycosis;
  • eczema;
  • rosacea;
  • arthritis and neuralgia;
  • streptoderma and other pathologies.

Ointment is also indicated for the treatment inflammatory diseases pelvis.

pharmachologic effect

Ichthyol ointment is able to have an antiseptic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, keratostatic effect. She is able to remove pruritus, remove keratinized skin, improve its elasticity, and also enhance regeneration processes. The use of the drug improves metabolic processes in the skin, as well as eliminate excessive peeling.

Release form

Ichthyol ointment is available in two types:

  • 20%. 100 grams of the drug contains 20 grams of ichthyol and 80 grams of medical vaseline. Such a drug is supplied in large bottles of 800 and 1800 grams, as well as in tubes and bottles of 25 grams.
  • 10% . 100 grams contains 10 grams of ichthyol and 90 grams of petroleum jelly. This remedy is used at home. Produced in bottles and tubes of 25 grams.

Vishnevsky ointment

When comparing Vishnevsky and Ichthyol ointments, one more difference can be distinguished: this is the cost of drugs. Liniment according to Vishnevsky is cheaper.

Features of the use of ointments

Both drugs have an excellent pulling property in the treatment of furunculosis, abscesses. In such infections, it is recommended to use both drugs alternately. Sharing gives positive result faster. Blood rushes to the infected area, inflammation stops, the abscess matures faster and breaks through. All its contents easily come out. Continued use of these products helps speed up tissue regeneration processes.

When treating with ointments, it is necessary to follow the order of application:

  1. At purulent pathologies at the ripening stage, the use of both ointments is recommended. However, with abscesses, ichthyolka is best of all.
  2. After opening the focus of infection at the stage of wound healing, Vishnevsky's liniment is more suitable.

In order not to think which is better - Vishnevsky's ointment or ichthyol - it is recommended to have both drugs. The latter is applied to the affected areas before the manifestation of abscesses, and the first after the opening of purulent foci. Such a complex use will help to quickly get rid of pathologies and speed up the process of scarring of wounds.


Ichthyolka and liniment according to Vishnevsky have practically no contraindications. These funds are not recommended only in case of individual intolerance to their constituent components. Also, drugs should not be used in childhood up to six years old.

The use of ointments during pregnancy and lactation is possible, but only as directed by a doctor.

Both agents are used only externally. You can not use these drugs for application to the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes.