Which company is best to buy oils? The use of natural essential oils: how to distinguish them from synthetic ones and rating of the best manufacturers

The situation on the essential oils market

Since there is no government structure that adequately monitors the quality of essential oils, the market is overflowing with synthetics, despite the proudly shouting “100% essential oil” labels.

What stores with ethnic goods offer are chemical flavors. Stores with goods for baths and saunas also offer chemicals in most cases. Even in pharmacies, 99% of essential oils are of extremely low quality, or simply synthetic.

And there is no one to blame here; the overwhelming majority of sellers have no idea that they are selling chemicals under the guise of natural products.

Therefore, in order to practice aromatherapy with benefit and without harm to the body, focus on the quality criteria proposed below.

Quality of essential oils

Since the essential oil market is filled with fakes, it is very important to highlight the issue of quality.

I want to disappoint you a little right away - in order to accurately determine a high-quality essential oil, you need to see a chromatogram with a transcript and a specialist’s conclusion.

In a nutshell, chromatography is hardware method, allowing you to determine the percentage chemical composition of the product.

However, some reputable companies cannot present such a document for various reasons.

Therefore, for beginners The best way Determining quality is a recommendation from a specialist, or preferably several.

With experience, your sense of smell may develop and it will be easier to recognize 100% counterfeit products. But even experienced aromatherapists do not rely only on their sense of smell and study the reputation of the company, suppliers of raw materials and chromatograms of essential oils.

There are several more criteria that are very relative, but can help in choosing an essential oil.

1. For most essential oils, the standard volume is 5-10 ml (in some companies, 6 and 15 ml options are common, as well as fractions of an ounce - 1/4, 1/2, etc.), for expensive ones (rose, jasmine) it can be 1 -2 ml.

2. The bottle is made of dark glass, most often brown, but you can also find bottles in other colors - blue, green, etc. If the oil is in a plastic bottle or in transparent glass, then this is a reason to doubt its quality.

3. The bottle is equipped with a dropper or pipette (with the exception of small volumes of 1-2 ml).

4. A stopper with a ring for first opening, or with protection against simple opening - like for medicines.

5. On the label - the name of the plant in Latin (consisting of two words - the species and generic name, for example Citrus sinensis) and in the language of the trademark.

6. The label shows the manufacturer and his address.
Otherwise, there will be no one to make claims about product quality.

7. There is a common myth that if you drop natural essential oil onto paper, it will completely evaporate after a short period of time. It is not true. The fact that the oil has completely evaporated from a sheet of paper does not indicate its quality. Sometimes synthetic oils evaporate from paper much faster than natural ones. Think about it, if your myrrh or patchouli oil has evaporated without a trace from a sheet of paper or your blue chamomile oil has not left a blue trace.
A drop of oil on paper can give approximate information about whether the oil has been diluted with a greasy solvent or not. An hour after you drop the essential oil, there should be no obvious greasy stain left. But keep in mind that some oils will not completely evaporate - frankincense, myrrh, and some will color the paper - patchouli, chamomile, yarrow.

8. It is not possible to obtain essential oil from every plant. Therefore, essential oils of banana, strawberry, strawberry, kiwi, melon, mango do not exist. These are synthetic flavors.

9. Price can also serve as a guide in determining the quality of an essential oil.

The price is mainly determined by the percentage of essential oil in the plant material. The higher this percentage, the lower the cost.

For example,
for eucalyptus it is 3% (up to 3 kg of essential oil is obtained from 100 kg of leaves);
for juniper 0.5% (0.5 kg of oil is obtained from 100 kg of berries);
for neroli 0.05% (50 g of oil is obtained from 100 kg of orange flowers);
for roses 0.03% (30 ml of oil is obtained from 100 kg of petals)

Essential oils are diluted essences from fruits, flowers and trees - a lot of work has to be done to extract even a small amount of essential oil. This is why they are expensive, but they are incredibly potent and small amounts can be used for a long time. They are usually sold in 10ml bottles containing an average of about 200 drops. As you will see from the recipes, using 200 drops can take quite a long time.

The quality of oils is the key to health

An extremely important element of aromatherapy is quality and origin of oil . Real and full of flavor therapeutic properties have only natural oils, not processed, not diluted, obtained directly from the distillation apparatus. In the perfume industry, in order to obtain a standard scent, oils are processed, unified, stabilized, etc. In other words, they are subjected to chemical and physical operations. Too great a demand for aromatic preparations with a simultaneous need to reduce their cost leads to the fact that Oils entering the trade are often diluted with solvents or cheap oils, lacking important and necessary components and adulterated with synthetic additives. Sometimes they can replace the entire essential oil, selling a cheap fake instead (for example, instead of lavender oil sell lavandin).

Poor quality or adulterated oils can cause irritation, allergies and even serious skin diseases. For example, the very popular pine oil if storage conditions are not met or if the product is expired, or if it is adulterated with turpentine, it may undergo oxidation, and the products of the process - peroxides - can lead to the appearance of skin tumors.

Synthetic oils - zero effect

Synthetic materials that replicate the aroma and appearance essential oil may not have the same therapeutic properties as the original and should not be used in aromatherapy. Synthetic chemicals carry the risk of harmful and unpleasant side effects just like synthetic drugs. It is absolutely impossible to reproduce the true composition of an essential oil in the laboratory. Critical Components and substances of which there are only particles will inevitably disappear. Only all the components of essential oil taken together form a healing effect. If the oil says “identical to natural”, then the oil is synthetic, obtained in a laboratory and, therefore, unsuitable for aromatherapy. Synthetic oils also lack the life-giving power of essential oils obtained from living plants. Living plants have a pulse of life that chemicals don't have.

When purchasing essential oils, follow these guidelines. They will help you find the highest quality oils with maximum therapeutic benefits.

Rules for purchasing essential oils

1.Dark glass bottle

Sunlight and ordinary light are detrimental to the components of essential oils; the quality of the oil quickly deteriorates with prolonged exposure to light, and accordingly the therapeutic effect decreases. It is best to buy oils in stores with a large turnover, where oils do not sit on the shelves.

The bottle should not be made of plastic, since the components of the oil will definitely react with plastic and toxic substances will get into the oil. For the same reason, there should be no rubber gaskets in the bottle cap. And when making mixtures according to recipes, do not use plastic or metal containers.

2. First opening ring

The bottle stopper must have first opening ring.

3. Presence of a dosimeter in the neck of the bottle

This will make it much easier for you to measure the number of drops without making mistakes. Practice before using oil for the first time, as oil flows out of some pipettes much faster than others.

4. Date of manufacture and expiration date

Be sure to pay attention to their presence. Aromatic oil is a product that, in an “expired” state, will not bring any benefit.

5. Small volume bottle

Always purchase small quantities of oils. Typically, oils are packaged in 10 ml bottles, especially valuable oils such as rose, jasmine, verbena, tuberose - in 1 ml, 2 ml bottles.

6. The presence of the inscription 100% natural essential oil

When purchasing, make sure that the bottle has one of the following inscriptions: 100% natural essential oil, 100% pure, 100% essential oil, 100% pure, 100% artifisches (essentail) oil. Only pure, undiluted essential oils can be effective in aromatherapy. This is equally true when used in burners and baths as it is when used in massage. Any oil that is not a pure essential oil may have a good aroma, but will not have the same therapeutic effect like pure oil. Don't buy products labeled "Aromatherapy Oil" for the same reasons.

7. The presence of the Latin and Russian names of the oil on the label

Labels must indicate Latin and Russian names essential oil.

8. Availability of the manufacturer and method of oil production on the label

9. Oil price

As a rule, price is an indicator of product quality. Buy the most expensive oils you can afford. If in front of you there is a whole shelf with different oils, and the price is the same for everything, don’t buy anything. Neroli, for example, can be 20 times more expensive than lavender. Buy from reputable places. If you still decide to transform yourself with the help of aromatherapy, don’t be too cheap, remember - saving on your health and beauty is simply stupid!

10. Overseas oils

If you go on vacation to an overseas country, do not rush to purchase aromatic oils there. Today in our specialized stores there is a choice aromatic oils so big that it makes your eyes wide open. Therefore, there is no need to chase overseas “curiosities”, and besides, it is still unknown what they “splashed into the glass” there.


"Delicious" smells. Essential oils of violet, apple blossom, lilac, lily of the valley, peach, apricot, linden, lotus, magnolia, fern, coconut, mango, banana, strawberry, strawberry, kiwi, watermelon, melon, cucumber do not exist in nature! These plants are not essential oils.

Advertising on the label. In accordance with International Standards, the label must not contain advertising information. If the label contains an inscription about the extraordinary benefits of this oil, then this indicates the low quality of the contents of the bottle. Companies that disguise the low quality of the product paste a label with inscriptions such as: “environmentally friendly oil”, “oil for professional aromatherapy”, “highest quality oil”, etc. The labels of manufacturers who are confident in their quality are standard and laconic: 100% pure, 100% artifisches (essentail) oil (100% pure; 100% essential oil), because such oils, regardless of use (professional or non-professional), are not capable of harming anyone.

The inscription "Oils for aromatherapy" - a group of preparations consisting of a mixture of essential oil (10-15%) with mineral, vegetable oils or alcohol (85-90%). It is not adulteration if the label on the bottle clearly states that it contains mixed oil, ready for use. If, on the other hand, the mixture is sold as an essential oil, it is usually classified as adulterated.

Low price. Large producers of essential oils have the best prices on the commodity market. Small companies act as distributors of large ones, purchasing essential oils at a higher price - the law of the market. If the seller of fragrances is a small company, then the price of high-quality essential oils is always higher than that of the essential oil oligarchs. Competitive prices of small companies arise only when the quality of the product decreases: this is where diluents, synthetic fragrances, etc. appear. The cost of essential oils depends on the cost of raw materials.

Fake. Using a trademark of a well-known company to “promote” an unknown product, usually locally produced, is a common form of forgery found in market trade.

Substitution. When an essential oil is replaced with another, cheaper one.


Styx Naturcosmetic (Austria) — http://www.styx-naturcosmetic.ru/

It all started with the Stix family estate. Where the secrets of producing cosmetics and fragrances of impeccable quality were passed down from generation to generation. The trademark itself was registered only in 1975.

The company's president, Wolfgang Stix, is a pharmacologist by training; he develops his father's work, preserving the purity of natural materials and the traditions of healing formulations of natural cosmetics. The company monitors the environmental situation and the yield characteristics of plants used for the production of essential oils, visiting plantations of essential oil plants in all parts of the world. All cosmetic products and essential oils of Styx naturcosmetics are certified at the highest international level (GMP, ISN) and have certificates of biologically pure plantations where plants are grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides.

Today it is one of the largest and most famous companies operating in this industry in the world. They declare high quality oils. However, products of lower quality are exported to Russia compared to those sold in Europe. Oils purchased in the CIS countries are for external use only. In addition, the Styx technical line is sold in pharmacies - these oils are only for aroma lamps, they cannot be used internally for medical reasons.

Bergland - Pharma (Germany) - http://www.bergland.de/, http://kosmetikaoptom.ru/article/1855

Large European manufacturer of high-quality products based on natural ingredients plant origin. The company was founded by a German pharmacist more than 25 years ago, and during this time it gained 32% of the Western European market for essential oils. In 1996 Bergland-Pharma was built new plant, certified to the highest GMP standards. Bergland products do not contain artificial preservatives, colors or flavors, petroleum products or animal ingredients. The official representative of Bergland Pharma in Russia is the Paramed company. Bergland-Pharma products are sold only in pharmacies and medical institutions. Various categories of products are presented in more than 200 pharmacies in Moscow in accordance with the specialization of the pharmacy.

High quality oils medical cleaning. Can be used internally.

Aromatherapy Karel Hadek (Germany) — https://karelhadek.ru/, http://www.karelhadek.eu/

Karel Hadek is a famous aromatherapist scientist from Germany, Czech by birth, and a chemist by training. Author of many unique recipes. Production in this moment is located in the Czech Republic, Stribro. The company has been operating since 1983. In 2002, the company was issued a certificate confirming that the Quality Management System complies with the ISO 9001:2000 standard. The Association of the Czech Republic for Quality Assessment has issued the ORGANIC PRODUCT mark to cosmetic products of the company “Aromaterapie Karel Hadek”, and PURE ORGANIC to essential and vegetable oils.

Product lines: Aromatherapy cosmetics, Hygiene products and Essential and Vegetable OILS.

The advantage of this company is the absence of mineral oils, chemical stabilizers and preservatives during production. Only substances of natural origin, essential and vegetable oils of the highest quality.

The distinctive features of Karel Hadek cosmetics are that the same product can be used to care for different areas bodies. For example, it is quite possible to wash your face and take a shower with hydrophilic oil for intimate hygiene. Most of the products (except for creams and tonics) of the famous aromatherapist do not contain water at all.

The products of this company are of high quality and can be consumed internally.

Vivasan (Switzerland) — http://www.vivasan.org/

The company was founded in 1997 by Austrian entrepreneur Thomas Gettfried. Later, the international trademark VIVASAN was registered with its head office in Moscow and numerous branches throughout the country and abroad. Vivasan does not manufacture products; it is a registered brand. Vivasan is the general importer of products from large Swiss manufacturers: SWISS Caps AG Dr.Duenner AG ELIXAN GmbH INTRACOSMED AG OSWALD GmbH and the Italian company COSVAL srl. VIVASAN partners are not new to the global market; they have international recognition and authority. They produce exclusive high-quality products for the VIVASAN company and under the VIVASAN brand. All Vivasan products are certified, there are international quality certificates GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), hygiene certificates and from the Ministry of Health of the countries where they are imported.

Just (Switzerland) — http://www.justcenter.ru/

The largest European concern for the production of therapeutic and prophylactic products, founded in 1930 by Swiss entrepreneur Ulrich Justrich. The company has its own plantations in the Alps. The main production is located in Walzenhausen, Switzerland.

Natural therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics developed in Switzerland in YUST’s own laboratory (Walzenhausen) according to ancient monastery recipes and manufactured using the latest technologies based on environmentally friendly medicinal herbs alpine meadows. Just products are intended for facial and body skin care, as well as the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

The big advantage of Just products is that they: do not contain hormones, antibiotics, synthetic preservatives and components of animal origin; do not give side effects; hypoallergenic, i.e. do not contain substances causing allergies; dermatologically tested; have a long-lasting effect.

According to experts, these are the highest quality oils today, but their range is limited, but they do have unique products.

IRIS (Russia) — http://aromatherapy.ru/

The Iris Aromatherapy Center has been operating in the Russian market of the beauty and health industry since 1994. CA Iris imports natural and vegetable oils from more than 50 countries and produces from them preparations for clinical, aesthetic and home aroma and herbal medicine.

CA Iris is the first and only company in the world full cycle professional aromatherapy, has: Certified laboratory production of aromatherapy, phytotherapeutic and cosmetic products, a distribution network covering all regions of Russia and the CIS countries, an aromatherapy clinic where proprietary technologies and means are successfully used, the International Institute of Professional Aromatherapy - MIPA (where they train as medical specialists, psychologists, cosmetologists, massage therapists, and ordinary consumers of products).

CA Iris products are 100% natural plant and essential oils made from valuable organic raw materials of the Bio category (BioACP is a biologically active complex of natural polyterpenes, the most valuable fraction of 100% natural essential oils) - this is the proprietary know-how of CA Iris. There are no analogues on the market. Based on these raw materials, the company produces aromatherapy and cosmetic products for professional and home use.

Iris aromatic preparations have no analogues due to their unique compositions and the content of rare polyterpene fractions of essential oils. And cosmetics created on the basis of such oils work wonders!

Primavera Life (Germany) — http://www.primaveralife.com/

The German company Primavera for the production of aromatic oils and other products used in aromatherapy is the undoubted world leader in this field. For more than 20 years, Primavera has dedicated itself to the study, production and distribution of aromatic oils. The Primavera company uses only 100% environmentally friendly plants in the production of aromatic oils.

Excellent medical grade oils. There is a huge selection, but there is no direct delivery to Russia - only through intermediaries, or buy it yourself in Germany.

Original ATOC (Czech Republic) - http://cosmeticsatok.ru/

The company was founded in 1997 in the Czech Republic through a separation from Karl Hadek AÖK. All cosmetic products, high-quality vegetable fatty and essential oils Original ATOK meet the highest European criteria.

You can buy through official representative offices.

Aura Cacia (USA) — https://www.auracacia.com/

In 1982, Doug and Ann Novak founded Aura Cacia in Weaverville, California. Aura Cacia is the world's leading company in the production of natural oils and aromatherapy mixtures based on them. Its range includes more than 300 pure natural oils that meet the highest standards. The Aura Keisha company produces exclusively 100% pure natural essential oils. For this purpose, a careful selection of raw materials and modern methods carrying out tests to ensure that each oil is of the highest quality and to completely eliminate even the possibility of counterfeit.

Dr. Torres (Italy) — http://www.drtaffi.com/, http://dr-taffi.ru/

The DR .TAFFI brand "Natural Research Laboratories" was founded by Doctor of Biological Sciences Enio Taffi in 1983. Throughout all these years, Dr. Taffy has carried out active research in the field of chemistry and cosmetology with the aim of producing cosmetics based on herbal formulas. Research has led to the fact that at the moment the company DR.TAFFI has an exceptional superiority over other cosmetic companies and has almost no competition due to the production of exclusively natural products.

IKAROV (Bulgaria) — http://ikarov.com/

EOOD IKAROV (Ikarov) was founded in 1991 in Bulgaria, the city of Plovdiv. Ikarov products have a product quality standard code (certificate) ISO 9001:2000 and quality confirmed by European certificates. All products are certified in accordance with the requirements of the Russian State Standard. It has hygienic conclusions, test reports and a certificate of conformity to GOST R. The products have proven themselves to be excellent with stable sales for many years in Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

Touché Flora (Russia) — http://www.tusheflora.ru/

The company began its activities in 1996, when the first deliveries of little-known and, at that time, rare varieties of essential and fatty vegetable oils on the Russian market of cosmetic raw materials were made. Touché Flora specializes in the import and supply of wide range raw materials for the production of cosmetic products. The company is constantly searching for new products that are unique to the Russian and global cosmetic markets, striving to make any exotic novelty really accessible to domestic producers cosmetics.

In the Internet very praised according to reviews IRIS And Vivasa n .

And the article about oil production in the USA and Europe .

Laws governing the distillation and use of essential oils vary in the US and Europe.

95% of essential oils sold in the US are edible, not medicinal - that's the difference.
In the US, in order for an essential oil to be labeled for internal use, it must be redistilled. This means that after the first distillation, the essential oil is distilled again under high pressure and temperature. In Europe, essential oils Not are considered medicinal if they are re-distilled - that is, European legislation does not require this in order for the oil to be sold for oral use.

Another injustice that US laws allow is the dilution of essential oils with less expensive esters or vegetable oils, while maintaining the label “pure and natural” - which is what they take advantage of great amount companies. Actually, it would be completely legal to dilute the essential oil with vegetable oil up to 90% and sell it as “pure and natural”, since vegetable oils are also natural.

Many have seen the inscriptions “ premium"(a strange word that, in principle, means nothing); “perfumery grade” (has nothing to do with aromatherapy); or "high altitude" (also used primarily in perfumery and vaguely related to the medicinal properties of esters).

After distilling the essential oil, the process is repeated several times. The oil molecules produced first are the smallest and most volatile. Sometimes distillation is repeated over and over again to obtain different levels aroma for specific use, mainly in perfumery, as in the case of Ylang-Ylang. ‘Ylang-Ylang’ means “Flower of Flowers” ​​and has a stunningly sweet floral aroma. To obtain this aroma, it is distilled 4 times. The first round is called “Extra”, the next ones are I, II and III distillations. With each subsequent round of distillation, the essential oil develops an aroma from higher, more floral, “top” notes to more masculine notes with a hint of whiskey. Next, the essential oils obtained from the distillation of Extra, I, II and III are taken in equal quantities and mixed to create the Ylang-Ylang “Complete” aroma. All essential oils undergo a similar distillation, but ylang is the most talked about and openly sold on the market under the appropriate label.

In addition to distillation and separation of essential oils comes the status "organic". In practice, this means that no synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms were used at all stages of production, from growing the plant to its processing.
Thus, for the buyer, the label “organic” or “certified organic” does not automatically mean the highest, medicinal quality of the essential oil, since 95% of all essential oils produced under the “organic” certification are flavorings for Food Industry, and therefore undergo distillation under high pressure.

P.S. Due to complaints from manufacturers, the list of manufacturers of essential oils that are suitable only for use in an aroma lamp has been removed.

Literature: 1. Allison England. "Aromatherapy for mother and child." 2. Anastasia Artyomova. "Aromas and oils are healing and rejuvenating." 3. Vladislav S. Brud, Ivona Konopatskaya. "Fragrant pharmacy. Secrets of aromatherapy." 4. Denis Vicello Brown. "Aromatherapy". 5. Lavrenova Galina. "Inhaling a wonderful aroma. Aromatherapy is a pleasant and easy way of treatment." 6. Leonova N.S. "Aromatherapy for Beginners." 7. Libus O.K., Ivanova E.P. "Healing Oils" 8. Tatyana Litvinova. "Aromatherapy: A Professional Guide to the World of Smells." 9. Novoselova Tatyana. "Aromatherapy". 10. Dmitrievskaya L. "Deceiving age. Rejuvenation practices." 11. Kedrova Maria. "Fragrances of beauty and health. Secrets of Cleopatra." 12. Nikolaevsky V.V. "Aromatherapy. Directory." 13. Semenova Anastasia. "Healing with oils." 14. Edited by Zakharenkov V.I. "Encyclopedia of Fragrances". 15. Carol McGilvery and Jimmy Reed. "Basics of aromatherapy." 16. Wolfgang Stix, Ulla Weigerstorfer. "In the Kingdom of Smells." 17. Mirgorodskaya S.A., “Aromalogy: Quantum Satis”. 18. Internet.

Commodity markets have been divided for a very long time and the advantages famous manufacturers essential oils are not only a good technological base and knowledge of production secrets, but also the ability to purchase the best, first-class raw materials. Therefore, the brand name in this market segment means not only a high price, but also excellent quality that meets all standards.

The main consumers of the essential aromatic product are pharmaceutical enterprises, food and cosmetics industries. The process of making essential oils is very labor-intensive and lengthy, so the cost of natural oil simply cannot be low. Essential Oil Manufacturers must process more than one ton of raw materials to obtain several kilograms of aromatic elixir.

Today, there are several ways to obtain an aromatic substance. Manufacturers of essential oils use them depending on the raw materials and the purpose of the final product.

1. Steam distillation
This method allows you to preserve all the essential oil of the plant; it has been known since the times of Ancient Egypt. The raw materials are placed in a container and poured hot water. During the heating process, water mixed with plant sap rises and passes through special filters that retain essential oils. The water in which plants were evaporated is also used in cosmetology and is the basis of lotions and refreshing sprays.

2. Solvent extraction
In this case essential oil manufacturers They use slightly different equipment. The feedstock is placed on grids and installed in a huge tank. Volatile solvents begin to be driven through it, which, during the distillation process, are saturated with aromatic vapors. The resulting substance is a solid flower extract and is in demand among perfume manufacturers, as it has a more intense odor.

3. Obtaining the absolute
The flower extract is poured into an alcohol base, which gradually evaporates, leaving the so-called “absolute”. It has a slightly different chemical composition than the extract or and is found great application in cosmetology.

4. Push-ups
This method is used essential oil producers for obtaining a squeeze from the peels of citrus fruits: lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, bergamot. This used to be a completely manual process, but nowadays centrifuges are used. The oil obtained in this way is considered to be of very high quality and does not contain impurities.

There are currently several well-known essential oil producers, which enjoy a well-deserved reputation and sell products of excellent quality.

Aromatherapy Karel Hadek (Germany)

Karel Hadek is a famous aromatherapist from Germany. He is the author of many original recipes, which have already won the recognition of the inhabitants of Europe. The company produces cosmetics and aromatherapy products, including essential oils. In the manufacture of its products, the company uses only natural ingredients obtained without the use of harmful chemical compounds.

Bergland-Pharma (Germany)

The company was founded 25 years ago in Germany. Today it is one of the most venerable essential oil producers, its products account for more than 30% of all essential oils presented on the European market. Delivers to Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Austria, etc.

Styx naturcosmetics (Austria)

The activities of the famous Austrian company are not limited only to the development of recipes, research into the quality of raw materials and the production of aromatic oils. Company representatives regularly visit essential oil plantations around the world and monitor the environmental situation in these areas.

Just International (Switzerland)

The Swiss company has been known for over 75 years as essential oil manufacturer with a high degree of purification. The company is one of the leading suppliers of excellent quality natural products to the world market. All oils produced by Just are made from plant materials without the use of dyes or chemical additives.

Vivasan (Switzerland)

The company's success is based on the use of only natural raw materials in the manufacture of products. The company applies all the latest developments and scientific discoveries in area healthy eating and medicinal cosmetics, produces preparations and essential oils exclusively based on plant raw materials.

When purchasing essential oil, remember that it is an expensive natural product, and its therapeutic and cosmetic properties directly depend on the quality and manufacturer.

Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

About the benefits in medicinal and for cosmetic purposes has been known for a very long time. They are no less popular for regulating the emotional state. However, all these properties are inherent primarily in natural essential oils, and not in them. How to distinguish natural products from artificial ones?

How to distinguish natural essential oils from synthetic ones?

When choosing an oil, you must first consider the purpose of its use. In general, any type of oil is suitable for use in aroma lamps, but in cosmetic and medicinal purposes When performing a massage, it is extremely important that the product is truly natural - otherwise there is a high risk of allergic reactions and other side effects. At best, synthetic products simply will not bring the desired effect.

What is it difference between natural, identical to natural and synthetic oils?

  • Natural essential oils. In their production only natural plants, grown in an ecologically clean area. When purchasing such oil, you can be sure that all necessary technologies and degrees of purification of the finished product were strictly observed during production.
    There are also cheaper natural oils - their low price caused by insufficient quality raw materials or disruption of production processes. Their use for various purposes is absolutely not dangerous to health, but also positive effect You shouldn't expect anything from them.
  • Oils identical to natural ones. Such products are manufactured in laboratories, artificially recreating the composition corresponding to the original one. Like cheap natural oils, they do neither harm nor tangible benefits.
  • Synthetic essential oils. The process of obtaining them is in most cases very simple: to produce such oils, a mixture of solvent and flavor is used. The vast majority of fragrances and perfume oils fall into this category. Their main purpose is to add fragrance or decorative candles. Often synthetic oils are sold under the guise of natural ones due to the incompetence of the seller, so you should be vigilant: the labels "parfume oil", "fragrance oil" they say that it is simply an aromatic - or synthetic - oil.

Signs of a quality product

How to determine whether the proposed product really belongs to the category of natural? First of all, you should pay attention to the following indicators:

Cost and weight

A natural product simply cannot be cheap due to the expensive process of its production. And the point here is not so much the complexity of the process - most of them are obtained by steam distillation - but rather the ratio of the necessary raw materials and the resulting product. To produce several milliliters of natural oil, kilograms of flowers of essential plants are required - in most cases, it is the cost of raw materials that determines the price of the finished product.

In addition, by generally accepted standards, such oils are very rarely bottled in bottles larger than 15 ml. And especially expensive varieties are often sold in 1 ml bottles.

Prices for natural essential oils vary greatly depending on which group they belong to. The most budget-friendly are representatives of the citrus (orange, lemon, grapefruit) and woody (spruce, fir, eucalyptus, etc.) groups. The price for 1 ml of products is about $5-15.

The next most expensive group is oils obtained from herbs and flowers: these include lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang, etc. The price for 1 ml is $10-50.

The most expensive oils are those extracted from rare or initially expensive plants: roses, tuberose, jasmine, neroli, etc. The price for 1 ml of such oil can range from $20 to $100, depending on the raw material. One of the most expensive is considered to be lotus oil, a plant listed in the Red Book. Having seen such a product on the counter, you should not rush to buy it - because of your high price it is not available for free sale.

Design of packaging and containers

All natural essential oils are very sensitive to sunlight. Under its influence, they lose most of their beneficial properties, and some of them, as a result chemical reactions, even begin to highlight harmful substances. That is why natural oils are bottled in dark—usually brown—glass bottles.

Most certified natural product manufacturers also provide the bottle cap with a first-opening ring (similar to medicines) and a child safety lock.

Since the concentration of active useful substances V natural product is quite high, then a small amount is required to achieve the desired effect - that is why bottles with products of natural origin are equipped with a dropper dispenser.

The label of a bottle of natural oil must include the manufacturer's data, production date and batch number. But the main thing you need to pay attention to is the presence on the label of the Latin name of the plant from which the oil is made, and the country of its origin. Many expensive oils are often diluted with more budget-friendly fatty carrier oils - in this case, the label must indicate percentage composition product.


The packaging of natural essential oil cannot say anything other than “100% natural essential oil” or “100% essential oil”. All other variations in which at least one of the words is missing, and especially those containing the words “aromatic”, “perfume”, indicate synthetic products.

ATTENTION! If you have the slightest doubt when purchasing an essential oil, you can ask the seller for a product certificate. All real oils must be certified according to one of the international standards - GMP or ISO. If this is not indicated in the text of the certificate, the product is almost certainly not natural. The presence of the “refurbished” characteristic in the certificate indicates that the contents of the bottle are of synthetic origin.


Find out exactly oil composition and percentage in him various substances only possible in the laboratory using chromatographic analysis. Although the accuracy of the test is highly dependent on the instrument used and may vary between laboratories, this analysis can accurately show whether an oil contains foreign substances that are not inherent in its standard composition.

The only disadvantage of this method is its low availability to ordinary consumers and relatively high cost.

IMPORTANT! You can try to conduct a small experiment without the help of laboratory equipment. Natural essential oils are very volatile, which means their aroma changes over time, revealing new notes. By dropping a few drops of natural oil onto a sheet of paper or cloth at intervals of 10-15 minutes, you will notice that each of them will have its own aroma. In the case of synthetic oil, this effect cannot be achieved - the smell will only weaken over time, while remaining unchanged.

Rating of 100% natural essential oils

Pharmacopoeial quality— The concept of pharmacopoeial quality determines the extent to which a particular product complies with approved norms and standards.

Today, in terms of this indicator, the oils from such manufacturers as:

  • Primavera Life (Germany);
  • 5 (100%) 2

Essential oils are popular cosmetics for skin and hair care. The range of beneficial properties of esters is amazing: cleansing, regenerating, whitening, moisturizing - you can’t find anything. Traditionally, they are used for aromatherapy and wraps, as components of masks, massage products, for washing and for steam baths. Cosmetologists note that what we are accustomed to calling essential oils actually means organic oil-like substances that easily evaporate at room temperature and leave no traces. Their distinctive characteristic is the absence of fats in the chemical composition; the source is exclusively vegetable raw materials.

The cost of a bottle can vary from several tens to thousands of rubles. An important role in the pricing process is played by the method of extracting the extract - pressing, distillation, enfleurage, etc. Experts suggest how to choose the best essential oil among the variety - here's what you should consider before purchasing:

  1. Contraindications. Essential oils are essences. Such high concentrations do not occur in nature. Cosmetologists and trichologists warn that esters should be used with caution. It is preferable to first consult with a specialist who would tell you in detail about individual characteristics your skin, and helped you choose the best essential oil, taking into account contraindications (damage skin, a number of diseases, intolerance to components). To prevent an allergic reaction, apply the ether to your wrist before use. If after five minus the itching and redness have not stopped, opt for another extract.
  2. Mixing. Esters are usually not used in their pure form. Mixing with base oilsrequired condition. An acceptable dosage is from two to seven drops per 15 g of base. As an exception, essential oils are used locally in the treatment of acne. However, not all extracts are suitable for this. Remember that the vegetable oils in the formulation must also meet the requirements of your skin type.
  3. Variety. The division of essential oils according to their effect on the skin is very arbitrary, since each ester can have several effects simultaneously. The degree of effectiveness depends on the skin type, its condition and age. Among the most popular extracts on the cosmetology market are extracts of jasmine, neroli, pine, fir, cedar, juniper, eucalyptus, bergamot, cloves, patchouli, cinnamon, mandarin and sage.
  • characteristics of the company (certification, composition, assortment);
  • cost of production (price-quality ratio);
  • user reviews;
  • recommendations from experts (cosmetologists, trichologists).

Best Budget Essential Oil Manufacturers

3 Oleos

Wide range of esters. Natural composition
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.8

The Russian representative is the Oleos company. The company produces various oils: food, cosmetic and essential. All of them are distinguished by high quality and natural composition. Over the past ten years, the brand has been producing esters that are in wide demand among consumers. Reviews mention pleasant scents, durability and affordable price.

The brand cooperates with leading raw material suppliers around the world. Multifunctional extracts are recommended by experts to normalize work nervous system, improving facial skin and hair condition. Buyers note positive changes with regular use of essential oils. A rich assortment allows you to easily purchase both the most popular esters and less popular ones (bey, verbena, palmarosa, petitgrain, ravintsar, etc.).

2 Aspera

Aspera is a company founded in 2006, focusing on the production of cosmetic, food and essential oils. The peculiarity of the brand is its 100% natural composition, developed in accordance with the recommendations of ethnobotanists. Plants that become the source of raw materials for future products are grown in 30 countries around the world. Company representatives exercise careful control at all stages of ester production, from sowing and harvesting to delivery to pharmacy chains in Russia and the CIS countries. The company is a member of the international federation for trade in essential oils and flavors IFEAT.

Buyers indicate a wide range and low cost as the main advantages of the company. In their reviews, users note the high effectiveness of essential oils of this brand. For example, thyme extract used to activate hair growth, added to shampoo when washing, actually helps to accelerate hair growth, awakening dormant hair. hair follicles. Large quantity Other esters of the brand, including those beneficial for facial skin, also received positive ratings.

The leading factor in choosing an essential oil for the face is skin type.

  1. Holders dry skin Essential oils of chamomile and sandalwood are suitable to stimulate the production of subcutaneous fat, lemon and rosemary - to improve blood circulation, neroli and lavender - to accelerate cell renewal, jasmine - for high-quality hydration.
  2. Cope with oily epidermis The following essential oils will help: tea tree - for cleansing, grapefruit and bergamot - for narrowing pores, juniper - for a lifting effect.
  3. Cleans better than others normal skin esters of orange and rose; for toning, geranium essential oil is preferable; extracts of jasmine and tea tree can boast anti-aging effects.
  4. Problematic dermis peppermint ether is shown as antibacterial agent when acne matures, lavender - to combat scars and acne spots, ylang-ylang - to smooth the skin, tangerine - for a disinfectant effect.

Essential oils that have a beneficial effect on hair include:

  • For hair growth – fir, cinnamon, lemon balm, cloves;
  • For volume – cypress, cedar, rosewood, thyme;
  • Against hair loss – pine, eucalyptus;
  • To moisturize dry hair – jasmine, sandalwood, ylang-ylang;
  • Anti-greasy - grapefruit, geranium, juniper.

1 Mirrolla

Best price. Large volume (25 ml)
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.9

"Mirrolla" is a domestic research and production company that develops and promotes natural cosmetics and dietary supplements. The company has been operating since 2004. The range includes more than 300 products that increase the quality of life and improve health. The manufacturer’s specialty is rare herbs grown on its own plantations without the use of chemicals, so the raw materials for future products remain environmentally friendly. As the company assures, even the collection of herbs is carried out in full accordance with the calendar of greatest benefit. Control over recipes is carried out in the company’s laboratory, where scientific research is constantly being conducted to create new, even more effective products. Modern equipment and international quality standards are a couple more advantages for the brand.

A prominent place in the catalog is occupied by essential oils for the face and hair, available in bottles of 10 and 25 ml. Reviews note that the esters of this brand have a persistent aroma that allows you to enjoy a pleasant atmosphere for hours. Users are also pleased with the variety of products - the range includes the most popular citrus, spicy, floral, pine and exotic essential oils.

The best manufacturers of essential oils: price-quality

4 Elfarma

Best design. Profitable price
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.8

"Elpharma" is a Russian manufacturer of pharmaceutical cosmetics, cosmetic and essential oils, beekeeping products, etc. Feature The entire range of the company is of high quality. The brand, founded in 2001, offers natural remedies for face, body and hair care, which do not contain toxic chemical substances. Raw materials are supplied from the UK and other European countries.

User reviews often mention the attractive design - each package is decorated with a picturesque landscape. Buyers also like the affordable price policy. Among the advantages, it is impossible not to mention the variety of aromas of essential oils, durability and 100% natural composition.

3 Lecus

International quality standards. Unobtrusive scents
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.8

Lecus is a Russian company engaged in the production of natural and medicinal cosmetics, cosmetic and essential oils, and bath cosmetics. Distinctive characteristic– release of products that meet all international standards quality, including those approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The brand is one of the three best domestic representatives. Environmentally friendly raw materials undergo mandatory certification in Europe. The company cooperates only with reputable foreign suppliers.

The brand takes part in annual exhibitions, receiving recognition, diplomas and awards year after year. In reviews, users indicate bright modern design, a rich variety of essential oils, high durability and competitive cost among the advantages. The scents are natural and unobtrusive, which allows them to be used both for the purpose of healing hair and skin, and for filling the room with pleasant notes, taking a bath and performing a massage.

2 Botanika

The most popular. User selection
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.9

"Botanika" is a manufacturer of cosmetic and essential oils that appeared on domestic market about 10 years ago. Currently, the company is a recognized leader: a member of the Russian Perfume and Cosmetic Association and the International Federation of Trade in Essential Oils, winner of the exhibition (2014) in the category of the best massage oils. In reviews, the neutral design is called very relevant, without distracting attention from the key characteristics.

On back side The packaging provides information about the use of a specific ester, its beneficial properties and compatibility with other oils. The manufacturer provides the product with information about the composition, contraindications, storage conditions and expiration dates. Inside the box you will find a bottle, instructions, recipes and even recommended proportions for mixing the extract with the base for preparing masks for the face and hair.

1 Bergland-Pharma

The best value for money. Environmentally friendly raw materials
Country: Germany
Rating (2018): 4.9

Founded a quarter of a century ago, the Bergland company set the goal of preserving the natural purity of the material and creating unique parapharmaceutical and cosmetic oils. Actually, the goal has been achieved. Now the brand is known all over the world, and pharmacies and medical institutions in Germany, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic and others European countries unanimously prefer the brand's products. Their essential oils have a positive effect both locally and on the entire body as a whole, providing an anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antibacterial effect on the skin of the face and hair.

Esters are produced from environmentally friendly raw materials, which is confirmed by Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certificates. The company, on its own initiative, regularly undergoes testing for compliance with the standard of the Federation of German Cosmetics Manufacturers and Distributors (BDIH), the so-called first “natural” standard. Many products from the brand’s catalog are marked with the “Cosmos Organic” and “Cosmos Natural” marks, indicating the naturalness of the products. “It’s hard to imagine a better quality guarantor!” - says expert reviews.

The best producers of essential oils: premium segment

Luxury essential oil companies stand out from other companies due to their high cost, which is fully compensated by first-class quality, 100% natural composition and careful control over the production of extracts. These brands are attentive to the characteristics of the skin, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of the esters.


The best of the domestic ones. Special series of esters for problem skin
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.8

Essential oils of the “Iris” brand have been produced by the aromatherapy center for more than 20 years. The company is named after its leading employee, Dr. Irisova. High-quality raw materials – that’s what the manufacturer relies on. The components of the esters are delivered directly from the plantations: anise from Spain, oranges from Brazil, calamus berries from Nepal, etc. The extracts are isolated using a special gentle technology, retaining maximum beneficial properties. The composition of the esters is completely natural.

Experts call the company's products exclusive due to the content of a biologically active collection, including enzymes and antioxidants, vitamins and other elements. With their help, the body has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antiviral, as well as antimicrobial effect. The oils of this brand are in wide demand, judging by the reviews, in the treatment of acne. The manufacturer has developed special series “Anti-acne” and “Post-acne” to effectively relieve inflammation, smooth the skin, eliminate redness and prevent the formation of new pimples.


First class quality. Effective face and hair care
Country: Austria
Rating (2018): 4.8

Styx is an Austrian company of natural essential oils and cosmetics that appeared on the trading scene at the beginning of the 20th century. Having invested in the production of oils, the founder of the company of the same name, Wolfgang Stix, was awarded a number of privileges from raw material suppliers around the world. The brand's privileges continue to this day, which allows the brand to purchase raw materials of exclusively first-class quality, while the cost of the original product remains at an acceptable level.

All drugs are based on ancient recipes and do not involve the inclusion of chemical synthesis products. Technologies for production and processing of raw materials fully comply with international standards. The central place in the catalog is occupied by base and essential oils. The assortment is presented cosmetics based on them for face and body, hair care products, massage and perfume preparations. Reviews from users and experts say that the company’s products have no analogues in the world - safe, fragrant, durable, effective.

1 Karel Hadek

Better production control. Suitable for aging and sensitive skin
Country: Czech Republic
Rating (2018): 4.9

Karel Hadek is the best brand of professional aromacosmetics in the Czech Republic, as well as a leader in the markets of Japan, Russia, China and Europe. The company is named after the founding scientist who developed over 300 drug formulations and his own production technologies. The company has been operating since 1983, and has now acquired a whole army of fans. All aromatherapy cosmetics of the brand are free of antioxidants, dyes, fragrances and preservatives. All raw materials purchased from global markets undergo laboratory testing, and in some cases even double testing.

The products are in wide demand in professional environments - beauty salons, rehabilitation centers, medical institutions, etc. Natural essential oils of the brand are also suitable for home use. Reviews write especially flatteringly about esters as products for problematic, aging and sensitive skin of the face and body. In addition, the extracts have positive impact on the hair. The assortment is represented by all sorts of scents, the cost of which exceeds most of its analogues, however, as experts assure, it is fully justified by its first-class quality.