How to germinate wheat at home. Features of wheat germination at home

Nowadays, healthy eating has ceased to be a fashionable chip. All more people think about what gets on their plate every day. One of the directions of healthy food is the use of germinated grains, namely wheat. But not everyone knows how to do it right. Instead of a nutritious and healthy mass, a smelly, unappetizing sourdough is obtained.

How to germinate wheat at home? Basically, it's not that hard. Keeping a few important conditions, you can significantly diversify your diet and get natural useful elements right from the windowsill, without leaving the house.

First you need to decide in which phase the sprouted grain will be used. There are two options here: whole or just greens. The principle of initial germination is the same in both cases, but the timing and methods of use differ.

Choosing wheat

After you have decided on the method of use, you need to choose the grain. You can buy it:

  1. On the market. The cheapest purchase. You can carefully examine the wheat, smell it. It does not guarantee that the grains have not been pre-planted with chemicals. Where and how they were stored is also unknown. But there is no need to buy a large batch at once. You can buy a small handful and see what happens.
  2. In the shop. It turns out much more expensive. But on the other hand, there will be 100% confidence that the grains are untreated and can be safely eaten. By the way, it also comes across with small debris and crushed seeds that are no longer suitable for germination. Choose wheat in transparent bags so that the contents are clearly visible.
  3. In the Internet. We do not recommend. Buying a pig in a poke for a lot of money. There is a great risk of getting an absolutely substandard mixture of incomprehensible production. However, if there is good recommendations from friends who have already tried out such a purchase, then they choose this option.

In general, devotees healthy eating do not save on this very food. Therefore, they buy in stores. Or have already enlisted support in personal subsidiary plots that plant wheat for themselves. This makes it cheaper and safer.

Preparing grains for sprouting

Yes, preparation is always needed. You can't just shove wheat into the soil and wait for a miracle. You'll have to fiddle around a bit. The first step is sorting out the grains. Remove visible debris, chipped and damaged seeds. Then they are placed in a shallow wide container and filled with ordinary clean water. Floating grains are removed, such wheat is unlikely to germinate.

Then water with particles of small debris (it will definitely be) is carefully drained over the edge, and fresh is poured. Repeat until the liquid becomes clear. Now you can throw the wheat into a sieve or colander.

Next, you will have to disinfect the grains if they are purchased on the market. When buying in a store, you can skip this item. To do this, induce a weak solution of potassium permanganate and fill it with wheat for 12-14 minutes. After draining, rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Seed preparation is completed by soaking. Without any growth stimulants, wheat is poured with the most ordinary clean, settled water so that the liquid level is 2 cm higher. They are placed for 7-8 hours in a warm, dark place. After this time, the grains are ready for germination.

If the air temperature is too high at this time, then you will have to change the water 2 times and rinse the seeds. Otherwise, there is a high chance of souring. Then all the labors will go to waste, it is impossible to eat sour wheat.

Eating whole wheat

After all the procedures, the prepared seeds are even thin layer scattered in containers. They can be glass, plastic, ceramic, enameled. Just not aluminum or cardboard. Nothing needs to be put on the bottom, it is enough to make a few holes for draining excess liquid.

The resulting structure, together with the grains, is slightly moistened with a spray bottle, then covered with any material at hand. It can be white paper, several layers of newspapers, cotton fabric or plain gauze. Shelter is also lightly sprinkled with water. Now all this must be put in a warm and bright place.

Usually wheat begins to germinate within a day. Hard varieties wake up a little longer, but no more than 2 days. If by this time nothing has happened, then something was done wrong or poor-quality seeds were caught.

During the day, you need to periodically open the container and smell the contents. The smell should be specific, but pleasant. If a slight sour aroma appears or it smells of mold, then the grains are immediately washed with clean water to avoid spoilage or poisoning.

When done correctly, tiny sprouts appear within 20-24 hours. Upon reaching a length of no more than 2 mm, they can be safely eaten with grains. For example, eat whole or add to cereal.

As soon as the seedlings become more than 3 mm, they can no longer be eaten. But it's also not worth throwing away. Let's move on to the next step.

We use greens

What to do if you did not have time to eat all the germinated grains? There are two options here. You can keep them in the refrigerator, but not more than a day. Or sow them to get no less nutritious greens, rich in nutrients and vitamins.

To do this, you can use soil, sawdust, or just a few layers of paper. At the bottom of the sowing tank, earth or sawdust is poured with a layer of at least 1 cm. Or loose paper is laid. It can be toilet or kitchen towels. Smooth or newsprint paper will not work.

Now we need to thoroughly moisturize the whole thing. Only without fanaticism, the grains should not float in the water. Sprouted wheat is laid out in a thin layer on a substrate. If sawdust or soil is used, then they are sprinkled on top with a layer of no more than 0.5 cm. In the case of paper, wheat is not sprinkled on top.

Now you need to cover the entire structure with plastic wrap, transparent plastic or glass. Then put it in a warm and dark place. Once a day, landings must be aired. Shoots usually appear on the third day. As soon as the first loops of sprouts come out, you need to remove the shelter and rearrange the container with wheat in a bright place.

Then the seedlings begin to grow rapidly. And after 8-9 days, you can cut the first greens. Do it with scissors. After cutting, the seedlings are again carefully moistened and left for growing. In a few days they will grow up and you can take them again for your needs.

Typically, such young greens are used to make salads, as part of smoothies, or as a topping for main dishes.

You can cut greens growing in the soil up to 4 times. On sawdust - 3 times. On paper - no more than 2 times. No, wheat continues to grow further, but it no longer carries any nutritional and vitamin value.

Most optimal length sprouts for eating 12-14 cm. If it is smaller, it will not have time to gain the required proportion of vitamins. If it outgrows more, it will quickly become coarse and you will have to chew it long and hard.

  1. Never ask the seller about the shelf life of wheat if they intend to purchase it on the market. He can say anything. To the point that the harvest is over this morning and the wheat is fresh. Focus on color and smell. The grains practically do not smell of anything, dark beige or golden in color. Everything else is from the evil one.
  2. In order to eat sprouted grains, and not greens, on a daily basis, you will have to use the streaming method. In order not to get confused in an infinite number of containers and not to miss outgrowth, they simply sign each vessel. The date and time of the bookmark is sufficient.
  3. How much wheat to germinate? Recommended daily dosage per person - 2 tbsp. l. This volume is calculated. You can eat more, it does not bring harm. Less is also possible, but impractical, since the benefits are too small.
  4. There are recommendations to germinate wheat directly in a glass jar, pouring it in a fairly thick layer. We do not recommend doing so. Because the bottom layer of grains will suffocate from lack of oxygen. And the speed of germination of the layers will be very different.
  5. For the same reason, seeds should not be poured into containers in more than two layers. It is better to put two bowls, but then scatter the wheat thinly than to separate the already germinated grains from the ones that have not yet hatched.
  6. Some sources claim that if a cloudy film appears on the surface of the liquid when soaking the grains, then this is a sign of pesticide treatment. This is only partly true. A cloudy film can also appear if the water itself is of poor quality with impurities of chlorine or hard. Poorly washed wheat also causes haze.
  7. Another recommendation: germinate wheat in the refrigerator. This will help prevent damage and mold. Doubtful advice. Firstly, the germination period in the refrigerator is almost three times longer than in a warm place. Secondly, if you do not wash the grains, they will become moldy and deteriorate even in the most sophisticated refrigerator.
  8. The benefits of the juice of green sprouts or germinated grains are great. Just don't abuse it. Only 30 g of liquid (milk) per person is enough per day.
  9. Periodically, it is required to spray wheat plantings on greens with settled water. If you just cut the seedlings and do not moisten them, then they will slow down their growth and soon dry out.

How to germinate wheat at home? Quite easy. wide capacity, pure water and grain - that's all you need to get valuable vitamin greens or tasty healthy grains.

Video: how to germinate grains

Sprouted wheat is considered the most beneficial for the body, since during germination, the enzymes contained in the germ are activated. During germination, the processes of splitting complex nutrients into simpler ones occur, as a result of which they become easily absorbed by the body.

By eating wheat germ, we save a huge amount of energy for the digestion of food.

Sprouted wheat has a high biological value. Sprouted grains of wheat significantly increase the overall tone of the human body, have a beneficial effect on nervous system. In addition, the use of wheat germ improves overall well-being, mood, memory and attention.

Due to the rich vitamin and mineral complex, wheat germ strengthens the immune system, especially in the autumn-winter period, when other sources of vitamins and minerals are difficult to access. Sprouts slow down the aging process of cells and protect the body from the effects of free radicals, thereby preventing the development of cancer.

With the regular use of wheat germ, the digestive system normalizes, metabolism improves, and the acid-base balance normalizes.

Wheat stimulates intestinal motility, helps with constipation, diarrhea, bloating. Promotes complete cleansing of the body of toxins. Actively cleanses the liver, kidneys, bladder. It is recommended to use sprouts for those who want to get rid of excess weight and cleanse the body.

How to germinate wheat

Wheat is not capricious. It is easy to germinate at home. No need to take a large number of. You should not store seedlings for a long time, it is better to prepare fresh ones every 2-3 days.

  1. Disassemble the required amount of grain. Discard damaged, unripe or moldy grains, remove the husk.
  2. Rinse with running water. Those grains that have surfaced are also thrown away. They still won't grow. You can hold for several minutes (3-5 no more) in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Soak for 6-10 hours, depending on room temperature. If it is very hot, you can leave it for 4 hours or refrigerate. Do not close tightly. Use filtered water, but not boiled.
  4. Rinse again. Put in a non-metal dish with a layer of no more than 1 cm. Close with a cotton napkin or gauze.
  5. Pour in enough water to just cover the wheat. And put in a warm place. Make sure that the water does not dry out, add if necessary.
  6. Rinse every 12 hours. More often in hot weather.
  7. Rinse cooked sprouts before use.

The most delicious and healthy sprouts are 2-3 mm. They can be added to porridge, muesli, salads, vegetable stews or even soup. Just do not cook, put it on a plate already. You can also eat separately.

Mistakes when sprouting wheat

  • too much water during germination (water must be drained);
  • too large a layer of grains, because of which it begins to overheat (“suffocate”);
  • too long germination;
  • drying of the grains that have begun to germinate.

How to eat sprouted wheat

The value of wheat germs is that the beneficial substances in them at the very beginning of germination turn into an easily digestible form. With significant germination, most useful substances goes into sprouts, in which they are not of particular value to the body. Therefore, it is desirable to use sprouts with sprouts no more than 2-3 mm.

To maintain health and provide the body with nutrients, it is enough to consume 2-3 tablespoons (up to 50 g) of sprouts per day.

Before eating sprouted wheat, be sure to rinse it again with water.

Sprouted wheat is best eaten in the afternoon. Grains must be carefully chewed. Wheat can be chewed on its own or together with other sprouts, such as mung bean. As you know, the combination of grains and legumes is better absorbed. Wheatgrass is, of course, quite tough, but prolonged chewing is good for better absorption, as well as for teeth and gums.

Sprouted wheat is added to ready-made cereals, mixed with honey, nuts and dried fruits. Sprouts significantly increase the nutritional value of salads.

The easiest way to consume wheat germ is to grind it in a blender along with fruits or vegetables. For example, mix wheat germ, apples, honey and sweet spices (cinnamon, nutmeg). It is good to add wheat germ to green smoothies.

In order not to lose the beneficial properties of wheat germ, you should not subject them to heat treatment.

How to store wheat

Store wheat germ in the refrigerator in a covered container. Shelf life - no more than 2 days. Before use, do not forget to rinse the grains with drinking water.

Where can I buy wheat for sprouting

Of particular importance is not the place of purchase of grain. Now this can be done in different places:

  • Supermarket;
  • Score;
  • Can be ordered online;
  • Market;
  • It is best to buy in the village from people who sow for themselves.

In the market or in the village, you can buy not quite pure wheat. There may be other grains as well. But in stores and on the Internet you can order branded grain, cleaned, which was specially packaged for sprouting. The price of such grain will be 5-10 times more expensive. Suppose the market price can be 15 rubles per kilogram. In the online store you can buy 1 kg of wheat for sprouting for 100 - 150 rubles, but you won’t have to go anywhere, the courier will bring it straight home.

The question of how to germinate wheat on their own at home has been of interest to adherents of proper nutrition for a long time - it is quite difficult to get high-quality sprouts in a supermarket.

This is due to the brevity of storage and the ability of the finished product to deteriorate quickly.

In addition, the shoots bought in the store often taste rancid - the oils and fats in their composition deteriorate as quickly as fermented milk products under the influence of oxygen.

Plus, the warm environment in which the grains germinate is an ideal breeding ground for salmonella and other bacteria.

In this article, we find out how to get "live food" on your own, what you need for this and why it is useful.

Table of contents [Show]

  1. How to germinate wheat at home for food?
  2. Two ways to grow useful shoots yourself
  3. I did everything right, but the grains did not germinate, what is the reason?
  4. When and in what quantities are sprouts eaten?
  5. 5+ recipes based on sprouts

Sprouted wheat grains, of course, are not a panacea for all diseases, but at the same time, food is healthier and more natural.

When a wheat seed hatches after a long hibernation, its metabolic processes, in part of the sprout, the amount of macro and microelements, vitamins and antioxidants increases, which it gives to the young shoot.

All this can and should be used for our health.

Wheat contains dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and a lot of protein.

The seedlings have a low glycemic index and important quality not affect blood sugar levels.

In addition, they ideal remedy to increase immunity, lose weight, prevent development diabetes, cleansing the body of toxins and toxins.

Sprouted wheat grains are considered the most living food

How to germinate wheat at home for food?

Germinating grains, as you already understood, is better and safer on your own.

The maximum length of fresh shoots should not exceed 0.5-1 cm - the longer they are, the less useful substances they contain.

All the more stunted and fragile is the greenery, which lacks soil, and the nutrient reserves of the seed itself are depleted.

What you will need:

  1. Quality raw materials that can be purchased in health food stores - sprouting wheat, as a rule, contain the appropriate labeling; or farm grains in case you are completely confident in the supplier
  2. Glass bowl (metal and plastic dishes are not suitable for our purposes)
  3. Colander
  4. Gauze

And, of course, the conditions: the temperature in the room is from 22 to 24 degrees, a dark place with indirect rays of the sun, plus humidity.

To make it sufficient, the seeds must be washed with water in the morning and evening three times.

So sprouts, as the grains are also called, do not get moldy and get enough nutrition and fluid.

Germinating them yourself, following all the rules, is as easy as shelling pears

For sprouts, wheat is soaked for two days, for shoots - for eight.

At the same time, before soaking, it is important to carefully select the raw materials: throw away the grains that have floated in the water, broken, damaged, moldy and undeveloped.

Such wheat will not only not germinate, but may also be harmful to health. We leave beautiful even kernels of a yellowish color.

Two ways to germinate wheat at home

The first

  1. Pour the grains into the dishes to a height of 1-2 cm. Fill with bottled or boiled water room temperature.
  2. We cover with several layers of gauze or a light towel - so direct rays of light will not enter the container.
  3. We leave for a day.
  4. The next day, we look at what happened to the grains - we remove and throw away all that have surfaced.
  5. Carefully cover, re-fill with water, cover with a cloth and leave for another day. Water should only cover future seedlings, but not form a puddle.
  6. Now we start to wait. We wash the wheat every 12 hours, change the water and gauze when it is saturated with moisture. It is important to ensure that the sprouts do not begin to peck through the fabric.
  7. When you see seedlings 1-2 mm long, you can assume that the mission is completed.
  8. We wash the grains again and send them to the refrigerator. Now you can eat them 1-3 tablespoons a day.

Not only wheat is suitable for germination, but also buckwheat, mung bean and other grain crops

Tip: if the sprouts exceed 5 mm, they can be transplanted separately into the ground and grown further. They are perfect for making vitamin juices and feeding pets.


We repeat all the steps from the previous method up to the third paragraph.

  1. Wash the grains thoroughly.
  2. We put wet cotton wool in the container, cover with wet gauze.
  3. From above we fall asleep a layer of wheat with a thickness of about one and a half centimeters.
  4. Cover with cheesecloth on top.
  5. When the fabric dries, add a little clean water.
  6. We wash the raw materials every 12 hours.
  7. After a couple of days, vitamin shoots up to two mm long should sprout.
  8. Unsprouted grains are selected and discarded.

Sprouts can later be transplanted into the ground and used to make vitamin juice

I did everything right, but the grains did not germinate, what is the reason?

There are at least three reasons:

  1. Too much moisture: The environment should be moist, but not wet. It is recommended to drain excess water after washing, otherwise the grains will not germinate, but burst from swelling.
  2. The grains became dry and did not hatch - on the contrary, you did not have enough moisture in the environment. As soon as the gauze dries, add a little water to it, thereby maintaining the correct fluid balance.
  3. Too thick a layer of grains. If it exceeds 1.5-2 cm, the lower rows will begin to overheat and suffocate.
  4. If the sprouts do not hatch within three days, the raw material will have to be thrown away, it is no longer suitable for food.

How to germinate wheat at home for food and how much to eat?

One to three tablespoons a day is enough.

There is such a product should be thoroughly washed during the main meal, be sure to chew the grains thoroughly.

They can be flavored with a little oil or added to fresh vegetable salads.

Can also be mixed with legumes, cereals, soups, honey and dried fruits. In the refrigerator, such a product should not be stored for more than two days.

You can eat grains on their own, as part of sandwiches, salads and cereals.

It is even easier to prepare a nutritious vitamin cocktail based on them: grind in a blender, add vegetables, fruits or juice.

To avoid excessive gas formation, it is better not to mix germinated wheat with dairy products.

Tip: remember that wheat germ is contraindicated for people who are intolerant to gluten. Also, do not include them in the diet of children under 12 years of age suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with stomach ulcers and in the recovery postoperative period.

5+ recipes based on sprouts

Sprouted wheat bread

To prepare it, you will need a classic yeast-free sourdough, the recipe for which can be found here.

As well as:

  1. Wheat flour - 300 g
  2. Sprouted wheat - 8 tbsp. l.
  3. Bread sourdough - 2 tbsp. l.
  4. Water - 60 ml
  5. Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  6. Sugar - 1 tsp
  7. Salt - 0.5 tsp.

Diet yeast-free bread

Wheat is passed through a meat grinder and mixed with sourdough, water, oil, salt and sugar.

Grease the baking dish vegetable oil, put the mixture into it.

We cover the top with parchment and send it to a warm place for 8 hours. During this time, the dough should double in size.

We bake for an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.

sprout cookies

You will need:

  1. 50 g dried apricots
  2. 50 g prunes
  3. 50 g raisins
  4. 2 cups wheat germ
  5. 2 tbsp. l. poppy

Sprouted wheat biscuits

We pass the grain through a blender or meat grinder, we do the same with dried fruits.

Mix all the ingredients and form round cookies. If desired, roll in sesame seeds and dry in the oven for 7 minutes.

Porridge with sprouts

Such a dish will be an ideal balanced breakfast for those who are on a diet, and for those who systematically adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

You will need:

  1. 1 cup wheat
  2. 1 orange
  3. A pinch of dry ground ginger
  4. 1 tsp. honey and butter

Perfect cereal for breakfast

Pour the grains with water and leave for an hour, rinse thoroughly and cook over low heat until soft. Adding the rest of the components.

Carrot salad brush

You will need:

  1. Half a cup of sprouted grains
  2. 1 carrot
  3. 2 bunches lettuce
  4. 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  5. 1 tsp. mustard and honey

Salad with carrots

We tear the salad with our hands into pieces, rub the carrots on a coarse grater. Mix with sprouts and season with a mixture of mustard, oil and honey.

Vitamin mix

You will need:

  1. 1 apple
  2. 1 pepper
  3. 1 cucumber
  4. 1 tomato
  5. 1 avocado
  6. Juice of half a lemon
  7. Half a bunch of arugula
  8. Olive oil and dry ground ginger to taste

The components of such a salad are easily interchangeable.

We cut the vegetables, tear the salad with our hands and season with lemon juice, ginger and olive oil. Add sprouted wheat.

vegetable smoothie

You will need:

  1. 1 bell pepper
  2. 1 celery root
  3. 50 g wheat germ
  4. 20 g chopped parsley
  5. 1 tsp flax seed

Vitamin smoothie

We interrupt all the ingredients in a blender, pre-grind the flax seeds in a coffee grinder. To the desired consistency, the drink is diluted with water.

Curd dessert

Sprouted wheat grains can be added not only to cereals, smoothies and salads, but also to prepare a nutritious dessert with them, which will not be deposited on the sides and will enrich the body with a complex of vitamins.

You will need:

  1. 1 apple
  2. 100 g cottage cheese
  3. 20 g wheat germ
  4. 1 st. l. honey
  5. 0.5 tsp cinnamon

Curd dessert

We peel the apple and rub it on a coarse grater. Grind cottage cheese with a fork or with a sieve.

Grind the sprouted grains in a blender. We mix all the ingredients, put it in a mold and send it to the refrigerator for several hours. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon before serving.

As you can see, proper nutrition can be not only healthy, but also tasty.

You will find a few more ways to germinate wheat at home for food in this video:

Dear readers, do you know how to germinate wheat for food at home? Of course, it is very convenient to use for this purpose special devices. But if they are not available, then it is quite possible to get by with simple "manual" methods.

Sprouting wheat at home (by the way, not only this plant, but also many others) is a rewarding occupation, because it makes it possible to enrich our diet with a large set of biologically important substances. In this article, you will learn which seeds can be germinated and which are not suitable for this. What are 10 ways to germinate wheat at home and what germinators should be used.

What can be sprouted

Wheat confidently holds the lead among all the seedlings used for food. But when choosing a way to germinate wheat at home, do not forget about others. useful seeds. You can use the same methods for them. The most important thing is to choose exactly useful rudiments that can bring maximum benefit. This big list includes:

  • legumes (soybeans, peas, lentils and others);
  • corn;
  • millet;
  • barley;
  • rye;
  • oats;
  • pumpkin;
  • buckwheat;
  • sunflower;
  • milk thistle;
  • sesame;
  • almond;
  • radish;
  • clover;
  • alfalfa;
  • fenugreek;
  • cabbage;
  • mustard;
  • watercress.

Both wheat and all other seeds, when germinated, become very valuable for our health. What is their use, I recommend reading in the article " Useful properties of sprouts«.

  • cucumber;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • watermelon;
  • pepper;
  • squash;
  • chokeberry;
  • nightshade (potato, tomato, eggplant and others).

Growing wheat at home

Regardless of which method you choose, you must follow the general rules:

  • To germinate wheat for food at home, you need to purchase only environmentally friendly raw materials. Those seeds that are intended for sowing can be treated with pesticides.
  • First, the grains are washed well under running water. Then fill them with water to remove all the floating specimens from the total mass. They are "empty" and dissimilar, therefore, they are not suitable for germination. If the proportion of floating seeds is more than 2%, then the entire volume of grain is not suitable for sprouting for food.

  • For soaking and germination, it is recommended to take glass, enameled (without damage) or ceramic dishes.
  • Soaked seeds are supposed to be washed 2-3 times a day with clean water. If the raw material is soaked in melted, silver or flint water, then one wash can be limited.
  • The water left after soaking is not suitable for drinking or cooking, as it contains harmful products breakdown of substances.
  • Grains that have not sprouted in the allotted time cannot be used for food. They are thrown away. Slightly hatched seeds can be left for repeated procedure germination.
  • Store seedlings at a low positive temperature (from 2 to 8°C) in a sealed container. The shelf life is a maximum of 4-5 days. At the same time, the grain is washed daily, with the exception of milk thistle and flax. From the last seeds, by the way, it turns out very delicious porridge(You can read about its benefits here).

How to germinate wheat for food at home

Method 1

Put a small amount of washed grains on a plate. From above, cover with gauze or cotton cloth abundantly moistened with water. Leave the bowl of seeds in a warm place. If the fabric dries out, then it should be moistened again.

Within a day, the first white roots will appear. Wheat must be washed again and after that it can be used for cooking.

Method 2

The washed grains are poured into a container with a flat bottom. poured warm water so that the water does not completely cover the topmost seeds. Put a paper towel on top and put in a warm place. Such germination of wheat at home also gives finished products already in a day. The grains are washed and used for food.

Method 3

It is convenient to use for sprouting small disposable portions. The rudiments of selected plants are placed in gauze or poured into a tea strainer. Then such a "container" is lowered into a glass of warm water. For the next portion in a day, the water in the glass is changed to fresh. Sprouted wheat is eaten immediately, without leaving it for storage.

Method 4

You can germinate wheat at home using a technique similar to the previous one. Seeds are also tied in a gauze bag. Just do not lower it into a glass, but regularly spray it from a spray bottle. In this case, the sac with embryos must be hung.

Method 5

The bottom of a large flat plate is covered with filter paper or napkins. Pour the washed seeds in a not very thick layer and add a little water. Then cover the plate with a lid. It is important that it does not fit snugly against the seeds and that they have Free access air. After 1-2 days, the grains are ready for eating.

Method 6

Not only small sprouts are suitable for food, but also green sprouts (sprouts). They differ high content chlorophyll, which is very useful for our body. How to germinate wheat at home to get sprouts? To do this, you should use the technique shown in the video, as well as the two following methods.

Method 7

Washed wheat (or other selected grains) is placed in a glass jar. Their volume should occupy 1/3 of the capacity. Pour the contents for 10-12 hours with warm water. Then the liquid is drained, and the seeds are washed. They are folded back into the jar, the neck is tied with gauze and the jar is turned upside down on a plate.

Under the bottom of the container, which is now the neck closed with a cloth, you need to put a spoon. Excess moisture will drain from the jar, and the seeds will receive the necessary oxygen. The product will be ready for use in 4-5 days.

Method 8

Sometimes the question arises of how to germinate wheat at home for food using soil and whether it can be done at all. Yes, you certainly may. This is a proven method - it allows you to get adult green sprouts.

To do this, the seeds are pre-soaked in warm water for 10-12 hours. Soil about 1 cm thick is poured into a flat container. Moisten it as well as possible to get the consistency of sour cream.

After soaking, the seeds are poured in a uniform thin layer on the surface of the soil. You don't need to push them into the ground. From above, the container is closed with a lid or polyethylene, in which a small (about 0.5 cm) hole is made. Such a greenhouse is placed in a warm place.

When green leaves appear, remove the lid and place the container in the sun. If the wheat has a too lush root system, then this means that you are either not moistening the substrate enough, or you are overheating the greenhouse. With this sprouting method, sprouts are ready to eat in 7-14 days. Green sprouts will already have a height of 6 to 20 cm.

Method 9

There is a way that differs from the usual germination of wheat at home. This option applies exclusively to legumes - peas, beans, beans. They can be grown under pressure. To do this, you must have cylindrical stainless steel dishes. In the bottom and in the walls there should be holes with a diameter of 5 mm at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other. Beans after soaking are placed in this dish.

A container with seeds is placed in another - bigger size and without perforations. Small objects (spoons or pebbles) should be placed under the first dish to create a gap for air and excess water. Everything is covered with a lid on top. It must be remembered that legumes are washed longer and more thoroughly during germination than seeds of other plants.

Three days later, a load is placed on top in such a way that it presses down on the lid and the beans are under oppression. After another day or two, the seedlings can be used for food, after removing the peel from the cotyledons.

Some legumes, soybeans and peas, are kept in boiling water for several minutes before consumption, as they contain harmful compounds. Under the influence of boiling water, these substances are destroyed.

Method 10

It is used to prepare nuts, in particular almonds. The shells are removed from the nuts and soaked for a period of 12 to 24 hours. The almonds will swell but will not germinate. This is enough for the biochemical reactions in the rudiments to be launched. In this state, nuts can already be eaten and prepared from them in yogurt, almond milk, salads and other dishes.

Special germinators for seeds

All of the above methods can be called manual. But germinating wheat at home is much more convenient if you use special devices. They are also called "smart growers". They greatly facilitate the process of obtaining seedlings and greenery. The seeds in them will never rot or dry out. For the one who leads healthy lifestyle life and prefers only useful natural products, such a unit is simply necessary in the economy.

Read also:

What are the benefits and dangerous properties kiwi

What are the best growers? I did not regret the time and looked on the Internet for different devices and reviews on them. As a result, my choice settled on three options. They differ in size, price, and configuration. If you want to get germinated seeds without difficulty and in enough, then take a closer look at them by clicking on the links:

hydroponic grower for seeds, nuts and grains. It has a compressor that runs on electricity. It can also be used for pre-sowing seed germination (gardeners take note!). Priced as the cheapest of the three.

The benefits of germinated wheat for the body in recent times has deservedly become one of the key trends in healthy eating. Sprouted grains of the most common cereal differ rich composition, which includes useful nutrients in a form that is more convenient for assimilation. Therefore, the body easily accepts and distributes them as efficiently as possible. Knowing how to germinate wheat for food at home makes it easy and inexpensive to create one. healthy food with your own hands. In the article you will learn what germinated wheat is, the benefits and harms and how to germinate and take it at home, doctors' advice and reviews.

Sprouted wheat benefits and harm to the body

Photo: wheat germ benefits and harm to the body

The main aspect of the nutritional efficiency of germinated cereals is that at the time of consumption they are in the stage of active biological development. Nutrients are contained in the grain in a complex form, which allows them to last longer. Germination leads to their transformation into simple compounds, since this is necessary for effective nutrition growing sprouts. So vitamins in germinated wheat increase their share in the composition, fats become easily digestible fatty acids, carbohydrates break down into sugars, amino acids are synthesized.

Sprouted grains of wheat, thanks to a rich vitamin and mineral complex, have the following beneficial effects on the body:

  • Contribute to the improvement of passive and active immune protection. Reduces the risk of penetration and development of infections, viruses. The activity and success of the struggle against such negative factors is increasing.
  • Improves nutrition and metabolism cellular level, which leads to timely and high-quality renewal of tissues, preservation of their tone, overall beauty.
  • The increased content of antioxidants strengthens the natural anti-cancer defense, helps to eliminate various neoplasms.
  • The intake of various nutrients makes the metabolism more efficient and easier.
  • Due to the high content of mucus and fiber, the work of the gastrointestinal tract improves.
  • Stimulates the excretion of cholesterol from the body, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Fatty acids, B vitamins and mineral compounds improve the condition and appearance of skin, nails and hair.
  • Sprouted wheat promotes weight loss by cleansing the body.

In this impressive list of benefits, the key value is most often given to great content vitamins and the ability of the product to cleanse the intestines well.

Experts advise, before taking germinated wheat, to be attentive to the choice of raw materials. grains best quality you can buy at a pharmacy or a specialized store, and it is better not to buy wheat "from hand". Large bags are also not suitable for purchase, as it is likely that they have been treated with chemicals for longer storage.

Sprouted wheat germ is most useful when it reaches 2-3 mm in length. Lawn grass will not grow from wheat, and wheat will lose some of its benefits. It is also not recommended to store grains with sprouts that have reached 2 cm.

It is worth remembering that digestive system grows and develops up to 12 years, and before this age it is better not to use germinated wheat. It is equally important to take it in reasonable quantities, without abusing it.

On a note!

The daily limit is 100 grams of sprouts, and it is desirable to combine them with products various kinds except dairy. Reviews of those who have tried including wheat germ in their diet say that it is better to start with a small amount so that the body gets used to a special product.

Doctors recommend observing contraindications when taking wheat germ. People with chronic acute illnesses gastrointestinal tract, it is forbidden to use wheat germ at all. In such a situation, food that has not been subjected to heat treatment has a bad effect on well-being.

What vitamins are in sprouted wheat

Wheat sprouts in their natural environment need a powerful nutrient base that allows them to quickly get out of the ground and form leaves for photosynthesis. That is why there are practically no complex compounds and nutrients in their composition, as they would prevent rapid growth. Vitamins, minerals and biologically active ingredients reach maximum concentration in sprouts 1 to 3 mm long. Therefore, germinated wheat is most useful in this form.

The calorie content of germinated wheat is 198 kcal per 100 grams. Nutrient Base distributed as follows:

  • fat - 1.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 41.4 g;
  • proteins - 7.5 g;
  • dietary fiber - 1.1 g;
  • water - 47.75 g;
  • ash substances - 1 g.

Vitamins and minerals in sprouted wheat: table

How to germinate wheat

Before germinating wheat for food, it is necessary to choose high-quality raw materials, since the benefits and benefits depend on it. therapeutic efficacy sprouts. Fortunately, the popularity of this product allows you to find it in the nearest pharmacy or supermarket. In the absence of such, wheat ready for germination can definitely be found in health food stores or online stores.

Photo: the benefits of germinated wheat

When buying from the market, you can benefit from a lower price, but the quality of the beans can be disappointing. Firstly, selling by weight does not give a good enough assessment of the condition of the grain. Secondly, there is no certainty that the offered wheat has not been treated with chemicals. The same can be said about the purchase of grains via the Internet, you need to study the manufacturer and suppliers well. It is better to buy in stores of natural products.

How to germinate wheat for food at home

There is nothing difficult in the process of germinating cereals; anyone can handle it. Usually full cycle such preparation takes 1 day, but how much to germinate wheat depends on the plant variety - hard cereals need more time. Therefore, it is convenient to put wheat for soaking either in the morning or in the evening, so that after 24 hours it is possible to remove the seeds and consume.

Before germinating wheat, you need to think about how much raw material is needed for soaking. The fact is that germinated grains are stored for about 2 days, and it makes no sense to harvest them for future use. It is best to put a serving for one or two doses.

Wheat germ: how to germinate

  1. Sort the grains, discarding debris and damaged seeds. It is more convenient to do this on a white surface or paper.
  2. Wash the selected wheat in a colander under cool running water.
  3. Take dishes (not aluminum) with a bottom area that allows you to put wheat in 1-2 layers.
  4. Fill the grain with water, remove the floating particles of debris. Discard the water again.
  5. Spread the wet wheat evenly over the entire bottom and pour water again so that it reaches the edges of the upper cereals. It is better if the liquid will have a temperature close to room temperature.
  6. Cover the vessel with damp gauze or close the lid, leaving a small gap necessary for air to enter with a slight evaporation of moisture.
  7. Remove the container filled with wheat to a place with a temperature of about +22˚C. It is often recommended to put the grains in the refrigerator, but this has little effect on the time and effectiveness of germination.
  8. After 6-8 hours, you need to rinse the grains and fill with new water. If sprouts do not appear a day after soaking, the water must be changed again.
  9. When the shoots reach 2-3 mm in length, it is necessary to drain the water and rinse the grains ready for use.

How to germinate wheat at home: mistakes

Despite the simplicity of the described process, it is not always possible for beginners to germinate wheat on the first try. With the exception of cases where bad grain was used, the following errors can be the causes of failure:

  • The wheat was flooded large quantity water. Oversaturation with moisture leads to swelling of the grains and they burst, and do not sprout.
  • The grain dried up due to lack of moisture. For the emergence of new plant life, a moist, not a dry environment is needed. To check its presence, you can put gauze on the container in several layers - when it ceases to be wet, you need to add a little water.
  • Too thick a layer of wheat will not allow the lower grains to breathe and they die, overheating.
  • If the water is not periodically changed, it will begin to rot and, naturally, healthy sprouts will not appear in it.

How to quickly germinate wheat for food

In fact, there is no way to quickly germinate cereals. This natural process always takes time and cannot be accelerated several times. However, you can reduce the waiting time if you start eating grains when the sprouts grow more than 1 mm in length.

In addition, a method is proposed on the Internet in which, after the first soaking for 8-12 hours, the sieve with wet seeds is placed on a humidifier with an average steam rate. It creates right conditions with good air access and keeping a humid environment.

The effectiveness of this method depends on various factors, therefore, it is possible to take it into service only after several trial attempts.

How to take sprouted wheat: for weight loss and body cleansing

Due to the rich composition and the presence of many active substances, it is recommended to start eating sprouted wheat gradually, starting with 1-2 tablespoons per day. This will allow not only to accustom the body to an unusual product, but also to avoid serious consequences with intolerance or allergies.

The optimal portion to start with is 2 tablespoons per day, divided into two doses. After a couple of days, it will be possible to increase the amount to 3 spoons, and choose whether to eat them at once or separately. The presence of mild discomfort after the start of the use of germinated wheat is a frequent indication that the body has begun to remove toxins. But with a significant deterioration in well-being, it is necessary to go to the doctor.

Not everyone may enjoy eating sprouted wheat grains, so it is convenient to use them along with other foods in the diet. For example, a salad of sprouted wheat with vegetables or fruits will saturate the body with all essential vitamins. You can do it even easier by adding honey to the grains. Kasha is another good way how to take germinated wheat. True, heating over +40˚C will reduce useful qualities product. As an alternative, steaming or infusion can be used.

Sprouted wheat flour can be an excellent raw material for very healthy bread, but before threshing, the seeds will have to be dried. Crushed grains with sprouts are well suited for baking, cereals, thickening sauces and confectionery.

Sprouted wheat juice

Wheatgrass (wheatgrass)- this is natural juice from germinated wheat. Today, this vitamin cocktail is one of the leading trends in the field of healthy nutrition.

Indeed, the juice has a more concentrated composition in terms of the content of minerals, vitamins, organic acids and other water soluble nutrients.

Photo: Wheatgrass - wheat germ juice

Benefits of wheat germ juice:

  • strengthens immune functions;
  • increases emotional and physical tone;
  • nourishes the body with many useful substances;
  • improves metabolism;
  • helps in the prevention of infectious, viral and even oncological diseases;
  • accelerates recovery after strong physical and mental stress;
  • cleanses the body.

The use of wheat germ juice helps the body in the fight against hypertension, urolithiasis, atherosclerosis, anemia, disorders of intestinal motility, problems with endocrine system. Wheat drink has a relaxing and tonic effect on the nervous system, facilitating the transfer of stress, which helps to avoid breakdowns, insomnia, absent-mindedness.

In the first weeks of consumption, wheatgrass must be diluted with other fresh juices, such as carrot, cucumber, apple, orange. This is necessary to avoid sharp backlash organism for a specific product.

Video: how to germinate wheat at home

Today there is a lot of talk about proper nutrition and lack of vitamins in our diet. And it has long been no secret that many of our diseases are related to what we eat. But the question arises: how to make up for this deficiency without pharmacy pills and dietary supplements? One very simple way is to eat sprouts.

The benefits of seedlings have been known since antiquity. It's just a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. And also a good way to have a healthy intestine and keep youthful. You just need to know how to germinate properly, where to get the seeds and when to use them.

Choosing grain

For food to be healthy and lively, the grain must be unprocessed. Therefore, it is best to buy in supermarkets, in health food departments or in the village. Can be ordered online. Now there are many companies specializing in nutrition. You don’t even have to go to the post office - they will deliver directly to your home.

Take note:

  • If the grain does not germinate for a long time under normal temperature conditions (should germinate within 2 days), most likely it has been treated with chemicals. It cannot be eaten.
  • The appearance of a film on the water during soaking is also a sign of processing.

How to germinate?

Let's figure out how to germinate wheat for food. Wheat is not capricious. It is easy to germinate at home. You need to take a small amount. You should not store seedlings for a long time, it is better to prepare fresh ones every 2-3 days.

How to germinate wheat for food in 7 steps

  • 1. Disassemble the required amount of grain. Discard damaged, unripe or moldy grains, remove the husk.
  • 2. Rinse with running water. Those grains that have surfaced are also thrown away. They still won't grow. You can hold for several minutes (3-5 no more) in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • 3. Soak for 6-10 hours, depending on the room temperature. If it is very hot, you can leave it for 4 hours or refrigerate. Do not close tightly. Use filtered water, but not boiled.
  • 4. Rinse again. Put in a non-metal dish with a layer of no more than 1 cm. Close with a cotton napkin or gauze.
  • 5. Fill with water so that it just covers the wheat. And put in a warm place. Make sure that the water does not dry out, add if necessary.
  • 6. Rinse every 12 hours. More often in hot weather.
  • 7. Rinse the finished sprouts before use.

The most delicious and healthy sprouts are 2-3 mm. They can be added to porridge, muesli, salads, vegetable stews or even soup. Just do not cook, put it on a plate already. You can also eat separately.

Who benefits from wheat germ?

During germination, the seeds seem to awaken and vitality begins in them. important processes. All the essential amino acids are present in wheat germ. More than 450 enzymes, more than 30 vitamins and more than 20 trace elements were found in them. So, they will be useful to almost everyone, especially weakened people.

With gluten intolerance, this wealth will have to be abandoned. However, not only wheat can be germinated. You just need to find a suitable alternative, such as buckwheat.

Where to store and how to use?

You can store it in the refrigerator on the top shelf. In glassware, no water. Do not close tightly. But you should not store more than 2 days. Be sure to rinse before use.

Sprouts are energy food. It is better to eat them in the morning. In the evening, you can just not fall asleep, like after strong coffee. Start small to get used to the new food. Add a spoonful, then two. Chew thoroughly. You can grind in a blender, then it will be easy to add to kefir or yogurt, jelly, cottage cheese, fruit puree.

And remember that during heat treatment, most useful properties get lost. Of course, you can make a bun or cookies from ground sprouts, add to potato cutlets or zucchini pancakes. But still it is more useful to eat them fresh. After all, we spend time and energy precisely in order to provide ourselves with what we lack in our usual diet.

Dear readers, do you know how to germinate wheat for food at home? Of course, it is very convenient to use special devices for this purpose. But if they are not available, then it is quite possible to get by with simple "manual" methods. Sprouting wheat at home (by the way, not only this plant, but also many others) is a rewarding occupation, because it makes it possible to enrich our diet with a large set of biologically important substances.

In this article, you will learn which seeds can be germinated and which are not suitable for this. What are 10 ways to germinate wheat at home and what germinators should be used.

What can be sprouted

Wheat confidently holds the lead among all the seedlings used for food. But when choosing a way to germinate wheat at home, do not forget about other useful seeds. You can use the same methods for them. The most important thing is to choose exactly useful rudiments that can bring maximum benefit. This big list includes:

  • legumes (soybeans, peas, lentils and others);
  • corn;
  • millet;
  • barley;
  • rye;
  • oats;
  • pumpkin;
  • buckwheat;
  • sunflower;
  • milk thistle;
  • sesame;
  • almond;
  • radish;
  • clover;
  • alfalfa;
  • fenugreek;
  • cabbage;
  • mustard;
  • watercress.

Both wheat and all other seeds, when germinated, become very valuable for our health. What is their use, I recommend reading in the article "".

  • cucumber;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • watermelon;
  • pepper;
  • squash;
  • chokeberry;
  • potato;
  • tomato;
  • eggplant.

Regardless of which method you choose, you must follow the general rules:

  • To germinate wheat for food at home, you need to purchase only environmentally friendly raw materials. Those seeds that are intended for sowing can be treated with pesticides.
  • First, the grains are washed well under running water. Then fill them with water to remove all the floating specimens from the total mass. They are "empty" and dissimilar, therefore, they are not suitable for germination. If the proportion of floating seeds is more than 2%, then the entire volume of grain is not suitable for sprouting for food.

  • For soaking and germination, it is recommended to take glass, enameled (without damage) or ceramic dishes.
  • Soaked seeds are supposed to be washed 2-3 times a day with clean water. If the raw material is soaked in melted, silver or flint water, then one wash can be limited.
  • The water left after soaking is not suitable for drinking or cooking, as it contains harmful decomposition products.
  • Grains that have not sprouted in the allotted time cannot be used for food. They are thrown away. Slightly hatched seeds can be left for a second germination procedure.
  • Store seedlings at a low positive temperature (from 2 to 8°C) in a sealed container. The shelf life is a maximum of 4-5 days. At the same time, the grain is washed daily, with the exception of milk thistle and flax. From the last seeds, by the way, a very tasty porridge is obtained (you can read about its benefits).

How to germinate wheat for food at home

Method 1

Put a small amount of washed grains on a plate. From above, cover with gauze or cotton cloth abundantly moistened with water. Leave the bowl of seeds in a warm place. If the fabric dries out, then it should be moistened again.

Within a day, the first white roots will appear. Wheat must be washed again and after that it can be used for cooking.

Method 2

The washed grains are poured into a container with a flat bottom. Pour warm water so that the water does not completely cover the topmost seeds. Put a paper towel on top and put in a warm place. Such germination of wheat at home also gives finished products in a day. The grains are washed and used for food.

Method 3

It is convenient to use for sprouting small disposable portions. The rudiments of selected plants are placed in gauze or poured into a tea strainer. Then such a "container" is lowered into a glass of warm water. For the next portion in a day, the water in the glass is changed to fresh. Sprouted wheat is eaten immediately, without leaving it for storage.

Method 4

You can germinate wheat at home using a technique similar to the previous one. Seeds are also tied in a gauze bag. Just do not lower it into a glass, but regularly spray it from a spray bottle. In this case, the sac with embryos must be hung.

Method 5

The bottom of a large flat plate is covered with filter paper or napkins. Pour the washed seeds in a not very thick layer and add a little water. Then cover the plate with a lid. It is important that it does not fit tightly to the seeds and that they have free access to air. After 1-2 days, the grains are ready for eating.

Method 6

Not only small sprouts are suitable for food, but also green sprouts (sprouts). They are high in chlorophyll, which is very beneficial for our body. How to germinate wheat at home to get sprouts? To do this, you should use the technique shown in the video, as well as the two following methods.

Method 7

Washed wheat (or other selected grains) is placed in a glass jar. Their volume should occupy 1/3 of the capacity. Pour the contents for 10-12 hours with warm water. Then the liquid is drained, and the seeds are washed. They are folded back into the jar, the neck is tied with gauze and the jar is turned upside down on a plate.

Under the bottom of the container, which is now the neck closed with a cloth, you need to put a spoon. Excess moisture will drain from the jar, and the seeds will receive the necessary oxygen. The product will be ready for use in 4-5 days.

Method 8

Sometimes the question arises of how to germinate wheat at home for food using soil and whether it can be done at all. Yes, you certainly may. This is a proven method - it allows you to get adult green sprouts.

To do this, the seeds are pre-soaked in warm water for 10-12 hours. Soil about 1 cm thick is poured into a flat container. Moisten it as well as possible to get the consistency of sour cream.

After soaking, the seeds are poured in a uniform thin layer on the surface of the soil. You don't need to push them into the ground. From above, the container is closed with a lid or polyethylene, in which a small (about 0.5 cm) hole is made. Such a greenhouse is placed in a warm place.

When green leaves appear, remove the lid and place the container in the sun. If the wheat has a too lush root system, then this means that you are either not moistening the substrate enough, or you are overheating the greenhouse. With this sprouting method, sprouts are ready to eat in 7-14 days. Green sprouts will already have a height of 6 to 20 cm.

Method 9

There is a way that differs from the usual germination of wheat at home. This option applies exclusively to legumes - peas, beans, beans. They can be grown under pressure. To do this, you must have cylindrical stainless steel dishes. In the bottom and in the walls there should be holes with a diameter of 5 mm at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other. Beans after soaking are placed in this dish.

The seed container is placed in another one - larger and without perforations. Small objects (spoons or pebbles) should be placed under the first dish to create a gap for air and excess water. Everything is covered with a lid on top. It must be remembered that legumes are washed longer and more thoroughly during germination than seeds of other plants.

Three days later, a load is placed on top in such a way that it presses down on the lid and the beans are under oppression. After another day or two, the seedlings can be used for food, after removing the peel from the cotyledons.

Some legumes, such as soybeans and peas, are kept in boiling water for several minutes before consumption, as they contain harmful compounds. Under the influence of boiling water, these substances are destroyed.

Method 10

It is used to prepare nuts, in particular almonds. The shells are removed from the nuts and soaked for a period of 12 to 24 hours. The almonds will swell but will not germinate. This is enough for the biochemical reactions in the rudiments to be launched. In this state, nuts can already be eaten and prepared from them in yogurt, almond milk, salads and other dishes.

Special germinators for seeds

All of the above methods can be called manual. But germinating wheat at home is much more convenient if you use special devices. They are also called "smart growers". They greatly facilitate the process of obtaining seedlings and greenery. The seeds in them will never rot or dry out. For someone who leads a healthy lifestyle and prefers only healthy natural products, such a unit is simply necessary in the household.

What are the best growers? I did not regret the time and looked on the Internet for different devices and reviews on them. As a result, my choice settled on three options. They differ in size, price, and configuration. If you want to get germinated seeds without difficulty and in sufficient quantities, then take a closer look at them by clicking on the links:

hydroponic grower for seeds, nuts and grains. It has a compressor that runs on electricity. It can also be used for pre-sowing seed germination (gardeners take note!). Priced as the cheapest of the three.

Sprouter Sprouter also suitable for any seed material. You can take it with you on the road, as it does not require electricity. The price is not much more than the first one.

Micro farm for sprouting combines two devices - a germinator and a microfarm, which allows you to get juicy greens. At a price much more expensive than the first, but this is the most modern and functional device.

Here are some easy ways to sprout wheat and other grains for food at home to help you prepare a healthy and tasty addition to your meals. Have you tried how to germinate wheat at home?

Good luck! Nadezhda Goryunova

Sprouted wheat is a source of youth, health and beauty. Many people ask questions about how to germinate wheat correctly and how to take it. Vitamins and microelements should be preserved in sprouts, which favorably affect all body systems.

How to germinate wheat

For germination choose whole intact grains. Care should be taken to ensure that wheat for germination is not treated with chemicals, as this may adversely affect the sprouts.

The germination process is divided into the following stages:

  1. Decide on the amount of germinated grain you need. Suggested Amount: 1 tablespoon per person per day.
  2. Sprinkle grains on Blank sheet cardboard, carefully selecting rubbish and damaged wheat. Put in a colander, rinse under running cold water.
  3. Select a sprouting container. A glass or porcelain plate with a wide bottom or an iron tray will do.
  4. Pour the wheat into a container, fill with water and leave for 2-4 minutes. Drain the liquid, gently spread the grains over the surface.
  5. Fill the wheat with warm spring water, cover with a bandage or gauze on top. You can close the container with a lid, leaving a small gap for air to enter.
  6. Place the container in a dark place for 8-9 hours. Change water.
  7. After the sprouts appear, drain the liquid and put the wheat in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

Sprouted wheat can be eaten within 24-34 hours. If the sprouts have outgrown and reached 3-4 mm, then grains should not be added to food.

Wheat germinates within a day, but some varieties sprout for 2-3 days. You can germinate the grains in the refrigerator, but this slows down the process.

Green wheat sprouts without grains are very useful. They can be grown by placing germinated grains in humus or sawdust. Daily watering and good lighting promote rapid grass growth. The sprouts can be consumed on days 8-9, when they reach a height of 13-16 cm. They are cut with scissors and added to soups, salads and side dishes.

Sprouted wheat: benefits and harms

Sprouted wheat is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. The use of sprouts improves immunity, normalizes the acid-base balance, eliminates beriberi and cleanses the body of toxins.

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • antioxidants;
  • iron;
  • cellulose;
  • phosphorus.

Sprouted grain has a positive effect on gastrointestinal tract, enhances blood flow and strengthens the cardiovascular system. It is recommended to include sprouts in the diet of overweight people.

Doctors advise to study the benefits and harms of germinated wheat before use: the product has contraindications. It is not recommended to include sprouts in the menu:

  • children under 10 years old;
  • in the postoperative and rehabilitation periods;
  • people suffering from diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • allergy sufferers with intolerance to gluten-containing products.

Sprouted grains should not be consumed during an exacerbation of inflammatory diseases.

How to take wheat germ

After learning about the benefits and harms of grain, people are interested in how to take germinated wheat. From correct use sprouts directly depends on the intake of useful substances and trace elements.

  1. Avoid heat treatment of wheat. When the temperature rises, the grains lose nutrients.
  2. Grind the grains in a meat grinder or blender. Stir the resulting mushy mass with olive or linseed oil. Eat 1 tablespoon daily at breakfast.
  3. You can make an infusion from the sprouts. To do this, fill the grains with clean water and put in a dark place for 2-3 hours. Add to drink for flavor. lemon juice or oregano leaf.
  4. Dry and grind the sprouts into flour. Add the mixture to ready meals and drinks.
  5. Wheat milk is very useful. Mix 3 tablespoons of sprouted grains thoroughly with 2 tablespoons of raisins. Fill with warm spring water and put in a dark cool place for 4-5 hours. Strain the infusion. You can store in the refrigerator for a day.

In the first days of taking sprouts, do not consume more than 2 tablespoons per day, otherwise diarrhea may occur. After 2-3 weeks of use, you can increase daily use sprouts up to 60-70 grams.

Do not include wheat germ in your diet along with fat milk, flower honey, mushrooms. This may cause allergic reaction and nausea.

The benefits and harms of germinated wheat have been studied by experts for a long time. Grains contain unique trace elements that heal all body systems. With proper sprouting and use of wheat, you can not only get rid of chronic diseases, but also rejuvenate the skin, strengthen joints and muscles.

We germinate wheat in 2-3 days - video