Clinical depression (Major depressive disorder). Early signs of depression

New disease modern man became depressed. There are many types of it, which allows each person to experience the corresponding symptoms and signs of manifestation. There are as many causes as there are depression itself. History indicates that this disease has also been diagnosed in the past, in some cases requiring treatment.

Depression has become almost a fashionable disease that should manifest itself in a healthy person. No one will say that they have never fallen into a depressed state. There were centuries when being depressed was fashionable. Maybe modern man allows depression to affect him, which corresponds to a new trend?

Everything about this disease will be discussed in this article. If you have a depressive state that is difficult to get rid of on your own, then you can seek help from a psychologist on the website. For a healthy person, this will be enough for the first step towards recovery.

What is depression?

How does psychology explain what depression is? This is a mental disorder that is accompanied by the manifestation of a triad of feelings:

  1. Thinking disorders: pessimistic view of the world, negative judgments, loss of interest in life.
  2. Decreased mood.
  3. Motor retardation.

Depressive state different people experienced in its own way. In general, everything is based on a depressed mood, which is further suppressed by a loss of interest in usual hobbies, in life in general, etc. The person becomes passive and lacking initiative.

Often a person either supports or tries in such ways to get out of his depressed state by resorting to alcohol or psychotropic drugs. However, this gives the opposite effect from the desired one.

Depression is experienced by all people today. If healthy people This condition manifests itself periodically, while in patients it occurs constantly. People experience the following sensations:

  • Pessimistic view of the world.
  • Selfishness.
  • Bad mood.
  • Laziness.

However, not every depression is accompanied by such mild symptoms. IN pathological conditions We are talking about psychosomatic disorders that require serious treatment, the sooner the better.

People of all ages suffer from depressive disorder. What do the statistics say?

  • Children and adolescents suffer from depressive disorder in 5% of cases.
  • Boys and girls experience depression and even suicide attempts in 15-40% of cases.
  • Adults under 40 years of age are less likely to suffer from depression, often short-term.
  • Those who have reached 40 years of age experience a depressed state in 10% of cases (most often these are women).
  • Elderly people over 65 years of age suffer from depression in 30% of cases.

History of depression

Do not assume that depression is a disease only of modern people. In fact, this disease has been known since ancient times, but only in the 19th century did it acquire its modern name. The history of depression goes back to BC, when Hippocrates described it, calling the disease melancholy.

He attributed the occurrence of this disease to the accumulation of black bile in the body, which occurs due to long stay a person in fear and sadness. Today, melancholy is one of the temperaments of a person who shows indifference and passive behavior in society. To some extent it resembles depression.

  • Sleep deprivation method, when the condition improves after sleepless night.
  • Use cleansing enemas, opium tincture, drinking mineral waters (rich in bromine and lithium), massage, long warm baths, fun.
  • Carrying out preventive measures during the seasonality of depression or upon the onset of appropriate weather that provokes this condition.

Types of depression

There are a lot of depressions. Some of them relate to the causes of this condition. However, the following types of depression are officially distinguished:

  1. Unipolar – when a person is constantly depressed. It includes the following subspecies:
  • Clinical depression (major depressive disorder).
  • Minor depression.
  • Postpartum (postnatal) depression.
  • Resistant depression.
  • Autumn (recurrent transient) depression.
  • Atypical depression.
  • Dysthymia.
  • Vital (melancholy) depression with the presence of anxiety and melancholy that are felt in the body.
  1. Bipolar – when a person’s mood sometimes alternates with affective or manic states.
  2. Endogenous.
  3. Seasonal.

Many types of these diseases are easily treated with antidepressants. A separate difficulty is vital depression, which is accompanied by the absence of reasons for its manifestation.

It should be understood that a depressive state tends to progress. 2 weeks after its appearance, it enters a new stage. There are one-time conditions that can appear at intervals of 2 months.

Causes of depression

There are a large number of reasons for the occurrence of depression, since this condition manifests itself in many (almost all people) at different periods. There are often two reasons why quite healthy people experience depression:

  1. Loss, loss. You can lose a loved one, experience the death of a loved one, lose a job, etc. When a person loses something important to himself, then he falls into reactive depression - a person’s reaction to an event that has occurred.
  2. Fast pace of life, full of stress and lack of rest. This reason is not just common, but also cultivated. A person is told how he should live, how successful he should be, what to achieve. When embarking on the path to achieving goals, an individual is forced to strain, compete, be dissatisfied with himself, and constantly improve. Here we add economic problems, social unrest, collective squabbles, etc. A person lives in constant stress, which is considered normal if he wants to achieve something. This sooner or later depletes both physically and psychologically.

Other causes of depression are:

  • Lack of vitamins, minerals and even hormones: dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine.
  • Long absence of sun.
  • Prolonged stay in a darkened room.
  • The onset of autumn or winter (seasonal depression).
  • Taking medications, sedatives, psychotropic drugs, alcohol, drugs, etc.
  • Long-term course of diseases: influenza, traumatic brain injury, atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries.

Signs of Depression

It is difficult to identify specific signs of depression, since the disease manifests itself in absolutely all people and shows its individual manifestations. Conventionally, signs of depression are divided into:

Emotional ones are:

  • Yearning.
  • Depressed mood.
  • Despair.
  • Anxiety.
  • Expectation of trouble.
  • Suffering.
  • Guilt.
  • Dissatisfaction with yourself.
  • Feeling of internal tension.
  • Depressed mood.
  • Irritability.
  • Decreased confidence and self-esteem.
  • Anxiety for loved ones.
  • Self-accusation.
  • Loss of the ability to experience.

Behavioral are:

  • Loss of interest in people.
  • Passivity.
  • Lack of involvement in goal-oriented activities.
  • Refusal of entertainment.
  • Tendency to solitude.
  • Use of psychotropic or alcoholic substances.

Thinking is:

  • Difficulty concentrating and concentrating.
  • Slow thinking.
  • Pessimistic view.
  • Inability to make a decision.
  • Dark and negative thoughts.
  • Lack of prospects for the future.
  • The meaninglessness of one's own existence.
  • Thoughts of suicide due to insignificance, helplessness, uselessness.

Physiological are:

  • Change in appetite.
  • Decreased sexual energy and needs.
  • Fatigue.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Weakness.
  • Body pain.
  • Constipation.

Symptoms of depression

Officially, all symptoms of depression are divided into basic (typical) and additional. If at least two typical and three additional symptoms, then a diagnosis of depression is made.

Consider these symptoms of depression:

  1. Typical:
  • Depressed mood for 2 or more weeks, which does not depend on external factors.
  • Anhedonia is a loss of interest in previously exciting activities.
  • Persistent fatigue for 1 month.
  1. Additional:
  • Pessimism.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Thoughts about suicide or death.
  • Sleep disturbance, which is expressed in oversleeping or insomnia.
  • Feelings of fear, guilt, anxiety, or worthlessness.
  • Increased or decreased appetite.
  • Inability to concentrate and make decisions.

Depression is diagnosed when symptoms persist for a long time. Usually this should last up to 2 weeks, but for severe manifestations a shorter time is sufficient.

Childhood depression is less common than adult depression. Its symptoms are:

  • Problems in academic performance.
  • Nightmares.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Alienation.
  • The appearance of aggression.

Depression in neurology and neurosurgery

Physiological reasons can also provoke depression. Cases encountered in neurosurgery and neurology should be considered.

A tumor in the right hemisphere of the temporal lobe provokes melancholy depression with lethargy and motor slowness. There may be taste hallucinations, autonomic and olfactory disorders. The symptoms are:

  1. Criticality towards yourself and your condition.
  2. Quiet voice.
  3. Dejected state.
  4. Reduced self-esteem.
  5. Slow speech rate.
  6. Reduced memory.
  7. Fatigue.
  8. Communication with pauses.
  9. Error-free reproduction of dates and events.

If the tumor is localized in the left temporal lobe, then symptoms of depression include:

  1. Anxiety.
  2. Irritability.
  3. Motor restlessness.
  4. Tearfulness.
  5. Auditory hallucinations.
  6. Crazy ideas.
  7. Constant change of body position (stand up, lie down, look closely at the interlocutor).
  8. Bad dream.
  9. Premonition of trouble.
  10. Inability to relax.

Depression in traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury can also trigger depression. Here they distinguish melancholy depression, which is accompanied by slow speech, impaired attention, and the appearance of asthenia.

Anxious depression occurs with moderate traumatic brain injury, which is marked by the following symptoms:

  • Sighs.
  • Alarming statements.
  • Motor restlessness.
  • Throwing around.

Apathetic depression occurs when the frontal lobes of the brain are damaged. It can be recognized by the following signs:

  • Sadness.
  • Indifference.
  • Passivity.
  • Loss of interest in yourself and others.
  • Monochromatic.
  • Lethargy.
  • Indifference.
  • Hypomimicness.

The acute form of concussion manifests itself in a persistent decrease in mood. 36% of patients have anxious subdepression, and 11% have asthenic subdepression.

Diagnosis of depression

People rarely turn to specialists for help, which is facilitated by many myths, prejudices and fears. Diagnosis cannot be carried out in time to establish depression, since people prefer to remain silent and ignore their own condition. It seems that everything will go away by itself.

Some simply do not want to shift their own problems to specialists. Others are afraid that they will find out about depression at work, close people, or people whose opinion is important. There are representatives who simply do not want to consider themselves helpless, and are also afraid to receive a referral to a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

Many such fears and erroneous prejudices force people to remain alone with their misfortune, which further aggravates their condition. Not every depression can be treated with antidepressants. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using questionnaire tests, which should reveal the level of anxiety, anhedonia (loss of interest in life) and suicidal tendencies.

Treatment of depression

Depression has many treatment options. Much depends on what stage of depression a person is at and what symptoms appear. In rare cases, hospitalization is required. Psychotherapy, medications and social amenities are usually prescribed for recovery.

The patient can cope with his own depression if:

  • Removes negative thinking.
  • Stop focusing on the bad.
  • Will begin to see a wonderful future.
  • Will communicate kindly with others, eliminating conflict.
  • Will begin to build trusting and emotionally supportive relationships with others.

The client must have complete trust in the doctor who prescribes therapy sessions for him. They should not be missed.

You should also get support from loved ones. There should be no criticism from them. They should involve the patient in active activities and create favorable conditions for living together.

If medications are needed, antidepressants are prescribed.

  • Melancholy, deep and apathetic depression is eliminated with Imipramine, Paroxetine, Clomipramine, Tsipramil, Fluoxetine.
  • Subpsychotic conditions are eliminated with Desipramine and Pyrazidol.
  • Suicidal thoughts are removed with the help of Amitriptyline.
  • Depression and anxiety are eliminated with Azefen and Ludiomil.

Antidepressants are prescribed only by a doctor. He prescribes the dosage and duration of treatment. They must be followed to avoid an addictive effect.

Other ways to get rid of depression are:

  1. Solving psychological problems that provoked depression.
  2. Social skills training for adaptation.
  3. Learning to control your own emotions.
  4. Introduction of active activities in which a person must become involved.
  5. Introduction of physical activity.
  6. The use of acupuncture, music therapy, hypnotherapy, art therapy, meditation, aromatherapy, magnetic therapy.

Bottom line

Depression marks modern disease which is common to all people. If previously she was only clinical disease, which was treated exclusively with medications, then today this ailment has become a common property, into which it is even customary to fall into when necessary. The result is depression, inhibition and dissatisfaction of people who, as they thought, would solve all their problems through depression.

The prognosis is often comforting for healthy people, since the body cannot remain in a passive and depressed state for a long time. A different outcome may occur in a person who is prone to suicidal thoughts. His life expectancy depends on his actions and decisions made.

Depression is a state of low mood in a person, in which there is constant sadness, melancholy, apathy, fear, a feeling of loss, irritability and loss of interest in daily activities. The disease is twice as common in women and is usually episodic.

Unlike ordinary sadness or upset, most bouts of depression last for weeks, months, or even years. Some people with depression have a chronic, mild form of the disease called dysthymia. A smaller number of patients suffer from manic-depressive psychosis, in which bouts of depression alternate with periods of elation.

Depending on the component that predominates in the disease, there are several variants of depressive disorders: anxious, melancholy and apathetic. Depression can also masquerade as various diseases, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, behind the sternum and other parts of the body. In this case, the patient constantly visits doctors, looks for a wide variety of painful manifestations, and demands treatment.

Causes of depression

The causes of depression are not fully understood. The occurrence of depression becomes more likely if a person has been influenced by a number of factors, which include unfavorable heredity, side effects certain medications, congenital characteristics (for example, introversion - a person's focus on himself) and emotionally traumatic events, especially the loss of loved ones.

The causes of depression are varied:

Depression may also appear or worsen without any obvious reason. This type of depression is called endogenous. These differences, however, are not very important since the symptoms and treatments for these types of depression are similar.

Men and women

Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression as men, although the reasons for this are not entirely clear. Psychological research shows that women often react to a traumatic situation by withdrawing and blaming themselves.

On the contrary, men tend to deny the traumatic situation and become distracted by some activity.

Hormonal changes

From biological factors In most cases, hormones play a major role. Changes in hormones that contribute to mood changes before menstruation (premenstrual syndrome) and after childbirth sometimes play a role in depression in women (eg, postpartum depression).

Similar hormonal changes can occur in women as a result of using oral (taken by mouth) contraceptives (birth control).

Dysfunction thyroid gland, which is quite common in women, is also a common cause of depression.

Traumatic event

Depression that develops after a traumatic event, such as the death of a loved one, is called reactive depression. Some people experience temporary depression as a reaction to certain holidays or significant anniversaries, such as the death of a loved one.

Side effects of drugs

Various medications, especially those used to treat hypertension blood pressure, may cause depression. For unknown reasons, corticosteroids (hormones) often cause depression when they are produced in large quantities as a result of a disease (such as Cushing's syndrome). However, these hormones improve mood when prescribed as medicine.


Depression also occurs with some medical illnesses. Such diseases can cause depression both directly (for example, when thyroid disease is accompanied by changes in hormone levels that contribute to depression) and indirectly (for example, when the pain and functional impairment that occurs with rheumatoid arthritis lead to depression).

Often depression, which is a consequence of physical illness, has both direct and indirect causes. For example, AIDS can cause depression directly if the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) damages the brain; at the same time, AIDS can also indirectly contribute to the appearance of depression when a person realizes the severity of his condition, changes in relationships with others and an unfavorable prognosis for the course of the disease.

A number of mental disorders predispose to depression, including:

  • neuroses;
  • alcoholism;
  • many forms of substance abuse;
  • schizophrenia;
  • early phase of dementia.

Depression can be a symptom of the following diseases:

Symptoms of depression

Depression is a common mental disorder in our time, which is based on a syndrome classically characterized by a triad of symptoms:

Psychological symptoms of depression

  • permanent Bad mood or feeling sad;
  • feeling hopeless and helpless;
  • low self-esteem;
  • tearfulness;
  • constant feeling of guilt;
  • difficulty in making decisions;
  • lack of pleasure from life;
  • feeling of anxiety and excitement.


Physical symptoms of depression

  • slowing of movements and speech;
  • changes in appetite or weight;
  • constipation;
  • unexplained pain;
  • lack of interest in sex;
  • changes in the menstrual cycle;
  • sleep disorders.

Social symptoms of depression

  • decreased performance;
  • rare participation in public life;
  • desire to avoid communication with friends;
  • neglect of hobbies and interests;
  • difficulties in everyday life and family life.

Types and forms of depression

In domestic psychiatry, the following main types of depression are distinguished.

Neurotic depression

Neurotic depression is characteristic of a separate category of people, characterized by indecisiveness when making decisions at certain moments, uncompromisingness, combined with uncertainty, and straightforwardness.

The disorder begins with the emergence of ideas about unfair treatment of one’s personality, its underestimation by others, management, loved ones, with a decrease in mood, an increase in tearfulness.

It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • General weakness
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Broken state
  • Constipation
  • Morning headaches
  • An alarming awakening
  • Low blood pressure
  • Lack of sexual desire.

Psychogenic depression

Psychogenic disorder is typical for people who find themselves in conditions of loss of vital values. This could be divorce, death, dismissal from work, etc.). The patient's condition is characterized by mood swings and excessive sensitivity.

The disease develops quickly over a short period of time. During this period, there is a clear fixation on the loss, the emergence of anxiety, concern for one’s fate, the lives of loved ones, and an increase in internal tension.

Those who are ill complain of sluggish thoughts, melancholy, negatively assess life prospects, speak out about their own insignificance, and in their memories of the past point only to pessimistic facts.

The only way out of this painful situation is seen only in suicide. Persons with pronounced features of the hysteroid type are characterized by increased irritability and a tendency to whims. Attempts to leave life for them are due only to demonstrative behavior.

Postpartum depression

Postpartum depression is common among young women. It develops two weeks after birth. Birth of a baby - critical period in the life of any woman, so the body of a woman in labor is very vulnerable.

The causes of such depressive disorders are sudden hormonal changes against the background of increased responsibility for the child and the mental characteristics of a young mother (depression before childbirth increases the chance of relapse).


  • emotional instability;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • increased anxiety;
  • feeling of rejection of the child.

Somatogenic depression

A somatogenic disorder provokes a physical illness, for example, a brain tumor, an enlarged thyroid gland, fibroids, etc. In such cases, depression is secondary in nature and goes away after recovery from the underlying disease.

Circular depression

Circular depression is characterized by daily, seasonal mood fluctuations. Those who are ill look at the world as if through glass, describing the surrounding reality as uninteresting, “dull.” They are characterized by early awakening and the inability to continue sleeping; thoughts about their worthlessness and hopelessness in life force them to “grind” them while lying in bed for a long time.

How to get out of depression yourself

First of all, you need to understand that feelings of emptiness, uselessness and despair are symptoms of a disease that do not correspond to the real state of affairs.

Even if it is difficult and seems pointless, try:

Go for a walk, go to the cinema, meet close friends, or do something else before bringing pleasure.
Set before yourself real goals and move towards achieving them.
If you have a large and difficult task ahead of you, break it down into several small ones and involve family and friends in completing parts of the task. Do as much as you can and in whatever way you can.
Let others help you. Confide in close friends, tell us about your experiences and concerns. Try to avoid prolonged solitude, do not withdraw into yourself.
Postpone serious decisions until your well-being improves: it is undesirable to make a decision about marriage or divorce, changing jobs, etc.
Ask advice and opinion with people who know you well and assess the situation more realistically.
Don't refuse treatment prescribed by your doctor. Follow all his recommendations.
During treatment, symptoms of depression will pass gradually. Before this, as a rule, sleep and appetite improve. Do not expect a sharp improvement in your mood and under no circumstances do not stop treatment you have started.

Treatment of depression

Despite popular belief, even the most severe types of depression can be successfully treated. The main thing is to realize that there are problems and turn to specialists.

Treatment of depression includes psychotherapy and prescription medicines– antidepressants. The participation of family and friends, as well as self-help, can help in treating depression.


Psychotherapy can be used as the only method of treating depression (for mild forms of the disease), or in combination with drug treatment. There are 2 main types of psychotherapy used in the treatment of depression:

  • cognitive-behavioral;
  • interpersonal psychotherapy.

Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy was developed specifically for the treatment of depression and is effective at almost any age and for any form of depressive disorder.

The main goal of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy is to restore distorted ideas about oneself, the world around us, and the future. During treatment, you will be shown new ways of thinking and perceiving reality. Changing your behavior and habits will also help you get rid of depression. The duration of such therapy is 6-12 months.

Interpersonal (interpersonal) psychotherapy focuses on existing problems, errors of perception, difficulties in the interaction of a person with depression and the people around him. This type of psychotherapy is highly effective in treating depression, especially in adolescents and young adults.


In the treatment of various types of depression, antidepressant medications are used, which restore the optimal balance of biologically active substances and normal brain function, helping to cope with depression. The success of drug treatment for depression largely depends on the patient himself.

It was noted that almost any antidepressant has a good effect and helps eliminate depression, and treatment failures are mainly due to the patient’s reluctance to follow the doctor’s recommended dosage regimen medicinal product, breaks in treatment, refusal to continue taking pills until the end of the full course of treatment, etc.

If within 4-6 weeks after starting the medicine you do not feel positive effect, or you have side effects, consult your doctor. Perhaps the doctor will change the medicine.

If, while taking the medication, you notice an improvement in your health and the disappearance of symptoms of depression, you should not stop taking the medication yourself. Contact your doctor and work out a plan for your next steps together.

When treating the first episode of depression, the antidepressant is continued for at least 4 months; for repeated episodes of depression, treatment can last more than a year.

Questions and answers on the topic "Depression"

Question:Hello. I am 37 years old. I have two small children. Please tell me how to deal with my problem. I have been sick for 8 months now. After changing jobs, something happened to my head. The doctor diagnosed a severe depressive episode. I constantly think about the same thing: that I will be left without work, because I cannot work at all. The mood is always bad, you don’t want to do anything, nothing makes you happy. Constant pressure thoughts about the same thing never go away in my body, I can’t relax and live peacefully and raise children. I still regret all the time that I changed jobs and didn’t return when I had the opportunity. Can you please tell me if I am given disability for this disease or will my ability to work return over time?

Answer: Hello. Disability can be given if the depressive syndrome occurs against the background of some serious illness. You need to regularly visit your doctor, try to follow all his recommendations, take prescribed medications, and over time everything will get better.

Question:Hello. I have hidden depression, I take antidepressants, my physical ailments are gone. What about depression itself, i.e. bad mood, it will inevitably come? Thank you.

Answer: Antidepressants have a complex effect. However, even while taking such medications, try to improve your mood on your own. Walking in the fresh air, chatting with friends, and playing your favorite sport in your free time will help.

Question:My mother is 50 years old. The menopause has begun. And she felt that she did not want to live. I often began to have severe headaches, goosebumps, pain in the face, a burning sensation both in the head and throughout the body, insomnia, feeling hot and cold, dizziness, fear, fear, being alone at home. Then thoughts about death appeared, that life was lived, nothing interested. When you feel better, you try to do something to distract yourself from these thoughts, but to no avail. Please tell me how to treat my mother.

Answer: In this case, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist for a personal consultation - perhaps hormonal correction would reduce psycho-emotional and vegetative symptoms. However, treatment in this case is selected by trial under the supervision of the attending gynecologist.

Question:I'm 21. I'm in a terrible mood. Over the years, very often there have been influxes of bad mood, when I don’t want anything, and I just think about quitting everything, in particular work, I don’t want to leave the house, I especially don’t want and can’t see people. When I didn’t work, I didn’t leave the house for a month, I could sit in front of the TV and not even go to the store. And constantly cry, and also a constant feeling of anxiety that almost never leaves me, and therefore I often think about the meaning of life and do not see it, and more than once I have thought about ending it. I do not know what to do? I am depressed? If yes, what should I do to treat it? Can I buy antidepressants without a prescription? Can you help with anything?

Answer: In your condition, you need to consult with a psychologist, it is recommended to conduct several courses of psychotherapy, you need to take antidepressants, but you can only buy these drugs with a prescription, so it is extremely necessary to consult a doctor. You are still too young, you still have your whole life ahead of you and the main meaning of life for you is to give birth to a child, because this is what a woman was created for. Do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to become a mother and receive the boundless love of your child.

Question:Hello. Do serotonin preparations, for example, serotonin adipate or Fine 100, help with biological depression(when you can't get up)? Thank you.

Answer: The drug Serotonin adipate is not used for the treatment of depressive conditions, but Fine 100 can be used as a dietary supplement for general condition disorders, low mood, and depression.

Question:Is it possible to treat depression without taking medications?

Answer: Yes it is possible. There is therapy that works well for depression. Various shapes Counseling (psychotherapy) is good for treating depression. The depression treatment program is selected individually for each patient. You can work both individually and in groups.

Mental disorders, characterized primarily by decreased mood, motor retardation, and disturbances in thinking, are serious and dangerous disease which is called depression. Many people believe that depression is not a disease and, moreover, does not pose any particular danger, which they are deeply mistaken about. Depression is a rather dangerous type of disease, caused by a person’s passivity and depression.

This disease is characterized by signs of low self-esteem, indifference to one’s life, and loss of taste for it. Very often, a person with symptoms of depression finds salvation in alcohol or, worse, psychotropic substances Oh. These substances, of course, help get rid of the signs and symptoms of the disease, but this does not resolve the issue of the cause of depression. In addition, the use of harmful substances worsens the situation and leads to complete loss of the person.

Let’s take a closer look at what depression is and what main types of this disease exist.


Depression is a human mental disorder that is most common in women and less common in men. The age of people who fall under the influence of the disease ranges from 18 to 55 years, but the occurrence of the disease at earlier and later ages cannot be ruled out, but only in rare cases.

Depending on the reasons that provoke the appearance of depression in a person, this disease is divided into types. These types are called:

  1. Chronic depression or dysthymia occurs over a long period of time (up to 2-3 years).
  2. Acute or clinical depression- the most complex form of the disease, which is characterized by pronounced symptoms. Clinical depression is characterized by a short duration of course, but is complex in nature. Every adult is familiar with the symptoms of the acute form of this disease.
  3. Reactive depression characterized by spontaneity of occurrence against the background of the emergence of serious stressful situations.
  4. Neurotic depression arises through emotional disorders, in which the dominant link is occupied by neuroses.
  5. - actually this type of malaise, through which a person is deprived of drinking alcoholic beverages. This may occur due to coding or identification of another disease in which a person is prohibited from drinking alcohol.
  6. Prolonged depression characterized by a long-term accumulation of negative factors, which are ultimately localized into malaise.
  7. Masked depression is caused by pain symptoms that indicate somatic forms of disease.
  8. - occurs, accordingly, after the birth of a child.
  9. Bipolar or manic depression - characterized by the predominance of emotional lability (unstable mood) in the human psyche.

Each of the above types has its own reasons why one or another form of illness actually occurs. Let's look at what these reasons are in more detail.

Causes of mental disorders

The occurrence of a mental disorder in both women and men is determined primarily by negative changes in their lives. This is the main factor or sign that plays a major role in the initiation of the disease. But in addition to negative changes, there are a number of other reasons that influence the appearance of depressive disorder. If you know these reasons, then in some situations it is possible to independently avoid the occurrence of a psychological illness.

The main reasons include the following factors:

  1. Conflict situations that arise between relatives, friends and loved ones. As a consequence of such conflicts, this unpleasant situation is deposited in the human brain. Constant worries and thoughts about only one thing lead to depression.
  2. The loss of a loved one or friend also leads to the fact that a person cannot withstand psychological trauma and withdraws into himself. Most people experience reactive depression, which disappears after a certain time. But for some people, especially women, the loss leads to complete psychological disorder, that is, neurotic depression. If you do not take therapeutic measures, this can lead to mental insanity.
  3. Violence. For women, the sign of sexual violence is no less significant than the loss of a loved one. Apart from sexual, abuse can also be emotional or physical. The last two types of violence in most cases are not capable of leaving psychological trauma for life.
  4. Genetic predisposition. Cases of depression in ancestors can cause depression in descendants.
  5. Problems. The presence of problems directly affects the occurrence of depressive symptoms. Moreover, problems can be of both a personal and business nature. A problem of a social nature cannot be ruled out.
  6. Disease. Having learned about fatal disease, a corresponding reaction arises in the form of a decadent mood.
  7. Alcohol addiction. A person suffering from bad habits also has the characteristic feature of depression. Such people have two types of disease: chronic and alcoholic. The first occurs against the background of some event, leading to the fact that a person finds pain relief in alcohol or drugs. And the second type arises due to the prohibition of drinking alcoholic beverages, which actually leads a person to confusion. Alcoholic depression was previously found exclusively in males, but nowadays this type of disease is often diagnosed in women.
  8. Medicines. Taking medications can cause depressive disorders in some cases. These disorders occur under the influence of medications taken that have side effects on a person.

Thus, depression can occur not only in women. This disease is widespread among people of all genders, ages and nationalities. Mental disorders are diagnosed among ordinary middle class people, as well as among the rich and even famous. This is explained by the fact that modern values ​​have a direct Negative influence on a person and his condition. Each person has his own specific goal, but when he realizes that he is unable to achieve it, then a feeling of despair, isolation and uncertainty sets in. This is where the first sign of depression arises, which, if you do not try to cure it, can lead to much more serious diseases, such as the development of cancerous tumors of the cerebral cortex, etc.

Only in some cases, depression can occur in the absence of problems, but there are reasons for this, because, most likely, it is caused by a person’s genetic subconscious.


Often people ask the following question: “What is depression, and how to deal with it?” It is already known that depression is a complex and serious disease that manifests itself due to the predominance of psychological trauma. When considering how to combat the disease, it is necessary to first pay attention to the symptoms of depression, since it is the first sign of the disease that makes it clear about the localization of a particular type of ailment in a person.

Symptoms of depression are quite varied and manifest themselves differently in everyone, depending on the type of predominant ailment. The main signs of the symptoms of the disease are:

  • anxious feelings;
  • feelings of guilt or despair;
  • decreased self-esteem;
  • self-isolation.

Symptoms in women appear more clearly than in men, which is due to physiological characteristics brain. A man can be depressed for many years and hide it. In women, the picture of symptoms is visible quite clearly, so if the first signs of localization of the disease are detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately.

For your information! Depression is a serious illness that requires medical intervention. It is possible to treat the disorder on your own, but in most cases this treatment for depression is null and void.

Symptoms of the disease also manifest themselves in the form of constant fatigue and lack of interest in life. The patient is no longer interested in what previously brought him joy and pleasure. Symptoms of the disease even affect sexual life, contributing to the development of impotence in men and infertility in women.

The disease is also observed by a change in a person’s behavior: he becomes inattentive, loses the ability to take purposeful actions, and cannot concentrate his attention. Often the sick person begins to avoid his family and friends, he becomes lonely and withdrawn. People often find salvation from such symptoms in alcohol-containing drinks or psychotropic, and even worse, narcotic substances.

A depressed person's thoughts become negative, negative, and self-directed. It is common for a person to fixate on the denial of himself; he considers himself unnecessary, worthless, and a burden to his family and friends. He is characterized by difficulty in making any decisions.

Symptoms of the disease affect not only the emotional sphere, they also manifest themselves in the form of sleep disturbances and insomnia. During the day, the patient can sleep through the night, but the dreams are short and filled with frequent awakenings and phobias. On the nutrition side, the picture can develop according to two scenarios:

  1. The patient may lose his appetite completely, and the body begins to quickly become exhausted, which leads to weight loss.
  2. Appetite may increase, and at the same time the patient begins to overeat, eat at night and actively gain weight.

As the disease progresses, physical pain appears in the area of ​​the heart, abdomen, and sternum. Depression often leads to constipation. Against the background of a decrease in energy reserves, the body quickly becomes overtired during both physical and mental stress. The first sign that is characteristic of the emergence of psychological and emotional malaise is a problem in sexual life, which the sexual partner will understand on the very first day.

Symptoms by type

Depending on the type of predominance of the disease, the characteristic symptoms of manifestation vary. It is important to know the symptoms in order to notice them in time and seek help. If the picture of symptoms is unclear, then in this case you cannot postpone medical diagnostics detection of the disease.

Symptoms for each type of disease manifest themselves as:

Clinical depression characterized by a feeling of oppression and uselessness. The patient appears crazy thoughts about feelings of guilt and the meaninglessness of existence. In this case, the patient experiences disturbances in sleep, appetite, and pain in the stomach. This type often causes migraines and skin diseases. Constant irritability leads to disorders of the genital organs.

Reactive depression It is characterized by both short-term symptoms, which typically last no more than a month, and prolonged ones - up to two years.

Characteristic symptoms are the emergence of feelings of deep despair, thoughts of suicide, the emergence of fears and phobias. Headaches and fatigue occur, appetite is disrupted and night sleep. All these signs indicate the predominance of a mental disorder - reactive depression. Sometimes reactive depression leads to suicide attempts, especially common among women. If the first signs of such tendencies are noticed, then it is necessary to constantly monitor the patient.

Neurotic depression has the following symptoms: a feeling of lethargy, fatigue, weakness, which are accompanied by prevailing headaches. Neurotic depression often leads to the appearance of nervous diseases. Symptoms of this type are not persistent and lead to successful recovery if appropriate measures are taken. The patient is characterized by exciting experiences with which he constantly struggles, tries to influence the psycho-emotional situation, while maintaining self-awareness. Neurotic depression also, together with neurosis, leads to mental attacks and hysteria.

Caused by the manifestation of disturbances in the functioning of the digestive and nervous systems, as well as the functioning of the liver. First signs alcoholic type diseases are characterized by the occurrence of vomiting.

Alcoholic depression is expressed in a deterioration in well-being, the occurrence of lethargy and the appearance of thoughts of suicide. This type of disease is most common among older men, so suicide attempts occur specifically with alcoholic depression. The main symptoms include:

  • slowness when moving;
  • general lethargy;
  • facial expressions correspond to a sad mood;
  • insomnia;
  • feeling of constant anxiety.

Alcohol-related depression can occur a week after an unwanted cessation of alcohol and last up to 2 years.

Lingering look characterized by the following symptoms:

  • apathy;
  • increased anxiety and despair;
  • distrust of others;
  • low self-esteem;
  • tearfulness;
  • isolation and craving for solitude.

Masked depression manifests itself as the following picture of symptoms:

  • headaches and migraines;
  • itchy skin;
  • sexual disorders;
  • pain when inhaling;
  • the appearance of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Masked depression is also called hidden depression, which indicates the difficulty of diagnosis. Most characteristic feature This type of illness is characterized by lack of improvement even with medical intervention. Against this background, in order to try to get rid of the malaise, the patient finds other alternative ways to get rid of the symptoms. Masked depression often leads to a shortened life, so even during treatment, patient supervision is required.

Manic depression manifests itself in the form of the following signs of illness:

  • irritability to objects, society and any activities;
  • feelings of helplessness and guilt;
  • inhibition: physical, mental and speech;
  • melancholy, anxiety, sadness;
  • lack of appetite and sleep.

In addition to emotional disturbances, manic depression causes problems with functioning of cardio-vascular system, arrhythmia, tachycardia, bradycardia appears. Constipation occurs, the patient gradually goes into a frozen state, manifested in the form of refusal to eat and lack of response to people around him.

Chronic depression is determined by a change in a person’s behavior: he loses the ability to take purposeful actions, concentration of attention is impaired. He withdraws into himself, does not want to have long emotional conversations, loneliness becomes his usual habitat. The patient finds friends such as alcohol and drugs. Constant thoughts only about bad things, low self-esteem, complete apathy to the surrounding world. During alcohol intoxication, frequent suicidal relapses occur.

All of the above symptoms indicate the predominance of mental disorders in a person. The sooner the first signs of the disease are detected, the correspondingly greater the chances of complete relief from the disease. Treatment for depression begins with an accurate diagnosis.


“I was “attacked” by depression, what should I do?” is a question that is widespread among young people. Yes, most people themselves can already identify the presence of depression and are trying to find ways to get rid of it. But is being overwhelmed really depression? In order to find out whether a person really suffers from depression, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic course.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by an experienced doctor who, at the first complaints, begins with simple questions about the patient's mood and thoughts. Next, they move on to tests, based on which the doctor knows the picture of the disease. If, nevertheless, the doctor detects a suspicion of depression, then a series of procedures are carried out to examine the patient, which make it possible to exclude other similar diseases.

So, diagnostics includes:

  1. Examination physical condition: weight, height, blood pressure and pulse.
  2. Laboratory tests: It is necessary to donate blood for analysis to identify abnormalities.
  3. Psychological study: a visit to a psychotherapist who conducts a conversation about symptoms and finding out the cause of the disease. Also, based on this, the doctor determines the presence of thoughts of suicidal tendencies, which is important in diagnosing depression.

Once the appropriate diagnosis has been made, it is necessary to immediately move on to treatment for depression.


Treatment of depression begins, first of all, with a correct diagnosis and determination of the form of exacerbation in which the disease is located. If depression is treated correctly and in a timely manner, the result can be a complete recovery. Most people do not want to visit a doctor, since the diagnosis is fraught with negative consequences for the patient: the introduction of social restrictions, registration, a driving ban Vehicle and traveling abroad. In most cases, the patient believes that everything will pass after a certain time, but, unfortunately, this will only worsen the situation. Thus, if a mental disorder is not treated, the patient will end up with either a suicidal relapse due to an emotional breakdown, or the appearance of a fatal disease.

The disease tends to localize due to stressful situations, which leads to somatic ailments of the following systems:

  • cardiovascular;
  • endocrine;
  • gastrointestinal.

Depression in such situations tends to become more complicated, but if it is treated in a timely manner, you can achieve complete relief from the ailment.

If a person has mental disorders, then it is necessary to understand that it is not worth treating this disease on your own, since it will have practically no effect. Treatment of depression consists of the following complex techniques:

  • Biological therapy, which is divided into medicinal and non-drug treatment depression.
  • Psychological therapy.

Treatment of depression through biological therapy using medication involves the use of special medications. These drugs include tricyclic antidepressants:

  • Melipramine;
  • Amitriptyline;
  • Paroxetine;
  • Tianeptine.

Treatment of the disease with these antidepressants is not only effective, but also safe. For each patient, a specific dose is prescribed individually. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of these drugs lies in the duration, so positive influence There is no need to count in the first weeks. In addition, antidepressants do not cause dependence or addiction, so their use is prescribed in the first place.

Depression is treated by using benzodiazepine tranquilizers, which have a positive effect in the first month of use. But unlike tricyclics, benzodiazepines are addictive, so their use is strictly controlled. Benzodiazepine drugs include:

  • Phenazepam;
  • Tazepam;
  • Elenium;
  • Corvalol;
  • Valocordin.

Treatment with psychological therapy

Treatment of depression according to the method of using psychotherapy consists of three types:

  • cognitive;
  • psychodynamic;
  • behavioral therapy.

The main purpose of therapy is to identify the conflict and resolve it constructively.

Treatment of depression with cognitive therapy is the most effective, since it is based not only on identifying conflict, but also on changing the way of thinking to a more acceptable one, that is, optimistic.

Behavioral therapy treats depression by eliminating behavioral symptoms. These symptoms include: refusal of entertainment and pleasure, leading a monotonous lifestyle, etc.

At the same time, treatment for depression should rely not only on the attending physician, but also on the people around the patient. It is important that all the patient’s actions are perceived without aggression; it is necessary to constantly support him, speak only on optimistic topics and set the patient up for positive aspects. In the end, you need to distract him from his thoughts, give him a smile and joy, and the more often you observe these manifestations on his face, the faster he will recover from depression.

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent depressed mood, negative thinking, and slow movement. It is the most common mental disorder. According to recent studies, the likelihood of developing depression during your lifetime ranges from 22 to 33%.

People suffering from depression do not perceive the joys of the world around them, like everyone else, their thinking is aimed at aggravating the negative manifestations of reality, they perceive any minor troubles in an exaggerated way.

What kind of disorder is this, why people tend to plunge into this state and what symptoms a person experiences, we will consider further.

What is depression?

Depression is a mental disorder characterized by a depressive triad, which includes decreased mood, disturbances in thinking (a pessimistic view of everything that is happening around, loss of the ability to feel joy, negative judgments), and motor retardation.

According to statistics, depression today affects 10% of the population of our planet. Due to the lability of the mental state of women, pathology is observed most often after 40 years. This is due to glitches in hormonal background and the onset of menopause.

A depressed person is in such a feeling state that constantly repeats “there is no way out.” But this is actually not true!!! There is always a way out, and even the most severe stage is treatable!


There are two main types of depression:

  • exogenous - in this case, the disorder will be triggered by some external stimulus (for example, loss of a job or death of a relative);
  • endogenous – depression is caused by internal problems, often unexplained.

Psychologists highlight the following types depression:

  1. Dysthymia is a chronic depressed mood. Characterized by bad mood, fatigue, lack of appetite and sleep. This type can be observed with postpartum depression and manic-depressive psychosis.
  2. Recurrent depression – symptoms of the disorder appear approximately once a month and persist for several days.
  3. Reactive depression is characterized by spontaneous occurrence against the background of serious stressful situations.
  4. Neuroticism arises through emotional disorders in which neuroses occupy the dominant link.
  5. Manic-depressive disorder is a disease characterized by the occurrence of episodes of depression or manic episodes. It is characteristic that such a disorder is not long-lasting - patients feel quite normal during periods of remission, lead a normal lifestyle and are no different from healthy people.
  6. Postpartum depression is a depressive condition that develops in the first days and weeks after childbirth in women susceptible to this pathology.

Early signs of depression

In each individual case of illness, the signs of the onset of depression may be different and be expressed in varying degrees. The whole set of these signs is conditionally divided into four main groups.

The groups of initial signs of depression are:

  • emotional signs;
  • disturbance of mental state;
  • physiological signs;
  • violation of behavioral status.

The onset of the disease is indicated by:

  • decreased interest in favorite activities, negligent attitude towards simple responsibilities, laziness to go to work, desire to rest more;
  • fatigue, decreased libido, mild physical discomfort, morning sickness;
  • increased sensitivity, the feeling that others have a negative opinion about a person, that they are finding fault with him;
  • bad mood, increased nervousness, tension, anxiety;
  • change in usual routine, difficulty falling asleep, causeless headache;
  • thinking aimed at avoiding problems, increasing fears, and alcohol abuse.

The severity of symptoms depends on the duration of the disease and the presence of previous physical and mental disorders.


There is also depression against the background of progressive somatic diseases - for example, against the background of pathologies of the thyroid gland or from severe pain and awareness of inevitable disability due to arthritis, rheumatism, and oncology.

Depression can be caused by certain mental disorders - for example, this condition is often diagnosed in patients with schizophrenia, alcohol and drug addiction.

Various medications, especially those used to treat high blood pressure, can cause depression. For unknown reasons, corticosteroids (hormones) often cause depression when they are produced in large quantities as a result of a disease (such as Cushing's syndrome).

For the most part, this condition is caused by quite simple and understandable reasons:

  • overwork;
  • peer pressure;
  • inability to achieve what you want for a long period of time;
  • failures in personal life or career;
  • disease;
  • loneliness and so on.

If you understand that a dark streak has come in your life, then try to mobilize all your strength so as not to become a victim of depression.

Rest, focus, albeit on small, but still joys, fight difficulties, and do not give in to them.

People prone to depression

There are 3 personality types that are more prone to developing depression:

  • Statothymic personality (characteristic: exaggerated conscientiousness, excessive accuracy and hard work);
  • melancholic personality (characteristic: pedantry, desire for order, constancy, inflated demands on oneself);
  • hyperthymic personality (characteristic: self-doubt, constant worries, low self-esteem).

Symptoms of depression in adults

The main manifestation is the so-called depressive triad, which includes a persistent deterioration in mood, slower thinking and decreased motor activity.

Typical (main) symptoms of depression are:

  • depressed mood, which does not depend on external circumstances, lasting two weeks or more;
  • persistent fatigue for a month;
  • anhedonia, which is characterized by loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities.

Additional symptoms of the disease:

  • pessimism;
  • feelings of worthlessness, anxiety, guilt, or fear;
  • inability to make decisions and concentrate;
  • low self-esteem;
  • thoughts of death or suicide;
  • decreased or increased appetite;
  • sleep disorders, manifested in insomnia or oversleeping.

A depressed person's thoughts become negative, negative, and self-directed. It is common for a person to fixate on the denial of himself; he considers himself unnecessary, worthless, and a burden to his family and friends. He is characterized by difficulty in making any decisions.

Important! Some symptoms are characteristic of anxiety and other disorders, therefore, do not make a diagnosis yourself and do not self-medicate!!!

Symptoms of depression in men and women

Symptoms in women appear more clearly than in men, which is associated with the physiological characteristics of the brain. A man can be depressed for many years and hide it. In women, the picture of symptoms is visible quite clearly, so if the first signs of localization of the disease are detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately.

Symptoms and signs
  • Feelings of suffering, melancholy, despair;
  • Anxiety;
  • Irritability;
  • Feeling of trouble;
  • Guilt;
  • Dissatisfaction with oneself;
  • Low self-esteem;
  • Loss of ability to worry or anxiety about loved ones;
  • Decreased interest in the environment.
  • after sleep there is no feeling of vigor, a feeling of an active start to the day;
  • there is pain throughout the body;
  • feeling tired, lack of sleep, exhausted;
  • permanent headache;
  • pain behind the sternum, a feeling of compression in the heart area;
  • , inability to get up, sleep intermittently;
  • decreased appetite or vice versa;
  • incorrect perception of sounds and colors;
  • weak potency;
  • dry mouth;
  • increased feeling of thirst.
  • Passivity;
  • Loss of interest in other people;
  • Tendency to frequent solitude;
  • Refusal to participate in purposeful activities;
  • Use of alcohol and psychotropic substances.
  • feel different from society;
  • do not see meaning in their life;
  • slowing down of thought processes;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • inability to make decisions at the right time;
  • avoidance of responsibility, fear for one’s actions;
  • obsessive return to the same thoughts;
  • thoughts about suicide.

Important: the most serious symptom Thoughts about death are considered depression and in 15% of cases patients have clear and persistent suicidal thoughts. Patients often voice plans for their murder - this should be an absolute reason for hospitalization.


In a conversation with a patient, the doctor first of all pays attention to long periods of depression, a decrease in the range of interests, and motor retardation. An important diagnostic role is played by patient complaints of apathy, loss of strength, increased anxiety, suicidal thoughts. There are two groups of signs of the depressive process that the doctor takes into account when diagnosing. These are positive and negative affectivity (emotionality).

When talking with a patient, a psychologist or psychotherapist identifies the following criteria:

  • Depressed mood.
  • Feeling tired.
  • Increased concern.
  • Lack of desires and interests.
  • Decreased sexual interest.
  • Frequent nervousness and photophobia.
  • Negligence in personal hygiene and daily duties.
  • Constant need for rest.
  • Irritability, anxiety and nervous tension.

The symptoms described above are the starting symptoms. If they last for a long time, they lead to mania.

How to treat depression in adults?

Depression is often perceived both by the patient himself and by others as a manifestation bad character, laziness and selfishness, promiscuity or natural pessimism. It should be remembered that depression is not just a bad mood, but a disease that requires the intervention of specialists and is quite treatable. The sooner the correct diagnosis is made and the correct treatment, the greater the chances of a quick recovery.

The treatment regimen is selected individually, after examination by a doctor and conducting the necessary tests. There is no average protocol according to which autotherapy can be recommended. Therapy may include one or all of the following:

  • Treatment with medications.
  • Psychotherapy.
  • Social therapy.

Each patient needs his own treatment time, which depends on the characteristics of the psyche and the severity of the condition.


In treatment various types For depression, antidepressant medications are used. They restore the optimal balance of biologically active substances and normal brain function, helping to cope with depression. The success of drug treatment largely depends on the patient himself.

Antidepressants act as the main drugs in treatment. These include:

  • Melipramine,
  • Amitriptyline,
  • Fluoxetine,
  • Sertraline,
  • Paroxetine,
  • Tianeptine,
  • Milnacipran,
  • Moclobemide.

At correct use are a safe class of psychotropic substances. The dose is selected individually. Remember that the effect of antidepressants will appear slowly, so wait for it to appear positively.

Vitamins and minerals

In the treatment of depression, the following vitamins and microelements are also actively prescribed:

  • B vitamins;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • omega-3;
  • vitamin D (calciferol).

If you do not feel a positive effect within 4-6 weeks after starting the medicine, or if you have side effects, contact your doctor.

Psychotherapy for depression

Three approaches are most effective in treatment: cognitive psychotherapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, and behavioral psychotherapy. The goal of therapy is to become aware of the conflict and help resolve it constructively.

Behavioral psychotherapy resolves current problems and eliminates behavioral symptoms (isolation from others, monotonous lifestyle, refusal of pleasure, passivity, etc.).

  • Rational

Rational psychotherapy consists of logical, evidence-based convincing of the patient of the need to reconsider his attitude towards himself and the surrounding reality. In this case, both methods of explanation and persuasion, as well as methods of moral approval, distraction and switching of attention are used.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy

The peculiarity of using CBT for depression is to begin treatment without using medications. The point is to separate negative thoughts, the patient’s reactions to current events and the situation as such. During the session, with the help of various unexpected questions, the doctor helps the patient look from the outside at what is happening and make sure that in fact nothing terrible is happening.

The result is a change in thinking that has a positive effect on the behavior and general condition of the patient.


Leading products that help overcome signs of depression:

  • vegetables and fruits that have not only a rich vitamin complex, but also bright colors ( bell pepper, oranges, carrots, beets, persimmons, bananas);
  • sea ​​fish with a high fat content in the meat;
  • chicken broth and white poultry;
  • dishes made from frozen (not canned) seaweed;
  • cheese of all types and varieties;
  • dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans;
  • nuts;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • eggs.

Antidepressant drinks:

  1. A relaxing drink can be made from lemon balm and oranges. Carefully squeeze the juice from four oranges. Take two handfuls of fresh lemon balm leaves, chop and grind it and combine with orange juice. The drink is very tasty and uplifting.
  2. A banana-based fruit drink has the same effect. In a blender bowl, place the pulp of one banana, a spoonful of walnut kernels, a spoonful of sprouted wheat grains, pour in one hundred and fifty ml of natural milk and a spoonful of lemon juice.

Signs of recovery from depression are the emergence of interest in life, joy, the meaning of life, relief of bodily sensations associated with this disorder, and the disappearance of the desire to commit suicide. For some time after leaving this state, a decrease in the ability to empathize, elements of egocentrism, and isolation persist.

What usually prevents you from seeking psychotherapeutic help?

  1. Low awareness of people about what psychotherapy is.
  2. Fear of initiation a stranger into personal, intimate experiences.
  3. Skeptical attitude to the fact that “talking” can give a tangible healing effect.
  4. The idea that with psychological difficulties you need to cope on your own, and turning to another person is a sign of weakness.

You should consult a specialist urgently if the condition seems unbearable, the desire to live disappears, and thoughts of harming yourself appear.


The prognosis is determined by the type, severity and cause of depression. Reactive disorders generally respond well to treatment. With neurotic depression, there is a tendency to a protracted or chronic course. The condition of patients with somatogenic affective disorders is determined by the characteristics of the underlying disease. Endogenous depression do not respond well to non-drug therapy, with correct selection drugs, in some cases, stable compensation is observed.