White mistletoe grass: medicinal properties and use in medicine. White mistletoe for weight loss: rules for the use of fat-burning herbs against the background of diets and sports

Hello, friends!

Interesting material about white mistletoe - its medicinal properties and contraindications has long been collected from me and was waiting for its turn.

And so, when last time I talked about Japanese Sophora and recipes for its use in conjunction with mistletoe, I urgently wanted to make a tincture for cleaning vessels. There was a reason for the publication of a new article.

Analyzing the statistics of requests, I was surprised that information about mistletoe is searched mainly as a means for losing weight. How little people know about her! But losing weight with mistletoe is not its main advantage. Mistletoe cures almost all diseases, traditional healers recommend drinking an infusion of mistletoe for the prevention of health for everyone all year round, especially for heart patients, hypertensive patients, epileptics ... however, I will list a wide range of applications below.

What a miracle White mistletoe: where it grows, where to buy

Another thing, the trees are deciduous. Especially in autumn and winter, when they have already shed their leaves, you can see such beauty on the branches: unusual olive-green spherical formations with a diameter of up to 3 meters, pleasing to the eye.

In general, this plant prefers trees with soft wood into which it seeks to infiltrate: apple, pear, cherry, linden, maple, poplar, elm, birch, pine, and fir.

If you meet mistletoe on a hazel tree, do not pass by! This is a very rare case, as the legends say - a treasure is buried under such a tree!

Mistletoe from birch helps with headaches and epileptics, from pine - for sore joints and heart.

On trees such as oak, spruce, ash, beech, mistletoe is rare. But since ancient times, it has been believed that the one on the oak has priority over others and has magical powers.

Mistletoe blooms from late March to April with small whitish-yellow flowers, from which fruits are formed in summer white color, smelling of orange and covered with sticky mucus.

Mistletoe is often referred to as "bird glue". Why avian?

The fact is that the seeds stored in mistletoe fruits fully ripen only by winter. Hungry birds are especially fond of these thrush fruits, they are willing to eat them in winter, while the sticky pulp sticks to their beak. To clean their beaks, the birds sit on a tree and, when undigested seeds are excreted with droppings. Seed grains fall into cracks in the bark, sticking tightly, and then develop in a new environment.

Where does it grow

The halo of white mistletoe habitat is from the south of Scandinavia and England to southern and central Europe, as well as in northern Asia.

Mistletoe prefers trees standing near water bodies, but in Switzerland, for example, it can be found even in the mountains at an altitude of 1200 meters.

And in our Stavropol, mistletoe flaunts right on the central streets of the city.

Note, on Far East red mistletoe grows. It differs from white mistletoe only in the color of the fruit, which has a reddish-orange color. By pharmacological properties these plants are identical. However, I recently read reviews that in the Primorsky Territory the Chinese are buying up tons of red mistletoe.

Where could I buy

White mistletoe is practically not sold in pharmacies, I don’t know how it is in other cities, but in our region there is none, despite the fact that it grows here. You can only collect yourself. This is because the plant is poisonous.

But now it is not difficult to make a purchase on the Internet. I can recommend a wonderful one, where I buy everything I need myself. This is not a promotional link, in fact I really love this site, where you can get more and customized practical advice for treatment from the herbalist-healer Dmitry Vyacheslavovich Oleinikov.

At present, the price of mistletoe is 90 rubles per 100 grams.

History and mythology

The white mistletoe plant is surrounded by an aura of mystery. The mention of it is found in ancient and Germanic myths. The legends of the northern peoples say that the plant is dedicated to the goddess of love and kissing under the mistletoe has become a folk custom.

At all times mistletoe was considered a sacred plant. The ancient Celts idolized it and used it in healing.

In Sweden, a bunch of mistletoe was hung from the ceiling of houses to protect against magic and sorcery.

In Switzerland, it was believed that it protects the tree and the house under it from lightning.

Yes, and in our time, mistletoe is honored as a rare plant and often hang a branch in the house above the door at Christmas.

In France, on the first day of the new year, children with mistletoe branches go from house to house, congratulating the owners.

In connection with such a distinctive existence in Europe, mistletoe has many nicknames: a witch's broom, a witch's nest, a witch's grass, a branch of happiness, a holy tree, a thunder broom, winter greens.

The scientific name, viscum album, means that it is a white (by the color of the fruit) plant from which the glue is extracted.

Mistletoe white: contraindications

Since not everyone reads articles to the end, today I will break the usual structure and immediately tell you about those contraindications that must be taken into account when using mistletoe.

Mistletoe grass is a poisonous plant. This feature must be well understood and not taken too seriously. large quantities, follow the dosage indicated in the recipes and be sure to take breaks between courses of AT LEAST ONE MONTH, even if it is not said or said otherwise somewhere.

An overdose can have a painful effect on the stomach and intestines, lead to poisoning and skin irritation.

Mistletoe is not indicated for people with low blood pressure.

And it is forbidden for pregnant women at all, as it can provoke a miscarriage.

Medicinal properties of mistletoe

AT biologically- extremely rich mistletoe plant: medicinal properties it is such that we can consider this herb a panacea of ​​modernity. People have long called mistletoe a cure for a hundred diseases.

It contains choline, viscotoxin, acetylcholine, viscin, inositol, lignin, histamine, pyridine, quercetin, urzone, polypeptides, glycoproteins, oleic acids, flavonoids, saonins, resins, mucus, proteins.

Personally, these incomprehensible, hard-to-pronounce terms already speak to me about the uniqueness and value of the plant.

Also in ancient greece mistletoe was used to treat epilepsy, seizures, and dizziness.

Anticonvulsant, antitumor, antihelminthic, soothing and regulating blood pressure, hemostatic, vasodilating, reducing excitability nervous system and other advantages of the plant are confirmed by scientific research.

White mistletoe: the diseases it treats

Traditional healers claim that mistletoe stimulates metabolism, has a great effect on the pancreas, so that even diabetes can recede with long-term treatment.

mistletoe tidies up hormonal system, so it is also included in . Removes puffiness lymph nodes. it excellent tool from sclerosis, indispensable for paralysis.

In the huge list of diseases that she is able to cure, along with others, they include:

  • hypertension
  • angina pectoris
  • joint pain
  • rheumatism
  • gout
  • internal bleeding: strong menstrual, including menopause, postpartum, hemorrhoids
  • cervical erosion
  • pulmonary and nosebleeds
  • bruises
  • venomous bites
  • tuberculosis
  • abscesses
  • polyps in the rectum
  • warts.

But above all, mistletoe targets the heart. This is her main field of activity. She successfully treats diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood circulation.

Mistletoe biocatalysts reduce tension in the vessels, strengthen them and the heart, and thereby reduce both high and low blood pressure, bring it back to normal. Almost all problems associated with abnormal blood pressure pass:

  • heart rhythm disorder
  • dizziness
  • rush of blood to the head
  • heartache
  • heartbeat
  • headache
  • noise in ears
  • impaired concentration
  • bouts of fear and panic
  • insomnia
  • visual impairment.

Mistletoe has a calming effect on the central nervous system, is used for epilepsy, convulsions, hysteria, and excessive children's activity.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers believed that if the mistletoe, fixed on the branches of a tree, does not fall to the ground, then the epileptic will not fall as long as there is an infusion of mistletoe in his stomach.

The results of research conducted by German scientists were mistletoe preparations that counteract the formation of tumors and increase the body's resistance. Homeopaths use mistletoe for injections in the treatment of cancer of the kidneys, liver, stomach and duodenum.

However, it is not entirely clear how effective mistletoe is in such cases.

Ways to use mistletoe

Poisonous fruits are rarely used in recipes. For healing, leaves and young shoots of mistletoe are used. They are cut or knocked down with a stick in March-April and in autumn - in September-October. However, you can collect mistletoe even until the end of December. But at other times of the year, it does not have healing power.

Cut branches should be immediately chopped and dried for fresh air avoiding moisture.

They store supplies in glass, porcelain, wooden, cardboard containers and only one winter, as over time healing action is lost.

For tincture, it is preferable to use freshly cut branches.

And they cook from dry water infusion(cold tea).

tea recipe

Mistletoe tea normalizes the heart - vascular system, hormonal, increases efficiency, soothes, relieves anxiety and stress, normalizes sleep, restores metabolism.

It is also drunk as a hemostatic agent from the lungs and intestinal bleeding, and with "female" diseases: leucorrhoea, uterine fibroids, menopause, heavy menstruation, erosion of the cervix.

According to reviews, women who drink mistletoe tea for a long time and constantly forget about fears and shortness of breath, about menopause with palpitations and tachycardia.

How to cook

On the Internet, you can find two options for making tea: cold and hot. Moreover, it is noted that cold is preferable and the most common. I found out why. The fact is, when heated, biosubstances lose their properties!

So the only the right way next:

  1. Boil 250 ml of water (bring to a boil with a white key) and cool to room temperature.
  2. Pour 1 teaspoon of mistletoe grass (shredded leaves and shoots) with prepared water and leave to infuse for 10-12 hours. It is more convenient to do this at night.
  3. Then the infusion is filtered and slightly heated to make it more pleasant to drink.
  4. Usually a glass of infusion is divided into three parts and drunk before meals.

Outdoor use

The same water infusion of mistletoe is used externally to treat warts and other benign formations on the skin.

With nosebleeds, cold tea is drawn into the nose.

For the treatment of polyps in the rectum, microclysters are made from an aqueous solution.

Alcohol tincture

Application recipes vodka tincture white mistletoe are less common, but quite suitable for treatment.

The cooking method is standard for most herbs: 50 grams of mistletoe grass and 0.5 liters of vodka (not medical alcohol!), insist 3 weeks, take 20 drops three times a day.

The best way to use is still a combination of white mistletoe with Japanese Sophora in the form of a tincture, which wonderfully cleanses blood vessels and blood, is used for strokes, and for oncology.

I talked about it in detail last time.

Mistletoe white for weight loss

Our miracle plant burns fat perfectly, and since it also participates in metabolic process, it can be used for weight loss.

Mistletoe tea reduces appetite without the need to adhere to a special diet and food restrictions. (Just as in the case with, I have already talked about this with my example).

They like to use mistletoe for weight loss together with linden, alternating tea intake: on the first day they drink linden tea, on the second - mistletoe tea, and on the third - tea brewed from both herbs, taken equally.

That's all for me, I hope that you are interested in this wonderful herb - white mistletoe: the healing properties of which are amazing, and there are not so many contraindications.

So what is mistletoe? This is an evergreen shrub up to 60 cm high, belonging to the family of thoracic plants. The mistletoe branch is covered with yellow-green bark. It is thickened at the knots, naked. The leaves are pale green, leathery, opposite, oblong-oval, located at the ends of the shoots in pairs. The flowers are dioecious, shade yellow or yellow-green, located in the forks of branches of 5-6 pcs. Bloom in spring. The fruit is a berry that ripens in late summer.


Mistletoe grows in the Far East, in the southern part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea. It grows both on hardwoods (maple, oak, linden, poplar, birch) and on fruit trees (apple, pear).


The young branch of mistletoe is harvested along with the leaves. They are stored in the fall, after which they are dried in a warm place, spreading thin layer, and also possible in dryers at 40-50 ºС. Raw materials are stored for 12 months without air access.

Chemical composition

The leaves of the plant contain viscotoxin, viscerin, alcohols, viscol, acids (ursulic and oleanolic), choline, alkaloids, fatty oil, resinous substances, carotene and ascorbic acid.

The berries contain oil, which includes oleic, palmitic, linoleic acid, rubber, vitamin C, carotene and resinous substances.

Mistletoe: medicinal properties

Preparations based on this plant have a hypotensive, as well as a calming effect, in addition, improve cardiac activity. Mistletoe also has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, astringent, hemostatic properties.

Use in traditional medicine

Mistletoe, the medicinal properties of which are described in detail in this article, has been actively used by healers for many years. traditional medicine mistletoe herb infusion is used for hypertension. It increases efficiency, improves sleep and normalizes general state person, and also reduces pressure.

Healing infusions expand blood vessels, reduce the excitability of the nervous system, increase cardiac activity.

Infusions and decoctions are used to improve bowel function (abdominal pain and atony), for bleeding (uterine, gastrointestinal, nasal and pulmonary). The plant is used to treat atherosclerosis, in addition, with nephritis and other kidney diseases.

The mistletoe plant, whose properties are described in the article above, is used for various female diseases, moreover, with hemorrhoids and rheumatism.

Plant extract increases diuresis and promotes the release of nitrogenous products, has a tonic effect.

In folk medicine, this plant is used for increased function thyroid gland, convulsions, neuralgia, bronchial asthma, varicose veins, urinary incontinence. Mistletoe flowers are used to expel pinworms, roundworms and other roundworms.

The plant helps to heal malignant neoplasms all kinds of localization.

The fresh juice of the plant cures infertility. Decoctions are recommended for use externally with myositis, skin diseases, radiculitis, abscesses, muscle pain. With hemorrhoids, baths with a decoction of this plant are used.

To strengthen the heart muscle

Pour 30 grams of dried twigs with a liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Take this decoction 1/3 cup three times a day for a month.

To improve sleep and normalize blood circulation

You will need a tablespoon of crushed dry leaves of the mistletoe plant (her photo is presented in this article). They need to be filled with a liter hot water and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat, then leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes.

Take 2 tablespoons orally three times a day. Children can also be given this decoction, but first you need to limit it to 1 spoon once a day.

With bleeding (uterine, pulmonary, etc.)

So, we have already figured out what mistletoe is. Now let's find out how it should be taken for bleeding.

  1. 25 grams of leaves should be poured with 100 ml of vodka and removed to infuse for 5 days in a dark place. Then the tincture is filtered and 30 drops are taken orally twice a day between meals.
  2. Pour 15 g of finely crushed twigs into a glass of boiling water, then let cool. Strain the finished infusion and consume 1 tablespoon three times a day. Drink not on an empty stomach, but half an hour after eating.

With surges in blood pressure

You need to take a spoonful of mistletoe leaves, pour them into a glass cold water, then remove to infuse for 5 hours. Drink inside a third of a glass before meals three times a day.

To increase potency

You will need 20 grams of chopped twigs and leaves of the mistletoe plant (you can see a photo of it in this article). They need to be filled with a glass of medical alcohol. Infuse for about two hours in a warm place and take the resulting infusion three times a day, 20 drops each.

Treatment of hypertension

It is necessary to find a mistletoe growing on a pine tree, carefully cut off its branches, chop them finely, and then pour a glass of cool water. During the night, the tincture should settle, and in the morning you need to drink a full glass. The course of this treatment takes 5 days. One branch can be used 2 times.

We have already learned what mistletoe is. Interestingly, this recipe helps well with high blood pressure, normalizes blood circulation, cleanses blood vessels. Stabilization observed after 5 days blood pressure. This recipe should not be used by people with low blood pressure.

To tone up

Pour 5 grams of chopped mistletoe grass with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse until the infusion is moderately warm. Eat three times a day, 150 grams. You can add honey for taste. The use of this infusion increases the tone of the body, gives strength to a person, and also cures depression. The plant is very useful for patients after serious illnesses or operations, as well as for the elderly to maintain physical strength.

From dizziness

Insist in a glass of boiled cold water for five hours a spoonful of crushed leaves of the plant. It is necessary to take 70 grams three times a day until the disappearance of all symptoms.

Mistletoe: contraindications for use

The mistletoe itself is poisonous plant therefore, it is necessary to take funds with its components very carefully, under the supervision of a specialist. With prolonged use of products from it, poisoning of the body is likely.

In addition, it is forbidden to take any decoctions and infusions for pregnant women, people with low blood pressure, as well as mothers during lactation.

As a rule, it grows on deciduous trees, it can often be seen on linden, oak, birch, hawthorn, acacia, poplar and willow, among fruit trees it most often affects plums, pears and apple trees. But mistletoe takes root very rarely on needles, if this happens, then usually on fir or pine. This plant is especially noticeable in winter, when the foliage completely falls from the trees. Mistletoe is quite common, it can be found in most of Russia and almost all of Europe, and in some regions it even represents a real disaster, as it quickly multiplies and affects large areas of green spaces.

Benefits of mistletoe

amazing, healing properties mistletoe white people have noticed a very long time. Since then, many legends and stories have been composed about this bush. The people attributed almost magical abilities to her, for example, the Druids valued her so much that they cut her off only with a golden knife.

Composition of mistletoe

The mistletoe contains many active substances- triterpene saponins, alkaloids, organic acids, histamines, rhamnetin, quercetin, isorhamnetin, ursulic acid, betulinic acid, choline, gamma-aminobutyric acid, vitamins and minerals. The combination of some of these components makes the plant poisonous, with excessive consumption of funds from it, diarrhea, nausea and even vomiting can occur. Despite such a significant drawback, white mistletoe is a fairly popular plant in traditional medicine. This popularity is due a wide range the effect it has on the body.

Mistletoe has the following effect:

It improves the functioning of the heart, significantly lowers blood pressure, dilates blood vessels. Mistletoe also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, the funds from it reduce excitability and anxiety, help with seizures, dizziness, headaches, neuralgia.

Mistletoe white - application

Since ancient times, people have used mistletoe for healing. huge number various diseases. In our time, it is still widely used in traditional medicine, and in many countries. By the way, its pharmacological value in convulsive states, nervous diseases and hypertension has been proven by modern scientists. The mistletoe plant is often prescribed as antihypertensive, is used for all kinds of bleeding - uterine, pulmonary, hemorrhoidal, gastrointestinal and others. She shows nice results in the treatment of diseases of the joints, pancreas and thyroid gland, inflammatory diseases kidneys and uterus, neuralgic pain, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach, nervous disorders, hysteria, etc. In addition, mistletoe is able to inhibit the processes of metastasis and neutralize tumor cells.

Found mistletoe in folk medicine white application and as an external agent. Compresses and lotions from it help in the treatment of abscesses, wounds, ulcers, gout and rheumatism. Sitz baths get rid of female diseases and hemorrhoids.

The third day of weight loss should begin with the preparation of a drink from linden and mistletoe. To do this, place two tablespoons of each plant in a thermos and add two liters of boiling water to them. Naturally, all this drink must be drunk in a day. On the fourth day, the infusion is also prepared, but after insisting, you will need to put a couple of tablespoons of honey into it. On the fifth day, in addition to honey, juice squeezed from half a lemon is also added to the drink.

Mistletoe white - contraindications

Never forget that when long-term use mistletoe products, as well as if they are abused, poisoning can occur, therefore, in order to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences always stick to the recommended doses. In addition, the use of the plant should be completely abandoned by pregnant women, since it can provoke a miscarriage, as well as people with low blood pressure.


Evergreen shrub 40-60 cm tall from the belt-flower family. Branches of mistletoe are covered with yellow-green bark, thickened at the nodes, glabrous. The leaves are opposite, pale green, oblong-oval, leathery, arranged in pairs at the ends of the shoots. The flowers are yellow-green or yellow, dioecious, arranged in 5 - 6 pcs. in the forks of the branches. Blooms in March - April. The fruit of the shrub is a berry with one seed, which ripens in August - September. You can learn more about the plant from the article "White mistletoe - contraindications, use, treatment, properties, recipes, photos".



Harvest young twigs of shrubs with leaves. They are stored in late autumn and dried in the heat, spread out in one layer, or at a temperature of 40-50ºС in dryers. Raw materials are stored without air access - 12 months.

White mistletoe - plant photo.

(mistletoe photo)

Chemical composition.

White mistletoe leaves contain viscerin, viscotoxin, alcohols, viscol, ursulic and oleanolic acids, choline, alkaloids, fatty oil, resinous substances, carotene and ascorbic acid.

The berries of the shrub contain oil, which includes linoleic, oleic, palmitic acids, resinous substances, rubber, vitamin C and carotene.

Mistletoe white - plant properties.

White mistletoe preparations improve cardiac activity, have a calming and hypotensive effect. Also, the shrub has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, astringent, analgesic, hemostatic properties.

Mistletoe white - use in folk medicine.

Traditional medicine uses an infusion of mistletoe herb for stage I and II hypertension, it increases efficiency, normalizes the general condition and improves the sleep of patients, lowers blood pressure.

Medicinal infusions of mistletoe reduce the excitability of the nervous system, dilate blood vessels, and increase the activity of the heart.

Decoctions and infusions prepared from raw materials of the bush are used to improve the functioning of the intestines (abdominal pain and atony), with uterine, gastrointestinal, nasal and pulmonary bleeding. White mistletoe is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, nephritis and other kidney diseases.

The mistletoe plant, the use of its infusion helps with female diseases, as well as with rheumatism and hemorrhoids.

Mistletoe liquid extract enhances product excretion nitrogen metabolism and diuresis, has a tonic effect.

In the practice of folk medicine, white mistletoe is used for convulsions, with increased thyroid function, neuralgia, bronchial asthma, varicose veins, and bedwetting. The mistletoe shrub is used to expel roundworms, pinworms and other roundworms.

Mistletoe helps to cure malignant neoplasms of various localization.

Fresh mistletoe juice cures infertility in women. Mistletoe decoctions are recommended for external use for skin diseases, myositis, abscesses, sciatica, muscle pain. Baths with a decoction of mistletoe are used for hemorrhoids.

Mistletoe - treatment in folk medicine.


1) With a glass of boiling water, brew 5 grams of white mistletoe herb and leave for 15 minutes in a 100ºС water bath, then cool for 45 minutes, then strain and squeeze the raw material. Take 1 - 2 tbsp. l. 3 p. per day 15-20 minutes before meals.

2) 250 ml (glass of water) barely boiled warm water pour 1 tsp. mistletoe herbs and infuse it for 5 - 6 hours, then strain and squeeze the raw material. Drink 1/3 cup 3 r. per day 1/3 hour before meals.

Powder as an antihelminthic.

5 grams of mistletoe leaf powder and 1 gram of valerian root powder. Take the mixture at night with fresh grated carrots for 3 days in a row.


Pour 40 grams of white mistletoe grass with a liter of water and boil over low heat for 5-7 minutes, then leave for 15-20 minutes, drain through gauze, squeeze out the raw materials. Drink 0.5 cups 3 r. per day 1/3 hour before meals.

Infusion for hypertension.

250 ml of boiled water pour 1 tsp. white mistletoe leaves and insist them for a day, then strain and squeeze the raw material. Take 1 tbsp. l. 2 - 3 p. in a day.

Tincture for the treatment of tumors.

It is required to fill a bottle with a volume of 0.7 liters of crushed mistletoe, then pour 0.5 liters of vodka into it and insist for about 3 weeks, not forgetting to shake it periodically, after which, the tincture needs to be filtered. Take 20 - 30 drops 3 r. in a day.

Decoction for external use.

Pour 60 grams of white mistletoe grass with a liter of water, then boil it for 5 minutes on low heat, let it brew for 20 minutes, then strain and squeeze the raw material. Use for hemorrhoids in sitz baths.

Mistletoe - contraindications for use.

No matter how popular mistletoe becomes, recipes traditional medicine in the treatment of diseases, one should never forget that preparations with it are poisonous, and therefore their prolonged use can cause poisoning.

In no case do not collect mistletoe near highways, within the boundaries of large metropolitan areas or near industrial plants. The plant is sensitive to the environmental situation, sucks in exhaust gases, which is reflected in medicinal properties shrub. Mistletoe is best harvested in late autumn or winter. Some sources indicate that the collection should be carried out in the spring, but this is wrong, too young shoots have not yet gained strength, concentration useful substances small in them. Raw materials for harvesting are new shoots ( last year) and leaves. fruits for home cooking drugs are not recommended. Young stems break off easily, move away from the main trunk without any problems. That is why it is not difficult to collect shoots, even if the nest of white mistletoe is located high. To do this, you will need a long hook or pruner.

After collecting, young shoots and leaves must be thoroughly dried, they are left on paper in a well-ventilated place. Before you remove the white mistletoe for long-term storage, the raw materials must be dried qualitatively, otherwise the future medicine will begin to rot and mold. If you are going to prepare an infusion or decoction, do it immediately without drying the shoots. Store dried raw materials in canvas bags in a dark and cool place.

How to prepare medicine from mistletoe?

The plant is widely used in pharmacology, it is used to prepare various forms medicines. Dried mistletoe can be bought at a pharmacy, very often the essence of the plant is used in treatment. This is a natural extract, which has a potent effect, you can drink such a medicine only as prescribed by a homeopathic doctor. In addition, mistletoe can be presented in the form of compressed tablets.

At home, mistletoe medicines are either a decoction or alcohol tincture. Each of dosage forms has its own characteristics and advantages. The decoction is quickly prepared, it can be used in treatment on the same day. But the infusion is perfectly stored, one bottle of alcohol medicine is enough for a long time. Preparing a decoction is not difficult - you need to pour three tablespoons of dry raw materials with boiling water and let it brew for at least an hour, it is better to brew the decoction in a thermos. Store the finished broth for no more than three days, drink half a glass in the morning and evening.

The tincture is prepared with alcohol or vodka. Take a dark glass bottle and fill it with raw materials, fill it with a high-grade drink and leave it in a cool place for 25-30 days. Shake the bottle occasionally to make the tincture more concentrated. When the medicine is ready, it should be filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Storage time - 3-4 months, drink infusion of 25 drops several times a day. But what does mistletoe cure?

Since ancient times, mistletoe has been considered a miraculous plant that has been used for various diagnoses. Mistletoe tincture has always been in the traveling suitcases of any healer and healer. But for what disorders is mistletoe used today?

Remember that mistletoe is a potent plant that has not only beneficial but also poisonous properties. Mistletoe berries are incredibly toxic, and if ingested fresh, they can cause diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and even severe intoxication. Before use, be sure to read and negative sides this plant.

Among the main contraindications for the use of white mistletoe is the likely toxicity of the drug. Because of this, mistletoe cannot be treated during pregnancy, children, the elderly, and women during lactation. If you are using mistletoe-based medicine for the first time, start with small doses to monitor the body's reaction, because allergies or individual intolerance to the plant may occur. At serious violations work of the central nervous system, it is impossible to drink mistletoe without the approval of a neurologist, be sure to consult a doctor in advance. You can not drink medicines from mistletoe at low pressure - the plant will only aggravate hypotension. Since medicines based on white mistletoe have sedative action, you should not use decoctions and tinctures for weakness, nervous apathy, depression. In addition, concentrated medicines from white mistletoe affect the reaction rate, you can not use them in treatment if you drive a car or are involved in highly concentrated work.

In order not to experience the toxicity and toxicity of mistletoe, you must carefully observe the dosage of the medication taken, do not exceed allowable norms don't drink mistletoe long time throughout the month, etc. Even after you touched fresh berries mistletoe, you need to wash your hands as soon as possible. Medicine from berries, of course, is prepared, but this will require special knowledge in the field of botany and pharmacology. Preparations based on berries are made strictly according to the prescription, in industrial conditions.

Since ancient times, mistletoe has been endowed with miraculous and even secret meaning, used in magical rites and religious rituals. Most often, mistletoe was considered a symbol of goodness and reconciliation. If you see a mistletoe bush above the doors of the house, you can be sure that the owners will meet you in a friendly manner. When the enemies clashed under the mistletoe tree, they had to give up the battle that day. In the world modern technologies and potent drugs, mistletoe is also popular and in demand. Use the white mistletoe correctly, and you will only benefit from the plant!

Video: mistletoe decoction for hypertensive patients