Self-treatment for alcoholism. European coffin root - a home remedy for treating alcoholism

The dangers of alcoholic beverages have been known since their creation by mankind. About the destructive impact ethyl alcohol Even ancient healers, philosophers and thinkers began to speak about man. Modern luminaries of medical science support their famous predecessor colleagues.

But as long as human history lasts, the problem of alcoholism remains. Is it impossible to resolve? The point is the innate frivolity of a person who, in pursuit of apparent carelessness, earns himself a fatal dangerous disease. How to get rid of alcohol addiction yourself, is this real?

Alcohol addiction can be successfully treated on your own

Alcoholism is dangerous and insidious disease. But, like any other pathology, alcohol addiction has own reasons development. What motivates the person who grabs the bottle:

  • conquer loneliness;
  • get rid of personal problems;
  • to diversify a boring existence;
  • overcome your own insecurities;
  • put away nervous stress, unrest and shock.

There are a lot of problems in the world that people are trying to solve by turning to alcoholic beverages for help. Doctors conventionally divide all the reasons for such a tendency to drink alcohol into several groups.

Main causes of alcoholism

Physiological basis

Considering the symptoms characteristic of people with alcoholism, we can identify a number of physiological factors. It is they who, in certain situations, can push a person to drink:

  1. Diseases and injuries of the brain.
  2. Psychiatric disorders.
  3. Individual characteristics of metabolism.
  4. Past various diseases, often chronic and severe.

The origins of alcoholism may lie in more hidden areas. For example, have a genetic orientation. According to statistics, among parents suffering from this addiction, the percentage of children born with an existing predisposition to alcoholism is 5-6 times higher.

What does the concept of “alcoholism” include?

Doctors attribute physiological reasons the tendency to alcohol dependence is only a certain favorable background, which acts as the basis for the development of the disease.

Psychological reasons

To understand how to get rid of alcoholism on your own, you should consider and find out the psychological basis that pushes a person to abuse alcohol. Plays here important role a person’s character, his level of self-esteem, upbringing and ability (innate or acquired) for social adaptation in reality. What becomes a predisposing factor:

  • loneliness;
  • obsessive worries;
  • congenital shyness;
  • the presence of large complexes;
  • high level of anxiety;
  • lack of opportunity for self-realization.

Such existing problems become a serious and important argument that pushes a person onto the slippery path of alcoholism. Here, drinking often acts as a kind of psychotropic drug that helps a person change something, relax and improve self-esteem.

The availability of alcohol also plays an important role. There is no need to run to psychotherapists, attend long sessions, wasting time. It’s worth going to a nearby market and buying yourself a relaxing medicine.

Socially adaptive group of reasons

This group of reasons for constant drunkenness is considered the most common. The human nation has successfully created a huge layer of historical traditions related to alcohol in one way or another. What feast, celebration of events and holidays is complete without a bottle of intoxicating drink?

Alcoholism is a disease that must be fought

“For health”, “for the journey”, “for the meeting”, at funerals and births, christenings and farewells there is always alcohol present. For the most part, a person starts drinking not because he wants to, but is guided by the influence of the people around him. It is difficult to refrain from drinking when classmates, friends, and colleagues offer to have a drink.

Types of disease

Getting rid of alcohol addiction will be more successful if we know what type of pathology we are dealing with. It is necessary to have such information, because it will help you choose the optimal and competent method of getting rid of addiction. Narcologists distinguish three types of alcoholism. Let's take a closer look at them.

Chronic appearance

Such alcoholism positions itself as regular and frequent use alcoholic drinks, despite the condemnation of others. For such a patient, alcohol becomes an important and almost the only part of life. Frequently taken alcoholic drinks takes on a certain ritualistic coloring: after finishing work, during lunch break, in the morning, at night, when meeting someone.

What pushes people to systematically drink alcohol?

Chronic alcoholism leads to irreversible changes work of internal organs and functional disorder all systems of the body. Characteristics of a chronic alcoholic:

  1. Alcohol psychosis.
  2. Hangover syndrome.
  3. Loss of self-control.
  4. Weakening of immune forces.
  5. Inappropriate behavior.
  6. The appearance of chronic diseases.

The fight against chronic alcoholism begins with the destruction of the rituals familiar to the alcoholic. Only then is the doctor prescribed drug treatment.

Drunken type

This type of alcohol dependence is typical for individuals who, for some reason, are unable to drink alcohol regularly. They go to drunken states, lasting from several days to several months. After leaving the binge and a short rehabilitation, the person again plunges into an endlessly drunken state.

Binge alcoholism is the most dangerous and destructive for the individual. In such a person, the body is extremely vulnerable to alcohol. Treatment of this kind of alcoholics is carried out in a specialized clinic.

The Secret Kind of Alcoholism

This “guerrilla” type of addiction is extremely difficult to treat. Alcoholism of this type can combine all of the above subgroups of the disease. Its distinctive, main feature is the person’s deliberate concealment of his disease-addiction..

How does alcoholism develop?

According to statistics, this type of pathology is more common among women. People occupying a high social position also suffer from it. But alcohol cannot be hidden for long; the disease treacherously reveals its presence by changes in appearance and behavior.

Alcohol addiction: how to get rid of it

On this moment There are a lot of developed medications that effectively help in the fight against pathological cravings for alcohol. Doctors divide all such medications into the following groups:

  1. Forming a dislike for alcohol (Torpedo, Esperal, Disulfiram, Lidevin, Colme, Teturam).
  2. Stopping the desire to take another portion of alcohol (Metadoxil, Vivitrol, Balansin, Proproten 100).
  3. Relieving withdrawal symptoms (Metadoxol, Medichronal, Carbamazepine, Alka-Seltzer, Zorex morning, Alka-Prim, Limontar).
  4. Helping with treatment psychological problems caused by alcohol intake (Lamotrigine, Promazine, Sulpiride, Haloperidol, Risperidone, Diazepam, Meprobomate).
  5. Significantly reducing the destructive effects of alcohol-containing drinks on the organs and systems of the body (Biotredin, Zorex, Glycine, Polysorb, Rekitsen RD, Filtrum STI).

All similar medications It is strictly forbidden to prescribe to yourself. Most drugs have a number of contraindications and clear side effects. Only an experienced narcologist should advise how to get rid of drunkenness with the help of medications.

Comprehensive treatment of the problem

Modern medical reality cannot please patients with alcoholism with any single remedy that will help get rid of the problem once and for all. When treating alcohol addiction, doctors develop A complex approach, consisting of the following stages:

  1. Relieving withdrawal symptoms. The first stage of treatment is carried out using drugs whose action is aimed at detoxifying the body poisoned by ethanol. Recovery and resuscitation occurs internal systems and organs.
  2. Relieving cravings for drinking. This process is carried out in a specialized hospital. The efforts of doctors are aimed at eliminating a person’s increased interest in alcohol and the desire to drink another portion. Doctors carry out a number of psychotherapeutic measures aimed at increasing the patient’s motivation for a healthy lifestyle.
  3. The stage that consolidates the course of treatment. Doctors, carrying out the final treatment, individually select long-term medications for the patient. The main purpose of medications is to prevent possible breakdowns in a person. In process this stage therapy, the patient remains under medical supervision.
  4. Resocialization stage. One of the most important processes returning a person to a normal existence, without alcohol, is the restoration of his social functions and qualities. A person freed from craving for alcohol should re-adapt to the surrounding reality. At this stage, it is important to be able to establish a healthy relationship between the individual and society. This course of therapy is carried out with the participation of the patient’s relatives.

How to get rid of alcoholism forever using folk remedies

Healers and healers, working with people for many centuries, have created a lot effective recipes to help cope with alcohol addiction. The treatment is based on infusions and decoctions of special medicinal plants . The purpose of such manipulations is to develop a hostile attitude towards alcohol in a person.

All proposed recipes from traditional healers require prior consultation with a doctor. Medicinal herbs and drugs have a lot of contraindications and side effects.

To the most accessible and effective means The following folk anti-alcohol recipes include:

Bay leaf. The well-known laurel tree, available in every home, can become an invaluable assistant in the fight for a healthy lifestyle and, in a matter of days, completely discourage a person’s craving for alcohol. Finely chopped leaves and roots of the plant are placed in vodka (200 ml), the plant mass is left for 12-14 days. After taking such a drug, an alcoholic loses the desire to drink for a long time.

"Iron" apples. Another common method of treating alcoholism is sour apples. We need to find the most sour varieties, stick 5-6 iron nails into each apple fruit. After a day, a person can already use this original method. Every day he needs to eat 2-3 “iron” apples.

Pumpkin seeds. Grind a glass of peeled pumpkin seeds in a coffee grinder or blender. The mass is filled with pure alcohol or vodka and infused for 1-1.5 days. Then the entire portion should be given to the patient to drink in several sittings.

The fight against drunkenness does not lose its relevance. And it becomes much more successful if a person is treated immediately, even at the first signs of a serious illness. You cannot let the situation take its course; the path of an alcoholic ends very quickly, in a nearby cemetery. Therefore, the main thing in this matter is timeliness and perseverance. Successful treatment!

I have been studying and treating diseases with the help of herbal remedies for many years, and in response to my books, readers write to me asking me to tell about this or that plant or help in treating this or that disease. However, very often in the mail there are letters from women whose relatives - fathers, husbands, sons, brothers - suffer from drunkenness, which destroys a person’s body and personality.

They ask for advice on how to use folk recipes based on the use natural remedies, save your loved ones from death. Sometimes they want to cure a patient without his knowledge.

Here, for example, is one of many letters in which a sad story about a loved one’s plunge into the whirlpool of drunkenness ends with a request for help and hope for the return of a normal relationship with her husband and the establishment of family life.

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at a dispensary, nothing helped. Helped effective method, which was recommended by Elena Malysheva. EFFECTIVE METHOD

“I am writing to you in the hope that you will tell me the right way out of the impasse in which my husband and I find ourselves. It all started with us as people, but what has our family life, - it’s scary to look at. We met in our first year at a technical school, in the company of classmates, it was you who took us to potato farming, and there after working day We, secretly from the teachers, “relaxed.”

Sasha was the most cheerful, sociable, he drank and poured drinks for others, but I never saw him very drunk. But the fact that he did not shy away from bottles was immediately clear. Then we started studying, and only met at various parties, where Sasha was also the ringleader and the life of the party, and after he drank, he became simply irresistible. I was drawn to him like a magnet.

After some time, we took a closer look at each other and started dating. In the third year we got married and began to live with Sasha’s mother. Their father abandoned them when Sasha was still little. Although my mother-in-law was not very happy, Sasha began inviting companies to our home.

At first I liked it, but then the need to constantly clean the apartment after drinking, fixing broken things and buying broken plates and glasses began to get boring. When I decided to talk about this with Sasha, he was offended, closed himself off, and we didn’t talk for two weeks, although we didn’t have any parties during that time.

But he was drawn to his friends, and he began to go to parties without me, by that time I became pregnant and waited in the evenings and nights. Then Lenochka was born, and Sasha completely stopped wanting to go home. In addition, he left the institute, explaining that he needed to earn money for his family, and got a job at the housing office. And now I understand that this was the moment when both my husband and our family went downhill.

At first, Sasha made good money, and I already began to get used to the fact that he came home from work tired and didn’t feel like drinking. But even there he found suitable company and began to drink - at first a little, and then more and more.

When he got so drunk that he collapsed on the street and his documents and his last money were stolen, I began to insist that he “fix himself.” Sasha believed, and still believes, that he is not a drunkard or an alcoholic, that he can quit whenever he wants. My friends say, leave him, you’ll find someone else, but I still can’t do this, because I love him the way he used to be, and I hope that he will become that way.

How to cope with this scourge, what remedies will help rid my husband of alcohol? I tried a lot: I persuaded him, gave him ultimatums, and threw out the vodka when he started drinking at home - nothing helps. We have been married for four years now, and despite everything, I love my husband and want to help him cope with his, and our common, misfortune. Are there any folk remedies for drunkenness? Please tell me".

Olga Ivanova, Perm

In this book I have collected known to me folk recipes, advice, prayers, conspiracies, they will help you cope with the problem, return peace and happiness to your family, and the recommendations of a psychologist will provide invaluable assistance in preserving your own personality.

Chapter 1

Where does drunkenness begin?

What are the reasons?

The concepts of drunkenness and alcoholism are often equated. However, there is a huge distance between them. You can drink all your life, be a drunkard, and live to an old age (albeit marred by illness), or you can burn out from alcoholism in three years.

Drunkenness is not really and not so much a disease, but, according to many doctors, a psychological defect or an educational defect that originates in childhood. It happens that a person simply cannot imagine that there is any other way to relax, spend weekends and holidays without copious libations, that male valor is not measured in liters, etc.

In order for a drunkard to give up alcohol, it is necessary not so much medical treatment as emotional factor. For example, having fallen in love and wanting to win their chosen one, such people often stop drinking.

In the absence of negative events in life, such a person can long years Drink in moderation and only on holidays. Or by getting a job high paying job, Where prerequisite is the absence of bad habits, the drunkard himself, without any help, to the surprise of family and friends, refuses to drink.

Motivation, that is, desire, a friendly, supportive environment in the family, and the help of natural medicines work truly miracles - a person most often gives up alcohol consciously, voluntarily, restores health and begins to live a full life.

It is almost impossible to recover from alcoholism. The life of an alcoholic is completely subordinated to one desire and desire - to drink. The expression “the pipes are burning” very well reflects the very essence of the phenomenon. It's like a feeling of "burning from the inside" as if from hunger, a sucking sensation in the pit of the stomach, constant thirst(“If I don’t drink, I’ll die”). Strong cravings that arise from chemical imbalances in the human brain are almost impossible to resist.

Moreover, when diagnosed with alcoholism, treatment folk remedies It is possible to carry out treatment without the knowledge of the patient, which in turn is very convenient. Alcoholism is a disease that can and should be treated with herbs. Before examining home methods for treating alcoholism, you should first understand what is meant by treating alcohol addiction at home. Self-treatment of alcoholism is most often based on the use of herbal decoctions, fortified drinks, psychological work with the patient. Treatment of alcoholism with folk remedies can occur both with the consent of the patient himself and without his consent (without the knowledge of the patient). Treatment of alcoholism at home is possible, but often does not bring desired results, because it is difficult for the relatives of an alcoholic to control his compliance with the sobriety regime.

Is it possible to cure alcoholism at home? Every third person asks this question. Today the problem of alcoholism in our society is very acute. And people are increasingly asking the question: how to get rid of alcoholism at home using folk remedies?

Alcoholism is a type of substance abuse; this disease is characterized by addiction to alcohol, despite the negative consequences.

For alcoholism treatment in a hospital setting You need to take a referral to the regional drug treatment clinic. However, you need to understand one thing if your relative does not want to get rid of alcoholism, then most likely they won’t help him here. Before admitting him to the hospital, it is necessary to “prepare” him at home, i.e. have a conversation with everyone family members, show what his alcoholism leads to, show all the disadvantages of drinking alcohol, and show all the advantages of a sober life. The conversation must be held with all family members, even if it was not possible to convince him the first time, several more conversations must be held. But when does he even want to try? get rid of alcoholism, then it is already necessary to transfer it for alcoholism treatment professionals.

Now let's see what other methods of treating alcoholism are available.

  1. Coding according to the Dovzhenko method is a treatment of alcoholism by suggestion. The alcoholism treatment method It helps well those people who are highly suggestible and believe in this method. This method is harmless in the hands of a professional. However, there are people who claim that after such alcoholism treatment their loved one became nervous and irritable. Former alcoholic becomes nervous not because of coding, but because he was not ready to give up drinking alcohol and went on alcoholism treatment under someone’s pressure and psychologically I found myself unprepared to live sober.
  2. Medicinal treatments for alcoholism, such as Esperal and Torpedo. The essence of these alcoholism treatment methods boils down to the following: a substance is introduced into the human body that is incompatible with alcohol, and if a person violates a sober lifestyle, then he immediately becomes ill ( severe redness face, weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, feeling of lack of air, panic, fear, etc.). But it must be remembered that these drugs have serious contraindications. You only need to contact alcoholism treatment specialists.

It is necessary to convince a person that now not a drop of alcohol is allowed; he must understand that the “bridges back” have been burned. However, this method of treating alcoholism also has a drawback; the effect of the drugs does not last forever, so when the period of action of the drugs against alcoholism comes to an end, it is necessary to go through a sobriety school so that there is no breakdown. Relatives must choose between free treatment for alcoholism at a drug treatment clinic or treatment of alcoholism in paid clinics . You should not immediately dismiss free institutions, professionals also work here, much will depend on how your relationship with your doctor develops. There is also

medical psychologists , which will also help you in the treatment of alcoholism. Choosing paid services
If you are promised that your relative will learn to drink in moderation, then immediately turn around and leave, because... his alcoholism began precisely with moderate drinking. Is not it? After all, he didn’t immediately start drinking a bottle of vodka? In paid clinics they make money from alcoholics.

Now imagine, the long-awaited moment has come and your loved one has stopped drinking. And now it will depend only on you whether he will drink when the effect of the drug or suggestion ends. Now you too must give up alcohol even on holidays. You must understand well how your loved one feels when sitting in a noisy company where everyone is drinking. Now you too must live soberly with him!

Treatment of alcoholism with folk remedies

In any case, the initial actions in the treatment of alcoholism should be aimed at relieving withdrawal symptoms, in a state of which the patient will not be able to adequately perceive the words and actions of others or accept treatment. All his thoughts will be directed to the search for alcohol and the so-called hangover.

For this purpose, it is best to invite a narcologist to your home. The detoxification procedure does not require complex manipulations and can easily be carried out at the patient’s bedside, without visiting a hospital. Most often, an infusion (dropper) of blood replacement (reopolyglucin) and saline (NaCL 0.9%, acesol, disol) solutions mixed with vitamins is sufficient. These drugs help restore the necessary concentration of salts in a person’s blood, remove poisons formed during long-term alcohol consumption, and improve general state sick.

At alcoholism treatment at home has proven itself well - lemon juice. Lemon juice can cause aversion to alcohol even in hardened alcoholics.

The course of treatment for alcoholism using this home method is 18 days.. To do this, you need to give the juice of one lemon to drink on the 1st day, then add 1-2 lemons daily until 9 days, and after 9 days the lemons decrease by 1-2 per day, i.e. ending treating alcoholism with this home method , on the last day you must give 1 lemon. To consolidate the result, it is recommended to conduct a session of anti-alcohol suggestion. This one has Choosing home method has its own contraindications: lemon juice is a rather aggressive substance, so it should not be used by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer

stomach, etc.). This is a special herbal mixture. To prepare it, take 4 teaspoons of creeping thyme herb and one teaspoon each of wormwood herb and centaury herb. Grind everything thoroughly, take a tablespoon of this collection and pour a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours of infusion, strain the product. You need to take it 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. Well herbal treatment of alcoholism is 3 months. But after 1-2 weeks you will feel better.

Tinctures for aversion to vodka. You need to take the root of lovage (this herb is present in almost every garden, you can even take it from your neighbors who, for example, have a dacha), then chop it finely, put it in any jar, for example from mayonnaise, add a few bay leaves there and pour all this is vodka. The product is infused for about two weeks. Second recipe. Pumpkin seeds are taken and cleaned in the volume of one glass, all this is crushed, for example, in a blender or coffee grinder. The next step is to pour vodka over the prepared raw materials and leave for one week. All tinctures are given to the patient under the guise of vodka (in a vodka bottle), who must drink them in several doses. The effect of such tinctures is as follows: they cause a certain disgust in the patient. Bay leaves cause stomach upset. A pumpkin seeds cause vomiting and diarrhea

One of the methods of treating alcoholism at home using traditional medicine is the method of treatment with sour apples. Indeed, in some cases, sour apples can cure a patient from alcoholism. To do this, you need to eat 3 apples a day. But before eating them, you need to stick 6-7 nails into each apple and leave them for a day. The course of treatment continues for 6 weeks.

During a binge A decoction of curly sorrel roots helps a lot. To prepare this decoction, take one tablespoon of curly dock roots and place in a glass of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes in a sealed container. Without opening the lid, wait 3 hours - and the broth will be ready. You should take it one tablespoon 6 times a day.

« Rus' has joy to drink, it cannot exist without it" These were exactly the words that Prince Vladimir uttered when Islam was considered as the state religion of our country. More than a thousand years have passed since then, but things are still there. The problem of how to cure an alcoholic will exist as long as Russia itself.

What is the difference between an alcoholic and a drunkard?

Alcoholism is chronic illness, which is expressed depending on alcohol - both at the physiological and mental levels.

According to domestic researchers, this disease has following signs:

  1. Extensive libations of alcohol do not lead to its rejection by the body. There is practically no reaction in the form of vomiting;
  2. The patient is not able to determine how much he has already taken to the chest;
  3. Memory losses;
  4. Acute hangover;
  5. Periodic binges.

Drinking represents the first step towards alcoholism:

  • No one can live without alcohol major holiday. Taking harmful substances is seen as a tribute to tradition;
  • However everyday life passes without the embrace of the “green serpent”. A person is still able to say “no” to his base desires;
  • Absent on the second day after drinking withdrawal syndrome, and, accordingly, the desire to knock out a wedge with a wedge;
  • A drunkard does not need qualified medical care. He does not lose socialization and remains a member of society.

In medicine there is no definition of “drunkard” if a person abuses alcohol. This is an alcoholic.

Stages of the disease

Every lake sooner or later turns into a swamp, just like every drunkard sooner or later becomes an alcoholic.

In the process of degradation, a person goes through the following stages:

  1. An all-consuming desire to touch the bottle. If it cannot be satisfied, then the first impulse subsides. If access to alcohol is not limited, then the volume of its consumption becomes threatening. After drinking, there is no remorse of conscience - but, on the contrary, a desire to repeat everything again;
  2. The body stops resisting large doses ethanol Toxic attachment sets in physical level. Alcohol is consumed for several days and even weeks in a row (the so-called “binge”). An attempt to abruptly break the vicious circle is accompanied by serious health consequences;
  3. To achieve a state of intoxication it is enough only small dose, since the liver begins to process the poison poorly. In addition to physical affection, mental affection is added. Memory impairment occurs. It is almost impossible to stop binge drinking without medical intervention.

How to live with an alcoholic?

Live in the same family as someone suffering from of this disease extremely difficult. Decreasing social adaptation. The risk of beatings increases sharply. In addition, in 50% of cases, spouses adopt bad habit each other. Thus, an entire cell of society will be destroyed.

If there is no desire to divorce for some reason, then you need to adhere to the basic rules of peaceful coexistence:

  1. Do not give in to primitive emotional impulses. Swearing and shouting will not have any effect on a drunk; on the contrary, they can greatly embitter a person who cannot control himself;
  2. All attempts to change the behavior of a lost soul must be pushed through very gently and diplomatically. You need to understand that without steps towards them, they are all doomed to failure;
  3. Start with yourself. There is some probability that, having seen his prettier wife, even a lost drunkard will want to change himself;
  4. The main thing is not to babysit an adult and aggressive individual as if you were a child. He has long passed 18 years of age, and he must be responsible for his actions;
  5. The last option: set the condition: “me or the bottle.” It can be effective if the husband really loves his wife.

Where to start healing?

It is difficult to imagine a patient with tuberculosis who would resist medical care with all his might. But the embrace of the green serpent is often so irresistibly sweet that the unfortunate ones do not even have the desire to escape from them.

Caring family members can show all possible participation and help the patient break the vicious circle:

  • It is necessary to convince the person of the harmfulness of the habit. A clear illustration can be examples of broken families of friends, the consequences of a nightly riot, etc. If you can cause at least slight pricks of conscience, you are on the right path;
  • The next logical step is to go to a qualified specialist (narcologist or psychotherapist);
  • Don't go along with it advertising campaigns, promising quick relief from addiction thanks to miracle drugs. Only a medical professional has the right to prescribe them;
  • You also cannot rely only on the opinions of acquaintances, relatives, friends and other self-proclaimed experts in the field of drug addiction. Unskilled intervention can lead to to exactly the opposite consequences.

How to cure an alcoholic without his desire?

The legendary Soviet medical institutions (medical and preventive institutions) are a thing of the past, but the dream of reviving them warms the hearts of millions of people. Alcoholic parasites, funny only in Gaidai’s films, today fill the streets and seriously interfere with the lives of both household members and complete strangers.

Therefore, there is a natural desire to cure addiction even in the absence of a counter impulse. It will be difficult to do this, but Maybe.

There are a number of medications available for this purpose:

  • « Teturam" Designed to create a false feeling of aversion to alcohol. With a long course of use, even an “experienced” drinker will be disgusted by the very smell of alcohol;
  • « Proprothene 100" Reduces the strength of dependence on a toxic substance. Metabolism is normalized and hangover symptoms are eliminated. However, it should be abandoned if diabetes mellitus, as well as diseases of the excretory system;
  • « Metadoxyl" Helps avoid breakdowns in case of long-term abstinence. A number of substances included in the drug can provoke an allergic reaction.

All these drugs can be added to the patient’s food without his knowledge. However, it is recommended to notify your doctor in advance about possible contraindications.

Coding: what is it?

One of the most common practices to combat addiction is the so-called coding. Its main goal is to instill in the patient fear of drinking alcohol.

There are the following types of techniques:

  • Hypnotic effect. Experienced psychologists influence a person’s consciousness in such a way that the very sight of a bottle will cause negative emotions;
  • Administration of drugs. The most common of them is “Torpedo”. When ethanol gets into the blood, a violent reaction develops, as a result of which the person who breaks abstinence will need to health care. The action of Esperal is similar;
  • Combined psychological and pharmacological method.

Previously, a narcologist conducts a consultation to establish the causes of addiction (the possibility of hereditary predisposition). Before starting the coding procedure, a period of abstinence is required (about 10-14 days).

Vodka... A universal domestic antidepressant. It is to her that Russian people rush to escape troubles in the family and at work. But while bestowing the joy of relief for a brief moment, it deprives the unfortunate person of health and pushes people and family away from it. There are many ways to cure an alcoholic, but all of them are useless without the main thing - volitional effort of the patient. Which may not even realize itself as such.

Video about the consequences of alcoholism and its treatment

In this video, narcologist Ilya Bogdanov will tell you why an alcoholic cannot stop and stop abusing alcohol, and how to rid him of this disease: