What hormones are there in the female body? Dependence of physical and mental health on hormones

Mood, the birth of a child, knowledge of the surrounding world, muscle function, resistance to stress, etc., that is, almost all life processes are the influence of hormones on a woman’s body in a normal state without pathologies. Certain glands are responsible for their production, and there are certain differences between female and male body.

Regardless of gender, hormones determine the proper functioning of the human body. At the same time, there are specific female () and male () hormones that must be in a balance determined by nature.

Problems begin if a woman experiences increased testosterone production after stress, disruptions in the metabolic process, or as a result of obesity. In such a situation, the following pathological changes may be observed:

  • due to malfunction sebaceous glands the skin suffers with the appearance of inflammation, pimples, blackheads;
  • because of increased activity a disorder of the nervous system occurs in the brain, fraught with the appearance of depression;
  • because it arises hormonal disbalance, then hair begins to grow male type, sweating increases.

In a man’s body, with a harmonious balance, female hormones affect many processes:

  • formation of muscle mass;
  • activity of the nervous system;
  • sperm movement;
  • bone mass formation;
  • regulation of cholesterol levels.

If an excess of estrogen is diagnosed, then prostate disease, diabetes mellitus, and blockage of blood vessels may develop. Appears excess weight, muscles become flabby, libido decreases.

Action of different hormones

The effect of hormones on the human body depends on their types.

Somatotropic hormone

It is produced by the pituitary gland and is responsible for growth processes. Manufactured drugs containing recombinant somatropin - a substance identical natural analogue, is prescribed to children diagnosed with growth retardation. In adults, growth hormone helps strengthen bones, build muscle mass, reduce body fat.

If the recommended dosage regimen is violated, hypoglycemia and compression-ischemic neuralgia may develop. Blood pressure may also rise and the functioning of the thyroid gland may be disrupted. You cannot use somatotropic, like other hormones, if you have malignant neoplasms, dangerous condition after heavy operations, allergic reaction, acute respiratory failure.

Gonadotropic hormones

Gonadotropic hormones and their regulating function in sperm formation are important for men's health. They are produced by the anterior lobe, and in women the placenta is also involved in this process. Gonadotropic hormones are required for normal puberty. Drugs containing these hormones are often prescribed for male infertility. They are in demand among athletes, as they increase endurance and provide muscle growth. Negative side effects include headache, dullness of attention, severe puffiness and swelling appear.

Considering the effect on the body, it is necessary to note the dependence of its concentration on environmental conditions. Stress and nervous tension can greatly increase its level. In the body, adrenocorticotropic hormone is involved in the breakdown of fat and the development of muscle tissue. Drugs containing this hormone are prescribed for severe fatigue and are included in the therapeutic complex for many diseases.

Side effects include increased heart rate, swelling, hypertension, impaired menstrual cycle. Cannot be used for atherosclerosis, heart failure, diabetes, ulcers.

Produced by the pituitary gland.


By stimulating the synthesis of thyroid hormones, thyrotropin increases the rate of absorption of iodine necessary for the body by gland cells. If the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone decreases, the female reproductive system suffers. Its purpose is also to stimulate the formation of triiodothyronine and thyroxine - thyroid hormones.

This hormone helps improve heart function, accelerate protein metabolism, activates metabolism, reduces cholesterol levels, and normalizes metabolism. Taking triiodothyronine drugs is prohibited in the presence of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, or adrenal insufficiency. Among side effects diarrhea, irritability, vomiting, and fever are noted.


Considering the effect of thyroxine hormones, it is noted that it affects the entire body, controlling its growth and proper development. It also activates metabolic processes, affects metabolic processes, increases protein synthesis, and enhances oxidative processes in cells. When appointed, the goal is to compensate for the deficit. Contraindications are similar to triiodothyronine.


This hormone is produced in the pituitary gland. It regulates sexual processes, promoting the formation of secondary characteristics, strengthens the immune system, stimulates the balance of substances, and affects weight gain. Also stimulates milk secretion.

Luteinizing hormone

Considering its effect on certain processes, it can be noted that it is responsible for stimulating the synthesis of estrogen and testosterone, ensuring the functioning of the reproductive system.


Produced by the hypothalamus, which is a protein in nature, it is then sent to the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Its task is to stimulate uterine contractions that occur in the last months of pregnancy and during childbirth. Not prescribed for severe renal disorders, transverse position of the child, high blood pressure, the presence of cardiac pathologies.

The antidiuretic hormone vasopressin is produced by the hypothalamus. It increases the reabsorption (reabsorption) of fluid by the kidneys, which helps to increase the concentration of urine, leading to a decrease in its volume. Synthesized vasopressin is prescribed if intestinal diverticulosis is diagnosed, as well as if it is necessary to stop bleeding. Contraindications for use are violations coronary circulation, ischemia, peripheral vascular diseases. Among the noted allergic rashes, headaches, nausea.


Analyzing how it affects a person, it should be noted that it is produced by the pancreas. Its effect is due to the presence of a connection with liver receptors. Thanks to glucagon, the body maintains stable glucose levels, breaks down fats, and increases insulin secretion. Prescribed for patients with diabetes mellitus and psychiatric pathologies. Contraindications include adrenal insufficiency, chronic hypoglycemia - a decrease in sugar levels below normal. From side effects Possible vomiting and allergies.


Produced by the pancreas. Its dominant effect is associated with a decrease in blood glucose concentration. For this reason, the greatest intensity of production of this hormone occurs during food intake. Need constant people with diabetes. This hormone is used by weightlifters because it is a strong anabolic. It is necessary to take into account how hormones affect the body, since one of the side effects is a sharp decrease in sugar, leading to a state of hypoglycemia with dizziness, rapid heartbeat, delirium, and blurred vision. To neutralize these manifestations, you need to drink a sugar-containing drink.

Thyrocalcitonin is another hormone generated thyroid gland, which determines the preservation of bone strength. It participates in the regulation of calcium metabolism, inhibiting the release of calcium ions from bone tissue, which helps strengthen them. It also blocks the work of osteoclasts, which have a destructive effect on bone tissue, and promotes the activation of the mechanism of action of osteoblasts, which are involved in its formation.

Parathyroid hormone

Considering the hormones that affect calcium metabolism and their effect on the body, it should be noted that the most powerful of them is generated by the parathyroid glands. IN different situations This hormone can both strengthen and destroy the bones.


The “stress hormone” produced by the adrenal glands - its main role function is to promote the release of insulin and the preservation of stable condition amount of glucose. At the same time, it is one of the pathogenic hormones, due to which, when the body reacts unfavorably to stress, sugar levels rise and blood pressure increases significantly, which leads to serious illnesses. Therefore, it is important to determine the content and level of cortisol, taking measures to normalize it.

Thymosin is produced, which has relevant role in carbohydrate metabolism, the thymus gland, also called the thymus. Thymosin is also involved in calcium metabolism, which is important for the development of a strong skeleton, while simultaneously enhancing the generation of calcium by the pituitary gland. gonadotropic hormones. Up to about 15 years of age, thymosin helps strengthen the immune system.

Hormone courses and consequences

In therapeutic practice, they are called upon to replenish the resulting various reasons deficiency of a certain group of hormones.

The duration of the course depends on the specifics pathological changes, individual characteristics and is prescribed after a detailed study only by a doctor. Particularly susceptible to similar treatment children.

The result of properly administered hormonal therapy is the restoration of normal functioning. endocrine system. In each case, a certain effect is achieved, which is positive if it is taken into account that if taken incorrectly, hormones can cause harmful side effects.

Each drug has a specific list negative consequences, but the common thing is that over time, the body’s immunity to previously used medications develops, which leads to the constant use of hormones. Insomnia, ulcers, and muscle atrophy may occur.


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Hormones - it's biological active substances produced by glands internal secretion, as well as some organs of the exocrine system. Their level has strong influence on the functioning of the human body, because they are involved in many vital important processes flowing inside us. The activities of the hormonal and nervous systems are inextricably linked. By their chemical nature, hormones are proteins, steroids, amino acid derivatives, and peptides.

Hormonal background - a set of hormones in the human body, the ratio and quantity of which changes under the influence of internal and external environment. Internal environmental factors include age, emotions, diseases, developmental abnormalities, etc. External influence are influenced by climatic conditions, ecology, radiation, etc.

It is generally accepted that a person’s hormonal levels change at the ages of 25 and 45 years. The explanation for this is simple - age-related changes in the body. And since everyone wants to be healthy, we must constantly monitor the level of hormones, organize our nutrition correctly - in such a way that everyone necessary vitamins and microelements entered the body in the required quantities and on time. And, in addition, regularly consult a doctor.

However, our endocrine system is vast, and therefore its different organs are often examined by different specialists. It turns out that doctors are simply trying to “tear our body into pieces.” But everyone knows: what suits one organ can have a detrimental effect on another (as they say, “We treat one thing, cripple another”). And therefore, I would really like that in the future doctors would be able to find an alternative to this approach, to find a way to holistically consider such a serious and important problem as hormonal levels and its changes throughout life.

Probably many of you have noticed that in different times We feel differently every year. This is a consequence of changes in hormonal levels. For example, with the onset of winter, many processes in the human body slow down (it seems that some organs seem to go into hibernation!).

With the onset of spring, the body begins to “gain momentum”, its activity increases, and much more energy is required. It is this time that is marked by a hormonal explosion, which is accompanied by increased sensitivity of pain receptors.

The lifestyle and stress on the body may remain the same, but a person feels differently, because here main role play the biological laws by which our body lives. It is at this time that vitamin deficiency begins to appear.

As a rule, changes in hormonal levels affect both men and women. The latter, by the way, even more so.

It is known that couples who want to have offspring first need to put the hormone levels in their bodies in order. Firstly, a woman will experience fewer difficulties during pregnancy; and secondly, the likelihood of a healthy baby being born increases (about the relationship between the expectant mother and child on hormonal level you will find out below).

Another thing we can say about the female hormonal background is that it is not constant. Every month a different amount of hormones is produced - there is no specific norm, because our internal organs not automatic machines.

An increase in hormonal levels occurs during pregnancy: the largest amount of hormones is produced in the first trimester, the next two are not marked by violent surges, but in the period from the fourth to the ninth months of pregnancy, the expectant mother’s body gradually begins to get used to the level produced in the first weeks after conception.

There are many glands that produce hormones in our body, but the thyroid gland and pituitary gland can rightfully be called one of the main ones. Hormones, as a rule, have high biological activity and are directly associated with proteins. They are formed in the body in small quantities - the count goes to tenths of a gram (they are measured in micrograms), they affect the body through the blood, i.e. humorally. Their action depends on many conditions - timely entry into the body of all essential vitamins; the required concentration of potassium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, etc. ions. Therefore, such important role nutrition plays a role (for example, some amino acids are not synthesized by our body, but their presence in the foods we eat can compensate for the deficiency).

The endocrine system of our body consists of eight parts: the thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands and reproductive organs (gonads), pituitary gland, thymus gland and pineal gland.

All of them perform endocrine functions. Their activities, directly dependent on each other, ensure the normal functioning of the body. Each part has its own specific function. The pituitary gland is responsible for the production of hormones that regulate the activity of the remaining endocrine glands.

Thyroid hormones regulate the processes of growth, development and metabolism in the body's cells. The parathyroid gland regulates calcium metabolism in the body. The adrenal glands are divided into two sections, each of which produces certain hormones that affect various processes: the adrenal cortex produces sex hormones, as well as hormones that regulate protein, fat, mineral and carbohydrate metabolism; in the medulla - adrenaline and norepinephrine, which are responsible for the normal functioning of the heart, blood glucose levels, body temperature and pressure.

Pancreatic hormones affect the metabolism of carbohydrates and other substances in the body. The gonads provide the formation of germ cells and the development of secondary sexual characteristics. The pineal gland (pineal gland) regulates rhythmic or cyclic processes. Finally, the thymus gland produces hormones that ensure the proliferation of immune system cells. Now we can tell you more about each gland

The pituitary gland is considered the “eldest” gland in our body. It is located at the base of the brain. The pituitary gland consists of three parts, each of which produces its own hormones. Hormones of the anterior lobe are divided into two groups: tropic and prolactin. Prolactin is responsible for the growth of mammary glands. Tropic hormones are similar to tissues and organs.

In turn, tropic hormones come in several types. Somatotropin, for example, is responsible for the formation of protein in the body, thereby increasing body weight and influencing the growth and development of cartilage and bone tissue. If it is not enough, then the person suffers from sexual insufficiency, and in boys the deviation occurs twice as often as in girls. Also, with its deficiency, dwarfism is observed. Under the influence of gonadotropic hormones, the human body produces sex cells: in men - androgens, in women - estrogen, which stimulates the production of male hormones. Thyroid-stimulating hormones are the thyroid gland's own hormones; their deficiency leads to its atrophy.

Adrenocorticotropic hormones (ACTH) are hormones that influence the activity of the adrenal cortex; This hormone is characterized by daily fluctuations: in the morning it is produced less than in the evening. The intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland produces one type of hormone - melanotropin (the hormone responsible for pigmentation). The posterior lobe produces oxytocin ( interesting feature which is that if a man’s maintenance exceeds the norm, then he chooses one girlfriend for life. Consequently, if there is little oxytocin, then companions change very often. In women, this hormone affects the muscles of the uterus and the secretion of milk by the mammary gland) and antidiuretin (a hormone responsible for the secretion of urine, constriction of blood vessels; its second name is vasopressin). It is worth dwelling on the last hormone in more detail: with its deficiency, it develops diabetes insipidus, accompanied intense thirst and the release of large amounts of urine (4 liters per day or more).

Hormonal balance is one of the determining factors of human health. Even with a slight deficiency of one hormone, many problems arise, since the action of each of them is closely related to the others. Hormonal disorders are considered one of the most difficult groups of diseases, since most of them are difficult to diagnose and treat.

What are hormones?

These are highly active biologically active substances that are secreted by cells endocrine glands into blood and other biological fluids. These chemical compounds capable of controlling all types of metabolism by influencing special target cells.

What are the different hormones?

In the human body there are about hundreds of different hormones that perform the function humoral regulation organs and systems. Depending on the approach, the following classifications of hormones are distinguished:

From point of view chemical structure There are 4 groups of hormones:

  1. Steroids: cortisol, DHEA-S, aldosterone, androstenedione, testosterone, estradiol, estrone, progesterone.
  2. Amino acid derivatives: adrenaline, norepinephrine, thyroxine.
  3. Protein-peptide compounds: somatotropin, glucagon, insulin, leptin, corticotropin.

Hormones are also classified according to the place of their synthesis:

  • pituitary hormones;
  • hypothalamic hormones;
  • thyroid hormones;
  • parathyroid hormones;
  • pancreatic hormones;
  • adrenal hormones;
  • ovarian hormones;
  • testicular hormones;
  • placental hormones, etc.

Classification by function:

  • effectors;
  • paths;
  • releasing hormones.

What is the function of hormones?

The main function of hormones and hormone-like substances is the regulation metabolic processes in organism. The effect of the hormone depends on its type. The functions of hormones can be considered in more detail in the table:

Place of synthesis

Adrenaline (epinephrine)


Adrenal medulla

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (corticotropin)

Stimulator of steroid hormone production

Anterior pituitary gland


Regulation water-salt metabolism

Adrenal cortex




Precursor to testosterone and estrogens

Testicles and ovaries

Increases pepsin secretion

Dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA

Precursor to male and female sex hormones

Adrenal cortex

Plasma glucose regulator



Thyroid gland


Stress hormone

Adrenal cortex

Luteinizing hormone

Stimulator of estrogen production, regulator of progesterone production in the corpus luteum, increases plasma testosterone levels in men

Anterior pituitary gland


Regulation of sleep, biorhythms

Norepinephrine (norepinephrine)

Reactions associated with aggression, neurotransmitter

Adrenal medulla

Parathyroid hormone

Increases calcium levels in blood plasma

Parathyroid glands


Lactation stimulator

Anterior pituitary gland


A growth hormone

Anterior pituitary gland


Stimulates muscle growth, fat burning, maintains bone density, male sex hormone

Testicles, ovaries, adrenal glands

Thyroid-stimulating hormone

Stimulator of thyroid hormone synthesis


Metabolism activator



Metabolism activator


Follicle stimulating hormone

Stimulator of follicle growth and maturation

Anterior pituitary gland

Human human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG)

Maintaining pregnancy


Formation of sexual characteristics, regulation reproductive function, female sex hormone

Ovaries and testes, adrenal glands


Helps maintain corpus luteum function

corpus luteum of the ovary, adrenal glands, and placenta



Transport, maintaining oncotic pressure of fetal blood

Yolk sac, fetal liver

Constricts blood vessels, stimulates the production of aldosterone

Amino acid residue of proinsulin



Regulation of behavioral and emotional reactions, memory, sleep

Enterochromaffin cells

How do hormones affect the health of women and men?

Throughout life, the body produces hormones, and their quantity directly affects a person’s health. regulate:

  • height, weight and muscle mass of a person;
  • emotional status;
  • cell growth and renewal;
  • immune status;
  • metabolism;
  • puberty;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • sexual desire;
  • age-related changes;
  • reactions to stress.

Hormone production in women is more labile than in men and can change under the influence of various external and internal factors.

How to find out the level of hubbub?

Hormone levels can be determined using a special blood test for hormone levels. The test can be done in specialized medical laboratories. Mobilemed laboratories offer more than 50 types of studies of the endocrine function of the body.

MobileMed prices


Cost, rubles

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

Free triiodothyronine (free T3)

Free thyroxine (free T4)

Total testosterone

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)


Total beta hCG

Parathyroid hormone (PTH)

Blood catecholamines

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

Somatotropic hormone(STG)



Who needs to get tested?

Hormone level tests are prescribed in cases where there are suspicions of endocrine diseases and as screening tests during pregnancy. Hormone testing should be done for conditions such as:

  • pregnancy;
  • infertility;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • disruption of metabolic processes;
  • depression;
  • mood lability;
  • memory impairment;
  • stretch marks on the skin;
  • skin problems, acne;
  • excess hair growth among women;
  • sudden weight gain or loss;
  • gigantism;
  • nanism;
  • acromegaly;
  • increased and decreased appetite.

Interpretation of results

The level of hubbub depends on the gender and age of the patient. In addition, the indicator in women is affected by different physiological processes such as pregnancy, lactation, menstruation and menopause. Only a doctor can competently interpret tests taking into account all external and internal factors.

Human hormones determine the functioning of the entire body. Our appearance and overall health depend on them. Every girl wants to be ideal for herself and her loved one. To have clean and soft skin, silky hair, soft voice. Everyone wants to be sexy, in a good mood, full of strength and energy.

Do you know what hormones exist and what they are responsible for?

Each hormone plays its role and today we will not look at all hormones, but the main ones that everyone should know.

Insulin - the hormone of sweet life

This is a hormone secreted by the pancreas that regulates carbohydrate metabolism in the body. It is responsible for blood sugar levels; its main task is to prevent sugar from being in excess. Insulin inhibits the formation of new glucose molecules in the liver. It stores fat, protein and glucose in the form of glycogen, and it also inhibits their metabolism.

Insulin is an indispensable assistant for muscle protein synthesis. Its production occurs continuously, but the intensity is constantly changing. Increased blood sugar stimulates the production of this hormone. Insulin works like a “door key”, pushing glucose into the cell. U healthy person there are no problems with excess sugar in the blood; usually its level does not rise above 1-2 mmol/l after eating.

A persistent lack of insulin leads to diabetes mellitus(chronically increased sugar levels in the body). If there is a deficiency of this hormone, sugar cannot enter the cells and accumulates in the blood vessels. The cells begin to experience sugar starvation. This has an impact serious problems with health.

If the doctor finds low insulin, he will immediately diagnose type 1 diabetes. Such people will have to monitor their blood sugar levels throughout their lives and regularly take insulin injections.

But when there is enough insulin in the blood, but it does not cope with its task due to any disorders in the body, this is already diagnosed as type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms of low insulin:

  • Frequent urination. The body wants to remove excess sugar through the kidneys.
  • Naturally, the need for fluid increases and a person constantly wants to drink.

Causes of Low Insulin Levelscan be very different. To know for sure, you need to see a doctor.

  • One of the first reasons is constant overeating. Unhealthy high-calorie foods raise your blood levels dramatically. Metabolism is disrupted.
  • Chronic diseases can interfere with the functioning of the pancreas and the production of insulin.
  • Also, insulin levels depend on the state of the nervous system. “Calm, just calm.”
  • Overload or, quite the opposite, complete lack of activity also affects insulin production.

You ask, what should you do to avoid this?!

To normalize hormones, you need proper nutrition, eating 5-6 times a day and small physical exercise- this is the way to healthy body with normal levels of insulin in the blood!

The following hormones that we will consider affect female beauty.

Testosterone– hormone of sexuality and strength

Why do women need testosterone?

  • It increases sexual power.
  • The ratio of muscle mass to fat also depends on testosterone.
  • Bone growth and muscle building are impossible without it.
  • Impossible without testosterone biochemical processes which are responsible for burning fat.
  • Responsible for the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • The formation and development of female genital organs is impossible without it.
  • To some extent, it affects the body as an antidepressant.

Testosterone in the female body is 25 times less than in men. And if there is less or more of it than the female body needs, questions begin.

Excess testosterone in the female body:

The most important problem is that normal operation is disrupted female cycle. Negatively affects ovulation. Testosterone prevents the egg from maturing. From an aesthetic point of view - increased hair growth in undesirable places. The appearance of mustaches, for example, brings discomfort to a girl. Do you agree? But on the contrary, the hair on the head begins to fall out. Blackheads and pimples (acne) appear.

A woman’s figure is smooth and very beautiful, but an excess of this hormone can make her “manly” ( wide waist, For example).

There are several main reasons for excess testosterone:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • disorders of the adrenal glands or pituitary gland function;
  • taking steroids or birth control pills can affect hormonal imbalance;
  • and the most common problem- this is improper nutrition.

If you feel a disturbance in the functioning of your body, you should definitely consult a doctor. Pass necessary tests and if necessary, the doctor will select a course of treatment.

Also, if you do not have any health problems, for normal testosterone levels it is enough to eat right.

Estrogen - the hormone of female beauty

Estrogen is produced in the ovaries at the onset of puberty.

  • Its level determines whether a girl can get pregnant and carry a child.
  • Affects clean skin, healthy hair, and body shape.
  • Sexual desire depends on the level of this hormone.
  • Affects the regularity of the menstrual cycle.
  • The birth process is started by estrogen.
  • Responsible for the onset of menopause.

Lack of the hormone can lead to serious consequences.

Symptoms of estrogen deficiency:

  • weight gain (even if you eat very little);
  • hot flashes and sweating;
  • headache developing into chronic;
  • increased blood pressure, increased heart rate;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased libido (impaired lubrication, which leads to vaginal dryness)
  • thinning of the vaginal walls;
  • Skin elasticity is lost and wrinkles appear.

To avoid these symptoms, you need to know the causes of estrogen deficiency. One reason may be an infection of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for producing hormones. Also, during menopause, estrogen decreases. Lifestyle also affects hormonal health women. From poor nutrition With big amount improper fats, the proper functioning of the ovaries is disrupted. Excessive exercise is a deficiency of estrogen. Since estrogen is responsible for the figure, it fights the growth of muscles so that the female figure remains as smooth.

How to raise estrogen?

First you need to give your body a rest. This is something you can start doing right now. After all, rest is so necessary to restore strength. Lack of sleep also affects estrogen production. It's important to have correct mode. Proper nutrition is also necessary (you need to increase the amount of foods with phytoestrogens). Foods rich in phytoestrogen: beans of all kinds, vegetables and fruits, meat also contains them, but not so much.

An active sex life also leads to hormonal balance back to normal. But to have an effect, it is important to have an orgasm. Let your man make you feel like a queen.

Saturation hormone Leptin and hunger hormone Ghrelin

Satiety hormone.

Leptin plays a significant role in the body. It regulates hunger and energy metabolism. It is synthesized in adipose tissue and sends signals to the brain how much fat reserves are in the body. An imbalance of this hormone leads to obesity. The brain does not see fat reserves in the body and begins to store even more, which causes an insurmountable hunger. This vicious circle— the more fat in the body, the more you want to eat. As a result, obesity and diabetes are guaranteed.

Leptin is scary when dieting!Not only does it cause a “ravenous” appetite, but the body also goes into energy conservation mode. It slows down your metabolism as much as possible, causing you to feel weak and constantly want to sleep. Metabolism is disrupted. Conclusion - diets, in any form, are harmful to the body! Proper nutrition with a slight calorie deficit is a salvation in such a situation.

Did you know that leptin levels in women are 2-3 times higher than in men? This makes it much harder for women to lose weight. This may also explain this concept: women are well suited to losing weight through exercise, while men may benefit from restricting their diet. Although usually the opposite happens - women sit at home on a diet (which is obviously a bad option), and men go to the gym.

How to return leptin to normal?

It's simple, you need to give up as much as possible fast carbohydrates, but without a calorie deficit. In other words, you need to eat more, but the right food, replacing sweets, flour, fatty and fried foods. Have a daily routine, get enough sleep and exercise.

Leptin and ghrelin are closely related to each other.

Leptingives signals to the brain that the body is full, and ghrelin on the contrary, it signals that it’s time to eat. If there is any disturbance in order, these hormones lose their balance. At the same time, the hormonal background turns into chaos. When the stomach is empty, ghrelin is produced (signals hunger), and after eating, leptin is produced (signifies that the body is full).

For example, when a person exhausts himself with diets, the level of ghrelin skyrockets, and leptin is very low. But when the diet period ends or when breakdowns occur (even for a day or two), the amount of hormones does not change, but is produced in the same mode. In this way, the body protects itself from stress and hunger, which may occur again. In such cases: first, the body quickly stores fat for itself (then the picture will look like this: you’ve lost - 2 kg, but gained +3), second, the metabolism is disrupted (with the next diet, the weight simply stays the same, or goes away very slowly ).

What affects the production of ghrelin?

  • Dream. Getting enough sleep is very important for normal operation the entire body, including the hormonal system.
  • Stress. Avoid stressful situations and don’t worry in vain, because this is directly related to the production of ghrelin. This explains the desire to constantly eat something when a person is nervous (especially for girls).
  • Sport. Physical activity is one of the factors for normal ghrelin production. Jogging or visiting the pool will help you take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle and relieve stress.
  • Hunger. No matter how strange it may sound, you should be constantly full. Don't starve yourself, it leads to hormone imbalance. Eat proper food, because there are many advantages to proper nutrition, but no disadvantages at all!

Sleep is as important for the body as air, water and food. Do you know anything about the sleep hormone?

Melatonin - the hormone of youth and sleep

It is a hormone produced by the pineal gland (the pineal gland located in the brain). Melatonin is involved in the synchronization of biorhythms (which is why it is called the “sleep hormone”), and also has a complex effect on the body’s hormonal and immune systems.

This hormone is synthesized at night. Its synthesis is affected by lighting during sleep (the more light, the less hormone).

Alcohol, nicotine, working in the dark, and caffeine have a bad effect.

In addition to its function of regulating sleep, melatonin plays an important role in regulating the production of reproductive hormones. It affects the frequency and duration of menstrual cycles and determines the time of cessation of menstruation - the onset of menopause. In addition, according to numerous studies, low melatonin levels are positively correlated with the risk of breast cancer.

Melatonin helps prevent and treat cardiovascular disease and maintain heart health. It has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, which has beneficial influence on the heart. It also helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure, which are key risk factors for heart and vascular diseases.

Melatonin is also effective means in the treatment of developmental disorders in children such as autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

How to normalize melatonin levels?

  • Try to go to bed before 10 pm. Statistics show that in people who work night shifts, due to impaired melatonin production, the risk of developing hypertension almost doubles.
  • Eat a balanced diet. Lean on complex carbohydrates. They promote the production of melatonin.

Foods rich in melatonin should definitely be in your diet, these are: poultry, fish fillet, oats, barley, corn, rice, vegetables and fruits.

Norepinephrine - the hormone of rage and courage

Norepinephrine is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands under stress. Norepinephrine gives us a feeling of confidence and courage. Gives us the opportunity to make decisions quickly. When noradoanil enters the bloodstream, a reaction associated with aggression occurs. At the same time, there is a sharp surge of strength. An increase in the production of norepinephrine occurs under stress, in case of bleeding. The hormone is a vasoconstrictor, due to which the speed and volume of blood flow is regulated. The action of the hormones norepinephrine and adrenaline causes tremors. This is why hands shake under stress.But here it is important to distinguish between these two hormones. To make it clear, I will give an example.

Norepinephrine under natural conditions it is produced during extreme sports, public speaking, and watching horror films.Adrenalin It is also produced when there is fear and a threat to life.If a person who is afraid of heights climbs onto a roof and looks down, norepinephrine will be released. And if a person is taken to the roof against his will, then there will be a sharp surge of adrenaline.

What is norepinephrine responsible for?

The importance of norepinephrine should not be underestimated. Not only are we defenseless under stress without it (to be predators, not victims), but also in Everyday life we need it. Norepinephrine is responsible for a positive perception of reality and good mood, for the vigor and strength to get out of bed every morning. A person with a deficiency of this hormone is likely to be depressed and even depressed. In such cases, you need to add foods rich in amino acids, phenylanine and tyrosine to your diet (cheese and cottage cheese, fish and other seafood, peas, beans, beans, chicken eggs, bananas, chocolate products, chicken). It is also natural that relaxation and rest from the daily routine, which lowers norepinephrine to a critical level, will help well. low level. It is important to sometimes feel like a “predator” who controls his life in order to conquer this world.

And we must not forget that the production of natural hormones is increased by rest and sleep. A well-slept person produces good hormones. Only if rest and adding the right foods to the menu do not give results, you should go to the doctor, check the level of norepinephrine and get prescriptions for drug treatment. Knowing what norepinephrine is and what effect it has, you can help yourself overcome difficult moments in life.

Thyroxine - the hormone of figure, intelligence and beauty

Thyroxine is a thyroid hormone that affects all vital processes of the body. Growth and development, metabolism are impossible without this hormone. Thyroxine affects literally everything: arterial pressure, heart rate, mobility and a person’s energy, metabolic processes in the body, even the speed of thinking. At normal level a person will not gain this hormone overweight, if there are no other health problems.

Lack of thyroxine will immediately start a chain of health problems. Most often, this deficiency occurs over time in women. But this can be corrected by taking drugs that replace the hormone. This includes prescribing medications with a high iodine content. But this in no way means that you need to take iodine without a prescription. This may lead to the fact that when contacting a specialist, he will not notice the danger, due to normal content Yoda.

Therefore, to increase the content of this hormone in the body, it is necessary to consume iodine-containing products, the main of which are:seaweed, fish, milk, eggs, mineral water.
In addition, it is recommended to include in the diet fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and lemons. These products accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body that interfere with the normal synthesis of all thyroid hormones.

It is important to know that excess is no less dangerous. Due to an excess of this hormone, weight begins to decrease to a critical point; such people resemble teenagers. They are plagued by sweating and nervousness. The body is depleted, because due to the rapid metabolism, the necessary vitamins and microelements do not have time to be absorbed.

It's better not to joke with this hormone. And self-medication is unacceptable. After all, you can do yourself more harm than good.

Oxytocin - the caring hormone

Oxytocin is a hormone that is produced in the hypothalamus, and then accumulates in the pituitary gland and is released into the blood. Oxytocin stimulates the uterus to contract during childbirth and also affects lactation. Firstly, it slightly increases the secretion of prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production. Secondly, it helps to reduce the cells surrounding the alveoli of the mammary gland, in which milk is produced. Oxytocin is responsible for the formation of mother-baby attachment. In other words, oxytocin is one of the hormones thanks to which a woman can forget the hellish pain during childbirth for the sake of loving her child.

The concentration of oxytocin does not change during the menstrual cycle and throughout pregnancy. Only getting closer labor activity this hormone increases sharply. Moreover, at night the level of the hormone is higher than during the day. This is why labor most often begins at night.

What about everyday life? The hormone oxytocin ensures the formation of tender and caring relationships, as well as attachments between partners, parents and children, and friends at the physiological level.

How does oxytocin affect men?

There is a difference in the stress tolerance of men and women. If in women the barrier against stress is oxytocin, then in men it is testosterone. The opposite sex also has these hormones, but in small quantities. Because these hormones work on the “either-or” principle. When a lot of one of them is produced, the other becomes very little.

And this immediately explains many things:

  • A man who spends too long at home in warmth and comfort becomes soft. Therefore, in order to cheer up and be a “man,” they go, so to speak, to the “cave.” They play sports, dig around in the garage, go fishing. This is his way of bringing balance back.
  • A woman who spends too long at work in conditions of stress and fierce competition, or decides men's affairs, receives a heavy dose of testosterone, and after that she cannot relax.

How to increase the level of oxytocin in the blood?

The hormone oxytocin is produced daily:

  • with friendly handshakes and hugs;
  • when communicating positively with friends;
  • regular walks holding the hand, hugs, kisses, eye-to-eye looks, long conversations over a cup of tea;
  • communication with animals (walking, playing or just stroking activates the production of oxytocin).

Nutrition also has some effect on the level of the hormone, so if you want to increase oxytocin in the blood, you need to eat bananas and avocados, pomegranates, and dates.

In this way, a woman can increase her level of stress resistance. That is, recharge with peace, relax, feel your strength.

Serotonin - the hormone of happiness

Happiness is what the majority of the population of our planet strives for :) And today I want to talk about the “happiness” hormone.

Serotonin is a hormone that is produced in the intestines during moments of ecstasy and euphoria. Serotonin performs many tasks in the human body. For example:

  • transmits impulses between nerve fibers;
  • participates in the regulation of sleep, memory and mood;
  • controls blood pressure and thermoregulation, appetite, sexual desire;
  • transmits information from one part of the brain to another;
  • participates in the functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

A small part of the required amount of serotonin is synthesized in the brain. But in this case, for the production of the hormone it is necessary sunlight. Therefore, on sunny days there is usually a good mood, and depression in winter time of the year.

With a lack of serotonin:

  • the pain threshold decreases;
  • the functions of the reproductive system are inhibited;
  • there may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • may cause intestinal obstruction, as it affects the smooth muscles of the intestines and blood vessels;
  • blood clotting may decrease, especially dangerous in case of wounds and injuries;
  • leads to depression, and men and women react to the deficiency differently. Men become impulsive, and women become depressed.
  • bad habits cause a lack of serotonin, resulting in chronic depression :)

How to increase serotonin?

  1. Do what makes you happy. If it’s relaxing on the couch after work, go ahead. Or if it's a workout or fitness class, even better. Learn to rest and relax.
  2. The amino acid tryptophan increases serotonin synthesis (~250 mg required). To do this, you need to eat: cheese, cottage cheese (150-200 mg per 100 g), legumes, mushrooms, buckwheat (150-180 mg), millet. Also, to increase serotonin, you can eat bananas (20-40 mg), a little chocolate (preferably dark), dates, figs, prunes, tomatoes and other vegetables (30-60 mg).
  3. Supplements to increase serotonin: antidepressants (available by prescription only), amino acid 5-HTR (available as a dietary supplement, bypass digestive system and is directly converted into serotonin), saffron (30-50 mg per day helps fight depression), melatonin (they are related, and taking melatonin indirectly increases serotonin).

Somatropin - growth hormone

Somatropin is called “growth” hormone. It is produced in the anterior pituitary gland. This hormone is responsible for building human muscle mass. Every athlete knows about this. Typically, this hormone increases in adolescents who sharply “stretch out” in height.

How is somatropin useful?

Somatotropin not only takes part in stimulating muscle growth, he also helps:

  • Normalize metabolism;
  • Slow down muscle breakdown andstrengthen fat burning processes;
  • Increase glycogen reserves in liver cells, bregenerate faster damaged tissue and heal wounds;
  • Increase the number and size of liver and thymus cells;
  • Improve collagen synthesis, improve blood lipid composition, strengthen joints and ligaments;
  • Increase sexual activity andaccelerate the growth of young people.

From birth to 20-25 years, this hormone is produced at a rapid pace. By the age of 30, production slows down and stops at approximately the same level. In this regard, imperceptible aging processes begin, and a slight decrease in immunity is observed.

Growth hormone deficiency determined by a special test. To keep this hormone normal, three things are enough.
Growth hormone increases during night sleep, eating and when physical activity. Therefore, doctors insist that regular exercise, proper nutrition and a good night's sleep are the three most proven ways to maintain proper levels of this hormone in the body.

Start taking care of your health right now! After all, hormones can be normalized by starting to write correctly. You can sign up for an initial consultation right now by clicking on the link -

If we compare human body with an orchestra, the conductor is the endocrine system. The amount of hormones is determined by milligrams, but they control them all life processes, metabolism and sexual function.

It is female sex hormones that give the fairer sex feminine traits and determine their behavior and appearance.

The role of hormones in a woman’s body

There are many different hormones “working” in a woman’s body. They are produced special glands, heart muscle, liver, brain and even adipose tissue. In any human body there is a whole set of male and female hormones . Their gender is determined by quantitative indicators and balance. There are also specialized substances that are necessary only for bearing and conceiving offspring. They are produced when the fetal growth process begins.

Are considered purely female hormones estrogen, estradiol and oxytocin . The first two are produced in the ovaries and even the placenta during pregnancy. Oxytocin is produced by the adrenal glands. These hormones create feminine physical features: a thin waist, wide hips, breasts, soft oval face and a certain set psychological characteristics: softness, tenderness, pliability, patience. Male hormones are also present in a woman’s body and are very important.

The male hormone testosterone is responsible for the sexual desire of the fair sex.

His low performance lead to the fact that ladies become completely uninterested in either men or sex as such.

Another substance, progesterone, also predominates in the endocrine system of the stronger sex, and appears in women during pregnancy.

How hormones are produced

Hormone production is a complex and multifactorial process. It involves endocrine glands, special tissue cells, the brain, nervous system. The highly active biological substances themselves are produced in glands or special cells. Then they bind to proteins and thus enter the body through the blood or lymph.

In order for the hormone to enter the blood, it must be removed from the site of formation. This means that the body must have special substances that extract and transport hormones to organs and tissues. This is why, for example, the amount of iodine in the body is so important. Without iodine, thyroxine is not absorbed into the blood.

Nerve impulses entering the glands regulate the secretion process. Signals are sent to reduce or increase blood supply and vascular tone, which affects the amount of hormone received.

An even more complex control system is carried out by the brain, which produces special substances that are like hormones for the hormones themselves.

The process of producing “regulators” is cyclical and determined by strict biorhythms. The glands supply them in microdoses, in small batches. One batch is consumed, excreted through the kidneys, skin, breathing or gastric juice, and then the next one arrives.

In order for a hormone to affect an organ or tissue, a special signal receiver is needed - a receptor. Through it, cells receive commands and begin to act. Therefore, if, for example, the thyroid gland is not working well, there is no command for fat oxidation - metabolism slows down. The sensitivity and number of receptors are determined genetically.

How specific hormones affect a woman’s body


Hormone of female beauty and youth. Produced by the ovaries. Stimulates regeneration processes. A sufficient amount of estrogen in the blood makes our skin firm, smooth and elastic. Affects the thickness and condition of hair. Creates an impenetrable barrier to cholesterol plaques, helping blood vessels stay healthy.

With a lack of estrogen Hair growth is observed in places that are not intended for women. The figure becomes more masculine, in particular, fat is deposited not on the hips, but on the stomach, and the voice becomes rougher. The skin ages quickly, sagging appears, and elasticity is lost. In such cases, creams, serums, masks restore the condition skin they won't be able to.

Oversupply leads to the appearance of characteristic fat deposits on the thighs, buttocks and lower abdomen. At the same time, the waist does not suffer significantly. A large amount of estrogen leads to uterine fibroids.


Regulator of the menstrual cycle and sculptor of the female figure. Responsible for the maturation of the egg. With his participation, all characteristics female body: wide hips, full breasts and a thin waist. Prevents the appearance of excess hair.


The hormone of female caring and affection. Largest quantity oxytocin is produced after the baby is born. It can be said that he empowers women unconditional love and patience, which help to endure all the hardships and difficulties of motherhood.

Oxytocin is also produced during sex. Therefore, after sexual contact between people there is much greater intimacy than before. Helps cope with stress, is an anesthesia for all kinds of minor troubles.


Hormone for successful pregnancy. It is considered masculine because it is large quantities present in the male body. In a woman, the process of progesterone production is triggered by the release of the egg from the follicle and the appearance of the corpus luteum. When this does not happen, the hormone is not produced.

In case of insufficient quantity, the uterus is not able to hold the fetus - a miscarriage occurs. This is especially true for early dates. Therefore, when there is a threat, a similar hormonal drug is often prescribed.


Hormone sexual behavior. It is too male hormone and there is extremely little of it in the female body. That's why it's so difficult for ladies to build muscle mass and get rid of excess fat. Testosterone is responsible for determination, strong-willed qualities, but its main function is to stimulate sexual desire. Its excess can turn women into nymphomaniacs, and flaw causes frigidity.

In the moderate form, the excessive presence of the substance in the blood manifests itself as a source of excessive irritability, hot temper and aggressiveness.


Hormone high intelligence and good metabolism. Produced by the thyroid gland. Affects all metabolic processes in the body. With sufficient quantity, you can eat kilos of buns and not gain weight.

If there is a shortage, they literally get fat from water, it’s hard to concentrate, memory suffers, mental capacity, it is not possible to get pregnant and carry a child to term.


Fighting hormone. Released by the adrenal glands in case of danger. At the physiological level, it manifests itself as a sharp increase in blood circulation and dilation of blood vessels. On a psychological level, it relieves feelings of fear, generates self-confidence and courage.

Helps you overcome any obstacles, quickly respond to challenges and not let yourself be offended.


Energy hormone. Breaks down all carbohydrates into glucose, which is energy. Excess glucose, coming from the abuse of sweets, is not absorbed by the body. This is the same fat that pollutes blood vessels and the body.


Hormone of muscle tone and growth. And he is also the hormone of beautiful and attractive female breast, as it is responsible for the health and elasticity of ligaments. With him sufficient quantity Our muscles grow and work well, our ligaments are strong, and fats are burned in a timely manner. With him lack, muscles quickly deteriorate, including facial ones, and the woman ages prematurely.

Somatropin is interesting because it affects bone growth throughout life. During pregnancy, the pituitary gland produces more of it than the woman needs. That is why her nose and feet may grow, become larger, and her facial features may change.

Normal hormone levels in a woman’s body

Any disruptions in the female body require checking hormonal levels. An imbalance in the amount of just one hormone leads to problems in health and well-being. Therefore, when seeking medical help, representatives of the fairer sex first receive a referral for a hormone analysis.

Quantitative indicators depend on the menstrual cycle. During ovulation, the hormonal background is significantly different from the first or final stages of the cycle. At the same time, different hormones show different boundary values ​​depending on the functions performed.

For example, follicle stimulating hormone highest indicators has during menopause - 31-130, estradiol is most active during ovulation - 90-299, progesterone is equal to its maximum performance when the egg is released in the third phase – 6.99-56.43.

Male testosterone hormone reaches its peak during menopause. This, by the way, explains the increased irritability of women during and before menstruation, the appearance of pimples and acne on the face during this period of the cycle.

Due to the uneven amount of hormones throughout the cycle, tests are prescribed depending on which hormone the doctor wants to look at. Excess or deficiency may indicate various problems in the body: ovarian dysfunction, polycystic disease, tumors.

How to increase female hormone: signs of female hormone deficiency

A deficiency of female hormones always affects appearance, health and psychological well-being. You can suspect a decrease in estrogen and estradiol if you observe:

  • signs of premature aging;
  • the skin has lost elasticity;
  • the muscles begin to become flabby;
  • hairs appear where they should not be;
  • painful menstruation, although this has not been observed before;
  • male type fat deposits.

There are many reasons for a decrease in the sex hormone: overwork, stress, insufficient sleep, age after forty years. All this leads to the fact that the ovaries cease to cope with their endocrine function and the woman feels increasing discomfort. You can improve your hormonal levels, but you will have to change your lifestyle.

  1. Complete rest. A woman should reserve two hours a day for personal care, hobbies, and walks in the fresh air.
  2. Eight hours sleep.
  3. Nutrition. Important for hormone production sufficient quantity quality protein. Fruits and vegetables are also beneficial. It is advisable to exclude baked goods, sugar, and refined products as much as possible.
  4. Fighting stress.
  5. Physical activity. 2-3 fitness classes, running, any gymnastics per week will restore the faded endocrine function ovaries.
  6. Traditional medicine recommends using decoctions of hop cones, as well as collecting linden and mint.
  7. Dark beer in moderation.
  8. Berries: raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, strawberries and feijoas.
  9. Pomegranate, apple and orange juices.
  10. Soybean, linseed oil and flax seeds.

A universal remedy for increasing female sex hormones is successful relationships and a fulfilling sex life.

How to reduce male hormones in the female body

Excess of male hormones in the female body leads to very unpleasant results. Excess testosterone can cause menstruation to stop, but this occurs in extreme cases and requires medical intervention.

If, against the background of a normal cycle, you suspect that you have excess testosterone, use folk remedies:

  1. Flax seeds. Can be eaten alone or added to salads.
  2. Tea made from red clover heads.
  3. Temporarily switch to vegetarianism or consume little fat and carbohydrates.
  4. Sex without a condom. Take advantage of others contraception, the male hormone in sperm activates the production of estrogen.

Thus, the appearance, psychological well-being and even character of a woman entirely depend on the hormonal background. The balance of hormones determines all processes in the body. The proper functioning of the female endocrine system during pregnancy is especially important.