If a child has an earache, first aid. What to do if a child complains of ear pain

Ears small child are a very vulnerable and delicate organ, the disruption of which can be provoked by many external factors. As a rule, almost every kid under the age of 3 years has earaches, and therefore the parents of about 75% of children on the planet know firsthand about this disease.

Often, pain in the baby's ear appears at the most inopportune moments, for example, on weekends, during outdoor recreation or in the country, before going to bed, requiring urgent help, but it is possible to see a doctor only upon returning home or on a working day.

Often intense pain occurs suddenly, delivering a lot of torment to the child. Older babies can tell their parents what exactly worries them, but it is very difficult to determine such a condition in an infant.

If a Small child abruptly begins to cry and it is not possible to calm him down, if he cannot fall asleep and is constantly spinning, trying to find a comfortable position, one can suspect that it is the pain in his ear that worries him. And when it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor, the baby needs to provide first aid on his own.

Otitis, inflammation of the middle ear

In infants, the structure of the middle ear has a number of features, so almost any factor can cause pain, for example, hypothermia, a walk in windy weather, overheating, a weak immune system, improper bathing or even feeding.

Even mild form colds can cause severe pain in the baby's ear, if pathogenic microbes penetrate into it through the Eustachian tube. It is viral infections that become the most common cause of appearance, since the ears of every child under the age of 4 years are a very weak point.

In addition to otitis media, ear pain can also occur with:

  • water ingress;
  • injury;
  • hit foreign body;
  • the formation of a sulfur plug;
  • the formation of a boil or subcutaneous abscess.

First aid

For any kind of ear pain, the baby must be given the right help to alleviate his condition, but it is important not to harm.

If the child's ear began to hurt after bathing

Parents need to show special care, not only bathing children in the bath, but also being with them on a water holiday or in entertainment centers, for example, in a water park or on water attractions. So that after bathing there are no problems, the baby's ears must be thoroughly, but carefully dried.

Often, for this purpose, it is enough to wipe them with an ordinary cotton swab (or cotton swab), then use the hair dryer on warm air. It is necessary to carry out such treatment from a distance of no closer than 50 cm and no longer than 30 seconds, while the air stream should not be scalding. Such prophylaxis, carried out after each bathing, avoids the appearance of many problems.

It is important to remember that the frequent and especially thorough removal of sulfur produced in the ears of a child can create prerequisites for the onset of inflammation.

Sulfur is a barrier to penetration into the cavity inner ear not only drops of water, but also many pathogenic microbes. This substance creates a breeding ground for the development beneficial microorganisms needed to keep babies ears healthy.

If, despite all the preventive measures, after bathing, the pain in the baby’s ear still appeared, it is necessary to provide urgent help. The first thing to do is to apply to the sore ear dry heat, while an ordinary small one is quite suitable as a heating pad plastic bottle filled with enough hot water and wrapped in a towel, or a cloth bag with heated salt.

You can also use a special electric heating pad, but in any case, the product should not be very hot, otherwise burns may occur.

Second in an efficient way emergency assistance child is alcohol compress. To do this, cotton swabs are moistened in medical alcohol, carefully wring out and insert into the baby's ears after bathing. It does not make sense to use vodka for this purpose, since it will not be possible to achieve the desired effect with its help.

After the introduction of prepared tampons into the ears, it is necessary to apply a bandage from a scarf. But this method is absolutely impossible to use if the baby has fever or discharge from the auricle of a purulent nature.

Help with pain in the ear, accompanied by a rise in temperature

In this case, first aid should be provided to the child as quickly as possible. A small piece of cotton should be moistened with boric alcohol, squeezed out and placed in the baby's sore ear, covered with a thick layer of cotton on top and secured with a handkerchief. Under no circumstances should this substance be instilled into the ear.

It is also important to remember that boric alcohol can not be heated, because at the same time all important components and the procedure will no longer be of any use. If the bottle with boric alcohol is very cold, then it is quite enough to hold a piece of cotton wool in warm palms before wetting it, since it is impossible to insert a cold swab into the child's ear.

With the help of boric alcohol, you can eliminate pain and alleviate the condition of the baby, but after that you should consult a doctor. It is necessary to visit a specialist even if, after setting up such a compress pain disappeared completely, and the temperature returned to normal.

If the condition of the baby is accompanied by a runny nose, then first of all it is necessary to eliminate it. In such a situation, it is often a runny nose that contributes to the appearance of pain in the child's ear and an increase in temperature. →

Ear pain after injury

Pain can be a symptom of injury. Most common in children:

  • Head injury in the ear area , as well as bruises of the auricle, for example, when falling or hitting, often lead not only to bruising and bruising, but also to pain, as well as transparent or spotting. In this case, the child must be immediately taken to the nearest hospital.
  • The presence of a foreign body . Such situations in babies are common, because, learning the world and their body, they tend to touch everything, taste it, and also shove it somewhere. Small objects, getting into the auricle and internal auditory canals, cause swelling of the skin, due to which the foreign body is tightly fixed and it can be impossible to remove it without the help of a specialist. At the same time, children experience not only pain, but also itching, as well as hearing loss, since ear canal covered partially or completely. No need to try to pull out the object yourself if it did not fall out when you tilt your head. Any careless action may damage the delicate eardrum and hearing loss, so you need to urgently contact an ENT.
  • barotrauma. The state occurs when jump pressure inside the ear tympanic cavity. Such damage can be caused by a pressure drop during takeoff of an aircraft, sharp loud sounds (for example, a gunshot or an explosion). Often, barotrauma can also occur when sneezing, if the child pinches his nose at that moment. Symptoms of the condition are ringing and itching in the ear, congestion, noise, pain, which are usually of a short duration. If the state is saved long time or there is a decrease in hearing, you need to urgently contact a specialist.
  • Frostbite or ear burns lead not only to the appearance of pain of varying intensity, but also to hearing loss. Only a doctor can provide proper assistance in this case.
  • Injury or rupture of the eardrum. Injury most often occurs when a foreign body enters the ear canal, as well as when cleaning the ears with objects that are not intended for this, especially sharp ones. At the moment of rupture, sharp pain accompanied by noise, and sometimes loss of consciousness, after which there is a strong hearing loss. Minor injuries are able to heal on their own with subsequent recovery. auditory function, but in case of severe injury or the addition of any infection, the help of a specialist is required, and in some cases, an operation.

When you receive any injury, it is best not to take independent measures, but immediately go to the hospital for help, since in most cases the situation can be very dangerous for the health of the crumbs.

What Not to Do

In order not to worsen the condition of the baby and not cause complications, you need to remember 3 important rules.

  1. Alcohol-based drops should not be instilled. Only a doctor can prescribe such a remedy if there are direct indications for its use in a child. Self-use of drugs can lead to serious injury to the mucous membranes of the inner ear cavity, as well as to the occurrence of severe inflammatory process caused by the resulting burn of delicate tissues.
  2. The use of alcohol compresses is strictly prohibited. (introduction cotton swab, moistened with alcohol), if the baby has a high temperature or any discharge from the ear cavity, for example, of a purulent nature, with pain in the ears. This may lead to serious complications and even complete hearing loss in the future.
  3. No warm-up procedures are allowed. , for example, apply heating pads, saline warm bags, use various folk remedies for this purpose, subject to purulent discharge regardless of body temperature. Such measures can lead to increased formation of purulent contents and sharp deterioration condition of the child, and in some cases to rupture of the thin eardrum.

You should not risk the health of your children, especially when it comes to hearing damage. In most situations, provide needed help without appearing in further complications can only be done by a qualified person.

How to help your child with earache

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Ear pain can cause many problems. Most often, they appear due to the accumulation of a large volume of fluid in the middle ear area. In addition, the provoking factors are colds, exposure to noise.

To cope with the pain, you need to visit a specialist. The ENT will select medications and prescribe physiotherapy. As a supplement, you can use folk remedies.


In the photo, the most popular remedies for ear pain

Folk recipes

To reduce pain, you can use:

  1. Peel the onion, chop with a grater and squeeze to get the juice. 3-4 drops of the drug should be injected into the auditory opening.
  2. Put a few drops into your ears olive oil. Thanks to this, it will be possible to quickly stop the pain syndrome and get rid of the infection. In addition, you can lower the cotton tourniquet into the oil and insert it into the ear canal.
  3. Garlic helps relieve pain. For cooking effective remedy you need to take a couple of tablespoons of sesame oil and heat a small spoonful of chopped garlic in it. Strain and inject a few drops into the ears.
  4. Ginger has strong analgesic properties. To do this, you need to squeeze the juice of a fresh root and inject it into your ears to relieve pain and reduce signs of inflammation.
  5. Licorice helps to quickly cope with ear pain. To do this, a little plant should be crushed and mixed with ghee to achieve a dense mass. The resulting mixture is treated with the skin in the ear area.

Folk recipes for ear pain

Compresses, lotions

To protect sore ear, in most cases it is enough to tie a soft scarf around your head. Also effective tool are wet compresses that are made on the basis of boric acid or . Cotton wool soaked in these agents is introduced into the auditory opening and the auricle is covered with gauze.

A film or bag is applied on top. After that, you can bandage your head with a scarf and leave for several hours.

After removal wet compress a dry cotton tourniquet is inserted into the ears. After a couple of hours, the compress can be done again. However, you shouldn't leave it overnight.

An oil compress has excellent warming properties. But it can not be used when purulent discharge appears. If they are absent, a little should be applied to the cotton and inserted into the ears. This will help relieve pain and control inflammation.

How to apply a compress to the ear

Non-traditional methods

To improve the condition and relieve pain, you can do special exercises:

  • close your ears with your palms and tap on the back of the head;
  • close your ears, then sharply remove your hands;
  • insert into ear holes index fingers and do 3 rotational movements forward and the same back, then quickly get your fingers out.

It also helps to improve the forecast. Thanks to this procedure, it will be possible to stop inflammation, normalize blood circulation, eliminate pain and congestion. During this procedure, the pressure in the ears is alternately changed by means of a special device.

Apart from medications, doctors often prescribe physiotherapy. They can be used to strengthen immune system and increase the effectiveness of drugs. The most common methods include the following:

  • thermotherapy;

Folk remedy for ear pain, see the recipe in our video:

First aid for a child

To quickly eliminate ear pain in a baby, you can use paracetamol or ibuprofen. Also good action has a warm compress. However this remedy can only be used at normal temperatures.

After giving first aid, it is important to show the child to the doctor. The otolaryngologist will prescribe the following means:

  • anesthetic drops for the ears - otipax,;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - paracetamol, nurofen;
  • local dry heat;
  • vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose - tizin;
  • warm compresses.

First aid for a child, what parents need to know:

What is possible and what is not

You can take painkillers if you have ear pain. Also often used vasoconstrictor drops for the nose. Make warm-ups and use ear drops strictly prohibited. If a Ear ache associated with damage to the eardrum, there is a risk of seriously exacerbating the situation.

In addition to standard methods therapy, it is quite possible to use folk remedies. However, self-medication is strictly prohibited. If such prescriptions are used incorrectly, there is a risk of complications.


To avoid the appearance of ear pathologies, it is very important to prevent infection of the body. However, if this does happen, then timely treatment. Also preventive actions include the following:

  • hearing hygiene;
  • timely treatment of the common cold;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • proper nutrition;
  • rejection of bad habits.

Prevention of ear diseases in children consists in timely vaccination against influenza, prevention of allergies. Equally important is the control of the condition of the adenoids. With their significant increase, surgical removal is often indicated.

Ear pain may be indicative of serious illnesses and lead to a decrease in the quality of human life. To avoid negative consequences, you need to contact the otolaryngologist in time. The specialist must determine the causes of discomfort and select therapy.

The child's ear has a special structure. It is responsible not only for the perception of sounds, but also ensures the balance of the human body. If you suddenly feel dizzy, then Great chance that this is due to the beginning.

Inflammatory processes in the ear are a common pathology. According to statistics, 70% of babies at least once encountered various forms otitis. By the age of seven, this figure reaches 95%.

The reasons

In children, inflammation is often associated with trauma. This is observed if the parents of the wrong baby, got into the ear canal, or damage to the parotid glands occurred.

In children under 4 years old, ears often hurt due to exposure to water or poorly dried auricles. In babies, therefore, it creates a favorable environment for the vital activity of bacteria.

Causes of otitis in children:

How do you know if a child has earache?

Listen to the child's complaints. Often the baby makes it clear to parents about and by the fact that he begins to beat his ears with his hands, tries to pull them off. If you notice these signs, contact your doctor immediately.

One of the first steps should be to measure the temperature. When it will be high, sometimes even higher than 39 degrees.

Press on the tragus of the ear. If the baby starts crying, it's an infection. The tragus is a tubercle of the ear that opens the external auditory meatus. Such a simple action will help determine which side there is an infection.

Signs of the disease include:

  • Whims and violent crying.
  • Desire to lie on the side of the injured ear.
  • around, the presence of redness or.
  • whitish or greenish.

The last sign indicates that the case is already running, . Beware if, in addition to these signs, appears. This may indicate that the affected inner ear, which is responsible not only for the perception of sound, but also for the operation of everything.

How to recognize that a child has an earache, see our video:

The most common childhood diseases

The most common ear disease in children is. With the main factor for development becomes. An infection enters the wound that affects. With a diffuse form of otitis externa, bacteria or viruses enter the ear canal.

Parents can at ear infections children:

  • Give them more fluids to drink so that the mucous membranes work in full force.
  • Give if the temperature is very high.
  • To strengthen immunity, drink, and to relieve inflammation, a decoction of chamomile.

It is impossible for children with ear diseases:

  1. Bury essential oils.
  2. Insert the leaves of medicinal plants.
  3. Instill drops in case of suspected perforation of the eardrum.
  4. Take the child outside without a hat.
  5. Clean deep ear canal from pus and other secretions.
  6. Insert into ear alcohol products if the external auditory meatus hurts.

What to do if the child has frequent relapses?

Frequent in children under 4 years of age ear diseases are explained by the fact that their auditory tube between the middle ear and the nasopharynx is wider and shorter. Because of this, the infection gets more often. If the baby often has earaches, this is probably the reason. In this case, it is better to be like and follow all the doctor's recommendations.

  • Breastfeed your baby for as long as possible. Milk contains antibodies and useful vitamins that prevent inflammation from developing.
  • Keep your head up when feeding your baby. This will prevent milk from entering the auditory tube through the nasopharynx.
  • With SARS, clear the sinuses of mucus.
  • Wear a hat or cap on your head even in summer.
  • Do not open the front windows in the car. The wind in this case just blows into the ear.
  • Dry your ears thoroughly after swimming.
  • Do not permanently remove earwax.

Because the chronic infections often occur in children with reduced immunity, it is recommended to use immunostimulants in combination with treatment. They must be prescribed by a doctor. Sometimes a natural interferon inducer Megasin is prescribed on an ointment basis.

Doctors note that in children with frequent inflammatory processes in the ears, they are often detected. Therefore, it is advisable to take tests and drink biologics. Among the popular physiotherapy there is mud therapy. They are made on the area of ​​the affected ear.

In conclusion, we note that the baby's ears need to be cleaned no more than 2 times a week with a piece of cotton wool. It is necessary to wipe the auricle, ear canal. Do not touch inner part, because it is very delicate and is cleaned with fine hairs that push the sulfur out. If you notice that the skin behind the ears has begun to peel off, lubricate it with baby cream.

The Eustachian tube, which is located in the ear, is arranged in children in a special way. Any external influence, one way or another, can lead to damage to the auditory organ. It is because of this reason that a large number of parents have heard about problems of this kind, which most often manifest themselves in 70% of children in the age range of up to three years. Ear pain in a child is unexpected, intense, rather sharp.

Occurs, as a rule, closer to the night - in the evening or at night. The pain in the ears greatly worries the kids, does not allow them to sleep normally, and causes discomfort. Watching a child suffer is very difficult, but what to do when a child's ear hurts? What measures should be taken if a child complains of earache? How to relieve ear pain in a child if circumstances do not allow you to contact medical institution? First you need to deal with the root cause acute pain in the ear.


You can independently find out the main reason why the child's ears hurt. It should be remembered what the child was doing in recent times. Often, the reason lies in external factors, which provide Negative influence in the child's ear.

You also need to remember what diseases the child experienced over the past week, as this may be the result of some disease that annoyed the baby. Thus, finding out the root cause has a direct impact on the appointment of a competent treatment course and help in early dates eliminate symptoms. Most common causes that cause ear pain in children:

Therefore, it is important to find out the main reason why the child's ear hurts. If this is not possible, then you need to know what else children can complain about besides severe pain in the ear. These symptoms contribute to a more accurate detection of ear pathology. Based on this, you can understand how to relieve ear pain in a child until the local doctor arrives.

Many parents have the following question: "How to check if the child's ear hurts?". The answer to this question is simple. You just need to know characteristic symptoms and clarify them with the baby. In the case when a child complains that his ear hurts a lot, you need to thoroughly examine his auricle. Occasionally, this allows you to determine why the baby has an earache.

What to do at home if the child's ear hurts:

  • Need to check first auditory concha The child has. There is a possibility that it will only be necessary to remove foreign body from the cavity of the auricle (if this object is not so deep). We reject the baby's head to the side so that his sore ear is located below. Do not use ear cleaning sticks or tweezers as this may push the foreign body even further.
  • Next, you need to put pressure on the cartilage, which is located next to ear canal. At the same time, if the baby does not respond to such an impact, then this means that the problem lies in another organ, and the pain simply radiates here.
  • You can also use ordinary thermometer. Often, if the ear hurts, and at the same time the temperature rises, then this indicates that there is some inflammatory response. The most common are otitis media, inflammation of the Eustachian tube. In this case, before the doctor arrives, you can only give an antipyretic tablet in a dose prescribed for the age of the child.
  • If temperature is not observed, then any other factor may be the cause, including an increase in arterial or intracranial pressure. Therefore, it will not be superfluous if you measure this indicator as well.
  • If purulent contents are detected from the ear cavity, an infectious process can be safely suspected.
  • With swelling of the ear, when it becomes bluish, you can think of a banal bruise or a bite of some insect.
  • The appearance of itching indicates the fungal nature of the ear lesion.

The symptoms that we have described above need to be identified very quickly. Ear pain is similar in intensity to that experienced in dental pathology. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately begin to eliminate given symptom. Parents need to know that it is quite possible to treat ear pain at home.

First aid

Drug therapy for pain in the ears can only be prescribed by a doctor after examining the patient. But sometimes you need to take some measures to relieve pain before the arrival of the local doctor. And here it is very important to know how the first first aid with ear pain. This sequence of actions will help you briefly eliminate the pain in the child, thereby allowing you to calmly wait for the doctor.

  1. To get started, call the brigade soon medical care.
  2. Then give your child any pain reliever you have in your medicine cabinet. However, be careful with the dosage. She differs greatly in age. This item is most relevant at night (it is during this time period that pain occurs), when the baby is tormented by insomnia, and the doctor cannot quickly arrive.
  3. Use an alcohol compress. The first layer is applied alcohol gauze with a cutout under the ear. The second layer is a plastic bag with a similar cutout. Last layer some kind of warming rag-bandage is applied, tying the head.
  4. An antipyretic will help to cope with excessive high temperature. Therefore, in case of detecting a temperature of 38-40 degrees Celsius, do not hesitate to use it.
  5. You can also make a swab soaked. They need to plug the ear canal.
  6. Provide plentiful drink to kid.
  7. If the symptom is not the first time and you have already been treated this pathology, then you can resort to the use of previously used ear drops. Most often, doctors prescribe Otinum, Anauran.

It's all necessary actions which can be resorted to before the arrival of an ambulance. It is very important to stay calm and not panic. Be prepared for tears, whims on the part of the child. Do your best, make concessions to him. After the doctor comes, he will feel much better.


After the arrival of the doctor, when he examines the baby, he will identify the reason why this pathological condition assigned to the appropriate reason drug treatment.

What to treat? Most often, doctors resort to the use of the following means:

  • Antibiotics a wide range related to penicillin series. They are prescribed for a period of 7 to 10 days for various infectious and inflammatory processes. For example, antibiotics are prescribed for children with otitis media. If you do not use them, then the process can be complicated by more serious diseases: brain abscess, meningitis, and so on.
  • Ear drops. We list the most common ones.
    1. Otofa. Used for treatment various diseases middle ear. It contains the antibiotic Rifapicin.
    2. Sofradex.
    3. Otipax. It is used for otitis media as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. It contains lidocaine, which is most often allergic in children.
    4. Garazon. Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent.
    5. Otinum. Similar in action, but contraindicated in children under one year old.
    6. Remo Wax. Given medicine scheduled for removal a large number sulfur masses.
  • Vaseline oil (or hydrogen peroxide) is also used to clean the ear cavity from sulfuric plugs.
  • In case of fungal etiology, washing of the ear canal is used. At the same time, Veshnevsky's ointment and hydrogen peroxide are used.

Some parents consider using traditional medicine extremely efficient. It is possible that the effect of it will be potentiated with adequate treatment. However, we strongly do not recommend the use of folk remedies as a treatment for children's ear pain. Seek expert help medical institution. This will help to avoid all sorts of complications observed after taking herbs and decoctions.

You need to take care of your child's ears. Carefully monitor that foreign objects do not get in, do not expose the baby to cold, constantly strengthen his immune forces so that the body responds adequately to the ingress of infectious agents.

In children, the ears often hurt, which is associated with the structure ear canals. The article reveals the causes of ear pain in children and considers treatment options for different reasons pain.

Ears in children hurt quite often, approximately 75% of children suffer from this disease in childhood. During illness, children become capricious, behave restlessly, sleep is disturbed, and may refuse to eat.

Ear pain is not only unpleasant, but it is also very dangerous. If not applied effective treatment the child may lose their hearing. In particular severe cases death may occur.

Why is my child's ear sore? Causes of ear pain in a child

In children ear organ underdeveloped The Eustachian tube, through which the infection penetrates, is short and wide and practically does not prevent the penetration of microbes. Baby ears can't take it mechanical stresses that can occur, for example, with a sneeze. Therefore, ear pain in children is much more common than in adults.

Causes of ear pain:

  • otitis is the most formidable and dangerous, even for life, cause. This is an inflammation of the inner, middle, or outer ear. Otitis media can be caused by bacterial or viral infection
  • otomycosis - fungal infection external or middle ear, while the head can hurt a lot, boils appear, pus is released
  • blockage of the Eustachian tube - more often a complication from various diseases of the upper respiratory tract can cause inflammation of the middle ear. At the same time, one feels headache, ears stuffed
  • sulfur plug- appears with excessive work of the ear glands. Excess sulfur does not have time to be removed and blocks the ear canal. The child feels congestion and pain in the ear, hearing worsens
  • bacterial, viral lesions body with a cold, sore throat, SARS, influenza, adenoids, when the infection through the blood, lymph enters the ear. The pain is caused by an inflammatory process due to an infection or overexertion and increased pressure in the middle ear
  • inflammation of the parotid lymph nodes - lymphadenitis. Feeling worse, and in the area lymph node pain is felt, where there are many nerve endings
  • neuralgia trigeminal nerve- pathological irritation facial nerve, which provides sensitivity to the jaws and gums. Pain in these areas may radiate to the ears
  • meningitis - inflammation of the membranes of the brain, can lead to bacterial infection of the inner ear (labyrinth), which can lead to complete hearing loss
  • mastoiditis - inflammation mastoid process, which is located behind the auricle and looks like a bony protrusion. The infection gets here with the bloodstream or injury. At the same time, a throbbing pain is felt in the ear and in this process, the temperature rises, discharge appears from the ears, hearing decreases
  • mumps - mumps. Lymph nodes become inflamed, pain can also be given in the ears
  • chickenpox - with an increase in the lymph nodes in the ears, pain is felt
  • parotitis - inflammation located in front of the auricle under the skin salivary gland as a result of microbes getting there with blood, lymph, from a diseased tooth
  • neoplasms in the ear (furuncle, for example), causing an inflammatory process
  • mechanical injuries of the skull, jaws
  • teething, gingivitis, head and neck problems can be referred to as ear pain
  • in violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the head and neck, which provokes an increase blood pressure the pain may radiate to the ears
  • ear injuries - insect bite, blow, damage to the eardrum, burns, hypothermia, barotrauma (when firing a gun, very loud sounds, cotton on the ears, on the plane with a pressure drop)
  • a foreign body that children themselves put into the ear. Do not pull it out yourself if it is deeply stuck
  • water in the ear that gets in while swimming can cause swelling, increased pressure in the middle ear, and pain. If water is in the ear for a long time, then otitis media may begin. Also, liquid can enter the middle ear through the nasopharynx during meals.
  • allergic reactions, which cause swelling of the tissues of the ear and increased pressure in the middle ear
  • prolonged exposure to the cold wind provokes the appearance of a painful bruise. The auricle and the skin around it become cyanotic and sore. This condition goes away on its own.

What to do if a child has an earache with otitis media?

If the ear hurts with otitis media, the child should be shown to the doctor as soon as possible. This is done in without fail, even if preliminary measures have brought an effect, so that the process does not remain cured.

It is forbidden to bury anything in the ear, even boric alcohol. The fact is that if the eardrum is damaged, then alcohol will penetrate the eardrum and cause complications.

All doctor's recommendations must be followed strictly, before due date It is impossible to cancel medicines, and especially antibiotics. Pain syndrome goes away before the inflammation goes away, so the withdrawal of drugs can cause complications or lead to a chronic form.

Acute otitis media in children, treatment

Acute otitis media is an inflammatory process with subsequent accumulation of fluid, exudate, in the middle ear. Acute otitis can be caused by streptococci, staphylococci, viruses, fungi.

  • Immediately show the child to the otolaryngologist. The doctor will determine the cause of the pain, whether there are purulent formations or is it just an inflammatory process
  • The process of treatment, its duration, the types of medications used will depend on such an examination.
  • Treatment of otitis media lasts about 10 days, although in severe forms possibly longer. The patient needs absolute rest and bed rest. This measure will prevent complications. Walking in extreme cold, wind on the street is impossible. It is allowed to go outside only after the child's condition is normalized and the pain stops.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs are used, antibiotics may be prescribed (although many experts consider them inappropriate in some cases). It is also necessary to drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose and apply antihistamines, which relieve swelling and alleviate the condition
  • The doctor may additionally prescribe warming up with a blue lamp, compresses
  • If after 3 months the exudate does not resolve or recurrences are frequent, then a puncture of the eardrum can be used to release the fluid and insert drainage tubes. These tubes fall out on their own after 6-12 months. In 80% of cases, after such a procedure, otitis media does not recur.

Purulent otitis media in children, treatment

After the development of the inflammatory process and the accumulation of exudate, the second stage begins acute otitis media - purulent otitis media. This phase is characterized by the formation and accumulation of pus in the middle ear, followed by perforation (rupture) of the eardrum and leakage of pus from the ear.

Why do my child's ears hurt at high temperatures?

A high temperature is a sign of a strong inflammatory process. Temperature and pain in the ear can be with inflammation in the internal (most dangerous view), middle or outer ear, mastoiditis.

Since the mouth, nose and ears are interconnected systems, pain can be given in the ears, with such diseases with high fever:

  • sore throat
  • diphtheria
  • chicken pox
  • scarlet fever
  • tubootitis
  • acute pharyngitis

An increase in temperature is accompanied by such ear inflammations:

  • otitis externa provoked by a furuncle. Amazed hair follicle most often Staphylococcus aureus. The temperature usually does not exceed 38 ° C, the duration of the pathology is about a week
  • purulent perichondritis of the auricle is a lesion of the perichondrium of the auricle, in which cartilage tissue melts into pus. The skin of the ear becomes hot, at first has a reddish tint, then changes to bluish. The auricle gradually shrinks and loses its shape. Temperature 37°С-39°С
  • acute suppurative otitis purulent inflammation middle ear, temperature 38°C-40°C
  • mastoiditis - inflammation bone tissue mastoid process behind the ear, temperature 37°C-38°C

On the background viral diseases ear pain occurs when mucus from the nose enters the ear through the ear canal and begins to put pressure on the eardrum. If this mucus does not infect the ear cavities, then the pain goes away on its own.

Why does the child's ears hurt after SARS?

In children after acute respiratory viral infections, acute otitis media. More often this disease occurs in weakened children: often ill, premature, artificially fed.

The infection passes through the short and wide auditory tube from the nasopharynx to the middle ear. This is especially true for the smallest, since they often lie horizontally, which complicates the outflow of mucus and promotes the growth of microbes.

What should I do if my child has ear and head pain?

It is necessary to understand the causes of pain. Often, headache and earache are due to the fact that the cranial nerves are affected, usually with an acute inflammatory process.

  • If it is a viral infection that radiates to the ear and the pain is not intense, periodic, then put drops in the nose and give the child antipyretic drugs. If there is no temperature, make a compress. There is a high chance that there will be no complications. If the pain is pronounced and does not go away, then it is otitis
  • If it is otitis, otomycosis, lymphadenitis, mastoiditis, purulent labyrinth (inflammation of the inner ear) - alleviate the patient's condition and, as soon as possible, without delay, visit a doctor
  • If it is meningitis, diphtheria, tonsillitis, measles - give painkillers to relieve pain and call " ambulance»
  • If the pain is caused by a blow to the ear or head, especially if the child lost consciousness, call an ambulance. If from ear goes blood, then the ear must be closed with cotton wool moistened camphor alcohol and put a bandage on top. Before the ambulance arrives, put the child to bed, and apply ice to the affected part of the head
  • If there is a rupture of the eardrum, which is characterized by sharp pain, tinnitus, short-term disorientation, sound distortion, then close the passage with sterile cotton, apply a bandage and go to the doctor

What to do if a child has an earache without a temperature?

If there is no temperature, then the cause of pain may be foreign object or water in the ear, teething, allergic reactions, lymphadenitis, sulfuric plug, or the onset of an inflammatory process in the ear (otitis media, furuncle).

Examine the child carefully. Then eliminate the root causes: give antihistamines, painkillers, clean your ears, make a compress. If you are confident in your actions and there is no possibility of examination by an ENT doctor, carry out drug treatment with drops. If the ear continues to hurt, then it is better to consult a specialist.

What should I do if my child has neck and ear pain?

The neck and ear can hurt with lymphadenitis. At the same time, the lymph nodes become inflamed not only on the neck, but also behind auricles, and the pain is given in the ears. It is necessary to provide first aid and go to an otolaryngologist, who will not only prescribe treatment, but also identify the root cause.

Also, the neck and head hurt when the blood circulation of the vessels of the head and neck is disturbed. If this condition often recurs, then the process must be controlled, an ultrasound scan of the vessels should be performed, and a neurologist should be visited.

Causes of ear pain in a child: tips and reviews

  • If the child has an earache, but the pain is not acute or intermittent, and the child is active, then it is advised to observe the development of the condition for 48 hours for children from 1 year old. If the condition does not improve, then a visit to the otolaryngologist is mandatory.
  • After otitis media, you should not swim and dive to avoid recurrence
  • Traditional medicine in the treatment of otitis media can be used after consulting an ENT doctor with the methods agreed with him, otherwise the consequences of self-treatment can be catastrophic
  • You can not stop treatment after the pain has passed, this is fraught with complications: the transition to chronic form, partial hearing loss


When I fly on vacation with children on an airplane, before the flight I drip vasodilating drops into my nose, and Otipax or Otinum into my ears to make it easier to endure the pressure drop. Before I started using this method, during landings and takeoffs, I felt not just congestion, but downright pain. Chewing and swallowing movements did not help. Now it's easier.


At the age of 3, a small bug crawled into the child's ear. I saw it, but I couldn't get it. There was a day off. Then I boiled refined sunflower oil (vaseline oil at that moment there was simply no) and poured into the ear to kill the insect. After 5 minutes, I turned my daughter's head so that the oil could easily flow out. It leaked out along with the bug. The next day we turned to the ENT, she said that we did everything right.

Video: Otitis in a child. Treatment of otitis media

Video: Otitis - School of Dr. Komarovsky