What does lochia smell like after childbirth? Causes of unpleasant odor in discharge after childbirth

Many women after childbirth experience various discharges with an unpleasant smell of sweetness or a spicy aroma. Sometimes the discharge may smell like iron due to breakdown.

As a rule, when specific smell lochia is the norm, but if their aroma is unpleasant and disgusting, you need to think about visiting a gynecologist, since after childbirth the body may be weakened and more easily susceptible to diseases.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is not always bad smell in the first days may indicate some disease. If general state is not accompanied by the development of chills, fever, pain in the abdomen or general malaise, then there is no need to worry.

Lochia after caesarean section

Girls who gave birth

through caesarean section must understand that their secretions may differ significantly from what they are used to.

Their features may include:

Every woman should be aware that the healing process takes a certain period and various discharges are the norm.

In order for the recovery process to occur painlessly and as quickly as possible, it is necessary to lead a correct lifestyle, systematically conduct examinations with a gynecologist and follow all hygiene rules.

It is worth paying attention to the duration, changes in smell, color and consistency. Some differences in lochia can accurately describe clinical course a disease whose treatment will help get rid of annoying discharge.

Watch the educational video:

After giving birth, women go for several weeks bleeding– lochia. They are bright red in color and contain small blood clots, placentas and small particles of dead epithelium. Normal discharge from the vagina after childbirth have the smell of menstrual blood, but with a more pronounced intensity.

Unpleasant smell of discharge after childbirth

Discharge with an unpleasant odor after childbirth can signal the onset of an inflammatory process in the uterus. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In what cases is it necessary to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist:

  • if postpartum discharge has a putrid or other repulsive odor;
  • lochia has an unpleasant odor and a bright yellow or yellow-green color;
  • the discharge comes with a normal smell after childbirth, but too much and with large clots blood.

All of the above symptoms mean a deviation from the norm and are associated with inflammation in the woman’s reproductive system during the postpartum period. Naturally, the first thing a woman who has given birth pays attention to is how the discharge smells after childbirth. If the intensity and change in color of lochia can be taken for granted by her, then discharge with an unpleasant odor after childbirth will definitely make a woman wary.

Causes of discharge with odor after childbirth

The most common and dangerous cause The appearance of “smelly” discharge after childbirth is inflammation of the uterine mucosa - endometritis. It is characterized by the appearance of yellow-brown or green discharge with an unpleasant putrid smell. In severe cases, fever and chills occur. Endometritis is treated only under the supervision of a doctor, since self-medication can lead to death.

An unpleasant odor of discharge may also indicate stagnation of lochia in the uterus and insufficient release of it. In this case, in order to prevent rotting of the accumulated masses, curettage may be prescribed. This will avoid inflammation and save the uterus from more serious intervention. Basically, in many maternity hospitals To stimulate uterine contractions, “oxytocin” is administered in the next three days after birth, which helps the discharge of discharge.

Infectious diseases of the genital tract, such as chlamydia, gardnerellosis, etc., can also cause unpleasant odor in discharge after childbirth. To put accurate diagnosis The doctor will conduct an examination, and after the test results, prescribe treatment.

After the birth of a child, the placenta is disconnected from the uterus, and this process causes multiple violations of the integrity of the vessels and capillaries that previously connected them together. Together with the blood, fragments of the placenta come out, as well as dead particles of the endometrium (the inner mucous membrane of the uterine body) and other traces of the vital activity of the fetus inside the womb. Discharge after childbirth is perceived as normal; it is commonly called lochia. Awareness of their duration and characteristic features will help prevent complications. The woman in labor should carefully monitor the color, smell, as well as the abundance and composition of the secretion.

What is the normal smell of discharge after the birth of a child?

The recovery period is different for every woman in labor. On average, the duration of discharge should be 6–8 weeks. Their duration is often associated with anamnesis (course and character) labor activity, the duration of the interval between births, previous lactation experience and the state of the protective (immune) system of the mother in labor.

After three months, the discharge should become:

  • mucous;
  • sparse;
  • whitish or yellowish.

These indicators are normal and indicate that the uterus has acquired its usual physiological state. The first day after the birth of a child is usually accompanied by copious discharge from the genital tract. This is blood and clots of various sizes. On the second or third day, the lochia changes its color to light red, but remains abundant. Possible mucus.

At the end of 15 days after birth, the secretion becomes not mucous, but watery. It takes on a yellow or brown tint. Such discharge can be observed for a month. At this stage there should be no blood admixture.

Important: if the duration of discharge is less than 5 weeks or exceeds 9 weeks, this is an indicator of the presence of serious problems in the woman’s body. They are prerequisites for immediate laboratory examination and professional treatment.

Normally, lochia should not have an unpleasant odor. Pain, discomfort and elevated temperature bodies are also excluded. During physical activity, the discharge may become more abundant.

The smell of lochia is an important indicator of normal recovery internal organs after the birth of a child, which may indicate the presence of pathologies.

In the first days of secretion, the smell of dampness or fresh blood is normally inherent. In the future, it may smell musty or rotten. There is no need to be afraid of this.

Types of discharge after childbirth and their features

To assess her condition, a woman must constantly monitor the color and composition of the discharge. Daily monitoring will help reduce the risk of developing pathologies to a minimum.

Brown lochia Postpartum secretion Brown may frighten new mothers, but this phenomenon is normal. Lochia acquires this shade due to the admixture of dead endometrial particles, the presence of clots of coagulated blood and products of involution (reverse process) in the uterus. Often, discharge of this color is noted during the second postpartum week

. Brown streaks may also appear towards the end of the fourth week. This is not considered a pathology if the mother feels well.

Lochia acquires a brown tint due to the presence of involution products in their composition.

Yellow lochia is not always a sign of pathology. Depending on their nature, they may indicate leakage following processes in organism:

Important: endometritis cannot be treated traditional methods or at home. The phenomenon can only be eliminated with the help of antibiotics. Sometimes it is appropriate to remove the inflamed areas of the uterus surgically. Only cleansing the mucous membrane will help the upper layer of the membrane recover as soon as possible.

Green color of discharge

Green discharge is not considered normal. They may be a sign of the development of endometritis and other gynecological diseases. This color indicates the progression of the inflammatory process and that it is in an advanced state. At the first drops of pus that come out of the uterus, consult a doctor immediately. Especially if they are accompanied high temperature body and chills.

Lochia Green colour indicate an inflammatory process

Often green discharge is a sign of insufficient uterine contraction. They accumulate and cause the inflammation process to begin. In this case, curettage can be practiced, that is, removal of the functional layer of the uterine mucosa. Manipulations are carried out in order to start the process of endometrial restoration.

Green discharge may appear a month after artificial delivery (cesarean section). This is an indicator of the slow development of endometritis. Contact your doctor immediately.

White lochia

Whitish lochia should cause concern in a woman in labor. Especially if they are associated with symptoms such as:

  • unpleasant acid odor;
  • cheesy nature of the discharge;
  • itching and discomfort in the perineal area;
  • the appearance of redness in the area of ​​the external genitalia.

Itchy discharge white- this is a sign of presence infectious diseases genitourinary system

Such discharge is evidence of the presence of infections of the genitourinary system, thrush (candidiasis) or yeast colpitis. The diagnosis must be made by a doctor after research.

Black discharge

Black discharge during the period after childbirth is normal, if it does not have a strong unpleasant odor and there is no pain. This color is due to changes in the structure of the blood. Reason for change - hormonal disbalance or transformation hormonal levels. Young mothers are more frightened by black discharge. They are not as dangerous as green or yellow ones.

If black lochia does not emit a pungent odor and is not accompanied by painful sensations, then this is the norm

Red lochia

Red secretion is the norm, but this is typical only for the initial period (the first seven days) of recovery after childbirth. The uterus bleeds due to existing damage, and the blood simply does not have time to clot.

Red lochia in the first seven days after birth is normal

After a week, the color should transform into brown or brownish. This will also indicate the normal course of the healing process. If this does not happen, then consult a doctor.

Video: bleeding in the postpartum period

Causes of lochia with an unpleasant odor in the postpartum period

Lochia with a sharp, nasty odor is a signal that the healing process is not going well. If they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. The cause of this condition is the process of inflammation in the uterine area and other diseases that require the participation of specialists.

Lochia with a musty smell

The smell of sweetness in lochias should eliminate anxiety in a woman. In the first hours and days after the birth of a child, the discharge is characterized by abundance. They have a rich color and a pronounced bloody smell. By day 10, the amount of secretion becomes less and the color fades. A musty smell is normal. With regular hygiene, it will be mild and will not cause discomfort.

The smell of sweetness in the first days after childbirth is normal

Discharge with a sour or fishy odor

Gray and white discharge with the smell of sour food or fish indicates a violation of the vaginal microflora. It can be caused by medication and physical intervention. Most often, patients who experience such symptoms are diagnosed with: bacterial vaginosis. The risk of this disease will increase if lacerations in the vaginal or cervical area have been stitched, hygiene has been poor, or treated with antibiotics.

Lochia with a fishy odor is a sign of disturbed vaginal microflora

If lochia is characterized by pronounced sour smell and symptoms such as itching and curdled discharge, then there is a high probability of developing candidiasis. It manifests itself against the background of reduced immunity or changes in vaginal flora.

Important: thrush is a problem for both partners. Treatment must be carried out simultaneously, otherwise there is a risk of secondary infection.

Lochia with a rotten smell

The likelihood of infection in open wound if childbirth is carried out in unsterile conditions or there is unsanitary conditions at home - high. This may trigger the development various diseases depending on the location of the pathological process (vagina, uterine cavity or cervix, periuterine cavity):

Often these ailments become acute or become chronic. You can't hesitate. Acute processes accompanied by:

  • sharp sensations of pain in the affected area;
  • increased body temperature;
  • accumulation of suppurations, which later come out simultaneously with discharge and are distinguished by a sharp characteristic odor.

Chronic processes are accompanied by:

  • violation of the cyclicity of menstruation;
  • nagging pain in the affected area;
  • slight increase in temperature.

Possible consequences of atypical discharge

The consequences of lochia with pronounced unpleasant odors can be catastrophic for a woman if treatment is not started in a timely manner. Vaginosis can make the organs of the genitourinary system vulnerable. This will attract other infections concomitant diseases can't be avoided. Inflammatory processes in the uterine area may begin, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Subsequent complications can affect a woman’s ability to bear a child, lead to difficulties during subsequent pregnancy or childbirth, and cause infertility.

If the treatment process is not started in a timely manner, lochia with unpleasant odors can cause serious problems with health

Inflammation processes in wounds formed in postpartum period, can lead to even more disastrous consequences. Infection can easily spread throughout the body, affecting neighboring organs and the entire body as a whole. It can cause sepsis (systemic inflammatory reaction). One day will be enough for the disease to develop. At septic shock to avoid fatal outcome it will be hard.

Important: visit after birth routine examinations and monitor your condition every day.


If the discharge produces an odor that cannot be considered normal, then it is important to find out the root cause of its appearance. It is impossible to do this at home or on your own. An urgent consultation with a specialist will help. The gynecologist will prescribe the necessary tests, such as:

  • examination and collection of a smear for flora from the vaginal area;
  • taking (general) urine and blood tests;
  • testing for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • taking a smear using the polymerase method chain reaction(a smear is taken from the vagina, as well as the cervix and cervical canal among women);
  • examination using ultrasound.

Before conducting an examination, the doctor asks the patient about how exactly the birth process proceeded, whether it was associated with complications, and studies the mother’s pregnancy chart. After this, on a gynecological chair, he assesses the condition of the ovaries and uterus. If the presence of an inflammatory process is confirmed (the uterine cavity is enlarged and loose), then a ultrasonography. Based on its results, the cause of the discharge with an unpleasant odor is determined.

Treatment of lochia with unpleasant odors must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor and based on his recommendations

Based on the examination, the doctor prescribes drug treatment or a decision is made about surgical intervention.

Treatment methods

The choice of treatment method depends on the nature of the disease that provoked the appearance of discharge, the extent of the spread of the pathological process, and the severity of the manifestations.

Main directions in treatment:

  • antibacterial therapy. In mild cases, drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets; if the situation is complex, preference is given to drugs in the form of injections. It is important to take into account that many medications are not compatible with lactation. Most often, therapy is carried out using aminopenicillins, cephalosporins with metronidazole;
  • symptomatic therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, painkillers;
  • local treatment, for example, lavage of the uterine cavity (washing out clots) using a catheter. When the inflammatory process is localized in the vagina, the use of suppositories is sufficient;
  • the use of immunostimulating agents, vitamin preparations.

IN severe cases it is possible to prescribe systemic therapy, which requires cessation of breastfeeding.


After consultation with a gynecologist, you can use some traditional methods:

Video: how to restore the body after childbirth

Is it possible to breastfeed a baby with discharge?

The appearance of discharge with an unpleasant odor is not a reason to give up breastfeeding, but the reason for this phenomenon can be a contraindication. That is why it needs to be identified as quickly as possible.

Is it worth breastfeeding a child with thrush?

Thrush is a disease that is difficult to cure. If therapy is not followed, it can recur. Candidiasis can easily flow from one condition to another. That is, thrush from the vagina can spread to the nipples. The disease can be transmitted to an infant in the form of oral candidiasis. If a child has become infected, then both need to be treated. During this period, it is advisable to avoid contact of mucous membranes. The baby can eat milk obtained as a result of pumping. Before carrying out this procedure, you need to treat the nipples with a manganese solution and carefully monitor the sterility of the dishes. You can continue feeding only when tests have ruled out the presence of fungus in the body of the mother and child.

The appearance of discharge with unpleasant odors is not a reason to give up breastfeeding, but it is important to determine the cause of the pathology

Important: even if external signs There are no diseases, you can only trust the test results. Don't risk your baby's health. Being in the recovery stage can also trigger the disease.

Feeding a baby during an inflammatory process

Milk contains immune factors. When a mother suffers from an infectious disease to which her body is inclined to produce antibodies, they enter the milk product. The baby eats the medicine, but he cannot become infected with the disease through the fluid coming from the breast. Milk is designed to protect the child’s immunity, and it successfully copes with this task when the mother’s body experiences inflammation due to infection.

If the discharge smells unpleasant, the organs of the urinary and reproductive systems are most likely affected. They have nothing to do with mother's milk until the process has worsened to the limit. But the ability to breastfeed may be affected by the treatment the mother receives when she visits medical institution. Sometimes you can limit yourself to taking natural hormones and herbal medicine, but most often you cannot do without antibiotics. In this case, you will have to stop breastfeeding for a while.

Prevention of pathologies

The appearance of secretions with unpleasant odors after childbirth can be avoided. To do this you need:

Video: lochia after childbirth, what doctors say

After childbirth, were they carried out? naturally or a caesarean section was performed, the woman continues to have discharge from the genital tract for quite a long time. Full recovery the body occurs only after 6 - 8 weeks.

At this time, the young mother is warned various types dangers associated with pathology of the genital organs. Therefore, it is important to know how long and what kind of discharge should be in the postpartum period. After all, timely detection of a pathological process is already half the success of its treatment. What to do if there is discharge after childbirth with an unpleasant odor?

Read in this article

Discharge after childbirth

Thus, any processes that violate contractility uterus, lead to excessive blood loss, a hematometra can form - an accumulation of blood clots in the cavity. Often this complication requires a blood transfusion, since blood loss can reach several liters.

So, the discharge in the first day or two is profuse, often with clots. But if in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor or midwife, as violations threaten the woman’s life.

In the first week

Gradually the amount of discharge decreases, they begin to resemble normal menstruation. Their color is still predominantly blood-red; there should be no clots, unless they are very small (a few mm each). The smell is specific, just like during menstruation. It should also be noted that at this time they begin to actively work sweat glands, including in the groin area, so a little more may appear Strong smell than usual.

In the following time

Over time, the bloody component becomes even smaller; mucus predominates in the lochia. At this time, the discharge is rather presented in the form of a small smear. There should be no particular smell if all hygiene rules are followed and pads are regularly changed.

If there is no discharge for several days, and then spotting appears again, there is no need to worry, this is normal. But provided that it fits within the 40-day interval.

If after childbirth yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor, it is better to contact medical care to prevent inflammation.

Watch the video about lochia after childbirth:

Discharge after caesarean section

Immediately after surgery there is less discharge compared to natural childbirth, but their number is gradually increasing. It all depends on whether the cesarean section was planned or emergency, and whether the cervix was opened at all.

The smaller number of lochia in general is also due to the fact that there is always for preventive purposes drugs that contract the uterus are administered, and additional curettage of the cavity is often performed.

An admixture of mucus is allowed in the first days. The duration of any discharge after a cesarean section should not exceed 40 days. In all other respects, their character does not differ from natural childbirth.


Only a specialist can finally figure out whether it is normal or pathological. But following symptoms should be a reason to see a doctor:

  • If the discharge in the first days after childbirth is excessively abundant and with clots. In addition to this, weakness, dizziness, and nausea may appear.
  • In the case when, a few days after birth, the discharge suddenly stopped. In parallel with this, there are nagging pain lower abdomen.
  • Also if the discharge increases sharply. For example, one spot has already been present for more than 3 - 5 days, and decent bloody lochia has appeared.
  • If after childbirth there is brown discharge with an unpleasant smell of a putrefactive nature, subject to all the rules of personal hygiene.

Signs of inflammation

At any time after childbirth, a woman may develop vaginal symptoms. The likelihood is especially high when at the end of pregnancy she was bothered by some kind of sexually transmitted infections. Inflammation also often occurs when early start sexual activity, when the cervix is ​​not yet completely closed, and infections can easily penetrate. It is recommended to refrain from intimate relationships for a period of up to 40 days, while there is still some discharge.

In most cases it has a bright clinical picture. The infection can also be localized in the vagina and cervix. This is due to the immunodeficiency state of the woman at this moment. The main signs of inflammation of the genital organs:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which is slightly relieved by analgesics;
  • discharge with an unpleasant odor, putrid, purulent, etc.;
  • the color of the lochia changes to yellowish, greenish, dark brown, purulent, etc.;
  • body temperature rises to 38 - 39 degrees;
  • suffers general health: sweating, weakness, lethargy, apathy occur.

To determine inflammation in the genital organs, it is enough to carry out general analysis blood, gynecological examination and perform an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. Treatment must be started immediately to avoid possible complications.

Causes of pathology

Inflammation after childbirth can be localized in the vagina or spread to the uterine cavity. IN the latter case there is a clear threat to a woman’s health. The causes of the inflammatory process after childbirth may be the following:

  • Presence and its ignoring at the end of pregnancy. After childbirth pathogenic bacteria without proper treatment they will not go away.
  • Various manipulations during childbirth without prophylactic antibiotics. For example, manual release placenta, massive blood loss, extensive, etc.
  • Related immunodeficiency states in a woman. Such as HIV oncological pathology and others.
  • Lack of personal hygiene, use.
  • The presence of active infectious pathology, for example, exacerbation of chronic disease and the like.
  • Early onset of sexual activity without waiting 40 days, while refusing condoms.
  • Allergic reactions to suture material, if used.

The fact is that blood is the best nutrient medium for the growth and reproduction of most pathogens. This is why inflammation occurs so easily after childbirth.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

You shouldn’t wait until you have discharge with an unpleasant odor for almost a month after giving birth.

At the first suspicion of inflammation or other pathology, you should consult a doctor.

This must be done urgently in the following situations:

  • when purulent discharge is detected,
  • when rising above 39 degrees,
  • at severe pain lower abdomen,
  • at severe dizziness, weakness, lethargy,
  • if the discharge is very heavy (several medium pads within an hour).

Diagnostic methods

It is necessary to pay careful attention to such conditions, as they are fraught with consequences and can cause significant harm to a woman’s health. If a young mother suspects some kind of infection, she should consult a doctor for examination and examination.

  • The main methods used to diagnose the condition are:
  • general gynecological examination;
  • for flora, sowing the contents;
  • PCR and culture for major pathogenic microorganisms;
  • ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity; general and blood.

biochemical analysis

If necessary, the list can be expanded.

Treatment of discharge The scope and invasiveness of treatment for inflammation of the genital organs after childbirth depends on the extent of the process, the severity of symptoms of intoxication, etc.

Unpleasant discharge after childbirth, accompanied by other symptoms (pain in the lower abdomen, fever, etc.), should always attract increased attention from the woman. After all, during this period protective forces of the body are reduced so much that even conditional pathogens can cause disease. Only a specialist after an examination can definitively say why there is discharge with an unpleasant odor after childbirth and how to most effectively carry out the treatment.

Every woman after childbirth comes into contact with vaginal discharge, which include plasma, dying uterine epithelium, and blood cells. This phenomenon is considered the absolute norm. The secretion can change its color, consistency, and smell. The unpleasant smell of discharge is a sign of the development of pathology. This symptom signals danger, so it should not be ignored.

What should normal postpartum discharge be like?

For the female body, childbirth is a serious test. It is natural to assume that the organs reproductive system need restoration. Usually 6–8 weeks are enough for them. The most significant changes occur in the uterus; they begin immediately after the placenta separates from its surface. The uterus begins active contractions in order to regain its normal size. After childbirth inner surface organ is injured, therefore, for 2–3 days it is observed profuse bleeding, which gradually decreases and lasts up to 8 weeks - lochia.

Abundant bloody issues for 2–3 days after birth is the absolute norm, and meager or excessive copious discharge should cause you to see a doctor

Normal discharge does not have strong odor or they smell like blood. Subsequently, the lochia reduces its intensity and changes color to a lighter color. On the 6th–7th day after delivery, the secretion normally acquires a brown tint.

Please note: if a young mother is breastfeeding or practicing active exercise, the secretion may become more abundant. The more actively the muscles contract abdominal cavity, the more abundant the discharge will be.

Table: normal discharge after childbirth

Discharge is normally not accompanied by discomfort in the form of itching, irritation and unpleasant odor; it becomes less pronounced over time and completely disappears on the 45th–60th day after delivery.

Important: after the lochia has stopped, the woman mandatory should be examined by a gynecologist.

Video: recovery of the mother’s body after childbirth

Causes of discharge with a foul odor after childbirth

An unpleasant odor can develop as a result of stagnation of secretions in the uterus, changes in the vaginal microflora, as well as the progression of inflammation due to infection.

The smell of urine should also alert you. It is often a sign of conditions such as:

  • atony Bladder (functional disorder which leads to urinary incontinence);
  • vaginal fistulas (holes that form as a result of injury);
  • injury to the urethra during childbirth.

In the first 24 hours after the birth of a child, lochia is characterized by increased abundance. They are characterized by a rich red hue and the smell of fresh blood. By the 10th day, the volume of discharge should decrease, and the color of the secretion should change to yellow or white. During this period, the smell of preli often occurs; it is the norm.

Disturbance of vaginal microflora

A fishy or sour odor may form along with a gray or whitish secretion. Typically, this phenomenon proves the presence of a disorder of the vaginal microflora - bacterial vaginosis. The condition can be triggered by physical or drug intervention. It is especially worth worrying about those women who received stitches after childbirth, as well as young mothers who have undergone a course of antibiotic therapy.

A sour smell along with discharge that looks like cottage cheese is a symptom of the progression of candidiasis (thrush). The disease usually manifests itself as itching.

An unpleasant smell of discharge in 99% of cases is a sign of the development of pathologies

A strong smell of rot can also appear when the birth was not carried out under sterile conditions and an infection has entered the birth wound. The localization of the latter can be very different: the cervix of the organ, the uterine cavity, the vagina, and so on.

If the discharge gives off the smell of onion or garlic, then the reason most often lies in immunodeficiency or metabolic disorders. This smell can provoke inflammation in the uterus, as well as vaginal dysbiosis or thrush.

Secretion with the odor of ammonia tends to occur due to urine leakage at the time of increased pressure in the peritoneum, which can be caused by increased physical activity, sneezing or coughing, laughing, etc. Incontinence can also provoke emotional stress and overweight.

Important: a strong unpleasant odor, provided hygiene is maintained, in 99% of cases is caused by the development of pathologies. Seeing a doctor is mandatory.

Impaired blood flow

If, at the end of labor, the discharge is very scanty and has an unpleasant odor, then perhaps the cause of this condition is a violation of the outflow of blood. Sometimes it happens that the uterus stops contracting with the proper frequency. Mothers who have given up breastfeeding are more likely to experience this pathology. Defects in the formation of the reproductive organ (congenital or acquired) can also be a reason for delayed discharge.

Quite often, mothers who have undergone surgery experience problems with blood flow after childbirth. The tissues in the scar area are not able to contract fully. Such mothers are usually prescribed medications containing oxytocin.

During breastfeeding, the hormone oxytocin is produced, which causes the uterus to contract.

Poor hygiene

If after childbirth a discharge with a repulsive odor begins to appear, then you should pay closer attention to hygiene. It is advisable to carry out water procedures after each visit to the toilet. For washing it is better to use normal baby soap or special gentle agents. If there are stitches in the perineal area, then it is imperative to use antiseptics, otherwise inflammation due to infection cannot be avoided.

It is advisable to replace sanitary pads with disposable diapers. They need to be changed as often as possible. Washing the perineum once a day is not enough.

If discharge with an unpleasant odor appears, it is necessary to wash the perineum several times a day using special means for intimate hygiene


The repulsive smell of lochia often indicates the progression of the inflammation process against the background of specific infections (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, candidiasis, gardenellosis, gonorrhea and others) and endometritis (inflammatory processes during inner layer uterus).

greenish discharge that smells like pus or fish is also a sign of the development of endometritis. The muscles of the uterus contract weakly, so the secretion does not come out well enough. This circumstance may aggravate the situation.

Photo gallery: discharge with a nasty smell of various shades Yellowish discharge with an odor is a sign of the development of endometritis which emit a pungent odor of pus - this is a sign of the development of infection in uterine organ Greenish discharge that smell like pus or fish - this is a sign of the development of endometritis

Remnants of the placenta

Lochia may acquire an unpleasant odor 30 days after delivery if there is remains of the placenta in the uterus.

  • This pathology manifests itself in a complex manner, so it is important to pay attention to other symptoms:
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • general malaise;
  • fever;

stomach ache. In this case, without surgical intervention

not enough. In particularly difficult cases, complete elimination of the uterus is performed.

Video: diagnosis by smell of discharge

Treatment methods

Even a mild disorder in the postpartum period can cause the development of serious pathology. It is very important to maintain hygiene to reduce the risk of complications.

  • For 3–4 months, it is advisable for a woman to avoid:
  • visiting a steam room or bathing procedures;
  • bathing in a bath or closed reservoirs;
  • increased physical activity.
  • wash yourself more often, including with herbal decoctions (you can use chamomile, nettle or string as a basis). Please note: douching for several months after childbirth is not advisable;
  • use a condom during sexual intercourse. Thanks to such forethought, it will be possible not only to avoid the penetration of infection or bacteria, but also to exclude an unplanned pregnancy; regularly put the baby to the breast when natural feeding
  • . The procedure activates uterine contractions and stimulates the process of cleansing the organ;
  • empty your bladder regularly;

practice resting and sleeping lying on your stomach. This position stimulates contraction of the abdominal muscles.

Necessary research

If you experience discharge with a repulsive odor, contacting a specialist is mandatory.

  • In this case, the young mother will need:
  • undergo an examination by a specialized doctor and provide answers to all the gynecologist’s questions. It is advisable to contact the specialist who accompanied the pregnancy or is familiar with the history of childbirth and have a card with you;
  • take a gynecological smear for flora, as well as a PCR test for infection;
  • take urine tests, as well as blood tests and for STDs (sexually transmitted diseases);

undergo an ultrasound examination.

Drug treatment After determining the exact cause, the doctor prescribes treatment taking into account all factors and the condition of the mother. It is usually medicated. In most cases, these are drugs based on metronidazole or amoxicillin.

Important: the doctor must select the safest and most gentle medications if a woman prefers breastfeeding. Certain drugs can negatively affect lactation and the health of the baby.

In the case of inflammation after childbirth, therapy may focus on the administration of natural hormones that can be produced female body(for example, oxytocin is often administered for endometritis). Candidiasis may require antifungal treatment.

Metronidazole penetrates into breast milk, so breastfeeding will have to be suspended for the duration of treatment


If remains of the placenta were found in a woman’s uterus, then curettage cannot be avoided. The procedure is performed under anesthesia. The doctor cleans out any remaining tissue and then sanitizes the organ. In particularly advanced and complex cases, complete removal of the uterus is possible.

The curettage procedure involves cleaning the uterus from tissue debris and sanitizing the organ.

Possible consequences

Any disease in the postpartum period, accompanied by discharge with an unpleasant odor, can lead to serious consequences. Discomfort and aesthetic inconvenience are only a small part of the problems.

Vaginosis can cause infertility or negatively affect subsequent pregnancy, causing complications during delivery. The disease makes genitourinary system weak and unable to resist the penetration of infections.

Endometritis can not only cause infertility, but also cause death. Inflammatory processes can penetrate deep into the body and subsequently affect organs of other systems from the inside. As a result, the development of sepsis (a systemic inflammatory reaction in response to local infectious process), which is often incompatible with life.

After childbirth, a woman’s life changes dramatically, and the author of the article was no exception. Lochia is a way of cleansing the body, they are an absolute noma, but only until they begin to emit an unpleasant odor. Initially, I encountered the smell of sweetness in the second week after giving birth. It did not cause much discomfort, others alarming symptoms were absent, but still I decided to call my gynecologist and report this fact. The doctor advised me to make a decoction of chamomile and wash the perineum with it at least three times per day. I strictly followed the doctor's orders. After a few days the smell stopped bothering me. At the 7th week, the discharge began to flow sour smell. At the same time, problems with lactation appeared. I went to the doctor. A smear on the flora confirmed the presence of thrush, the doctor prescribed Pimafucin suppositories. Lochia at that time was no longer abundant. After therapy, the sour smell completely disappeared, and lactation was restored. I learned the following for myself: a timely visit to the doctor is the key to a successful solution to the problem and the possibility of eliminating Negative consequences. Don't be afraid to talk about your symptoms with a specialist. Even a slight deviation from the norm should cause concern and Attentive attitude to your body.

If a foul odor appears postpartum discharge it is necessary to identify the cause of the pathology. You won’t be able to do this yourself at home, so you need to seek help from a specialist. A young mother should take care of own health, because now she is responsible not only for herself, but also for the child.