The rash on the body rises above the skin and itches. Rash on the body in adults - causes and methods of treatment

There are many different types of acne. They differ in color, shape, size, localization, etc. For each disease and disorder, one specific type is characteristic. It is quite easy to distinguish them during the initial examination, since the differences are visible to the naked eye. Depending on the external signs, the doctor draws a conclusion about possible violations and prescribes additional diagnostic procedures.

In modern medicine, there are such main types of rashes on the body:

  • spots;
  • blisters;
  • abscesses;
  • bubbles;
  • erythema;
  • purpura;
  • nodes;
  • nodules.

Spots, as a rule, do not rise above the surface of the skin. They come in different colors. Depending on the reasons that provoked their appearance, the spots are white, red and brown. They can occupy both a small area and cover a large part of the body. If red, white or brown spots appear, you should immediately see a doctor to find out the cause of their occurrence.

The blisters are small, but they can be many in a small area of ​​the skin. They are dense and rough to the touch. Usually they do not bring pain and discomfort. However, do not hope that this symptom appeared just like that and will soon disappear.

Ulcers are pus-filled, inflamed areas of the epidermis. Such a rash on the body in an adult may indicate serious diseases, and in adolescence, the usual acne appears in this way. The second name for this type of rash is a pustule.

Bubbles are cavities filled with a clear liquid. They are small in diameter and rise above the skin. To figure out why such a rash appeared, you need to conduct additional examinations and pass certain tests.

Erythema is presented as a patch of bright red skin that rises above the skin. Most often appears on the cheeks, rarely covers the entire body. To find out the cause of erythema, you need to talk to your doctor.

Purpura is subcutaneous and cutaneous hemorrhages. As a rule, the affected areas do not rise above the epidermis and have a red tint. There are many reasons for their appearance, and only a doctor can find out.

Knots are bigger than knots. Both types rise above the skin, change color and shape. This manifestation requires immediate diagnosis and adequate treatment.

2 Etiology of the disease

Both in a child and in an adult, a rash does not appear just like that. There is always some trigger. The main task of the doctor is to find out this factor before starting treatment. As a rule, skin rashes are one of the manifestations or an adverse reaction of a more serious disorder in the body. At the first symptoms, you need to urgently go to the hospital. Self-medication should not be done either, this can lead to an aggravation of the process.

The most common and common causes of a rash are allergic reactions of the body, infectious processes, and a decrease in the body's defenses. In order for the rash to disappear, it is necessary to remove the provoking factor. This means that in addition to external manifestations, it is necessary to treat infections and allergies from the inside. Strengthening the immune system also means a lot.

Over time, the nature of the rash may change. Primary rashes are pronounced, but the skin does not fall under the influence of pathological processes. A rash that appears later is called a secondary rash. In this case, the surface of the epidermis can be greatly modified. There is a chance of scars and scars.

In addition, if acne is not treated for a long time, then crusts, eczema, and cracks appear on the skin. After another period of exacerbation, the peeling process invariably begins. To prevent this from happening, you need to contact a doctor as soon as possible, who will find out the cause of the violation and prescribe the correct course of therapy.

3 Triggering factors

Red pimples can appear for various reasons. Most often they are provoked by a banal allergy. Already a couple of hours after contact with the allergen, small rashes begin to form on the body, which can itch terribly, burn, and sometimes even hurt.

A nursing mother should be especially attentive to her diet, as certain foods provoke the appearance of an allergic rash in a baby. When ordinary foods are gradually introduced into the child's diet, you need to monitor the reaction of his body. If it turns out that the baby has an allergy to any food, then it will be enough to simply exclude this product. There is no specific treatment for allergies.

A red rash can be the result of syphilis, infectious diseases, fungal infections. As a rule, with such violations, the rash always itches and hurts. With secondary syphilis, plaques, crusts, nodules are formed. This brings a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. In this case, it is necessary to urgently seek professional medical help.

A red rash always indicates acute pathological changes in the skin, so treatment should be started on time. To avoid negative consequences in the form of scars, eczema, and even loss of limbs, it is better to consult a doctor at the first alarming manifestations and complaints about the appearance of rashes.

4 Infectious nature of the disease

If the rash on the body itches, hurts, brings a lot of discomfort, then this may indicate the presence of an infection in the body. The most common infections that cause skin rashes are:

  • syphilis;
  • lichen;
  • warts;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • herpes;
  • rubrophytia;
  • genital warts;
  • pemphigus.

Syphilis is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases, transmitted mainly through sexual contact. The secondary stage is characterized by bright red spots all over the body. At first they do not bring discomfort, but after a few months they can go away on their own. However, it will soon appear, localized on the back, in the groin, under the mammary glands.

Ringworm is fungal. It can manifest itself in completely different ways. Brown spots, red pimples, scales form on the patient's body. The skin begins to peel off, itching pain accompanies rashes of this kind.

Warts form on the hands and feet. They are hard, gray in color, in the form of papules. The surface of the warts is rough. They can appear both in the singular and in multiple rashes.

Molluscum contagiosum manifests itself through transparent smooth capsules filled with a serous transparent liquid. When pressed, this liquid is poured out, and a depressed area of ​​​​pink or gray color remains at the puncture site.

Herpes is localized mainly on the skin of the face. Small white bubbles appear, which gradually become cloudy. Later, a crust forms, which eventually disappears. Dark brown rinds.

Rubrophytosis is the most common fungal disease of the skin of the feet. It manifests itself in rashes between the fingers. In the absence of therapy, the rash covers the entire skin of the feet. Peeling begins, an unpleasant smell emanates from the legs.

Genital warts form on the genitals. In appearance, such a rash resembles warts, but over time it can acquire a persistent red tint. The rashes can grow and resemble cauliflower in shape.

Pemphigus provokes the growth of single or multiple blisters on the back. After a couple of days, the blisters burst, and at the site of damage, the skin changes its color. The affected area resembles a scar, but is not.

5 Noncommunicable diseases

A rash on the body is not only of an infectious nature. Some diseases that are not associated with infections provoke pathological changes in the skin, resulting in a variety of rashes on the body. Doctors call the cause of the rash such non-communicable diseases:

  • lupus erythematosus;
  • acne;
  • melanoma;
  • hives;
  • psoriasis;
  • intertrigo.

Lupus is an acute rheumatic disease. Spots in lupus have an intense pink color. Inflammation is localized most often in open areas of the body: face, neck, hands. Sometimes the rash on the bridge of the nose resembles a butterfly that has opened its wings. After a certain amount of time, the spots turn into hardened plaques, peeling begins.

Seborrheic dermatitis affects areas with the most sebaceous glands. There are formed spots and papules that have a yellowish-pink color. Over time, inflammation can cause cracks and peeling. The affected skin is sore and itchy.

Acne is common in adolescence. It manifests itself in pustules that are on the face, neck, back, chest. The arms, legs and abdomen are less commonly affected.

Melanoma is a skin cancer. Its main symptom is a slight elevation on the skin, a few millimeters in size. The elevation has a brown color, the presence of pink, red, purple blotches is possible.

Urticaria is a relatively severe disease. It is called one of the manifestations of allergies. At the same time, small red pimples appear, which are very itchy and sore. The temperature may rise.

Psoriasis provokes the formation of pink or bright red papules. At first it can be single elements. Later they increase and merge into a solid plaque covered with silver scales. The patient does not experience discomfort at first, but then the neoplasms begin to itch terribly and cause unbearable pain. not possible, but symptoms can be alleviated.

Intertrigo is a form of dermatitis. Its appearance is provoked by profuse sweating. In the groin, between the buttocks, in the armpit, large areas of redness, swelling or pimples form, which hurt and itch a lot.

6 Diagnosis and treatment

Treating a rash is an individual process. It requires the time and effort of the doctor and the patient. It is impossible to cure acne without knowing the cause of their occurrence. Eliminating the symptoms is not the same as eliminating the disease.

To eliminate discomfort as quickly as possible, you need to contact a dermatologist. He will prescribe additional examinations or refer the patient to another doctor if the cause of the rash turns out to be of a specific nature.

The success of any therapy depends on the mood of the patient, and his desire to recover.

There is no and cannot be a definite treatment regimen for a rash, because in each individual case a special approach is needed.

It depends on what disease provoked the appearance of acne.

There are cases when skin pathologies develop simply from a decrease in immunity. In this case, no drugs are needed. It will be enough to get enough sleep, good nutrition, daily walks, sports and the rejection of bad habits.

If the reason lies much deeper, then the doctor prescribes various medications, physiological procedures and multivitamin complexes. The treatment regimen in each individual situation is selected purely individually.

Various rashes on the body in babies are quite common. A variety of diseases can lead to the development of rashes, which we will discuss in our article.

Reasons for the appearance

Rashes on the body of a child are an important symptom that indicates trouble in the child's body. The rash can appear both in newborn babies and in schoolchildren and adolescents. Localization of rashes is the most diverse. Itchy elements bring the baby severe discomfort and significantly disrupt his well-being.

Main reasons:

  • The leading cause of itching and rashes on the skin of a baby is allergic pathologies. They can develop at any age. Often the cause of the appearance of adverse symptoms on the skin in infants are various complementary foods introduced into the diet in the first year of life. Older children, as a rule, react violently to honey and propolis, seafood and sea fish, citrus fruits and chocolate.
  • In some cases, the development of a contact form of allergy leads allergens directly on the skin. This situation is facilitated by the use of improperly selected children's cosmetics or laundry detergents. The chemical fragrances and dyes contained in such industrial products can have an aggressive effect on the delicate skin of the baby and lead to the appearance of adverse allergy symptoms.

Most allergic pathologies are accompanied by the development of severe itching. It can disturb the baby both day and night. This leads to the fact that the child becomes more irritable, more naughty. Babies may be worse attached to the chest. In some cases, the child develops drowsiness and apathy.

  • Quarantine childhood infections- also not a rare cause of itchy skin rashes in a baby. Measles, rubella, chicken pox, scarlet fever and many other infectious pathologies are provocative causes of various skin changes. The rash can spread to the hips, back, heels, head, neck, abdomen, chest and other anatomical areas. The course of an infectious disease is usually severe and is accompanied by a high rise in body temperature.
  • Violation of the rules of personal hygiene It can also contribute to the appearance of rashes on the skin of a child. In this case, they most often appear on the palms and feet, under the armpits, behind the ears. Quite often, such rashes appear in the smallest children who have not yet been taught to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Itching in such cases may not always be present.

  • Itchy red small spots on the skin of a child may appear and after being bitten by various insects. This happens mainly in the warm season, when insects are active. The majority of bites are usually found on open areas of the body. Toddlers living near forests or in rural areas have a higher risk of developing these skin lesions.
  • The appearance of characteristic rashes on the skin can also lead to some viral diseases. So, infectious mononucleosis is a fairly common cause of a rash on the skin of a child. Usually the appearance of rashes accompanies a pronounced symptom of intoxication. A sick baby feels very bad, his appetite decreases and sleep is disturbed. Treatment of infectious mononucleosis requires the selection of a complex of individual therapy.

Rash in mononucleosis

Allergy to insect stings

  • Scabies is an infectious disease accompanied by the appearance of a small rash on the skin. Usually it is localized in areas with high humidity or in the area of ​​​​skin folds. The palms, groin and abdomen are favorite places for the localization of scabies mites. This disease is manifested by the presence of many small red spots on the skin, which are very itchy and bring severe discomfort to the baby.


  • In some cases, the appearance of a skin rash is a symptom of a very life-threatening disease. These pathologies include meningitis. Some forms of this disease cause the child to have multiple purple rashes on the skin. This symptom is an extremely unfavorable sign. Treatment of meningitis is carried out only in stationary conditions.
  • Skin rash in newborns and infants can develop in some other situations. These include excessive overheating and wrapping the baby during the warm season. This contributes to a violation of thermoregulation, which ultimately manifests itself in the child with the appearance of symptoms of prickly heat. These manifestations occur on the skin of the baby in places of direct contact with clothing.
  • In young patients, the development of whitish rashes on the skin can lead to toxic erythema. This pathological condition is characterized by the appearance on the skin of a large number of white skin elements that are close enough to each other. With the course of the development of the disease, such rashes can already cover the entire body of the baby. Scientists have not established a single cause of the development of this pathological condition in children.

Rash with meningitis

Sweating in children

  • During adolescence, children may develop various symptoms on their face, neck, chest, and upper back. pustular rashes. Inside these skin formations is pus. When pressed, it easily flows out. The appearance of such pustules is associated with a change in the hormonal background, which manifests itself in adolescents during puberty. To eliminate adverse symptoms, the correct selection of medical cosmetics is required, and in some cases also the intake of drugs inside.
  • The development of rashes in a baby can lead to neurodermatitis. This condition is accompanied by the appearance of a rash in the folds of the arms and legs, as well as in the face. This disease has predominantly neurological causes. Accompanied by the appearance of a rash, usually severe itching. To treat these adverse symptoms, a whole range of different medicines is used.

Pustular rashes in adolescents


  • Various subspecies can also lead to the appearance of loose elements on the skin in babies. herpes viruses. They can cause a rosacea rash. The clinical signs of this infection in many cases duplicate those of a common fever, which is common in infants. The course of the pathology, as a rule, is severe and is accompanied by a strong rise in body temperature, the values ​​of which can even reach 40 degrees.
  • Fungi that live on the skin, can also cause the development of rashes. In this case, the rash appears on almost all parts of the body. Most of all, pathogenic fungi like to live in the scalp, on the nails, as well as in places of skin folds. Increased sweating only creates more favorable conditions for the reproduction of fungal pathogenic flora. The development of adverse symptoms is usually gradual.
  • Fungal pathologies are most often found in babies with signs of immunodeficiency states. Also at risk for the development of a fungal rash are children suffering from diabetes and other metabolic diseases. To eliminate the adverse symptoms of a fungal infection, a treatment complex is required, which includes the use of antifungal drugs.


Rash in diabetes


The appearance of the rash can be very different. Quite often, numerous spots appear on the skin of a child. They may be red or pink in color. Usually in their size they reach 5-8 mm.

Allergic spots are usually they itch strongly and spread almost all over the body. A large accumulation of skin elements is located on the back, on the neck, feet, elbows and other parts of the body. An allergic rash is usually quite small and itchy. The appearance of these rashes is directly related to the ingestion of some allergen into the child's body.

Many infectious diseases are manifested by the appearance of blisters on the baby's skin. This is how chickenpox usually proceeds. With this disease, the child develops numerous blisters that cover almost all of the skin. They usually have a yellow or bloody fluid inside. Loose elements can persist for 5-7 days, and then gradually completely disappear.

A rash on the skin of a baby can also be manifested by various vesicles. These are relatively large vesicles filled with serous fluid inside. The wall of such formations is usually dense, but may crack when touched. In this case, the liquid flows out, and a bleeding wound remains in place of such an element. These manifestations are often found when the skin is infected with some pathogenic species of staphylococci.

The appearance of bright red areas on the skin of infants, which can be very itchy, is a sign development of diaper dermatitis. Quite often, this situation leads to wearing the wrong diapers. The development of an allergic reaction can be facilitated by the chemical components of the absorbent layer, which is in direct contact with the child's inguinal zone. The appearance of bright spots in the groin, buttocks and thighs of the baby can be a characteristic symptom of diaper dermatitis.

The appearance of a rash on the skin rarely becomes an isolated symptom. The general condition of the sick baby is also deteriorating. His appetite decreases and his mood changes. The child becomes more capricious, refuses to play with his favorite toys.

Allergy to washing powder

Diaper dermatitis

Severe itching leads to the fact that the baby increases nervousness. Many infectious diseases occur in a child with the development pronounced syndrome of intoxication. A sick baby has a rise in body temperature. At its height, fever or chills may appear.

The child begins to have a severe headache, dizziness and general weakness may develop. The skin becomes dry and pale, they are usually cold to the touch.


Only the attending physician can determine the specific pathology. To do this, you should definitely show the child to the doctor if he has any skin rashes. Pediatricians are involved in the treatment of infectious diseases in babies. If the pathology is of a fungal or bacterial origin, then pediatric dermatologists also join the treatment.

To establish the correct diagnosis a number of tests are required. A complete blood count can detect any signs of bacterial and viral infections. An increase in ESR indicates the presence of inflammation in the child's body. A large number of neutrophils indicates that some kind of allergic reaction or bacterial infection could be the cause of the skin rash.

To establish the causative agent of the disease and conduct differential diagnosis, in some cases, it is carried out collection of biological material from the skin. This is required for scraping. The resulting material is sent to the laboratory, where laboratory doctors conduct a thorough study of it and identify the causative agents of the skin disease.

In some complex cases of diagnosis, more accurate tests are also required - PCR or ELISA. These studies are necessary to identify a number of microbes that cannot be detected by any other methods or laboratory tests. The biological material for such examinations is venous blood.

With the help of the determination of specific antibodies, a variety of childhood infections are diagnosed.

The skin is a reflection of the internal picture of the body, and any changes signal a malfunction in it. One of the reactions of the skin to the presence of a disease in humans is a rash. The reasons for its occurrence are quite diverse. Let's look at the cases in which a small rash can appear on the body and what should be done if you find a rash?

We find out the causes of the appearance of a small rash

There are many reasons for the appearance of a small rash on the skin. Let's look at the main ones and get acquainted with the treatment tactics in each individual case.

contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis (an obsolete name is simple dermatitis) is a skin reaction that occurs as a result of exposure to allergens or irritants. The elements of the rash are small dots of red or pink color that protrude above the level of the skin. With prolonged exposure to the allergen, the rash turns into blisters that are filled with serous contents. The process ends with peeling, often pigmentation remains.

Patients complain of burning, pain, itching, skin tension. Pathology resolves on its own if contact with the allergen (irritant) is eliminated in a matter of days or weeks. The term depends on its duration: the shorter the contact, the faster the rash will disappear and vice versa.

In cases where the rash is accompanied by severe itching caused by an allergen, it is advisable to use antihistamines. In order to prevent infection, it is recommended to treat scratches on the skin with mild antiseptic agents or decoctions of herbs (calendula, chamomile).

Rubrofitia feet and hands

Rubrophytosis (rubromycosis) of the feet and hands is a fungal infection of the skin. The disease affects mainly the feet, can spread to the hands, large folds, especially the inguinal-femoral, and other areas of the skin with frequent involvement of vellus, and sometimes long hair. Objectively: small red rash, blisters, erosion, peeling. Subjectively: itching. Treatment of the disease consists in removing scales, eliminating inflammation with the help of compresses and ointments, and taking antifungal drugs inside.



Syphilis is a chronic systemic disease, usually transmitted sexually. For the secondary period of syphilis, which develops 2-4 months after infection with pale treponema, the appearance of a small red rash on the outside of the forearm and shoulder, on the soles of the feet and on the palms is characteristic. There is no pain or itching. Treatment consists of long-term use of antibiotics.

Infective endocarditis

Infective endocarditis is an infectious disease that is accompanied by damage to the heart valves, the inner lining of the heart and adjacent large vessels. This pathology can cause the development of a hemorrhagic rash.

Objectively: small painful rashes on the skin of red color, which are localized mainly in the area of ​​the palms, feet, fingertips. Disappear spontaneously after 1-4 days.

Erythema multiforme exudative

Erythema multiforme exudative is an acute, often recurrent disease of the skin and mucous membranes of an infectious-allergic genesis. Objectively: pink-red or bright red inflammatory spots that tend to merge. Often, along with them, blisters appear separately, less often bubbles and blisters. The rash spreads symmetrically, mainly on the extensor surfaces of the extremities, mainly the hands, forearms, and to a lesser extent the face, neck, shins, rear of the feet.

Treatment of the disease is symptomatic:

1) locally - ointments with corticosteroid hormones; rinsing the oral mucosa with disinfectant solutions;

2) to reduce pain (especially during meals) - lidocaine;

3) in severe cases - corticosteroid hormones;

4) in the presence of a secondary infection - antibiotic therapy;

5) in the presence of a herpetic infection - antiviral drugs (acyclovir, rematadine).

Many infectious diseases, such as scarlet fever, measles, chickenpox and others, are accompanied by rashes on the body and limbs.

If you find a small rash on the body, do not self-medicate. It is necessary to consult a doctor who can establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

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The skin is the largest human organ and it is not surprising that in the process of diseases occurring inside the body, side effects in the form of various kinds of rashes appear on the skin. Any symptom requires careful attention to it, in this article on skin rashes in adults, we analyze the causes with a photo, help you identify the culprit of the rashes, and also consider diseases, the early symptom of which is often skin manifestations.

Since skin rashes are the first sign of many diseases, this signal cannot be ignored, any suspicious rash that suddenly appears should be examined by a qualified doctor (dermatologist, allergist or therapist), since the disease in a weakened form can be manifested by skin changes, without additional symptoms.

A rash may indicate:

  • Problems of the immune system.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Problems with the nervous system caused by stress.

So what is a skin rash?

It is generally accepted that a rash is a change in the skin and (or) mucous membranes. Changes may include primarily a change in color, texture of the surface of the skin, peeling, itching in the area of ​​redness and pain.
A rash can be localized in completely different places on the body, for different types of rash there are typical places of appearance, for example, rashes associated with allergic reactions most often manifest themselves on the hands and face, while manifestations on the surface of the body are more often associated with infectious diseases.

Remember, combing the rashes is unacceptable in any case, this will lead to even more irritation of the skin and the possible formation of abscesses.

Types of rash

Skin rashes can have a different appearance, but are always divided into two types:

Primary- occur in areas of healthy skin or mucous membranes due to pathological processes in the body.

Secondary- occur at the site of the primary for certain reasons (for example, lack of treatment)

Undoubtedly, the most favorable in terms of diagnostic possibilities and subsequent successful therapy are primary presentations. All performances differ in external features such as size, shape, content, degree of color, grouping, and so on.

Let's analyze the main types of speeches

Spot- Manifested by a change in color or redness of the skin. It occurs in diseases such as syphilitic roseola, vitiligo, dermatitis, and birthmarks and freckles also belong to this type of manifestation.

Blister- Swollen redness with smooth edges, it can be regular and irregular in shape, common causes of appearance: urticaria, insect bites, toxidermia, usually does not require special treatment.

abscess- a formation filled with pus in the layers of the epidermis, according to the types are divided into superficial and deep located. Accompany such diseases as acne, impetigo, furunculosis, ulcerative pyoderma.

knot- can be found in all layers of the skin, outwardly looks like a change in the surface of the epidermis with redness and a difference in density from the surrounding tissues, usually 1 to 10 mm in size. Typical manifestations of the nodule cause: psoriasis, several types of lichen, eczema, papillomas, various warts.

Rash with allergies

The cause of constant skin itching and visible skin rashes is often an allergy, this is a fairly common occurrence in our time, about 70 percent of people are somehow susceptible or have experienced allergic reactions.

What is an allergy? This is an exacerbated reaction of the human immune system to an allergen that has entered the body, while in the process of getting rid of the presence of an allergen, blood vessels dilate in a person, histamine is produced in large quantities, and redness, inflammation, swelling are almost always added to the above symptoms, there is skin itching.

Attention! In the event of an acute allergic reaction with the formation of edema, you must immediately call the patient an ambulance!

Allergic dermatitis also often manifests itself - when exposed to an allergen, a rash area forms at the point of contact, for example, when reacting to clothes - rashes in the waist, back and those places on the body where clothes fit most tightly to the skin, or when reacting to perfume or deodorant - in the area of ​​​​the greatest hit of the substance (often under the armpits)

With a mild form of an allergic reaction, the symptoms resemble those of a cold: a runny nose, possibly increased salivation and lacrimation. If you experience symptoms such as dizziness, tachycardia, convulsions and nausea, then this may indicate a severe allergic reaction in which there is a risk of developing anaphylactic shock, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Allergies can be caused by:

  • Pet hair
  • Plant pollen in summer or autumn
  • Medications
  • Food (chocolate, milk, citrus fruits, etc.)
  • Various nutritional supplements
  • Substances contained in perfumery or household chemicals
  • Substances that make up wardrobe items (fabric, metals, dyes)

Rash in infectious diseases

Rashes in infectious diseases are often characterized by a staging of appearance, first it appears in one place, then in another, also each infection has typical rash sites, a specific shape and size, it is important to remember all the details and report all this information to the doctor when interviewing.

Below we consider a rash in various infectious diseases:

- in the initial period of the disease, a small rash appears on the face and neck, then within 2-6 hours the rash spreads throughout the body. It usually looks like round or oval redness ranging in size from 2 to 10 mm. Stays on the skin for up to 72 hours, then disappears without visible traces. If you have found yourself with a similar rash, then you need to consult and examine a doctor, since similar rashes are symptoms of many infectious diseases. We also recall that rubella is of particular danger to pregnant women, since if the mother is ill, the infection can harm the fetus.

- measles disease usually manifests itself with catarrhal manifestations. The rash appears after 2-7 days. The primary places of protrusions are on the skin of the nose and behind the auricles, then within 24 hours it spreads to the skin of the chest, face, then the arms and neck are also covered with rashes. After 72 hours, the legs are also covered with a rash, the rash is most often saturated, merging. After the active phase of the disease, the rash changes color and forms a semblance of age spots.

Chicken pox- with the onset of the disease, it manifests itself as red spots, then bubbles appear with a red ring and liquid inside, outwardly similar to dewdrops. After two days, the outer surface of the bubble falls off and becomes less elastic. Subsequently, the bubbles become coarse, crusted and fall off within seven days without leaving visible traces.

Scarlet fever- Rashes in scarlet fever appear 24 hours after infection, the areas of active manifestations are the back, groin, elbows and knees, armpit skin. Then inflammation appears on the skin, sometimes there is a slight blue in the places where roseola is formed. The face with scarlet fever is usually not affected by the rash.

We analyze the reasons with a photo:

Rashes caused by infection:

Herpes- on the surface of the skin of the face and lips, a scattering of small transparent bubbles of the correct form is formed, then within 72 hours the bubbles become cloudy, dry out with the formation of darkish or gray-yellow crusts.

warts- the skin of the extremities is usually affected, they look like dense rough formations of an irregular shape of a grayish color.

Warts on the hand

Syphilis- the appearance of rashes basically always accompanies secondary syphilis, the rash is almost always diverse in terms of visual signs of elements, their number on the patient's skin. Usually, a syphilis rash is not accompanied by any additional sensations or unpleasant effects; after disappearance, there are no traces on the skin. Secondary syphilis is accompanied by spotty rashes, which are characterized by a symmetrical arrangement, brightness and profusion. After 60 days, the rash, as a rule, disappears, after some time the rash appears again, not so abundant, more unsaturated in color, localized in places of skin injuries, between the gluteal muscles, in the groin, on the shoulders and on the chest.

Candidiasis- (yeast diaper rash) the usual places of manifestation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe folds of the skin, the folds of the abdomen, most often affects overweight people, the first stage of the disease is accompanied by small vesicles and pustules, which, bursting, are converted into wet erosions of a reddish-brown color, showing a tendency to merge . Cracks and accumulations of whitish mushy tissue form on the surface of the patient's skin.

pink lichen- at the beginning of the disease, a red-pinkish spot appears on the skin of the chest and / or back with peeling in the central part, after which a spot-like rash of usually symmetrical shape forms on other parts of the body.

Shingles- manifests itself in the initial period as a group of blisters up to 50 mm, localized on one side of the chest, abdomen, head or shoulder, when it appears on the affected area, sensitivity worsens, pain accompanies, after the disappearance of blisters, areas of hyperpigmentation and / or scars remain on the skin.

Lichen planus- usually the rash appears as clusters of nodules and forms lines, rings or arcs on the skin with an equidistant arrangement of elements. Common lesions: trunk, inner surface of the limbs, genitals. When the disease is present itching.

molluscum contagiosum- shiny vesicles with even walls, translucent with a typical patch in the center of pinkish, reddish or yellow, with sizes from 2 to 10 mm. On palpation, mushy white contents are secreted.

Rubrophytia- a disease of a fungal nature, in one hundred percent of cases the human feet are affected, at the initial stage it is keratinization and peeling of the skin between the 3rd and 4th fingers, in the course of the disease manifestations in the form of erosion and blisters are possible, in the case of the development of the disease, the entire surface of the foot is affected.

Inguinal epidermophytosis- damage to the skin, usually in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfolds in the groin (localization may be different). In the initial period of the disease, spots of a reddish tint of the correct form and with an unchanged surface appear. As the disease progresses, the heel usually merges and forms a skin lesion with scalloped borders. The main area of ​​the focus is covered with crusts, erosions and scales.

Acne- can appear on the entire surface of the body, but more often on the face, usually during puberty, are divided into comedones (clogged pores) papules, pustules, and cysts. With illiterate treatment and a neglected form, scarring on the skin after acne treatment on the skin is possible.

Vitiligo- white spots become noticeable on the skin, various in shape and size, it is possible to merge the spots into one.

solar keratosis- is formed due to excessive exposure to sunlight on unprotected skin, first looks like redness then like a keratinized dry crust, affects mainly older people, with untimely treatment, carcinoma (skin cancer) can develop

Psoriasis- characterized by the appearance of a large number of bright pink papules covered with scales, with the course of the disease, the number of papules increases, they merge into large plaques, most often rashes at the initial stage appear in the area of ​​​​the bends of the elbows and legs, as well as on the head.


A rash on the skin in an adult can appear with various diseases, including diseases of the internal organs. It can be red or yellow, small or large, on the back, stomach or even all over the body - it all depends on the causes of its occurrence.

Diseases in which there is an itchy rash

Eruptions all over the body, accompanied by itching, appear in the following diseases.

  • Eczema

This is a chronic inflammatory dermatological disease in which rashes appear on the body. The causes of the disease lie in the pathological reaction of the immune system to the influence of external and internal stimuli. The rash appears when exposed to mechanical or thermal factors. Very often the disease occurs when:

Symptoms of eczema: red rash on the hands, rarely on the face. The spots disappear quite quickly - within two to three days. In their place, a yellow-brown crust appears.

With an advanced form of the disease, itching, peeling and cracks in the skin, dryness and thickening of the skin may appear.

  • Allergic dermatitis

An inflammatory skin disease that manifests itself in response to exposure to allergens on the skin or the body as a whole. The causes of the development of allergic dermatitis can be heredity, weakened immunity, stressful situations. Children may have reactions to new foods. With dermatitis, the skin itches very often and itching and peeling appear.

Signs of allergic dermatitis: pink or red spots on the skin, sometimes bubbles with serous fluid inside may appear. Rashes in some cases are accompanied by itching.

  • contact dermatitis

It occurs due to the body's reaction to irritants in the form of alkali, detergents, acids. Symptoms appear as swelling and redness of the skin, an itchy rash, dryness, and cracking. The bubbles contain liquid. After healing, scars remain on the body.

  • Herpes

This disease is viral in nature. As a rule, herpes affects the lips, eyes, mucous membranes. The virus is activated due to hypothermia, stress, frequent colds, immunodeficiency states. As a rule, at an early stage, the rash is very itchy.

  • Folliculitis
  • Rosacea

This is a pathological disease that is accompanied by the formation of large pink acne all over the body. Most often they are located on the face or on the back. Causes of rosacea:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • neuroendocrine diseases;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • abuse of bad habits;
  • improper nutrition.

The first symptoms: redness of the skin, the formation of vesicles with pus, the appearance of a small vascular network throughout the body. Often patients complain that the skin itches and cuts in the eye area.

  • pyoderma

This is a purulent inflammatory disease, the appearance of which provokes an infection. Injuries, lack of personal hygiene, hypothermia can provoke pyoderma. The rash appears all over the skin and is accompanied by itching.

  • Hives

This is dermatitis, which is allergic in nature. Specific signs of the disease are large spreading pink blisters, which are accompanied by intense itching. Urticaria appears when irritants enter the body. Often spots are a secondary sign of diseases of the internal organs.

  • Psoriasis

It is a non-communicable disease that affects the skin, nails, and hair. It is believed that the cause of the disease is a weakened immune system. Plaques covered with scales appear on the body. Very often, with psoriasis, the skin itches and there is a feeling of tightness of the epidermis.

  • Rubella

The disease is viral in nature, accompanied by fever and rashes on the body. The acute phase lasts about twenty days and is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes.

  • Chickenpox (chickenpox)

Accompanied by rashes all over the skin. The acute stage lasts 2-3 days, after which the blisters on the body burst and become covered with a crust.

Diagnostics and treatment of rashes on the body

When spots appear on the skin, you need to consult a dermatologist for a diagnosis. As a rule, the cause of deviations can be determined on the basis of a visual inspection. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to take a scraping for a sample.

Treatment of rashes directly depends on the cause that caused them. An allergic rash is treated with antihistamines (corticosteroid or non-hormonal ointments, creams, sedatives). In the infectious nature of the disease, corticosteroid drugs are prescribed in the form Dermovate, Lokoida and "Advantana".

Non-hormonal drugs include "Bepanten", "Desitin", "Gistan".

An overview of medications for itchy rashes

Most often, when a rash appears on the body, preparations in the form of an ointment are used.

  • "Dermovate"

It is an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic drug. Available in the form of an ointment. It is indicated for psoriasis, lichen planus, discoid lupus erythematosus, persistent eczema, signs of allergy (rash on the body, itching).

How to use: apply the ointment to the affected areas of the body 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 1 month. Contraindications for use: individual sensitivity, perianal and genital itching, rash with perioral dermatitis, viral lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.

  • "Bepanten"

It has a regenerating, moisturizing and mild anti-inflammatory effect. Available in the form of a cream. It is indicated for a rash on the body in children, which manifests itself due to diapers, sunburn, microdamages of the skin, chronic skin ulcers, bedsores, anal fissures.

How to use: apply to the affected areas of the body 1-2 times a day for 3-4 weeks. Contraindicated in individual hypersensitivity.

It has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory action. Indicated for signs of allergies on the body (rash, redness), dermatitis, eczema. Available in the form of an ointment.

How to use: Apply once a day to the affected areas for two months. Contraindicated in tuberculosis, individual intolerance.


To prevent breakouts, follow these steps:

  • Carefully monitor personal hygiene;
  • Wash underwear daily;
  • Drink vitamins and minerals to boost immunity;
  • Contact the hospital promptly if symptoms of illness appear.

As a rule, a rash on the skin is accompanied by an increase in temperature and a deterioration in general well-being. It is very important to notice deviations at an early stage and start treatment.